the white legacy--generation 8, chapter 4

Post on 14-Jan-2015



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The last stretch of teenagers finish growing up and heading to college.


This House Is HauntedThe White Legacy:Generation Eight, Chapter Four

Welcome back to the White Legacy, where we’re down to six sims in the household! Hooray!

Last chapter, the family continued on in the wake of losing generation eight heir and spouse Rhea and Shane. A lot of progress was made as far as aging goes; Bay and Saffron, who began the chapter as toddlers, ended it as teenagers, and oldest child Clary left for college. Lewis passed away, and now here we are, following around the last few kids as they prepare to leave for SSU themselves. Finally at the end, Sun took the opportunity of all the kids hitting their teenage years to formally declare vengeance on the loathe for killing his many-times-great-granddaughter, only to discover that the Nest has been deserted. Onwards!

We talked last chapter about sending Spike to college, but didn’t actually give him his farewell. So, here he goes. Bye, Spike!

Spike: “Bye, Miss Author! See you at college!”

See you, honey! Boy, I love this sim. He doesn’t complain at me at all!

So now we’re down to five sims in the household. Whoopee!

This house is haunted.

Just so you’re aware.


Double uh-oh.

Aw, crap.

Rose: “PLEASE don’t take my granddaughter, Mr. Reaper!! I JUST declared her as heiress! Her family NEEDS her!! She’s only a kid!!”

Grim: “Look lady, no can do. I’ve got a quota to keep.”

Rose: “Then TAKE ME INSTEAD!!”

Saffron: “Whoa! That was… whoa! Am I alive? Someone tell me I’m alive!”

Brie: “You’re alive. Sheesh. I was just trying to save you from your destiny. What’s so wrong with that?”

Grim: “Brie, I told you not to interfere. Now there’s been… consequences.”

Saffron: “Consequences? What consequences?”

Grim: “Good day, Saffron.”

Saffron: “Aw, forget him and his ‘consequences.’ Who needs the Grim Reaper when you’re ALIVE, right Grandma!? …Grandma?”

Well, there’s Rose and Lewis, together again.

Primrose “Rose” White. She lived to be 87 days old before sacrificing her life for her granddaughter. I was really fond of Rose; she was nice points incarnate, and had a really uniquely pretty face that won her an heir poll. She was a highly accomplished sim; she had all her skills and Free Time skills, was a Captain Hero, a mother of two, a grandmother of five, a prolific novelist, and, as I said, she won an heir poll. That’s a pretty unique achievement to her, since that was the only heir poll I ran for this legacy. She picked her own spouse, too, which is also pretty unique for my sims, sad to say. Rose will be missed. But at least hers will be the last death of the legacy.


Lara: “Author, I was going to get to work on my thesis, right?”


Lara: “But I can’t get to the computer!”

Why not?

Lara: “I don’t know!!”


Lara: “Much. What did you do?”

Sold the chair and replaced it with a duplicate.

Lara: “It doesn’t make sense, but as long as I can reach the computer, I’m fine with it.”

And then there were four.

Lara: “Saffron, you have to eat something.”

Saffron: “I’m not hungry.”

Lara: “Starving yourself isn’t going to bring your grandmother back. Saffron, it was not your fault.”

Fen: “Nice, Bay.”

Saffron: “Go away, Bay. I don’t want to talk.”

Bay: “Saffron. I know how you feel.”

Saffron: “No, you don’t. Nobody knows. Unless someone gave up their life for you? Has anybody done that, huh Bay?”

Bay: “Well, no. But I know how you feel.”

Saffron: “Oh, really? Tell me. How do I feel, Bay?”

Bay: “Well, you’re irritated at me. You’re mostly sad, which is normal, you know, since we just lost Grandma. But you’re also ashamed that she went to the Luau instead of you… and you’re glad she did.”

Saffron: “…go away, Bay.”

Bay: “There’s nothing to be ashamed of, Saffron. No one blames you. Grandma wanted to do it. It’s not like you made her.”

Saffron: “I meant it, Bay! Go away! Gosh!”

Bay: “Fine. I’ll go.”

Bay: “One… two… three…”

Saffron: “…?”

Bay: “Okay. I went away. Now I’m back.”

Saffron: “Gosh, I hate having brothers!”

Bay: “Don’t worry, I won’t bother you. I’m just going to sit all the way over here and read my book. Hm. ‘The Joy of Cooking.’ Interesting.”

