the phosphorylation of ribosomal protein in lemna minor

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Plant Physiol. (1973) 51,[760-767

The Phosphorylation of Ribosomal Protein in Lemna minorReceived for publication August 28, 1972

A. TREWAVASDepartment of Botany, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland


Sterile cultures of Lemna minor have been labeled with 32pl,and the ribosomal proteins have been examined for radioactiv-ity. In relatively short term labeling a radioactive protein wasfound which ran as a single component in both urea/aceticacid and sodium lauryl sulfate gel electrophoresis. Acidhydrolysis of the labeled protein permitted the isolation ofserine phosphate. After labeling to equilibrium with 'Pi,calculation indicated only 0.6 to 0.75 atom of this protein phos-phorus per ribosome.The phosphorylated protein is found in both polysomes and

"derived" monomers and appears to be located in the ribosomalsmall subunit. Its apparent molecular weight is 42,000. Addi-tion of growth-inhibiting concentrations of abscisic acid doesnot alter the apparent degree of labeling of this protein in 5hours, but after 24 hours of treatment the total protein phos-phorus was reduced from 0.75 atom of phosphorus per ribo-some to 0.36 atom of phosphorus per ribosome.

Many of the cellular events mediated by cyclic AMP in ani-mal tissues appear to be related to the control of protein kinaseactivity (7). The groups of proteins which have been demon-strated to be phosphorylated in animal systems, and thereforemay have their activity modulated by protein kinases, includenuclear acidic proteins (15) and histones (1), plasma membraneproteins (14), various enzymes (13), and microsomal proteins(4). This last category includes ribosomal proteins themselves,and the phosphorylation of this group of proteins was firstdefinitively demonstrated by Kabat (4). He was able to showthat phosphorylation of at least one ribosomal protein in re-ticulocytes was associated with the production of inactivemonomers. It has recently been shown that phosphorylation ofribosomes in vitro with a protein kinase reduces their aminoacid-incorporating ability (9).The possible role and presence of cyclic AMP in plants are

still under investigation (3, 5, 10, 12, 18). The presence ofphosphorylated proteins and protein kinases in plants does notappear to have been seriously examined except by Kuo andGreengard (7), who reported the apparent absence of histonekinases in some half-dozen plant tissues they examined. Thispaper reports a first step in an examination of the possible roleof this regulatory system in plants with the detection of a phos-phorylated ribosomal protein in a sterile plant system. Prelimi-nary experiments indicate that abscisic acid may control thedegree of phosphorylation of this protein.


Carrier-free 'P, was obtained from the RadiochemicalCentre, Amersham, and neutralized before use.

The same strain of Lemniiia miinlor was used as previouslydescribed (16). Growth conditions were identical except for theuse of a 12-hr day instead of continuous light. This reducedgrowth rates slightly, the average fresh weight rate constant ofincrease being 0.30 day-' (16). All experiments were carriedout under sterile conditions, and nonsterile experiments werediscarded. Assays for sterility were carried out as previouslydescribed (16).

Three media have been used for labeling Lemna with "'Pi:(a) for 5 hr labeling, 50 ml of sucrose-mineral salts but withKH2PO4 reduced to 4 itM and with 'Pi at 50 yc/ml; (b) for 24hr labeling, 50 ml of sucrose-mineral salts but with KH2P04reduced to 40 fM and containing "'Pi at 50 lc/ml; (c) for 12days labeling, 100 ml of sucrose-mineral salts containing 4,tc/ml 3'P, (2).As far as can be determined, growth (measured as frond

number) continues normally on these media for the durationof the labeling period.


