“the right way”

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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“The Right Way”. By: Kara Zielinski. Yea we can play with rocks and roll them on there. If we go outside first, we can play hopscotch. No we played that yesterday. I want to play jump rope. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


“The Right Way”

By: Kara Zielinski

No we played that

yesterday. I want to play jump rope.

If we go outside first, we can play


Yea we can play with

rocks and roll them on there.

Let’s ask Ms. T if we can use 2 of them to make it long. Then we can all play if 2 twirl and 2 jump.

We can play Teddy Bear then!

Girls, are you eating all of your lunches?

Your parents gave you all that

food for a reason, so I don’t

want you to throw any of it


Yes we’re eating. But Ms. T, can we use the jump ropes

today at recess? We want to play Teddy Bear!

No girls.

I told you last week you can’t tie 2 jump

ropes together because we only

have 2 jump ropes and the other kids

won’t get a chance to play with them.

But what if we

played with…

Not buts! You can only use 1 jump rope and

you have to play with it the

right way.

I was going to ask Ms. T the rules about

using our own stuff. I

brought my new purple jump rope

from home.

Well we don’t have to use the school’s jump rope

because we can use yours.

But what if we used mine and one of the school’s?

I wanted to ask Ms. T but she was being

mean. She just said we

can’t use two from the school.Well at

least we get to play with

one of them!

But then more

people can’t play.

O yea! I didn’t know you

brought it to school today!

Everyone clean up your tables. Put your trash in the garbage can. I will dismiss each table one-by-one once it is clean

and everyone is seated quietly.

Boys, you may


This table is clean so you may


Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear turn around. Teddy Bear,

Teddy Bear touch the ground. Teddy Bear,

Teddy Bear…

I thought I told you girls you

could only use one of the jump

ropes.But the

purple one is mine

from home.

Okay then. But you

better play with them the right


I have no problem taking

them both away. I don’t

care whose it is.

Oh. Kara’s out. Now

it’s my turn.

But I want to do something else. This is boring.

Want to play


I don’t know. Last

time Breanna got in trouble for doing that.

Well we will only play with one of the jump ropes. Ms. T will be happy if we give the other one to someone else.

Let’s just play! We’re in the corner so we

can stop when she comes.

Ok but make sure she doesn’t

see us.


Josh, are you OK? Go to the nurse to get cleaned


You will not get to play for the rest of

recess! I’m keeping that jump

rope for now.

Now someone’s

jump rope is stuck in the

fence. Girls, go sit against

the wall!

I told you to play with the jump rope the right way! That means you jump

rope and people twirl it. That doesn’t

mean you spin it in circles!

What did I tell you girls? Huh? You didn’t follow the

rules and now Josh is hurt. You girls

should have known better!

I do NOT want to see you playing that again! It’s NOT safe.

OK Girls. It’s time to go inside.

From then on, I played with the equipment “the right way” because I

didn’t want to get my friends in trouble, I didn’t want to hurt anyone, and I didn’t

want my things to get taken away again.

The End

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