the psalms for worship - · the congregation doesn’t just ... he lets his chosen...

Post on 04-Jul-2018






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Psalms for the Day from Psalms 101 - 125

The Book of Psalms contains wonderful prayers, exalted poems of praise, and deep expressions of longing and distress. No wonder these songs have been included in worship; they give us the words we need as we come into the presence of God.

However, usually these psalms are not treated like the other Readings in our worship. The congregation doesn’t just hear the psalm; they take part in an antiphonally reading of it. So the ‘I’ in the psalm now becomes me. The ‘we’ becomes our congregation. The ‘people of God’ becomes the church. The ‘Lord God’ becomes the Triune God as revealed by Jesus. Because these psalms are used this way by a New Testament Christian congregation, I am presented with some problems. But I don’t want these problems to stop me using these wonderful psalms. I want to be able to get fully involved with them antiphonally. I want them to be my psalms. That’s why I have written the following adaptions of them. In doing this I have been mindful of: The antiphonal construction I have taken pains to maintain the parallel repetition that is such an important part of the poetry of these songs. This repetition allows the psalms to be spoken antiphonally. It allows the pastor and congregation to present the message of the psalm together and to each other. It allows us to proclaim the faith we share. The language and verbal images But it is difficult to take up a psalm as mine when it uses words I don’t understand, or images that have no real connection to me. What’s more, I need to understand all this as I am reading it, right there in the worship service. Although thinking about the meaning of the psalm later might help me next time it crops up in worship – if I remember my thoughts! But that doesn’t help to make it a vital part of my worship this time. So I have tried to make the language and the images of the psalms relevant to life now. Whether I have done that well, is, of course, another matter. The emotion in the psalm It can be difficult to make a psalm mine when it is expressing a pain, a sorrow, a joyful praise, a confident faith, or some other emotion, that I am not feeling at the moment. Now, I don’t want to ignore that psalm just because the writer is going through a crisis, a high point, or a life changing moment, that’s outside of my experience at the moment. Nor do I want to force other worshippers to take on their lips emotions that they can’t relate to in that time of worship. So for a psalm like that I have given a second version called Interacting with the psalm. I have adapted the psalm by letting the pastor present its message. He in effect becomes the psalm writer. The congregation’s lines allow them to react to the emotion, or the faith, expressed in the psalm, as they try to understand it or take it in. Doing that may allow the congregation to discover that perhaps the psalm does speak to them. The setting of the psalm Some psalms are embedded in a particular event or situation (like the enthronement of a king), or in an Old Testament Jewish practice (like animal sacrifice), or a belief (like God’s permanent choice of them as a nation). These settings for psalms do not apply in our New Testament faith. So, if I am going to use these Old Testament psalms they require a re-interpretation that moves them into the closest New Testament setting. The traditional solution of just taking on the Glory to the Father, and the Son . . . does not, it seems to me, move the psalm into the setting of New Testament faith. I have included brief introductory comments for these psalms, to explain a little about why and how I believe they can be re-interpreted.

So that I can use these psalms in personal mediation and prayer, I have made some further minor adaptions to take them out of their worship setting. I have called that series The Psalms for meditation.

Neil Stiller (

Oct 2017

(I imagine revisions will appear every now and then as ‘field-testing’ demands changes,

and as folk like you give me the gift of your criticism and suggestions.)

I guess I should consider the possibility that you may want to use these versions of the psalms in your worship services. So let me assure you that’s fine with me. Go ahead. You may want me to suggest some words of acknowledgement. So how about: This version of the psalm by Neil Stiller, 2016.

PSALM 102:24-28 A PRAYER FOR A LONGER LIFE P: My God, please don’t let me die yet, C: I’ve hardly had a chance at life.

P: You are the eternal God, unlike us mortals you live forever; C: unlike us humans you will never face the prospect of dying in the prime of life. P: Before creation you were there, for you created this earth, C: and the heavens are your handiwork. P: When your created universe comes to an end, C: that won’t affect you – you will still be there. P: This world will wear out like clothing, C: like garments thrown out because they need replacing. P: But you will still be there – and in perfect condition. C: Your life has no beginning and no end. P: As humans, one generation succeeds another as we have our turn at life. C: But you are always there for every generation.

P: My God, please don’t let me die yet, C: I’ve hardly had a chance at life. Interacting with the psalm

(P facing altar)

P: My God, please don’t let me die yet. I’ve hardly had a chance at life. C: But that’s how life is, sometimes.

P: You are the eternal God, unlike us mortals you live forever. C: So what has that got to do with it? P: Unlike us humans you will never face the prospect of dying in the prime of life. C: God doesn’t understand what you are going through? P: I just can’t imagine a God like you. You created this earth, and the heavens are your

handiwork. Even before creation you were there. C: It is hard to imagine a God who is always there. P: When your created universe comes to an end, that won’t affect you – you will still be there. C: Unlike us mortals. P: This world will wear out like clothing, like garments thrown out because they need replacing.

