the perfect match: finding a roommate in six easy steps

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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The Perfect Match: Finding a Roommate in Six Easy StepsClare Enas


From Start to Finish

1. Find a place to live2. Construct an Ad3. Place the Ad4. Screen responses5. Schedule interviews6. Select roommate

Step 1: Find a Place to Live

Do you know where you want to live?


Step 2: Construct an Ad

List the particulars of the apartment or house.

Express your personality.

Use proper phrasing: neither wholly accurate nor misleading.

Design for internet and paper.

Most important of all…

Be Specific

Be as specific as possible about the kind of roommate you’re searching for.

Do you want a roommate who • Is a smoker or non-smoker?• Is Gay or straight?• Has dogs or cats or neither?• Parties often or a homebody?• Religious or non-religious?

Put it all out there.

Don’t be afraid to be honest.

Don’t be afraid of offending anyone.

Step 3: Place the Ad

Place everywhere and anywhere with heavy foot traffic• College campuses

• Coffee shops

Paper is good, internet is better••••••• the list goes on

However, if you want the best results…

Ignore the crazy people.

Craigslist gets “more than 9 billion page views per month.”

From personal experience…


My Craigslist AdTo find my current roommate, I posted this in January 2010:

Well hey there,

My former roommate decided to up and leave for a better life in Seattle and I need a calm, reasonable adult to take over his end of the lease. It runs out at the end of April but I am more than willing to sign another as I'm currently in graduate school. I'm 22, a girl, and enjoy my fair share of life. I don't mind living with either gender, as long as you can take care of business and maintain a relatively clean space. The apartment is located a couple blocks west of UNT campus, near I35E: literally a five minute walk to campus and a bus stop half a block away. Rent is 325$, all bills paid. Apartment is furnished, as is the room for rent.

If you're interested, please e-mail me backThanks

Step 4: Screen Responses

Look and listen for what people say and how they say it.

Listen to your gut.


Three Responses I Received

Three Responses I Received

Before the Interviews

Send an e-mail with all the details of:• Total rent cost (including bills)• Apartment square footage, location, and

description of neighborhood • Condition of the room for rent

When the interested party responds, scheduled a time and place to meet.

Step 5: Schedule InterviewsMeet at the apartment/house to show the room or meet in a public place.

Go over anything you want to make clearer.

Ask if he or she has questions and answer them the best you can.

Feel out the vibe: if it doesn’t feel comfortable now, it won’t in a few months.

Be upfront and honest about how you live.• Example: I may come home late from a party and

possibly not alone. Are you comfortable with that?

Step 6: Select Roommate

Have several people in mind, listed from want most to least.

Be aware your number one choice may not want to live with you.

Have future roommate put in application for residence.

Ta-da!: All Done

Follow these steps and you are likely to find a roommate within a month.

Good if previous roommate up and leaves, or you need to move out of your current place.


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