the ocean grove times - digifind-it · raymond l. wyckoff, director ot the monmouth county board of...

Post on 25-Jun-2020






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The Cheapest Printing is Often the

Most Expensive in the End. We

Do the R igh t K ind a t a Fair


:I t is the Wise Advertiser Who Grasps

His Opportunity; His?. Opportunity

; is R ight Now.



1937 COUNTY BUDGETDirector of Board of FreehoIders'Says In­

crease of $85,000 Is Sum To Be Raised by Taxation Is Unavoidable—:New Judge­ships, Appropriation for Beach Protection, Increase In General Hospital Allotment Are Some of New Expenses.

Voluntarily -explaining the meas­

ures whicli necessitate the increase

of over $85,000 in the amount to

be raised by taxation this year,

Raymond L. Wyckoff, director ot

the Monmouth County Board of

Freeholders, issued a statement

this week concerning the 1037

county budget. The budget was

approved by the Freeholders last

week and will lmve a final heav­

ing a t the Board rooms on Tues­

day, February 9.

Director / Wyckoff summarized

the new items and increases in the

budget, totaling $1 <12,COO as fol­

lows: bead) .'protection, a new

Wyckoff also pointed out that

the new judgeship in Monmouth

County was created last year.- by

the state legislature.

Concerning the $50,000 increase

in the general hospital appropria­

tion; the director' o f the Board of

Freeholders stated, “This matter

has been investigated thoroughly

during the past year and it is




InjuredGuinevere Mackay, 12,

Tuesday Afternoon

Twelve year old Guinevere Mac-

j Itay, 75 Abbott avenue, suffered a

j broken righ t leg and fractured

11 ight ankle Tuesday afternoon

I when she fell while roller skating

with friends on' tho sidewalk

gregation lo Seek Knowledge | around St. Pau l’s church.". Dr.

and Endeavor Always to “do 1 Schfossbacli was callcd and treated



Acting Castor Tells S(. Paul’s Con-'

Things Hotter.”

Some reasons for launching “out

into tlie deep” and seeking the lar­

ger .life were given by the Rev.

Robert W. H. Weech in his Sunday

morning sermon a t St. Paul’s

church. • ' ; ,

A ll men who have . contributed

to any advance of civilization, Dr.

Weech said, are men who have not

Guinevere, who wiis then taken to

Monmouth Memorial Hospital,

Long Bianch, t y the .Grove

First Aid Squad.

' She is reported resting easily

there and . will be brought back

home in ti day or two.

The extent o f the young skater’s

injury was made more serious by

the fact tha t in falling,, slid was

unable to throw herself forward,

been satisfied with things as they , toppling • backward instead

were. .They have wanted to do

things better and belter. They rec­

ognized the needs o f men and they

recognized what opportunities

were theirs. :

T o o much time is 'w asted on

trivialities, Lhe • preacher said.

found that the charity patients i n 1 l • 'lc added, “ little things

the hospitals arc continuing 'to in-1llave their ’" ' “ ion. Details afford

crease whereas the income of tiie l us V>>e means of discipline, endur-

jipspital is steadily decreasing. i nnco' >1n!se aml 'fide lity ,'bu t they

For illustration, in 1929 the to ta l!

charity patient days in the hos­

pitals was 40,03G patient days and

the appropriation for that yearitem, $30,000; new court, including was $125,000. Six years later the

a second, judge for Monmouth appropriation fo r tlie hospitals has

County and the necessary addition­

al juries, §20,000; advertising, also

a now item, .$7,000; general hos­

p ital appropriations, an • increase*

•$50,000; additional welfare appro­

priation, $35,000. .

Concerning'the beach protection

appropriation, M r. W yckoff said:

“A new item in the Budget is

that of $30,000 for Beach protec­

tion. During the ycav 193G a law

was passed perm itting a County

to contribute toward the aid of

Beach Protection up to 15 per cent.

In December. our Board passed a

resolution requesting all Munici-: thi palitios along the ocean-front to

file their requests w ith , this

Board. Requests and plans have

been submitted and the 15 per

i cent o f these requests would be

approximately $180,000.”