But you will still be there – and in perfect condition. C: Yes, not affected by the ageing process, or dying. P: As humans, one generation succeeds another as we have our turn at life. But you are

always there for every generation. C: So what are you saying to this hard-to-understand, eternal God?

P: My God, I really can’t comprehend the unlimited fullness of YOUR life. Nor I can I understand the threatened shortness of MINE, and all the things I won’t be able to experience.

So please, don’t let me die yet. I’ve hardly had a chance at life.

PSALM 103:1-8 A RANDOM ACT OF PRAISE P: I can’t put it off any longer – I need to stop everything to praise the Lord. C: I need to give my whole attention to my holy God. P: As I let this praise flow out, C: I don’t want to overlook any of his blessings.

P: He forgives me all my sin.

C: He heals me of every disease. P: He keeps me from dying. C: He knocks me out with his love and mercy. P: He fills my life with so many good things, C: I feel as if I can face anything life may throw at me.

P: The Lord makes sure justice prevails, C: and the oppressed are given their rights. P: He reveals his will to his chosen leaders, C: he lets his chosen people see his powerful deeds.

P: The Lord is full of compassion and mercy; C: he is patient and overflowing with constant love. PSALM 103:1-13, 22 A RANDOM ACT OF PRAISE P: I can’t put it off any longer – I need to stop everything to praise the Lord. C: I need to give my whole attention to my holy God. P: As I let this praise flow out, C: I don’t want to overlook any of his blessings.

P: He forgives me all my sin. C: He heals me of every disease. P: He keeps me from dying. C: He knocks me out with his love and mercy. P: He fills my life with so many good things, C: I feel as if I can face anything life may throw at me.

P: The Lord makes sure justice prevails, C: and the oppressed are given their rights. P: He reveals his will to his chosen leaders, C: he lets his chosen people see his powerful deeds.

P: The Lord is full of compassion and mercy; C: he is patient, and overflowing with constant love. P: He doesn’t endlessly accuse and blame, C: he doesn’t bear grudges forever. P: He does not treat any of us as we deserve for our sin, C: or pay us back for the wrong we do.

P: As high as the sky is above the earth, C: that’s how great his constant love is for his faithful people. P: As far as east is from west, C: that’s how far he removes our sin from us. P: As parents feel compassion for their children, C: that’s how compassionate the Lord is to his faithful people.

P: Praise the Lord, every part of his creation! C: Join me in stopping everything to praise the Lord.

PSALM 104:1-9, 24, 35c A SONG OF PRAISE All: Praise the Lord!

P: Lord, my God, you are such an awesome God! C: I see you there dressed in splendour and glory.

P: You are enveloped by light, C: the heavens stretched out as your home, your marvelous home built on water. P: There go the clouds, your vehicles, C: that travel around on the winds. P: You also use the winds as your messengers, C: you use lightning and fire to serve your purposes.

P: You set the earth firmly in its place, so it stays in his orbit, C: you draped it with the oceans, with the water covering the mountains. P: But at your word of rebuke the water retreated, C: at your shouted command it flowed away. P: The mountains appeared as the water ran away, C: running down the valleys to the place you had made for it. P: You set a boundary between the water and the land, C: that the water couldn’t cross to flood the earth again.

P: Lord, you have created so many things – and your wisdom astounds me! C: The earth is chock-a-block with your creatures.

All: Praise the Lord! PSALM 104:24-34, 35b A SONG OF PRAISE P: Lord, you have created so many things – and your wisdom astounds me! C: The earth is chock-a-block with your creatures.

P: There’s the sea, vast and amazingly deep; C: teeming with countless creatures, large and small. P: Ships criss-cross on the water, C: while underneath great whales frolic as if they are your pets.

P: All your creatures depend on you C: to give them food as they need it. P: You provide their food, and they tuck in; C: you care for them so that their hunger is satisfied. P: If you were to withhold your care, they would panic; C: If you refused them breath, they would die and return to dust. P: As you give them your spirit they are created; C: as you give them breath they live and give new life to the earth.

P: May the splendour of the Lord shine out forever, C: and may he always find pleasure in his creation. P: He is so powerful he just needs to look at the earth and it quakes, C: he just touches the mountains and they erupt.

P: I will sing to the Lord all my life, C: I will sing praises to my God as long as I live. P: May he be pleased with all my thoughts about him, C: as I rejoice in the Lord, and offer him my heartfelt praise.

All: Praise the Lord!

PSALM 105:1-6, 16-22, 45c A LEARN-FROM-HISTORY PSALM P: Give thanks to the Lord, give him your worship; C: tell everyone the great things he has done.

