theology digest fall 2011

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Quarterly theological journal of the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship Department of Christian Education. This issue addresses the topic of Christian Education


Theology Digest • 1


Vol. 02 • No. 04

Dr. Jeffrey Bowens

GraDuation of

the neeD for hiGher eDucation

the ManDate for christian eDucation

is sunDay school still relevant?

2 • Theology Digest

Theology Digest • 3

Bishop Paul S. MortonInternational Presiding Bishop

Bishop Andy C. Lewter, D. Min.Publisher/Editor in Chief

Pastor Justin CohenAssociate Editor

Elder Deidre Sealy Administrative Assistant to the Editor

Nadine JohnsonExecutive Assistant

Contributing WritersBishop Andy C. Lewter, D.Min.

Pastor Justin Cohen, Ph.D.Bishop Dennis M. Golphin

Ivory D. PayneGraphic Design • 614-743-6179

The Theology Digest is a quarterly publication published by the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship Department of Christian Education. We welcome all submissions which become the property of the publication and is subject to editorial revisions. For more information please contact Theology Digest, 2 Monroe Street, Amityville, NY 11701. 631-842-7091or by email

Beloved, we are so excited and proud to share with you that another one of our students has successfully completed the curriculum and study program of our Graduate Theological Doc-toral Program that meets on the campus of major universities across the country. The most recent graduate of the program is Pastor Jeffrey Bowens of the Love Alive Baptist Church in Buffalo, New York.

Dr. Bowens spent the last six years work-ing on this degree which culminated in the writing of an extensive doctoral thesis on

Graduation of

dr. Jeffrey BowensBy Bishop Andy C. Lewter, D. Min.

A publicAtion of the full gospel bAptist church fellowship

depArtment of educAtion

4 • Theology Digest

the topic of the “Prosperity Gos-pel”. Dr. Bowens successfully defended his dissertation before a panel of scholars, all of whom overwhelmingly endorsed and approved the defense of the dis-sertation by Dr. Bowens. Bishop Lester Williams along with my-self travelled to Buffalo to pub-licly confer the degree upon Dr. Bowens.

The “Prosperity Gospel” has been active in African American pulpits for several years now and as such, has gained a wide audi-ence. While the topic is con-troversial to say the least, there

have been few and rare oppor-tunities for there to be a whole-some and healthy conversation on the topic. Dr. Bowens tackles much more than the superficial rhetoric that is usually associ-ated with this genre of preach-ing. What is spectacular about the writings of Dr. Bowens is the brilliant matter in which he ad-dress the underlying theological assumptions that undergird the Prosperity Gospel.

I strongly encourage you take the time to read the overview of Dr. Bowen’s work which is included as a separate article in

Theology Digest • 5

this issue of our journal. Again, we want to congratulate Dr. Jef-frey Bowens on doing such a wonderful job on his academic work and completed the journey that he began several years ago. I am prayerful that the comple-tion of his work will inspire oth-ers of you who are reading this article to follow his example and consider enrolling in our school

for the pursuit of your own theo-logical education.

By the way, we are meeting on the campus of Yale University on January 24th and 25th., 2012, we would love to have you join us and be a part of the won-derful experience that we have in our theo-logical intensives.

6 • Theology Digest

The Body of Christ has the responsibility to safeguard the true and original doctrines found in Scripture and commit them to others without compromise or corruption. This implies the necessity of Christian Education. The Bible gives the following reasons for Biblical or theological training:

1) To entrust the Gospel of Christ to faith-ful believers in order that they may know,

guard, and teach the true Biblical faith and righteous standards. (II Tim. 3:15; Jer. 2:8; II Tim 1:14; I Tim 4:6; II Tim 2:2; Rom. 6:17).

2) To show students the vital necessity to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints and to give them the means by which to defend it against all false theolo-

By Pastor Justin Cohen, Ph.D.

the Mandate for

Christian eduCation

Theology Digest • 7

gies. (Jude 3; Acts 20:31; Gal. 1:9; I Tim. 4:1; Titus 1:9; I Tim. 6:3-4).

3) To lead students into continual growth in character via Godly teaching (Jos. 1:8; Ps. 1:2-3; Ps. 119:97-100; Mt. 28:20; I Th. 4:1; I Tim. 1:5; II Tim. 3:16).