Isolation and Separation of Ribosomes and Subunits. Plantswere ground in 5 volumes of ice-cold 14% sucrose; 0.05 MKCI; 0.05 M tris, pH 8.5; 10 mm MgCl,. After filtering throughMira-cloth, the homogenate was spun at 15,000g for 15 min,and the supernatant was collected and made 2% in TritonX-100. Ribosomes were then layered over 2 ml of 35% sucrosecontaining 10 mM tris, pH 8.5; 10 mm MgCl,; and either 20mM KCl (for the experiments shown in Figs. 2, 7, 8, and 10)or 0.25 M KCI (for the experiments shown in Figs. 3-6 and 9).The latter concentration of KCl gave cleaner ribosome prepara-tions, containing about 39% protein, while 20 mm KCl ribo-somes were about 45% protein. The ribosomes were spunthrough the 35% sucrose at 125,000g for 2 hr.The pellet was resuspended in 0.7 ml of 0.05 M KCI, 10 mM

tris (pH 7.4), and 10 mm MgCI]; layered onto a 20-ml 10 to35% exponential sucrose gradient containing 0.05 M KCI, 10mM MgCl, and 10 mm tris (pH 7.4); and spun for 2.5 hr at80,000g.

Fractions of either 15 or 20 drops were collected after thetube was punctured and counted by Cerenkov radiation in aPackard scintillation counter. The desired fractions were col-lected, and the ribosomes were precipitated with 0.7 volume ofethanol. In some experiments (shown in Figs. 2, 7, 8, and 10)and in particular when derived monomeric ribosomes werebeing prepared, the pH of the initial extraction medium andthe 1 M sucrose was 7.9 and 7.4, respectively.Monomeric ribosomes were prepared from Lemna which

was gassed in the dark with nitrogen for 1 or 2 hr (8). Subunitswere prepared from these derived monomers by suspendingthe ribosomal pellet in 0.7 ml of 0.05 M KCI, 0.05 mM MgCI,,and 10 mm tris (pH 7.4) and centrifuging on a 20-ml 10 to35% sucrose gradient containing the above concentrations ofKCI, tris, and MgCI, at 50,000g for 16 hr.



Preparation of Labeled Ribosomal Protein. Ethanol-pre-cipitated ribosomes were resuspended in small volumes of 0.01M tris (pH 7.4), 0.05 M KCl, 1 mM EDTA, Na2, and an equalvolume of 4 M LiCl, 2% mercapto-ethanol added. After stand-ing at 0 C overnight, the precipitate was removed, and thesupernatant was made to 0.1% with sodium sarcosyl-L (pH 8)(Geigy U.K. Ltd.). One microgram of ribonuclease (previouslyheated to 60 C for 10 min) was added. The solution was dia-lyzed against two changes of 0.5% sodium sarcosyl-L, 10 mMtris (pH 7.4), and 1% mercaptoethanol. Protein was stored inthis condition at -15 C. In the experiments shown in Figures2 and 3 the labeled protein was diluted with unlabeled carrierprotein before storage.

Acrylamide Gel Electrophoretic Methods. The urea-aceticmethod was substantially the method described by Panyim andChalkley (11), and electrophoresis was carried out for 4.5 hrat 2 ma/gel. Proteins in 0.5% sarcosyl-L were precipitatedwith 2 volumes of ethanol and dissolved in a small volume of 6M urea-0.9 N acetic acid containing 10% sucrose and 1%mercaptoethanol before electrophoresis.Sodium Lauryl Sulfate Method. Gels were prepared 7.5 cm

in length with the acrylamide and bis-acrylamide being 15%and 0.4% respectively. The gel and electrophoresis buffer were6 M urea, 0.1% SLS,1 and 25 mm tris brought to a pH of 7.8with glacial acetic acid. Samples for separation were precipi-tated from 0.5% sodium sarcosyl-L with 2 volumes of ethanoland dissolved in small volumes of 1 % SLS, 6 M urea, 25 mMtris (pH 7.8), 10% sucrose, and 1% mercaptoethanol. Gelswere pre-electrophoreted for about 15 min before proteinsamples were loaded. Electrophoresis was for 6 to 6.5 hr at 2.5ma/gel.