P: Sing your praises to him, C: proclaim his amazing deeds. P: Delight in our awesome God, C: rejoice that you are his people. P: Go to the Lord for the strength he gives, C: always live your life aware of his presence with you. P: Remember the wonderful things he has done, the miracles he has performed, C: the decisions he has made for us, the promises he gives us.

P: Long ago the Lord called for a famine to come upon God’s people, C: soon there was no food for them. P: But he sent a man ahead of them, C: Joseph, who was sold as a slave. P: He had to put up with being chained in prison, a collar of iron around his neck, C: until God’s plan reached fruition, and his word came true. P: Then the king released him, C: Pharaoh set Joseph free. P: He put him in charge of his government as a ruler over the country, C: with power over officials and authority to teach them.

All: Praise the Lord! PSALM 105:1-6, 23-26, 45c A LEARN-FROM-HISTORY PSALM P: Give thanks to the Lord, give him your worship; C: tell everyone the great things he has done. P: Sing your praises to him, C: proclaim his amazing deeds. P: Delight in our awesome God, C: rejoice that you are his people. P: Go to the Lord for the strength he gives, C: always live your life aware of his presence with you. P: Remember the wonderful things he has done, the miracles he has performed, C: the decisions he has made for us, the promises he gives us.

P: Long ago Israel came to Egypt, and God’s people lived there as aliens, C: The Lord gave his people many children, and made them a force to be reckoned

with. P: He made the Egyptians hate his people, C: and mistreat and abuse them. P: But then he sent his servant Moses, with Aaron whom he also chose. C: They performed miracles and mighty signs in Egypt.

All: Praise the Lord! PSALM 105:1-6, 37-45 A LEARN-FROM-HISTORY PSALM P: Give thanks to the Lord, give him your worship; C: tell everyone the great things he has done. P: Sing your praises to him, C: proclaim his amazing deeds. P: Delight in our awesome God, C: rejoice that you are his people. P: Go to the Lord for the strength he gives,

C: always live your life aware of his presence with you. P: Remember the wonderful things he has done, the miracles he has performed, C: the decisions he has made for us, the promises he gives us.

P: Long ago he led his people out of Egypt, laden with silver and gold, C: all of them eager and sure-footed. P: The Egyptians were glad to get rid of them, C: they had become so terrified of them. P: God gave his people a cloud to cover them during the day, C: and a fire to give them light at night. P: They asked, and he delivered quails to them, C: he satisfied them with food from heaven. P: He opened a rock, and water gushed out, C: it flowed through the desert like a river.

P: That’s how he remembered his sacred promise C: to Abraham, his chosen servant. P: He led his people out with rejoicing, C: they shouted out their songs of joy. P: He gave them the land of other nations, C: and they took over their crops and wealth. P: He did it so that his people would obey his instructions, C: and do everything he asked of them.

All: Praise the Lord! PSALM 105:1-11, 45b A LEARN-FROM-HISTORY PSALM P: Give thanks to the Lord, give him your worship; C: tell everyone the great things he has done. P: Sing your praises to him, C: proclaim his amazing deeds. P: Delight in our awesome God, C: rejoice that you are his people. P: Go to the Lord for the strength he gives, C: always live your life aware of his presence with you. P: Remember the wonderful things he has done, the miracles he has performed, C: the decisions he has made for us, the promises he gives us.

P: He is the Lord, our God; C: and he is in control of the whole earth. P: He keeps the promises he makes, he always will; C: his agreement with his people is in force for a thousand generations. P: Remember the original promise he gave to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; C: his agreement with his people, his eternal covenant. P: ‘I will give you the land of Canaan,’ he said, C: ‘it will be your inheritance.’

All: Praise the Lord!

PSALM 106:1-6, 19-23 A LEARN-FROM-HISTORY PSALM All: Praise the Lord!

P: Give thanks to the Lord, he is so good to us; C: his love never ends. P: Who is able to recount all the powerful things he has done? C: Who is able to give him all the praise he deserves? P: Surely you are over the moon to be chosen by him to maintain justice in society, C: to be chosen to do what God regards as the right thing to do.

P: Remember me, Lord, when you pour out your love on your people, C: give me your help when you rescue your people. P: Let me see your people prosper as a nation, C: let me share in their happiness, P: so that together we may all delight in belonging to you, C: and giving you our praise.

P: We have greatly sinned against you, we and our ancestors, C: we have been stubborn and disobedient again and again.

P: For example, our ancestors fashioned a calf at Sinai, C: they worshiped a carved image. P: In the place of the awesome glory of God, C: they put a statue of a grass-eating beast. P: They forgot their God, their Saviour, C: who had done such amazing things in Egypt, P: who performed miracles and wonders, C: and his awesome show of power at the Red Sea.

P: Extremely unhappy with them, God said he would destroy his people, C: but his chosen servant, Moses, spoke up. P: He intervened, C: he prevented God from acting in anger.

