the rh way

Post on 12-May-2015






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Create or Sell. There should be nothing in-between.The RH-Way is a Business Management Strategy, which balances the Organizational and the Human Need for Development.With a Framework of Democracy, Open Information and fair Gain Sharing RH addresses the Innovation Blockers of Scaling, Hierarchy, Apathy and Ignorance at their Roots.


If you remember nothing else about the Way of Resourceful Humans, remember this:Nobody eats a Burrito for the Wrap!

1948 Dave Packard respectfully disagreed with his entire CEO Generation. He believed in the Balance of Responsibility and meaningful Contributions.

His Peers laughed at him.

The HP Way invited, enabled and rewarded Innovation at all Levels. A Mindset of Trust and Responsibility pervaded the Company’s DNA.The RH-Way is based on this Truth and made Development the single most valuable Currency for People and Organization alike.

The Core was to understand that the Power of Organization lies in Collaboration, not Survival of the Strongest. The Species best able to adapt and collaborate survives.

Organizations require two Kinds of Innovation: evolutionary and revolutionary.

It is not an either-or Scenario. In a sound organizational Culture, Revolution piggy-backs on Evolution.

And any quantum Leaps forward allows Evolution to take new Paths.

The RH Wrap ensures innovation through: Democracy, Information and Gain Sharing. Nobody buys a Burrito for the Wrap. Nobody buys a Product for great Management.All the Taste is on the Inside.Translated to Organizations: Create or Sell. There is Nothing in-between.

Which Problem does the RH-Way address?1901 Annie Taylor already demonstrated what is wrong with our current Way of Working and applying Knowledge.

Annie was the first Woman to survive a Fall over Niagara. So clever Engineers looked at her Barrel and concluded the perfect Design for a “Niagara Barrel”.

My Question to you: Would you go over the Edge based on their Design?No? So why would you build your Culture based on the latest Harvard Business Review case?

The RH-Way addresses the underlying Problem of Command & Control Structures in Environments populated by Resourceful Humans required to Innovate.Size. Hierarchy. Motivation. Ignorance.

In order to eliminate those Points of Constraint, the RH-Way enables creating the Resourceful Humans Innovation Collider.

Premise being that Nobody bets on Strategy. You bet on People.RH provides a Meta-Framework to design a unique Way with your Teams. Put all Talent directly into the Value creation Process! Focus on ‘loving to...’, not ‘having to...’


This Way, Power and Process are legitimated democratically. Let Adults choose how, when, where, whom with and what they work on. Meaningful, informed Choice. A Prerequisite for Knowledge Workers to excel.

And in today’s World, who isn’t a Knowledge Worker? Every Role requires Innovation in either Process or Design.

To enable this new Generation, reduce all Noise in the Organization. Rid yourself of redundant and non-sensical Processes, Policies and Procedures. Focus all Teams directly on the external Customer. Team, organizational and Product Development gradually become unified.

How? For Information Sharing switch to distributed Systems and let People follow. When People share Information freely through eg. Twitter Feeds, measure Value of Message through Followers and their resulting Business Success. Don’t underestimate Resourceful Humans on a meaningful Mission to find and adapt relevant Information!

For a Gain Sharing Model, imagine designing a System from Scratch, together with your Teams. Forget about evolving the old Paradigm with external Consultants. Create One that treats Resourceful Humans like owners of the System.This Way you infuse Trust, Responsibility and Entrepreneurship in its very DNA.

Imagine a Star Bonus.Every Employee can log into a System and award Stars to Anyone else in the Organization for their Contribution. The Recipient can log into her Star Account and see why and from whom she received Stars. At the End of the Year, a Star’s value is transparently monetized through Profit.No more need for Central Command.





HR Zone

RH ZoneOperations


The RH-Way unleashes the Power for both, evolutionary Innovation (The Balmer Sweat Zone) and revolutionary Innovation (The Branson Visionary Zone).

More than a Club. RH looks beyond short-term Cause and E!ect at evolutionary Correlation. Lionel Messi in some B-team? Little Impact.Just replicating a Star Bonus System? Won’t do the trick. It took Barcelona 20 years since Johan Cryu! to design a System of Total Football, which only now reaps the Rewards. Commitment to Strategy and Execution is core.

Design a Strategy that constantly evolves your Company by asking “The Three Whys”. Try Groucho’s Idea with it any 10 year old.Why do you wear a Suit at Work, Dad?Because everybody else does. Why does everybody else do it, Dad?Because we look professional.Why do you look professional with a Suit? you want an Ice-Cream?

With ‘The Three Whys’ and a co-designed System, Teams organically unify in a Corporate Federation under One Value Chain. Connect Individual Purpose to a Sense of common Team Mission, Product & Company Vision.

With this in Place, agree on clear Goals and simply let Teams design their own Way of Working within the RH Framework.

Prototype with a clear Design Thinking Methodology, but without the Illusion of a clear Roadmap. Trust People’s Intuition. Leadership has to persevere in enabling the RH relevant skills through Business-centric Coaching and Mentoring.

Ensure basic Hygiene Processes to address known pain points and foster Collaboration. For example Size. Force Cell-Division. Regulate maximum Team-Headcount.Be open for unforeseen Start-Ups.

The RH litmus Test for your Teams: What does Captain Kirk earn? Best Answer: Who cares! RH enables this Answer with a simple Equation: Little Wrap + best Crew + coolest Mission= Lasting Success.

...if the best Leader is the One who is not needed by his Team anymore......if we should live the Change we wish to see around us......and when everything just works and evolves, what is the Function of Central Management and HR?

To distribute Knowledge, Competences and Responsibility directly into the Value Creation Chain, set an RH Framework in place, and then get out of the Way.

The RH-Way Democracy. Information. Gain Sharing.

Resourceful Humans Create or Sell.

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