the solitary reaper——a poem of praise for nature

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The Solitary Reaper —— A Poem of Praise for Nature

Zhang Liping

(020214209, Class 2, Grade 2002, SFS, SCNU)


The Solitary Reaper (1805) is a famous romantic poem written by the great English poet William

Wordsworth after his trip to Scotland. It is actually a poem of praise for the beauty of nature and the

simple common rural people; thus it creates a harmonyharmonious


, peaceful and pleasant atmosphere

to readers. Aristotle, the greatest philosopher of ancient Greece, suggested that the arts arise out of two

impulses: the impulse for harmony and the impulse to imitate. (John Leo, 1984) It is no exception to

 poetry. The former impulse is referred to the harmonious pattern of sounds, and the latter one in

 poems is sound and sense. Therefore, apart from introducing the life of William Wordsworth, this

 paper will analyse this poem in phonetic, lexical, syntactic and semantic aspects. In addition, it will

then probe into the major characteristics of romantic poetry. Finally, this poem can be better 


Ⅱ Key Words

William Wordsworth, Beauty of Nature, Romantic Poetry

III Body

1. Brief Account of William Wordsworth

Most William Wordsworth’s poems are concerning  solitude, such as I Wandered Lonely as a

Cloud (1804), She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways (1799) and The Solitary Reaper (1805). It

seems that William Wordsworth enjoys the solitude of mind that, as far as he was concerned, could

 bring out a sublimation of soul. It is also important to be noted that William Wordsworth was greatly

attracted by Nature which has been the theme of most of his famous poems. The reason for his

 preference for this theme can probably traced back to his early life experiences.

William Wordsworth, (1770-1850), was the second child of John and Ann Wordsworth at

Cockermouth, Cumberland, on April 7th, 1770. Wordsworth was living a happy childhood at

Cockermouth until 1778, when his mother died and the family was split up. Wordsworth's sister 

Dorothy was sent to live at Halifax with her mother's cousin, and the boys of the family were sent to

school at Hawkshead where they were educated well and cared for. It is very likely that William

Wordsworth became a solitary person who has few friends but only Nature. In his writings about

childhood experiences in The Prelude he was often alone, as in the incident of the stolen boat (1. 356-

400), or if he was in company, would stand apart for a while to consider nature, as in the ice skating

incident (1. 415-462). However, owing to this solitary nature, William Wordsworth had gained anopportunity to think deeply and quietly, more importantly, to appreciate the beauty of Nature that is,

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more often than not, easily ignored by people. Just this solitary gave inspiration to William

Wordsworth’s numerous famous poems.

2. Brief Account of the Poem

1) Summary

The first stanza is the introduction of the poet’s encountering a solitary Scottish rustic girl who

was reaping and singing a fascinating, melancholy song which had a charm for William Wordsworth.

In the second stanza, the poet made two sharp comparisons of the melody to the sweet voice of a

nightingale and the song sang by a cuckoo-bird in spring. Moreover, he stated that her song was far 

more beautiful than them.

The third stanza is about the poet’s speculation of the content of the song which was sung in Scot

 ——whether it was about some old, sad matters or some sufferings of present time.

The fourth stanza serves as a conclusion in which the poet emphasizes the lingering effect of the

music on William Wordsworth.

2) Paraphrase

Look at that girl, a lone young Scottish rustic girl in the field! She is reaping and singing, alone.

You should stop here, or just pass silently! She is cutting and binding the wheat and, singing a

sorrowful song all for herself. Oh! Listen please, because the bottomless valley is reverberating with

the fascinating sound. Never did a nightingale sing out sweeter notes than the lonely girl to the tired, lonely groups of 

travellers in an oasis-like place amidst the Arabian Desert; nor did a cuckoo-bird sing ever sing such a

melodic song in spring time so as to break the calmness of the oceans among the farthest Hebrides.

