the surface chemistry of propylene, 1-iodopropane, …

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The Surface Chemistry of Propylene, 1-Iodopropane, and 1,3-Diiodopropane on MoAl AlloyThin Films Formed on Dehydroxylated Alumina

Feng Gao, Yilin Wang, and W. T. Tysoe*Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Laboratory for Surface Studies,UniVersity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211

ReceiVed: January 10, 2006; In Final Form: March 27, 2006

The adsorption of C3 hydrocarbons propylene, 1-iodopropane, and 1,3-diiodopropane is studied in ultrahighvacuum on a molybdenum-aluminum alloy formed by molybdenum hexacarbonyl reaction with a planaralumina film grown on a Mo(100) substrate. Carbon-iodine bond scission occurs below∼200 K to depositiodine, and form propyl species from 1-iodopropane and a C3 metallacycle from 1,3-diiodopropane. Propylspecies either undergoâ-hydride elimination to yield propylene or hydrogenate to form propane. Propyleneadsorbs as bothπ- and di-σ-bonded species, and the di-σ form hydrogenates to yield propane, where theaddition of the first hydrogen to form propyl species is slower than the second hydrogenation step to yieldpropane. Propylene also thermally decomposes on the surface to desorb hydrogen and deposit carbon wherethe methylyne group is the most, and the methyl group the least reactive. The metallacyclic intermediatereacts to give an allylic intermediate, which forms propylene, but also decomposes by C-C bond cleavageto evolve ethylene and deposit methylene species on the surface. This is a key step in the mechanism proposedfor heterogeneously catalyzed olefin metathesis and this is the first time that this chemistry has been directlyidentified in ultrahigh vacuum.

1. Introduction

Mo(CO)6 has been extensively used as a catalyst precursor1-12

and more recently to generate model catalysts grown on planaralumina thin films in ultrahigh vacuum, where surface-sensitiveanalytical techniques can be used.13-16 Our recent studies haveshown that reacting Mo(CO)6 with aluminum17 and dehydroxyl-ated and hydroxylated alumina18,19thin films at 700 K depositsmolybdenum carbide incorporating a small amount of oxygen.Reaction of low exposures of Mo(CO)6 with an alumina thinfilm results in the formation of small molybdenum carbideparticles on the surface, while higher exposures (∼5000 L ofMo(CO)6) lead to a thin carbide film that completely coversthe surface.18 Annealing these films to∼1500 K causes COdesorption through alumina reduction by the carbidic carbon,and results in MoAl alloy film formation.17-19

Recently, studies of the chemistry of CH3I,20 CH2I2,21 andethylene and C2H5I22 on the MoAl alloy surface in ultrahighvacuum showed that besides hydrogenation, dehydrogenation,and dissociation, extensive methylene migratory insertion20,21

and H-D exchange reactions20-22 occurred. It appears that thecatalytic properties of the alloy are different from metallicmolybdenum, but rather similar to those of late transition metals.This has been rationalized by electronic effects where molyb-denum gains electrons by alloying with aluminum.

Since MoAl alloy surfaces are extremely effective formethylene insertion into surface-carbon single bonds to formhigher, singly bonded metal-alkyl groups,20,21this implies thatthey may also be similarly active for methylene insertion intothe carbon-surface bond of di-σ bonded olefin species to yieldmetallacycles. Metallacycles have been proposed to be thecentral intermediates in olefin metathesis catalysis, where the

reverse of the insertion reaction forms metathesis products. Sucha mechanism was first proposed by He´risson and Chauvin,23

and was recently confirmed in ultrahigh vacuum on modelmolybdenum carbide catalysts.24 As a precursor to studying themetathesis chemistry, we focus here on the surface chemistryof propylene, 1-iodopropane, and 1,3-diiodopropane (DIP) toinvestigate the behavior of C3 species, as a prerequisite tounderstanding the metallacycle formation pathway.

The formation and characterization of MoAl alloy films hasbeen extensively described.18 Briefly, they are formed byadsorbing 5000 L of Mo(CO)6 at 700 K onto a dehydroxylatedalumina film grown on a Mo(100) substrate to generate amolybdenum carbide film. This is then annealed to 1500 K togenerate a surface MoAl alloy. Alloy formation is confirmedby X-ray photoelectron and Auger spectroscopies where it isfound that the binding energy of the deposited molybdenum,following annealing, is lower than that of pure metallicmolybdenum.17,18 The thickness of the alloy film, based onAuger electron probe depth analysis, is estimated to be 3-4atomic layers22 with a Mo/Al atomic ratio of∼1.6.

2. Experimental Section

Temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) data were col-lected in an ultrahigh vacuum chamber operating at a basepressure of 8× 10-11 Torr that has been described in detailelsewhere13,17,18where desorbing species were detected with aDycor quadrupole mass spectrometer placed in the line of sightof the sample. Temperature-programmed desorption spectrawere collected at a heating rate of 10 deg/s. This chamber wasalso equipped with a double-pass, cylindrical-mirror analyzerfor Auger spectroscopy, where the spectra are typically collectedby using an electron beam energy of 3 keV and the firstderivatives are obtained by numerical differentiation.

* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Phone: (414) 229-5222. Fax: (414) 229-5036. E-mail:

12555J. Phys. Chem. B2006,110,12555-12571

10.1021/jp060188u CCC: $33.50 © 2006 American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web 06/08/2006

X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) were collected in anotherchamber operating at a base pressure of 2× 10-10 Torr, whichwas equipped with an X-ray source and double-pass cylindricalmirror analyzer. Spectra were typically collected with an MgKR X-ray power of 250 W and a pass energy of 50 eV. Thealumina substrate was sufficiently thin that no charging effectswere found and the binding energies were calibrated by usingthe Mo 3d5/2 feature (at 227.4 eV binding energy) as astandard.17,18 Temperature-dependent XP and Auger spectrawere collected by heating the sample to the indicated temper-ature for 5 s, allowing it to cool to 150 K, following which thespectrum was recorded.

Infrared data were collected with a Bruker Equinox infraredspectrometer equipped with a liquid nitrogen cooled, mercurycadmium telluride detector operated at 4 cm-1 resolution anddata were typically collected for 1000 scans. The complete lightpath was enclosed and purged with dry, CO2-free air.15,16

The Mo(100) substrate (1 cm diameter, 0.2 mm thick) wascleaned by using a standard procedure, which consisted of argonion bombardment (2 kV, 1µA/cm2), and any residual contami-nants were removed by briefly heating to 2000 K in vacuo. Theresulting Auger spectrum showed no contaminants. Aluminumwas deposited onto Mo(100) from a small heated alumina tube,which was enclosed in a stainless steel shroud to minimizecontamination of other parts of the system.25 The alumina thinfilm is formed by cycles of aluminum deposition-water vaporoxidation-annealing, until the Mo(100) XPS or Auger featuresare completely obscured,18 yielding a film thickness of∼2 nm.

Molybdenum hexacarbonyl (Aldrich, 99%), propylene (Mathe-son, 99.5%),d6-propylene, CD2dCH-CH3, CH2dCH-CD3

(Cambridge Isotope,g99% D), 1-iodopropane, and 1,3-di-iodopropane (Aldrich, 99%) were transferred to glass vials,connected to the gas-handling line of the chamber, and purifiedby repeated freeze-pump-thaw cycles, followed by distillation,and their purities were monitored by mass spectroscopy. Thesewere dosed onto the surface via a capillary doser to minimizebackground contamination. The exposures in Langmuirs (1 L) 1 × 10-6 Torr s) are corrected by using an enhancementfactor determined by temperature-programmed desorption (seeref 13 for a more detailed description of this procedure). H2

and D2 (Matheson,g99.5%) were used without further purifica-tion.

