theme 1 night of the twister and blizzard vocabulary

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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Vocabulary Slide show for Night of the Twisters and Blizzard. Originally downloaded from Sara Wojtovich at and then modified for my own purposes.


Night of the Twisters and Blizzard!


AlertSentence: The city alert signaled to the residents that there was a tornado nearby.

Alert (noun-n)Definition: A warning signal signifying danger or an emergency.

BoltingSentence: Andrew was bolting for the door as the roof crashed down around him.

Bolting (Verb-V)Definition: moving suddenly

DesperateSentence: Emergency crews plowed through the night to bring the desperate folks to safety.

Desperate (verb-v)Definition: Willing to do or try anything in order to survive.

FlickeringSentence: The flickering lights signaled to the boys that the weather outside was becoming dangerous.

Flickering (verb-v)Definition: shining unsteadily; quickly turning on and off

FloesSentence: The ice floes filled up the river mouth causing a huge flood in the nearby town.

Floes (noun-n)Definition: masses of floating ice

HuddledSentence: The survivors huddled together in the old lifeboat.

Huddled (verb-v)Definition: crowded together

ImmenseSentence: The immense snowstorm stretched all the way from Kansas to North Texas.

Immense (adjective-adj)Definition: Very large

LullSentence: The lull between the two twisters made us believe it was safe to go outside.

Lull (noun-n)Definition: A calm period

OminousSentence: The ominous clouds let the storm chasers know a tornado was forming.

Ominous (adjective-adj)Definition: Signaling trouble or danger.

Reception Sentence: The poor radio reception signaled that the storm was becoming more dangerous.

Reception (noun-n)Definition: converting electrical signals into sound or light, as in a radio or tv

StrandedSentence: Jessica was stranded at the camp ground when her car battery died.

Stranded (verb-v)

Definition: Left in a difficult position; usually left alone not by choice.

TreacherousSentence: The treacherous roads were covered with ice and snow. This made it very dangerous for anyone to drive on.

Treacherous (adjective-adj)Definition: Dangerous

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