Protein standards used for molecular weight determinations(17) were bovine serum albumin, ovalbumin, myoglobin, andcytochrome c; and these were dissolved in the 1% SLS bufferdescribed above. Gels have been loaded with protein samplesbetween 70 and 200 ,ag in different experiments except for theexperiment shown in Figure 10, where the loadings were275 ,ug protein/gel.Gel Staining and Slicing. After electrophoresis the gels

were removed from the tubes and stained in 0.025% CoomassieBlue in 50% methanol-7% glacial acetic acid (17). Gels weredestained by washing in 5% methanol-5% glacial acetic acid,scanned at 575 nm, frozen, and sliced into 1-mm slices. Afterdrying on paper strips, the slices were cut out and counted in ascintillation counter.


Figure 1 shows a typical sucrose density gradient profile ofLemna polysomes isolated at pH 8.5 and using 0.05 M KCI.The yield is about 65% polysomes, and this yield is reduced toabout 50% if the extractions are carried out at pH 7.4 and theribosomes pelleted through 20 mm KCI. For the purposes ofpreparing ribosomal proteins the fractions denoted as P (repre-senting dimer to pentamer) and M (monomer) have beenbulked. Other fractions have always been discarded.RNA has been prepared from these polysome and mono-

some fractions and analyzed by gel electrophoresis in order tofully identify and determine the degree of purity of these ribo-somes (results not published here). The major componentswere clearly from 80S ribosomes and some degradation of the0.7 X 106 component was noted. Estimations of purity indi-

' Abbreviation: SLS: sodium lauryl sulfate.



0~1 - m1-m 20FIG. 1. Sucrose density gradient profile of polysomes isolated

from Lemna minor. Polysomes were isolated from Lemna minorat pH 8.5 and 0.05 M KCI. They were carefully layered on a 20-ml10 to 35% sucrose gradient and centrifuged at 105 g for 2.5 hr.Gradients were removed by pumping heavy sucrose into the bottomof the tube, and the A257 of the gradient was measured through aconstant recording apparatus. Fractions between P and M werecollected and precipitated with ethanol, and the RNA was preparedfrom the precipitate with phenol.

cated that the polysomes contained about 3% 70S and themonosomes 5% 70S ribosomes, the remainder being 80S.

Gel Electrophoresis of Labeled Protein. In the experimentshown in Figure 2 Lemna was labeled for 24 hr with 32P, andthe proteins were prepared from polysomes isolated at pH 7.4and a salt concentration of 20 mm KCl. The labeled proteinshave been separated by urea-acetic acid (Fig. 2a) and SLS gelmethods (Fig. 2b). Chromoscan traces have been included forreference. In Figure 2c the labeled protein sample in 0.5%sarcosyl-L was treated for 1 hr with 1 ,ug of pronase at 25 Cbefore separation as for Figure 2b.The results show that in both separations (Fig. 2, a and b)

50% of the radioactivity is located in one component, theremaining radioactivity being distributed over a number offractions. The pronase treatment in Figure 2c indicates thelikelihood that the radioactivity detected in all fractions is at-tached to proteins.

In order to test the possibility that the labeled proteins shownin Figure 2, a and b, may not be ribosomal in origin but looselyassociated contaminants, we have employed the method de-scribed by Kabat (4), which involves centrifuging ribosomesthrough 0.25 M KCl instead of 20 mm KCI. This procedurereduced the protein content of the ribosomes from about 45%protein to 39% protein. Figure 3, a and b, shows urea-aceticacid and SLS gel separations of labeled proteins from poly-somes isolated in this way. Figure 3c shows SLS gel separationof four standard proteins: serum albumin, ovalbumin, myo-globin, and cytochrome c. The results of Figure 3, a and b,indicate, firstly, that the single major component seen in Figure2 is still present under these more stringent conditions of isola-tion and, secondly, that the other labeled proteins seen inFigure 2 are now almost totally eliminated, the main com-ponent occupying over 80% of the total radioactivity on thegel. This suggests that these other labeled proteins may beloosely associated contaminants. Comparison of the data inFigures 3b and 3c gives an estimate of the molecular weightfor the major component of 42,000. Four separate determina-tions of the molecular weight have given a similar value.