PSALM 107:1-3, 17-22 A CALL TO GIVE THANKS P: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; C: his love is always there.

P: Come on, you who have been rescued by the Lord, C: tell the story of what he has done for you. P: Tell how he has rescued you in your troubles, C: tell how he brought you home from distant foreign countries.

P: There were some who foolishly did whatever they liked, C: and their health suffered as a result of their indulgence. P: They couldn’t stand the sight of food C: and were in danger of dying.

P: But then they called out to the Lord in their trouble, C: and he came to their rescue. P: He spoke the word that healed them, C: he didn’t let them die.

P: Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love, C: for the wonderful things he does for them and everyone.

P: Let them show their thanks by keeping their promises to God, C: and telling of his rescue with joyful songs. PSALM 107:1-3, 23-32 A CALL TO GIVE THANKS P: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; C: his love is always there.

P: Come on, you who have been rescued by the Lord, C: tell the story of what he has done for you. P: Tell how he has rescued you in your troubles, C: tell how he brought you home from distant foreign countries.

P: There were some who were sailors, C: earning their living by sailing ships through powerful waves. P: They saw at first hand the power of the Lord, C: his might reflected in the strength of the waves.

P: At one time he gave the word for the wind to blow, C: a storm that raised the waves higher and higher. P: The ship was raised high in the air, and then plunged down into the depths. C: The sailors were scared and hung on for dear life. P: They were tossed about and staggered like drunkards, C: they could do nothing to save themselves.

P: But then they called out to the Lord in their trouble, C: and he came to their rescue. P: He calmed the storm to a whisper, C: the waves became quiet. P: They were overjoyed when all was calm again, C: and he brought them safely to the harbour.

P: Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love, C: for the wonderful things he does for them and everyone. P: Let them rejoice when they gather for worship, C: so all the worshippers hear their songs of praise. PSALM 107:1-7, 33-37 A CALL TO GIVE THANKS P: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; C: his love is always there.

P: Come on, you who have been rescued by the Lord, C: tell the story of what he has done for you. P: Tell how he has rescued you in your troubles, C: tell how he brought you home from distant foreign countries.

P: There were some who wandered around in the desert, C: trying to find a place where they could live. P: All they found was hunger and thirst, C: as they stumbled around on the brink of disaster.

P: But then they called out to the Lord in their trouble, C: and he came to their rescue. P: He led them on the shortest route C: to a place where they could settle.

P: The Lord has turned river country into deserts,

C: flowing springs into tracts of sand. P: He has turned productive land into salt pans, C: because of the wickedness of those who lived there.

P: He has changed deserts into pools of water, C: parched ground into flowing springs. P: He made it possible for hungry people to settle there, C: and to build cities to live in. P: They could sow fields and plant vineyards, C: and yield a bountiful harvest. PSALM 107:1-9, 43 A CALL TO GIVE THANKS P: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; C: his love is always there.

P: Come on, you who have been rescued by the Lord, C: tell the story of what he has done for you. P: Tell how he has rescued you in your troubles, C: tell how he brought you home from distant foreign countries.

P: There were some who wandered around in the desert, C: trying to find a place where they could live. P: All they found was hunger and thirst, C: as they stumbled around on the brink of disaster.

P: But then they called out to the Lord in their trouble, C: and he came to their rescue. P: He led them on the shortest route C: to a place where they could settle.

P: Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love, C: for the wonderful things he does for them and everyone. P: He satisfies the thirsty, C: and gives plenty of food to the hungry.

P: Let those who consider that they are wise think about all this, C: and acknowledge the constant love of the Lord.

PSALM 110 IN PRAISE OF THE POWER GIVEN TO GOD’S CHOSEN ONE For the Jews this psalm revels in the power God has given to their king (referred to as ‘my lord’). This king will defeat all enemies and rule from Jerusalem (Zion). He will even be a chosen high priest. And he will stand in ultimate judgment on all the nations. With the coming of Jesus this psalm has been fulfilled in a way far beyond the expectations of the Jews. Jesus himself is the King, God’s divine King of kings. He is God’s chosen High Priest granted complete access to heaven. And he is given the task of being the Judge on Judgment Day. So in New Testament worship this psalm is reinterpreted as a prophecy about Jesus (God’s chosen One) and what he accomplishes for us as the ascended Lord at God’s right hand. P: The Lord says to his chosen One, ‘Sit here beside me, C: I am giving you supreme power over everything, over everyone.’ P: The Lord will see to it that nothing will be outside of your power, C: everyone will fall to their knees before you.

P: The heavenly angels will serve you willingly, C: they will rejoice to see you with supreme power.

P: The Lord has made a solemn promise: C: ‘You will open the way for people to come right into my presence. P: My people will be able to bring their requests directly to me, C: through prayers offered in your name.’

