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The Qadi’s Ransom

A One-Round Dungeons & Dragons® Living Greyhawk™ Perrenland Regional Mini-Adventure

Version 1.0

by Gary Johnson

Reviewed by: Bruce Paris

Playtesters: Steve Clark, Bronwyn Johnson, Brad Snape, Peter Williams A priest of Al’Akbar has been captured by bandits on the way to officiate at a wedding in Krestible, and is now being held for ransom. The priest’s loyal acolyte seeks aid from passing strangers in the tent city beyond the Vestgate of Yatilsskaad. Will you respond to his pleas? A one-round Perrenland Regional mini-adventure set in Krestible Canton for APLs 2-8. Resources for this adventure [and the authors of those works] include Krestible City [Mark Somers and others] and Yatilsskaad in 591 CY [Mark Somers].

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RPGA® SANCTIONED PLAY Most likely you ordered this adventure as part of an RPGA even from the RPGA website, or you received it from your senior gamemaster. To play this adventure as part of the LIVING GREYHAWK™

campaign—a worldwide, ongoing D&D campaign set in the GREYHAWK setting—you must sanction it as part of an RPGA event. This event could be as elaborate as a big convention, or as simple as a group of friends meeting at the DM’s house. To sanction an RPGA event, you must be at least a HERALD-LEVEL gamemaster. The person who sanctions the event is called the senior gamemaster, and is in charge of making sure the event is sanctioned before play, runs smoothly on the date sanctioned, and then reported back to the RPGA in a timely manner. The person who runs the game is called the table Dungeon Master (or usually just DM). Sometimes (and almost all the time in the cases of home events) the senior gamemaster is also the table DM. You don’t have to be a HERALD-LEVEL GM to run this adventure if you are not the senior GM. By sanctioning and reporting this adventure you accomplish a couple of things. First it is an official game, and you can use the AR to advance your LIVING GREYHAWK character. Second player and DMs gain rewards for sanctioned RPGA play if they are members of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS

REWARDS program. Playing this adventure is worth two (2) points. This adventure retires from RPGA-sanctioned play on December 31, 2008. To learn more about the LIVING GREYHAWK

character creation and development, RPGA event sanctioning, and DUNGEONS & DRAGONS REWARDS, visit the RPGA website at

PLAYERS READ NO FARTHER If you are planning on playing this adventure, stop reading now. The rest of the information in this adventure is for the DM only. If you read farther than this section, you’ll know too much about its challenges, which kills the fun. Also, if you’re playing this adventure as part of an RPGA-sanctioned event, reading beyond this point makes you ineligible to do so.

PREPARING FOR PLAY To get the most out of this adventure, you need copies of the following D&D books: Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, Monster Manual, and Spell Compendium. Throughout this adventure, text in bold italics provides player information for you to paraphrase

or read aloud when appropriate. Information on nonplayer characters (NPCs) and monsters appear in abbreviated form in the adventure text. Refer to Appendix 1 for full information on NPCs and monsters. For your convenience, Appendix 1 is organized by APL. Along with this adventure, you’ll find an RPGA Session Tracking sheet. If you’re playing this adventure as part of an RPGA-sanctioned event, complete and turn in this sheet to your senior GM directly after play. You’ll also find a LIVING

GREYHAWK Adventure Record (AR). You need one copy of this for each participating player.


Because players bring their own characters to LIVING GREYHAWK games, this adventure’s challenges are proportionate to the modified average character level of the PCs participating in the adventure. To determine this modified Average Party Level (APL) follow the steps below: 1. Determine the character level for each of the

PCs participating in the adventure. 2. If PCs bring animals that have been trained for

combat (most likely dogs trained for war), other than those brought by virtue of a class ability (such as animal companions, familiars paladin’s mounts) or the warhorse of a character with the Mounted Combat feat, use the sidebar chart to determine the number of levels you add to the sum of step one. Add each character’s animals separately. A single PC may only bring four or fewer animals of this type, and animals with different CRs are added separately.

# of Animals Mundane

Animals Effect on APL

1 2 3 4

1/4 & 1/6 0 0 0 1

1/3 & 1/2 0 0 1 1

1 1 1 2 3

2 2 3 4 5

3 3 4 5 6

4 4 6 7 8

5 5 7 8 9

6 6 8 9 10





7 7 9 10 11

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3. Sum the results of step 1 and 2, and divide by the number of characters playing in the adventure. Round to the nearest whole number.

4. If you are running a table of six PCs, add one to that average.

Throughout this adventure, APLs categorize the level of challenge the PCs face. APLs are given in even-numbered increments. If the APL of your group falls on an odd number, ask them before the adventure begins whether they would like to play a harder or easier adventure. Based on their choice, use either the higher or the lower adjacent APL. APL also affects the amount of experience and gold a PC can gain at the end of the adventure. If a player character is three character levels or more either higher or lower than the APL at which this adventure is being played, that character receives only one-half of the experience points and gold for the adventure. This simulates the fact that either the PC was not challenged as much as normal or relied on help by higher-level characters to reach the objectives. Furthermore, a PC who is four or more levels higher than the APL at which this adventure is being played may not participate in the adventure. LIVING GREYHAWK adventures are designed for APL 2 and higher. Four or five 1st-level characters may find the challenge of an APL 2 adventure difficult. Suggest the following to these groups to help increase their chances of success:

1. Enlist a sixth player. 2. Advise characters to buy riding dogs to

help protect them and fight for them.

TIME UNITS AND UPKEEP This is a standard one-round regional min-adventure, set in Perrenland. All characters from Perrenland pay 1 Time Unit. Out of region characters pay 2 Time Units. Information about Lifestyle and Upkeep can be found in the “Lifestyle and Upkeep” section of the Living Greyhawk Campaign Sourcebook.

ADVENTURE BACKGROUND Jamal and Roshni el-Daaloub were married in 575 CY at their home town in the Sheikdom of Farhini in southern Tusmit. A few years later, they emigrated to Krestible with young daughter, Nazari. Although they have now lived in Perrenland for almost twenty years, Jamal and Roshni have not lost their connection to “the old country”; for that reason, they have asked Qadi

Nadim bin-Haidar to come from Farhini to Krestible to conduct Nazari’s marriage ceremony. Qadi Nadim travelled from Farhini with his acolyte, Haroun bin-Taghreed, and a chest of wedding presents from relatives and family friends. The two men accompanied trading caravans as far as Molvar in Ket, where they had to strike out on their own along the Krestingtrek. Before doing so, they hired two half-orc guards, Ove and Vollo. However, Ove and Vollo were actually members of a bandit gang called the Greyskins. Two days ago, they betrayed Qadi Nadim and Haroun to the rest of their gang at their favourite ambush site, ten miles out of Yatilsskaad. The Qadi and his acolyte were captured and taken to the Greyskins’ lair (a cave a few miles from the ambush site). There, Qadi Nadim’s courage and bearing convinced the Greyskins that he was a man of value, so they decided it would be amusing to allow Haroun to leave and collect a 500 gp ransom for the Qadi within three days. With nothing more than the clothes on his back, Haroun found it impossible to persuade anyone to help him. The Perrender guards on the Vestgate wouldn’t let him into Yatilsskaad proper with travel papers, so Haroun had to stay in the Canvas Stadt outside the Vestgate and beg for money from strangers. One of the doorkeepers at the gambling emporium Khalad’s Rest told Haroun he would let him inif he had 5 gp to wager, and Haroun has just managed to accumulate that much money. When the adventure starts, Haroun is about to try and enter Khalad’s Rest and turn his 5 gp into the 500 gp he needs for the Qadi’s ransom.

ADVENTURE SUMMARY The PCs are visiting the Canvas Stadt when they see Haroun refused entry to Khalad’s Rest (Introduction). Afterwards, he begs the PCs to help him and his master, Qadi Nadim. If the PCs talk with Haroun, he tells them what has happened to him (Encounter 1). The PCs can then choose to meet the Greyskins at the ransom site the next day (Encounter 2) or go to their lair that night (Encounter 3). When the PCs meet the Greyskins, there’s likely to be a fight (Encounter 4) – however, if they ransom the Qadi, the Greyskins don’t attack. Once ransomed, Haroun and the Qadi ask the PCs to recover their belongings and the wedding presents – doing so costs even more in ransoms, but again the PCs could choose to pay rather than fight.

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After dealing with the bandits and recovering the Qadi and the stolen goods, the PCs have a choice (Conclusion): do they keep the goods for themselves, or return them to their rightful owners? Depending on their choices during the adventure, Al’Akbar may grant the PCs his blessing, possibly more than once.

PREPARATION FOR PLAY You should determine before play what languages the PCs speak and who their patron gods are. • PCs who speak Orc can understand what the

Greyskins say to each other during battle (Encounter 4).

• PCs who worship Al’Akbar receive an additional benefit on the Special Certed Benefit.

This mini-adventure has a fairly open-ended middle part, where the PCs can choose how they want to handle the problem of dealing with the bandits, rescuing the Qadi, and recovering the stolen goods. There is no read-aloud text for Encounters 2, 3 and 4 – instead, please use the physical descriptions of the various NPCs given in the Appendices and adapt the information provided in the Encounters when setting the scene, acting as the NPCs, and so on. During this adventure, the PCs are given the option of ransoming the Qadi and the stolen goods. However, the PCs cannot get full XP or GP for this mini-scenario if they do not fight the bandits. As a result, you should encourage the PCs to fight the bandits during the mini-scenario, either before or after attempting to negotiate the Qadi’s release. For that reason, please remember to portray the bandits as obnoxious and arrogant when negotiating with the PCs, and remember to have the Qadi and Haroun ask the PCs to pursue the bandits and recover the equipment and wedding presents if the PCs ransom the Qadi. Finally, please note the various Perrenland Specific Effects on play, as set out in DM’s Aid 1: Perrenland Specific Effects. Good gaming!