Can anyone tell me what she is singing? Maybe it is about the sentimental lines of old,

unpleasant, far-reaching matters and the wars long ago. Or is it about some sadder ballad of today’s

familiar feelings, such as some natural sorrowful, sombre or painful ones, which have been

experienced, and may be experienced again in the future?

 No matter what the theme the young girl is singing, her song seems to be endless. I watch her 

singing to herself when bending and cutting the grain with her sickle. I listened, silently and without a

move. Then, when I climbed up the mountain, the melody of the song was still lingering in my mind

long after it was not been heard any more.

3. Major Theme of the Poem

The Solitary Reaper is a romantic poem written after William Wordsworth’s trip through Scottish

highlands. The images of the beautiful scenery of countryside attracted him greatly. The poet narrated

an experience of a short encounter with a solitary Scottish rustic girl whose song in Scot took him

deeply. Therefore, William Wordsworth watch her singing to herself in a distance so as not to disturb

her. Wordsworth is in awe of the girl's voice although the meaning of the song was incomprehensibleto him. Further, the tone of this poem is pleasant and it is a poem of praise on the natural beauty of 

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countryside as well as the rusticity of the simple rural people. The theme throughout the whole poem

seems to be the beauty of the song, and the lingering effect it leaves upon the poet.

4. Linguistic Presentation of the Theme

a. Phonological Features of the Poem


In the four stanzas, the first and fourth stanzas follow strictly the rhyme pattern ABABCCDD,

while the second and third stanzas are in the pattern of ABCBDDEE. Moreover, there are many

repetitions of vowel and consonant sounds, making emphasis, unity and harmony. For example, the

repetition of /ing/ sounds occurs throughout the poem. (single, reaping, singing, sing, nightingale,

thrilling, spring, breaking, thing, ending, bending) Even in the same line, there are the same sound, for 

example, sorrow, loss, or pain (Line 23) or listened, motionless and still (Line 29), etc.


The four eight-line stanzas of this poem are written mainly in an iambic tetrameter. Each stanza is

interrupted by a three-footed third line which breaks down the long octave into "digestible" units.

Therefore, in this way, William Wordsworth invited the reader to pause at this point.

b. Lexical Features of the Poem

Firstly, William Wordsworth used some poetic or obsolete words, for example,  Behold  (Look,

See), Yon (cf. German "jene"), vale (valley) vale profound  (word-order); (Stanza 1) chaunt  (sing)

(Stanza 2); numbers (lines, verses); lay (ballad, song) (Stanza 3).

Secondly, one of the most striking lexical characteristics of the poem is repetition of words which

express more or less the same meaning. For example,  solitude is the theme throughout the poem, and

William Wordsworth skilfully chose numerous to create a peaceful atmosphere in which readers are

able to concentrate on the "elementary feelings". The evidence can be found in the following: Solitary

(title);  single, solitary, by herself ,  Alone (Stanza 1). Besides, the comparisons in Stanza 2 describe

solitary scenes: lonely an oasis-like place ( shady haunt ) amidst a desert; the silence of 

the seas / Among the farthest   Hebrides;  still  (Stanza 4). Another example is the recurrence of words

meaning sound and music. There are:  singing, sings, listen, sound (Stanza 1); nightingale ... chaunt ,

notes, voice, heard, cuckoo-bird (Stanza 2); tell, sings, numbers, lay (Stanza 3);  sang, song,  singing,

listened, music, heard  (Stanza 4). By emphasizing the meaning of  solitude and music, the poem

implicates a harmony, for the rustic Scottish girl’s sweet voice stands out in such a peaceful

countryside background. This is probably why The Solitary Reaper is so popular.

Thirdly, the word overflow does impress me most. Owing to this word, the sounds of nature sung

out by the solitary girl are so vivid that readers seem to visualize the smooth movement of the notes

within the valley as well as to hear the song. In other words, William Wordsworth successfully

transferred the sense of hearing into visual, tactile and kinaesthetic feelings.