3. Results

3.1. Propylene on a MoAl Alloy.The surface chemistry ofpropylene on a MoAl alloy surface was investigated withtemperature-programmed desorption (TPD). Figure 1 displaysa number of TPD profiles as a function of propylene exposure,monitoring desorption at 42 (C3H6), 2 (H2), 16 (CH4), and 29(C3H8) amu. As shown in Figure 1a, essentially no propylenedesorption is found at an exposure of 0.2 L, suggesting completedissociation of adsorbed propylene. At a propylene exposureof 0.5 L, two weak desorption peaks are found at∼210 and∼340 K, respectively. At an exposure of 1 L, the intensity ofboth states increases, and the desorption temperature of the low-temperature state decreases to∼195 K. Upon further increasingthe exposure to 2 L, an extra low-temperature state develops at∼175 K, and the desorption temperature maximum of the high-temperature state also decreases. The intensity of the 175 Kstate continues to increase at higher exposures and saturates ata propylene exposure of∼7.5 L (not shown). Figure 1b depictsthe H2 desorption profiles. At the lowest propylene exposure(0.2 L), H2 desorbs at∼390 K. The H2 yield increases withincreasing propylene exposure, accompanied by a desorption

temperature decrease. At propylene exposures of 2 L and above,the H2 yield saturates and the desorption temperature remainsconstant at∼370 K. The hydrogen desorption profile followinghydrogen adsorption on the MoAl alloy resembles that shownin Figure 1b, indicating that propylene has decomposed at lowertemperatures. Note that the 2-amu signal below 200 K atpropylene exposures of 2 L and above is due to fragmentationof molecular propylene. Shown in Figure 1c, at propyleneexposures from 2 to 7.5 L, weak yet detectable methanedesorption is found at∼325 K and this increases to∼350 K ata propylene exposure of 10 L. The 16-amu signal at lowtemperatures is due to fragmentation of molecular propyleneand CO contaminant. Figure 1d plots the 29-amu (propane)desorption profiles, which is a very weak fragment of propylenebut the most intense for propane so that these traces representpredominantly propane desorption. It is found, at propyleneexposures of 0.5 and 1 L, that weak yet detectable desorptionappears at∼250 K. At propylene exposures of 2 and 5 L, theintensity of this desorption state increases and the desorptionpeak maximum also increases slightly to∼270 K. Apparently,this desorption state is due to propylene self-hydrogenationwhere surface hydrogen originates from propylene dissociationand background H2 adsorption. Meanwhile, sharp featuresappear below 200 K at propylene exposures of 1 L and above.Since the desorption temperature and line-shape of this stateresemble that of the 42 amu state (Figure 1a), it is assigned tofragmentation of the parent molecule. As will be shown below,no propane formation occurs at this temperature.

It appears that two propylenic species form on the alloysurface, one that desorbs at below 200 K, and another thatpersists to much higher temperatures (Figure 1a). To establishthe nature of these two species, reflection-absorption infraredspectroscopy (RAIRS) experiments were conducted and theresults are displayed in Figure 2, where 10 L of propylene wasadsorbed on the alloy surface at 80 K, and subsequently annealedto higher temperatures. Following each annealing step, thesample was allowed to cool to 80 K before each spectrum wastaken. It should be mentioned that propylene has a number ofinfrared modes below 1000 cm-1, especially the generally mostintenseν(C-CH3) mode at∼910 cm-1. Unfortunately, theseare obscured by an intense alumina LO mode.26,27 Followingadsorption at 80 K, features at 3072, 3056, 2977, and 2940 cm-1

are found in the C-H stretching region. In the low-frequencyregion, relatively intense modes are detected at 1645, 1452, and1435 cm-1. Comparing these features with solid/gas-phasepropylene (Table 128,29) immediately suggests that at least aportion of the adsorbed propylene adopts aπ-bonded conforma-tion on the surface at 80 K. Annealing to 150 K causes thedisappearance of the 3072- and 3056-cm-1 features and a drasticattenuation of the 2977-cm-1 peak, indicating the desorptionof π-bonded propylene. The CdC vibrational mode at 1645cm-1 is still detectable, suggesting a portion ofπ-bondedpropylene still stays on the surface. In the meantime, the relativeintensity of the 1435-cm-1 feature increases compared with thatat 1452 cm-1. Annealing to 180 K substantially decreases theintensity of the CdC vibrational mode, and results in a furtherincrease in intensity of the 1435-cm-1 feature compared to thatat 1452 cm-1. On heating to 200 K, the only detectable featuresare a C-H stretching mode at∼2923 cm-1 and a CH2

deformation mode at∼1433 cm-1, which are assigned to di-σ-bonded propylene.30,31 No features are detected above thenoise level at 220 K and higher. Experiments were alsoperformed by adsorbing propylene on the alloy surface at 300K and no detectable features were found (not plotted), indicating

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no propylidyne formation on the surface. The RAIRS results,together with TPD data shown in Figure 1a, suggest that bothπ- and di-σ-bonded propylene adsorb on the alloy surface andthat the former desorbs below 200 K. Efforts were also madeto adsorb lower exposures of propylene on the alloy surface at80 K to explore whether di-σ-bonded propylene forms prior toπ-bonded propylene, as seen on other surfaces,30,31but no signalabove the noise level could be identified. In fact, even when10 L of propylene was adsorbed at 80 K where relatively strongfeatures can be detected, the quality of the infrared data issubstantially worse than that obtained following propylene

adsorption on a Pd(111) single crystal30 with use of identicalexperimental apparatus.

Data shown in Figure 1d indicate that di-σ-bonded propylenehydrogenates to form propane where surface hydrogen originatesfrom both propylene dissociation (self-hydrogenation) andbackground H2 adsorption. Since background H2 always adsorbson the surface during sample cooling, and since it is relativelydifficult to choose the proper mass to monitor propane formation(29 and 43 amu contain a contribution from molecular propyl-ene, at least at large propylene exposures, and 44 amu containsa contribution from background CO2 adsorption), propylene self-

Figure 1. Temperature-programmed desorption spectra of propylene adsorbed on a MoAl alloy at 150 K as a function of propylene exposure,where the exposures are marked adjacent to the corresponding spectrum, monitoring (a) 42 (propylene), (b) 2 (hydrogen), (c) 16 (methane), and (d)29 (propane) amu. The data were collected at a heating rate of 10 deg/s.

Adsorption of C3 Hydrocarbons J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 110, No. 25, 200612557

hydrogenation and hydrogenation was explored by using C3D6

and D2 and the results are displayed in Figure 3, wheredesorption at 52 amu (C3D8) was monitored. Figure 3a depictspropane formation through self-hydrogenation. Almost no C3D8

desorption is found at a C3D6 exposure of 0.5 L, while atexposures of 1 L and above, C3D8 desorbs at∼260 K, a temp-erature similar to that seen in Figure 1d. When the alloy surfaceis predosed with 20 L of D2 prior to C3D6 adsorption, the C3D8

yield is much larger (Figure 3b). Note that even at a propyleneexposure of 0.5 L, where no propane desorption is found fromthe bare alloy surface, extensive propane desorption occurs fromthe deuterium-covered surface, at∼260 K. The relative yieldsof propane (measured by integrating the desorption peak areas)are plotted as an inset to Figure 3b as a function of propyleneexposure to both bare and deuterium-covered surfaces. In bothcases, the propane yield saturates at a propylene exposure of 4L, while the saturation yield of propane on the deuterium-covered surface is∼3 times larger than that on the bare surface.Note also that no propane formation is found below 200 K.