INTRODUCTION Read or paraphrase the following text to the players. Yatilsskaad is the last truly Perrenese town on the Krestingtrek. There are small stadts and

military camps between the Vestgate of Yatilsskaad and the Kettite town of Molvar, but many of the stadts have a decidedly Baklunish feel to them and the military camps seem very much like garrisons in an increasingly foreign land. The tent city outside the Vestgate, known within the town as the Canvas Stadt, is home to a colourful assortment of foreigners, itinerants, vagabonds, and those who lack appropriate travel papers (or the money to pay for replacement papers) to enter Perrenland. Compared to the more sober and restrained houses of Yatilsskaad, the flamboyantly decorated tents of the Canvas Stadt are exciting, exotic, and colourful. Today, the Canvas Stadt has drawn you out of the Vestgate and into the crowded avenues between the tents along the Krestingtrek. Whether by design or chance, your morning walk has taken you to Khalad’s Rest – an enormous marquis that has been home to a renowned den of iniquity for the past fifty years. Khalad’s Rest is a place for gambling, for drinking, and for other, even more disreputable things. At the front of the small knot of people trying to get past the doorkeepers and into Khalad’s Rest is a young Baklunish man. He is grimy and unwashed – his patterned coat and breeches are stained with dirt and muck, and his hair is matted and filthy. For some reason, the doorkeeper is refusing him entry to Khalad’s Rest. “Please – you must let me in!” pleads the young man. He holds up a beggar’s bowl, half—full with silver and copper coins. “I have the five gold you told me I needed to enter and gamble – and today is the last day! I must have 500 gold marks by tomorrow, or it is too late for my master!” “Go away, beggar,” snarls the doorkeeper, knocking the bowl out of the young man’s hands and scattering the coins on the ground. The young man yelps, and scrabbles in the dirt for the coins. “This isn’t the place for you to lose what little money you have – go find a new master and learn a respectable trade.” “But – but you have to let me in! You have to! My master depends on me!” “I told you to go away, beggar!” The doorkeeper raises a hand as if to strike the young man, who scuttles on hands and knees away from the entry to the marquis. Tears begin to streak the young man’s dirt-smeared face as he continues to pick up the spilled coins.

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Development: Pause and allow the players to tell you what they want to do. If the players start to interact with the young man, go to Encounter One. If the PCs don’t interact with the young man, he begins to plead with people in the street, including the PCs, and begs for help: “Please – you must help me! They will kill my master if I don’t have enough money to pay the ransom by tomorrow noon! I beg you, please, please help me!” If the PCs still refuse to interact with the young man, the adventure ends. Play out what they choose to do in the Canvas Stadt, then conclude the adventure.

1: A SORRY TALE OF WOE The young man is Haroun bin-Taghreed, a cleric of Al’Akbar from the Sheikdom of Farhini in southern Tusmit. The last two days have been a harrowing experience for Haroun, and the pressure of having to try and save his mentor, Qadi Nadim bin-Haidar, on his own has almost broken his spirit. Haroun’s desperate situation makes him friendly to anyone who shows interest in his master’s plight – any promise of help is enough to change his attitude to helpful and to make him break down and cry with joy. Haroun bin-Taghreed: male human (Baklunish) cleric 1; Appendix 1. Haroun willingly shares his story with any PC who asks. He shares the following information without prompting from the PCs: • Haroun and his mentor, Qadi Nadim bin-

Haidar, were travelling to Krestible from the Sheikdom of Farhini in southern Tusmit.

• Qadi Nadim had been invited to officiate at a wedding in Krestible by the parents of the bride, Jamal and Roshni el-Daaloub.

• Jamal and Roshni live on the Koeban in Krestible – they emigrated from Farhini to Krestible around twenty years ago.

• Qadi Nadim was invited to officiate at their daughter’s wedding because he had helped his mentor officiate at Jamal and Roshni’s wedding at Farhini, a few years before they emigrated.

• The bride’s name is Nazari, and she’s marrying a Perrender named Owain who’s

agreed to get married “properly” in the Baklunish way.

• As well as coming to perform the ceremony, Qadi Nadim and Haroun were also bringing many wedding gifts from relatives, family friends, and old neighbours in Farhini.

• They had been travelling with a trading caravan as far as Molvar in northern Ket, where they had to separate from the caravan and make out on their own.

• Before leaving Molvar, they hired two half-orc mercenaries named Ove and Vollo as guards.

• Two days ago, when they were about 10 miles from Yatilsskaad, a gang of bandits confronted them, and their guards turned on them! It seems their guards were bandits all along.

• The bandits gagged them and tied their hands behind their backs, then led them along a trail branching off from the road to their lair, a cave in the mountains a couple of miles from the ambush point.

• At the cave, the bandits stripped Haroun and the Qadi of everything except the clothes they were wearing.

• Realising from his quiet dignity and calm demeanour that the Qadi was more important than Haroun, the bandits decided to keep the Qadi for ransom.

• The bandits want 500 gp to release the Qadi, and an additional 5000 gp to hand over their belongings.

• They told Haroun that he had until noon of the third day to pay the Qadi’s ransom – or else! Then they chased Haroun off, firing arrows near him as he fled back down the mountain to the trail, then the road, and then to the Canvas Stadt.

• Haroun couldn’t find anyone willing to help him pay the ransom or rescue the Qadi in the Canvas Stadt or at the Vestgate. The Perrenese authorities at the Vestgate refused to listen to him or admit him to the town because the bandits have his travel papers and the Qadi’s letter of invitation from the el-Daaloub family.

• Haroun managed to scavenge a beggar’s bowl, and begged from strangers until he had the 5 gp needed to make a wager at Khalad’s Rest and try to win enough money to pay the ransom – but as the PCs know, the doorkeeper reneged on his promise and wouldn’t let Haroun in.

• Haroun is supposed to meet the bandits tomorrow noon at the place where he and the Qadi were ambushed on the main road with the ransom.

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Sample responses to some expected questions: How many bandits were there? There were five plus our two “guards”, so seven in total. Tell me about the bandits. Their leader was an orc who carried an enormous greatclub, longer than he was tall. There were two other orcs, both armed with falchions, and our two half-orc guards, who told us when we hired them that they were skilled archers. The last two half-orcs looked like identical twins – they were smaller in size than the others, and armed only with shortswords, but their eyes were fierce, and when they spoke, even the leader listened. It was one of them who first suggested ransoming my master. Tell me about the cave. It had a narrow entrance, about ten feet across, but widened out into a bigger room. There was very little light inside – the bandits didn’t find that a problem, but I found it nearly impossible to see. I think they put my master behind a locked door, but it was hard to make out what was going on. I heard a key turn in a lock, but I suppose it could have been manacles. Can you take us to the cave? I – I can try. I can certainly take you to the place on the road where they ambushed us, and I know which trail to take into the mountains. The cave wasn’t right on the trail, but I could see the trail from the cave, so hopefully the reverse is also true. What reward will you give us if we rescue the Qadi? I have nothing more than the rags I am wearing and this bowl of coins – but you can have all that was mine that the bandits stole from me, if you will only rescue my master. Please – please say that you will! What did you have, then? I had some money – over 40 gold coins – plus a dagger, and a heavy mace, and my clerical vestments. Oh, and my riding horse and kit. I know it isn’t much, but it is all I can give to you – and right now, the bandits have it instead. What about the Qadi’s belongings, or the wedding presents? I’m sorry – they are not mine to give away.

Will you come with us and help fight the bandits? I am willing to do anything in my power to rescue my master – but I am not a warrior, and without my holy symbol, there is little I can do to harm the bandits. I can still heal wounds, however, thanks to the High Cleric’s grace. PCs who want to know more about bandit activity in the area can attempt a Knowledge – Local (Iuz’s Border States) skill check to know the following: • DC 10: There are many bandits on the road

south of Yatilsskaad. • DC 15: Many bandits are half-orcs and orcs –

the Yatils to the west and south of Yatilsskaad are home to several orc tribes.

• DC 20: Usually, bandits form small bands of up to a dozen members. Most of these bands stay together for only a few weeks before internal fighting makes them split up or kill each other, but sometimes bandit gangs are successful and stick together for the long haul.

• DC 25: A bandit gang that has been active for the past six months or so and matches the description given by Haroun is called the Greyskins. They’re called that for the skin colour of their leader, an orc named Holg.

PCs who want to know more about the bandit leader or the twin half-orcs can attempt a DC 20 Bardic Knowledge or DC 25 Knowledge – Local (Iuz’s Border States) check to know the following: • Holg is the leader of the Greyskins, a small

band of bandits. He is an orc who is said to wield a greatclub bigger than anyone else can lift. People claim he got the club during a fight with an ogre, when he took the club from the ogre and beat it to death with its own weapon!

• Keth and Roth are identical twin brothers. Both are handsome for half-orcs, and both have forceful personalities, and Keth in particular is known to be well spoken. People say they both have some magical talents, which explains why they do so well as bandits.

At APLs 4 to 8, the characters receive a bonus to recognise the bandit leader and/or the twins, as they are more famous for their daring deeds and brazen crimes. • At APL 4, the bonus is +2 to recognise Holg. • At APL 6, the bonus is +4 to recognise Holg

and +2 to recognise the twins. • At APL 8, the bonus is +6 to recognise Holg

and +4 to recognise the twins.

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Alternatively, PCs can learn any of the above information with a successful Gather Information check. The DCs for the various results are unchanged, but the Gather Information check receives a +5 circumstance bonus, as the Canvas Stadt is an excellent place to find people “in the know” about local bandits. Remind the players that using Gather Information takes 2-5 hours before they attempt the skill check, in case that affects their plans. Development: It is currently mid-morning. There are two likely ways for the PCs to proceed from here. • If they set out the next day to confront the

bandits at the ransom site, go to Encounter Two when the PCs are ready to leave the Canvas Stadt.

