the white legacy--generation 2, chapter 2

Post on 14-Jan-2015



Self Improvement



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The White Family continues to expand.


Move AlongThe White Legacy:Generation Two, Chapter Two

Well, let’s see… plotting: check… pre-written chapters uploaded to the internet: check… new format for chapters: check… I thought it would be a good idea to come up with my own style rather than using a default design, since I’m actually publishing these now…

Huh. That’s it on my checklist. Does that mean I actually get to play again…?

…this jar of fireflies is getting in the way of my leg. This isn’t very comfortable. I should do something about this.

Meh. I don’t feel like it.

Ahem. Now that that’s taken care of, welcome back to the White Legacy! When last we were here, Toro, Gen 2 heir, and Brie, ex-cow mascot, got back from college and were married. They had their twin Gen 3 sons Cygnus (Iggy) and Pardus (Par) just in time for Snow, the founder, to pass away of old age. (I’m still working on fine-tuning my lifespan mod.)

Also, in case it never comes up again, I’m not scoring anymore. I really didn’t keep it up for very long, did I?

Toro: “I am so depressed…”

Brie: *snore*

Have you seen your father recently, Toro?

Toro: “He’s still out back in the graveyard. Gosh, it’s a graveyard now!”

Get some sleep. I’ll go check up on him.

…Patrick? You okay?

Patrick: “…”

You should really get some sleep. You could come back out here first thing tomorrow morning, I promise.

Patrick: “…”

Patrick: “…this aging body of mine simply does not move as it did before.”

Up already, Patrick? The sun’s not even up yet.

Patrick: “…”

Well, can you do me a favor before you go back out to Snow’s grave? It’s just that Toro and Brie are both still asleep, and it’s kind of urgent.

Patrick: “…what is it that you need doing?”

The focus last chapter was really more on Snow, and you never got formally introduced to your new grandsons. Would you mind feeding them before going outside?

Patrick: “This baby is Cygnus? …he is precious.”

And this is Pardus—Par. He also seems to need a diaper change if you wouldn’t mind.

Patrick: “…he has my beloved wife’s hair color.”

Yes, he does.


Brie: *GASP!* Dangit Author, you scared me! What is it?

You’re doing the dishes… on your own!

Brie: “Yeah, well, we all have to pitch in right now.”

Mind scrubbing that counter down while you’re at it?

Brie: “Don’t press your luck.”

Decided to retire, Patrick?

Patrick: “Yes. …I was at my workplace when my beloved wife passed on into the next world. I cannot return there in good conscience.”

Toro: “Uh, hey Pops… kind of busy right now…”

Patrick: “You may have forgotten, but today is your sons’ birthday. Or are you planning on missing it entirely?”

Toro: “We didn’t forget, Pops, we’re just finishing up this date…”

Patrick: “Hmm.”

Let’s start with the older twin. Happy birthday, Iggy!

Wow. He is adorable, Toro!

Brie: “Well, of course he is. He’s our son.”

Yeah, okay. Feed him some smart milk, then let’s get on to Par. With that face on Iggy, I’m eager to see what the second one looks like.

Patrick has the honor of helping Par into toddlerhood. Happy birthday, Par!

Aw, look, he looks just like his mommy!

Brie: “I’m… not sure how I feel about this.”

Why not? I thought you would be excited.

Brie: “Dunno. But I suddenly have an overwhelming urge to teach my boys how to talk.”

Take it up with Patrick. He’s rolling the same Wants.


Iggy: “Pa-RIK!”

Patrick: “Author, please, I am attempting to persuade my grandson into saying ‘Grandfather,’ not my name.”

Did you look beneath you before you sat down?

Brie: “Uh, Pops…”

Toro: “…and then the Mommy said it was time for a bath!”

Iggy: “NO!”

You seem bored, Toro.

Toro: “Brie’s asleep.”

In the middle of the day?

Toro: “She’s been tired a lot lately.”

Patrick: “I hope you realize that when your dear mother went through a phase when she spent many an hour asleep, it was because she was then pregnant with you.”

Toro: “Pops.”

I think that’s the doorbell… gonna answer it, Toro?

Toro: “Eh. Probably.”

Toro: “Uh, hey Arie…”

Arie: “You know, I’ve been watching my calendar, and I realized that last night, a certain couple of boys became toddlers…”

Toro: “Really sorry about that, Arie… you’ll be invited to every birthday from now on, I promise.”

