the times dispatch.(richmond, va) 1903-10-04 [p...

Post on 26-Mar-2018






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The Rpfe forClasslfisd Want Adverllslng

tn 1 cent ptr word Net Cash In

ADVANCE, wlth n mlnlmum costof 25 cents for each Insertlon.The same rate applles to deaths,marrlages, obltuarles and all other

clssslfled notices. No display typeallowed In the classlfled columns.

_^ggggig________mm-wummamtSiHELP WANTED.FEMALE.

WOMEN wnnted :o Bell a necesslty to mother.:$1S n week clear. Dept. M., Box 78, Phlladel¬phla.

WANTED, experienced help on waiata andI1.CVC8. Applv to MISS ALEXAMJEK, 23West Marshuli'street, lltj.

WANTLD, a oolored woman to attend to .ham-bcr nnd fllulng room. Must come reeoniuieuiled.M.I West L.i.l.lii..

WANTLD, three G1RLS to tell toyi; aalary "13.60iht week. Apply -Monday tuorulug nt 8cielook 10 J. E. QUARLES, 106 Enst Brond.

WANTLD, to employ oxporicncert SEAMSTRESSto altor cloiifcs and Milts; must be a gcodfittor. Apply XHALU1MBK BltOS._

WANTED, a lady STENOORAPHERj one ex-

pcrlcuced ln ofTlco Work preferred. Address,giviiic references, Uox ms, city.

WANTED, an experlenced dress gooda BALES-LAI'V at once; none tont 000 thnt ran soll

goods need apply. Address Box 272, SoulhBoston, Va.


WANTED, a voung LADY to tench prlvate,school! qunllflcationi, English. Latln aimMusic; reference glven und required. o. b.

BATTEN, Isle ol Wlght. I «¦¦_

WANTED, two good BALESLADIES who thor-oughl. undorstnnd general Bclllng ln a depnrt-meut store; n good salary wlll be puid. X11L.COHEN CO.

WANTED, .irla to make paper boxos. Begln-ncrs pnld extra whlle learnlng. Permanentemployment Apply to the Randolpli I'uper

EEF1NED WOMAN, Epiacopalian proforrod, toasBlst lu housckceptng und bow.Ing!^refcroncesrequired. AddreBB Mrs. S111M0NDS. I-iortbPolnt Xlnuor, Walkerton, Va._

A HEPRESENTATIVE wontcd ln each plaeo tohandle oiv Honlth Vibrslor and Mnglc Handfor tlie comploxlon. They aell on slght nndnpplicutinn. Particulars free. -UM.nHUHPHKEY, 105 W. 72d St, N. -._

JBEN OR WOMEN', ateady work; a good ineoraolu the mnll order bUBlnessj stralght, legitl¬mate; no exporlruce ncce»BHry.| no capltal re-

qnlred. Write for pnrti-Ulnrs. MtJTDAXiMAIL OKDEK C0. Albany Bldg., Boston,Mass,

WANTED, a young lady TEACHER to instructone pupll lu Muslc (plnno) nnd Emgllsbbranches: terms, ff.-i per month, bonrd nnd

laundry. Address, statlng quallQcntlons,, \.,MyndtiH, Ya._

yiBITINO GOVERNESS WANTED, to toachgirl thlrteen years of age; all the Englishrndlmenta, one wlth a speaklng knowledgeof German preferred. Apply by letter toPostofflce Box -01!.

XADIES DO PLAIN sowing at liomej $8 to $15pald weekly; experlenoe unneccssnry; mnterlnlsent free everywhere. Send etamped envolopofor partleuhirs. WEBER MFG. CO., 1133Broadway. New York.

BERVANT WANTED.I want to hlro a compo-tant colored woman. without eiicunibrunce. whols a good cook aud Inundressj luust hnve goodrecommcndntlons and references for honest yand cupublllty; none others wauted. Apply toB10 East Franklln Street.

IADIES HAVING fancy work to aell.Dollios,Centerpleces, Battenberg und Drawn Work;all kinds ot fnncy work sold on commisslon.Send stamped cnvolope to LADIES' EX¬OHANGE, 34 Monroe St., Cblcago.

WANTED, A TEACHER to tako chargogrnded school at n sulary of $.">0 per month;must bo n good dlscipllnnrlnn. highest charac¬ter and member of some church. Address W.L. GILLESPIE, Clerk, Blucstone Dlstrlct,Malva P. 0., Ya.

""sTtuations wanted.femaue.

WANTED, drossmaking and plain sewlng. Mrs.ORAFTON, 218 W. Marshall Street.

BOOK-KEEPER want» positlon, or will keepsmall sets of books for part of the time. Ad¬dress 21IM, care Cnrrler IS.

WANTED, by a nlce whlte girl, wlth best oityreference. a positlon as compnnluu. AddressMlsa L. R., care thls offlce.

.WANTED, a flrat-claaa reody-mado clothingBUSHEI.MAN; best wages nnd steady work.Apply. givlng references, Box l>48, clty.

A oompetent and exporienced ston^grapher de-aires a chnnge of positlnn. llest referencesglven. Address "MISS II., thla offlce.

WANTED, by young lady of experience a poai¬tlon ns stenograph.T. Address 315 NorthFourth Street, lticbmond, Va.

rOSITION WANTED by neat, educated,perlenced atonographer; would lenve clty; Jobwork sollclted. "8TEN0GRAPHBR,** 30-1 E.Olay Street, Richmond, Va.

WANTED, by lady of some oxporience, positlonaa nurse t_r- aged or luvalld lady. 'AddrosaMlss 0.,, B.ulahrllle P. 0., Klng Williamcounty, -Vn."

AN educated lndy would take childron out a partof day or perform some duty ln return fornlrc horn.- nnd small pny. S. lt. II.Oorrler 15. clty.

WANTED.A lady who has much oxperienco intfui'hlfg deslres positlon as teacher ofponlou; best references given. AddresAshland, Yn.

WANTED, poaitlon in a roSned family to walton nn aged or luvalld lady, or tnke charge ofchlldren; wlll travel lf required. AddressMlai S., care this offlce..-;-.WANTED, by young lady of oxporience, a posi¬

tlon tc. ti'iich r.ngllsh. Latln, French, Gorraannud Eleiuentary Muslc. Address MlssFRANCB6 SOARBORGH MEIU.EV, Houaton,Va.

"WANTED, by a young lady who has had twoyears' experlenoe. u poaitlon as teiu-ber; enntaaeli i:nglibb. Muslc and beglnncrB ln Latlnaud French. Address Mlsa M., care of P. M,,Tabirott, Va.


SOY "WANTED, tiy Ho. C. Hel-on, InduatrialUulldliit:, Foot Twf-lflh Street.

WANTED, a white boy at Polillg Broa.' BoxFactory, xnxt Ku»t Franklln Streot.

WANTED, BALEBMAN; a good poaitlon for therlght man. Addrias D. B, J., care ttila ofllce.

WANTLD. YOUNG MAN na collector and a_aiat.blll buuk-keejier; htiit,- ajfe und rtterenro. Ap¬ply B., cure tbli offlce.

WANTED, A MAN wbo underatanda ond can

tuke ch.rKO of the Mi-ii'b .'uriilablug Hepnrl-ment. THE COI1EN 00.