• If they set out today to confront the bandits in their cave, go to Encounter Three when the PCs are ready to leave the Canvas Stadt.

Before leaving the Canvas Stadt, the PCs may decide to equip Haroun in preparation for fighting the bandits. All standard mundane Player’s Handbook equipment is available in the Canvas Stadt, including holy symbols of Al’Akbar. If the PCs decide to wait until the next day to confront the bandits, Haroun discusses what spells the PCs think he should pray for at tomorrow’s dawn, and changes his spell selection accordingly. If the PCs try to leave Haroun behind and go deal with the bandits by themselves, he pleads with the PCs to take him with them. Haroun points out that he knows where the ambush site and the cave are, and even with his directions the PCs may miss those locations. If the PCs refuse to take Haroun with them, he follows them on foot when they leave Yatilsskaad. If the PCs try to get Haroun through the Vestgate into Yatilsskaad, they need to persuade the guards to issue replacement travel papers for Haroun. To do so, the PCs have to shift the guards’ attitude from hostile (unfriendly if Haroun has bathed and is in clean clothes) to indifferent or better and pay 10 gp.

2: THE RANSOM SITE The ambush site where Haroun was told to meet the Greyskins and ransom the Qadi is 10 miles along the Krestingtrek from Yatilsskaad. Refer to DM’s Aid 2 when setting up the battle board – the

PCs approach from the top of the map, while the bandits approach from the left side of the map. The Greyskins arrive shortly before noon, wait for about half an hour, and then leave with their prisoner, Qadi Nadim. The Greyskins are taking no chances with the Qadi, who has a cloth over his head (move action to remove once gag is untied), a gag around the cloth (DC 20 Use Rope to untie), and his hands tied behind his back (DC 20 Use Rope to untie) – all of which renders him blind, unable to speak, and unable to use his hands. If the PCs arrive before the Greyskins, the PCs can choose where to confront them on the battle board. The Greyskins’ marching order is Ove and Vollo (with bows drawn), followed by Shump and Thokk (holding Qadi Nadim between them), Holg, and finally Keth and Roth. If the PCs arrive after them, the Greyskins wait on the edge of the low hill near the junction of the Krestingtrek and the trail, with Ove and Vollo (the archers) higher on the hill and the twins (Keth and Roth) shielded from the road by Holg, Shump and Thokk. Ove and Vollo call out to the PCs when they are 60 ft. away, and tell them to stay where they are. If the PCs don’t initiate combat, Holg begins negotiations. If things go according to Holg’s plan, the following events occur: • Holg asks the PCs who they are (the

Greyskins didn’t expect Haroun to come back, let alone come back with friends)

• Holg asks the PCs to send Haroun forward to halfway between the two groups with the 500 gp ransom for the Qadi

• When Haroun reaches the designated point, Holg tells the PCs that one of his men (Roth) is going to cast a spell that detects magic, in case Haroun or the ransom is a magical trick or trap

• After Roth confirms that neither Haroun nor the ransom has a magic aura, Holg sends Shump and Thokk forward with Qadi Nadim

• When Shump and Thokk reach Haroun and the ransom, they push Qadi Nadim into Haroun, pick up the ransom, and move back to the other Greyskins

• Holg has Keth and Roth quickly assess the contents of the ransom to see if it’s likely to be 500 gp of coins

• Holg thanks the PCs for being so reasonable, and the Greyskins begin to retreat along the trail until they’re out of sight of the PCs

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Holg and the other Greyskins’ starting attitude to the PCs is unfriendly: portray them as arrogant and rude, and remember to have them insult the PCs “weakness” in paying the ransom. If everything goes according to Holg’s plan, the Greyskins do not initiate combat. However, the following events shift their attitude to hostile and initiate combat: • The PCs attack any of the Greyskins with a

weapon or spell • The PCs attempt to change Holg’s behaviour

with Intimidate and fail • The PCs attempt to change Holg’s attitude

with Diplomacy and worsen his attitude to hostile

• The PCs send someone other than Haroun forward with the ransom (avoided if the PCs have changed Holg’s attitude to friendly or helpful)

• The PCs cast a spell without first warning the Greyskins and telling them what the spell does

• The PCs cast a spell that the Greyskins can tell doesn’t do what the PCs told the Greyskins it would do (such as claiming to cast detect magic but actually casting enlarge person)

• The PCs short-change the Greyskins on the required 500 gp ransom (avoided if the PCs have changed Holg’s attitude to helpful – if that is the case, he views it as a “fair enough, you got me, we’re square now” situation)

Troubleshooting: The PCs may offer to ransom both the Qadi (for 500 gp) and his equipment (for 5000 gp) from the bandits. The Greyskins didn’t expect Haroun to have the money to ransom the Qadi, let alone the equipment, so they’ve left it back at the cave. If the PCs offer to ransom the equipment, Holg tells the PCs to stay at the meeting place while they return to their lair (with the Qadi, if he hasn’t already been handed over to the PCs) and fetch the equipment. Holg tries to claim that the Greyskins won’t be back until nightfall, even though it’s only a two-hour journey back to the cave (DC 10 Sense Motive to tell he’s lying): he’s concerned that anyone with that much money may be dangerous in a fight, and thus doesn’t want to fight while dazzled by the sun. Holg insists on returning after nightfall unless his attitude has been changed to friendly or helpful, in which case he agrees to return in the late afternoon. The PCs may also offer to ransom the wedding presents. Again, the Greyskins didn’t expect this: after a short discussion among themselves, Holg agrees to bring the wedding

presents to the meeting place in exchange for 500 gp (400 gp if friendly, 250 gp if helpful). Because it’s a much smaller sum of money, Holg isn’t as worried by the PCs, and doesn’t try to arrange to return after nightfall. Remember to have the Greyskins mock the PCs and comment on their “weakness” if the PCs offer to pay either of these additional ransoms. Development: If either side initiates combat, go to Encounter 4 and resolve the battle. If the PCs win the battle and continue on to loot the bandit’s lair, go to Encounter 3. If the PCs prepare to return to Yatilsskaad with Haroun and the Qadi but without the Qadi’s equipment or the wedding presents, Haroun and the Qadi express their thanks to the PCs but ask them to recover the stolen goods. If the PCs choose to do so, go to Encounter 3; if not, go to the Conclusion.

3: THE BANDITS’ LAIR The ambush site where Haroun was told to meet the bandits and ransom the Qadi is 10 miles along the Krestingtrek from Yatilsskaad. The bandit’s cave is 3 miles west of that point of the Krestingtrek, 50 ft. up a steep slope (see DMG 89 for terrain modifiers) from a trail that leads past the cave and into the Yatils. The trail is covered with many tracks left by Medium-sized humanoids and horses (DC 8 Search check). Refer to DM’s Aid 3 when setting up the battle board – the PCs approach from along the trail from the right-hand edge of the map. The cave entrance is not easy to spot from the trail (DC 15 Spot check, DC 20 at night), and only characters with the Track feat can pick the point at which the bandits and the two horses left the trail and walked up to the cave (DC 12 Survival check, DC 15 Survival check at night). If Haroun is present, he knows the rough location of the cave, which allows the PCs to take 20 on the Spot check if required. There is light undergrowth (see DMG 87 for terrain modifiers) on the lower half of the steep slope, allowing characters to make Hide checks to approach within 20 feet of the cave entrance without being spotted. The bandits’ lair was once a natural cave, but it has been used by various bands of robbers for decades and extensively modified during that time. The floors are smooth, the walls have been straightened and covered with graffiti, the stalactites and stalagmites have been removed, and a concealed pit trap built in the entrance.

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There are no light sources inside the cave, as every member of the Greyskins has darkvision. 1 – Cave entrance There is a concealed pit trap in the entrance, and the trap door swings closed after one round (immediately before the character who triggered the pit’s next action). There are two hidden levers on the left-hand wall, one before the trap and the other around the corner, that stop the trap door opening. The Greyskins switch the trap off only when they need to cross the pit, so it is switched on whenever the PCs arrive. APL 2 (EL 1) Camouflaged Pit Trap: CR 1; mechanical; location trigger; automatic reset; hidden switch bypass (Search DC 25); DC 20 Reflex save avoids; 10 ft. deep (1d6, fall); multiple targets (first target in each of two adjacent 5-ft. squares); Search DC 20; Disable Device DC 15. Market Price: 1,200 gp. APL 4 (EL 2) Camouflaged Pit Trap: CR 2; mechanical; location trigger; automatic reset; hidden switch bypass (Search DC 25); DC 20 Reflex save avoids; 20 ft. deep (2d6, fall); multiple targets (first target in each of two adjacent 5-ft. squares); Search DC 20; Disable Device DC 20. Market Price: 3,400 gp. APL 6 (EL 3) Camouflaged Pit Trap: CR 3; mechanical; location trigger; manual reset; DC 20 Reflex save avoids; 40 ft. deep (4d6, fall); multiple targets (first target in each of two adjacent 5-ft. squares); Search DC 20; Disable Device DC 20. Market Price: 5,100 gp. APL 8 (EL 4) Camouflaged Pit Trap: CR 4; mechanical; location trigger; manual reset; DC 20 Reflex save avoids; 60 ft. deep (6d6, fall); multiple targets (first target in each of two adjacent 5-ft. squares); Search DC 20; Disable Device DC 20. Market Price: 6,800 gp. 2 – Main Cave This room is where the Greyskins live, and contains their bedrolls, winter blankets, and personal possessions. The Qadi and Haroun’s two riding horses and donkey have been stabled against the right-hand wall. 3 – Treasure chamber

This room contains the Greyskins’ current wealth, plus their cache of food (50 days of trail rations and two water barrels). At present, there are three chests: • The first chest, which is locked but has the key

in the keyhole, contains the Greyskins’ communal coin (totalling 120 gp in gold, silver, and copper coins) and two purses containing the Qadi and Haroun’s coins (another 120 gp).