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0 2 4 6







cm. Cm.FIG. 2. Gel electrophoretic profiles of phosphorylated ribosomal proteins isolated from polysomes prepared at neutral pH and low salt.

Plants were labeled for 24 hr on sucrose-mineral salts containing 50 uc/ml 32Pi. Polysomes were prepared at pH 7.4 and using 20 mm KCI.After separation on sucrose density gradients the fractions containing the monomer to the pentamer were collected, and the ribosomal proteinswere prepared. After gel electrophoresis the gels were stained with Coomassie blue, destained, scanned at 575 nm, cut into 1 mm slices, andcounted. a (left): Urea-acetic acid gel electrophoresis; b (center): SLS gel electrophoresis; c (right): SLS gel electrophoresis of protein treatedwith ',ug of pronase for 1 hr at 25 C before electrophoresis. -: A;,75; - -: radioactivity.

Evidence for the Chemical Nature of the Major Phos-phorylated Component. The data in Figures 2 and 3 wouldindicate that the detected 'P, may be attached to a macromole-cule. There are three pieces of evidence which suggest that thismacromolecule is a protein. Firstly, the molecule behaves as acation at neutral pH levels in SLS and as an anion in diluteacetic acid and is attached to polysomes. Secondly, the mole-cule is stable to the action of RNase but unstable to the actionof pronase. During the preparation of ribosomal protein, ribo-nuclease is added for a period of at least 8 hr under conditionsin which it is still active. The evidence shown in Figure 2cindicates that pronase, however, is able to digest the radioac-tivity. Thirdly, the data in Figure 4 indicate that the 'P, isattached to a serine residue. Phosphorylated ribosomal proteinwas prepared from Lemna incubated for 24 hr in 'P,. Thelabeled protein (~ 1 mg) was hydrolyzed in 6 N HCl, and thecomponents were separated by paper electrophoresis (4).Standards containing Pi, serine phosphate, and threonine phos-phate were run at the same time, and their position was re-vealed using phosphomolybdate spray. The electrophoresis stripwas then cut into 0.5-cm sections and counted. The results areshown in Figure 4.They clearly reveal the presence of labeled serine phosphate

in the ribosomal protein despite the fact that serine phosphateis relatively unstable under the hydrolysis conditions used andconsiderable losses would have occurred (4). A trace of labeledthreonine phosphate can also be seen to be present. The radio-activity present in the P1 peak has three probable sources:firstly, hydrolyzed serine phosphate; secondly, contaminating

RNA in the preparation which under these conditions will behydrolyzed to the component bases, ribose. and inorganic phos-phate; and thirdly, contaminating 32Pt itself.Number of Labeled Phosphate Groups per Ribosome. The

amount of any phosphate-containing compound in Lemna maybe determined by growing Lemna for 4 to 5 generations on32p,, counting the required compound, and relating this radio-activity to the original specific radioactivity of the medium (2).To obtain continuous growth, however, on labeled media, lowspecific radioactivities have to be used, and this consequentlylowers the radioactivity detectable in labeled compounds.

Accordingly, Lemna was grown for 12 days on sucrose-mineral salts containing 4 ,uc/ml 3P, the increase in freshweight under these conditions being about 16-fold. The labeledribosomal protein was prepared and electrophoreted by bothurea-acetic acid and SLS methods. The results are shown inFigure 5.

Figure Sa shows that the label in the ribosomal protein isnow distributed among five bands, the largest corresponding tothat previously seen and shown in Figure 3. This main bandnow occupies only 50% of the radioactivity on the gel. FigureSb, illustrating SLS gel electrophoresis, shows these other pro-teins to be of lower molecular weight than the main band.From the total radioactivity in the main band and from the

measured radioactivity of the RNA of the ribosomes fromwhich the protein was prepared it can be calculated that thereare about 100 pmoles of phosphate attached to this protein per,mole of RNA phosphate. Assuming that there are about 6000nucleotides of RNA per ribosome, this indicates a value of 0.6




molecule of phosphate attached to this main band protein perribosome. A second determination (see Fig. 10) has indicated avalue of 0.75 molecule of protein phosphate per ribosome.