Ho went on to explain how this

estimated expenditure is to be

financed over a period of six

years and added, “ I t has been well

recognized that the liability for

Beach, protection is not the respon­

sibility of ju s t the local municipal­

ity but the Government has recog­

nized some responsibility, the

• State has heretofore helped, nnd

our Board considers that it is

• proper for the county to jo in in

th is ‘work . .

only, increased $15,000 whereas

tlie services rendered charity pa­

tients have been doubled. .

“This cannot go on unless the

County makes additional appro­

priation. fa r this work, jothcrwisd

the coiinty m ight find it is obliged

to construct its. own General Hos­

pital, . which a careful ‘ investiga­

tion shows could riot be done even

if the $190,000 appropriation this

should not dominate.”

“ Launch out into the depths of

knowledge,” ' he urged,, citing

knowledge of God, of man and his

needs and of the relationship of

God and Man as most important;

“ Launch out into the deeps o f ex­

perience, of love and of serv ice ...

do something better.,V

In the evening, basing his re­

marks jou the incident in Thomas’

life described in the 20th chapter

sitting on her leg which ;

forced back and out of place.








Y BANNING TUITION PUPILSReview of Best Se.Mer. -'Gone W ith .

the :wind,- is started; Miss! Neptune Township Board oi Education An­nounces Decision To Receive New TuitionSwartz W ins Prize;

Events Discussed.




U N D E R .$300 BA IL

The Ocean Grove Round Table

met Monday evening at the homo

of the.Misses Mae and Laura Lane,

121 Broadway.: Mrs. .11. G. Eglcy

and Mrs. Minnie Cole spoke <111 the

flood conditions; Dr. Lucia Grieve

told of “K ing George VI. Desiring

His Health, to be Drunk ' W ith

Water. Instead of W ine” ; Miss

Victoria North read "Samples of

1.937 for. Posterity” ; Mrs. Emma

Brown told of “ Community W it on

Economics; Miss Jud ith ; Ayers

read an article, “New Bill, t o ‘Put

a ,S top .to K idnapping For Mdney” ;

M iss . L illian Brigham read

“ Skeletons of 10 Arc Found Where, 1

th ey Fled Pompeii” ;

ance • Deserve,s Its! Reward” was

given by Miss. Mae Lane;

“ Strange as it'.Seems” was read

by Miss I.

Pupils Only When They Will Not Impair Educational Progress— All School Employ­ees' Cuts Restored—-Budget Passed.

• By virtue of a sweeping motion passed by the Neptune township

Board, of Education hist night, tuition pupils will be admitted in the

high sch.'iol henceforth only when their addition to the enrollment'docs',,

not interfere with the alms and best interests, of the educational pro­g ram ..''; .

. Restoration iii fu ll o f :’ 11, pay cuts in the salaries o f employees o f

the. school-system. was another, important measure, announced by .the

Board,;, -. ix-

Charged W ith Obtaining Money

Under False Pretenses; -Max

Brown, Spring Lake, Gets 10

Day. Sentence For Intoxication.

. A rthur W . Ellis, Jr., 45, of -109

The move to ban tuition pupils

“ Pcrscrvcr- beginning with the 1937-38'school

year-was taken by the board on

the recommendation of Onsville J.

1 Moulton, supervising principal,

lura Lane;;M iss B ertha ; and H a r r y A , Titcomb, high school

E. Deen told of "O rle ig Being- principal, after a study' 6 f many.

Grateful , the Eric Offered the! weeks’ into methods of handling

prize ~


For Flying, the A tlantic [ the overcrowded condition of the

Was Won by Col. Lind-1 high school. Moulton made it clear

ibergh” ; a humorous selection, “A r

1 lists Bill For Regild ing an Angel,”

contributed ‘by Mrs. W illiam Russ,:Lake avenue, Asbury Park, was _■ ,...iw as read by Mrs. E , L. Rolf.taken into custody last week by

• Officer Denham, of the . Ocean

■ Grove police force, on the com-m e . escriuo,, m the a u . chapter ^ ’f Mrs M abd Ka0allllyi a y , er, “ The Pacific Advocate,” w a s obstacle

of John s Gospel the Rev. Weech ; Maitt ftvenuc; who clmrgu(,. th u tvgive by Miss Cortez Swartz; “ 10,- e ra ! ot

preached on Fa ith and. Tempera-. . . . . . . . 000- Birds go by Plane Over the been cct „ . Ellis had obtained money from 'her