• The second chest, which is also locked but has the key in the keyhole, contains the valuable equipment stolen from the Qadi and Haroun, namely the Qadi’s +1 heavy mace and phylactery of faithfulness, two sets of clerical vestments, two silver holy symbols of Al’Akbar, a scroll case containing their travel papers and five sheets of paper, a vial of ink, and an ink pen. The key ring with the key to the prison door and the two manacles is kept in this chest.

• The third chest, which is ornately carved but has no lock, contains the wedding presents, which include fine cloth, expensive wine, embroidered clothing, and jewellery, totalling 450 gp in value.

The other goods stolen from Haroun and the Qadi are stacked against the wall between the chests, namely two riding saddles, two bits and bridles, four saddlebags, a saddle pack, a heavy mace, and four traveller’s outfits. 4 – Prison This filthy room has a good wooden door with a barred window at head-height and an average lock. There are two manacles in this room, either on the Qadi or on the floor. The key ring with the key to the prison door and the two manacles is kept in the second chest in the treasure chamber. Creatures: If the PCs have not yet confronted the bandits, or if the PCs paid the Qadi’s ransom and didn’t fight the Greyskins during Encounter 2, Vollo and Thokk are sitting in the cave entrance between the pit and the slope and keeping watch. The other five Greyskins are sitting or sleeping in the main cave: all of the Greyskins wear their armour at all times. If present, the Qadi is gagged and manacled hand and foot in the prison. When confronted in their lair, the Greyskins' starting attitude is hostile (if they haven’t encountered the PCs before) or worsens one step from their attitude at the end of Encounter 2. The

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Greyskins initiate combat if their attitude is or becomes hostile. Treasure: The PCs can gain the following treasure from the bandits’ lair, not counting Haroun’s equipment, the Qadi’s equipment, and the wedding presents: All APLs: Loot 5 gp; Coin 20 gp; Magic 0 gp; Total 25 gp. Development: If either side initiates combat, go to Encounter 4 and resolve the battle. If the PCs win the battle and loot the lair, go to the Conclusion.

4: FIGHTING THE BANDITS Unless the PCs are willing to ransom the Qadi, his equipment, and the wedding presents, there is a fight with the bandits. Creatures: The Greyskins are a mixed group of orc and half-orc bandits, united by past successes under the leadership of Holg, Keth and Roth. APL 2 (EL 5) Holg: male orc barbarian 1; hp 9; Appendix 2. Shump and Thokk: male orc warrior 1; hp 6 each; Appendix 2. Ove and Vollo: male half-orc fighter 1; hp 8 each; Appendix 2. Keth: male half-orc bard 1; hp 5; Appendix 2. Roth: male half-orc sorcerer 1; hp 4; Appendix 2. APL 4 (EL 7) Holg: male orc barbarian 4; hp 36; Appendix 3. Shump and Thokk: male orc barbarian 1; hp 9 each; Appendix 3. Ove and Vollo: male half-orc fighter 1; hp 8 each; Appendix 3. Keth: male half-orc bard 2; hp 10; Appendix 3. Roth: male half-orc sorcerer 2; hp 8; Appendix 3. APL 6 (EL 9) Holg: male orc barbarian 6; hp 54; Appendix 4. Shump and Thokk: male orc barbarian 2; hp 18 each; Appendix 4. Ove and Vollo: male half-orc fighter 2; hp 16 each; Appendix 4. Keth: male half-orc bard 4; hp 20; Appendix 4. Roth: male half-orc sorcerer 4; hp 16; Appendix 4.

APL 8 (EL 11) Holg: male orc barbarian 8; hp 72; Appendix 5. Shump and Thokk: male orc barbarian 4; hp 36 each; Appendix 5. Ove and Vollo: male half-orc fighter 4; hp 32 each; Appendix 5. Keth: male half-orc bard 6; hp 30; Appendix 5. Roth: male half-orc sorcerer 6; hp 24; Appendix 5. If present, Haroun and the Qadi do what they can to aid the PCs during the battle: All APLs Haroun bin-Taghreed: male human (Baklunish) cleric 1; Appendix 1. Qadi Nadim bin-Haidar: male human (Baklunish) cleric 5; Appendix 1. Tactics: The Greyskins are used to working together in combat, and speak in Orc when talking with each other during battle. They fight until two of Holg, Keth and Roth are down and out of the battle, at which point the remaining Greyskins break and run (or surrender, if there’s no way to get away). Holg is the “heavy hitter” with his greatclub (which is 7 ft. long at APL 2, and 12 ft. long at APLs 4 to 8), and the Greyskins do what they can to maximise his effectiveness in battle, such as moving into flanking positions and giving him clear charge lines. Where possible, Holg tries to take down the PC’s “heavy hitter” in preference to any other opponent: Holg rages in the first round of combat, once he’s “called out” his chosen target. Shump and Thokk move to engage PCs who aren’t Holg’s chosen target, so that Holg isn't angry with them afterwards for trying to take his place as the best warrior in the Greyskins. At APLs 4 to 8, they rage once Holg has raged, but not before. Ove and Vollo can also mix it up in melee if they have to, but their designated role in the Greyskins is to use their archery skills to support the melee fighters. They target enemy spellcasters and other archers. If possible, they stay between the PCs and the twins, so that the latter can cast spells safely for longer in the fight. Keth and Roth, the identical twins, use their magic to support the other Greyskins. In the first round, Keth inspires courage with his oratory while Roth uses battlefield control spell like grease and glitterdust (or casts haste at APL 8 if he can affect himself, Keth and Holg – any other Greyskins are

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a bonus). In subsequent rounds, both Keth and Roth use their spells (or shortbow, if Keth runs out of other options) to fight from range, and enter melee only as a last resort. They avoid targeting Holg’s chosen target until Holg starts losing, as they know Holg doesn’t like help but doesn’t like to lose more. Haroun does what he can to assist the PCs, but as a 1st level cleric he has limited resources. Even if equipped by the PCs, most likely he stays at the back of the battle as a (back-up) healer. Qadi Nadim has been kept, bound and gagged, in filthy, degrading conditions for the past two days. He hasn’t eaten since he was captured, and has been given barely enough water to drink by the Greyskins. However, the experience hasn’t broken his spirit, and he has already prayed to Al’Akbar for spells that he thinks may help him escape – that is, those that don’t require his holy symbol as a focus and/or material components. If his gag (and cloth, if rescued at the ransom site) is removed, the Qadi uses command and blindness/deafness (both have only a verbal component) to assist the PCs. If his hands are freed, the Qadi can use all his spells against the Greyskins. Treasure: The PCs can gain the following treasure from the bodies of the Greyskins: APL 2: Loot 271 gp; Coin 0 gp; Magic 28 gp – potion of cure light wounds (7 @ 4 gp each); Total 299 gp. APL 4: Loot 325 gp; Coin 0 gp; Magic 346 gp – +1 large greatclub (193 gp), +1 chain shirt (104 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (25 gp), potion of cure light wounds (6 @ 4 gp each); Total 671 gp. APL 6: Loot 195 gp; Coin 0 gp; Magic 1139 gp – +1 large greatclub (193 gp), +1 shortsword (193 gp), +1 chain shirt (6 @ 104 gp each), potion of cure serious wounds (63 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (2 @ 25 gp each), potion of cure light wounds (4 @ 4 gp each); Total 1334 gp. APL 8: Loot 55 gp; Coin 0 gp; Magic 2747 gp – gauntlets of ogre power (333 gp), +1 Str 14 mighty composite longbow (2 @ 217 gp each), +1 falchion (2 @ 198 gp each), +1 shortbow (194 gp), +1 large greatclub (193 gp), +1 shortsword (193 gp), +1 ring of protection (167 gp), +1 chain shirt (6 @ 104 gp each), potion of cure serious wounds (63 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (6 @ 25 gp each); Total 2802 gp. Troubleshooting: If the Greyskins win, they strip the PCs of their equipment and dump the

survivors on the Krestingtrek at the ambush site. The PCs can try to get their equipment back in a rematch, if they dare. Development: When the battle is over, return to Encounter 2 or Encounter 3 as appropriate and proceed from there.

CONCLUSION Now that the PCs have dealt with the bandits and rescued the Qadi, they can return to Yatilsskaad. The authorities take any surviving bandits into custody: they are found guilty of many crimes, and (unless the PCs intervene to obtain a lesser sentence) hanged until dead, beheaded, and their heads mounted on wooden stakes on either side of the Vestgate. Both Haroun and Qadi Nadim are very grateful for what the PCs have done – but if the PCs have not returned their belongings and/or the wedding gifts to them, they ask politely for the PCs to hand over those goods so that they can be on their way to Krestible for the wedding. If the PCs refuse, Haroun and Qadi Nadim seem disappointed, but don’t take the matter any further: after all, the Qadi would still be a prisoner (or worse) if the PCs hadn’t intervened. Treasure: The PCs can gain the following treasure here by keeping Haroun’s equipment, the Qadi’s equipment, and/or the wedding presents: All APLs: Loot 30 gp; Coin 110 gp; Magic 275 gp – +1 heavy mace (192 gp each), phylactery of faithfulness (83 gp); Total 415 gp. Special Certed Benefit: All PCs gain the Al’Akbar’s Blessing benefit. The number of times they can use the benefit depends on how many of the Four Feet of the Dragon they exemplified during the adventure. • If the PCs return all of Haroun and the Qadi’s

equipment, they gain the “generosity” component of the benefit. The PCs cannot keep the equipment and gain this benefit even if Haroun and/or the Qadi are dead: in that case, the PCs must return the equipment to the survivor, deliver it to Jamal and Roshni el-Daaloub in Krestible so that it can be returned to relatives in Farhini, or take it to Farhini themselves, in order to gain the “generosity” component.