Arie: “Good. I won’t forget that. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some nephews to cuddle.”

Arie: “Hi there, you little sweetie-pie. I’m your Auntie Arie!”

Iggy: “Pie!”

Arie: “I see you’re your father’s son. Now then, where’s your brother?”

Iggy: “Pie!”

Arie: “In a pie? That’s the worst thing I’ve ever heard!”

Iggy: “Heehee! Funny face!”

Toro: “Alri-hi-hight! The new butler does potty training, too!”

Lance Love, aka The Butler: “It is but one of my many duties, sir.”

It’s not in your contract.

Butler: “I like children.”

Okay, then. Go at it.

Toro: “Not so fast, Pops, you’ll choke!”

Arie: “I heard you were sick, Brie. How’re you doing?”

Brie: “Well, I’m not really up to running around outside, but at least I’m out of bed.”

Arie: “And eating cake. That’s gotta be great on your stomach.”

Brie: “What, already? We haven’t even gotten the boys out of toddlerhood yet!”

Patrick: “Come along, Cygnus… walk for grandfather…”

Brie: “Hey, Pops. I’m pregnant again.”

Patrick: “That is wonderful news, Brie, though to be completely honest, we all suspected it was so. Now, Cygnus, I do believe you almost understand walking, let us just perform it once more before we retire for the night…”

Brie: “Hey, Tory.”

Toro: “Mmmmmm…?”

Brie: “I’m pregnant again.”

Toro: “Cool… g’night…”

Par: “NO!! Don’ wan’ walk!!”

Patrick: “Oh, my poor, aging back…”

Hm, I wonder where Patrick is going (and how he got behind that door like that as he was walking out of it)?

Patrick: “Today is the day, ma cherie. My life bar grows short, and tonight it will be time to come to you on the other side. I have come to know Cygnus and Pardus well, as you had wished to; I believe you are proud of them and love them dearly, watching them from where you are. Notoro and Aubrey may not be Family Sims like you are, but our grandchildren will not want for anything from their parents. In addition, I have news for you—we are about to become grandparents again! Aubrey is now expecting her and Notoro’s third child. …I have missed you dearly, ma cherie. I must admit that I am somewhat afraid to meet the Grim Reaper, but I must believe you will be there to help me on when I do, and that we will be able to enjoy the Luau together as husband and wife for the rest of eternity.”

Iggy: *sniff* “Wan’ ou’!”

Par: {Please, brother, quiet down… I am trying to nap in my crib, and you are making it rather difficult.}

Arie: “So… anyone know why Pops called this meeting?”

Brie: “Why am I not sitting next to Tory?”

Brie: “Much better.”

Arie: “Couples. Hey, Pops! Why’d you call this meeting?”

Patrick: “Allow me to finish this song, Aral, and then we will talk.”

Patrick: “Now, then. To business. Your dear mother preferred to hold these interviews with each of you individually and alone, but I believe that this is easier.”

Arie: “Oh, no. I can see where this is going.”

Patrick: “Children, the Grim Reaper will come for me in precisely two hours. I wished to pass on to you my wishes for your happiness, my hopes, and my love… Notoro, Aubrey, please pay attention.”

Toro: “Sorry, Pops.”

Patrick: “I am sure you are all expecting a long, eloquent speech from me on this my dying day. However, I have only two things to say: I love all of you, and good luck. I go now to see my beloved wife, my one and only cherie.”

Arie: *sniff* “I love you too, Pops. I guess we won’t be seeing each other again, will we?”

Patrick: “Unless you choose to have children of your own and therefore begin to age, no, we will not. You have been a wonderful daughter, Aral. I wish you happiness.”

Arie: *sniff, sniff* “Thanks, Pops.”

Toro: “Is it okay if I hug you, Pops?”

Patrick: “There is nothing unmanly about a hug, Notoro. I will be seeing you—good luck raising those boys of yours, and the next little one that comes your way. You mean a great deal to me, son. Remember to have fun in your life.”

Toro: “Oh, I will.”

Brie: “This is it, huh Pops? Well, I’ve been thinking back, and I don’t think I’ve ever done this with you. How about a handshake for the road?”

Patrick: “If it is all the same to you, Aubrey, I would rather not. I can see the joy buzzer in your palm.”

Brie: “Rats, and I thought it was still invisible.”

Patrick: “It is a most beautiful day…”

Coming out into the graveyard, Patrick? Isn’t that a little, I don’t know, morbid?