TUTOK Y/ANTED for young boy (boidnnerl,two houra dnlly ut buine; eiperleticcd partyonly. XV., curo tbla oll lee.

"WANTED, ft flral-claii reglalered DHUGCLERK: good aulury. Apply at onco. AddreaaT. T., Ho« .74, clty.

OOATMAKEKS for cuatom work; iteady -work;good pay. Apply A. A. JOSEPH, Uold-buro.N. 0,

WANTED, young phyilclan, good talker. to..II im-illcal .ppuriitui.; alute ago nnd aiilurj-wanted. P. 0, Bo* DtS,

FRINTER WANTED; tobei, roliable, all-aroundprlnter for newapeper and Job offloe. Addrua.Bo» 7-. Crewe, Vn.

.WANTED, good BALEMAN to handle profltableapocliilty lu Hliliuiond; mual bf nble to glvomnull bond. No. 8 Eaat Brond Street,

.WANTED, at onco, a ttoady, energotlo youngIIAN for di-llv.ry wagon, Apply, wllb referancea, 10 h'orlb Bs-reutb Ktreel.

WANTED, MEN tack dgna, dittributo clroulara,aompl... etc auod V»tl no ranraaalug. CON.TINKN'TAL I>ISTHIJUTING SEUVJl"E. Cbica-#0. _|_

WANTED, a young man to laarn tbo drug buai-Di'iri oaa wltb aonio uperlenci flraferred.Llgb't nnrl eaty work. Addreaa 0, HORINSON,care tbla offlce.

WANTED, overywhere, HUSTI.ERB to tack_t_n«. dlctrlbiue clrculjri »ampl«». etc.; ao

.a.raaahig; g"od pa/. BUN APVEUXISINUi »U__A0_-*lo.«H

Fnther~I tlilnk we outtht to have dnugtiter's volce cultivated.Mother.Yes; tho teacher ls here now.Can you flnd her.


WANTED, OOOD MACHINIST; aloo atx mon ao-

customed lo strulgbtenlnK Iron und mnn tornn unndpnporlng mnohlno. JAMES G. WIL¬SON MFO. 00., South Norfolk, Vn.

NINE ODD-FELLOWS in each Stato glvon por-inniicnt. plensiint. profltnblo employment tieiir

home; whole or pnrt tlme; good pn.v. FHA-TEUNAL, TliumcB Buildlng, New York.

MEN WANTED, to dlatribulo samplos, clrcu-Jnrs, tnek algns, etc. We hnve dlstrlbutionfor every luenllty; good pn.v, periiuiiiciit oc-

cupntlop. ATOZ; South Wliitley, lud.

TRAVELINO SALESMAN; nn activo, onorgctlomnn for Vlrglnla terrltory; ataplo line; estuli-llshoil. hlgh-ratccl house. F. XX. JENNIM'.b.Snles Mgr., Detroit, Mlch.

WANTED, for temporary position, a young MAN,qulck nt figures nnd not afrald of work. Ad¬dress. ln own hnndwrltlng. slntlng nge nndsnlnry expected, Box ll, Stntion A.

WANTED, Ilrst class ntenogrnphor, qunllflod forgenernl mercnnUlo orrioo dctnll work. Per-lniiiient posltlon fnr rlght porson. Address.stotlng snlnry nnd oxporleuco, "W. n. ROY,No. tl South Tenth Street.

WANTED, reglstered asslstant PHARMACIST,or n rnunc mnn nf several yenrs' experiencein driig store; if Intter. must be well nd-viineed. Address SALOQUIN, enre thls of¬llce.

WANTED, a stenographor and typowritor, withsomo knowlodge of book-koeping; n younirmnn preferred; chnnce for ndvancoment. Ad¬dress. In own hnndwrltlng, MANUFACTURLU,Ilox 211). elty._

AGENTS to rcpresent ua ln evory towns canmnko $."0 to $1U0 weekly aelllng our gold nmlceppor stock. Wrlte Immcdlalely for pnrtleu-lnrs. BALL AND COMPANY, 302 Clnclnnatu.Buildlng. Cinclnnntll 0.

MAN WITH reforencos for commerclal travolerto cnll on mcrchnnts nnd agents. experiencenot requorcd; snlnry $21 per week. wlth ex¬

penses ndvnnced. NATIONAL, 332 DearbornStreet. Chlcngo.

SEVERAL CIOAR SALESMEN wantod In ovorysection to Inlroduce our pnods; experience un-

necessnrv; good snlnry nnd expenses pnld.EMANUEL COMVANY, Station J, New YorkClty.

WANTED, PERSONS to call on retail trade andagents for vj nufacturlng house; locnl terrl¬tory; snlnry $'_0. pnld weekly; expense moneyndviinred; preTlous experience iinneeessnry;business BliCcessful; iiosltlon permiineitt. SU-PEIUNTENDENT. 010 Monon Bldg.', Chlcngo.

WANTED, MACHTNIST, throrougbly practlcalmnn; one nccustomod to dle work nnd nuto-mutlc Diucblnery; stendy posltlon. Apply.stntlng experience nnd snlnry expected, JAMESG. WILSON MI"G. CO.', South Norfolk, Vn.

POSTAL OLERKS and Lettor Carrlora wanted;D.000 appolnted Inst yenr; snlnry $000 to$1,000; exnmlnntlons soon In Rlchmond. Writoto-dny for circular 010. clvlnc full pnrtlculnrs.NAT_ CORRESPONDENCE INSTITUTE,Wnsh.. D. C.

CORPORATION controllimj biisinoaa establlshod1805 deslres energetlc business man who cnnfurnish unqueB.lonable reference ns to nbllltynnd lntegrlty to tnko niiinngement of branchofflce; compensntlon $2,.100 per annum. Ad¬dress "AUDITORS," Box n.'OT, Madlson, Wls.

WANTED, for loadinn; dry goods and dopartmontstores ln large cltles. compatcnt, npgresslve.unililtloiis bnyors, ndvertlsers. wlndow dress-ers, floor wulkers. snles nnd nfflre people, bothsexes; only thoso wlth experience should re-

|ilv. Send self-mldresscd stamoed envelope forpartlculars; stnto posltlon soucht; h-i- flnd nndplnce gnod people. THE BEIDENKOPF CO.,Pept. 37, 70 Flfth Ave., New York.

SALESMEN WANTED by an old estnblUhodglove houso to curry n tlrsl-clnss llne nf work-Iiir glovcB on u strlctly commlssion basis; noobJoCtlon to cnrrylng other lines In conjiinc-tlon. Address XV. N. C Jr., Room 1032,340 Broadwuy, Nevi- Vork Clty.

WANTED, FOR U. S. ARMY; Able-liodlf-il, imriiarrled men, between ages of11 nnd 85, citizens of Unlted States, ofpond onaracter and tomperate hnblts, whocan spouk, read and write English. KorInformation apply to Recrultfng Officer,110 Enst Broad Streot, Rlchmond, Vo.HELIABLE OENERAL AQENT wanted ln everycounty to bcII our popular accldent und alek-iieaa polleles; uew plan; death boneflt; weeklyiudcinnitv; spocltlc Inilemnlty for losa of llmb*or eyeslght; free medlcal attendnnco; manyother orlglnnl and popular features. Anminlpremlinus $1 to $»1; no iissessmenls or dues.Issued to elther sex without regnrd to nn-tlonnllly, color or oeciipntlou. All Clalmspromptly and llberull. settled; Murance hb-aeta $800,000, Moro polleles Issued' aud moreclalms pnld under our system thnn hy nny othercompany in tlie world, hcoause we glve themost popular nnd chenpest Ins'urauce wrltten.Exeeptlonnl opportunlty to ohtaln solo conlrolof terrltory by applylng Iramodlatelji pre-vloua oxperlonee not roqulred, but financialresiiimallilllty absolutely essenllal. AddrCBBTIIB INTEIINATIONAL COMPANY, 231JJroadwuy, New YorU.


