thesis osman shine rift valley fever copy

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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Mapping of Rift valley fever risk areas in Somaliland

Thesis STVS

BY: Osman Abdulahi FarahRoll number: STVS/0087Supervisor Dr. Ismail kan


Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a per acute or acute disease of domestic animals in Africa and Madagascar, caused by a mosquito- borne virus and characterized hepatitis and haemorrhagic state, but infection are frequently in apparent or mild, RVF affect sheep, goat, cattle camel, Wild ruminants, buffaloes and human.


RVF is a member of the phlebovirus of the Family Bunyaviriadae. It is spread by the bite of infected mosquitoes, typically the Aedes or Culex genera.

The mode of RVF virus transmission may be vector-borne, or from direct contact with body fluids of infected animals.

Signs of disease is anorexia, photophobia weakness and excessive salivation, but Human, comma, muscle pain, ocular discharge

General and Specific Objectives

The general objectives of this mini thesis is to show areas of risk of rift valley fever in Somaliland

Specific is To indicate high risk areas in Somaliland regions by using ArcGIS software.

To indicate prevalence of surveyed four regions

Table 1: Structure of the different administrative levels of sampling

Included in the above administrative level

Region District Location Sites

Total 4 12 30 900

Mode Nill 164 30 313

Average 225 75 30 331

Range 198 134 5 38

Material and Methods

Table 2: List of relevant variables included in the database along with the number of observations available

Variable Number of samples for which it was recorded

% of samples for which it was recorded


Region 900 100%

District 900 100%

Location 900 100%

Site 900 100%


Goat 456 51%

Sheep 444 49%

Age 1-5


Male 356 40%

Female 544 60%

Material and Methods

Material and Methods

Data Collection The input of data was obtained from SAHSP office in

Hargeisa, where relevant information was expected to be available

Data Management and Analysis Data from SAHSP were managed and entered into

databases by using ArcGIS version 9.3.1 due to short time of study. For the statistical analysis the software Stata IC/11Also were used data input of excel Microsoft.

Administrative structure of Somaliland

The Somaliland administrative structure has frequently been subject to Modification, to this serological study of mapping RVF there are 4 regions composed of (12) districts.

Each region composed 30 locations and out of this four districts were collected 900 samples.



Number of samples collected in each region and % of the whole survey

Prevalence with 95% Confidence Intervals

Hargeisa 60 (7%) 0.15 (0.05-0.25)

Sanaag 318 (35%) 0.116352201 (0.11-0.15)

Sool 270 (30%) 0.1858185185 (0.18-0.25)

Togdheer 252 (28%) 0.107142827 (0.10-0.14)

Total 900 0.1367 (0.13-0.15)


Map 5 shows Somaliland Rift Valley Risk Areas


Map3 shows Rift Valley Risk sites serological status


the study has shown that the sool(0.18.5) and Maroodi jeex(0.15) are the highest risk areas of rift Valley fever disease compared to other regions such as Sanaag(0.11.6) and Togdheer(0.10.7) with CI respectively,


prevalence of RVF in four surveyed regions in Somaliland with their interval confidence respectively, shows that Sool 0.18%, (0.18-0.25,

Hargiesa 0.15%(0.05-0.25) Sanaag 0.11.6% (0.11-0.15),Togdheer 0.10.%(0.10-0.14),


This study was aimed at producing by mapping risk areas of RVF disease in Somaliland regions, so that it can help to improve the management and control of RVF vector in those four regions, although the environment drivers that determine the life cycle of the vector with high risks as result of this study of mapping using arcGIS, like Sool, Sanaag and Togdheer regions.


Based on finding of this study of mapping risk areas four of Somaliland regions, following recommendations were given as follows

Ministry of livestock and local NGO’s should develop the capacity to use ArcGIS technologies for the effective identification ecological of mosquito born disease in those regions.

Those four regions were at risk to RVF, so insecticides should be provided to avoid human.

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