the regulation of food intake in mammalian hibernators: a review

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The regulation of food intake in mammalian hibernators:a review

Gregory L. Florant • Jessica E. Healy

Received: 6 August 2011 / Revised: 20 October 2011 / Accepted: 29 October 2011 / Published online: 12 November 2011

� Springer-Verlag 2011

Abstract One of the most profound hallmarks of mam-

malian hibernation is the dramatic reduction in food intake

during the winter months. Several species of hibernator

completely cease food intake (aphagia) for nearly 7 months

regardless of ambient temperature and in many cases,

whether or not food is available to them. Food intake reg-

ulation has been studied in mammals that hibernate for over

50 years and still little is known about the physiological

mechanisms that control this important behavior in hiber-

nators. It is well known from lesion experiments in non-

hibernators that the hypothalamus is the main brain region

controlling food intake and therefore body mass. In hiber-

nators, the regulation of food intake and body mass is pre-

sumably governed by a circannual rhythm since there is a

clear seasonal rhythm to food intake: animals increase food

intake in the summer and early autumn, food intake declines

in autumn and actually ceases in winter in many species,

and resumes again in spring as food becomes available in

the environment. Changes in circulating hormones (e.g.,

leptin, insulin, and ghrelin), nutrients (glucose, and free

fatty acids), and cellular enzymes such as AMP-activated

protein kinase (AMPK) have been shown to determine the

activity of neurons involved in the food intake pathway.

Thus, it appears likely that the food intake pathway is

controlled by a variety of inputs, but is also acted upon by

upstream regulators that are presumably rhythmic in nature.

Current research examining the molecular mechanisms and

integration of environmental signals (e.g., temperature and

light) with these molecular mechanisms will hopefully shed

light on how animals can turn off food intake and survive

without eating for months on end.

Keywords Food intake � Hibernation � Torpor � AMPK �Hypothalamus � Arcuate nucleus � Leptin


ACC Acetyl CoA carboxylase

AgRP Agouti-related protein

AMPK AMP-activated protein kinase

ARC Arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus

BBB Blood–brain barrier

CART Cocaine-amphetamine regulated transcript

FFAs Free fatty acids

GMGS Golden-mantled ground squirrel

NPY Neuropeptide Y

POMC Pro-opiomelanocortin

Ta Ambient temperature

Tb Body temperature

UCP Uncoupling protein

WAT White adipose tissue


One of the common difficulties facing all endotherms is

surviving periods of food dearth occurring during winter in

temperate climates. Certain mammalian species (hibernators)

Communicated by I.D. Hume.

G. L. Florant (&)

Department of Biology, Colorado State University,

Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA


J. E. Healy

Department of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Arizona

College of Medicine-Phoenix, 425 N. 5th St. Building ABC1,

Phoenix, AZ 85004, USA


J Comp Physiol B (2012) 182:451–467

DOI 10.1007/s00360-011-0630-y

have evolved unique physiological adaptations that allow

them to cease feeding and decrease body temperature (Tb) to

extremely low levels in order to conserve energy when food

supplies are virtually non-existent and ambient temperatures

(Ta) are low (winter). Over 30 years ago, an excellent review

of this form of self-induced anorexia hypothesized that the

annual fluctuations of food intake in these animals were likely

the result of an endogenous ‘sliding set-point’ mechanism

which sets a different ‘ideal’ body mass for each season,

presumably regulated by hypothalamic control of food intake

(Mrosovsky and Powley 1977). The physiological/molecular

mechanism(s) that actually generates the set-point and thus

regulates the changing drive to feed is still unknown; how-

ever, recent studies are beginning to shed light on what might

produce this rhythm.

A part of the difficulty in defining the controls of food

intake in hibernators lies in the diversity of life-history

strategies employed by these heterothermic mammals.

Multi-day torpor bouts are utilized by mammals in orders

as diverse as Monotremata (echidnas), Diprotodontia

(pygmy possums), Erinaceomorpha (hedgehogs), Carniv-

ora (bears), Chiroptera (bats), Primates (fat-tailed dwarf

lemur), and Rodentia (ground squirrels, jumping mice,

etc.), and these torpor bouts can occur either during sum-

mer (estivation) or winter (hibernation). In marsupials, the

use of heterothermy is quite variable, and research has

revealed a number of spectacular instances of prolonged

torpor (in one case, a full year of continuous hibernation),

which seem to be limited by stores of body fat rather than

by a circannual cycle (Geiser 2007). Bears and some other

carnivores undergo ‘winter lethargy’, during which they

cease food and water intake, and their Tb and metabolic

rate are reduced for several months at a time, but not to the

extremes exhibited by smaller ‘true hibernators’ (Tøien

et al. 2011). Insectivorous bats are generally aphagic in

winter, and exhibit deep (Tb approximates Ta) and long

(several weeks between periodic arousals) torpor bouts in

winter, but also utilize daily torpor extensively in the

summer, unlike many other ‘true hibernators’ which are

fully euthermic in the summer (Matheson et al. 2010).

Many other species which employ multi-day torpor bouts

are facultative, rather than obligate hibernators, and as such

are not bound to hibernate based on a circannual rhythm,

but instead require an exogenous stressor to enter torpor,

such as extremes of Ta and food or water shortage (Geiser

2007; Harlow 1996).

Even among hibernators in the order Rodentia, there are

a variety of physiological and behavioral strategies utilized

to survive the winter. Some species [e.g., sciurids in the

genera Marmota and Callospermophilus (Helgen et al.

2009)] are completely aphagic during the hibernation sea-

son and survive entirely on endogenous fat stores. Other

species of ground squirrel (e.g., Cynomys and Eutamias)

rely partially on a cache of stored food with which they

supplement their fat reserves during the hibernation season,

and as such are not completely aphagic. Patterns of torpor

and food intake in a third group (hamsters such as Cricetus

and Phodopus) are regulated by photoperiod rather than the

endogenous circannual rhythm found in sciurid hiberna-

tors. This review focuses on food intake regulation in those

mammalian hibernators whose endogenous circannual

rhythm causes them to store enough fat to meet their entire

metabolic energy requirements during the winter months

(e.g., marmots and other ground squirrels). The regulation

of energy intake and expenditure in food-caching hiber-

nators (e.g., Eutamius) has been reviewed elsewhere

(Humphries et al. 2003) and will not be addressed here,

although both fat-storing and food-caching hibernators

share some common physiological life-history strategies.

In addition, although there have been many recent advan-

ces in research on the effects of caloric restriction in

mammals, we will not discuss this topic in the context of

hibernators, but instead refer readers to a recent compre-

hensive review on caloric restriction (Speakman and

Mitchell 2011).