P: The Lord is right there beside you, C: he will give you the authority to judge all nations, all people. P: You will provide his people with the water of life; C: they will stand with heads raised in victory and eternal praise.

PSALM 111 A PSALM OF PRAISE All: Praise the Lord! P: I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart, C: as I worship him with the rest of the congregation. P: The Lord’s actions are amazing; C: the more I think about them the more joyful I become. P: His actions are splendid and awe-inspiring; C: they always overflow with his goodness.

P: It’s almost impossible to forget the miracles he has performed; C: the Lord is so merciful and compassionate. P: He provided food for his faithful people, C: he always remembered the promises he made to them. P: He revealed his power to his people, C: by giving them the land of other nations.

P: Whatever he does is faithful and just; C: in whatever he says he can be trusted. P: His promises stand for all time, C: they show how faithful and true he is. P: He rescued his people, C: and made an eternal covenant with them. All: He is a holy and awesome God!

P: A wise and intelligent life begins with giving honour to the Lord. C: He gives discernment to those who obey him. All: Give him praise forever!


For our New Testament worship his psalm of congratulations needs to be reinterpreted in the light of the grace of God in Jesus. All: Praise the Lord! P: Congratulations for worshiping and honouring the Lord! C: Congratulations for finding pleasure in obeying him!

P: Your children will grow up to hold positions of leadership, C: because their lives will be blessed by God.

P: They will live successful and profitable lives, C: and be noted for their generosity.

P: Even in difficult times you will be optimistic and positive, C: because God’s kindness and compassion and goodness will shine through you. P: God’s goodness to you will allow you to be generous and to lend freely, C: and to carry out all your activities honestly. P: Nothing will ever distress you, C: because God will never forget you. P: You will not fall to pieces when bad news comes, C: your faith will be an unshaken trust in the Lord. P: You will not be worried, you will not be afraid, C: because the Lord promises you victory over every evil. P: You will be able to be generous to the needy, C: you will be held in honour and respect. All: God’s eternal goodness to you means that your goodness will always be there.

P: Those who do evil will see all this and will not be happy, C: but they can do nothing about your contented life. All: Their own ambitions will come to nothing.

PSALM 113 A PSALM OF PRAISE All: Praise the Lord! P: All you people of God, praise the Lord. Heap praises on his head. C: Give praise to the Lord today, and every day. P: From sunrise to sunset give him praise. C: From the east to the west let praise rise to the Lord.

P: The Lord’s power extends over all nations, C: his splendour extends even higher than the heavens. P: No one can compare with the Lord our God; he has supreme power. C: No one can compare with the Lord; he cares for the whole of his creation.

P: He restores the self-esteem of those treated like dirt, C: he brings respect to those whose names have been dragged through the mud. P: He makes them feel like royalty, C: as if they are celebrities. P: He gives childless couples their own home, C: he gives them the joy of being parents of children.

All: Praise the Lord!

PSALM 114 THE EXODUS DANCE P: When the people of Israel, God’s chosen nation, left Egypt, C: they became his special people, they belonged to him.

P: The Red Sea saw them and got out of their way, C: the River Jordan stopped in its tracks. P: The mountains skipped like lambs, C: the hills jumped about like goats.

P: What was the reason, Sea, for your back-pedaling? C: And you, Jordan, why did you stop flowing? P: You mountains, why were you skipping about? C: And you hills, why all the jumping around?

P: Earth, every part of you, tremble! C: The Lord himself is present! P: He transforms rocks into pools of water, C: solid rock into springs of water.

PSALM 116:1-9 A PSALM OF THANKSGIVING P: I love the Lord because he listened to me; C: he heard my prayer for mercy. P: Because he is so willing to show mercy C: I have decided to seek his help right through my life.

P: I thought I was going to die; I held out no hope of recovery. C: I was filled with fear and despair. P: That’s when I prayed to God. C: ‘Lord, please, don’t let me die!’ was all I could say.

P: What a good and merciful God he is! C: How compassionate he is! P: The Lord does care for the helpless. C: When I was at the end of my tether, he rescued me.

P: ‘Calm down,’ I told myself, C: ‘the Lord has been good to you, he really has.’ P: My Lord, you kept me from dying; C: you wiped the tears from my eyes, All: you stopped me from walking away from you.

P: You have helped me to live my life with you, my Lord. C: I have a life again! Interacting with the psalm

(P facing cong)

P: I love the Lord because he listened to me, he heard my prayer for mercy. C: You’re excited just because he answered your prayer? P: And because he is so willing to show mercy I have decided to seek his help right through

my life. C: His mercy changed your life. How? What happened?

P: I thought I was gong to die; I held out no hope of recovery. I was filled with fear and despair. C: That must have been an alarming experience. P: That’s when I prayed to God. ‘Lord, please, don’t let me die!’ was all I could say. C: And obviously he healed you.