WANTED.A Kood carpnnter wants a Job. Ad-drcM CARI'ENTER. enre thls offleu.

WANTED, a position as olty salesman by nn

experienced man, Address DItUMMBR, enrothis ..fflee.

WANTED, sltuatlon, by nilddlo ugod man; am

willln. lo do ttuytblcg for support. RICUAltD,MU Stuto Street.

WANTED.An oxperioneod bock-liecpor want*poKltion, or wlll keep sniiill si-ia of books fnrpurt Of tbe tlme, nr would. tnko other olerlrulwork. Addreaa MAO," curo thls ofllce.

WANTED. position by young buslnoss man, prae-tlenl siiloeiniin, oolleetor Of llllpplngj lur«eexperience und beat of reference, Address A.L. II., enre tbla onlce.

WANTED, by an experloncod atonogrnpher, poat>tlon; tuir knowledge of book-keeplng; at pres.ent employedi beat roferenceai no onjeetlou toleavlng clty. Address SALARY, curo tbl«offlce.

WANTT.D, by a thorouglily competent ma-c_.lnlst, wlth twenty.flre years' experience, h

posltlon ln a repulr shop. Can furnlsli (,-noilrefrrencea, Addreaa 0, Q, M., cure No. 17Ni.itb Bevenleeuth Street, Clty.


AGEVTB WANTED.Bninetklng newi "ThaPhotO-Fanl" blR prottts Wrlto at once fnrfree minple rlrcular. KUK'ilNEIl, 81 SoulliC'liiik. Chicago.

WANTED, enoruetlo S0I.I0IT0I18, men undlndles. to repreaenl respoiislbl,- llrm ln llich.iiiniid and other purta nf State; snlnry. $'.' per,isv guaranteed. W, V. -ititAHAM, 72S EaatMaln._

AGENTS.Blg pro&ta, easy work; aell our sold-on-klghi Ofk'ng I'tenallai everi liouaewlfeneeds Ibetni I2.S02 ni!:<lt- ln ibree monilit hyi.i,,. genernl ngent; wlll give terrltory whererie.iri-d. lirh-bt inen and women eaailr innUefrom 1-5 m $50 nreokly al tbla pleeeeul work.Addreaa Tlll". MIULAND (JO,, Ul Lludeii Ai..,i___ea.ilUl, 0,


OUR MEN aro maklng $3 to $10 a day flttingglnsses. Write to-dny for our 24-p. I'ree EyeHook and lenrn how wc establlsh you ln husl-liess. JACKSONIAN OPTICAL COLLEGE(Chnrtered), Dcpt, 104. Jackson, Mleb.

AGENTS.Write now for froo anmple of worknnd terms, Stnr Harness Mender; best 25c.seller out; we make other qulck-solllng neces.sitles. COLUMBIA NOV. MFG. CO., St.Louis, Mo.

AN ESTABLISHED Coreal Food Company de¬sirea the services of relluble mnn to 1111 re¬

sponsible positlon; compensation $3,000 perninuni: highest references required nnd glven.Address AUDITOR'S DEPARTMENT, Box4S42. Battle Creek, Mlch.


TRAVELER WANTED to work oountry trado$1,000 per yenr and cxpenses. LOS AN-GELES CIDER CO., St. Louis, Mo.

SALESMEN WANTED to soll our spring dressgoods, shlrtlitgs nnd white goods on commis¬slon to country rctallers. SOUTn PUILA.WOOLEN CO.. Box 1341, Pblln.

SALESMEN to travel In Virglnia; capablo, pro-duclng results wlth stnple llne to country mer-

chunts; bond required. Box 008, St. Loula,Mo.

TRAVELLNG SALESMAN; on active, enorgetiomnn for Vlrglnla terrltory; stnple llne; estab-llshed, hlgh-rated bouso. F. R. JENNLNGS,Sales Mgr., Detroit, Mlch.

WANTED, at onco, exporienced travolingSALESMAN for Virglnia; we wnnt a sales-man; none other need apply. Address DRAW-ER S., Chlcngo.

WANTED, SALESMEN on commiasion for prlnt¬lng lnks; city nnd vlclnlty. Address, wlthreferoroes, TI1E GL1DDEN AND WHITE CO.,Clevelnnd, 0.

SALESMAN WANTED; man who can sell newprnprletury artlcle to druggists nnd makonowspnper contrncts; stnte oxporience nndsulary expected. TIIH FUOTECTO CO., Mon-mouth, 111.

"business CHANCES.

WANTED, party (lady or gentlemnn), with$1,000 to buy Interest tn Al Rlchmond en-terprlse to enlnrge samo. Establlshed twoyenrs. Permanent positlon to rlght party.References exchanged. Address "GOOD OP¬PORTUNITY," enre thls offlce.

$25 STARTS YOU in buslness.Week ondingAug. 22. $25 made $2S; week endlng Aug. 28,$_r> made $43; week onding Sept. 5. $2S mnde$110; week endlng Sept. 12, $25 made $70;week endlng Sept. 10, $25 mnde $151. Itgives you a weekly Income; customers mnkefrom $12 to $100 overy week. Onr tontlne sys¬tem of bettlng on rnces ls perfect withoutrlsk; 8 yenrs' experlenoe mnkes ub the oldostrnclng flrm dolng buslness. Write nt once forpnrtlculnrs. ref.. ete. THP.O. ADAMS ANDCO., St. Anns Bldg., Sulte 2, Snn Franclsco,Cal.


BUSINESS OPPb^TUNITfEs]WANTED, reprosentativ. oaoh offico or plaooemploylng number of people; tnlklng required;secure homes nnd snve money; money to loan.HOME COMPANY, Cnrrler No. 5.

PATENT ON SPRING WHEEL.Has all nd-'vnntngos of rubber-tlre whnel; nlso durallty,slmpllelty nnd low cost of mnnafacture; $50,-000. W. M. OSTRANDER, N. A. Bldg., Phlla.

WANTED, an offioe MAN wlth ability and$0,000 to invest 1/ a payiug manufacturlngbuslness; positlon of authorlty, salary andequal control given in tho business. AddressBox B., Chase Clty, Va.


On October Ut, 1003, we pnld to all our Inves¬tors n quarterly divldend of 0 per cenl. on nllmoneys Invested wlth us, in addltlon to thoregular 3 per cent. weekly dlvldond, whlch Ibforwarded to all Investors on Wednesday ofeach week. Thls extrn quarterly divldend hasvnrled In amount aoeorrlliig to Ihe results nt-talned hy us In our onterprlso, but lt hns al¬ways been siihstnntlal. nnd we never passed a

quarter-day without the payment of nn extradivldend.

