the wisdom behind circumcision

Post on 07-Dec-2014






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Authored by:The great humane eminent scholar

Mohammad Amin Sheikho(His soul has been sanctified by Al’lah)


Checked and Introduced byThe Researcher and Thinker

Prof. A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani§§§§


Copyright 2013§§§§

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This age of scientific studies and researches, has recently begun and the researchers come one after another handing over the methods of research and investigation.

They dedicate themselves to discoveries and spend their lives among the books, notebooks, volumes, and in the laboratories. Many of them are carried by curiosity to a wide range of know- ledge until they get completely involved without knowing when and where to stop. Many of them get appreciation letters and rewards. The professionals are licensed to work in their fields of specialization.

The pioneer of these sciences has been Medicine.

The society appreciates Medicine and doctors, supports it whole-heartedly, and provides what is necessary for its advancement.

With all this advancement, progress and support, the doctors and scientists are bewildered by many renewable diseases which make them lay down long term programmes, which need a few generations of doctors to be completed so that they might reach a solution.

They are sometimes unable to meet the needs of their societies, so how can they develop!

Because of the society`s appreciation, some scientists got arrogant, and this was one of the reasons they could not accomplish their aim. Such effects are mostly reflected on the society itself. Many patients died, and no one knew their illnesses.

Others died, and their medication was not known, some suffer without finding a way for cure, and others die because an unexperimented medication was given to them, they yielded to their fates.

what a bad age!

After all their incapability and frustration, some of them point the accusation towards Al`lah.

The idea of the god of science is still in their minds. In themselves, they cannot deny the existence of God, but they have settled to the idea that this God is imperfect and incomplete.

When one of them thinks that he has found a fault, he exposes all the hatred at what he thinks to be reactive and retarded.

Others say that the system of the Holy Qur`an does not cope with the modern age. Moreover, they believe it is mere superstition.

* * *

Chapter One

A chance occurred when one of these scientists met with our great Scholar, who, through his love to God, exceeded all his peers and challenged all unbelievers in all generations.

He was always elucidating the Favours of the Almighty God, and guiding the people to the path of right, so that they might rise up of their being drunk and awake of their slumber in order to maintain the supreme treasures they were created for, and to free themselves from the authority of egotism, the love of earthly materialism and the appreciation of vices which drift them into the valleys of despair and eternal pains.

With the singing of birds, and the coherent tunes of the leaves, the perfume of the breeze of Al-Ghouta was spreading an atmosphere of joy and reverence, around the companions of that respectable Master.

The procession proceeds walking as the lights of the sun in the late morning elevating towards the sky, or as a huge submarine in a great sea. Someone proceeds toward the venerable Master who looks a great reverent Scholar.

Sir, I beg your pardon, may I ask a question?

I hope that my question will not be embarrassing, if you can`t answer it.

He believed that our scholar won`t be able to answer his question. He reveals the reason.

Our great Scholar and a number of the university professors sat at a cafe. A famous doctor wanted to ask the question.

That famous doctor had read many medical volumes, academic books and scientific researches in highly developed and leading

countries in the field of science but could not find an answer to his question. Then he got to believe that God is incomplete.

In this life he had not seen a machine with an extra piece which has no function. Thus he began to compare between the Almighty God, the Creator of everything and the machine invented by man in the developed countries.

What made this doctor ask this question in this country? The question was:

If God is Perfect, why did He create the “glans” which covers the tip of the penis and ordered us to cut it? It causes acute dermatitis. The question relates to the circumcision of the children. Why has God created this extra glans which has no function, and why has He ordered us to cut it? If it has a function what for is the circumcision? If it has no function why did He create it? Where is the Godly Perfection?

The question awakened something in the heart of that venerable scholar as if millions of volcanoes had burst at that moment with the smile of the inquirer.

I don`t know how this situation is to be elucidated. It might be a hurricane of compassionate anger mixed with hidden sad weeping, jealousy and pity.

In a moment every sense in his body was about to utter something translated by the tongue.

It is well known that the human body consists of flesh, bones and nerves. It is also known that the nervous person`s body does not grow well healthy, and he always remains thin, even if he eats such a lot of food, and increases the number of daily diets.

The embryo in the female`s womb remains in a critical stage in the nine months, because it is in the critical vital forming stage.

Since the skin of the penis is a gathering place of very sensitive nerves, it is affected by any friction which causes a general alertness of the nerves in the whole body.

As the place of the embryo in the womb is narrow, to suit the embryo`s size, the embryo is always bent and turned up and its movement increases in the last months.

This movement excites the nerves of the skin of the penis, thus the growth of the embryo is hampered because the movements destroy the cells, or leads to a weakness in growth.