4) To equip students to strengthen and bring to maturity other believers, so that together they may reflect Christ’s image in the home, the local congregation, and the Body of Christ at large. (Ephesians 4:11 – 16).

5) To bring students to a deeper under-standing and experience of God’s king-dom on earth and its conflict with satan’s power. (Ephesians 6:10-18).

6) To motivate students by the eternal truths of the gospel to be wholeheartedly committed to evangelizing the lost and preaching the gospel to all nations in the power of the Holy Spirit. (Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-20).

7) To deepen student’s experience of Christ’s love, personal fellowship, and

gifts of the Spirit by urging them to follow the leading of the indwelling Holy Spirit by bringing them into the filling and con-trolling power of the Holy Spirit and by teaching them to pray, fast, and worship, as they long for the glorious appearing of Jesus Christ with the spiritual intensity of the first century church. (John 17:3, 21, 26; Eph. 3:18-19; Rom. 8:14; Acts 2:4; Mat. 6:9 + 16; II Tim. 4:8; Titus 2:13).

It is obvious from these purposes of Bib-lical training that the teaching ministry must be performed by those who are fer-vently loyal to Scripture as God’s fully in-spired, inerrant, and infallible Word and to the Holy Spirit and His ministry of truth, righteousness, and power.(II Tim. 1:13-14; Ezra 7:10). True Biblical training emphasizes true righteousness (knowing, being, and doing) rather than the mere apprehension of Bibli-cal facts and truths. The great doctrines re-vealed in Scripture are redemptive truths, not academic ones. As issues involving life or death, they demand a personal response and decision from both teacher and stu-dent. (James 2:17; Phil. 1:9)

8 • Theology Digest

The Church has a rich history of educa-tion. In fact, from the early days of Chris-tian discipleship to the need to cultivate catechism, the Church has always sought to educate and advance its members. The purpose of Christian education is to up-hold an indoctrination of Christian val-ues that can be defended intellectually and meet human necessities. The student must learn to fear God and trust Christ so that his thinking will develop biblically.

John Calvin and John Knox both created Christian schools to further the goals of the reformation in Europe. In Amer-ica, education developed in the Church through Sunday school and later the state took over the responsibility to educate children. This has developed a battle be-tween Christian and secular education. The question then is whether or not one can be educated without being indoctri-nated. I believe that if we expect Chris-tian education to strive, pastors must teach their people the necessity of the discipline of study.

In order for the modern church leader to be effective today, one must seek higher education. This quest is not to make one a preacher or a leader, but to sharpen and equip them for the task at hand. The more we comprehend the nature of our Faith,

the better equipped we are to assimilate the is-sue. Every discipline has its own language and in order to prop-erly understand the discipline of theology one must learn the lan-guage of theology. It is imperative that one not only be skilled, but disciplined in their quest to perfect the assignment given to them. So we learn sciences, such as, Homiletics and Hermeneutics, to sharpen our sermon preparation and interpretive skills.

In summary, without higher education, one cannot be appropriately trained to both defend and communicate a qualified presentation of one’s beliefs. We must prepare our minds to receive what our heart already knows. We must develop an understanding of our nature, in order to foster an intelligent design for our Faith.

In Proverbs, Solomon points out that “Wisdom is the principle thing, but in all your quests, seek understanding (Prov. 4:7). Get training, education, and dis-cipline and blend it with the fear of the Lord.

Bishop Dennis M. Golphin, Th.D., Ph.D

the need for hiGher eduCation

Theology Digest • 9

Tiara-Kerrin Hawkins

“Direct your children onto the right path and when they are older, they will not leave it,” are words of wisdom found in Proverbs (NLT). As an Educator, these words resonate in my mind as I recall

the values I found in a Christian Elemen-tary Education. Upon reflection of my years of study at a private

the Value of a

Christian eleMentary eduCation

10 • Theology Digest

Christian elementary school, I cherished the mission of the school that provided the blueprint for both my academic and spiritual growth. It is the place where I gained the confidence to express my love for the Lord early and freely.

The seeds deposited in me in this small and comfortable environment have grown and matured, transforming me into a progressive follower of the Word of God. This process of learning and growing from one stage to another reso-nates with some educational theorists. They believe that a young mind is better able to absorb knowledge than an older one. Once the mind has mastered the skill or knowledge, the person then can apply it to life.