Ribosomal Location of Phosphorylated Protein. Kabat (4)was able to demonstrate that in reticulocytes one phos-phorylated protein was associated with the production of in-active monomeric ribosomes. We have examined the ribosomallocation of the phosphorylated protein in Lemna, firstly, tocheck the possibility of association with monomers, and sec-ondly, in order to obtain some possible clue as to the functionof this phosphorylation.

The data shown in Figure 6 are electrophoretic profiles of


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FIG. 3. Gel electrophoretic profiles of phosphorylated ribo-somal proteins isolated from polysomes prepared at pH 8.5 andusing high salt. Plants were labeled for 24 hr on sucrose-mineralsalts containing 50 ,uc/ml 'P1. Polysomes were prepared at pH 8.5and using 0.25 M KCI. After separation on sucrose density gra-dients, fractions corresponding to the monomer to the pentamerwere bulked, and the ribosomal proteins were prepared from these.After gel electrophoresis the gels were stained with Coomassie blue,destained, scanned at 575 nm, cut into 1-mm slices, and counted.a: Urea-acetic acid gel electrophoresis; b: SLS gel electrophoresis;

-: Am;--: radioactivity; c: graph of logio mol wt against mo-bility for serum albumin, ovalbumin, myoglobin, and cytochrome c.Electrophoresis conditions identical to that for part b.


o ~~~510 - 1CM_

FIG. 4. Paper electrophoretic separation of acid hydrolysate ofphosphorylated ribosomal protein. Phosphorylated ribosomal pro-tein was prepared from Lemna labeled for 24 hr with 50 /Ac of'P, sucrose-mineral salts. After ethanol precipitation the pellet(about 1 mg of protein) was hydrolyzed for 7 hr at 112 C in 6 NHC1. Paper electrophoresis was carried out at pH 1.8 at 40 v/cmfor 2 hr (4). Markers of Pi, serine phosphate, and threonine phos-phate were electrophoresed at the same time, and their mobilitieswere revealed with phosphomolybdate reagent. The sample stripwas cut into 0.5-cm sections and counted.

cm. cm.

FIG. 5. The effect of labeling to equilibrium on the distributionof phosphate among radioactive proteins. Lemna was grown for 12days on sucrose-mineral salts containing 4 Ac/ml 'P,. Labeled ribo-somal protein was prepared and electrophoresed. Other conditionsas under Figure 3. a (left): Urea-acetic acid separation of labeledprotein; b (right): SLS gel electrophoresis of labeled protein; :A57; - -: radioactivity.

labeled protein obtained from the type of sucrose gradientshown in Figure 1. Polysomes (Fig. 6a) represent protein iso-lated from the dimer to pentamer region, and monosomes repre-sent protein isolated from the monosome region of the same

Plant Physiol. Vol. 51, 1973



FIG. 6. Separation of labeled ribosomal protein isolated fr(polysomes and monosomes. Labeled polysomes were prepared aseparated on sucrose gradients as shown in Figure 1. Fractions frcthe dimer to the pentamer and the monomer were collected sejrately as polysomes and monosomes, and the ribosomal protewere isolated and separated by gel electrophoresis. a (left): Ur(acetic acid gel electrophoresis of polysomal protein; b (right): urlacetic acid gel electrophoresis of monosomal protein; -: A--: radioactivity.