Behavioral observations of food intake

During the euthermic season (usually mid-spring through

early autumn), hibernators meticulously regulate food

intake and metabolism to provide the maximum possible

body mass gain prior to hibernation (Lyman et al. 1982). A

careful investigation of the timing of these processes sug-

gests that, although food intake and body mass are posi-

tively correlated, a hibernator’s food consumption peaks

before peak body mass is reached, accompanied by a

decrease in metabolism as food intake slows in late sum-

mer, shifting the energy balance toward weight gain, pri-

marily in the form of fat (Fig. 1).

Many sciurid hibernators, which are primarily herbivo-

rous in the spring months, become preferentially granivo-

rous during the late summer when they are increasing body

mass and food intake extremely quickly (Hill and Florant

2000; Morton 1975). These hibernators, especially ground

squirrels, are particularly selecting those seeds that are high

in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (Frank 1994, 1998)

which suggests that animals are feeding selectively to

acquire the necessary fatty acids for hibernation (Florant

et al. 1993; Frank et al. 2008; Geiser 1991; Geiser and

Kenagy 1987). Many studies on several species of hiber-

nator have demonstrated that fat-storing hibernators double

or triple their food intake as measured by grams eaten per

day during the late summer hyperphagic period of their

food intake cycle (Dark 2005; Lyman et al. 1982; Pen-

gelley et al. 1976). For example, analysis of feeding

452 J Comp Physiol B (2012) 182:451–467


patterns of the golden-mantled ground squirrel (GMGS,

Callospermophilus lateralis) during the hyperphagic period

demonstrated that these animals spent roughly 57% of their

active hours feeding, and that food consumption and meal

frequency increased roughly twofold when compared with

earlier summer levels (Mrosovsky and Boshes 1986).

Pengelley and Asmundson (1969) and Pengelley (1974)

have demonstrated that GMGS have a circannual rhythm of

food intake. When animals are kept at a high Ta that makes

entry into torpor impossible (Ta = 35�C), GMGS still

manifest a significant decline in food intake during the

winter hibernation period. This suggests that food intake

regulation is not affected by the Ta at which the animal is

maintained. However, the presence or absence of food did

influence the length of the hibernation period: when pro-

vided with ad libitum food during the hibernation season,

animals maintained at 0�C remained aphagic and hetero-

thermic for much longer than animals maintained at 22�C,

which ate the provided food when their body mass dropped

below a certain point, and returned to stable euthermia at

an earlier date than those animals kept at 0�C (Pengelley

1974; Pengelley et al. 1976).

Once an obligate hibernator has reached its peak body

mass, food intake ceases, and the animal begins to undergo

torpor. This has been the general dogma for sciurid hib-

ernators in the lab, however, evidence regarding the com-

plete cessation of feeding in the field is lacking for some

species (Millesi et al. 1998). Excavations of the burrow

systems of various sciurid hibernators have revealed food

caches in the hibernacula of even those species thought to

be completely aphagic during hibernation (Barnes et al.

1986). Barnes et al. (1986) suggest that male arctic ground

squirrels (which are demonstrably aphagic for the entire

hibernation season when kept at 5�C in a laboratory set-

ting) cache food and eat at the end of the hibernation period

in order to enhance their ability to support spermatogenesis

and testes growth when food resources in the environment

are still scarce. Males of many hibernating species have

been shown to end their hibernation season quite early in

the spring (when there is still significant snow cover) and

remain underground for several days to weeks at high Tb

before emerging, presumably feeding on stored food

caches and undergoing testicular recrudescence (Barnes

et al. 1986). Females of most hibernating species, on the

other hand, come above ground within 1–2 days of their

last torpor bout much later in the season when food

resources are more readily available, and as such have no

need for a food cache. Both male and female alpine mar-

mots (Marmota marmota) emerge from hibernation in the

spring with approximately 16% body fat; this species does

not cache food, so the remaining fat depot is necessary to

sustain reproduction in case there is no sufficient food in

the environment upon emergence (Hume et al. 2002).

Michener (1993) found that while wild Urocitellus

columbianus did not cache food in their winter burrows,

the hibernacula of males of the closely related species

U. richardsonii did contain food caches. However, Michener

(1993) suggests that these food caches are not consumed

during inter-bout arousals during the main part of the

hibernation season, particularly since the arousal time is

brief and most of the time during an inter-bout arousal is

spent in sleep (Daan et al. 1991).

The common theme to all of these reports of food intake

behavior in sciurid hibernators is that they essentially stop

eating during the autumn and resume eating some

5–8 months later, whether they are in the field or laboratory

setting. For some species, there may be a sex difference in

their feeding behavior at the end of the hibernation period

(Sheriff et al. 2011). However, many laboratory-kept spe-

cies of sciurid hibernators do not feed even with food

available in their cage. Thus, some very powerful physio-

logical mechanism must be working to shut off appetite

and regulate endogenous fuel levels so that all cellular

energy demands are met over this winter period.

An important change in circulating energy availability

as animals begin to undergo torpor is the increase in serum

Fig. 1 Schematic of circannual

cycle of body mass, food intake

and metabolism in a lab-kept

rodent hibernator (simplification

based on data from Armitage

and Shulenberger 1972; Ward

and Armitage 1981; Thorp et al.

1994; reviewed in Dark 2005).

A Enters hibernation, B exits


J Comp Physiol B (2012) 182:451–467 453


free fatty acids, presumably due to the dramatic increase in

body fat that occurred during the summer months. Free

fatty acid (FFA) concentrations are elevated in blood dur-

ing the hyperphagic period of all species studied (Florant

et al. 1990; Galster and Morrison 1975; Nelson et al. 2010),

but there is no information about how FFAs change in the

brain (e.g., CSF). Dark and Miller (1997) suggest that

plasma FFAs are important as a metabolic fuel during

torpor, as ground squirrels are pharmacologically pre-

vented from oxidizing fatty acids interrupt torpor bouts

with early arousals. As such, circulating FFAs may be an

important energy gauge even while an animal is at low

tissue temperature. Recent reports on feeding in non-

hibernating rodents suggest that nutrients circulating in the

blood feed back to the hypothalamus and can alter energy

metabolism and food intake (Blouet and Schwartz 2010;

Lam 2011; Lam et al. 2005). Therefore, it is possible that

FFAs, which generally increase in late summer (Florant

et al. 1990; Nelson et al. 2010) as animals fatten, provide a

feedback signal to the brain that shuts down food intake

once a threshold fat mass is reached.