• If the PCs killed, defeated, or drove off the bandits, they gain the “honour” component of

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the benefit. They must defeat the bandits in combat to receive this benefit, but they don’t have to kill the bandits – do not cross out the “honour” component if they spare unconscious prisoners, or persuade the authorities at Krestible not to impose the death sentence.

• If the PCs return all the wedding presents, they gain the “family” component of the benefit. If both Haroun and the Qadi are dead, the PCs must deliver the wedding presents to Jamal and Roshni el-Daaloub in Krestible in order to gain the “family” component of the benefit.

• If a PC worships Al’Akbar, they gain the “piety” component of the benefit. PCs who are not devoted to the service of a single deity can receive this bonus if they worship multiple gods, so long as Al’Akbar is one of those gods. PC clerics and members of other classes who are required to worship one god must worship Al’Akbar to gain the “piety” benefit. Note that it doesn’t matter whether the worshipper of Al’Akbar follows the Exalted Faith or the True Faith.

Read or paraphrase the following text to the players when you are ready to end the adventure. Qadi Nadim passes through the Vestgate into Yatilsskaad, continuing his journey to Krestible. Before following his master, Haroun pauses, turns in your direction, and waves for several seconds. Then he too is gone, through the gate and into Perrenland, leaving you where this all began – among the colourful tents of the Canvas Stadt.


To award experience for this adventure, add up the values for the objectives accomplished. Then assign the experience award. Award the total value (objectives plus roleplaying) to each character.

3: The Bandits’ Lair Disarming, bypassing, or setting off the trap APL 2 30 XP APL 4 60 XP APL 6 90 XP APL 8 120 XP

4: Fighting the Bandits Killing, defeating or driving off the bandits

APL 2 150 XP APL 4 210 XP APL 6 270 XP APL 8 330 XP

Story Award Rescuing the Qadi APL 2 45 XP APL 4 67 XP APL 6 90 XP APL 8 112 XP

Total possible experience: APL 2 225 XP APL 4 337 XP APL 6 450 XP APL 8 562 XP

TREASURE SUMMARY During an adventure, characters encounter treasure, usually finding it in the possession of their foes. Every encounter that features treasure has a “treasure” section within the encounter description, giving information about the loot, coins, and magic items that make up the encounter’s treasure. The loot total is the number of gold pieces each character gains if the foes are plundered of all their earthly possessions. Looting the bodies takes at least 10 minutes per every 5 enemies, and if the characters cannot take the time to loot the bodies, they do not gain this gold. If you feel it is reasonable that characters can go back to loot the bodies, and those bodies are there (i.e., not carted off by dungeon scavengers, removed from the scene by the local watch, and so on), characters may return to retrieve loot. If the characters do not loot the body, the gold piece value for the loot is subtracted from the encounter totals given below. The coin total is the number of gold pieces each character gains if they take the coin available. A normal adventuring party can usually gather this wealth in a round or so. If for some reason, they pass up this treasure, the coin total is subtracted from the encounter totals given below. Next, the magic items are listed. Magic item treasure is the hardest to adjudicate, because they are varied and because characters may want to use them during the adventure. Many times characters must cast identify, analyze dweomer or similar spell to determine what the item does and how to activate it. Other times they may attempt to use the item blindly. If the magic item is consumable (a potion, scroll, magic bolts, etc.)

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and the item is used before the end of the adventure, its total is subtracted from the adventure totals below. Once you have subtracted the value for unclaimed treasure from each encounter add it up and that is the number of gold pieces a characters total and coin value increase at the end of the adventure. Write the total in the gp Gained field of the adventure certificate. Loot = Looted gear from enemy; Coin = Coin, Gems, Jewelry, and other valuables; Magic = Magic Items.

3: The Bandits’ Lair All APLs: Loot 5 gp; Coin 20 gp; Magic 0 gp; Total 25 gp.

4: Fighting the Bandits APL 2: Loot 271 gp; Coin 0 gp; Magic 28 gp – potion of cure light wounds (7 @ 4 gp each); Total 299 gp. APL 4: Loot 325 gp; Coin 0gp; Magic 346 gp – +1 large greatclub (193 gp), +1 chain shirt (104 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (25 gp), potion of cure light wounds (6 @ 4 gp each); Total 671 gp. APL 6: Loot 195 gp; Coin 0 gp; Magic 1139 gp – +1 large greatclub (193 gp), +1 shortsword (193 gp), +1 chain shirt (6 @ 104 gp each), potion of cure serious wounds (63 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (2 @ 25 gp each), potion of cure light wounds (4 @ 4 gp each); Total 1334 gp. APL 8: Loot 55 gp; Coin 0 gp; Magic 2747 gp – gauntlets of ogre power (333 gp), +1 Str 14 mighty composite longbow (2 @ 217 gp each), +1 falchion (2 @ 198 gp each), +1 shortbow (194 gp), +1 large greatclub (193 gp), +1 shortsword (193 gp), +1 ring of protection (167 gp), +1 chain shirt (6 @ 104 gp each), potion of cure serious wounds (63 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (6 @ 25 gp each); Total 2802 gp.

Conclusion All APLs: Loot 30 gp; Coin 110 gp; Magic 275 gp – +1 heavy mace (192 gp each), phylactery of faithfulness (83 gp); Total 415 gp.

Total Possible Treasure APL 2 Loot 306 gp; Coin 130 gp; Magic 303 gp; Total 739 gp (adventure cap = 225 gp). APL 4: Loot 360 gp; Coin 130 gp; Magic 621 gp; Total 1111 gp (adventure cap = 337 gp). APL 6: Loot 230 gp; Coin 130 gp; Magic 1414 gp; Total 1774 gp (adventure cap = 450 gp).

APL 8: Loot 90 gp; Coin 130 gp; Magic 3022 gp; Total 3242 gp (adventure cap = 650 gp).

Total Possible Treasure not including Haroun’s equipment, the Qadi’s equipment

and the wedding gifts APL 2 Loot 276 gp; Coin 20 gp; Magic 28 gp; Total 324 gp (adventure cap = 225 gp). APL 4: Loot 330 gp; Coin 20 gp; Magic 346 gp; Total 696 gp (adventure cap = 337 gp). APL 6: Loot 200 gp; Coin 20 gp; Magic 1139 gp; Total 1359 gp (adventure cap = 450 gp). APL 8: Loot 60 gp; Coin 20 gp; Magic 2747 gp; Total 2827 gp (adventure cap = 650 gp).

SPECIAL CERTED BENEFIT Al’Akbar’s Blessing: Your good deeds have been noted, and the High Cleric smiles upon you. You may add a +2 sacred bonus to any saving throw before you roll. You may do this up to four times, depending on how many of the Four Feet of the Dragon you exemplified through your deeds during this adventure (cross out any that do not apply): Generosity – you returned the possessions taken from Haroun and the Qadi. Honour – you defeated, killed or drove off the bandits. Family – you returned all the wedding presents. Piety – you are a worshipper of Al’Akbar. Tick a box each time you use Al’Akbar’s Blessing.

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1: A SORRY TALE OF WOE H A R O U N B IN -TA G H R E E D C R 1 Male human (Baklunish) cleric 1

LG Medium humanoid (human) Init +0; Senses Listen +1, Spot +1 Languages Baklunish, Common

AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10 (+0 Dex)

hp 7 (1 HD) Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3

Speed base movement 30 ft. Melee unarmed strike -1 (1d3-1) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +0; Grp -1

Special Actions turn undead Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st, 2nd with conjuration

(healing) spells): 1st—cause fear (DC 12), cure light wounds


endure elements 0—create water, detect magic, purify food and

drink D: Domain spell. Deity: Al’Akbar (Exalted Faith).

Domains: Good, Healing

Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 15

Feats Lightning Reflexes, Negotiator Skills Diplomacy +8, Heal +5, Knowledge (religion)

+5, Sense Motive +7

Possessions beggar’s bowl, 5 gp in silver and copper pieces

Turn Undead (Su) 5/day; 1d20+2; turning damage 2d6+3

Physical Description: Haroun is a young Baklunish man of average height and build, with golden-hued skin and black hair. He is grimy and unwashed – his patterned coat and breeches are stained with dirt and muck, and his hair is matted and filthy. Haroun is usually clean-shaven, but has not shaved for several days.

4: FIGHTING THE BANDITS Q A D I N AD I M B I N -H A ID A R C R 5 Male human (Baklunish) cleric 5

LG Medium humanoid (human) Init -1; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3 Languages Baklunish, Common, Dwarven

AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9 (-1 Dex)

hp 30 (5 HD) Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +9

Speed base movement 30 ft. Melee unarmed strike +3 (1d3) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +3; Grp +3

Special Actions turn undead

Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 5th, 6th with conjuration (healing) spells):

3rd—bestow curse (DC 16), cure serious woundsD,

create food and water 2nd—blindness/deafness (DC 15), cure moderate

woundsD, enthrall (DC 15), lesser restoration

1st—cause fear (DC 14), command (DC 14), cure light wounds

D, endure elements, obscuring mist

0—create water, detect magic, detect magic, mending, purify food and drink

D: Domain spell. Deity: Al’Akbar (Exalted Faith). Domains: Healing, Law

Abilities Str 10, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha

13 Feats Iron Will, Negotiator, Brew Potion Skills Concentration +9, Diplomacy +13, Heal +11,

Knowledge (religion) +10, Sense Motive +13

Turn Undead (Su) 4/day; 1d20+3; turning damage


Physical Description: Qadi Nadim is a tall and thin middle-aged Baklunish man with golden-hued skin. His blue-black hair and beard are streaked with grey. He is grimy and unwashed – his patterned robe is soiled with dirt and filth, and his hair and beard are tangled and knotted.