gradient. The phosphorylated protein is clearly detectableboth fractions and cannot therefore be associated with the piduction of inactive monomers.The monosome fraction analyzed in Figure 6 will probal

contain both inactive monomeric ribosomes and degradpolysomes. In an attempt to see if the phosphorylated prot(is located only in polysomes, inactive monomers have beprepared from Lemna, ribosomal proteins have then been ppared, and the amount of label in the phosphorylated prot(has been compared with that in ordinary polysomes. Inexperiment shown in Figure 7, ribosomes were prepared fr(labeled Lemna gassed with nitrogen in the dark for 0, 1, anchr. After separation on sucrose gradients the monomer regiin each gradient was collected, and the monomer ribosonproteins were prepared. In agreement with Lin and Keythe nitrogen treatment substantially increased monosome levfrom 47% total ribosomes at zero time to 84% after 1 hr ato 85.5% after 2 hr. Figure 7, a to c, shows the electrophoreprofiles of the protein from the monomer fractions. Althouthe nitrogen treatment resulted in substantial increasesmonosomes, this was not accompanied by a comparable charin the phosphate attached to protein. There is a reductionabout 30% in the phosphorus attached to protein after 2 hrnitrogen treatment but some diminution would be expectedcause of the probable reduction in phosphorylation rates in Idark and the possible continuation of turnover of this phphate. For further information we have also attempted tocate in which of the two ribosomal subunits the proteinlocated. This proved to be somewhat more difficult than antipated. Attempts to dissociate ribosomes in EDTA resultedcomplete breakdown of the subunits. Treatment of inactmonomeric ribosomes with 0.5 M KCI resulted in the detectof two subunits on sucrose gradients (8), but considera

quantities of labeled material were left on the gradient origin.Subsequent analysis of these salt-produced subunits indicatedtotal loss of the phosphorylated protein. The method finallyadopted was to treat inactive monomeric ribosomes with lowsalt concentrations (0.05 M KCI) in the presence of very lowmagnesium levels (0.05 mm MgC12) (8). Figure 8, a to d, showsurea-acetic acid and SLS gel electrophoretic profiles of phos-phorylated protein from small and large subunits, respectively.These data clearly locate the main phosphorylated protein asbeing present in the small subunit and thus indicate its probablefunctions with known functions of this subunit. The profiles

0 of proteins from the large subunit show that in the SLS gel= separations a small peak of radioactivity runs in the sameIZ position as the main phosphorylated component in the small: subunit. In urea-acetic acid, however, this small peak runs 0.4

cm faster than the main peak of radioactivity seen in the smallsubunit profiles, and thus the origin of this large subunit com-ponent is unlikely to be cross contamination between the twosubunits.The Effect of Hormones on Phosphorylation of Ribosomal

Protein. The growth of Lemna is subject to the action of twoplant growth hormones, cytokinins and ABA (16). We havetested the possibility that either of these two hormones may

om alter the degree of phosphorylation of ribosomal protein.ind In the experiment shown in Figure 9 Lemna was grown forDm 5 hr in the presence of 'Pi and in the presence and absence ofpa- ABA (5 /LM). The ribosomal protein was isolated and electro-ins phoreted, and the radioactivity profiles are shown in Figure 9.ea- The results show that no new phosphorylated proteins appearL . as a result of abscisic acid treatment. They do also indicate

that there is a reduction of about 30% in the label attached toprotein as a result of the ABA treatment. Under the same

inconditions there is a reduction of about 12% in the specific

ro- activity of the RNA although the ribosomal profiles indicatedno apparent change in the level of the polysomes.

bly This has been further developed in two ways. Firstly, theled experiment cited above has been repeated but with the differ-

ence that Leinna was labeled for 20 hr and ABA added forthe last 4 hr. The results were very similar to those shown

en above with a slight reduction (about 25%) in labeling of theire pPnphosphorylated protein. To analyze longer term effects ofc111the










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i hr


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FIG. 7. Separation of labeled ribosomal protein isolated fromderived monomers. Lemna was labeled for 24 hr with 32Pi and di-vided into three. One part was gassed with nitrogen in the darkfor 2 hr, one part for 1 hr, and the remainder used as a zero timecontrol. Ribosomes were isolated at pH 7.4 in 20 mm KCI on su-crose gradients. The monomer fractions only in all gradients werecollected, and the proteins were prepared and separated by urea-acetic acid gel electrophoresis.




