these three countries were referred to as the triple entente and were allies at the beginning of...

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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These three countries were referred to as the Triple Entente

and were allies at the beginning of WWI.

The Stage is Set for War


These three powers were referred to as the Triple Alliance and were

allies at the start of the Great War.

The Stage is Set for War


This “ism” means that the society is building weapons, is increasing the men and women joining the army, and values the structure

and discipline found in the armed forces.

The Stage is Set for War


This “ism” means that the people seek a common source of

identity. In order to form this identity, they imagine that they

are part of the same community. There is a sense of pride in

belonging to this large, geographic community.

The Stage is Set for War


Daily Double!!

Can you name and define 5 causes of World War I?

The Stage is Set for War


The following countries comprised this alliance during World War I: Belgium, France,

England, India, Japan, Russia and later the United States of America

& Italy.

War Consumes Europe


The following countries comprised this alliance during

WWI: Austria-Hungary, Germany & the Ottoman Empire.

War Consumes Europe


This battle is where the French foil the German’s Schlieffen Plan, the 4 year long stalemate begins, and trench warfare begins along

the Western Front.

War Consumes Europe


This type of warfare was characterized by stalemate, hiding from machine gun fire, attempts at “going over the top” and a stretch

of no-man’s-land. This type of fighting was most common along

the Western Front in WWI

War Consumes Europe


Soldiers being sent to the front without guns, shoes, food and

with little training in addition to food shortages at home lead to the rise of the Bolshevik Revolt

in this country.

War Consumes Europe


Unrestricted naval warfare, the Zimmerman note & the desire to make good on war loans are all

reasons why this country entered the war on the side of the allies.

War Affects the World


This group occupied many new roles within society during the Great War--especially in the workplace. New jobs

included munitions manufacturing, hospital management, roadwork, and fieldwork. This group also gains the right to vote in both the US and Great Britain within 1 year of the end of the


War Affects the World


This type of warfare involves all aspects of a society in the war effort. It means that countries

devoted all their resources to war.

War Affects the World


This group felt that supporting the British in the war effort would help improve their

standing so-as to win independence from England after

the War.

War Affects the World


This armistice was signed between the Russians and the

Germans in March of 1918 after 5.5 million Russians had been

killed in the war effort.

War Affects the World


This political leader from France wanted to blame Germany for

causing World War I. He accomplished his goal in the

Treaty of Versailles

A Flawed Peace


This political leader from the US advocated for a lasting peace,

which he thought could be achieved through the creation of a

League of Nations, self-determination of the people, and


A Flawed Peace


This political leader of England represented a middle ground

between France and the US at the treaty of Versailles. He said he wanted revenge to appease his

voters at home, but wanted to see international cooperation in a

League of Nations.

A Flawed Peace


This leader wanted territories from Austria at the Treaty of Versailles. His country had

switched sides in the war because the Allies had promised it

Austrian land if they won the war.

A Flawed Peace


This country promised to pay war reparations of $33 billion over the next 30 years and gave back the

Alsace-Lorraine to France.

A Flawed Peace


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