Several hormonal factors are also important energy

feedback signals that either increase (i.e., insulin and lep-

tin) or decrease (ghrelin) in the blood with changes in body

fat (Fig. 2; Table 1). These hormones provide important

feedback to the hypothalamus regarding endogenous

energy balance. Specifically, insulin and leptin increase in

the blood of hibernators during the autumn (Concannon

et al. 2001; Florant et al. 1985, 2004) and may be part of

the hypothalamic signal that terminates food intake along

with an increase in brain FFAs. Manipulations of body fat

levels in ground squirrels strongly suggest that leptin is

involved in the regulation of the food intake cycle in these

non-photoperiodic hibernators (Florant 1998).

The role of the hypothalamus in regulating feeding

in hibernators

Although there have been numerous studies on the regu-

lation of food intake in mammals (i.e., rats), the neuronal

mechanisms that regulate the hibernator’s food intake and

dramatic body fat cycle have received little attention con-

sidering recent advances in understanding food intake. The

endogenous physiological signals that increase feeding and

subsequently turn off feeding in hibernators are presently

unknown, although past studies have suggested that the

hypothalamus must be involved (Mrosovsky 1975; Mro-

sovsky and Powley 1977; Satinoff 1967, 1970). Most of

these past studies were based on experiments in which

lesions within the ventromedial and lateral hypothalamic

areas were performed in hibernators. These studies dem-

onstrated that ground squirrels (heterotherms) responded to

hypothalamic lesions in a similar manner to that of rats

(homeotherms); ventral medial hypothalamus (VMH)

lesions caused an increase in feeding and obesity, regard-

less of time of year, and lateral hypothalamus (LH) lesions

caused aphagia and extreme weight loss (Satinoff 1970).

Currently, it is well known that the hypothalamus and

brainstem are crucial in the regulation of feeding. The

hypothalamus, including the arcuate nucleus (ARC), VMH,

LH, paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and dorsomedial

Fig. 2 Seasonal changes in

enzymes, hormones, and

transcription factors in

hibernators. AMPK AMP-

activated protein kinase, CCKcholecystokinin, FAS fatty acid

synthase, MCT1 ketone

transporter monocarboxylic acid

transporter 1; 1 Andrews et al.

2009, 2 Bauman et al. 1988,

3 Concannon et al. 2001,

4 Florant et al. 1985, 5 Healy

et al. 2010, 6 Healy et al. 2011a,

7 Geiser and Kenagy 1987,

8 Nelson et al. 2010, 9 Sallmen

et al. 1999, 10 Strauss et al.

2009, 11 Wang et al. 1997

454 J Comp Physiol B (2012) 182:451–467


nucleus, plays a key role in the regulation of food intake

and sensing endogenous signals that influence feeding and

energy balance. However, the ARC may be the most

important and its close proximity to the PVN, VMH and

LH may explain why gross lesions of that area in early

studies of hibernators produced feeding and body mass

responses. In particular, the ARC is a vital area due to the

blood–brain barrier (BBB) being uniquely permeable in

this area (Peruzzo et al. 2000), and the close access to the

median eminence means that peripheral factors such as

hormones and nutrients are capable of affecting first order

neurons in the ARC (Minor et al. 2009). Furthermore, two

populations of food intake-related neurons have been

identified in the ARC: first, neurons expressing neuropep-

tide Y (NPY) and agouti-related protein (AgRP) and sec-

ondly, cocaine-amphetamine regulated transcript (CART)

and pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons (Schwartz

et al. 2000). The NPY and AgRP neurons promote energy

storage and increased feeding, while the CART and POMC

neurons promote energy utilization and decrease feeding. A

prior study on GMGS demonstrated that NPY injection into

the ARC caused a prolonged increase in feeding (Boswell

et al. 1993). These results support the hypothesis that non-

hibernating rodents and hibernators share similar food

intake pathways within the brain and that NPY in the ARC

may be involved in generating the body mass cycles of

these rodents. To our knowledge, there are no studies of

ARC lesions in non-photoperiodic hibernators.

In photoperiodic hibernators (hamsters), there is evi-

dence that the ARC is involved in mediating torpor, and

that changes in nutrients within the ARC may be involved

in the response (Pelz et al. 2008). Using monosodium

glutamate (MSG) to induce ARC neuronal damage, Pelz

et al. (2008) showed that MSG-treated animals did not

enter torpor as frequently as controls under a short photo-

period. Furthermore, food restriction-induced torpor was

also reduced in MSG-treated animals. Taken together, it

appears that the ARC is necessary for a torpor response to

short photoperiods. Interestingly, another study in Siberian

hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) suggests that neuronal

output from the ARC may not be necessary for food

deprivation-induced increases in food hoarding and forag-

ing, indicating that in this species, the ARC may not be as

important in regulating certain behaviors related to feeding

(Dailey and Bartness 2010). Given that animals in torpor

are unable to feed, it is assumed that photoperiodic animals

need to shut down the drive for food intake (hoarding etc.)

prior to entering torpor.

In the Siberian hamster, thyroid hormones have also

been shown to influence seasonal feeding behavior. Tri-

iodothyronine (T3) is the active form of the thyroid hor-

mone and it acts in the ARC and PVN as a short-term

signal of low energy during fasting (Boelen et al. 2008).

Furthermore, it appears that thyroid axis acts on tanycytes

within the third ventricle of the Siberian hamster via pho-

toperiod; specifically, short days appear to increase the

thyroid hormone transporter monocarboxylate transport 8

in tanycytes, while fasting downregulated expression of the

transporter (Herwig et al. 2009). Thus, it appears that in a

photoperiodic hibernator, the thyroid hormone system’s

response to fasting (i.e., energy balance) may be signifi-

cantly influenced by photoperiod (Murphy and Ebling

2011). Similar studies on non-photoperiodic hibernators

are necessary to help elucidate the role of the ARC on

torpor, food intake, and energy balance without the influ-

ence of photoperiod.

Hormone and nutrient regulation of neuronal activity

within the hypothalamus

The hypothalamus is crucial for integrating the regulation

of many physiological responses including energy balance

and reproduction. It is well known that 50-adenosine

monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is an

important control of energy balance in all mammals studied

Table 1 Seasonal changes in

enzymes, hormones, and

transcription factors in


AMPK AMP-activated protein

kinase, CCK cholecystokinin,

FAS fatty acid synthase, FFAsfree fatty acids, MCT1 ketone

transporter monocarboxylic acid

transporter 1

Spring Summer Autumn Winter

AMPK (Healy et al. 2011a, b) : ;

CCK (Bauman et al. 1988) : ;

Estradiol (Strauss et al., 2009) : : ; ;

FAS (Wang et al. 1997) : ;

FFAs (Nelson et al. 2010) :

Ghrelin (Healy et al. 2010) ; : : ;

Histamine (Sallmen et al. 1999) ; :

Insulin (Florant et al. 1985) : ;

Leptin (Concannon et al. 2001) ; ; : ;

MCT1 (Andrews et al. 2009) ; :

Testosterone (Geiser and Kenagy 1987) : ; ; ;

J Comp Physiol B (2012) 182:451–467 455


(Carling 2005; Hardie and Carling 1997; Minokoshi et al.