Patrick: “I don’t believe so.”

Patrick: “My final wish to be near her when the time comes.”

Patrick: “Take me with you. I am unafraid.”

Grimmy: “Good. Your wife tried to steal a hula zombie outfit to come here tonight. Talks about you nonstop. We have been eagerly awaiting your arrival, Mr. White.”

Snow: “Patriiiiick!! Hurry up!! I’ve got a recliner chair and some fruit punch all ready for y—HEY! This is for my husband, you nimrod! Get your own chair!!”

Patrick: “I can already hear her dulcimer tones.”

Goodbye, Patrick. You were an absolute delight to write for. From the moment you started digging in Snow’s garbage can, I could tell you were going to be a riot. You were the calm and collected rock of the family, and were really what kept Snow sane and able to continue after Bal’s disappearance. You were a great sim.

You are also the reason why I haven’t had a sim with more than two neat points in two generations. Thanks a lot.

Toro: “You know what?”

Arie: “No, but I know his brother Who.”

Toro: “Very funny. I’m getting tired of losing family members. It hurts.”

Arie: “…me too. But at least Pops was the last one. It’s going to be a long, long time before anyone else is an elder, and then it’s going to be you and Brie, and you won’t have to worry about losing anyone. It’ll be you saying goodbye.”

Toro: “Thanks a lot, Arie.”

Toro: “Hey.”

Brie: “Hey.”

Toro: “Penny for your thoughts.”

Brie: *sigh* “It just doesn’t seem fair. None of it. Neither of them got to stick around for very long, much less get to know the kids.”

Toro: “You’re right. It isn’t. But it’s part of life, I guess. You lose some people. Mom and Pops both lived fulfilling lives, though they didn’t seem long enough to us. Someday we’ll be buried here too. But we’ll all see each other again. Death isn’t the absolute end.

“And besides, we have a baby coming soon. Let’s cry for a little bit, but then be happy for his arrival.”

Brie: “Her. Two little boys at once are enough.”

Brie: “Well, I’m off to bed. I love you, baby. I’m so sorry about your father.”

Toro: “I’ll join you in a little bit. I’m just going to… stay out here a little longer.”

Brie: “Sure. Can’t promise I’ll be awake when you come in, though; I’m exhausted. Goodnight.”

Toro: “Night.”

I love toddlers.

I really love toddlers.

Toro: “There, it’s okay, Par. I know you loved your grandpa very much, but he’s happier now. Get that aspiration out of the red, okay? Give us a smile?”

Par: *sniffle* “Where Grampa?”

Butler: “The Master has gone the way of all the earth, and now I will become the primary childcare in this home, since the new Master and Mistress are both Pleasure Sims. I love children, but I shall need much espresso.”

Brie: “I’m a Knowledge Sim.”

Butler: “Is that so? …This is most surprising news.”

Toro: “Hi. Um, who are you?”

SimMe: “No one in particular. I’m here to pay my respects.”

Toro: “You sound awfully familiar… a little less echo, maybe, but you sound just like the—”

SimMe: “This is not the Author you are looking for.”

Toro: “This isn’t the Author I’m looking for.”

SimMe: “Move along.”

Toro: “Move along.”

Toro: “Guess what today is, little man?”

Par: “Birfday!”

Toro: “Right, it’s your birthday! But first we have to take care of Iggy, ‘cause he’s the older one, huh?”

Par: “Cake!”

I’m glad he’s got his priorities straight. But before we can get that far…

…triple birthday!

A third little boy is born to Toro and Brie. His name is Arctos, and in a fitting tribute to Patrick, he also has red hair. There’s only one of him—thank goodness.

Toro: “I can’t believe it! A third boy! This is great!”

Brie: “He is adorable, isn’t he?”

Are you two done yet? We do have two more birthdays to get to, you know.

Alright, everyone is corralled and in short order, first one…

…and then two sets of candles are blown out.

Par: “Hi, Auntie Arie! Where’re you going?”

Arie: “Home, Par. It’s 2 AM. Shouldn’t you be in bed? Where’s your mom and dad?”

Par: “I dunno.”

This is photographic evidence, by the way, that Arie did in fact make it to the birthday, even if she didn’t make it into any of the official pictures.

Well, I was curious even if Par wasn’t, so I went to find them. Of course, they’re still working on Toro’s fifty dream dates.

Toro: “Author? Out. Now.”