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4: FIGHTING THE BANDITS H O L G C R 1 Male orc barbarian 1

CE Medium humanoid (orc) Init +1; Senses Listen -2, Spot –2 Languages Common, Orc

AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +4 armor)

AC while raging 13, touch 9, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +4 armor, -2 raging) hp 9, 11 while raging (1 HD) Fort +4, +6 while raging, Ref +1, Will –2, +0 while


Speed 40 ft. in chain shirt (8 squares), base

movement 40 ft. Melee mwk greatclub +6 (1d10+6) or Melee while raging mwk large greatclub +8 (1d10+9) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +1; Grp +5, +7 while raging Atk Options Power Attack, rage 1/day Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds

Abilities Str 19, 23 while raging, Dex 12, Con 14, 18

while raging, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha 11 SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity, illiteracy Feats Power Attack Skills Climb +7, +9 while raging, Intimidate +4, Jump

+7, +9 while raging Possessions combat gear plus masterwork chain

shirt, masterwork greatclub, dagger

Light Sensitivity (Ex): Orcs are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Physical Description: Holg is a tall and powerfully built grey-skinned orc with straight, well-combed hair that falls down to his waist. His hands and feet are unusually large, and he carries a greatclub that is a foot longer than he is tall. S H U M P A N D TH O K K C R Male orc warrior 1 CE Medium humanoid (orc) Init +0; Senses Listen -2, Spot –2 Languages Common, Orc

AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14

(+1 Dex, +4 armor) AC while raging 13, touch 9, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +4 armor, -2 raging) hp 6 (1 HD) Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -2

Speed 30 ft. in chain shirt (6 squares), base

movement 30 ft. Melee falchion +4 (2d4+4/18-20) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +1; Grp +4 Atk Options Power Attack

Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds

Abilities Str 17, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 7, Cha 6 SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity Feats Power Attack

Skills Climb +5 Possessions combat gear plus chain shirt, falchion,


Light Sensitivity (Ex): Orcs are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Physical Description: Solid and squat orcs who need to bathe more often. O V E A N D VO L L O C R 1

Male half-orc fighter 1 CE Medium humanoid (human, orc) Init +2; Senses Listen -1, Spot –1 Languages Common, Orc

AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 armor)

hp 8 (1 HD) Fort +4, Ref +2, Will -1

Speed 30 ft. in chain shirt (6 squares), base movement 30 ft.

Melee scimitar +3 (1d6+2/18-20) or

Ranged mwk Str 14 mighty composite longbow +4 (1d8+2/x3)

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +1; Grp +3 Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot Combat Gear 20 arrows, potion of cure light wounds

Abilities Str 15, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 8

SQ Darkvision 60 ft. Feats Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot Skills Climb +4, Intimidate +3 Possessions combat gear plus masterwork chain

shirt, scimitar, masterwork Str 14 mighty composite longbow, dagger

Physical Description: Lean, wiry half-orcs each carrying a Baklunish curved bow and wearing a Baklunish steel cap with a small spike on top. K E T H C R 1

Male half-orc bard 1 CE Medium humanoid (human, orc) Init +1; Senses Listen -1, Spot –1 Languages Baklunish, Common, Orc

AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14

(+1 Dex, +4 armor) hp 5 (1 HD) Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1

Speed 30 ft. in chain shirt (6 squares), base movement 30 ft.

Melee shortsword +1 (1d6+1/19-20) or

Ranged mwk shortbow +2 (1d6/x3) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +0; Grp +1

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Special Actions Bardic music 1/day (countersong, fascinate, inspire courage +1)

Bard Spells Known (CL 1st): 0 (2/day)— daze (DC 11), detect magic, message,


Already cast Combat Gear 20 arrows, potion of cure light wounds

Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 13

SQ Darkvision 60 ft, bardic knowledge +2 Feats Eschew Materials Skills Bluff +5 , Concentration +5, Diplomacy +5,

Gather Information +5, Knowledge (local – Iuz’s Border States) +5, Perform (oratory) +5, Sense Motive +3

Possessions combat gear plus masterwork chain shirt, shortsword, masterwork shortbow, dagger

R O T H C R 1

Male half-orc sorcerer 1 CE Medium humanoid (human, orc) Init +1; Senses Listen -1, Spot –1 Languages Baklunish, Common, Orc

AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14

(+1 Dex, +4 armor) hp 4 (1 HD) Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +1

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), base movement 30 ft. Melee shortsword +1 (1d6+1/19-20) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Base Atk +0; Grp +1 Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 1st):

1st (4/day)— grease (DC 12), mage armour 0 (5/day)— daze (DC 11), detect magic, message,

prestidigitation Already cast

Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds

Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha

13 SQ Darkvision 60 ft. Feats Eschew Materials Skills Bluff +5, Concentration +5, Knowledge

(arcana) +5 Possessions combat gear plus shortsword, dagger

Physical Description: Keth and Roth are identical twins. Both are ruggedly handsome and taller than average – their Baklunish and Orc heritage has blended to give them the best features of both, including a dark tan complexion. Both wear similar Baklunish-style patterned robes, and Keth wears his chain shirt under the robe. The easiest way to tell them apart is that Keth has a bow and Roth does not.

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4: FIGHTING THE BANDITS H O L G C R 4 Male orc barbarian 4

CE Medium humanoid (orc) Init +1; Senses Listen -2, Spot –2 Languages Common, Orc

AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 15; uncanny dodge (+1 Dex, +4 armor)

AC while raging 13, touch 9, flat-footed 13; uncanny dodge

(+1 Dex, +4 armor, -2 raging) hp 36, 44 while raging (4 HD) Fort +6, +8 while raging, Ref +2, Will –1, +1 while


Speed 40 ft. in chain shirt (8 squares), base

movement 40 ft. Melee +1 large greatclub +8 (2d8+8) or Melee while raging +1 large greatclub +10 (2d8+11) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +4; Grp +8, +10 while raging Atk Options Power Attack, rage 2/day Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds

Abilities Str 20, 24 while raging, Dex 12, Con 14, 18 while raging, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha 11

SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity, illiteracy, uncanny dodge, trap sense +1

Feats Monkey Grip, Power Attack Skills Climb +11, +13 while raging, Intimidate +7,

Jump +11, +13 while raging Possessions combat gear plus masterwork chain

shirt, +1 large greatclub, dagger

Light Sensitivity (Ex): Orcs are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Physical Description: Holg is a tall and powerfully built grey-skinned orc with straight, well-combed hair that falls down to his waist. His hands and feet are unusually large, and he carries a large greatclub that is twice as long as he is tall. S H U M P A N D TH O K K C R 1 Male orc barbarian 1 CE Medium humanoid (orc) Init +1; Senses Listen +0, Spot +0

Languages Common, Orc

AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +4 armor) AC while raging 13, touch 9, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +4 armor, -2 raging) hp 9, 11 while raging (1 HD)

Fort +4, +6 while raging, Ref +1, Will +0, +2 while raging

Speed 40 ft. in chain shirt (8 squares), base movement 40 ft.

Melee mwk falchion +6 (2d4+6/18-20) or

Melee while raging mwk falchion +8 (2d4+9/18-20)

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +1; Grp +5, +7 while raging Atk Options Power Attack, rage 1/day Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds

Abilities Str 18, 22 while raging, Dex 13, Con 15, 19

while raging, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 6 SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity, illiteracy Feats Power Attack Skills Climb +7, +9 while raging, Intimidate +2, Jump

+7, +9 while raging Possessions combat gear plus masterwork chain

shirt, masterwork falchion, dagger

Light Sensitivity (Ex): Orcs are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Physical Description: Solid and squat orcs who need to bathe more often. O V E A N D VO L L O C R 1 Male half-orc fighter 1 CE Medium humanoid (human, orc) Init +2; Senses Listen -1, Spot –1

Languages Common, Orc

AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 armor) hp 8 (1 HD) Fort +4, Ref +2, Will -1

Speed 30 ft. in chain shirt (6 squares), base movement 30 ft.

Melee scimitar +3 (1d6+2/18-20) or Ranged mwk Str 14 mighty composite longbow +4


Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +1; Grp +3 Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot Combat Gear 20 arrows, potion of cure light wounds

Abilities Str 15, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 8 SQ Darkvision 60 ft.

Feats Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot Skills Climb +4, Intimidate +3 Possessions combat gear plus masterwork chain

shirt, scimitar, masterwork Str 14 mighty composite longbow, dagger

Physical Description: Lean, wiry half-orcs each carrying a Baklunish curved bow and wearing a Baklunish steel cap with a small spike on top. K E T H C R 2 Male half-orc bard 2 CE Medium humanoid (human, orc)

Init +1; Senses Listen -1, Spot –1 Languages Baklunish, Common, Orc

AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +5 armor) hp 10 (2 HD) Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2

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Speed 30 ft. in chain shirt (6 squares), base movement 30 ft.