2004). Thus, how it acts within the hypothalamus to control

food intake is of great interest. Recent evidence suggests

that in one way AMPK may be acting is through inhibiting

mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) within the ARC

(Cota et al. 2006; Woods et al. 2008). It is well known that

hormones such as leptin, insulin, ghrelin, as well as cir-

culating nutrients (glucose, FFAs, and the AMP/ATP ratio

within the cell) all play a role in producing the signal to

feed or not by acting on or influencing the activity of

AMPK (Fig. 3). Consequently, there are many controls on

food intake behavior and the interaction of the pathways is

very complex.

Control of reproduction is regulated primarily by gon-

adotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) within the hypo-

thalamus. The ability to reproduce is highly correlated with

energy stores, as it has recently been shown that GnRH

neurons have energy sensing capabilities (Roland and

Moenter 2011). These two branches of life history, the

ability to increase energy stores and to regulate specific

reproductive hormones, are clearly crucial to whole-animal

survival, but specific interactions are poorly known, espe-

cially in hibernating species. The following sections will

describe in more detail the central actions of certain hor-

mones and nutrients known to be involved in the regulation

of food intake.

Leptin and its role in food intake

Leptin is a steroid hormone produced primarily by white

adipose tissue (WAT); as such, higher fat stores result in

higher circulating leptin, in effect signaling abundant

energy stores and acting as a satiety signal by

Fig. 3 Food intake is regulated by various humeral signals whose

message is transferred to hypothalamic neurons. Fasting results in

decreased circulating glucose, leptin, and insulin, increased ghrelin

and FFAs, and an increased AMP:ATP ratio, which can also be

mimicked by the synthetic AMPK activator AICAR. An increase in

the AMP:ATP ratio results in a conformational change of the csubunit of the AMPK molecule, which allows phosphorylation (and

activation) of the AMPK-a subunit. Activation of AMPK phosphor-

ylates and inactivates ACC, which leads to a downregulation of fatty

acid synthesis and an increase of fatty acid oxidation. Activation of

AMPK also upregulates expression of orexigenic neuropeptides NPY

and AgRP, and downregulates anorexigenic POMC, leading to an

increase in food intake. Under orexigenic conditions, the STAT3 and

mTOR pathways are downregulated, possibly through AMPK, and

their positive influence on POMC is eliminated, allowing increased

food intake. Testosterone (DHT) also inhibits POMC, allowing

increased food intake. ACC acetyl-CoA carboxylase, AgRP agouti-

related peptide, AICAR 5-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxyamide ribonu-

cleoside, AMPK AMP-activated protein kinase, AR androgen recep-

tor, DHT dihydrotestosterone, ERa estrogen receptor alpha, FFAs free

fatty acids, GHSR growth hormone secretagogue (ghrelin) receptor,

InsR insulin receptor, LepR leptin receptor, mTOR mammalian target

of rapamycin, NPY neuropeptide Y, POMC pro-opiomelanocortin,

STAT3 signal transducer and activator of transcription 3. Based on

data from: Cota et al. 2006; Dhillon and Belsham 2011; Dieguez et al.

2011; Minokoshi et al. 2004; Nohara et al. 2011

456 J Comp Physiol B (2012) 182:451–467


downregulating NPY and AgRP activity and upregulating

POMC (Schwartz et al. 2000; Zhang et al. 1994). Leptin

generally has an antagonistic relationship with (and oppo-

site physiological effects of) the orexigenic hormone

ghrelin. In rodents, high fat mass increases blood leptin

concentrations, which decreases circulating ghrelin in some

cases, but not all (Cummings and Foster 2003). Barazzoni

et al. (2003) found that exogenous leptin prevented the

typical fasting-induced increase in circulating ghrelin, but

other studies have shown that rodents treated with exoge-

nous leptin, creating artificially high circulating leptin

concentrations, had a lean body type and increased ghrelin

levels (Ariyasu et al. 2002; Toshinai et al. 2001).

Leptin binds to cell surface receptor LEPRb in various

nuclei of the hypothalamus (especially in the VMH) and

acts through the signal transducer and activator of tran-

scription 3 (STAT3) pathway (Ghilardi et al. 1996). Leptin

crosses the BBB in proportion to its circulating levels, and

as such acts as a proximal signal of energy balance in the

body. Once leptin is bound to the LEPRb receptor, it

activates STAT3, which is phosphorylated and eventually

leads to a decrease in appetite. There are six isoforms of the

leptin receptor, but only LEPRb has the necessary structure

for activation of the STAT3 pathway (Tartaglia 1997).

Leptin inhibits AMPK in the hypothalamus, specifically

in the ARC and PVN (Minokoshi et al. 2004), with the

effect of decreasing food intake. Peripherally, leptin stim-

ulates AMPK activation in skeletal muscle, with the effect

of suppressing ACC and increasing fatty acid oxidation

(Minokoshi et al. 2002). Leptin has been implicated in

thermoregulation in addition to its role in regulating food

intake and energy balance. Exogenous leptin upregulates

mitochondrial uncoupling proteins (UCPs) which modulate

proton gradient over the mitochondrial membrane and are

involved in heat production by brown adipose tissue (BAT,

UCP1) and protection against oxidative damage (UCP2,

expressed ubiquitously and UCP4&5, expressed in the

brain) (Ho et al. 2010; Kwok et al. 2010; Liu et al. 2006).