Right-o. But just so know, Arc needs a diaper change, so don’t spend too long here.

Brie: “We’re busy. Where’s the butler?”

At home in bed, I imagine. It’s 2 AM.

Toro: “Already!?”

Alright, so here’s the twins: Par, who’ve you already met, in the stripes, and Iggy—

Iggy: “It’s Cygnus.”

No, I’m pretty sure it’s Iggy.

Iggy: “Iggy’s a kid’s name. My name is Cygnus.”

Par: “But you are a kid.”

Iggy: “Am not!”

Par: “Are too!”

And so it begins…

…Toro, what are you doing?

Toro: “Admiring the towel racks.”

…may I ask why?

Toro: “No reason. I just think they look cool.”

…okay then.

Brie: “Hey, Author? …Do I, uh, really need to do this?”

Yes. You really do. Unless you want him to fail in life.

Brie: “Hey, Par… um, do you need help with your homework?”

Par: “Gee whiz, Mommy, I sure do!”

Brie: “Oh. You sure you don’t want your dad to help? I mean, I wasn’t that great in school…”

Par: “But Mommy, you’re a Knowledge Sim and Daddy’s a Pleasure Sim! Shouldn’t you be really, really good at homework?”

Brie: “You’d be surprised, bud.”

Besides, Toro can’t help Par because he’s helping Iggy—

Iggy: “Cygnus.”

—right now.

Par: “Hey, Iggy?”

Iggy: “Cygnus. What’s up, Par?”

Par: “Think we oughtta tell Mommy and Daddy that we’re on our way out to the bus?”

Iggy: “Nah. They look a little busy right now.”

Lovely. Really, guys, you ought to invest in some new bedroom doors if you’re going to insist on this fifty dream dates LTW. Stop scarring your children.

Oh, yes, and Toro and Brie have now officially moved into the reigning heir master bedroom.

Arie: “I see my brother and sister-in-law have been hard at work. …I wonder if the boys have had any food today.”

Good guess, Arie. Go in and make some dinner, will you?

Arie: “Normally I would say that I’m just a guest and shouldn’t have to, but… you’re probably right. I don’t want my nephews to starve.”

Good call.

Arie: “You look really tired, Brie.”

Brie: “Yeah, well, pregnancy will do that to you.”

Brie has to be the best pregnant sim I have ever seen. I haven’t seen her throw up once. It’s like she isn’t even pregnant.

Brie: “’Scuse me, Arie, but I’ve got a magical bouquet of roses to drop off on my own doorstep.”

Arie: “How many dream dates does this make?”

Brie: “Twenty even.”

Arie: “Yowch. Not even halfway yet, huh?”

Brie: “I don’t mind.”

Well, I do!

Brie: “Shut up, Author.”

Par: “Auntie Arie Auntie Arie Auntie Arie!!”

Brie: “Can you give us a minute, Par?”

Par: “But it’s important…”

Par: “Will you come outside and play soccer with me? Only Iggy says he doesn’t wanna because he’s too busy on Grandpa’s pinball machine, and Arc isn’t old enough yet…”

Arie: “Sure thing, Par. As long as we’re back inside in time for Arc’s birthday this evening.”

Par: “Yay!”

Brie: {Where’s Tory?}

Autonomous backrub, everybody. Say what you will, these two are so very sweet together. Never mind they only have one bolt.

Brie: “Loooooove hiiiiiiimmmm…..”

Par: “How come Arc doesn’t have to share his birthday?”

Brie: “Arc doesn’t have a twin, Par.”

Par: “Why not? Isn’t he lonely?”

Let’s put that conversation on hold for now. Happy birthday, Arc!

How cute, the baby born right after Patrick died has not only his hair color, but his cheekbones and nose. Want to take him in for a change of haircut, Toro?

Toro: “I was just thinking that.”

Well, that’s a lot of hair for such a little guy, but he looks so cute with it and his overalls, how can I say no?

Toro: “I bet if Pops had ever been this age, he would have looked a lot like Arc.”

You’re probably right.

Arc: “Eba-boo.”

Had enough cake there, Brie?

Brie: “Pregnant. Besides, one of those is Arie’s.”

It’s funnier to think you ate all three.

Brie: “No, it’s not.”

Arc: “Bi pa BOO doo~!!”

(Translation: Father, I have found my way out of my crib and crawled all the way across the house to sit here and tell you that my smart milk glow seems to be glitching into permanency. I do not like it. I want you to fix it.)