For vorlflcatlon of these Btntements we cnn re-fer you to manp prominent nnd sntlsflcd Inves¬tors' nll over thn country, who have glven uspermlsslon to use thelr nnmos as reference,whlch ls enclosed wlth onr prospectus.


For the Qunrter Endlng Ju!y lst, 1002. 1V_ PerCent.

For the Qunrter Endlng October lst, 1002, 11".Por Cent.

For thr Qunrter Endlng Jniinury lst, 1903, 8*)iPer Cent.

For ttu- Qunrter Endlng Aprll lst, 1008, OVjPer Cent.

For Ihe Qunrter Endlng July lst, 1003, 8'/4Per Cont.

For Ihe Qunrter (Now Ended) October lst, 1003,I) Per Cent.

Tlie Compnnv expects at the end nf the nextqunrter, which wlll ho January lst, 1001. toshow our Investors botter results than everbefore, nnd they mny confldently expect orithnt date a handsome extrii quarterly divl¬dend. We hnve never contented ourselveswllh paylng tlm regular K per cent. weeklydlvidends, but hnve nlwnya strlven for betterresults. Our alm Ib to pay our Investors thofull earnlng on the moneys Invested by them,Rs the above statement will show. nnd our on-

terprlse ls such a wonderful and growing suc-cohs llmt we are eonfldent the next qunrterlydivldend wlll reach much blche* than the pres¬ent divldend lnst pnld. Full nartlenlara andbeautli'nllv lllustrnted book mailed freo THIS 0. E- 11AND COMPANY,8. llrondway, New Vork Clty.

NOTE.Our next qunrter'fl divldend (Independentof the three per cent. weeklv dlvidends, whlchare nent rognlnrly each Wednesday of theweek to our Investors,) ls due January lst,1004,


WANTED, occupants for a FLAT of four orlive rooma on second floor, TOS B. Franklln.

PLEASANT second-lloor FLAT, four rooms, housekecplng; refereneca. Apply 1210Floyd Avenue.

WANTrD. ocoupants for FLAT of three rooms,wlth bnth. hot nnd cold water. Apply at No.6 West Marshall Street; reference» exchanged.

COMPLETE FLAT for rent: kitohen, rango, eto.ibath-room and four other rooms; Flfth andMnln Streets. new; $20 per month. ApplyItllOM r.7. Chnmher of Coimuercu, or to J.THOMPSON BROWN AND CO.

IOR RENT.A FLAT <j four roomB, withwater. giiB, bath on samo lloor; back poreli;teims ii-abonahle; rifemnca required; 604 W.Murshall.


A YOUNQ gentloman and wlfe would llko tosecure bonrd wltb u prlrnte fn-.nll.v on CliurebIIlll. Address Box No. 117, enre thla ofTlee.

WANTED, BOARD ln private famlly, or bonrd-lng linuse by j-ouiig innii who doslios tn fur¬nish lils own rniuii! inusl be very rpnsonnble.Address, nladng terms, It. XV., enre thls of¬flco.


BOARDERS WANTED..Scv.ial doalre.-l. rooma,good tnblo, 401 Enst I'luy Slrert,

BOARDER8 wanted for protty front room, 403West Clny! mnrrled couplo or gentleninu;refetencci.

BOME NIOE ROOMB, wlth good board, can bohnd at 1007 Enat Mnraliall Street; Mra. A. It.I'llICK,

WANTED, two young men to oooupy nlce fur¬nlshod ItOOM, wllh board, nt SOO West MnlnStroet; nlao two Inble bunrder*.

WANTED, boardera lo oooupy nlcoly fc.rnlahedrooms. wlth nll muilern rnnvonleru-os; locatloncentrnl; also tflbla boardera, U17 Enat Cnry,between Third and Fourth.

608 EAST GRAtTE Btreot. Mra. SUE SHEILDLBAKB wlll open n selent bnnrdliiK-hoiisi. tntbe old Duveiipnrt Mnnslmi on September lat.Comfortnble, boniellke, nttractive.

FRANKLIN HOUSE.Bonrd »3.60 anil 84 porweek; reduction for famlly or group of rooms;lodglng 25 aud BOc. Offlco nover cloaod.'Phone 2001),

WANTED, BOARDERS for two rooma, furniahodor unfuriilahed, nenr Howlttcr Monument. Ad¬dreaa HOARD, enre of llrlizgs' Drug Store,corner Grove Avenue und llnrrlson Street.

"THE LENNOX" OENTLEMEN'S apartmonts,wlth bont-d, 1005 Enst Murshiill; one aipiurefrom Clty Ball; nn Idettl home for men;smoklng, readlng. lounglng rooms; dellg-tllllrooms; gori; tnblo; reaaonablo rntea hy day,week or "month. WM. 0. ALEXANDER, Pro-prletor.


FOR SALE, oheap, a now ono-horse brlck 0fsund enrt. A. D. JENKINS, -10-1 Nortb Mudl-son Street.

FOR SALE, gaaollno ENGINE, throo-horsepower. GEO. W. EUKER CO., 10 N. SoveutbStreet.


FOR SALE.A OOW, frosh to tlio pall: wlll a.llchenp for wnnt of use. M. A. WHITTY, 140(1Brook Avonue.

FOR SALE, nloe PONY and TRAP at aaorlfteo;large, gcntle pony; new trap; sold for wnntof use. Address Ilox 014.

DO YOU WANT A PIANO I want tho money;wlll sell chenp my phino; n grent bnrgitln. X.Y. Z., care thls offlce.

FOR SALE, ono handsomo polntor PUP; fo-Iher reglstered; cnn be seen nt No. 2417West Grace Street.

WANTED, to soll a nlco llttlo COFFEE and; trude eatabllahed. Addreaa COFFEEAND TEA, care News Loader Offlce._

WE CARPET your floors for $3 from loom tohome. Send postal for catalogue. LUr.RUG CO., Thlrteenth Street, Pblludolphla.

WANTED, to soll a full dross sult, good aa

new; nls.i Prince Alhert cont nnd veat. Ad¬dress "SIMPKINS." enre thls offlce._

FOR SALE.By partios lonving the elty, ono

prnctlcnlly new Gns RANGE; cnn be seen at1110 Grove Avenue.

FOR SALE.Two femalo P0INTER.S and one

mnle SETTER; aged 8 nnd 0 months, comlngNovember. For price and pnrtlculnra nddresaO. D. WTNGPIELD, Bedford Clty. Vu.


WANTED, to aell ono No. 8 L?o RANGE. withhnt wnter boller iittaohed; flrst-clnss condltlon;nlso one niec sult nf FURNITURE. AddressRANGE, cure thls offlce.

FOR SALE, ono threo-burnor OIL STOVE, withlnrgo nven; heen used only two weeks; wlllsell at greatly reduced price, Apply to Mlhh0. R. SIIEILDS, Enst Rlchmond.

S200 OASH and $15 a Month wlll buy houso ofBlx rooms. stiburhs West End. nenr car llne;price. $1,200. Address HOUSE, 012 WeatBroad Street.

MONDAY, CCT. 6, 1003. a few Drop-HoadSlncer Sewlng MACHINES. table* seruKhed.otherwlse perfect. wlll bc sold at u blg aucrl-fice. Cull early 205 Enat Brond Street._

WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY. Don't -walt forcold weather; pnt thut gluB* ln now; we.canflll vnur orders for lnrgo or small quautltlcs.VAUGIIAN'S, 002 Enst Brond.