Leptin resistance (decreased sensitivity to the anorexi-

genic effects of leptin) occurs in most morbidly obese

animals, including humans. This state is often associated

with hyperleptinemia. The exact mechanism of leptin

resistance in diet-induced obesity is unknown, but has been

associated with inhibition of transport by triglycerides

(Banks et al. 2004) and suppression of the STAT3 pathway

(de Lartigue et al. 2011). Lou/C rats are a model of

spontaneous caloric restriction and are resistant to diet-

induced obesity (Veyrat-Durebex et al. 2011). When

exposed to a high-fat (HF) diet, these animals respond by

increasing density of noradrenergic fibers in WAT, which

leads to high sensitivity to sympathetic activation. These

rats have lower circulating concentrations of glucose,

insulin, leptin, and non-esterified fatty acids than Wistar

rats fed the same HF diet, and express UCP1 in WAT as

well as in BAT (Veyrat-Durebex et al. 2011). In photo-

periodic Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus), reduced

leptin concentrations were required in order for the animal

to enter torpor (Freeman et al. 2004). In Arctic ground

squirrels (Urocitellus parryii), injected leptin was found to

reduce pre-hibernation hyperphagia (Boyer et al. 1997;

Ormseth et al. 1996). Recent experiments have shown that

decreased leptin levels are associated with initiation of

food intake in hibernating GMGS (Healy et al. 2008).

In most mammals (including some rodent hibernators),

leptin levels change concurrently with fat mass fluctuation

(Chen et al. 2008; Concannon et al. 2001; Florant et al.

2004), but Kronfeld-Schor et al. (2000) showed a dissoci-

ation between leptin and fat mass in pre-hibernatory little

brown bats (Myotis lucifugus), possibly to allow greater

amounts of WAT to be stored and bypassing leptin’s

satiety effect. Something similar may be occurring in pre-

hibernatory GMGS (Healy et al. 2008), suggesting that this

mechanism may be common to small hibernators, allowing

them to store maximum amounts of WAT for their body

size. This dissociation would not be necessary in large

hibernators (i.e., Marmota), as their large body size easily

accommodates sufficient fat storage to survive the winter

hibernation season.

Cholecystokinin (CCK) is released from endocrine cells

in the small intestine upon contact with lipid and protein

digestive products. CCK activates CCK1 receptors on

vagal nerve fibers in the gut wall that terminate in the

nucleus tractus solitaries (NTS) region of the brainstem to

stimulate the anorexigenic POMC/CART neurons in the

Arc. In non-hibernators, CCK acts synergistically with

leptin to potentiate its anorexigenic effect (Tache and

Stengel 2011). Activation of NTS neurons in response to

exogenous CCK varies seasonally in ground squirrels, with

a decrease in sensitivity from spring through summer (Otis

et al. 2011). This suggests that seasonal changes in sensi-

tivity of NTS neurons to CCK may influence appetite in the

active phase of the hibernation cycle.

Insulin and its role in food intake

In addition to leptin, the pancreatic hormone insulin is one

of the main central signals of adiposity. Insulin receptors

can be found in a wide variety of brain areas, including the

ARC (Havrankova et al. 1978). Endogenous insulin in

mammals facilitates uptake and utilization of glucose. In

non-hibernators, fasting leads to a decrease in circulating

insulin, accompanied by an increase in mRNA of the

orexigenic NPY, which is prevented by administration of

insulin and exogenous insulin causes a decrease in food

intake (Schwartz et al. 1992, 2000).

J Comp Physiol B (2012) 182:451–467 457


Insulin’s role in food intake and fatting in hibernators

was examined extensively in the 1980s (Florant and Bau-

mann 1984; Melnyk et al. 1983; Mrosovsky and Sherry

1980). In male ground squirrels in the field, peak insulin

concentrations occur in the fall concomitant with peak

body mass, whereas in field females circulating insulin

remains high through pregnancy, lactation, and the body

mass gain phase of summer (Boswell et al. 1994). Infusion

or central injection of insulin into normothermic marmots

decreases food intake and body weight during the summer

feeding period, but has no effect during the winter aphagic

period (Florant et al. 1991). In fact, after peak body mass is

reached in the autumn, hibernators appear to become

insulin resistant, in that plasma insulin increases dramati-

cally after a glucose challenge in autumnal animals,

decreases very slowly to pre-challenge levels, and that an

insulin injection at this time fails to produce a significant

decrease in plasma glucose (Florant et al. 1985). This state

of resistance is reversed after hibernators have reached

peak body mass and are preparing to enter torpor, but the

mechanism by which this occurs is as yet unclear. In non-

hibernators, insulin resistance may driven by oxidative

stress, specifically by excess production of mitochondrial

superoxide, which occurs when an influx of nutrients

occurs in the absence of increased ATP consumption;

treatment of cells with mitochondrial antioxidants reversed

this insulin resistance (Hoehn et al. 2009). Similarly, a

recent study in murine embryonic stem cells found that a

transient exposure to elevated concentrations of reactive

oxygen species (ROS) led to induction of the insulin

resistance pathway (Mouzannar et al. 2011). As such, it is

interesting that ROS production in hibernators is generally

low during the hibernation season (Orr et al. 2009) and

antioxidant defenses are upregulated, particularly during

arousals when fatty acid metabolism is high (Buzadzic

et al. 1990). It is possible that a similar mechanism leads to

the reversible insulin resistance in hibernators, which

makes hibernators interesting animal models for further

study of this issue.

Ghrelin and its role in food intake

The discovery of the gut-produced hormone ghrelin in 1999

was accompanied by a great deal of interest, as a novel

orexigenic proximal signal that reacted quickly to changes

in food intake had been lacking in the literature for some

time. Originally described as an endogenous ligand for the

growth hormone receptor (Kojima et al. 1999), ghrelin also

acts as a potent orexigen in mammals. Ghrelin levels

increase with fasting (Toshinai et al. 2001) and exogenous

ghrelin causes an increase in food intake and adiposity,

whether injected centrally or peripherally (Keen-Rhinehart

and Bartness 2005; Tschop et al. 2000). Ghrelin is produced

primarily in the stomach, but is also produced in the

intestine, the pancreas, and in the hypothalamus (Kojima

et al. 1999). The ghrelin receptor (GHSR1) is found in

NPY/AgRP and in POMC/CART neurons in the ARC, as

well as in the LH (Hewson and Dickson 2000; Mondal et al.

2005). Ghrelin induces an orexigenic response by stimu-

lating NPY and AgRP secretion and downregulating

POMC/CART expression, as well as activating AMPK, a

key regulator of lipid metabolism and energy balance (Chen

et al. 2004; Lopez et al. 2008). In addition to its role in food

intake, ghrelin has also been implicated in regulation of

sleep (Szentirmai et al. 2007), in behavior (Jaszberenyi et al.

2006), and in thermoregulation (Gluck et al. 2006; Verty

et al. 2010). In Mus musculus, which responds to food

dearth and low Ta by becoming torpid, peripherally injected

ghrelin resulted in a deeper (lower Tb) and more robust

torpor bout; however, this response was eradicated by

ablation of the ARC(Gluck et al. 2006).