Knowing this as a teacher and a Chris-tian disciple, I can pass on the spiritual foundations that were imparted to me; the essentials such as the Creation Story, Ten Commandments, The Affirmation of Faith, and all other valuable words of wisdom. These foundational materials are important in the history of our faith. We take these morals and build upon them for the explanation for the words of Christ. I can also encourage young students of the Bible to express their love for Christ through their own interpretation of the Word and teach them to not be afraid of asking questions. This gives them a

chance to freely express and gain a per-sonal understanding for the Bible, as I received earlier in my life. I find passag-es that abide in their minds and hearts in times of need like, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take,” (Proverbs 3:5 NLT). A staple in the life of a mature Christian, but a new babe can and will come to know why this message is so relevant, especially grow-ing up in the world today!

Today, as I look over what has helped me get to a confidence place in my Christian walk, I realized it was that little Chris-tian school in Queens, NY along with my church upbringing that created the hun-ger for God that I now feed. I thank my parents for the privilege of experiencing this nurturing foundation for my Chris-tian growth.

It may not be feasible for many to send their children to a private Christian school, but consider the benefits which will be appreciated in the future; Chris-tian schools offer smaller classrooms, better books and supplies, and a life-style to be cherished. Therefore, when it comes to schooling for your little ones, you should consider a private Christian school. If it takes many villagers to raise a child, we must make sure they are in a “village” where God is.

Theology Digest • 11

We are living in the “information age”. At the push of a button individuals have access to literally a world of data. The internet gives almost everyone connec-tion to resources that can help answer any question. There was a time when the minister was the main source of infor-mation. People believed that because he was the representative for God then he should be able to deliver accurate solu-tions to life’s quandaries. Since the Age of Enlightenment less and less faith has been put in the answers of the clergy. Some even feel that Christianity is noth-ing more than superstition and myths to

satisfy the unlearned and gullible.

The Apostle Paul in-structed Timothy to study to show that he was well qualified for his position as spiri-tual leader and thereby would not be made ashamed. This is a message to ministers that is even more relevant today. The Church is being bom-barded by those who claim that scientific discoveries have refuted biblical claims. Many church-goers are confused and feel

the Value of ContinuinG eduCation while in the Ministry

Dr. Dwayne R. Cook

12 • Theology Digest

cheated when they can’t receive an ade-quate answer from some Christian leaders. God calls people into the ministry but He does not place all the information needed for that call into their minds instanta-neously. I believe the days of just relying on select passages of Scripture to carry on ministry are long gone.

There must be a desire to build upon one’s knowledge of God’s Word. This does not just include an increase of Bible study. As the world becomes more ungodly there will be more complex issues that the Christian leader will have to confront. There will be problems that are not easily answered by plain Scripture alone. This does not imply that the Bible does not address those is-sues, but that they won’t appear to have a direct Scripture to resolve them.

I was speaking with a Pastor who had completed his M. Div. degree and was contemplating returning for a doctorate. As he looked over his Master’s thesis, he noted that he doesn’t speak or write

in that manner any more. I knew exactly what he meant by that statement. There is a certain way of thinking when you are in school for Theology or Biblical Stud-ies. There is a theological mindset. This is looking at the Word of God firstly to see what it is saying in its context, then applying a biblical philosophy to answer life’s deeper questions.

It is a discipline that should be a continu-ous reality in our ministries so that we can “be ready always to give an answer…”

Another value in continuing education for the minister of the Gospel is that it trains the servant of the Word to expand his mental capacity. The Scriptures tells us to love the Lord with our minds. There is a theological mindset that we must have in order to successfully minister to this generation. We are not dealing with a society that is primarily Judeo-Christian in worldview. The minister must study broadly to be able to touch people’s minds as the Spirit draws their hearts.

Theology Digest • 13

A recent poll was conducted by the Bible Gateway Institute on their website where those willing to participate answered the question: “Does Your Church Have Sun-day School?”

It is interesting to note that just the thought of questioning church members about whether or not their particular house of worship still conducted Sunday

school, seems almost sacrilegious. Nowa-days for churches to be deliberating on this concept invokes the question; has Sun-day School become passé?