Toro: “What…?”

Haven’t taught him to talk yet, huh?

Toro: “No… Brie’s had that Want locked since his birthday, but she hasn’t been feeling up to it…”

Par: “Mommy Mommy Mommy!! Iggy and I BOTH got an A+!!”

Brie: “That’s wonderful, honey. I’m very proud of you.”

Arc: “Schoo’ bapu brubber fod.”

Brie: “Very good, Arc. I heard both ‘school’ and ‘brother’ in there. See, Par? Arc’s excited for you, too.”

Par: “Cool!!”

Whatcha doing, Iggy?

Iggy: “Cygnus.”

Whatcha doing, boy?

Iggy: “Playing The Mims. Grandpa designed it, you know, ‘cause he was awesome. ‘Cept this is the third Mims game. It’s awesome, too. I like the traits. And the color design tool.”

Me, too.

Iggy: “Whoa, Author. You play The Mims, too!?”

Go away. I don’t like you.

Toro: “…Pops?”

No. He is a filthy burglar with a similar (or perhaps the same) face template. Also, this is the third time we have seen his ilk in two and a half generations. Get rid of him. Now.

Welcome back, Useless Cop. Think you can beat him this time?

Burglar: “You. My old foe.”

Useless Cop: “Are you ready to get a spanking from the Long Arm of the Law, burglar?”

Oh man, that was terrible.

Wow. He won this time?

Burglar: “Oh, man. This is so embarrassing.”

Useless Cop: “Take that, Burglar! You have the right to remain silent! (I’ve been waiting two and half generations to say that!)”

Arc: “MOMMY! Wan’ ou’! Don’ wan’ gwow!”

Useless Cop: “Don’t worry, little man. We caught the burglar, and we’re even giving you $500 for helping us catch him.”

Seriously? His parents are right outside the room where you caught him, and you walk across the house to the nursery and tell that to the toddler?

Useless Cop: “I love kids.”

Run, Iggy, run! You’re late to the bus!

Iggy: “Whoa, looks like Mom and Dad cleaned up the bouquets. There’s only three now. And, it’s Cygnus.”

Actually, I cleaned them up. Your mom and dad don’t clean. That’s why you have a butler.

Par: “Mommy, what’s going on!? Why are you screaming!?”


Probably my fault for putting the piano at an angle… but… I’m really kind of freaked out right now… I mean, does this picture even need a caption? It looks like they cut off the butler’s head and put it on top of the piano as a trophy… does it strike anyone else that way, or am I just really disturbed?

There are now four Generation Three boys, and Toro is experimenting with the magic piano. This baby’s name is Desmodus, and he is also a redhead. Way to stick it to the dominant gene, Red Hair.

Dez: {Father, why are you doing that? You’re really kind of freaking me out. Stop it.}

Par: “Welcome home, Mommy! Why are dressed like the burglar?”

Brie: “It’s just a LTW, bud. Don’t think about it too much.”

I thought this deserved a picture, not only because of the career Brie decided on, but also because this is the first time she’s been to work since she and Toro were married. She now has four children.

Brie: “Hooray! Happy birthday, Arc!”

Hooray! No more smart milk glow!

Arc: “Hi Auntie Arie! Thanks for coming to my party! Oh! And I wanted to tell you, the other day when I was sitting in the nursery, you know in my crib because I was still a toddler, I saw this great BIG bird, and it flew right past my window, and it had wings THIS BIG, and—”

Arie: “Whoa, slow down, Arc!”

And turn around. We have another birthday to get to!

Arc is such a cute kid.

Dez managed to be born at 5:41 PM, which effectively turned his baby stage into just one day. I love it when that happens. Yay, Dez!

Dez, like all of his older brothers, is such a little cutie. He has the exact same personality as Arc, and it looks like they’re clones. That’s really annoying, because I know I rolled the pacifier for both of them. Maybe it’s just an incredible fluke?

Now then, Brie, feed Dez his smart milk, then join me back here with Toro.

Brie: “Why should I do that?”

I have a surprise for you two! You love surprises, right?

See? Your couple’s portrait is up! I decided you guys would want something more intimate than Snow and Patrick would, and I think it turned out fabulous, and… uh… are you hearing anything I’m saying?

…oh, brother. Brie, go take a shower. You stink.

That’s it for this chapter! Tune in next time for lots of birthdays, and maybe a little more plot? Hopefully!

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