FIG. 9. Short term effect of ABA on the accumulation of "Piin ribosomal protein. Lemna was labeled for 5 hr with 50 uc/ml'P1 in the presence and absence of 5 uM ABA. Ribosomes were

prepared and separated on sucrose density gradients. Fractions con-

taining the monomer to pentamer were isolated, and the proteinswere prepared from these and separated by gel electrophoresis usingthe urea-acetic acid method. -: A575; - -: radioactivity.


FIG. 8. Gel electrophoretic separations of proteins isolated fromribosomal subunits. Lemna was labeled for 24 hr with 'Pi and thentreated for 1 hr in the dark with nitrogen. Monomeric ribosomeswere isolated at pH 7.4 in 20 mM KCI and suspended in 0.05 M

KCI, 0.05 mM MgCl2, and 10 mM tris, pH 7.4. The resulting sub-units were isolated on sucrose density gradients. Fractions con-

taining small and large subunits were collected. Proteins were pre-

pared from these fractions and separated by SLS and urea-aceticacid gel electrophoresis. a. and b: Urea-acetic acid gel electrophore-sis of small and large subunit proteins, respectively; c. and d: SLSgel electrophoresis of small and large subunit proteins, respectively.Arrows indicate the positions of bovine serum albumin, ovalbumin,myoglobin, and cytochrome c run under identical conditions.A5-7; - -: radioactivity.

ABA, Lemna was labeled for 12 days with "P,, and ABA was

added for the last 24 hr to one half. Sucrose density gradientprofiles of polysomes (results not shown here) indicated thatthis treatment reduced polysome levels 2.5-fold with a conse-

quent increase in the monomer. Proteins were isolated from themonomeric region of both gradients and separated using urea-

acetic acid. The results are shown in Figure 10, a and b.Under these conditions Leinna has been labeled to equi-

librium, and the radioactivity on the protein represents levelsof phosphate attached to the protein. From the control values(Fig. 10a) it can be calculated (as described for Fig. 5) that inthis experiment there are 0.75 atom of protein phosphorus inthe main band per ribosome. Other minor phosphorylated com-

ponents can again be seen, as shown in Figure 5, and againoccupying about 50% of the total activity on the gel. The effectof ABA is to reduce strongly the total phosphorus attached toribosomal proteins. For example, there is 0.36 atom of pro-tein phosphorus in the main band per ribosome instead of0.75 atom for the control. Other differences can be seen in theminor components; again, for example, one component (run-ning just ahead of the main band) appears to have been elimi-nated altogether. Despite these differences in the protein phos-phorus, the total ribosomes extracted and the specific activityof the RNA were unaltered by the treatment with ABA.Two experiments have been carried out in which Lemna

has been treated for 24 hr with "Pi in the presence and absenceof 5 ,uM benzyladenine. Gel electrophoresis of the ribosomalprotein failed to reveal any differences in the profile or in thedegree of labeling.


The evidence in this paper may be construed as supportingthe notion that a sterile higher plant, Lemna minor, has at leastone ribosomal protein which is phosphorylated. The term ribo-somal in this context is purely operational because of thedifficulties which attend the demonstration that a protein is


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FIG. 10. Long term effect of ABA on the level of phosphorusattached to ribosomal protein. Lemna was labeled for 11 days on

sucrose-mineral salts containing 4 ,uc/ml 'Pi and then divided intotwo lots. These lots were then grown for a further day on '1p inthe presence and absence of 5 ,uM ABA. Polysomes were isolatedon sucrose density gradients, and ribosomal proteins were preparedfrom the monomeric region of each gradient only. Proteins wereseparated by urea-acetic acid gel electrophoresis, stained, scanned at575 nm, and sliced. Total RNA extracted as ribosomes in controlsample = 297 ,ug and in ABA sample = 280 ,ug and the specificradioactivity of the ribosomal RNA for control = 7.8 x 10-'counts/min ,ug RNA and for ABA sample = 7.7 x 10-a counts/min ,ug RNA. (left): Gel electrophoresis of control sample; b (right):gel electrophoresis of ABA-treated sample; -: A575; --: radioac-tivity.