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c. Syntactic Features of the Poem

Imperative Sentence

There are a number of imperative sentences in this poem, especially in Stanza 1, for example,

 Behold her (Line 1); Stop here, or   gently pass! (Line 4); Oh, listen! (Line 7) With these imperatives,

the poet actually addressed readers directly. Therefore, the distant between he him and readers has

 been shortened. More importantly, the inviting beginning of this poem can quickly grasp readers’

attention. Furthermore, naturally, readers will follow the poet’s direction to involve themselves into

the tranquillity of the scene and the sounds of nature.

Inversed Sentence

Inversed sentences appear mainly in Stanza 2, for example,  No Nightingale did ever chaunt…

(L9); A voice so thrilling ne’er was heard… (Line 13) Obviously, William Wordsworth skilfully used

inversed sentences with the purpose of attracting readers, and more importantly, emphasizing that the

solitary reaper’s voice was matchless. Moreover, it should be noticed that using inversed structure

could keep the balance of sentences. In addition, it is really admirable that William Wordsworth

wisely chose two comparisons in which two contrasting notions, that is,  Arabian sands (Line 12) and

the farthest   Hebrides (Line 16). One is a desert, and the other is an archipelago.

Rhetorical Question

One can notice that rhetorical questions are used in this poem, all in the Stanza 3, Since it is

devoted to the poet’s wonders and speculation of the meaning of the song, the poet could not help

asking some questions. For instance, Will no one tell me what she sings? (Line 17); or is it some more

humble lay, Familiar matter of today? (Line 21,22); That has been, and may be again? (Line 24)

Although William Wordsworth asked these questions to himself, they are actually asked to the readers.

Thereby, the poet subtly got his readers involved in the perception of the scene, or rather, made them

 participate in his musings. Besides, the questions he raised seem to have no exact answers; therefore,

the emphasis of the impressiveness of the sound is created here. Moreover, rhetorical questions in

Stanza 3 diversify the structure of the poem, by compared with the more complex structure in Stanza

2; therefore make the sentence patterns more various.


In Stanza 2, parallelisms introduced by No ... and Among ... emphasize the Scottish girl’s unique,

natural voice, which can show that the poet was greatly impressed by the girl's voice in its own

 peculiar way. In addition, parallelism in poetry can make the poem sound more musical.

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Double Negation

It is easy to find out the first sentence at the beginning of Stanza 3 is a seemingly illogical

sentence. (Will no one tell me what she sings?) Generally, in modern English, according to the

grammar rule, two negatives make a positive. However, the double negation structure used by WilliamWordsworth here is by no means illogical, because such structures were found in all dialects of 

English of the earlier periods. Why the poet used the double negation at the very beginning of Stanza

3 is that he intended to emphasize that what he appreciated most is the song’s tone and the beauty of 

nature rather than the explicit content.


d. Semantic Features of the Poem

The Manner of Speech

The Solitary Reaper is not a complex romantic poem, compared with other s written by William

Wordsworth. It is rather straightforward and easy to understand, because the  poet poem is written in

first person narration and Wordsworth almost seemed to be talking to himself, but at the same time he

is explaining a story to the reader. Therefore, he chose plain words. Moreover, he mainly used simple

sentences to express his feelings such as the imperative sentences in Stanza 1 and some questions

raised in Stanza 3. In this way, the poet seems to be a friend of readers, and readers can undoubtedly

feel the strong feelings of the poet.


The themes of  solitude and music throughout the poem are embodied by numerous synonyms, for 

instance, single  , solitary, by herself ,  Alone (Stanza 1). Sound , notes, voice, numbers, lay, music.

(Stanza 2,3,4) With these synonyms, William Wordsworth impressed readers of the beauty of sounds

of nature. Moreover, owing to the synonyms, the poem is in every sense consistent.