H-D exchange reactions were conducted on the alloy surfacewith TPD to monitor the desorption of propylene and propaneisotopomers. Figure 4a displays the desorption profiles between29 and 32 amu following a 10 L C3H6 exposure to a surfaceprecovered by 20 L of D2 where these masses are due mainlyto C2 fragments of propane isotopomers. Note that the low-

temperature desorption at 29 and 30 amu is due to fragmentationof molecular C3H6 (Figure 1d). These desorption profiles clearlyindicate that H-D exchange does occur on the surface and thatthe propane isotopomers desorb at∼260 K, indicating that onlydi-σ-bonded propylene undergoes H-D exchanges, as suggestedpreviously.32 Figure 4b displays the corresponding spectrabetween 43 and 52 amu. Masses above 48 amu can be assignedunambiguously to propane isotopomers; in particular the 51 and52 amu signals are assigned to C3HD7 and C3D8, respectively.However, the desorption profiles at from 43 to 48 amu maycontain contributions from both propylene and propane isoto-

Figure 2. Reflection-absorption infrared spectra (RAIRS) followingthe adsorption of 10 L of propylene on a MoAl alloy as a function ofannealing temperature, where the annealing temperatures are displayedadjacent to the corresponding spectrum.

TABLE 1: Comparison of the Vibrational Frequencies(cm-1) of Propylene Adsorbed on a MoAl Alloy at 80 K withthe Vibrational Frequencies of Solid or Gas-Phase Propylene

10 L C3H6/MoAl at 80 Ka

solid/gas-phasepropyleneb assignmentc

3072 -/3081 νa (CH2)3056 3064/3067 overtone2977 2970/2979 νs (CH2)

-/2960 νa (CH3)2940 2934/2942 overtone1646 1647/1647 ν (CdC)1452 1453/1448 δa (CH3)1435 1437/1416 δ (CH2)

aThis work. b Taken from refs 26 and 27.c ν, stretching;δ, deforma-tion; a, asymmetric; s, symmetric.

Figure 3. Temperature-programmed desorption spectra of C3D6

adsorbed on (a) a clean MoAl alloy surface and (b) an alloy surfaceprecovered by 20 L of D2, monitoring 52 amu (propane) as a functionof C3D6 exposure, where the exposures are marked adjacent to thecorresponding spectrum. Shown as an inset is a plot of the propaneyield as a function of propylene exposure on the clean and deuterium-covered alloy surface.

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pomers and this will be discussed in more detail below. Notethat the low-temperature peak at 43 amu is due to propylene,and the high-temperature tail of the 44 amu signal is due tosome background CO2 adsorption. More interestingly, therelative yields of these masses (measured from the integratedareas under the desorption peaks) display a U-shape distributionas shown in the inset to Figure 4b. Experiments were alsoperformed by varying the propylene and D2 exposures (datanot shown). Although the relative yields of different massesvary slightly in different cases, the U-shape distribution is alwaysmaintained as long as the D2 exposure is greater than thepropylene exposure. Note also that the desorption temperatureof the 49 to 52 amu features is also slightly higher than that forthe 43 to 48 amu signals.

Carbon deposition was detected by using Auger spectroscopyfollowing propylene adsorption when the sample was heatedto above 750 K. The deposited carbon (as a carbide) is easilyremoved by annealing the sample to above 1200 K, where itreacts with the alumina substrate to form CO. This has beendescribed in detail recently for an analogous situation forethylene.22

The data shown in Figure 2 reveal that no detectable infraredfeatures persist on the surface after annealing the alloy above220 K, nor following propylene exposure to the alloy surfaceat room temperature. However, TPD experiments detect methaneformation (Figure 1c), although with rather low yields. Thisindicates that some surface C1 species are generated duringpropylene decomposition. To gain a better understanding of thedissociation process, TPD experiments were performed withdeuterium-labeled propylene including CD2dCH-CH3 andCH2dCH-CD3 to monitor desorption of H2, HD, and D2. Notefirst that adsorbing H2 and D2 on the alloy surface results inrecombinative desorption at∼300 K at high exposures. Sincebackground H2 always adsorbs on the surface, this willinevitably affect the desorption temperature of H2 and HD; a10 L exposure of propylenes was used to eliminate this effect.

As seen in Figure 5, by adsorbing 10 L of C3H6 on thesurface, H2 desorbs at aTmax of 373 K. This is essentiallyidentical with the deuterium desorption temperature followingadsorption of 10 L of C3D6. This rules out any large kineticisotope effect on the desorption temperature. Following theadsorption of 10 L of CD2dCH-CH3, H2 desorbs at 347 K,HD desorbs at 360 K, while D2 desorbs at 379 K. In starkcontrast, the desorption temperatures of H2, HD, and D2 are326, 372, and 435 K, respectively, following the dissociationof CH2dCH-CD3. These results provide some insights in thedissociation of propylene and will be discussed in more detailbelow. Note finally that no ethylene formation has been detectedby comparing the relative intensities of various masses duringpropylene desorption.

3.2. 1-Iodopropane on a MoAl Alloy. Figure 6 displaysRAIRS data collected following the adsorption of variousexposures of 1-iodopropane to the alloy surface and subse-quently annealing to higher temperatures where the exposuresand annealing temperatures are marked adjacent to the corre-sponding spectrum. Adsorbing 1 L of 1-iodopropane at 80 K

Figure 4. Temperature-programmed desorption spectra of 10 L of C3H6

adsorbed on an alloy surface precovered by 20 L of D2, monitoring (a)29 to 32 amu and (b) 43 to 52 amu. Shown as an inset is a plot of thedesorption yield as a function of mass.

Figure 5. Temperature-programmed desorption spectra of 10 L ofvarious propylene isotopomers on a MoAl alloy: C3D6, CH2dCH-CD3, and CD2dCH-CH3 monitoring the desorption of 2 (H2), 3 (HD),and 4 (D2) amu.

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results in the appearance of infrared modes assignable tomolecular 1-iodopropane,33-35 suggesting molecular adsorption(see Table 2). Note that the mode at 1270 cm-1 assigned toν(CC) + δ(CCC) is absent, indicating that the molecules lierather flat on the surface. This mode becomes clear at exposuresof 2 and 4 L, accompanied by an intensity increase of the otherfeatures. Annealing to 140 K does not result in any detectablechange in infrared features but the intensities decrease on heatingto 160 K, indicating molecular desorption. By 180 K, a furtherintensity decrease is found, while molecular modes are stilldetectable. By 200 K, all modes belonging to molecular 1-C3H7Idisappear and no strong features due to propyl or propyl-derivedspecies could be detected.

Figure 7a displays the narrow XPS scan data of the I 3d5/2

region following the adsorption of 10 L of 1-C3H7I on the alloysurface at 150 K and subsequently annealing to higher temper-atures. An I 3d5/2 binding energy is found at 620.2 eV at 150K. Annealing to 160 K caused the signal intensity to decreaseslightly and the binding energy is shifted to 620.0 eV. Uponheating the sample to 180 K, a further signal intensity decreasewas found and the binding energy shifted to 619.8 eV. Drastic

change occurs at 200 K. Besides a substantial decrease in signalintensity, the binding energy also decreases substantially to619.45 eV. This suggests that, together with desorption ofmolecular 1-C3H7I, extensive C-I bond cleavage occurs. An I3d5/2 binding energy of 619.2 eV was found after the samplehad been heated to 220 and 250 K and, in the meantime, nofurther signal intensity decrease was observed. On the basis ofRAIRS data shown in Figure 6 and TPD results presented below,the∼620.2 eV I 3d5/2 signal feature is due to iodine in molecularC3H7I, while the feature at 619.2 eV represents adsorbed iodineformed by C-I bond cleavage. All features were therefore fittedinto two Gaussian curves centered at 620.2 and 619.2 eV,

Figure 6. Reflection-absorption infrared spectra (RAIRS) followingthe adsorption of 1-iodopropane on a MoAl alloy as a function ofexposure and annealing temperature, where the exposures and annealingtemperatures are displayed adjacent to the corresponding spectrum.

TABLE 2: Comparison of the Vibrational Frequencies(cm-1) of 1-Iodopropane Adsorbed on a MoAl Alloy at 80 Kwith the Vibrational Frequencies of Liquid 1-Iodopropane


4 L 1-iodopropane/MoAl at 80 Kb assignmentc

2967 2967 νa (CH3)2846, 2938 2933 ν (CH2)2876 2878 νs (CH3)1458 1460 δa (CH3)1435 γs (CH2)1380 1381 δS (CH3)

1270 ν (CC) + δ (CCC)1185 1191, 1183 τ(CH2)â, ω(CH2)R1090 ν (CC) orF (CH3)

a Taken from refs 33-35 b This work. c ν, stretching;δ, deformation;γ, scissoring;τ, twisting; ω, wagging;F, rocking; a, asymmetric; s,symmetric;R, methylene bonded to iodine;â, methylene bonded tomethyl.