Saffron: “I hate you.”

Bay: “Love you too.”

Lara: “I… I did it. I can’t believe it. I did it!”

Did what, pray tell?

Lara: “I published my thesis!”

Really!? Congratulations, Lara!! That’s great!!

Lara: “Here it is. I can’t believe it. That’s my name. On the Possibility of Werewolves: A Study of our Lupine Neighbors, by Elara White!”

Saffron: “Come on Fen, rock paper scissors. Whoever loses gets to clean the toilet.”

Fen: “Fen is not interested.”

Saffron: “Oh, come on. Be a good sport for once in your life.”

Fen: “Fen thinks that Saffron is trying to dodge her chores, but at least Fen is a master at rock paper scissors. He will play your game, sister, though he will not lose.”

Saffron: “Razzin’ frazzin’ brother…”

Fen: “Fen can’t hear you scrubbing, Saffron.”

Saffron: “GO AWAY, FEN!!”

Fen: “Fen can’t stand skilling day.”

Bay: “Then step off of it.”

Fen: “Shut up, Bay.”

Congratulations on the bonus, Lara.

Lara: “What, the two hundred bucks? Faw. That’s hardly even pocket change. I could toss that down a well and not notice the difference.”

Townie: “Gee whiz, I wish I had that kind of money!”

Me too!

Fen: “See ya, Bay. Fen is off to college.”

Bay: “Bye, Fen. Make sure to turn it back on for me by the time I get there.”

Fen: “Fen thinks that one was a bit of a stretch, man, even for you.”

Bay: “I’ve been working on its flexibility. I mean to stretch it out even further.”

Fen: *sigh* “Bye, Bay.”

And now we’re down to three. Oh, boy.

Bay: “NO! Come on! How could you drop that!?”

Lara: “FOUL! FOUL! Come on! This ref is such an idiot!!”

Saffron: “Auntie Lara, can I ask you a question?”

Lara: “Want to know something about werewolves?”

Saffron: “Sort of… Auntie Lara, what were my parents like?”

Bay: “I’ve, uh, been meaning to ask that too. Since, you know, when it happened, we weren’t old enough to remember them. I know Clary remembers them pretty well, but she won’t talk about them, and half of Spike’s stories about Mom and Dad sound kind of fake…”

Lara: “Rhea and Shane… c’mere, kids. I’ve got something to show you.”

Saffron: “What, their portrait? Auntie Lara, we’ve seen this thing a million times before. It looks like them, but it isn’t them.”

Lara: “Don’t you notice anything about it?”

Bay: “They’re both wearing green?”

Lara: “Look closely. They’re laughing.”

Lara: “All the other couple’s portraits on this wall are of your grandparents and great-grandparents snuggling, or holding hands, or holding each other, or just being romantic in general.”

Saffron: “Except for Grandpa Hyde. He never got married.”

Lara: “You’re missing the point. Rhea and Shane chose to pose for their portrait laughing. That’s how they were: they loved to joke around and laugh with each other, and just loved being alive.”

Saffron: “Except they’re not alive anymore. They’re dead. And I never really got to meet them.”

Lara: “Don’t be bitter. They didn’t choose that for themselves.”

Bay: “Still. Did we ever figure out if there was anything suspicious about their deaths?”

Lara: “Your Grandpa Sun thinks the local vampire loathe had something to do with it. It was never proven, though, so don’t go thinking you can run up to them and punch them in the teeth or anything. They’re a lot more powerful than a couple of angry kids.”

Saffron: “Who said we were going to go after revenge?”

Lara: “Well, no one. It’s only that revenge seems to be a bit of a family trait.”

Bay: “No wonder.”

Well, now that that moment is concluded, look who’s having a birthday!

Lara: “Aren’t there any red cakes laying around somewhere?”

Sorry. Pink candles is as close as we get.

Lara: “Why don’t you go find one? I can wait.”

Come on, Lara. Don’t wimp out on us. It’s just a little bit of gray hair. Well, a lot of gray hair for you.

Here we go!

Actually, that kind of suits you.

Lara: “Do we have one in red?”

Arie: “Whoa! Hi there, Brie! Still wearing your old cow mascot suit from college, I see!”

Brie: “Boo! Hi Arie! Still hanging around, you old bat?”

Saffron: “Go away, Grandma Brie. I don’t like you.”