So this glans protects this sensitive area from being affected by any shock which causes friction when the embryo moves in the womb, and by that the body attains its safety and perfection.

Exactly as a thermos keeps its contents isolated from the outer factors

After the birth, he enters a new type of life different from his previous one. He is now stretched and there is no friction with the nerves of the skin of the penis.

This glans becomes extra and it should be cut because it exists in a glandial area where infection can take place and where dirts and germs may gather under the glans causing acute dermatitis, and infection.

After hearing this reply, the people present felt amazed. The spirits submitted soaring with God`s wisdom as if they dived in an ocean of love. What are they fascinated in?

Is it the Creativity and Perfection of the Creator?

Or by this precious treasure granted to them? Or by God`s gate they are standing before?

Unconsciously the inquiring doctor resumes his questions agape:

where have you got all this knowledge which reveals the secret of the glans from?

All doctors all over the world failed to discover the mystery of the existence of this glans. When they failed they said: it is a useless extra piece. How could you reveal this scientific medical mystery which the doctors couldn`t solve. You revealed this great mystery in no more than a glimpse.

With the heart of the tender father he replied a logical inquiry about such a great question. He said: that question made me feel a great jealousy on my Love Almighty Al`lah, the Provider of Perfection when He was accused of something contradicting His Perfection.

Almighty God showed me the embryo in the womb of his mother. I also saw everything I told you of the wisdom of the existence of this glans exactly as the viewer watches in the T.V. It is also a clearer, brighter and more exact true vision through the eye of the heart, through the light of the Almighty God to perceive the reality and wisdom.

All I mentioned about the embryo and the wisdom of creating the glans were shown to me by the eye of the heart. It is a certainty beyond all doubts.

The existence of the glans while the embryo is in the womb is functional and perfection, and circumcision after the birth is the whole perfection. Anyone who resorts to his Provider so truly will achieve this.

* * *

The Almighty God told his creatures:

“O My obedient, seek Me and you shall find Me, when you find Me, you find everything, and if you miss Me, you miss everything. I am more beloved to you than all lovers at all”.

This is the cry of our great Scholar`s pure holy spirit which always says: There is no power or might except with God.

In verses 3-4 of Al-Mulk (Dominion) Fortress, God says:

“No want of proportion will thou see in the creation of the Compassionate, So turn thy eye-vision: seest thou any flaw? Again turn thy eye vision twice, thy eye vision will come back to thee dull and discomfited in a state worn out”.

However carefully you watch, you will find no fault or decrease and your eye-vision will come back to you Discomfited and without seeing any flaw or defect.

* * *

We summarise what we said:

God created the glans when the embryo was in the womb of its mother because this organ which Almighty God has made, as an exit for the urine, has made it also, because of its other function composed of a tissue of nervous fibres interconnected deliberately.

Since the end of this organ which is called a glans is greatly sensitive and feeling, if it was exposed to a friction with anything, then that friction will lead to a nervous stress leading to a general stress in the nervous system. It is taken for granted that this stress and sensation will result in a decrease in growth.

Because of that, it is necessary, for the growth of the embryo in his mother`s womb and its completeness, to have a membrane which prevents the head of that organ from what might be in touch or in friction with during the consecutive movement of the embryo in his mother`s womb.

Thus growth is natural and the embryo is born with sound health and body.

* * *

Let us now speak about circumcision after birth:

When the embryo is born and his body`s systems begin to function and the urinary passage begins to do its task, there may be some mold scratch or pathological symptoms, therefore, God the Almighty orders circumcision to protect the body from such troubles.

Therefore, the existence of the glans is necessary for the embryo while it is in its mother`s womb, It denotes the Perfection of creation and the marvelous divine discipline. Its cutting after birth and existing in life is necessary and a Mercy of God to man too.

* * *

After this we can strongly reply those who say that prophet Mohammed was born circumcised.

If we accept this, it means that the prophet suffered from bad health and the formation of his body was incomplete. It is well known that he was the strongest at build and of the best health.

Abu Huraira reported the prophet (CPTH) as saying:

“Five are of natural disposition, cutting (shaving) the pubic hair, circumcision, cutting the moustache, depilating the hair of the armpit and cutting the nails”.

Aisha (wife of the prophet) said:

“The Prophet slaughtered a sheep for each of Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein (his grandsons) and circumcised them in 7 days”.

Ibn Abbas reported that Abdul Mutaleb (grandfather of the prophet) circumcised the prophet on his seventh day, gave a banquet and named him Mohammed.

And praise belongs to God at the beginning and at the end

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