FOR SALE.Dosirablo HOTEL ln Florlda; throo-story brlck. BO rooms. fully furnlshed; bestlocatlon; causo fnr selllng owner a wldow.Mra F. R. LAMBS, Tullnlnissee, Flu.

ENGINFS, 13 liorso; two 12-borao Tractlona;Portable Rollers. Englnes. Snw-Mllls; Tubulnrnnd Oprlght Boller; Stntlonsry Englnes, 4 to100 n. P. D. C'naey, Sprlngfleld, O.

FOR SALE.A thrivlng Mattross Manufacturlngnnd Tlpholstering buslnesB ln a clty nf 30.000Inliabltsnts; reiisou for sine, contlnued 111houlth. Addresa MATTRESS, care tbla offlce.

FOR SALE, ono young thorouRhbred Jeraoy Oownnd Cnlf; cnn be seen at "Whlle-a-wny." twomlles from Rlchmond. on the Cbnrles CltyRond. Addresa R. P. HENRY, Rural DellveryNo. 8.

FOR SALE PRIVATELY, Rosewood ChamberSulte Ineludlng handsome Wardrobe nnd twoWhite Hulr Mnttresaes; some Antlque Mnbog-nnv pleces nnd intscelJnnooUB hoiisekeenlngnrtlcleB. J. E. LAUGTON, No. 012 NlnthStreet.

WANTED, to sell one new $75 Quartered OakWardrobe, wlth French plnte glass doors. for$50 ensh; n chnnce once ln n llfe tlme. ApplyRICHARDSON A: CIIAPPELL, Storage De-purtment, 501 W. Maln Street.

FOR SALE.COTTON PLANTATION on RoanokoHlvcr. N. 0., R5 milea from Norfolk, Vn.Al! necessary houses and nther hulldlnga, lnpnnd order; 3no nores under cultlvntlon andIfifl ncrcs tlmber; steamhoat lnndlng nn prem-ls,.«; prnnt borgnln XI. C. HARRINCTON,Pnlmyra. N. C.


WANTED, ocoupant, bouae No. 727 South Plno;four rooms, $7.00.

FOR RENT, largo trlck atable; wlll ront toKood pnrty chenp, 211 South Plnn Street.

FOR HENT.A 9-room HOUSE noar MonroeI'nrlt- immedlnt" posBCSslon; rent rea.onnble.Addreea "HOUSB," care tbla ofTlcc._

FOR RENT, a irood atable, wlth threo atalla, lnrenr of 300 South Belvldero Stroot; could beused for n store or enrpenter'a shop; price, *J.Apply No. 1 Nortb Tenth Street._

FOR RENT, five-room houae and garden. Beooh-^wood Park, Seven Pino llne. ut $Si_fnrty

f.ot lota. $30, $1 ensh, $1 month. BEI.Cn-WOOD PARK CO., 1115 Baaf Muin, Second

Floor._FOR RENT, Lo Noell Oottago, Bon Air, Va., for

the winter months. Furnlshed or iiiifiirnlshed.Apply to A. K. NOEL. at Thnlbelnier Broa.,Flfth nnd Hrond Streota, HlRliinond.


_.-__---)."-".REWARD OF $10 for the return of my blaokBhopnrd DOG; white hreuat und legs. N. F.JACOBS, 3111 Enat Clny.

LOBT.Sllvor-handle UMBHELLA at tlie Bouth-ern Depot or llroad nnd Mnln-Street cnr. Lb-ernl reward lf returnod to 2011 East FrnnkllnStreet.


LOST.POCKETBOOK Saturday, elther on GroveIl.ii.l or botween Grove Homl and 2400 WeatMnln. eontiilnlne: S5 tilll. 50e. plece, mmn

sniiill chnngn. Rewurd for return to 2100 XV,Mnln.


WANTED, to buy Feathor BEDS; hlgbcst oaahnrlcea pnld; n'so Feuthera Renovated. 'Phone87S1. OABPKR BROS.. 1205Vj Weat MnlnStreot, clty._

FEATHER BEDS, Bolatera, Plllowa wanted forcoahi nlao, entire imtiaeholda nf Furnlture. Ad-dreaa FBATIIEII BEHS. No. 320 Hrook Avenue.

UPH6L~ST_rRINo.JACOB UMI.AUF, 705 West Wain, upholstera

Furnlture ln best manner; ninkea over nnlrMattreaaoa aa good aa new; euts and mnkeaSllp Coverai nlce Ralr Mattrcsaea a apeclalty..Ph' 8202,

CAUPS undor thla hoad are taken on throamonths' rontrant, Dnlly nnd Suudny, nt tl.DOper month.





SHOES.OHAprST PLACE to buy shoes. H.

r.Ol Enst Mnrsbnll Street.


tSEWINO MACH'NES.THE NKW KOMF (Ph. 14451. 90B East Broad.

KHIRT-BUILDER8.i. E. *flI*-HOP. 708 fictt Maln.



locnllty; OtiS West Graco.

BOARDINQ.MRS. J, A. WARFIELD, B06 E. Oraoa Btreet.

Elegant house.

STORAGE.RICHARTISON AND OHAPPELL, Belvlder. andMnln Streets, Very cboop nnd dry storagorooms. 'Phone 843.

BICYCLES.NEW BICYOLFS for $15,00 at BLENNER'B,niO North Flfth Streot.


WANTED, YOU TO KNOW our Nlght Sohoolwlll reopen October 5th. Book-keeplng, Btono-prnphy, Typewrltlng, I'entnniishlp, Arlthmetlc,English, tliorougbly taught; terms reaeonnble.Ladies and gentlemen admltted. Euroll Mon¬day nlght. MAB8EY BUSINESS COLLEUE,705 Eaat Maln Btreet._¦


WANTED, for housekeeplng, throe furnlsh¬ed 110OM8, family of tbree, near Thlrd nndBrond Streets; state lowest prlco. Addreas0. J. T., care thla offlce.

WANTED, two or three ROOMB for llghthousekeeplng by mnn and wlfe wlth no chll¬dren. not to excerd Over $7 per month.Address 11., enre thls offlco.

ROOMS FOR PEtiY.WANTED. ocoupants, without board, for

second floor front room and ball room. MRS.NOEL, No. 8 East Maln.

WANTED, oooupants without boai-d for flratlioor front room, sultablo for class room or

offlce, No. 3 East Main.

WANTED, to rent large seoond-story front room,wlth alcove. References required, 1008 FloydAvenue.

WANTED, ocoupants for two attractive thlrd-story rooms. bay wlndow front. Addreaa AL-PA, care thls offlce. References required.

WANTED, occtipants for handsomo suit of fur¬nlshed rooms; nlso singlo rooms; best of tnbleboard, 008 West Cruee Street.

WANTED, to rent furnlshed rooms, wlth or

without bonrd, to gentleman or couple. Ref¬erence exchanged. No. 105 Nortb Llnden St.

WANTED ocoupsnts for two very nioe fumlshedfront rooms: gentlemen or llght housekeeplng,2.'I07 East Brond Street.

FOR RENT, nice furniBhed ROOMS or unfur¬nlshed FLAT nt rensonable price, 10 NorthNlnth Street.


E.ANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS for twogentlemen or gentleman nnd wlfe; 200 EastFrnnklln.