In hibernators, circulating ghrelin has been shown to

exhibit a daily cycle, and to increase with fasting in sum-

mer-acclimated animals (Healy et al. 2010). It also appears

to be regulated at different levels during different seasons,

low in the spring upon emergence from hibernation, grad-

ually increasing in the summer, high during the autumnal-

hyperphagic period, and extremely low during the winter

(Healy et al. 2010, 2011a). Peripheral injection of ghrelin

causes an increase in food intake during all seasons, even in

normally aphagic hibernators (Healy et al. 2011a).

AMPK and its role in food intake

AMPK is a heterotrimeric enzyme that has recently been

identified as an intracellular energy sensor and is evolu-

tionarily conserved from yeast to humans (Hardie and Car-

ling 1997). AMPK plays a significant role in regulating food

intake and energy metabolism in peripheral tissues (Fig. 3).

When activated by phosphorylation, AMPK decreases the

activities of anabolic pathways and increases the production

of ATP by stimulating catabolic pathways, thus acting to

maintain normal cellular energy balance (Hardie and Carling

1997; Kahn et al. 2005; Minokoshi et al. 2008). Centrally,

AMPK is sensitive to cellular AMP/ATP ratios within the

ARC and conveys information about energy status within the

animal. In the brain, AMPK is expressed in hypothalamic

ARC neurons (e.g., POMC, AgRP, NPY) that play a central

role in modulating food intake, torpor, and sensing cellular

energy levels (Claret et al. 2007). A decrease in metabolic

energy fuels (e.g., FFAs and glucose) initiates hypothalamic

AMPK activation, which in turn produces several behavioral

and physiological responses, including changes in food

intake and increases in fatty acid oxidation [primarily by

458 J Comp Physiol B (2012) 182:451–467


stimulating the phosphorylation and inactivation of ACC

(Kahn et al. 2005)].

Activation of AMPK in the hypothalamus by the AMPK

activator 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-b-D-ribofur-

anoside (AICAR) has been shown to stimulate phosphor-

ylation of AMPK and ACC as well as upregulating

expression of NPY and AgRP (Coyral-Castel et al. 2008;

Shimizu et al. 2008). Molecular and pharmacological

inhibition of hypothalamic AMPK decreases hepatic glu-

cose production (Yang et al. 2010). AICAR-induced acti-

vation of AMPK stimulates ketogenesis in cultured

astrocytes and in vivo, concurrent with a depression of

ACC activity, and a decrease in intracellular malonyl-CoA

and rate of fatty acid synthesis (Blazquez et al. 1999).

Astrocytes are the only brain cell population that can oxi-

dize fatty acids to ketone bodies, and preferentially

metabolize fatty acids over glucose as their primary fuel

(Edmond 1992). Activation of AMPK during hypoxia

sustains ketogenesis in astrocytes (Blazquez et al. 1999).

Central infusion of AICAR has been shown to induce

food intake and normothermia in aphagic, heterothermic

winter-state marmots, presumably through the activation of

AMPK (Florant et al. 2010). There is some evidence that

AMPK is involved in seasonal regulation of food intake in

hibernators as well, but that evidence is not conclusive

(Healy et al. 2011b; Horman et al. 2005). In ground

squirrels, AMPK appears to be differentially regulated by

physiological condition: a short-term fast in summer-

acclimated animals resulted in increased relative abun-

dance of the active form of the enzyme (pAMPK), and

torpid winter-acclimated animals had higher relative

abundance of pAMPK than did winter-acclimated euther-

mic animals (Healy et al. 2011b). However, the cellular

mechanisms behind these changes are unclear, and differ-

ences in cellular energy between torpor states (i.e., torpor

entry, early torpor, late torpor, and arousal) remain to be

elucidated. Interestingly, a recent study by Jinka et al.

(2011) suggests that adenosine may be required for the

initiation of torpor. This is an intriguing idea since aden-

osine, AMP, and ATP levels within the neurons of the

hypothalamus (Dunwiddie and Masino 2001) might be

interacting in such a way as to ‘‘sense’’ energy levels and

also initiate a torpor bout by metabolic suppression.

Nutrients and food intake regulation: the role of glucose

and FFAs

The two main nutrients that have been implicated in reg-

ulating food intake at the hypothalamic level are glucose

and fatty acids (FA). The glucostatic theory (which pur-

ports that glucose is the major signal) suggests that glucose,

and/or its metabolic products change the neuronal activity

of hypothalamic cells involved in regulating feeding

behavior (Levin 2002; Sokoloff et al. 1977). Glucose

sensing neurons are capable of sensing changes in external

glucose concentration and respond by changing their

activity (for reviews see Belgardt et al. 2009; Karnani and

Burdakov 2011; Mountjoy and Rutter 2007). The lipostatic

theory, which suggests that lipids are a major regulator of

food intake, has wide support from a number of investi-

gations as well (Obici et al. 2002; Wang et al. 2006).

Clearly, food intake is such an important behavioral event

that evolutionary processes would have not allowed this

behavior to be based on a single feedback signal, and

results from many investigations suggest that there are

multiple signals and feedback loops involved in the com-

plex regulation of feeding. In non-hibernating rodents,

there is strong evidence that the metabolism of glucose

(Migrenne et al. 2011) or FA (Lam 2011) can alter neu-

ronal activity within the hypothalamus, and specifically the

ARC (Kohno et al. 2011). The metabolism of energy-rich

molecules or lack thereof will alter AMP/ATP ratios with

in hypothalamic neurons and also alter calcium currents

(Kohno et al. 2011). Thus, these changes will potentially

alter neuronal activity and neurotransmitter release. For

example, if long-chain esterified FA accumulate within the

ARC there is a marked decrease in food intake (Lam et al.

2005; Obici et al. 2002), suggesting that cellular accumu-

lation and metabolism of FA may be a prominent signal

within the hypothalamus to decrease food intake. Further-

more, the infusion of oleic acid into the hypothalamus will

inhibit food intake and glucose production in rats (Wang

et al. 2006). The conclusion from several recent studies

suggests that FA can alter many hypothalamic activities

including calcium signaling (Le Foll et al. 2009b), FA

transporters (Migrenne et al. 2011), receptors, and potas-

sium channels (Le Foll et al. 2009a). The metabolism of

glucose and FA within hypothalamic neurons leads to

changes in the AMP/ATP ratio with these cells. This ratio

is extremely important for the activation of AMPK (Hardie

et al. 1989). It is interesting that virtually all of the FA

metabolic effect studies have used oleic acid rather than

polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), which are known to be

very important in hibernators (for a review see Ruf and

Arnold 2008) as well as non-hibernators. It would be

interesting to repeat many of these experiments on hiber-

nators and also use different fatty acids to elicit responses

in hypothalamic neurons.