As one of the conductors of the survey

Elder Mary Ellis


sunday sChool still releVant?

14 • Theology Digest

writes, “Growing up, I remember Sunday school being a mandatory part of church life. We had two services that sandwiched an hour’s worth of classes for every age group in the church.” I echo the same sentiments, and remember the family’s unwritten rule, that to enjoy the rest of your Sunday, it had to begin with Sunday school and church service. The founda-tional classes of the Sunday School were considered by many to be the cornerstone of the church. Participation was empha-sized, encouraged, and endorsed; at least in part, for the youth or young adult wor-shiper.

Has Sunday school lost its relevancy? The idea of obtaining the basic knowl-edge of God and why we serve Him is not a concept that goes out of fashion or becomes irrelevant. I believe we should hold fast the biblical teaching found in the letter to Timothy to study to show oneself approved or acceptable to God. I believe the essence of church school is still important and potent. The educa-tional nuggets gathered are invaluable and long-lasting. When we look around, we see the composition of many of our classes filled with adults from a genera-tion that grew up on Sunday school.

Herein lies the church’s dilemma, how to make their Sunday School more attrac-tive to the newer generation of church attendees. With so many other interests vying for the attention of this group, the

church is hard pressed in finding ways to stay competitive. There is also a shifting attitude about church attendance. Many churches today are realizing a decrease in overall membership, a trend that is in-creasing among the “X” and “Y” genera-tions.

An article in Ebony magazine on “Shift-ing Faith” quotes Dr. Suzan D. Johnson Cook, “It’s not only about thinking out-side the box, who says there has to be a box at all? This is an instant generation, they’re not committed to sitting for long periods of time… my most successful service is Wednesday at lunchtime.” Cre-ativity is the key!

The survey results showed that an over-whelming number of responders said that their church did have Sunday school (62%). It was great to see that only 11% said their church did not have an orga-nized program. Embedded in the poll, was the thought; ‘what kind of Sunday School opportunities does your church make available for those that attend?’ Another interesting result was that the most neglected group was college-aged young adults.

Pastors and teachers will have to become more creative and forward thinking in their attempt to attract a greater atten-dance of youth or young adults, or to sustain our traditional participants and to keep Sunday School relevant.

Theology Digest • 15

The Prosperity Gospel has been one of the largest discussions of the 21st century, particularly within the Christian Commu-nity. The battle line has been drawn by prominent theologians, influential schol-ars, pundits, and televangelist alike, who are on different sides of this debate and no one is conceding ground.

Wherefore, the goal and objective here is not solely to discuss the controversialist po-sition or to talk about who is absolutely pre-cise or who may or may

Editor’s note: the following is an abstract of Dr. Jeffery Bowen’s Doctoral Disserta-tion. It is intended to give the reader a brief introduction to the topic to be explored.

Dr. Jeffery B. Bowens

ProsPerity GosPel

and it’s affect on the 21st century church A historical and theological perspective on the prosperity gospel

16 • Theology Digest

not be on the radar screen. Instead, the fo-cus is the manner in which the Christian community has critiqued, evaluated, and defined the actual message of prosperity.

In considering the subject of the prosper-ity gospel, it is most apparent that the rea-son for the great deal of the controversy is the failure to define the variations of meanings of the word itself. What pros-perity means depends upon who conveys it. I believe the prosperity gospel can be articulated from two different points of view which will be referred to as the nar-row view of prosperity and the broader view of prosperity.

The narrow view simply places empha-sis and focus on a materialistic view of prosperity, such as exquisite homes, fash-ionable wardrobes, excessive wealth, ex-pensive cars, and temporal possessions. Things which are visible and tangible have, in the eyes of many, come to sym-bolize happiness, achievement and suc-cess.

The broader view has come to mean more than just materialism or possession to make one prosperous.This broader view includes good health, enjoying the bountiful blessings of the Lord, having a changed life or seeing loved ones and family grow in the fear and admonition of the Lord. This broader view focuses on an unbroken relationship or long term friendships as a byproduct of prosperity. My position in this dissertation is that the prosperity gospel is nothing more than the Gospel of Jesus Christ exclusive of all the hype, fanfare, exaggeration, bells and whistles. I do understand how one can become side tracked about this subject for after one excursion into the Holy Scrip-ture it can lead to misinterpretation and eventually misappropriation if not divided rightly.