FOR RENT, two largo connecting second-storyrooms. wlth batb. on Franklln Street; centrnllocntlon. Apply T. N. M. care thls olTlce.

WANTED one or two gentlemen or couple forfurnlshed large ltOOM: also bull room; wouldrent one or both; near Thlrd and Maln. CEN¬TRAL (2), care thla offlce.

FOR RENT to gentlomen two nicely fumlshedsecond floor rooms at reasonable rates; por¬celnln bnth; 'phono ln house, northwest cornerof Eigbtb nnd Franklln. Apply 722 Enst

Frnnklln._FOR RENT.Several very desirable ROOMB:

irns 'nhone reglstor. bnth; BUltable for lodgersor offlces RICHMOND PANPHYSON BUILD¬ING, 815 Eaat Franklln Street.


FOR RENT.Four connecting ROOMS, aooondstory; suited for llght housekeeplng; hot andcold water bath and gas on «ame floor. Applyir. South' Fourth Street

FOR RENT.Wanted ocoupants for two or throeverv deslruble rooms, wlth bath on aame

floor ou Orace. near Adams Street. Address"M. L. D.," Statlon "A."


WANTED. oooupants for large, brlght rooma,

nicely furnlshed. hot and cold water. wlthor without l>onrd; terms reasonuble: nlso tableboarderB. Apply at 008 E. Lelgh Street.

WANTED, oooupants for four or flve large rooms,sultnble for llght housekeeplng. Would retitslngle or en sulte. furnlshed or unfurnlshed;porcelnln bnth. 817 South Fourth.


WANTED. gentleman ocoupant for desirablefront ROOM. furnlshed or unfurnlshed; use

porcelnln bath; 'phono; overy eonyentenoe; prl¬vate fnmlly: locntlon central. AddresB Post¬offlce Dox 038, clty._¦

WANTED, gentlomen roomers for nicely fur¬nlshed or unfurnlshed rooms ln desirableloootlon convenlont to both car llnes. Termsreasonuble; home prlvlleges. Address LIUM-BORAZO," enre thls offlce,


GENTLEMEN to oooupy two brlght connectingrooms. convenlent to bnth, hot and cold water;flrst cluss table bonrd; centrnl lucatlon. AO-

dress CENTRAL, thls offlOO,_SEVERAL NICELY fumlshed ROOMB for rent

ln prlvnte f.unlly; i-orcolaln bath; every con-

venlence- near good boardlng houses; referencesrequired; 301 South Fourth Street._

¥oR RENT.To ono or two gentlemon, socond-lloor ROOM (prlvate fnmlly). near GamblesHlll; unfurnlshed or furnlshod. F., I. 'J.

Box 044, Rlchmond. Va._NLOELY FTJRNIBHFD front ROOM, on Beoond

lloor eenranlent tn bnth, wllh board: married_£__._ OV IWO gentlomen preferred: board tlrst-cIbsb; reference.. Address FURNISHED, enre

thls offlce. _i_real ESTATE WANTED.

mv WILL BELL, rent or oxohango your propertyall onrts of 1'nlte.l Slates; no commisslonclinrgei for pamphlot. HEAL ESTATERKOISTER, 671 Flfth Avenue, New York


WANTTD, tn buy tt good COW; fresh to pall,Ilox 440. clty. \_

WANTEbTIo rent a FARM, with oomfortableresldence nnd outhouses. on or nenr ear llne,thls clty. Address FARM, enre thlB offlce.

WANTED, good seoond-hnnd SA-y-MlLLl musthe In good conditlon un»l reiiBonahle. Address"M.," Box dSB. city._

WANTED, to purchase HOUSE, with 8 rooms, ata t.arcriln ln good locnllty; buslnean dlrectwlth owner. Address "E." No. 1018 Ran-d'ltih Street, clty._


10.000 MI8CELLANF0UB BOOKS wanted forcash emhraclng pnpor-back Nnvels, the latestc?oth-bo nd N'o'vels.' Vlrglnla and ConfederateTi'oks Vlrglnln Mngny.lnes. ete. AddressBOOK' BEPA ItTMENT, No. 320 Brook Avenue.


IF YOUR Soft or Btfff HAT is Boiled or twnlng.roen THT'USTON wlll restoro lt llke new: n

Bwclally of new Trlmmlng; 808 North FlftbStreot. "

lOntS Continued on Page I (

Bolutlon of pug-ln In ypsterdny'B Tlmnfl-Dlnpntch,


AUTOMOBILES, DI0Y0LE8 and Maohtnery ofevery descrlption built nnd repaired nt ULEN-NElt'S MAOHINE SHOP, 310 North FlfthBtreet 'Phonn 81".


IWAN MUELLER'B Now York Eakory, 410 W.Drond Street, between Mnnron nnd Henry,Rlohmond. Vn. Flrst-clnss Home.Mado llrend,French, VletanA nnd llcrmau Hye Brcuil. HotBread dellvered nt your home. Cnkoa nnd l'lesii eperlalty. Hcstnui'nii;* ond Prlvnto F.iml-lles suppllod dnlly. Telephone 23SO.


WANTED, YOU TO KNOW our Nlg-ht BchoolWlll reopen October Btti. Hnok-keeplng, Stono-Krapby, Typewrltlng, Penmniishlti, Arlthmetlc,Bngllsb, tborniipbly tifliglit: terms rpasonnblo,Lndles nnd Kontlemen ndmlttod. Enmll Mon-duy nlght. MASSEY BUSINESS COLLEGE,705 Enst Mnln Htrcet.


WANTED, qulok and aoourate STENOGRAPHER,state aalury wanted. Addresa X.

TRY IT. A Uo. Oan of our Varnlsh Btaln wlllmnke thnt old bedstoad new; nny color youwnnt.oak. wnlnut. cherry. rnnbogany; nllcolors the ssme price; a chlld can apply It.VAUOHAN'S. 002 Enat Broad.

WANTFD, ovorybody own HOMES; J.00 toS5.O00; Improved plnn; snvo monoy; smnllloans and nsBlstnnoo for those who proveprnnipt: stnmp. COMMEHCIAI. GUAHANTEKCOMPANY, No. 1114 Enst Mnln Street.

TRY CENTRAL OAFE fauoceasor to Bchlaiser'alfor a flrst-clnsa meal, only 25c. Open day nndnlght. Order* promptly dellvered. 'Phone1453; 007 East Mnrshnll.

OLD FURNITURE MADE NEW. Mako that oldaet of furnlture new; r. 25c. con ot our Hlgh(llo«s S'tnln wl|J Improvc yonr furnlture tendnllnra ln valne. VAl'GHA.VK. 002 EastBroad

MAKE YOUR OLD ROOF NEW. Does yourwood-bouse. your ehlcken-houso. your dog-bnuse lenk? Stop lt lf It dnes; winter Is com¬lng. Tnr Pnper wlll <ln lt; enstr, nnn-fnurththe price of tln; wc «o]i lhe .pinllly thntstops the look. Wrlte for prlces.VAI'flllAX'S. 0"2 |>st llrond.


200.A FINE TIANO, In (food order: a bargain.Thls Is n S'luiiro Piano nf nrHt-clns* make.Terms, J5. $3 per month. STE1FF. 431 E.Broad.