P: What a good and merciful God he is! How compassionate he is! C: Yes, to bring you through something like that. P: The Lord does care for the helpless. When I was at the end of my tether, he rescued me. C: How did you react to the recovery?

P: ‘Calm down,’ I told myself, ‘the Lord has been good to you, he really has.’ C: Not everyone escapes death like that.

(P facing altar)

P: My Lord, you kept me from dying, you wiped the tears from my eyes, you stopped me from walking away from you.

C: So that was the big thing for you! – he brought you back to him.

P: You have helped me to live my life with you, my Lord. C: And you have a life again! PSALM 116:1-4, 12-19 A PSALM OF THANKSGIVING P: I love the Lord because he listened to me; C: he heard my prayer for mercy. P: Because he is so willing to show mercy C: I have decided to seek his help right through my life.

P: I thought I was gong to die; I held out no hope of recovery. C: I was filled with fear and despair. P: That’s when I prayed to God. C: ‘Lord, please, don’t let me die!’ was all I could say.

P: What on earth can I give back to the Lord C: in return for his amazing goodness to me? P: I will charge my glass with the wine of his rescue C: and drink a toast of worship to my Lord. P: I will keep all the promises I have made to the Lord, C: my congregation will witness my obedience.

P: How significant it is to the Lord when his faithful people die. C: How much concern he has when one of his people face death. P: I faithfully follow you, Lord, I am your servant; C: you have freed me to follow you even more closely.

P: So I will devote my life to living out my thanks to you, C: and worshipping you, my Lord. P: I will keep all my promises to you, Lord, with the rest of my congregation, C: as we gather in your presence in your house.

All: Praise the Lord! Interacting with the psalm

(P facing cong)

P: I love the Lord because he listened to me, he heard my prayer for mercy. C: You’re excited just because he answered your prayer? P: And because he is so willing to show mercy I have decided to seek his help right through

my life. C: His mercy changed your life. How? What happened?

P: I thought I was gong to die; I held out no hope of recovery. I was filled with fear and despair. C: That must have been an alarming experience. P: That’s when I prayed to God. ‘Lord, please, don’t let me die!’ was all I could say. C: And obviously he healed you.

P: What on earth can I give back to the Lord in return for his amazing goodness to me? C: Yes, what are you going to do? P: I know, I will charge my glass with the wine of his rescue and drink a toast of worship to my

Lord. C: That will show you are thankful. P: And I will keep all the promises I have made to the Lord, my congregation will witness my


C: We will help you in living your thanks.

P: How significant it is to the Lord when his faithful people die. C: Yes, I suppose it does concern him when one of his people face death.

(P facing altar)

P: I faithfully follow you, Lord, I am your servant. You have freed me to follow you even more closely.

C: This had a great affect on you – as it would on me, too. P: So I will devote my life to living out my thanks to you and worshipping you, my Lord. C: Maybe I need to learn how to do that, too. P: I will keep all my promises to you, Lord, with the rest of my congregation, as we gather in

your presence in your house. C: And I will help you.

All: Praise the Lord!

PSALM 118:1-2, 14-24 A PSALM OF THANKSGIVING P: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. C: His love is always there. All: Let’s tell everyone: His love is always there!

P: The Lord defends me and protects me. C: And now he has rescued me.

P: His faithful people joyfully shout and sing about the victory he brings. C: ‘The Lord has acted with power,’ they say. P: ‘The Lord has acted with supreme power, C: he has brought about a mighty victory.’

P: I didn’t end up dying. Instead I will keep on living, C: and I will keep on telling what the Lord has done. P: The Lord came down on me like a ton of bricks; C: but he didn’t let me die.

P: Open for me the gates to the presence of the Lord, C: so I can go through them to give him thanks. P: These are the Lord’s gates, C: he has permitted his people to pass through them. P: I give you thanks because you answered my prayer, C: and you rescued me.

P: Lord, you were like a computer password we discarded and forgot, C: without it we couldn’t do a thing. P: We were helpless, we had forgotten you; but you came to our aid. C: It was entirely your work, Lord! And what an amazing victory it was! P: This very day the Lord has acted; C: Come on, let’s rejoice and celebrate. PSALM 118:1-2, 19-29 A PSALM OF THANKSGIVING P: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. C: His love is always there. All: Let’s tell everyone: His love is always there!

P: Open for me the gates to the presence of the Lord,

C: so I can go through them to give him thanks. P: These are the Lord’s gates, C: he has permitted his people to pass through them. P: I want to give you thanks because you answered my prayer, C: and you rescued me.

P: Lord, you were like a computer password we discarded and forgot, C: without it we couldn’t do a thing. P: We were helpless, we had forgotten you; but you came to our aid. C: It was entirely your work, Lord! And what an amazing victory it was! P: This very day the Lord has acted; C: Come on, let’s rejoice and celebrate.