Brie: “Aww…”

Sun: “Hey. Lara. I, like, really need to talk to you.”

Can it wait until she’s done transitioning and getting made over?

Sun: “Well… I guess, man… I mean, I’ve been holding on to it since Bay and Saffron’s birthday, no reason why it can’t, like, wait a few more minutes, man…”

So is this red enough for you?

Lara: “Ha ha. You’re funny. Where’s my real outfit?”

Come on, I got a much better reaction out of Clary when I did this to her…

There you go. How does this suit you?

Lara: “Better. Much, much better.”

Sun: “Lara, seriously, we need to, like, talk, dudette.”

Lara: “Okay, go ahead.”

Sun: “Um… you got somewhere more, like, private?”

Arie: “What, this isn’t private enough for you?”

Sun: “No. No, it isn’t. Sorry, dudette.”

Lara: “Alright, Grandpa Sun, we’re alone. What did you need?”

Sun: “Why’d you, like, make a beeline for the couch, dudette?”

Lara: “It’s this thing you’ve probably never heard of, called age? My knees are aching.”

Sun: “Trust me Lara. I, like, know all about age. Not a day goes by that I don’t regret not biting my wife Jade, because eventually I had to lose her to age. And then later, my son. And my granddaughter. And just recently, my great-granddaughter.”

Lara: “Point taken. What did you need to say, Grandpa?”

Sun: “Lara, I didn’t want to announce it in front of everyone else just yet, but… the loathe is, like, missing, man.”

Lara: “Missing? What do you mean, missing?”

Sun: “It’s completely gone, man! It’s totally disappeared! They left all their furniture behind, and the house is, like, intact and all, but none of them are there! This is, like, totally unprecedented, and I’m kinda worried, man.”

Lara: “Is there any chance that they finally left town? They’ve just decided to, I don’t know, forget about our family?”

Sun: “I wish. But, uh, we might have made just a little bit of an impression, man.”

Sun: “Folks who’re Vitamin D challenged have, like, a really, really long memory, dudette. It’s not totally likely that they’d, like, forget about us.”

Lara: “So what do we do?”

Sun: “I… don’t know, dudette. I don’t have a way to track them anymore, man. I hate to say that we just have to, like, wait until they show up, but…”

Lara: “Maybe they’ll wait too long, and at least the legacy will be over by the time they move?”

Sun: “We can only hope, dudette. Let’s just finish the legacy and move outta town, yeah? And then maybe they won’t follow us, man.”

Lara: “That sounds awfully bleak.”

Sun: “What does, dudette?”

Lara: “The family is going to have to go on the run the moment Saffron’s first child is born. If the loathe shows up in our new home, then we’ll have to up and move again. How long could this go on?”

Sun: “Vitamin D challenged folks don’t age, dudette. If this becomes a long-term race… we’re going to lose.”

Matthew: “So Bay, how would you feel about becoming part of the pack? Officially, I mean.”

Bay: “Uh, thanks, but, um…”

Matthew: “Yeah, I get it. Do you think Clary or one of your older brothers would like to become a werewolf?”

Bay: “Maybe…? I can’t really speak for them…”

Lovely, Bay. Man, I don’t think I’ve seen this animation since Patrick used to do it.

Sun: “Man, you’re totally, like, starting to talk like me, dudette!”

Um, great.

Hey look, it’s Lewis! …what irony.

Lewis: “I have to wear my fugly professor outfit for the rest of time!” *bawls*

There there, Lewis. *pats on back*

Lewis: *cries*

Saffron: “Hi, Sim State University? Two for the greek house! Yup, we are indeed the last ones, thanks for asking!”

Bay: “They must be getting tired of all of us coming through, huh?”

Isis: “College!? Already!? BAH!!”

Alright, one…

…two out the door and into the taxi! Have fun at college, you two!

Bay: “We’ll see.”

And then there was one.

Lara: “I’m… not sure how I feel about being the last one. I wasn’t counting on living alone.”

I know you don’t much like it, but at least Clary will be back soon.

Lara: “Oh, yes. Clary. Those kids had better be working hard, or I’ll tell them what’s what when they get home!”

Yes, mother. *snicker*

Well, that’s it for this chapter. It was short—my apologies for that—but we have succeeded in getting all the generation nine kids into college! *confetti*

And now I have a full graveyard!

Happy simming!

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