Interactions between sex hormones and food intake

Proximate control of food intake is primarily due to fluc-

tuations in orexigenic/anorexigenic neuropeptides, espe-

cially NPY, AgRP, POMC, and CART. All of these

J Comp Physiol B (2012) 182:451–467 459


neuropeptides are affected by upstream hormones such as

leptin, ghrelin, insulin, as previously discussed, and also

the sex hormone estradiol. The anorexigenic hormone

leptin has a stimulatory effect on POMC, and an inhibitory

effect on NPY and AgRP (Belsham et al. 2004; Cowley

et al. 2001). Estradiol has a similar anorexigenic effect

(Wade 1972; reviewed in Gao and Horvath 2008),

increasing POMC mRNA in the ARC of mice, and inhib-

iting NPY secretion in immortalized hypothalamic neurons

(Dhillon and Belsham 2011; Gao et al. 2007). Estrogen

receptor alpha (ERa) colocalizes with POMC in the ARC,

and may be regulating the expression of POMC in the

hypothalamus (de Souza et al. 2011). Similarly, estradiol’s

effects on NPY seem to be occurring through ERa rather

than ERb and this is mediated through the AMPK pathway

(Dhillon and Belsham 2011).

In general, male mammals tend to have higher food

intake than females, and this sex difference appears to be

initiated by prenatal exposure to testosterone, which acts

through the androgen receptor (AR) to decrease the gene

and protein expression of the anorexigenic neuropeptide

POMC in the ARC (Nohara et al. 2011). However,

understanding the sex differences in feeding in hibernators

is more difficult due to the highly seasonal nature of

reproduction and feeding in these animals.

Sciurid hibernators are typically thought of as mones-

trous—due to the rigid time constraints involved in repro-

duction and pre-hibernatory fattening, females only have

time to raise one litter prior to re-entering hibernation.

However, females of some species of hibernator appear to

undergo a second non-reproductive summer estrous cycle

during weaning (Strauss et al. 2009). The purpose of this

second estrous is unclear, but it may be involved in pre-

liminary follicle development (the follicle is ‘primed’ and

then arrested prior to entry into torpor). Alternatively, it has

been hypothesized that the presence of the reproductive

hormones progesterone and prolactin [which are typically

considered lipogenic (reviewed in Saleh et al. 2011)] allow

pre-hibernatory females to build fat stores rapidly following

the energetically expensive process of lactation (Strauss et al.

2009). Similarly, in the arctic ground squirrel (U. parryii)

androgen levels are elevated in the autumn during the pre-

hibernation period. This elevation in serum androgens may be

related to the ground squirrel’s ability to increase muscle

mass for gluconeogenesis later in the hibernation period when

glucose is needed and lipid stores may not supply sufficient

glucose (Boonstra et al. 2011). In some non-sciurid obligate

hibernators [e.g., dormice (Muscardinus avellanarius) and

hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus)], females occasionally

produce two litters per year, but typically these diestrous

hibernators are found in warmer climates, and as such have a

longer active season in which to raise multiple litters of young

(Buchner et al. 2003; Fowler 1988).

Future directions

There is a long history of using hibernators as laboratory

animals to examine physiology under extreme conditions,

but much of the effort to date has centered on simply

characterizing the physiology of these unique mammals.

As technology has advanced in recent years, however,

hibernation research has increasingly focused on the

molecular mechanisms and central controls underlying

these extreme shifts in physiology and behavior. Much

remains to be investigated, but the following questions

address areas of particular interest to those of us interested

in controls of food intake.

Does a common pathway suppress both food intake

and metabolism?

It has long been known that the decreased Tb exhibited by

torpid hibernators is accompanied by metabolic depression

(e.g., Lyman 1948), but clarifying the relative roles of

temperature effects versus specific physiological regulation

has taken more time (Buck and Barnes 2000; Geiser 1988;

Heldmaier and Ruf 1992; Ortmann and Heldmaier 2000;

Snapp and Heller 1981). The biochemical pathways

through which this metabolic suppression takes place are

still not fully understood, although recently it has been

shown that mitochondrial metabolic suppression (e.g.,

respiration) most likely occurs early during the entrance

into torpor and does not involve changes in membrane

phospholipid composition (Chung et al. 2011). Initial

adjustments to environmental stressors can be made

through behavioral or physiological modifications, but to

adapt to extreme conditions, animals reorganize at the

cellular level in order to facilitate hypometabolism and

which might increase long-term survival (Biggar and Sto-

rey 2011; Melvin and Andrews 2009). Some of the

mechanisms involved in this reorganization are suppression

of catabolic processes (protein synthesis, gene transcrip-

tion, etc.), and preferentially using ATP for basic cell

functions (Storey and Storey 2010). Studies on bears have

demonstrated that the metabolic depression observed in

hibernators is not due to temperature or body mass (Tøien

et al. 2011), suggesting that some reorganization of

metabolism has occurred. Recent efforts to understand the

mechanisms behind metabolic depression have focused on

the rapid and reversible transcriptome regulation provided

by microRNA molecules, which are short, non-coding

RNAs that regulate post-transcriptional expression of

mRNA transcripts (Biggar and Storey 2011). A significant

source of metabolic energy expenditure (20–30% of the

standard metabolic rate) appears to be mitochondrial pro-

ton leak (Brand et al. 1994). This proton leakage is actively

460 J Comp Physiol B (2012) 182:451–467


depressed in liver (but not in skeletal muscle) during

hibernation via an upstream reduction in the substrate

oxidation system, rather than an alteration in membrane

proton permeability (Barger et al. 2003).

Many heterothermic mammals utilize a lower metabolic

rate and increased food intake in order to facilitate maxi-

mum fat storage during their comparatively brief active

season (Armitage and Shulenberger 1972; Geiser 2004;

Thorp et al. 1994; Ward and Armitage 1981; reviewed in

Dark 2005). It is possible that the mechanism by which

metabolic rate is markedly slowed is also involved in the

suppression of food intake at the beginning of the hiber-

nation season. We hypothesize that the food intake path-

way and the process by which metabolism is suppressed

are linked and that to initiate a drop in Tb, the food intake

pathway (drive) must first be shut down. The typical

response of endotherms (not only hibernators) to food

dearth (fasting) is a decrease in Tb caused by metabolic

suppression (i.e., torpor). The long-term fast exhibited by

obligate hibernators is initiated ‘voluntarily’ and is so

robust that a hibernator will cease eating and enter torpor

even if food is still available to them in the environment,

but the initial response to fasting is similar to that under-

gone by non-hibernators. In rats (non-hibernators), blood

glucose is utilized first (over a period of 4–8 h); after this

time, low insulin and high glucagon facilitate use of liver

glycogen and gluconeogenesis (Parrilla 1978). Glycogen

stores are quickly depleted, after which fat becomes the

primary source of ATP, resulting in high circulating con-

centrations of FFAs, which are broken down into ketones

through liver ketogenesis; AMPK is high to allow fatty

acid oxidation. In non-hibernators, the fat stores are gen-

erally depleted quickly and animals metabolize protein in

the final stages of starvation. In animals that are able to

undergo torpor, however, the suppressed metabolic state

results in decreased endogenous heat production leading to

a decrease in Tb during the fat-burning stage, allowing

lipolysis to be sustained for a much longer period of time.