Figure 7. (a) I 3d5/2 and (b) C 1s photoelectron spectra of 10 L of1-iodopropane adsorbed on a MoAl surface at 150 K and heated tovarious temperatures, where the annealing temperatures are displayedadjacent to the corresponding spectrum. Shown as an inset are the areasof the I 3d5/2 signals from 1-iodopropane (centered at 620.2 eV) andatomic iodine (centered at 619.2 eV) plotted as a function oftemperature.

12560 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 110, No. 25, 2006 Gao et al.

respectively, each curve having a fwhm ofe2 eV, where onlythe amplitude and background were allowed to vary. The areaunder each curve is also plotted versus annealing temperature,as an inset to Figure 7a. This clearly demonstrates that moleculardesorption ceases at∼220 K and C-I bond cleavage com-mences as low as 160 K and by 200 K it is almost complete.Figure 7b displays the corresponding C 1s spectra where a C1s binding energy was found at 284.5 eV at 150 K, whichdecreased slightly to 284.4 eV at 160 K and 284.35 eV at 180K, together with a slight intensity decrease as the sample washeated. Again, in accord with Figure 7a, the signal intensitydecreases substantially at 200 K suggesting extensive moleculardesorption. Due to low signal intensity, no efforts were madeto fit these curves into different components.

The surface chemistry of 1-C3H7I on the alloy surface wasfurther investigated with TPD. Figure 8a displays the desorptionprofile of the parent molecule (at 170 amu). No moleculardesorption is found at an exposure of 1 L, suggesting complete1-C3H7I dissociation. At an exposure of 2 L, very weakdesorption is found at∼220 K. The temperature of this statedecreases to∼210 K with increasing 1-C3H7I exposure, whilethe desorption yield continues to increase. At the highestexposure (10 L), a sharp feature appears at∼190 K, assignedto multilayer desorption, while the 210-220 K state is attributedto 1-C3H7I desorption from the monolayer. Figure 7b depictsthe corresponding 127 amu (I+) desorption features. These arevery similar to those at 170 amu suggesting that they are duemainly to molecular fragmentation. However, there are subtle

Figure 8. Temperature-programmed desorption spectra of 1-iodopropnae adsorbed on a MoAl alloy at 150 K as a function of 1-iodopropaneexposure, where the exposures are marked adjacent to the corresponding spectrum, monitoring (a) 170 (1-iodopropane) and (b) 127 (iodine) amu.The data were collected at a heating rate of 10 deg/s. Shown in panel c is the difference between the 127 and 170 amu spectra.

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differences. First, some extra desorption is found to hightemperatures of the molecular desorption peak (at∼250 K).Second, weak yet detectable intensity appears at∼400 K,especially at high 1-C3H7I exposures. This is highlighted inFigure 7c by performing a simple subtraction of the 127 and170 amu signals at an 1-C3H7I exposure of 8 L. The∼250 Kfeature is tentatively assigned to HI desorption and the∼400K feature to iodine-containing organoaluminum compounds(even though the chemical stoichiometry cannot be determined).

Figure 9 plots the desorption of reaction products fromadsorbed 1-C3H7I. Figure 9a displays the H2 desorption profilesas a function of 1-C3H7I exposure. At the lowest iodopropaneexposure (0.5 L), H2 desorbs at∼410 K, while between 1 and3.5 L, the H2 yield increases and the desorption temperature

decreases. Note especially that at exposures of 2 and 3.5 L, H2

desorbs at∼350 K. The H2 yield saturates at 1-C3H7I exposuresof 7.5 L and higher, and the peak temperature increases to∼380K. Figure 9b depicts the 40 amu (propylene) desorption profileswhere this mass is selected because it contains the lowestcontribution from the parent molecule and thus more accuratelyrepresents propylene, even though the signal intensity issubstantially lower than at 41 or 42 amu. At a 1-C3H7I exposureof 0.5 L, essentially no propylene desorption is found, while aweak feature centered at∼310 K is detected at an exposure of1 L. The desorption temperature decreases to∼300 K atexposures of 2 and 3.5 L. At higher exposures, besides theintensity increase of this desorption state, another high-temper-ature state starts to develop at∼380 K. The low-temperature

Figure 9. Temperature-programmed desorption spectra of 1-iodopropane adsorbed on a MoAl alloy at 150 K as a function of propylene exposure,where the exposures are marked adjacent to the corresponding spectrum, monitoring (a) 2 (hydrogen), (b) 40 (propylene), and (c) 44 (propane)amu. The data were collected at a heating rate of 10 deg/s.

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shoulder appearing at high 1-iodopropane exposures is due tofragmentation of the parent molecule. Figure 9c plots thecorresponding 44 amu (propane) desorption profiles. Only veryweak propane desorption is found at 1-C3H7I exposures of 0.5and 1 L sothat the desorption temperature cannot be accuratelydetermined. At higher 1-C3H7I exposures, two propane desorp-tion states are found: a sharp, low-temperature state at∼190K independent of 1-C3H7I exposure and a broad, high-temperature state between 265 and 240 K, with a desorptiontemperature decreasing with increasing 1-C3H7I exposure. Atthe highest 1-C3H7I exposure (10 L), these two states containsome contribution from fragmentation of the parent molecule.Note, however, another high-temperature propane desorption

state develops at∼340 K at the highest 1-iodopropane exposure.A number of other masses were also monitored and no othermolecules, for instance oxygenates or methane, were observed.Following the dissociation of 1-C3H7I on the alloy surface,atomic carbon and iodine are deposited. These desorb at hightemperatures in the form of CO and atomic iodine, respectively.Analogous behavior has been reported previously following thedissociation of CH3I, CH2I2, and C2H5I on the same surface,20-22

and will therefore not be discussed further.Figure 10 displays a similar series of TPD profiles on an

alloy surface initially exposed to 20 L of H2, to furtherinvestigate the hydrogenation of 1-C3H7I. Figure 10a plots the2 amu (H2) desorption profiles. At the lowest 1-C3H7I exposure,

Figure 10. Temperature-programmed desorption spectra of various exposures of 1-iodopropane adsorbed on an alloy surface precovered by 20 Lof H2, monitoring (a) 2 (hydrogen), (b) 40 (propylene), and (c) 44 (propane) amu. The 1-iodopropane exposures are marked adjacent to thecorresponding spectrum.

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H2 desorbs at∼286 K where the desorption temperatureincreases monotonically with increasing 1-C3H7I exposure, sothat at the highest exposure (10 L), it reaches∼370 K. Thisbehavior is different from that shown in Figure 9a and will bediscussed in more detail below. The propylene desorptionprofiles shown in Figure 10b appear to be similar to those seenin Figure 9b, except that the∼310 K state at high 1-C3H7Iexposures is always more intense than the∼380 K state, whilethis is not always true on the bare surface. Figure 10c plots thecorresponding 44 amu (propane) desorption profile where it isfound that the propane yields are substantially higher on ahydrogen-covered surface (note the different scale for Figures9c and 10c). Worthy of note is that, even at the lowest 1-C3H7Iexposure, propane is detected at∼190 K.