P: Lord, continue to rescue us. C: Lord, please keep giving us success.

P: Blessed are all those who come to us sent by the Lord. C: We acknowledge God’s choice of them in the congregation. P: The Lord is God, he has made his face shine on us. C: Let’s join together in a joyful festival procession before the altar.

P: You are my God, I thank you. C: You are my God, I give you exalted praise. P: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. C: His love is always there. PSALM 118:14-29 A PSALM OF THANKSGIVING P: The Lord defends me and protects me. C: And now he has rescued me.

P: His faithful people joyfully shout and sing about the victory he brings. C: ‘The Lord has acted with power,’ they say. P: ‘The Lord has acted with supreme power, C: he has brought about a mighty victory.’

P: I didn’t end up dying. Instead I will keep on living, C: and I will keep on telling what the Lord has done. P: The Lord came down on me like a ton of bricks; C: but he didn’t let me die.

P: Open for me the gates to the presence of the Lord, C: so I can go through them to give him thanks. P: These are the Lord’s gates, C: he has permitted his people to pass through them. P: I want to give you thanks because you answered my prayer, C: and you rescued me.

P: Lord, you were like a computer password we discarded and forgot, C: and without it we couldn’t do a thing. P: We were helpless, we had forgotten you; but you came to our aid. C: It was entirely your work, Lord! And what an amazing victory it was! P: This very day the Lord has acted; C: Come on, let’s rejoice and celebrate.

P: Lord, continue to rescue us. C: Lord, please keep giving us success.

P: Blessed are all those who come to us sent by the Lord. C: We acknowledge God’s choice of them in the congregation.

P: The Lord is God, he has made his face shine on us. C: Let’s join together in a joyful festival procession before the altar.

P: You are my God, I thank you. C: You are my God, I give you exalted praise. P: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. C: His love is always there.

PSALM 119:1-8 A PSALM OF ENCOURAGEMENT P: Congratulations to you when you are not diverted C: from the path laid out for you by God’s will for you. P: Congratulations to you when you live according to the instructions God gives, C: and you keep on learning more and more about his will. P: Congratulations when do you no wrong, C: always following the will of the Lord.

P: Lord, you have revealed your will to us, C: and you expect us to obey it faithfully. P: If only I could always be faithful to your will, C: being obedient to you at all times. P: Then I would not be ashamed of myself C: as I measure myself according to your will. P: I will offer a more worthy praise to you C: as I understand better your kind and gracious will for me. P: I strive to submit to your will; C: but don’t walk away from me when I fail. PSALM 119:9-16 A PSALM OF ENCOURAGEMENT P: How can a young person live a decent and honest life? C: By living according to your will. P: I want to serve you whole-heartedly, C: so stop me straying from your will for me. P: I treasure your will, storing it deep in my heart, C: that keeps me from going my way rather than yours. P: I give praise to you, Lord, C: teach me about your will for me. P: I speak out loud all that you teach me about your will, C: so that I may hear better what you say to me. P: It gives me great joy to live within your will for me, C: the kind joy some people get from gathering riches. P: I think deeply about the message of your Word, C: and spend time meditating on your will for me. P: I delight in knowing your will for me, C: I don’t want to forget any of the instructions in your Word. PSALM 119:33-40 A PSALM OF ENCOURAGEMENT P: Teach me, Lord, all about your will for me, C: that will help me follow you wherever you want to take me.

P: Give me the understanding I need C: so that I may submit to your will with all my heart. P: Lead me down the path of living by your will; C: for that is the path of happiness. P: Give me the desire to follow your will for me, C: instead of a desire for selfish gain. P: Get my attention off all worthless interests, C: give me a life of living within your will. P: Help me to hold on to the promises you give, C: the promises you make to all who want to keep your will. P: Help me to put up with the insults of those who don’t worship you, C: for they know nothing about your loving and good will. P: I long to know more about your will for me, C: your goodness gives me real life. PSALM 119:97-104 A PSALM OF ENCOURAGEMENT P: How I love your will for me, C: I meditate on it right through the day. P: Your will makes me wiser than those who wish me harm, C: because it is always with me. P: I understand more than all my teachers, C: because of my meditation on your will. P: I even understand more than the elders, C: because I obey your will for me. P: I avoid doing evil C: by obeying your will. P: I do not turn away from your will C: because you yourself are my teacher. P: I delight in your will for me, C: even more than I delight in the sweetest of honey. P: I gain understanding from your will, C: to help me hate taking the wrong path. PSALM 119:105-112 A PSALM OF ENCOURAGEMENT P: Your will shines a light on my path, C: it guides me through life. P: I have made a solemn promise – and I will keep it – C: to follow your will, your just and fair will. P: Even when I go through terrible suffering, Lord, C: according to your will for me, keep me safe. P: Accept my glad prayers of thanks, my Lord, C: and keep on teaching me your will. P: I am always ready to put my life on the line, C: just so I can keep on being reminded of your will for me. P: Those who wish me harm may try to trap me, C: but they won’t make me stray from your will. P: Your will is my eternal inheritance, C: and the joy of my heart. P: I am going to keep on obeying your will for me, C: until the day I die.