ribosomal from the functional standpoint. This one phos-phorylated protein (which accounts for over 80% of the pro-

tein phosphorus after 24 hr of labeling) has a molecular weightof about 42,000 and is almost the largest protein in Lemnaribosomes.Our results do not give any immediate indication of the

possible function of this protein-attached phosphate. Its con-tinued presence in both polysomes and derived inactivemonomers would seem to argue against notions of a direct rolein the mechanism of protein synthesis or attachment ofmessenger to ribosomes. On the other hand, the fact that thephosphorylated protein is located in the small ribosomal sub-unit would ally the function of this protein with the knownfunctions of this subunit.

Estimates of the amount of phosphorus attached to thisprotein indicate values substantially less than 1 atom of pro-

tein phosphorus per ribosome. There are a number of possibleexplanations for this, including (a) there are losses of eitherprotein or phosphorus during the isolation procedure, (b) only60 to 70% of the ribosomes at any one time have this proteinphosphorylated, or (c) the phosphorylated protein is only at-tached to the ribosome some 60 to 70% of the time. Theevidence we have at the present time does not distinguishamong all these possibilities, but we do have some preliminary

evidence that the protein phosphorus is relatively stable incrude homogenates, indicating the two latter explanations asbetter possibilities.One interesting feature appears when the results of Figures

5, 6, and 10 are compared, representing, respectively, 12, 1and 0.21 days of labeling with 32P,. The proportions of labelin the main band of protein phosphorus to the total activity onthe gel are, for three time periods, 50, 80, and 90%. Onepossible interpretation of this evidence is that the phosphorus inthe major labeled protein shows a more rapid rate of turnoverthan the other residual proteins on the gel. The results in Fig-ure 7 showed that after 2 hr of nitrogen treatment there wasapproximately a drop of 30% in the protein phosphate whichmay be representative of turnover of this phosphate.The main reasons for the work described in this paper are

the data shown in Figures 9 and 10. These results do show thatABA does alter the amount of phosphate attached to ribosomalprotein (a 2-fold reduction after 24 hr of treatment), but thiseffect is slow to operate, being only just detectable after 5 hrof treatment with ABA. The effects of animal hormones onprotein kinases are usually very quick and extremely large(1), and it would certainly be difficult to construe the evidenceshown in Figures 9 and 10 as indicating an effect of ABAon a protein kinase in a similar manner. Since the effect ofABA on Lemna is to inhibit growth, it can also be arguedthat rates of phosphorylation are likely to be reduced sub-stantially, and thus continuing turnover would lower the levelof phosphate attached to the ribosomal protein. One measure-ment which is important in this argument is the lag periodbefore ABA causes growth inhibition. One difficulty in de-termining this parameter is that it is very difficult to determinethe growth of Lemna over very short time periods. We havecarried out a number of experiments in recent years in whichthe effects of ABA on growth (measured as frond number andfresh weight) have been determined over 7 to 8 days (16). Ifthe growth curves are plotted as log.0 fresh weight or frondnumber, a satisfactory straight line is obtained which may thenbe extrapolated back until it hits the control curve (drawn inthe same way). From this an apparent lag time before growthinhibition commences may be determined. Various experi-ments have given values between 12 and 16 hr for this lagtime. The results of Figure 9 indicate that the reduction inprotein phosphate is detectable after 5 hr and increases untilat least a 2-fold reduction occurs as measured at 24 hr. Thisevent may thus start in the lag period of growth inhibition andmay have some significance in understanding the growth inhi-bition of Lemna induced by ABA.

Acknowledgments-I am grateful to Dr. C. J. Leaver for his many suggestionson the methods of isolating ribosomes and ribosomal subunits. I am also grate-ful to Professor R. Brown for his interest.


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Plant Physiol. Vol. 51, 1973

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