the road to the throne

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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Written by Maywald Jesudass, directory of the Christian Leadership department of Middle East Union.


The Road to the ThroneMaywald Jesudass

The Greatest King of Israel

Its commonly accepted that after Moses, King David is the

greatest leader of the Old Testament.

• While he was a teenager David was anointed to be the King of Israel – he may have been 16 yrs old.• He only became a King (of Judah) when he was 22 yrs. • When he was 30 years he became the King of Israel • He ruled the entire nation of Israel for 33 years. • In all he ruled for 40 years.

There are no easy steps

* From the grazing fields God brings David to the palace as a musician to King Saul. • He later becomes the armour bearer of the King. • His victory over Goliath and other victories elevated him to be the captain of a 1000. • Soon David was hunted like an animal by Saul. He was on the run – living in the caves • In Gath, David lived for 14 months and even joined force with the Philistines to attack Israel.

Anointed to be the King, it took David more than a decade to be

pronounced as the King of Israel. God used these years to Train ...

Equip David .

Lessons in Dependence

“The great honour conferred upon David did not elate him. Notwithstanding the high position which he was to occupy, he quietly continued his employment, content to await the development of the Lord’s plan in His own time and way. As humble and modest as before his anointing, the shepherd boy returned to the hills and watched and guarded his flocks as tenderly as ever.” EGW, PP 641.

• God revealed to this young shepherd King that the basic needs of the sheep and the children of Israel are the same. • They need the green pastures and the still waters. • They need to be led ... To sense his benevolence at low points.

• They need protection from enemies ... To be blessed and raised above their enemies.

• They need to live in prosperity ... To experience their cups overflowing.

“David, to be a King you need to be the shepherd of the people not a hired servant.”

This Christian leader fell on his knees and prayed,

“Lord this task of a King is weighing me down. Be my

Shepherd. Lead me that I may lead this people in the paths of


When a Christian Leader places his trust in his abilities,

in his brilliant high achieving team, and in his influential bosses ...

It is like the blind leading the blind.

To the Christian leaders of today, David says ... “Do not put your trust in princes” Ps. 40: 4

“It is better to trust the Lord” Ps. 118: 8

“Blessed is that man who makes the Lord his trust” Ps. 40: 4

“Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.” Ps. 125: 1

Christian Leaders who

know the Lord leave behind a

spiritual legacy.

Lessons in Consistency

• King David stepped into the palace grounds as a therapist. • Saul was losing his mind. He continued to reject God’s guidance. “He had no clear perception of the

offensive character of his sin, ... but brooded over what he thought was

the injustice of God in depriving him of the throne of Israel and in taking

the succession away from his posterity. He was ever occupied in anticipating the ruin that had been brought upon his house.” EGW, PP


•As David witnessed the mood swings of Saul he sensed darkness ... the demons at work. • Even his heavenly music could not keep the balance. Evil permeated the palace striving to eliminate righteousness. • More than once David became the target of Saul’s spear.

“God, I’m confused” “Tell me about it David”

“Didn’t you choose Saul as the King? Didn’t you fill him with your Spirit? What went wrong?”

“Yes I did. I even gave him a new heart. Saul was counted among the prophets. He started off well, then began to stray ... Moved away from My blueprint.”

“How can this happen to a chosen Christian leader?”

“Leadership pressures often leave them disconnected from the Source. They prefer to please people more than Me.”

“ You are talking about being consistent. This is so difficult my Lord.”

“My young King, consistent Christian Leadership is a miracle. Will you allow me to perform that miracle in your life?”

“let us run with endurance the race that is set before

us.” Hebrews 12: 1

Lessons in Captaincy

• David’s victories in battles made him a national hero. • They sang, “Saul has slain his thousands, And David his ten thousands.” 1 Sam. 18: 7• Saul knew that the Lord was with David and that the people loved him. • He was not only jealous but was afraid of David. • So he made David a captain over a thousand. Sent them to war against mighty foes. Hoping David will be killed. • But David and his men came back victorious. • Apart from God’s blessing, what are the reasons for David’s success?

David served without expectation.

People served him loyally.

While Saul was in the tent, David was in the battle fields.

A Christian leader leads from the front. Inspires his team.

• David knew each solider by name.• He knew about their families. • He talked to them about their strengths and areas for improvement. • He shared their joys and tears. Got involved with their life. • He asked them about their dreams ... The things they want to do, the places they want to go.• He told them the plans he has for them. • He placed them where they fitted in the best. • He was for the people whom he served.

“David, its good to build the walls, the palaces, the places

of worship and the roads ... It is better to build people. The

best Investment you can make is in humans.”

“I’ll do my best God.”

• David valued every soldier

• He was committed to develop people

• He provided leadership

• He shared leadership

• So they were victorious. A successful Christian leader empowers

every team member to succeed.

• A decade or more ... All those circumstances he was exposed to equipped David for greater service. • No time and training is wasted in God’s sight. Everything has a purpose.

• Davis was led ... He did not choose to be where he was.

• A committed Christian Leader is aware of God’s leading.


A Christian Leader is always willing to serve God and man in any

capacity - anywhere.

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