$50.ANOTHER Oroat Bargain in a SquarePIANOS; $5 caahi $3 ppr month. 8TEIFF,431 Enst llrond.

226.A GOOD PIAHO for the monoy; $5 ca.ih,$2.50 por month. STEl^F. 431 Enst llrond.


WANTED. YOU TO KNOW our Nlght Schoolwlll renpon Oetnhor 5th. Bnnk-kcepliu.'. Stono-jrraphy, Typewrltlng, Penrnanablp, Arlthmetlc,Enpllah, tioroughly tautrht: torms reaaonahle.Lndles nnd (tentlemen ndmlttod. Enroll Mon¬day' nlcht. MASSEY BUSINESS COLLEGE,70.1 East Mnln Stroet.


FOR BALE.Now and second-hand BAGS of allklnd; Twlne n speclnlty. KICHMOND BAGCO., Geo. T. Klng, Propr.

WANTED, 1,000,000 second-hand BAGS, allklnds and conditlons: we pny freleht. RICH¬MOND BAG CO.. Geo. T. Klng. Propr.


condltlon; hlcliost cash prlces pnld. nr wlll(rlve Watches. Jewolry. Sllvcrwnre ln ox-ohnnirc. A. M. MEYER AND BHO.. Jewelcrs.No. 523 Brnnd Streot. Rlohmond. Va.


OSTRICH FEATHEHB and Boaa cleaned. eurbjdor cnlored any Bhade; new tnps furnlshed lfneeded, mntlne nn old fenther practtcallynew. Tni'RSTON'S. No. 30S North FlfthStreet.


ENTIRE HOUBEHOLDB of Furniture bouehtfor ensh.Fenther Boda. Bolsters, Pll¬lows. Cnrpets. Sowlng Mnchlnes. I.lhrnrles nfMlscellaneoiis Books; pmmpt attention to or¬dors. Address FURNITURE. 320 Brook Avenuo.



Nn. 104 A. EAfiY MAIN STREETHOURS: 0 A. M. TO n P. M. 'PHONE 2074.



SPECIAL MIDSUMMEK PRICES on roupholstor-lng Parlnr Furnlture. Cnudios. otc cnARLESO. JPRGENS' SON, 410-21 E. Brnnd Stree'.

HIGHEST PRTCE pald for Furnltero and Car¬pets. BltOWN. 527 West Brond Street.'Phone 3550.


WANTED, YOU TO KNOW our Nlght Schoolwlll reopen October 5th. Book-keephiK, Slono-gruphy, 'Typewrltlng, Penmaushlp, Arlthmetlc,Engllsh, thoroitghly tauirht: terms reaaonnble,Lndles nnd gontlemon iidmltted. Enroll Mon-day nlght. MASSEY BUSINESS COLLEGE,705 Enst Mnln Street.







MAIL ORDER8 S0LIOITED. Mall ordors ao-


X-RAY APPARATUS. Hespltal Buppllea, OEO.XV. EUKF.R CO., 10 North Seveutli Street,Rlchmond, Vn.

A PRETTY FLOOR. If you want your floor tolook nlco, tlBC our filoBB Floor Stnhi: prlee.40c. per qunrt; u quart ls nll yntl wlll needfor nn ordlnary slze room. VAUGHAN'S, 002Enat nroud.


BUY A ROYAL or Grand Holper Wood or OoalRnngo, nr u Fortune Gus llnnre nt JHROENH'.und you won't be disnppolnted: they nre nlsonbHotiitely jrunrnnteed In every respect; not ao

very hlgh prlced elther,_THINK OF IT1! VAUGHAN sold noarly '.,000Hngey Wood IleuterB luat aenson. Mr. Haueythlhk'a lt was n blg alove busliiosa for a re-

tall house, but U la not suoh n hlir ntove busl-ness when lt Is a conceded fnet that It la thobest stove on earth. We want to «ell 2 ono

thla yenr; get your order ln early. CHAS.VAUGHAN, 002 Fnst Brnnd, Is sole ugentfor Hngey Klng Houtera for Rlchmond nndMnnchestcr. ¦_

WANTED, Inventora, Patenteea and Meohanics,nnd evervone Intereated ln patent* und Inven-tluna to ' for our Inventora' Otildo. Thls00-nage book feiit free; contiiln* full Infurnia*llon about patent*; how to ohtnln u luitent;what to Invent for protlt. und how to aeU n

nutent ThlB eleguntly prlnted hook sent freeto liny n.ldroas O'MKAIIA AND BROCK,I'ntent Attornoy*. 020 Eloventh Street N. W.,Washlngton. D. 0._:

nTqHf SC H OO L.

WANTED, YOU TO KNOW our Nluht Sohoolwlll reopen Oetnhor Blll, Bnok-keeplng. Stono-irrunbv Tvpewrlllng. Peniiinnshlp. Arltlimetle,EnYll.b, ihorotichly taugbt; term* ri'iisoiiahlo.Indlea and gentlemen admitted. Enroll Mnn-_i.y nlght. MASSEY BDSIN__3 COLLEGE,J05 Eaat Maln Street,


J. W. rEATROSS wants hls friendB and patronato notlco hls now locntloti-wlth IlOFHKI;MKR'S RCO*40MV HIIOK HTOitE, 311 EnatItroad Hlreet,

DR, PAOE 8, LE6TER has returned from hlivlslt to Mnrylnml and opened nn offlco ntNo. 314 Norlli Twenlyiiliilli Hlreot for theprnOtlcO of denlsliy.

J. WlbblH I1EWITT, I'ORMEll MANA'IBK OFtho Booth Wall Paper Co., cnn be for.nd atJ. H. AHTLV, 5 Nurlli fSevetith, nnd wlllbe glad for nny pntromigo from hla old friendsand custohlcrB,


WANTED, YOU 10 KNOW our Nlght Sohoolwlll reopen Ocioher Mh. Ilook-koeping, Btono-griiphy. Typewrltlng, IViiinonillilp, Arlthmetlc,English, thoroughly tnughl; terms rensonnlilo.Lndles nnd gentlemen r.dmltle.l. Eiiroll Mon-dny nlght. .MAHHF.Y BUSINESS COLLEQE,7'ifi Knal Maln Bltoot.


OOLD FISH, OLOBEB and supplles now in. FlnaImported Cannrles. FANCIEU'S SUPPLY CO..f.17 W, Broad.


BFIOIAL PRIOEB cn reuphosterlng Fatlor Fur-tilltire, Couches. ete. CHARLES 0. JUR¬GENS' HON, 410-21 E. Iltond -Street.

WANTED,TRY CENTRAL OAFE (suooessor to Bohlelser's)

for H Hrsl-elasa meal, only 25c. Opon day audtilxht. Orders promptly dellvered. Phono1403: 0O7 East MarBhall.

A NEW BATH-TUB FOR 60o, You oan makey<ur ttib new wlth one cnn of our Bath-TubEnamel; no Iroiiblo to flx It; plutubers rccom-luend It; try lt. VAUUIIAN'S, 002 EaatIlroad,

WANTED, all tho old oustomera of J, W, PEA-TROSS, shoe dealer on Hrond Street for poetflft'i-n yenrs, to call on mu nt my newquart.ti, Hli Enst Hrond Street, wlth 110."-HEIMEH'S ECONOMY STORE.