Finally, H-D exchange reactions are explored by adsorbing5 L of 1-C3H7I on an alloy surface precovered with 20 L of D2

and the results are plotted in Figure 11. Note first that thedesorption yield at 45 amu is substantially larger than that athigher masses. The desorption line shape at this mass is rathersimilar to that seen in Figure 10c suggesting that this is duemainly to C3H7D desorption. In contrast, for masses between46 and 48 amu, a single desorption state is detected at∼300 Kwith a desorption yield that decreases at higher masses. Formasses between 49 and 52 amu, again a single desorption stateis observed with a desorption yield that decreases at highermasses, but the desorption temperature decreases to∼283 K.The relative desorption yields between 46 and 52 amu areplotted as an inset to Figure 11. Again, masses between 49 and52 amu are readily assigned to propane isotopomers, namelyC3H3D5, C3H2D6, C3HD7, and C3D8, although higher massesmay have fragments contributing to the lower masses. Thefeatures from 46 to 48 amu are harder to assign unambiguouslysince these might contain contributions from both propyleneand propane isotopomers. However, the∼17 K peak temperaturedifference between these features and those due to the propaneisotopomers suggests that these are due mainly to propyleneisotopomers, considering the fact that propylene (Figure 10b)desorbs at higher temperatures than propane (Figure 10c).

3.3. 1,3-Diiodopropane (DIP) on a MoAl Alloy. Theinteraction between 1,3-diiodopropane (DIP) and the MoAlsurface was investigated with RAIRS. Figure 12a displays theRAIRS spectra obtained following exposure of the alloy to 10L of DIP at 80 K, where weak features are detected in the C-Hstretching region at 2955, 2882, and 2832 cm-1. At lowerfrequencies, strong features are found at 1414, 1343, and 1275cm-1, where the most intense feature is at 1197 cm-1. Annealingto 170 K causes the intensities in the C-H stretching region todecrease drastically, while the features at 1414, 1343, 1275,and 1197 cm-1 attenuate slightly, and drastic changes occurafter heating to 200 K. The 2955-cm-1 feature shifts to 2947cm-1 and the signal intensity increases substantially andadditional intense features appear at 1302 and 1155 cm-1. Theintensity of the 1414-cm-1 peak increases and it shifts to 1423cm-1, and a detectable shoulder appears at 1435 cm-1. Theintensities of features at 1343 and 1197 cm-1 also increase, whilea decrease is found for the 1275-cm-1 mode.

RAIRS spectra were also collected after exposure to 2 L ofDIP (Figure 12b) to more clearly examine the chemistry of DIPadsorbed on the alloy surface. Relatively intense features arefound at 1275 and 1199 cm-1 following DIP adsorption at 80K. No features are detected in the C-H stretching region (notshown). These features do not change dramatically uponannealing the sample to 180 K, but at 200 K, the intensity ofthese peaks decreases substantially. Note that a new featureappears at∼1190 cm-1 at 200 K (as a shoulder of the 1199-cm-1 signal) and is still detectable at 230 K. No features aredetectable by 250 K. DIP was also adsorbed on the alloy surfaceat room temperature (data not plotted) and no features weredetected.

XPS experiments were performed by adsorbing 5 L of DIPon the alloy surface at 150 K and subsequently annealing tohigher temperatures to determine the C-I bond cleavagetemperature. Panels a and b of Figure 13 display the I 3d5/2 andC 1s regions, respectively, which are very similar to those for1-C3H7I shown in Figure 7. The components of the spectra wereidentified in the same way as shown in Figure 7a and the insetdemonstrates clearly that molecular desorption ceases at∼230K and C-I bond cleavage is complete by∼200 K. Note thatDIP desorbs at slightly higher temperatures than 1-C3H7I.

TPD experiments were conducted to determine the surfacereaction products from DIP. Figure 14a displays desorptionprofiles at 169 amu (C3H6I+), which represents exclusivelymolecular desorption. Essentially no DIP desorption is foundat exposures of 1 and 2 L. At an exposure of 4 L, a sharpdesorption state is found at∼210 K with a high-temperatureshoulder (the desorption temperature of which is difficult toresolve). The high-temperature shoulder saturates at∼6 L butthe low-temperature state continues to grow with exposure. The210 K state is thus assigned to multilayer desorption, and thehigh-temperature state to desorption from the monolayer. Figure14b plots the hydrogen desorption profiles where the hydrogenyield is lower than that for propylene (Figure 1b) or 1-iodopro-pane (Figure 9a) at similar exposures.

Figure 14c plots the 42 amu (propylene) desorption profilesas a function of DIP exposures where at exposures of 5 L andlower all spectra display two desorption regimes. The low-temperature regime is assigned to fragmentation of molecularDIP, corresponding to molecular desorption shown in Figure14a, although the line shapes are not identical at these twomasses. Presumably the mass spectrometer sensitivity dropssubstantially at high masses. Note, however, some desorptiondoes occur at 42 amu at below 200 K, which apparently is not

Figure 11. Temperature-programmed desorption spectra of 5 L of1-C3H7I adsorbed on an alloy surface precovered by 20 L of D2,monitoring 45 to 52 amu. Shown as an inset is a plot of the desorptionyield as a function of mass.

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associated with molecular DIP. There could be two origins ofthis desorption state. It could either be due to desorption ofcontaminants (very likely 1-iodopropane) or to 1-iodopropaneformed from DIP at below 200 K, where a small portion ofDIP releases only one iodine atom and then hydrogenates.Nevertheless, this desorbs at rather low temperature so will notsubstantially affect high-temperature reactions on the surface.More interestingly, desorption occurs at∼320 K at DIPexposures of 2 L and higher. By monitoring masses between38 and 42 amu (data not shown) and comparing these withstandard cracking patterns of C3 compounds measured with thesame spectrometer, this is assigned unambiguously to propylenedesorption. Note in particular that this desorption is not due tocyclopropane since the latter molecule displays a stronger 42amu signal than that at 41 amu. Very little propane desorption(monitored at 29 amu) was found at∼250 K so that the spectraare not displayed.

Methane desorption is also explored following DIP dissocia-tion where Figure 15a plots the methane desorption as a functionof DIP exposure. Methane desorbs at∼280 K, detectable evenat the lowest DIP exposure where the methane yield found hereis much larger than that for propylene (Figure 1c), and thedesorption temperature is also substantially lower. This stronglysuggests that these originate from different surface intermediates.Figure 15b displays TPD spectra collected at 26, 27, and 41amu following the adsorption of 1, 2, and 5 L of DIP on thesurface. For direct comparison, the desorption at these massesfollowing the adsorption of 1 L of propylene is also displayed.Two key points should be noted. First, DIP dissociation resultsin much larger 26 and 27 amu signals relative to that at 41 amuwhen compared with propylene. Second, the 26 and 27 amudesorption temperature is also lower than that at 41 amu,especially at a DIP exposure of 5 L where, at this exposure, thedesorption temperature at 41 amu is∼320 K, identical withthat for pure propylene. However, the desorption temperatureat 26 and 27 amu is at∼280 K, identical with the methane

desorption temperature. These data clearly indicate that ethyleneis formed.

Hydrogenation of DIP is investigated on a deuterium-coveredsurface. In this case, 46 amu desorption was monitored to avoidany overlap with fragments of DIP and any potential contami-nants. It is found from Figure 16 that two desorption statesdeveloped at every DIP exposure at∼240 and∼300 K and areassigned, based on results shown below, to a hydrogenationproduct C3H6D2 and H-D exchange product C3H2D4, respec-tively. Again, this assignment is not completely unambiguousbecause of possible overlap of propylene and propane isoto-pomers.

Finally, H-D exchange reactions are performed by adsorbing3.5 L of DIP on an alloy surface precovered with 20 L of D2

(Figure 17). Similar to the behavior shown in Figure 11, the 43to 48 amu signals peak at∼300 K, and the 49 to 51 amu signalsat ∼280 K. Note that no signal was detected at 52 amu. Thesame behavior is found by varying the D2 and DIP exposures.We again assign desorption between 43 and 48 amu to propyleneisotopomers and desorption from 49 to 51 amu to propaneisotopomers. Low-temperature shoulders at∼240 K appearbetween 43 and 46 amu, but are absent at higher masses. Thisis due to hydrogenation without any H-D exchange. Thedesorption peak areas from 45 to 51 amu are also plotted as aninset where for 45 and 46 amu, only the area under the high-temperature peak is included.