Melee shortsword +2 (1d6+1/19-20) or Ranged mwk shortbow +3 (1d6/x3) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +1; Grp +2 Special Actions Bardic music 2/day (countersong,

fascinate, inspire courage +1) Bard Spells Known (CL 2nd):

1st (1/day)— charm person (DC 12), disguise self

0 (3/day)— daze (DC 11), detect magic, message, prestidigitation, read magic

Already cast Combat Gear 20 arrows, potion of cure light wounds

Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha

13 SQ Darkvision 60 ft, bardic knowledge +3 Feats Eschew Materials Skills Bluff +6 , Concentration +6, Diplomacy +10,

Gather Information +8, Knowledge (local – Iuz’s Border States) +6, Perform (oratory) +6, Sense Motive +4

Possessions combat gear plus +1 chain shirt, shortsword, masterwork shortbow, dagger

R O T H C R 2 Male half-orc sorcerer 2 CE Medium humanoid (human, orc)

Init +1; Senses Listen -1, Spot –1 Languages Baklunish, Common, Orc

AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +4 armor) hp 8 (2 HD)

Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), base movement 30 ft. Melee mwk shortsword +3 (1d6+1/19-20) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +1; Grp +2 Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 2nd):

1st (5/day)— grease (DC 12), mage armour 0 (6/day)— daze (DC 11), detect magic, message,

prestidigitation, read magic Already cast

Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds

Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha

13 SQ Darkvision 60 ft. Feats Eschew Materials Skills Bluff +6, Concentration +6, Knowledge

(arcana) +6 Possessions combat gear plus masterwork

shortsword, dagger

Physical Description: Keth and Roth are identical twins. Both are ruggedly handsome and taller than average – their Baklunish and Orc heritage has blended to give them the best features of both, including a dark tan complexion. Both wear similar Baklunish-style patterned robes, and Keth wears his chain shirt

under the robe. The easiest way to tell them apart is that Keth has a bow and Roth does not.

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4: FIGHTING THE BANDITS H O L G C R 6 Male orc barbarian 6

CE Medium humanoid (orc) Init +1; Senses Listen -2, Spot –2 Languages Common, Orc

AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 16; improved uncanny dodge

(+1 Dex, +5 armor) AC while raging 14, touch 9, flat-footed 14; improved

uncanny dodge (+1 Dex, +5 armor, -2 raging) hp 54, 66 while raging (6 HD) Fort +7, +9 while raging, Ref +3, Will +0, +2 while


Speed 40 ft. in chain shirt (8 squares), base

movement 40 ft. Melee +1 large greatclub +10/+5 (2d8+8) or Melee while raging +1 large greatclub +12/+7

(2d8+11) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +6; Grp +10, +12 while raging

Atk Options Cleave, Power Attack, rage 2/day Combat Gear potion of cure serious wounds

Abilities Str 20, 24 while raging, Dex 12, Con 14, 18 while raging, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha 11

SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity, illiteracy, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +2

Feats Cleave, Monkey Grip, Power Attack Skills Climb +13, +15 while raging, Intimidate +9,

Jump +13, +15 while raging Possessions combat gear plus +1 chain shirt, +1

large greatclub, dagger

Light Sensitivity (Ex): Orcs are dazzled in bright

sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Physical Description: Holg is a tall and powerfully built grey-skinned orc with straight, well-combed hair that falls down to his waist. His hands and feet are unusually large, and he carries a large greatclub that is twice as long as he is tall. S H U M P A N D TH O K K C R 2 Male orc barbarian 2

CE Medium humanoid (orc) Init +1; Senses Listen +0, Spot +0 Languages Common, Orc

AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 16; uncanny dodge (+1 Dex, +5 armor) AC while raging 14, touch 9, flat-footed 14; uncanny

dodge (+1 Dex, +5 armor, -2 raging) hp 18, 22 while raging (2 HD) Fort +5, +7 while raging, Ref +1, Will +0, +2 while


Speed 40 ft. in chain shirt (8 squares), base movement 40 ft.

Melee mwk falchion +7 (2d4+6/18-20) or

Melee while raging mwk falchion +9 (2d4+9/18-20) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +2; Grp +6, +8 while raging Atk Options Power Attack, rage 1/day Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds

Abilities Str 18, 22 while raging, Dex 13, Con 15, 19

while raging, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 6 SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity, illiteracy,

uncanny dodge Feats Power Attack Skills Climb +8, +10 while raging, Intimidate +3,

Jump +8, +10 while raging Possessions combat gear plus +1 chain shirt,

masterwork falchion, dagger

Light Sensitivity (Ex): Orcs are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Physical Description: Solid and squat orcs who need to bathe more often. O V E A N D VO L L O C R 2 Male half-orc fighter 2 CE Medium humanoid (human, orc) Init +2; Senses Listen -1, Spot –1

Languages Common, Orc

AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +5 armor) hp 16 (2 HD) Fort +5, Ref +2, Will -1

Speed 30 ft. in chain shirt (6 squares), base movement 30 ft.

Melee scimitar +4 (1d6+2/18-20) or Ranged mwk Str 14 mighty composite longbow +5

(1d8+2/x3) or Ranged mwk composite longbow +3/+3 (1d8+2/x3)

with rapid shot Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +2; Grp +4 Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid

Shot Combat Gear 20 arrows, potion of cure light wounds

Abilities Str 15, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 8

SQ Darkvision 60 ft. Feats Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot Skills Climb +5, Intimidate +4 Possessions combat gear plus +1 chain shirt,

scimitar, masterwork Str 14 mighty composite longbow, dagger

Physical Description: Lean, wiry half-orcs each carrying a Baklunish curved bow and wearing a Baklunish steel cap with a small spike on top. K E T H C R 4

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Male half-orc bard 4 CE Medium humanoid (human, orc) Init +1; Senses Listen -1, Spot –1 Languages Baklunish, Common, Orc

AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15

(+1 Dex, +5 armor) hp 20 (4 HD) Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3

Speed 30 ft. in chain shirt (6 squares), base

movement 30 ft. Melee shortsword +4 (1d6+1/19-20) or Ranged mwk shortbow +5 (1d6/x3) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +3; Grp +4 Special Actions Bardic music 4/day (countersong,

fascinate, inspire courage +1, inspire competence)

Bard Spells Known (CL 4th): 2nd (1/day)— daze monster (DC 14), silence 1st (3/day)— charm person (DC 13), disguise self,

hideous laughter (DC 13) 0 (3/day)— daze (DC 12), detect magic, mage

hand, message, prestidigitation, read magic Already cast

Combat Gear 20 arrows, potion of cure moderate


Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 14

SQ Darkvision 60 ft, bardic knowledge +5

Feats Eschew Materials, Skill Focus (concentration) Skills Bluff +9 , Concentration +11, Diplomacy +13,

Gather Information +11, Knowledge (local – Iuz’s Border States) +8, Perform (oratory) +9, Sense Motive +6

Possessions combat gear plus +1 chain shirt, shortsword, masterwork shortbow, dagger

R O T H C R 4 Male half-orc sorcerer 4 CE Medium humanoid (human, orc) Init +1; Senses Listen -1, Spot –1 Languages Baklunish, Common, Orc

AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14

(+1 Dex, +4 armor) hp 16 (4 HD) Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), base movement 30 ft.

Melee +1 shortsword +4 (1d6+2/19-20) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +2; Grp +3 Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 4th):

2nd (4/day)— glitterdust (DC 14) 1st (7/day)— disguise self, grease (DC 13), mage


0 (6/day)— daze (DC 12), detect magic, message, prestidigitation, read magic

Already cast Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds

Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha

14 SQ Darkvision 60 ft. Feats Eschew Materials, Skill Focus (concentration)

Skills Bluff +9, Concentration +11, Knowledge (arcana) +8

Possessions combat gear plus +1 shortsword, dagger

Physical Description: Keth and Roth are identical twins. Both are ruggedly handsome and taller than average – their Baklunish and Orc heritage has blended to give them the best features of both, including a dark tan complexion. Both wear similar Baklunish-style patterned robes, and Keth wears his chain shirt under the robe. The easiest way to tell them apart is that Keth has a bow and Roth does not.

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4: FIGHTING THE BANDITS H O L G C R 8 Male orc barbarian 8

CE Medium humanoid (orc) Init +1; Senses Listen -2, Spot –2 Languages Common, Orc

AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 16; improved uncanny dodge

(+1 Dex, +5 armor) AC while raging 14, touch 9, flat-footed 14; improved

uncanny dodge (+1 Dex, +5 armor, -2 raging) hp 72, 88 while raging (8 HD) ; DR 1/– Fort +8, +10 while raging, Ref +3, Will +0, +2 while


Speed 40 ft. in chain shirt (8 squares), base

movement 40 ft. Melee +1 large greatclub +13/+8 (2d8+10) or Melee while raging +1 large greatclub +15/+10

(2d8+13) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +8; Grp +13, +15 while raging

Atk Options Cleave, Power Attack, rage 3/day Combat Gear potion of cure serious wounds

Abilities Str 23, 27 while raging, Dex 12, Con 14, 18 while raging, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha 11

SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity, illiteracy, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +2

Feats Cleave, Monkey Grip, Power Attack Skills Climb +16, +18 while raging, Intimidate +11,

Jump +16, +18 while raging Possessions combat gear plus +1 chain shirt, +1

large greatclub, gauntlets of ogre power, dagger

Light Sensitivity (Ex): Orcs are dazzled in bright

sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Physical Description: Holg is a tall and powerfully built grey-skinned orc with straight, well-combed hair that falls down to his waist. His hands and feet are unusually large, and he carries a large greatclub that is twice as long as he is tall. S H U M P A N D TH O K K C R 4 Male orc barbarian 4

CE Medium humanoid (orc) Init +1; Senses Listen +0, Spot +0 Languages Common, Orc

AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 16; uncanny dodge (+1 Dex, +5 armor) AC while raging 14, touch 9, flat-footed 14; uncanny

dodge (+1 Dex, +5 armor, -2 raging) hp 36, 44 while raging (4 HD) Fort +6, +8 while raging, Ref +2, Will +1, +3 while


Speed 40 ft. in chain shirt (8 squares), base movement 40 ft.