My dissertation therefore provides the background, history, and theological per-spectives of the Prosperity Gospel and it’s affect on the 21st Century Church.

Theology Digest • 17

Under the leadership of Bishop Tommie L. Triplett, Jr., the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International’s School of Ministry provides education and train-ing for Christian leaders and laity from around the world. School of Ministry is part of FGBCFI’s Training and Church Development Department whose purpose is equipping and empowering lay leaders through effective teaching and victorious living strategies.

World-class faculty from the School

of Ministry deliv-ers instruction at the annual International Conference, where, on average, more than 4,300 participants at-tend classes. Chris-tian Education classes are also offered at the District, State, and Regional conferences. The classes focus on spiritual growth and development as well as practical strate-gies for individual empowerment, entre-

Bishop Tommie L. Triplett, Jr.Compiled by Dr. Janice Witt Smith, SPHR, CC and Bishop Cheryl Brown

sChool of Ministryfull GosPel BaPtist ChurCh fellowshiP


18 • Theology Digest

preneurship, grant writing, and ministry development.

In addition, attendees have learned how to (a) become better leaders; (b) develop more effective leaders as part of their min-istries; and (c) empower and encourage others to make a difference in the com-munities in which they live. Participants renew their commitment to serving God by serving others. They develop and re-fine networks where they can collaborate with other ministries and leverage their collective resources in making a sustain-able difference in the lives of others. Business and other professionals provide information resources to facilitate the de-velopment of the business savvy needed in financing capital improvements and writing business plans before expanding ministries.

Because each individual is a tripartite be-ing (soul, body, and spirit), the School of Ministry offers an opportunity for the en-tire person to develop. The mind is devel-oped through detailed, organized study of the Word with practical applications that can be implemented immediately.

Healthy lifestyles are emphasized and health- and wellness-based instruc-tion is included as part of our slate of course offerings. Word-based teach-ing is at the core of what we do, and we align the School of Ministry with Bishop Paul S. Morton, Sr.’s overall

vision for the Fellowship.

Regardless of the level of experience one has with the Word or length of time as a believer, there are classes and experi-ences incorporated in the School of Min-istry to expand one’s understanding of the Word and what God is requiring of us. Attendees are able to leverage what they have learned and can apply in build-ing the Kingdom and making a difference in their own communities.

To ensure that individuals across the Fel-lowship have an opportunity to learn and grow both as people and as believers, the same courses can be offered at Lo-cal, State, and Regional Summits, using the same detailed syllabi and materials shared at the International Conference. The international conference faculty ei-ther teaches at those conferences or later works with local, state, and Regional Christian Education Directors to prepare area faculty to teach the classes.

The School of Ministry is responsible for ensuring instructional consistency and the quality and commitment of Christian Educators across the Fellowship through credentialing Christian Educators and certifying individuals to teach within the Fellowship.

We will continue to celebrate our legacy through instruction and empowerment, pre-paring us to pursue our destiny. Join us!

Theology Digest • 19

A major challenge in Christian educa-tion is one’s theological foundation. It differs between what one believes as truth and what is orthodoxy. One’s belief has a bearing on the concept of education. It is vitally important to understand that Christians are respon-sible for knowing the truth about the One by whose name we are called, Je-sus, the Christ. It is also important to clarify that theological education is not a search for God, but a search for clar-ity and illumination.

How then can we adequately distin-guish, prejudice, and/or determine what we truly believe? Where do we find the “facts”? How do we determine what is a “fact”? Therein lies the challenge of knowing what is considered truth or should we say ‘whose truth’?Truth could be defined as that which is relevant to one’s experience and rela-tionship with the Lord. As the Apostle Paul so rightly stated “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 3:16).

Studying is not limited to what is writ-ten in the canonized Bible.

Christians are lim-ited only by the ex-tent to our desire to know more. Learning changes our perspec-tive and worldview. There is always so much more to learn.

There are many Bible colleges that of-fer classroom and online courses with majors such as The History of the Church, Biblical Foundations, Biblical Theology, Early Church Fathers, just to mention a few. Those who have an un-quenchable thirst for knowing the full gospel truth can receive a wealth of in-formation through these schools.