PSALM 119:129-136 A PSALM OF ENCOURAGEMENT P: Your instructions, describing your will for me, are wonderful, C: I am eager to obey them. P: Your Word sheds great light on what is your will, C: giving everyone understanding and wisdom. P: I’m ready and eager, my mind is open, C: I am longing to know your will for me. P: Turn to me and be merciful to me, C: as you always do to those who love your will. P: Guide me so that I make decisions that are in keeping with your will, C: then evil will not control me. P: Keep me from being oppressed by others, C: so that I may live according to your will. P: Make your face shine on me, C: teach me your will. P: I am really sad and upset C: that so many people do not live within your will. PSALM 119:137-144 A PSALM OF ENCOURAGEMENT P: You are impartial, Lord, C: and you will for me is just and fair. P: You reveal your will to your people, C: it is completely fair and trustworthy. P: I often get very angry, C: when those who want to do me harm disregard your will. P: You will is well tried and tested, C: how I love the sure promises you make. P: Even though I may be unimportant and despised, C: I am not going to ignore your will for me. P: You always act in ways that are just and fair, C: and your will is forever true. P: I have a fair share of trouble and distress, C: but that never dims my delight in your will for me. P: Your will stands forever, C: giving me the understanding I need to live well.

PSALM 121 A PSALM OF TRUST P: I look at the things and the people that many folk go to for help – C: but is that where I get MY help? P: No, my help comes from the Lord, C: who created the whole world – including everything those folk go to for their help.

P: He won’t let you stumble, C: he watches over you – and he won’t fall asleep. P: In fact, he who protects his people, every one of them, C: never dozes, never sleeps.

P: The Lord protects you; C: he is right there by your side. P: You have nothing to fear by day, C: and nothing to fear at night.

P: The Lord protects you from all harm, C: he keeps you safe. P: The Lord watches over you as you go from his presence, and as you return to him, C: today, tomorrow, and forever.


For our New Testament worship this psalm, which seeks God’s blessing on his Old Testament people and their holy city, Jerusalem, needs to be reinterpreted in the light of Jesus’ choice of the church (rather than Jerusalem) as his body on this earth. P: I was thrilled when they said to me, C: ‘Let’s all go to God’s house to worship him.’ P: And now here we are, all of us together, C: waiting for the bell to be rung, all ready to praise the Lord.

P: We are going to hear God’s message of judgment, his judgment on sin – C: and the message of his Son bearing that judgment to set us free from it.

P: In our worship let’s pray for peace for God’s people – C: peace between all God’s people, his protection binding them together; P: peace flowing out from God’s people, bringing harmony to the whole world; C: peace between nations, between all people.

P: I seek the well-being of God’s church on earth, C: so the whole earth may share in the well-being that God gives.

PSALM 123 A PRAYER FOR HELP P: I seek your help, C: my all-powerful God.

P: As pet dogs look to their master, or toddlers look to their parents, C: that’s how we depend on you, longing for mercy.

P: Be merciful to us, Lord, have mercy; C: for we have had enough. P: We are sick of being laughed at by the rich and powerful, C: we are sick and tired of being ridiculed by the proud and arrogant.


This psalm expresses thanks to God following a victory he gave to his Old Testament people in a battle. The great New Testament victory God has given to us is the one his Son won against sin and death. So this psalm could be re-interpreted to express our thanks for that.

P: If the Lord had not been our protector and Saviour. . . C: We know what would have happened! P: If the Lord had not been our protector and Saviour C: when sin and death came against us, P: our lives would have been brought to an end, C: we would have suffered at their powerful hands. P: They would have engulfed us like flood waters, C: and swept us right away.

P: Praise be to the Lord. C: He didn’t leave us in the lurch. P: His Son opened the door of the cage and let us out. C: He broke the trap and let us escape.

P: The Lord gave us his mighty help – C: and he is the maker of the heaven and the earth.

PSALM 125 A PRAYER FOR PEACE P: Those who place their trust in the Lord are like a great mountain. C: They are as solid as rock, they are unmovable. P: A whole range of mountains surrounds them. C: That’s the sure protection God always gives to his people.

P: Those who do evil will not always have the last word, C: they will not be forever a constant temptation to God’s people to do evil.

P: Lord, do good to those who do good, C: do good to those who are determined to follow you. P: But let those who turn away to do what is evil C: share the fate of all evil-doers.

All: Lord, give peace to your people.

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