Metabolism is a balance between ATP-generating (cat-

abolic) processes and ATP-utilizing (anabolic) processes—

since there are more anabolic than catabolic processes, the

ability to carefully regulate catabolic processes is essential

to regulating metabolic depression. Excellent reviews by

Storey and Storey (1990), (2010) describe some of the

specific enzymatic changes that take place during torpor in

order to shift from carbohydrate metabolism to lipolysis

(e.g., inactivation of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH)

through reversible phosphorylation during entry into tor-

por); these changes are corroborated by recent studies of

gene expression in torpid versus euthermic ground squirrels

(e.g., upregulation of Pdk4, which phosphorylates and

inactivates PDH, effectively blocking carbohydrate

metabolism; Andrews et al. 1998; Yan et al. 2008).

However, a more in-depth examination of the torpor entry

stage and of the physiological condition immediately fol-

lowing the hyperphagic period and preceding the first tor-

por bout is needed to clarify the timing and magnitude of

changes in gene expression and post-translational modifi-

cation of gene products during these times of physiological

upheaval. Some progress is being made toward this goal

recently (e.g., Epperson et al. 2011), but the controls of

metabolic suppression and food intake are far from being

fully understood.

Does blood–brain barrier permeability change

seasonally to regulate physiological state?

The brain reacts to external stimuli primarily by what is

allowed entry through the blood–brain barrier (BBB),

which is a modified capillary bed with tight junctions that

eliminate intercellular spaces, in effect providing a barrier

that only certain molecules are allowed to cross. Many

hormones (e.g., insulin) have little or no central production,

and as such need to pass through the BBB in order to exert

their effects. This may occur via diffusion of small, lipid-

soluble molecules (Bradbury 1979) or by a saturable

transport mechanism (Davson and Segal 1996). These

transporter molecules in essence control the permeability

of the BBB, which may be made more or less ‘leaky’ by

up- or downregulation of receptors and transporter


It is possible that permeability of the BBB changes with

season in hibernators in order to allow more of one type of

substance or less of another type under different physio-

logical conditions. In support of this hypothesis, certain

types of BBB transporter appear to be differentially regu-

lated in hibernators. Torpid hibernators appear to possess

much higher concentrations of the ketone transporter

monocarboxylic acid transporter 1 than rats, and this

transporter is upregulated as animals enter hibernation,

possibly allowing preferential entry and utilization of

ketones during torpor and arousal (Andrews et al. 2009).

Cerebral blood flow is partially regulated by histamine,

which is thought to increase BBB permeability through

histamine receptors (H1, 2, and 3) (Panula et al. 2000).

Both histamine and receptor H3 are upregulated during the

torpid stage of hibernation in GMGS (C. lateralis) (Sall-

men et al. 1999, 2003).

In non-hibernators, the rate of transport of certain mol-

ecules across the BBB depends on brain region and cir-

culating concentrations of those molecules. For instance,

leptin is transported most readily into the hypothalamus at

low serum concentrations (i.e., when animals are fasting)

and has an effect on food intake; when serum leptin con-

centrations are high, it is preferentially taken up by the

J Comp Physiol B (2012) 182:451–467 461


hippocampus, which may explain leptin’s effects on

learning and memory (reviewed in Banks 2006; Farr et al.

2006). It is possible that the transporters in the BBB that

allow nutrient sensing are downregulated (making the BBB

less permeable) as animals make the autumnal switch from

homeothermy to heterothermy, causing the hibernating

hypothalamus to be less reactive to fluctuations in circu-

lating hormones and enzymes than it would be in a

euthermic animal. Similarly, a change in BBB permeability

to certain enzymes might mark the transitions between

euthermia and torpor during the hibernation season.

What are the effects of ambient temperature

and circadian clock on the regulation of torpor

and food intake?

Despite species differences in torpor bout length and other

characteristics of the hibernation season, all hibernators

demonstrate a clear and fairly regularly spaced rhythm of

torpor and arousal bouts, which indicates that some sort of

internal timing mechanism is involved in generating the

bouts. Recently, it has been shown that the circadian clock

is arrested at low body temperatures (Revel et al. 2007),

which begs the question: if the clock is arrested then what

regulates the arousal from torpor? Furthermore, it has been

shown that dormice (Glis glis) can estivate for extended

periods of time, regardless of the ambient temperature,

perhaps in an effort to avoid predation (Bieber and Ruf

2009). Whether there is a circannual clock that controls the

yearly hibernation cycle (Kondo 2007) and/or circadian

clocks controlled not by temperature but by a torpor-

arousal clock (Malan 2010) is subject to debate. It is

becoming clearer that the circadian system, metabolism,

and temperature are very intricately related (Bass and Ta-

kahashi 2010; Buhr et al. 2010). The exact mechanism that

initiates and controls a torpor bout is unknown, but it is

clear that environmental temperature can alter the fre-

quency of the torpor bouts (Florant et al. unpub. data;

Geiser and Kenagy 1988; Russell et al. 2010). With

increasing Ta, torpor bouts are more frequent and of shorter

duration, suggesting that an internal ‘‘energy supply’’

might be used up faster, leading to an arousal. This

hypothesis could be tested by infusing energy-rich nutrients

such as fatty acids into the hypothalamus.

We believe that mammalian hibernators are excellent

animal models to study the physiological mechanisms

involved with food intake and body mass regulation. These

animals are capable of illustrating the tremendous variation

that can occur within neural pathways that lead to a

behavioral response. By studying these animals, there is the

distinct possibility that we may better understand such

disorders as obesity, anorexias, and diabetes.

Acknowledgments We wish to thank Drs. Brian Barnes, Loren

Buck and Hannah Carey for their feedback and discussion of ideas in

this manuscript. We also thank the anonymous reviewers that helped

us to clarify and strengthen the manuscript.


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