4. Discussion

4.1. Molecular Adsorption/Desorption of C3 Species.Propylene adsorbs molecularly on the MoAl alloy surface at80 K. RAIRS data (Figure 2) clearly demonstrate that this adoptsa π-bonded conformation following a 10 L exposure. Thepresence of di-σ-bonded propylene is suggested by the presenceof features at 1433 and 2923 cm-1 and di-σ-bonded propylenehas been identified on a number of transition metal surfaces30,31

whereπ-bonded propylene desorbs below 200 K. The diminu-

Figure 12. Reflection-absorption infrared spectra (RAIRS) following the adsorption of (a) 10 and (b) 2 L of 1,3-diiodopropane on a MoAl alloyas a function of annealing temperature, where the annealing temperatures are displayed adjacent to the corresponding spectrum.

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tion of the CdC stretching mode at 1645 cm-1 (Figure 2), aswell as the TPD results shown in Figure 1a, provides evidencefor a π-bonded state that desorbs at∼200 K. Thus only di-σ-bonded propylene is present on the alloy surface at 200 K andabove and from Figure 1a desorbs at∼300 K and is completelyremoved by∼400 K. It should also be mentioned that thedesorption temperature of di-σ-bonded propylene decreasesslightly with increasing propylene exposure, due to repulsiveinteractions. Such intermolecular interactions are also reflectedin the RAIRS data where it is found that the relative intensitiesof the 1435 (δ(CH2)) and 1452 cm-1 (δa(CH3)) features for

π-bonded propylene vary as the sample is annealed from 80 to180 K suggesting methyl groups are more perpendicular to thesurface at higher coverages.

RAIRS measurements show that 1-iodopropane also adsorbsmolecularly on the alloy at 80 K (Figure 6) but no conclusionsregarding C-I bond scission and propyl group formation canbe drawn from RAIRS data. XPS results, however, provided aclearer picture of when the C-I bond cleaves where thephotoelectron spectra shown in Figure 7a demonstrate thatmolecular desorption ceases at∼220 K and that C-I bondscleave as low as 160 K and this process is complete by 200 K.This corresponds rather well with TPD data shown in Figure 8where multilayer desorption occurs at∼190 K and monolayerdesorption occurs at between 210 and 220 K depending oncoverage. Low-temperature propane formation shown in Figures9c and 10c proves that C-I bonds cleave below 200 K (Figure8), in accord with XPS data.

In the case of 1,3-diiodopropane (DIP), RAIRS revealssignificant structural information, particularly regarding con-formational changes at low temperatures. Bulk DIP can adoptthree molecular conformations: anti-anti (AA), anti-gauche(AG), and gauche-gauche (GG), with the GG conformationhaving the lowest energy.36 Upon adsorption, the interactionbetween DIP and the surface also allows for the existence of aso-called “standing up” conformation.37 Comparing the absor-bances at 80 K with solid DIP at 90 K,33,38 it is straightforwardto assign these to GG conformation, as expected (Table 3). Thesimilarity between the spectra taken at 80 and 170 K suggeststhat no drastic conformational changes occur within thistemperature range. However, the new features at 1304 and 1156cm-1 detected when the sample is annealed to 200 K stronglysuggest that a portion of adsorbed DIP converts to an AAconformation (Table 3). Since the 1197-cm-1 feature stilldominates, the proportion of the AA conformer is not large.More interestingly, the intensity increase of the 1197- and 1423-cm-1 features, especially the drastic increase in 2947-cm-1

signal, suggests that a portion of adsorbed DIP also adopts a“standing up” conformation. Note that since the various modesof GG and “standing up” conformations are essentially identi-cal,37 it is impossible to unambiguously distinguish these, exceptby comparing the relative intensities of various modes. Sincethese conformation changes do not profoundly affect the surfacechemistry of adsorbed DIP, they will not be discussed further.Nevertheless, it was found, in accord with a previous study,where a condensed layer of DIP (20 monolayers) adsorbed onPt(111) displayed similar conformational changes,37 and suchchanges also occur on a solid surface at much lower filmthicknesses.

The XPS data shown in Figure 13 demonstrate that C-I bondcleavage in DIP commences at∼175 K and is complete by200 K, and molecular desorption occurs below 230 K, consistentwith TPD results (Figure 14a).

4.2. Dehydrogenation and Reaction of C3 Species.Byanalogy with the chemistry on many late-transition-metalsurfaces, the dissociation of propylene eventually results incarbon deposition on the surface and H2 evolution. However,substantial differences are noted between the chemistry on aMoAl alloy and close-packed, late transition metals.30,31 It isfound that, for both normal and deuterium-substituted propylene(C3D6, CD2dCH-CH3, and CH2dCH-CD3) at various expo-sures (Figures 1b and 5), H2, HD, and D2 desorb as a singlebroad feature between∼250 and∼550 K. This strongly suggeststhat no stable hydrocarbon intermediates form on the surfacewithin this temperature range. This is in contrast to the chemistry

Figure 13. (a) I 3d5/2 and (b) C 1s photoelectron spectra of 10 L of1,3-diiodopropane adsorbed on a MoAl surface at 150 K and heated tovarious temperatures, where the annealing temperatures are displayedadjacent to the corresponding spectrum. Shown as an inset are the areasof the I 3d5/2 signals from 1,3-diiodopropane (centered at 620.2 eV)and atomic iodine (centered at 619.2 eV) plotted as a function oftemperature.

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on close-packed, late-transition metals where hydrogen desorbsin several well-resolved states due to the formation anddecomposition of propylidyne, a species that is stable even aboveroom temperature.30,31Nevertheless, the breadth of the hydrogendesorption state indicates that this is due to slightly differentdehydrogenation kinetics of the various CHx groups. This isexplored by using different propylene isotopomers (Figure 5).First note, as emphasized above, that the hydrogen (deuterium)desorption profiles for C3H6 and C3D6 are almost identicalindicating that the shift in peak position due to kinetic isotopeeffects is only∼6 K. Deuterium desorbs from CH2dCH-CD3

at∼435 K indicating that methyl group dehydrogenation occursat approximately this temperature. A simple Redhead analysis,39

assuming that dehydrogenation occurs as a first-order processwith a preexponential factor of∼1013 s-1, yields a corresponding

activation energy of∼110 kJ/mol. Similarly, deuterium fromCD2dCH-CH3 desorbs at∼379 K, corresponding to a slightlylower activation energy for methylene dehydrogenation of∼96kJ/mol. The lower temperature hydrogen (2 amu) desorptionstate implies that the hydrogen in thedCH- group cleavesbelow ∼326 K, with an activation energy of less than 75 kJ/mol. The ordering of these energies is completely different fromthe C-H bond strength in gas-phase propylene.40 However, thedecomposing propylene is di-σ-bonded on the alloy surface andthe methylene C-H bonds are weaker than those in the methylgroups in propylene (412 versus 423 kJ/mol40). The additionalstability of the methyl groups is likely to be due to steric effectssince it is farther away from the surface. Note also that smallamounts of methane form at∼325-350 K following propyleneadsorption (Figure 1c) but no ethylene formation is detected

Figure 14. Temperature-programmed desorption spectra of various exposures of 1,3-diiodopropane adsorbed on a MoAl alloy surface, monitoring(a) 169 (1,3-diiodopropane), (b) 2 (hydrogen), and (c) 42 (propylene) amu. The 1,3-diiodopropane exposures are marked adjacent to the correspondingspectrum.

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(Figure 15b, right column). These results are consistent withthe following reaction pathway: first hydrogen in the CH andCH2 groups is released and the resulting intermediate undergoescarbon-carbon bond cleavage, accompanied by additional C-Hbond scission to generate surface CHx species. Further decom-position of the latter species results in the formation of atomiccarbon or they can hydrogenate to yield small amounts ofmethane. The slightly higher desorption temperature of methaneat the highest propylene exposure (Figure 1c) suggests that atlow exposures propylene bonds stronger with the surface sothat CHx species are generated at lower temperatures.