5. Conclusion

Mr. Swinburne () once said: “In the whole expanse of poetry there can hardly be more perfect

and profound one than The Solitary Reaper” and exalted beauty. Indeed, The Solitary Reaper is a

 poem showing that common everyday events can have special significance and impact on us. It seems

to bring us into a peaceful world in which all the worries and sorrow disappear but only full of the

sweet sound sung by the lovely rustic girl, which actually brings peace to our mind. In conclusion, the

charms of this poem lie mainly in four characteristics of it which are also the features of Romantic


Love of Nature

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Wordsworth’s reference to the Vale profound  (  Line 6 ) reflects the mighty of the valley. In

addition, the  songs of birds (Line 9-16) show the pleasant of nature. Both of these two examples

manifest the power and mystery of nature.

Mysterious Events and Ancient Places

In this poem, examples of mysterious events and ancient places can be found in Stanza 2 and

Stanza 3. For instance, the mysterious element is the lonely rustic girl’s voice ( A voice so thrilling ),

 besides, in Line 20, the poet spoke of  Battles long ago. As for the ancient places are referred to the

Line 11-12 ( Arabian sands), and again in Line 16 (the Farthest Hebrides).

Concern for Common People

Just as Auguste Rodin’s famous saying goes (): Beauty is found everywhere. Our eyes do not

show a lack of sense of beauty, but a lack of observation. The character of this poem——a solitary

rustic Scottish girl who is so common that is easily neglected by people reflects William Wordsworth’s

special interests in common people and rural life. It cannot be better illustrated to this by what William

Wordsworth once stated in Preface to the Second edition of the Lyrical Ballads (1800):” Humble and

rustic life was generally chosen, because in that condition the essential passions of the heart find a

 better soil...; because in that condition of life our elementary feelings coexist in a state of greater 

simplicity, and, consequently, may be more accurately contemplated, and more forcibly

communicated; because the manners of rural life germinate from those elementary feelings, and, from

the necessary character of rural occupations, are more easily comprehended, and are more durable;

and, lastly, because in that condition the passions of men are incorporated with the beautiful and permanent forms of nature" *6*

Strong Emotions

Some human emotions such as sorrow, loss, and pain (Line 23-24) are the evidences of the poet’s

strong and spontaneous feelings in this poem. Just as William Wordsworth remarked: “All good poetry

is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.” The Solitary Reaper touches readers deeply by the

 poet’s true emotion.

IV References

[1] Auguste Rodin [M] Rodin.U.S.:

Smithmark Publishers,1994, p. 897-912

[2] John Leo [M]. The Complete Works Of Aristotle. London:

Princeton U. Press, 1984, p. 329-333.

[3] Mr. Swinburne [C]. The Complete Works of Algernon Charles Swinburne.London:

Heinemann, 1926. 407-437.

[4] Sylvan Barnet [C]. U.S:

Harper Collins Publishers,1985:126-127

[5] William Words [C]. Preface to the Second condition of the Lyrical Ballads. London:  Macmillan and Co., 1800

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V Appendix

1 Behold her, single in the field,

2 Yon solitary Highland Lass!

3 Reaping and singing by herself;4 Stop here, or gently pass!

5 Alone she cuts and binds the grain,

6 And sings a melancholy strain;

7 O listen! for the Vale profound

8 Is overflowing with the sound.

9 No Nightingale did ever chaunt

10 More welcome notes to weary bands

11 Of travelers in some shady haunt,

12 Among Arabian sands:

13 A voice so thrilling ne'er was heard

14 In spring-time from the Cuckoo bird,

15 Breaking the silence of the seas

16 Among the farthest Hebrides.

17 Will no one tell me what she sings? --

18 Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow

19 For old, unhappy, far-off things,

20 And battles long ago:21 Or is it some more humble lay,

22 Familiar matter of today?

23 Some natural sorrow, loss, or pain,

24 That has been, and may be again?

25 Whate'er the theme, the Maiden sang

26 As if her song could have no ending;

27 I saw her singing at her work,

28 And o'er her sickle bending: --

29 I listened, motionless and still;

30 And, as I mounted up the hill,

31 The music in my heart I bore,

32 Long after it was heard no more.

 ——William Wordsworth 语言模式与美感期末论文





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 You are a girl of literature with strong sense of language. Thank you for your

excellent work.

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