J I '• , j., , . . . 'under false pretenses..Thomas, known as the “doubting - ... -. ,

s Given a prelim inary bearing be-disciple,” was tomperamently ite s^ '^ ,.,. ^ V of lS89 Owned by Canadian Worn-

year were doubled to $100,000. pondent, reminded the speaker./, . . Fridav nie-ht E llis a n ” was .vca.dy by Miss Mary El-

“W hile the increase in th isap- However, as several experiences o f ! , u n le a o fr ’ ’

that the objective of the, recom-

me’ndution is to bring the results

of, tlie educational program for

Neptune township children to the

highest standard, citing the fact

that overcrowded conditions are an

was obstacle to teaching methods. Scv-

other suggested plans have

____ considered inefficacious, lie.

Alps to Ita ly ” was-, read by M iss!

Gertrude Orvis; all article “Bible

“The Daily Bread in Germany,”

taken from a California new-spap-

The Pacific Advocate,'

propriation from $140,000 to $190,-

000 this year scfiihs rather' lai'ge,

lime has come when this situa-

his life show, Thomas never

faith because of his temperament. .

He w a s always loyal and “There j ‘ .. ,. i • • • • -„ . r . . aw ait action

(ion must be met.” was something oeautiful in that

He also said that the $7,000 ad- jlo y a l ly . . .W e need that devotion.”-.

vertising appropriation lias been. ^ r- Weecli said that Thomas, in

made at the request of a l i r g e : nlways seeking the fellowship of

number of organizations. and citi- ; ^ 10 disciples, provided himself with

zi’iis throughout the County. - j :1 ?lUG means . of satisfying his

Increases in the accommodationsi curiosity.

at the Welfare, house, in pensions, Tllc !ife o f the “doubting dis-

Allcnwood Hospital Expenses,'etc., cilllc” Proves'that temperament is

he -explained, have made the r is e ;n0 bar> but is rnth° 1’ a <!efinitein the welfare appropriation im-! challenge to fa ith , said the preach

noi’ ces of i entered a plea of npt guilty through j,l'o lt Dunham.

roi os .'■S;|.jg- attorney, Vincent Keuper, and! lh e president, Mrs.

p o r t e n t . jw fls- ,,|a m l undel. $500 bail t o ' R«kostra>v, gave a list

peralive. ' i

Under the • provisions of th o ; ^ ,0 trium ph, of

budget, $1,024,753.20 is to oe rnis-'j.sti’UEglcd!” .____

ed by. taxation, the figure being

or, closing w itli'the utterance, “Oh,

those who have


$500 bail to I Kauestraw, Gave a use of ques-

by .the grand ju ry .; tions;' .Miss Swartz read n poem by

. Mrs. Faraday charged th a t• s h e | ^ cv- H iram Fonlkcs,

had lent- $320.00 to E llis on his ontiUol,.-“Fncing .the Dawn.’ ’ Miss

promise to repay the loan w hen! 0 , vi3 « ave the firs t installment.of

lie received his bonus chek. She *”;.1' review of i “Gone W ith - the

has not received the money, she | W ind,’ by Margaret Mitchell.The prize of the evening wassaid. She was represented by W al- ;

$85,004.48 higher than it was in i

1930. I

The total of appropriations for I

19.17 is $2,400,740.20. ■ |



W ill Plaly Freehold Team Here To­


Having defeated Red Bank, F ri-1

ter Fox,' Bradley Beach.

On Wednesday of-this week, O f­

ficer Barkclcw arrested Max

Brown, 43i o f Spring Lake, whom

lie found ly ing under the board­

walk in an intoxicated conlition.

Brown was given a hearing before

Laird Wednesday night, and, in de­

fau lt of fine,: was committed to

the' county workhouse for 10 days.

He said tha t he is a plumber.


won by Miss Swartz. Cards were

received from Mrs. Blanche Mit-

clicll, who is spending the w inter

in West Palm Beach, F la.; • Mrs.

