the value of proper interpretations

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/28/2019 The Value of Proper Interpretations


  • 7/28/2019 The Value of Proper Interpretations


    SAMPLE QUESTION (1)Technology

    simplifies our lives

    to the point ofaddiction. Discuss.

  • 7/28/2019 The Value of Proper Interpretations




    the applications of science in the form of tools,

    devices, programmes

    that affect many aspects

    of our lives


    less tedious

    fewer steps takes a shorter time

    less complicated

    not requiring specific oradvanced skill orknowledge

    easy for laymans use

  • 7/28/2019 The Value of Proper Interpretations


  • 7/28/2019 The Value of Proper Interpretations


    Interpretations + Thesis Statement

    How much technology do we use in a typical day ? We needour water heaters for warm showers, and air conditioners for our

    summery nights. We use kitchen equipment to blend, mix, knead and

    bake. We send text messages more than we make house calls. We take

    the trains or our cars instead of walk. When we get to work, we are

    productive because of computers and printers. Even in schools,children learn complex abstract concepts using simulated animation.

    Technology makes so many things so easy. One of the questions that

    have arisen because of this miracle of technology is this : Have we

    become tech-addicts? My opinion is that many people in

    developed societies today have. They even display the signs ofaddiction to prove it. They are over-reliant on technology, cannot

    function properly or independently without it, put up with harm to

    use it and would probably face terrible upheavals in their lives if it

    is withdrawn from them.

  • 7/28/2019 The Value of Proper Interpretations


    Sample Points / Topic Sentences1. When tech makes completing tasks convenient do not know

    how to do things without it2. Being reliant on technatural abilities are dulled

    3. When we become so used to using tech put up with harm to

    use it

    4. The joy we get from the ease that tech bringswant more and

    more, even when we do not really need

    5. Simplified life due to tech things go terribly wrong when the

    tech fails, or is absent

    6. (counterpoint)efforts to counter the problems oftechaddiction

    promote enjoyment of non-tech activities

    7. (Resolut ion) Despite efforts to use less technology, the fact

    remains that the default way we live is technology-driven.

    Normalising the use of something that looks like an enhancement,

    but is actually detrimental and keeps us enslaved to it is none other

    than an addiction.

  • 7/28/2019 The Value of Proper Interpretations


  • 7/28/2019 The Value of Proper Interpretations


    SAMPLE QUESTION (2)Discuss the

    importance of mass

    mediawith respectto education today.

  • 7/28/2019 The Value of Proper Interpretations


    Education, formal or informal, ismeant for the holistic development ofthe human being

    Schools may have other aims as well

    e.g. Public schools have social ornational aims


  • 7/28/2019 The Value of Proper Interpretations


    MASS MEDIA Diversified platforms that reach out to large audiences

    newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, the internet etc.


    oMass media can DELIVER, REINFORCE or

    UNDERMINE the messages / aims / values ofeducation

    oDepends on the agenda of those who own themass media

    oDepends when whether educators and learnersthemselves can take what is good from the massmedia, and learn from what is bad

  • 7/28/2019 The Value of Proper Interpretations



    In the past decades, people in modernsocieties have witnessed the growing influence of massmedia on many aspects of their lives. One of thoseaspects is education, a key institution in all societies. Ithink that mass media can be of great importanceto education because it can help reinforce some ofthe values, messages and aims of education.However, I recognise that some of their objectives canalso be divergent. In cases of such conflicts of interest,

    mass media could very well undermine what goodeducation stands for and thus educators and learnersmust manage this clash so the aims of education are notcompromised.

  • 7/28/2019 The Value of Proper Interpretations


    POINTS / TOPIC SENTENCES1. Education teaches values ; mass media can reiterate

    2. Mass media knowledge beyond the textbook

    3. Public broadcasting and public education system ensure that

    their messages are aligned at specific junctures esp. for

    social and national aims

    4. (counterpoint)Mass media is associated with consumeristculture (excess, frivolity, hedonism, superficiality etc.) VS

    Educations wholesomeness

    5. (counterpoint)Mass media (more varied ideas, some even

    anti-establishment) VS controlled environment in schools or

    home impact of socio-cultural and national aims

    6. (Resolut ion)By using media content, responsible education

    prepares learners to critically engage the media-saturated

    world they live in.

  • 7/28/2019 The Value of Proper Interpretations


    SAMPLE QUESTION (3)It is impossible to

    spend qualitytimewith the family

    today. How true isthis ?

  • 7/28/2019 The Value of Proper Interpretations


    Parents, children,grandparents & otherrelatives

    Considered a buildingblock of society

    A means through whichvalues are transmitted

    Provides the primarysupport system for eachindividual

    family quality time Time to bond, have fun

    Focus on the family, and noton other things

    Get to know family membersmore deeply by doing thingstogether and talking

  • 7/28/2019 The Value of Proper Interpretations



    Ill be home late today. A text message like this from abusy family member may be something that many peoplehave grown accustomed to in this day and age. More oftenthan not, family members are understanding andaccommodate each other in such hectic periods. However,this loss of time with the family can lead to seriousconsequences that begin with family members driftingapart so subtly and gradually. Families need a two-stepapproach to keeping close. The first is to make more timefor each other. The second is to make whatever time spenttogether quality time. The latter step is particularlynecessary when busyness cannot be avoided. It isundoubtedly a challenge to work towards gettingquality time, but not entirely impossible.

  • 7/28/2019 The Value of Proper Interpretations


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