The first reaction step in 1-iodopropane decomposition is C-Ibond cleavage. This has been observed repeatedly on varioussurfaces, due to the much lower bond strength of the C-I bondcompared to C-C or C-H bonds.41,42Even though no informa-tion regarding the formation of propyl species can be obtainedfrom RAIRS experiments (Figure 6), XPS results indicate thatthis process is complete by∼200 K (Figure 7). The main C3reaction product from the resulting propyl species is propylene(Figure 9b), formed byâ-hydride elimination. Some additionalcomments concerning propylene desorption are warranted. First,at low 1-iodopropane exposures, propylene desorbs at∼300

K, a temperature similar to desorption of pure propylene fromthe surface (Figure 1a). Presumably propylene desorption in thiscase is desorption-rate limited, where the propyl intermediateundergoes rapidâ-hydride elimination to generate di-σ-bondedpropylene below its desorption temperatures. Second, at high1-iodopropane exposures (>3.5 L), in addition to this desorptionstate, another high-temperature reaction channel develops onthe surface also leading to propylene desorption at∼380 K.The low-temperature shoulder (Figure 9b) at high 1-iodopropaneexposures is likely to be due to fragmentation of the parentmolecule suggesting the surface has become crowded. It isreasonable to suggest that, at low iodopropane exposures,sufficient vacant sites are present on the surface to allow facileâ-hydride elimination reactions to occur. In contrast, on acrowded surface, theâ-hydride elimination reaction requires the

Figure 15. Temperature-programmed desorption spectra of variousexposures of 1,3-diiodopropane adsorbed on a MoAl alloy surface,monitoring (a) 16 (methane), (b) 41 (propylene), and 26 and 27(ethylene) amu. The 1,3-diiodopropane exposures are marked adjacentto the corresponding spectrum.

Figure 16. Temperature-programmed desorption spectra of variousexposures of 1,3-diiodopropane adsorbed on an alloy surface precoveredby 20 L of D2, monitoring 46 amu (propane). The 1,3-diiodopropaneexposures are marked adjacent to the corresponding spectrum.

Figure 17. Temperature-programmed desorption spectra of 3.5 L of1,3-diiodopropane adsorbed on an alloy surface precovered by 20 L ofD2, monitoring 43 to 52 amu. Shown as an inset is a plot of thedesorption yield as a function of mass.

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desorption of propylene to create vacant sites for hydrogen,resulting in the additional high-temperature propylene desorptionstate.

On a H2-precovered surface, subtle differences regarding thesetwo desorption states are observed (Figure 10b). First surfacehydrogen may modify the geometry of surface propyl speciesto some extent and the H2 desorption profiles presented in Figure9a provide evidence in support of this suggestion. At 1-iodopro-pane exposures between 0.5 and 3.5 L, the hydrogen desorptiontemperature decreases and the yield increases suggesting thatthe â-hydride elimination step is not hindered. At higheriodopropane exposures (5 L and above), the H2 desorptionprofiles become sharper at temperatures close to the high-temperature desorption state of propylene. This clearly indicatesrapid hydrogen combination immediately followingâ-hydrideelimination, which then becomes the rate-limiting step forhydrogen formation on a crowded surface. It should be pointedout that no methane or ethylene formation has been detectedfollowing 1-iodopropane adsorption.

Carbon is deposited onto the alloy surface following 1-io-dopropane adsorption at low temperatures and after annealingto ∼750 K. Due to the low XPS cross-section for carbon, thisis not detected spectroscopically (Figure 7b). However, Augermeasurements after heating to 750 K clearly detected carbon,suggesting a portion of propyl-derived species decomposescompletely.

XPS measurements indicate that C-I bond cleavage ofadsorbed DIP occurs below 220 K (Figure 13), at a temperaturesimilar to that for 1-iodopropane (Figure 7). It is impossible todetermine, however, whether C-I bonds cleave concurrentlyor sequentially for DIP molecules from the XPS data. However,the low-temperature desorption signal at 42 amu shown in Figure14c, likely due to fragmentation of 1-iodopropane, suggests thatC-I bonds may cleave sequentially.43 Again, although RAIRSresults provide no strong evidence for the formation of C3

metallacycle species on the surface following C-I bond scission(although a shoulder at 1190 cm-1 at 200 K (Figure 12b) maybe due to a methylene twisting mode of C3 metallacycle), thefact that DIP adopts a GG conformation on the surface, at leastat low exposures, and that C-I bonds cleave at rather lowtemperatures (Figure 13), strongly suggests that C3 metallacyclespecies are formed on the surface at above 200 K. As will beshown below, this is well supported by other evidence.

The data shown in Figure 14c demonstrate that propyleneforms at∼320 K following the formation of C3 metallacycles.The conversion of C3 metallacycles to propylene has beensuggested previously by Zaera et al.43 to involve η3-allylicintermediates, where C3 metallacycle first dehydrogenates to

form η3-allylic species and the latter species hydrogenate to formdi-σ-bonded propylene. However, another decomposition path-way is found for C3 metallacycle species on the MoAl alloy.The data shown in Figure 15a reveal methane formation at∼280K where the methane yield in this case is substantially higherthan that from either propylene (Figure 1c) or ethylene.22 Inaddition, the desorption temperature is also substantially lowerthan that in the latter cases (Figure 1c). In fact, this methanedesorption temperature is rather close to that due to methylenehydrogenation when formed from CH2I2 on the same surface.21

Figure 15b compares the desorption profiles at 26, 27, and 41amu following DIP adsorption and those for propylene at thesemasses. The much higher yields of 26 and 27 amu followingDIP dissociation immediately suggest that ethylene is formed.Note especially that at a DIP exposure of 5 L, ethylene desorbsat ∼280 K, lower than the propylene desorption temperature,yet identical with the desorption temperature of methane. Theseresults provide rather strong evidence for C3 metallacycleformation from DIP and furthermore indicate that the C3

metallacycle dissociates by C-C bond scission, to form surfacemethylene species and ethylene at 280 K or below, and thatthe methylene species hydrogenate rapidly to form methane at∼280 K. The remaining C3 metallacycles undergoâ-hydrideelimination to form surfaceη3-allylic species, which eventuallyhydrogenate to propylene and desorb at∼320 K. To the bestof our knowledge, this is the first direct experimental evidencefor the decomposition of C3 metallacycle species to formmethylene and ethylene on a surface in ultrahigh vacuum.

4.3. Hydrogenation of C3 Species.Self-hydrogenation ofpropylene occurs at∼260 K (Figure 1d) where hydrogenoriginates from background adsorption and propylene dissocia-tion. Sinceπ-bonded propylene desorbs below∼200 K, it israther clear that the 260 K propane desorption state originatesfrom the hydrogenation of di-σ-bonded propylene. However, alow-temperature 29 amu state is detected at high propyleneexposures. It appears that this is due completely to fragmentationof π-bonded propylene as evidenced by the data shown in Figure3, where no low-temperature propane formation was found.Figure 3 also demonstrates that propane formation is limitedby the availability of surface hydrogen (deuterium).

In contrast to the hydrogenation of propylene, two propaneformation states are found for 1-iodopropane hydrogenation(Figures 9c and 10c). A sharp propane desorption state is foundat below 200 K on both bare and H2-precovered surfaces wherethe propane yield is higher on the H2-precovered surface. Itcould be argued that this low-temperature desorption state couldbe due to the fragmentation of 1-iodopropane or CO2 contami-nants, but a similar feature at 45 amu (due to C3H7D) from aD2-precovered surface (Figure 11) immediately excludes thesepossibilities. A second propane desorption state is centered at∼250 K and the yield of this state is also much higher onhydrogen-precovered surfaces. On a crowded surface, somepropane also forms at even higher temperature (Figures 9c and10c) and this is likely to be due to hydrogenation of the portionof intact propyl species that had not yet dehydrogenated becauseof surface crowding.