WLDDINO INVITATI0N8,.One hundred Wed¬dlng lnvltntlmin $2.B0, dellvered. Speolnlprlce on moro. S'otchends, Env.lopes, 1.111-heads, $1,60 thousand. For nll sorls prlntlng,best nnd clicnpoat, wrlto B.-B. PP.INTERY,Strnaburg, Va.


MARRIAGE DIRECTORY free to all; pay whenmarried; new plan: send no nvnoy. For pnr-tloulnrs address H. A. IIORTON, Dept. 310Tekonsha, Mlch.

PERSONAL.My husband was a hard drlnkerfor over 20 vears. I cured hlm by a slmplehome treatment, nnd I wlll tell you howr dld lt. I hnve nnMilii. to soll. so I wantno monoy. Mrs. MAHOARET ANDERSON,Box III). Hlllbiirn, N. Y.

VAUOHAN so'.tl noirly 1.000 Hsgey Wood Heat-ers last Mr. Iliigoy thlnks It wns n blgBtovo hiislness for a ntnll house. but It lsnot fitoli n blg stove t.iifclr.esa when It is aC.I.lod feet thnt It ls tho best stove onfiirlli. We want to sell 2 000 thls year: getyour order In early. CIIAB. VAl'iillAX. 002i:.¦¦¦! Itroad Street; l« solo agent fnr HngeyKlt-_ ttent-rs for Rlchmond ntxl Manchester.


WANTED. YOU TO KNOW our Night Schoolwlll reopen October Oth. Rookkcoplng. Stono.grnphy, Typewrltlng. Penmnnsiiln. Arlthmetlc,Enelish. thorouglilv tnuglit: terms rensonable,Lndles nnd gentlemen ndmltted. Enroll Mon-clay nlrht. MASSBY BUSINESS COLLEGE,70/, Fn«t Mnln Street.


RUPTURE AND PILES oired; no loss of tlmefrom buslness: no itnlf... no danger: rheu.rmtlsm nnd chronic dlseaseB enr««1: free X-Knv o.iunln»tlon: Sir. r»«t Franklln.


BFAUTIFUL DISPLAY of Horse Show HATS atMrs. W. L. WOKTHAM'S. 210 Vorth Thlrd.between Orace nnd Hrond. Dou't fnll to callnnd oxamliie them.


$90.00.HANDSOMELY Cnrved Rosewocd SquaroPIANO; cost when new. $500; our prlce only$00; n real linrgnln. and wlll he exchangedwlthln three vears and full value allowed on

nprlght. Terms. $3 ensh nnd $3 per month.THE CABLE COMPANY. No. 213 E, BroadStreet.

PIANOS.«'!'>, J25, $35. SM>. $75, $90. Theseinstruuients hnve been taken in i-xchsnge as

I.ert pavment on the famous CABLK PIANO;wlll sell on easy terms. If you havo any usefor n piano lt will pny you to rnll nnd exnm-

Inc these Inslrumenta. THB CABI.B COM¬PANY. No. 2)3 Enst Itroad Street.

$225.00.UPRIGHT PIANO: ma^niflcent caae.sweet tone. three pcdnlB. trlple strlngs. nllmodern linnrorrmeribs. Thls Is nn exceptlonalbnrgnlu. Write or call. THE CABLE COM¬PANY. No, 213 Enst Ilroad Street.

$250.00.$15 down and $7.00 a month, withoutInterest. will hny n One PIANO from us thatcniinnt he diipllcnted elsewhere for less than.J3.V10O. Seo and hear lt. THB CABLECOMPANY. No. 213 E. Broad Street.

BARGAINS.One beautlf.'il Mahogany Uprlght,cost new. $100.00; our prlce $211!) 00, THECABLE COMPANY. No. 213 E. Ilroad Street.

ONE CABINET ORAND UPIUGHT. all modernImproYoments, hlgbest grade, orlglnally cost$4.r.0.00; our prlce $285.00; terms to suit.TIIE CABLE COMPANY. No. 213 E. Broad


WANTED, YOU TO KNOW our Night Sohoolwlll reopen Oth. Book-keeplng, Steno-graphv, Typewrltlng, Penmanahlp, Arlthmetlc,English t'horonghlv taught; tertnfl na nible.Lndles nnd gentlemen Bdmltted. Bnroll Mon-dav nlght. MASSBY IJISINESS COLLEGE,70,r, Enst Mnln Street.


PBICES REDUCED on watch wore: Cleanlng,Sl- Maln Serlni's. $1: twenty .vellrs. experl-ence WM. T0B1EN. .1r.. 40S B. Brond Street,Klchmnud. Va. Spectorles and Eyeglassei,

2,'. cts. All work gunr.inteerl.

REMOVALOLDFST IN CITY; ostnblished 1805, GEO. Al.FON'H \RI>, 300 S. Plue Stroet. Rlchmond,Va. cablnet mnker and ut.holsterer: nntlqiiowork r.Mnrod; new furniture made: nll wor«

gunrunteeil; ninnufucturer nf Gllt-Edge Furn'tiin- Pollsh.


TRY CENTRAL CAFE (successor to Bchleiror's)for ii Ilrst-clnss n.1, only 2T.C. Open dny.andnlght. OrderB promptly dellvered. Phone14..1; 007 Enst Marshall._.DOOK-BINDING AND PRINFINQ.


BLANK BOOKS mado to ordor; Magazlnes on

band; for sale. already bound. S. 11. ADMNBANU (-0.. No. (1 Governor Streot.


WHY PAY MORE when you can buy pure four-vonr-old Whiskey for $2 per "gallon; Old Colo-iilnl Wli'ilu'.v, now seven years old. $3 percullon; stlPPOil in blniik boxes to uny addreaa.Ml (,f the leading brnnila of Wlnea. Lli|iior«,nnd full stoek of Grocerlea nt GEO. M'D,BLAKE'S, 72(1 West Hrond Ktroel, Ittchmond.Va.


WANTED, the publlo to know that I am sell-ing soesoned I'lue Wood, sawed, nt $4.78per cord. A. J. BOISSEAU, Lllideli nud Boy-eily Stroelii. 'Phono 4IW0.


WANTED, YOU TO KNOW our Nlght Sohoolwlll reopen Ootober Oth. Ilook-keeplng. Stetio-graphv, Tv.iewtltlng, Peninaiishlp. Aflthmet 0,English, il.,,.ou:;lily taught; terms reasonable.Lndles and gentlemen "'V"1'!.'L *'...?'T ^?2"day nlght. MASSBY BUSINESS COU.hQI",700 Eusl Mnln Street._==bu sThii ess~opFort u n it i e s.

PATENTSQUARANTEED.Patents secured nr fen returned. (.end

mndcl oi- Bkotob for freo opinloris us toDatentahllity: «''»d fm' ",1,r UlUBtrateaiull" Hook-ffinest ptil.Ucatlnn Issued for-free dlstrlbution i oontalns 100 meohonWcnl movernentu: tolls bow to pbtaln «patent, Itow "»d what to Invent for pro¬flt bow to sell patents. law polnts forInvonTors. ete. Patents seoure-J througjjus iidvortlsod without clmiKo ln tlie l'ut-r-i'it Hicord. Suniple copy iroo. \\ o ulsosend freo our llst of iiiventlons wanted.


tftf F Btrtjot. Washlnston. 1), C.

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