Caroline Hatfield, Troy, N . Y .;

and Mrs. Mrs. Elizabeth

M iam i, F la.

Others present were Miss Sara

North, and Mrs. W illiam Russ.

The next meeting will beheld Feb­

ruary 15, at the home of the Mis­

ses North, 4G Abbott avenue.



Before subm itting the resolution, j

which'was offered by member A u ­

gustus Knight, to the board for .

unanimous - approval,’ John B.

Stout, president, said, “The par­

ents of the township arc desirous

of keeping the educational stand­

ard of our schools as high as'pos­

sible and would be bitterly disap­

pointed if they were, for any ,reas-

son, denied the best; advantages we

can offer.them .” '

■ There, arc; a t present 180 tuition

pupils in the high school Mr.

Moulton stated. They come from

Bradley . Beach; Neptune City,

Avon, W all TouTiship, Ocean

Township, Shrewsbury township,

" ’" s’ ! and Belmar, As there aro about 28 1 February 9.

1.937 budget, which had been adop­

ted, at. a special meeting Monday

night, a t which Leroy Garrabrant,,

finance chairman of the N eptuno’;

township committee had been pres­

ent.’' , j

The; budget provides for . the

abolishment of- the pay cuts; adop­

ted four years ago as an economy

measure. The pay cuts in tho

salaries o f all school employees

had been made on a graduated

scale, from 10 to 17 per cent. One

quur.tor of lhe cuts b adbe en re­

stored one year ago. The restora­

tion of ciits goes into effect Ju ly

Despite this increased item ,' the

budget shows a .decrease of- $1,014.-

•80 in . the amount to be. raised by

taxation. A large part of the sav­

ing, it was pointed out by district

cleric Alfred P. Todd, is to be ref­lected .in mandatory items to be

certified by the township commit-

tce. ; ■ ' ; - :■’ The amount .to be raised this,

year is $229,920.00. It is. divided

iip as.follows: current expenses,

$201,010; repairs and replace^

liients, $10,450.00;, captital outlay,

$3,800.00; manual training, $8,-

GGO.OO This, budget, together w ith

a resolution authorizing the trans­

fer of $50,200.00 from the bond,

and interest account to the Cur­

rent expense account w ill Ho sub­

mitted to the voters in the annual

school d istrict election, Tuesday^





day night, 27-17, To»i3 River, Sat-1 Bride Is Miss Helen Isabel H'irsch,!

RECO RD BETTERED| urday night,. 30-17, and Poin t! 0{ Allentown !

'. ------. I Pleasant, Tuesday night, 37-8, the

Telephone Drivers In 61 Accidents) Neptune hij?h ' school basketball

In 7,000,000 Miles- -I team enters upon, two more homegames beforo again taking the

Rolling tip an average of more ' |

than 100,000 miles between even! Tonight, the Scarlet Fliers willthe men . who i

Theatre Magnate Would Kun Ca­

sino and Convention IlalJ, City

• Getting 20%' of Gross Receipts.

Under the provisions of a reso­

lution adopted by the Asbury Park’

city council last Friday, W alter

Reade, theatre magnate, . w ill

manage entertainments a t the

Casino and the Convention Hall

there next summer. The move was

in line w ith a proposal made by

Reade to the council on December.

21. The city is to receive 20% of

the grossYreceipts of entertain­

ments sponsored by Reade.

"The resolution is to take effect

as soon as the necessary contract

is drawn up. • : ’

A reduction from $55,000 to $40,-

000 in the rent of the Paramount

Theatre is one of the features of

the resolution. This reduction was

allowed on the guaamtee of the

meet Freehold hei*e, with the pie•maintain New Jersey’s j nm inary contest stai'tlng: a t 7.30.

Tuesday, the local

Miss H e l e n I s a b e l H irsch,;

daughter of; Dr. and Mrs. Harold j

Edwards Hirsch, of A llentown,!