The hydrogenation of surface propyl species provides aclearer picture of the propylene hydrogenation pathway. Itappears that initial addition of hydrogen to propylene to forma surface propyl intermediate is the rate-limiting step in thepropane formation reaction. Once the propyl species has beenformed, the second hydrogen addition proceeds rapidly.

Surface C3 metallacycle species also hydrogenate to formpropane. Unlike in the case of 1-iodopropane, where facile

TABLE 3: Assignments of the RAIRS Spectra ObtainedFollowing the Adsorption of DIP on MoAl Alloy Surfaces

solid DIPat 90 Ka

DIP under20 kbara

10 L DIP/alloy at 80 Kb

10 L DIP/alloy at 200 Kb assignmentc

1418 1414 1419 GG,γ(R-CH2)1338 1343 1342 GG,ω(â-CH2)1270 1275 1270 GG,ω(R-CH2)1197 1197 1196 GG,τ(R-CH2)

1435 1435 AA,γ(â-CH2)1424 1423 AA,γ(R-CH2)1415 AA,γ(R-CH2)1304 1304 AA,γ(R-CH2)1231 1238 AA,ω(â-CH2)1204 AA,ω(R-CH2)1154 1155 AA,τ(R-CH2)

a Taken from ref 38.b This work. c γ, scissoring;ω, wagging;τ,twisting; R, end methylene;â, center methylene.

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â-hydride elimination of propyl species provides the requisitehydrogen, only a small amount of propane is formed on a baresurface from DIP. One possibility is that C3 metallacycles donot easily undergoâ-hydride elimination, or that DIP adsorptioneffectively blocks hydrogen adsorption. This argument is partlyproved by smaller H2 yield from DIP dissociation (Figure 14b)than from propylene (Figure 1b) and 1-iodopropane (Figure 9a).Nevertheless, on a deuterium-covered surface, propane (C3H6D2)desorption is indeed found at temperatures slightly below 250K (Figure 16). Again, this provides additional strong evidencefor the existence of C3 metallacycle species on the surface. Thelikely reaction pathway is the initial addition of hydrogen tothe C3 metallacycle to form propyl species, which then rapidlyhydrogenate to form propane. As will be shown below, the∼300K desorption state at 46 amu is assigned to desorption of theH-D-exchanged product, C3H2D4.

4.4. H-D Exchange of C3 Species.H-D exchange is closelyrelated to hydrogenation and, in many cases, provides uniqueanduseful informationonhydrocarbonconversionreactions.32,43-46

Results shown in Figure 4a demonstrate that deuterium-substituted propane desorbs at∼260 K and this result correlatesrather well with Figure 4b. Unfortunately in Figure 4b, it is notpossible to unambiguously assign the desorption states between43 and 48 amu (that is, whether these are due to propylene orpropane isotopomers), because no apparent desorption temper-ature differences are evident. However, desorption at 52 amu(C3D8) clearly indicates all propylene isotopomers up to C3D6

are formed on the surface. The desorption temperature ofpropylene and propane isotopomers also suggests that only di-σ-bonded propylene undergoes H-D exchanges, in accord withprevious studies on Pt(111).32

In contrast to propylene, the assignments of H-D exchangeproducts with 1-iodopropane (Figure 11) and DIP (Figure 17)are relatively straightforward. The desorption temperature formasses between 49 and 52 amu (due to propane isotopomers)is ∼20 K lower than that for masses at 48 amu and below. Thisallows masses at 48 amu and below to be assigned mainly topropylene isotopomers, considering the fact that propylenedesorbs at higher temperatures than for propane from 1-io-dopropane (Figure 9) and DIP (Figures 14c and 16), and thatH-D exchange steps are generally fast.

A U-shaped isotope distribution is found following H-Dexchange of propylene (Figure 4b). It is expected that the yieldsof the final products should display an exponential decrease asthe degree of substitution increases.32 This is not the case forpropylene but true for 1-iodopropane (Figure 11) and DIP(Figure 17). Such a situation is relatively rare. However, similarbehavior has been found previously following exchange ofmethyl species with deuterium in UHV47 and ethane exchangereaction with deuterium at high pressures.48 Another issue withH-D exchange reactions is that C3D8 is formed from propyleneand 1-iodopropane, but not from DIP.

In principle, two mechanisms could explain the observedH-D exchange products. In the case of propylene, if H-Dexchange is initiated by a hydrogenation step, exchange willproceed by fast propyl-propylene-propyl interconversion steps,as proposed by Zaera et al.32,43 This process allows for theformation of all possible propylene and propane isotopomersas found experimentally for propylene (Figure 4) and 1-io-dopropane (Figure 11). Alternatively, reaction could be initiatedby a dehydrogenation step (so involves allylic intermediates)and therefore would proceed by allyl-propylene-allyl steps.As emphasized previously,32 interconversion between adsorbedpropylene and allylic species could account for the exchange

of all terminal hydrogen atoms, but does not explain exchangeof the hydrogen at the 2-position and allows the formation ofpropane isotopomers with at most 7 deuterium atoms as foundfor DIP (Figure 17). In cases of propylene (Figure 4) and1-iodopropane (Figure 11), since C3D8 is formed, propyl-propylene-propyl interconversion steps must be involved. Inthe case of DIP, the situation is more complicated. First, thedehydrogenation of C3 metallacycle (η3-allylic species forma-tion) appears to be irreversible, since hydrogenation productsonly up to 46 amu (C3H6D2) are formed at∼240 K (Figure17). This notion is corroborated by previous findings on Pt-(111).43 This indicates that H-D exchange reactions do notinvolve C3 metallacycle species. Second, the lack of C3D8

formation in the DIP case (Figure 17) may suggest H-Dexchange proceeds through allyl-propylene-allyl interconver-sions. However, it is rather difficult to rule out the involvementof propyl species, considering the close similarity in desorptiontemperature and relative yields of propylene and propaneisotopomers for 1-iodopropane (Figure 11) and DIP (Figure 17).Since all these reactions occur within a rather narrow temper-ature range, a conclusive picture cannot be drawn.

5. Conclusions

The chemistry of C3 hydrocarbons, namely propylene, 1-io-dopropane, and 1,3-diiodopropane, has been studied in ultrahighvacuum on a thin MoAl alloy film grown by reaction betweenMo(CO)6 and an alumina layer grown on a Mo(100) single-crystal substrate. XPS shows that C-I bond cleavage iscomplete by∼200 K, depositing the corresponding hydrocarbonfragment. Propylene adopts either aπ- or di-σ-bonded config-uration where the former desorbs at∼200 K and the latter at∼300 K. The methylene and methylyne C-H bonds cleave priorto the methyl C-H bonds where the resulting intermediatesdecompose to yield carbon, and evolve hydrogen and a smallamount of methane. Propylene hydrogenates to form propanevia a propyl intermediate, where the addition of hydrogen toform propyl species is slower than the subsequent hydrogenationstep to yield propane. In addition to hydrogenating, the propylintermediate can decompose via aâ-hydride elimination reactionto form propylene.

The metallacyclic intermediate formed from 1,3-diiodopro-pane can also hydrogenate to propane via a propyl species ordecompose to form propylene via an allylic intermediate.However, it is also found to decompose by C-C bond cleavageto desorb ethylene and form methylene species on the surface,which hydrogenate to yield methane. This is one of the stepsin the reaction pathway proposed for olefin metathesis byHerisson and Chauvin23 where the metallacycle is formed bymethylene insertion into the C-metal bond of ethylene andmetathesis products are formed by the reverse of this reaction.This is the first time, to our knowledge, that this pathway hasbeen directly identified on a surface.

Acknowledgment. We gratefully acknowledge support ofthis work by the Chemistry Division of the National ScienceFoundation under grant No. CTS-0105329. One of us (Y.W.)would like to acknowledge receipt of a Dissertation Fellowshipfrom the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

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