While acquiring this information stu-dents are faced with the position of having to wear two caps, that of “Prac-titioner of Faith” and that of “Student of Religion.”

As “Practitioner of Faith” it is accepted that the Bible is the infallible word of God. The believer finds verses of scrip-ture that offers words of encourage-ment, guidance and direction through life’s journey. It trains and transforms those called by God for ministry. Yet the Bible is punctuated with statements

whiCh “CaP” should you wear?“My people perish for a lack of

knowledge” (Hosea 4:6)Elder Deidrea Sealy

20 • Theology Digest

which need further clarity where the student is forced to switch caps to that of a “Student of Religion.” For ex-ample, Jesus said, “Thou are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church”. Some erroneously believe that the rock is Peter, but in the original Greek text the word Petros (rock fragment) and on this petra (massive rock) I will build my ekklesia (a chosen assembly) Jesus referred to himself, who is the Christ,

the Son of the Living God. It is a mat-ter of interpretation found only through research.

There are more intellectuals sitting in religious audiences than in the past so the practice of ‘anything goes’ is no longer acceptable. The more educated a Christian becomes the more equipped he/she will be to reach the masses. So why choose?

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the teaching Ministry of Pastor Justin cohen, Ph.D.

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Theology Digest • 21

The Full Gospel Baptist Publishing has officially launched its expansive Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and com-mentary materials to Full Gospel Baptist Churches all over the country. These ma-terials represent the “official” publication of the Full Gospel Baptist Church Pub-lishing, established by the Fellowship more than four years ago. Since its in-ception with an online presence, the Full Gospel Baptist Publishing, Incorporated has met the needs of those in Christian Education within the local churches.

The Sunday School materials follow the

International Sunday School lessons for teens through adults. Though printed and shipped from the Abingdon Publish-ers facilities in Nash-ville, TN, the lessons provide commentary through the input of an editorial group of Full Gospel Baptist pastors and church leaders. Each lesson conforms to the Full Gospel Baptist Distinctives, as compiled by the Department of Church Training and Development. The materials include:

offiCial Christian eduCation Materials

Bishop Earnest Palmer

22 • Theology Digest

teachers’ Manuals, student books, and supplementary materials which can be adapted to any class format.

One of the pieces that have been in high demand has been materials designed for the “mature” church members – those seniors who find information and inspi-ration from sharing of topics of interest, which also have a spiritual and theologi-cal basis. Traditional Sunday school ma-terials have contained lessons that may have been visited and revisited by this category of attendee for years. As an al-ternative, the Maturity Series provides a diversion from those materials, as well as the traditional teaching styles that ac-company them.

Of particular note are the age and inter-est appropriate materials for youth. These materials can be used in the traditional Sunday school format or in sessions that

are conducted mid-week. These materi-als are often accompanied by CD’s and DVD’s that create enhanced interest in this category of attendees. The Vacation Bible School Series is ex-cellent and should be part of every church offering during the summer time or dur-ing Spring Breaks. They are topical and designed to match the dynamics of youth and adult interests.

Materials may be ordered online or di-rectly from:

The Full Gospel Baptist Publishing

Office Office hours are: 9:30 to 5:00 CST.Phone numbers are: 855 640 3427 (toll free for clients), 205 343 0304, or FAX 205 343 0314.Office Manager: Calandria Knox. Office Associate: Robin

Theology Digest • 23

reGional Christian eduCation direCtors

Central Region Dr. Gideon Olaleye 615-568-5991

Mid West Region Pastor Dwayne R. Cook 708-275-4733

Mid-Atlantic Region Pastor Justin Cohen 215-847-3979

Northeast CentralDr. Kim Yancey James 201-240-6567

Southern Region Dr. Aleta Crawford 662-494-1854

Southern Atlantic Region No Assignment Made

Southwestern Region No Assignment Made

Western Region No Assignment Made Bahamas Overseer Ivry Johnson 242-322-4821

Held on the Campus ofYale UNiVersitY, New HaVeN, Ct

tuesday & wednesday tuesday 1/24/12

wednesday 1/25/12

tUitioN oNlY $295For more information Please visit or call tonya lewter at 516-223-3855

JoiN Us for tHe

2012 Theological Intensive

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