Melee +1 falchion +9 (2d4+7/18-20) or

Melee while raging +1 falchion +11 (2d4+10/18-20) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +4; Grp +8, +10 while raging Atk Options Cleave, Power Attack, rage 2/day Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds

Abilities Str 19, 23 while raging, Dex 13, Con 15, 19

while raging, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 6 SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity, illiteracy,

uncanny dodge, trap sense +1 Feats Cleave, Power Attack Skills Climb +10, +12 while raging, Intimidate +5,

Jump +10, +12 while raging Possessions combat gear plus +1 chain shirt, +1

falchion, dagger

Light Sensitivity (Ex): Orcs are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Physical Description: Solid and squat orcs who need to bathe more often. O V E A N D VO L L O C R 4 Male half-orc fighter 4 CE Medium humanoid (human, orc) Init +2; Senses Listen -1, Spot –1

Languages Common, Orc

AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +5 armor) hp 32 (4 HD) Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +0

Speed 30 ft. in chain shirt (6 squares), base movement 30 ft.

Melee mwk scimitar +7 (1d6+2/18-20) or Ranged +1 Str 14 mighty composite longbow +9

(1d8+5/x3) or Ranged +1 Str 14 mighty composite longbow +7/+7

(1d8+5/x3) with rapid shot Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +4; Grp +6 Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid

Shot Combat Gear 20 arrows, potion of cure moderate


Abilities Str 15, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 8

SQ Darkvision 60 ft. Feats Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot,

Weapon Focus (longbow), Weapon Specialisation (longbow)

Skills Climb +7, Intimidate +6 Possessions combat gear plus +1 chain shirt,

masterwork scimitar, +1 Str 14 mighty composite longbow, dagger

Physical Description: Lean, wiry half-orcs each carrying a Baklunish curved bow and

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wearing a Baklunish steel cap with a small spike on top. K E T H C R 6 Male half-orc bard 6 CE Medium humanoid (human, orc) Init +1; Senses Listen -1, Spot –1 Languages Baklunish, Common, Orc

AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15

(+1 Dex, +5 armor) hp 30 (5 HD) Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6

Speed 30 ft. in chain shirt (6 squares), base

movement 30 ft. Melee shortsword +5 (1d6+1/19-20) or Ranged +1 shortbow +6 (1d6+1/x3) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +4; Grp +5 Special Actions Bardic music 6/day (countersong,

fascinate, inspire courage +1, inspire competence, suggestion)

Bard Spells Known (CL 6th): 2nd (3/day)— daze monster (DC 14), silence,

suggestion (DC 14) 1st (4/day)— charm person (DC 13), cure light

wounds, disguise self, hideous laughter (DC 13) 0 (3/day)— daze (DC 12), detect magic, mage

hand, message, prestidigitation, read magic Already cast

Combat Gear 20 arrows, potion of cure moderate wounds

Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 14

SQ Darkvision 60 ft, bardic knowledge +7 Feats Eschew Materials, Skill Focus (concentration),

Still Spell Skills Bluff +11 , Concentration +13, Diplomacy +15,

Gather Information +13, Knowledge (local – Iuz’s Border States) +10, Perform (oratory) +11, Sense Motive +8

Possessions combat gear plus +1 chain shirt,

shortsword, +1 shortbow, dagger

R O T H C R 6 Male half-orc sorcerer 6 CE Medium humanoid (human, orc) Init +1; Senses Listen -1, Spot –1

Languages Baklunish, Common, Orc

AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +4 armor, +1 deflection) hp 24 (6 HD) Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), base movement 30 ft. Melee +1 shortsword +5 (1d6+2/19-20) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +3; Grp +4 Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 6th):

3rd (3/day)— haste

2nd (6/day)— acid arrow (DC 14), glitterdust (DC 14), mirror image

1st (7/day)— disguise self, grease (DC 13), mage armour , magic missile

0 (6/day)— daze (DC 12), detect magic, message, prestidigitation, read magic

Already cast

Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds

Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 14

SQ Darkvision 60 ft.

Feats Eschew Materials, Skill Focus (concentration), Still Spell

Skills Bluff +11, Concentration +13, Knowledge (arcana) +10

Possessions combat gear plus +1 shortsword, +1 ring of protection, dagger

Physical Description: Keth and Roth are identical twins. Both are ruggedly handsome and taller than average – their Baklunish and Orc heritage has blended to give them the best features of both, including a dark tan complexion. Both wear similar Baklunish-style patterned robes, and Keth wears his chain shirt under the robe. The easiest way to tell them apart is that Keth has a bow and Roth does not.

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Monkey Grip You are able to use a larger weapon than other people your size. Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1. Benefit: You can use melee weapons one size category larger than you are with a –2 penalty on the attack roll, but the amount of effort it takes you to use the weapon does not change. For instance, a Large longsword (a one-handed weapon for a Large creature) is considered a two-handed weapon for a Medium creature that does not have this feat. For a Medium creature that has this feat, it is still considered a one-handed weapon. You can wield a larger light weapon as a light weapon, or a larger two-handed weapon in two hands. You cannot wield a larger weapon in your off hand, and you cannot use this feat with a double weapon. Normal: You can use a melee weapon one size category larger than you are with a –2 penalty on the attack roll, and the amount of effort it takes to use the weapon increases. A larger light weapon is considered a one-handed weapon, a larger one-handed weapon is considered a two-handed weapon, and you cannot use a larger two-handed weapon at all. Source: Complete Warrior 103

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DM’S AID 1: PERRENLAND SPECIFIC EFFECTS The Nightmare: Many folk are having vivid nightmares of their friends and loved ones being slaughtered and rising as undead to fight in the legions of the Famine Queen, Iggwilv. At the start of the adventure, each PC has this nightmare the night before the Introduction begins. If the PC fails a DC 15 Will save they suffer a –1 profane penalty to all saving throws for the first two days of the adventure. This is a fear effect (caster level 10) and may be suppressed or dispelled in the normal manner. The Famine: Although Hell’s Gloom has ended, Perrenland is still recovering from two years of continuous smog. During that time, most of Perrenland was not able to harvest any food: southern Quagfludt, the Kershane Pass and northern Yattenheid were the only places that produced harvests. This has the following effects during the adventure. The shortage of food has created widespread hunger across Perrenland: many fear famine, and hoarding is common but has yet to be outlawed. Unless this is an Introductory scenario, the price of all food items has doubled (200% normal cost) and the price of any other mundane item from the Player’s Handbook has increased by half again (150% normal cost). Costs are not increased during Introductory scenarios or during character creation. Lifestyle and upkeep costs have also doubled (though PCs with free upkeep still pay 0 gp). If a PC has a discount on lifestyle and upkeep costs, the discount applies after the costs have been doubled. For example, standard upkeep with a 50% discount would cost 12 gp (12 x 2 = 24, 24 / 2 = 12); rich upkeep with a 20 gp discount would cost 80 gp (50 x 2 = 100, 100 – 20 = 80). Again, costs are not increased during Introductory scenarios. Living off the wild incurs a -5 circumstance penalty to the Survival check. PCs who pay for upkeep can declare at the start of the game that they have donated their upkeep to the needy. The PC is treated as if they have the next worst category of upkeep (none instead of standard, standard instead of rich, rich instead of luxury) except that they do not receive any in-game penalty for having no unkeep (if paying for standard upkeep) and retain the circumstance bonuses to skill checks (if paying for rich or luxury upkeep) because they are deemed to be a generous patron of the folk by those they meet. In addition, the PC begins the game suffering from the effects of hunger: at the beginning of the Introduction, they are fatigued and have taken non-lethal damage to 1/3 of their hit-point total rounded down. To remove these penalties, the PC must rest for 8 hours in game and eat an appropriate meal. PCs who can cast create food and water or heroes feast can declare at the start of the game that they do so to help the needy. The PC gains the circumstance bonus to skill checks as if they had paid for the next best category of upkeep. The PC begins the game having cast the spell(s) earlier on the day on which the Introduction begins.

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LEGEND Scale: 1 square = 5 ft. Low Hill: gentle incline isn’t steep enough to affect movement, but characters gain a +1 bonus on melee attacks against foes downhill from them Hill: steep slope is considered higher ground, must spend 2 squares to move one square uphill, characters running or charging downhill must succeed on a DC 10 Balance check upon entering the first steep slope square or stumble, characters who fail this check stumble and must end their movement 1d2 5 feet later, characters who fail by 5 or more fall prone in the square where they end their movement, DC of all Tumble checks increases by 2 Ditch: 4 ft. deep with steep sides and 1 ft. of mud and standing water at the bottom • characters outside the ditch have higher

ground (+1 bonus on melee attacks on characters in the ditch)

• characters must spend 2 squares of movement to move into or through a ditch square because of the mud and standing water, and the DC of all Tumble checks is increased by 2

• characters must spend 2 squares of movement to step out of the ditch, and going in or out of the ditch increases the DC of all Tumble checks by 2

• characters running or charging into the ditch must succeed on a DC 10 Balance check when they cross the edge of the ditch or stumble, characters who fail this check stumble and must end their movement 1d2 5 feet later, characters who fail by 5 or more fall prone in the square where they end their movement

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LEGEND Scale: 1 square = 5 ft. Steep Slope: considered higher ground, must spend 2 squares to move one square uphill, characters running or charging downhill must succeed on a DC 10 Balance check upon entering the first steep slope square or stumble, characters who fail this check stumble and must end their movement 1d2 5 feet later, characters who fail by 5 or more fall prone in the square where they end their movement, DC of all Tumble checks increases by 2 Undergrowth: must spend 2 squares of movement to move into square, provides 20% concealment, DC of all Tumble and Move Silently checks increases by 2

concealed pit trap

boundary of undergrowth\

KEY 1 – Cave entrance 2 – Main cave 3 – Treasure chamber 4 – Prison

top related