Fa., and the Rev. George AV. Hen-J

son, D. D., president o‘f .the Ocean I-

Grove Camp Meeting Association,!

were married last Saturday even-

quintct] at the home .of the bride’s par

trivial accidents,

build and

telephone system last year better-•

ed for the seventh consecutive , wm Cntortiiin ' the' passers " from ! «nts-

time their, safe driving record. j Lakewood here, in an endeavor to ; Dr. .a ijd . Mrs. Henson will he at

Operating a fleet o f 740 motor! avenge the defeat they rceived a t : ^ omo;at 5318 Gainor Road, Phila-

vchicles over 7,000,000.miles of. the the hands of the Oceaii County j delphia, after February 1.

Bunk President Died Suddenly

Last Friday- Morning

C: Raymond Shelley, president

of the Asbury and Ocean Grove

Bank, died of a heart attack last

Friday morning a t the Neptune

j C ity plant of the Seaboard Ice

j Company, of which he was presi-'

j dent and general manager.

Funeral services were held Sat-

State’s streets and highways in a l l : team on January 5.

viiuls of weather the telephone

drivers ende<l the year w ithout a f GROVE POL ICE GET NEW’ CAR

single death or serious injury re


suiting from . highway accidents

in w hich , they were involved, and

the majority of the G1 accidents

charged' against them were of a

minor, nature.

According to . AV. A. Corbitt, of

Chatham, New Jersey Bell Tele­

phone Company safety supervisor,

every accident in which a telephone j

e;tr or truck figures .is investiga-1

led b.v a committee, o f employees

from the. district in which the ac- :

eldent sjccurred. These committees |

determine whether or not the tele-

phcne. driver could have avoided

.lie mishap, and if they find he

Assembly Bible Class To Have

Former Patrol Car Was Damaged Special Service Sunday

In Collision, Dec. 26 t The! 100th anniversary of the

Delivery of a new Plymouth se-1 birth of Dw ight L. Moody, famed

dan was made to the Ocean Grove^ evangelist and' founder of the

in the graduating class, he added,

the enrollment will be. brought

down- to a number that can be

comfortably and profitably accom­

modated, he said, i f no- tuition

freshmen are admitted.*

The authorities o f ’sending dist­

ricts are to be notified immedia­

tely, under the provisions • of the

resolution, in order that they may

make arrangements for their

>ehool children who are to enter

h igh schools next year. I t is plan­

ned to adm it tuition pupiLs later

whenever their; enrollment in their

chosen courses w i l l not overcrowd

tliose courses.

Mr. Moulton ■ said that the aim

is to keep the high school enroll­

ment at approximately (ipO. A t

present, sending districts arc pay-,

ing $127.04 r for each pupil they

have in Neptune high-school.

! urday afternoon a t 'M r . Shelley’s

I late.home, 501 Windermere avenue,

Interlaken. The Rev. Otto L. F.

Mohn officiated and interment has

been made in Evergreen cemetery,!

AI o r ristown. , • X \ . [

. Mr. Shelley leaves his. w ife,!

Helen M . . Britten Shelley; h i s ! _______ ___

niolheiy Mrs. W illiam M. Shelley, j

Morristown; a son, Robert, A s - 'D A D D I 7 T T C I T R M I T Q bury Park; a daughter, Mrs. Frank | u A K K f i i £ O U D m l l O

D .W ate rm an , Jr ., Sum m it; ,u sis-

. The

Budget Passed

Ifynrir also discussed the

While m aking his report, M r.

Moulton said that action had been

taken in the township schools to

solicit aid for flood sufferers in

the Ohio and Mississippi river

areas and tha t all of th e . schools

will serve as clearing houses for

donations to this cause.

On the recommendation of Mrs.

Anna T. Dey, chairman of the edu­

cational committee, a contract was

offered, George C. Wertz, who has

been serving as temporary jan itor,

in the high school building.

Bills to the extent o f $4,823.16

were ordered paid. Edmund L.

Thompson, of the build ing commit*

lee; reported tha t the coal carbu­

retor on the Bradley Park school

furnace has been disconnected. Re­

quests 'of several organization for

use of the R idge avenue school,

atulitorium and gymnasium were

granted in whatever • eases, they

did not interfere with affa irs al­

ready scheduled.' '•

Services For Young People

Special meetings Saturday, Sun­

day and Monday January 30, 31, theatre , owner to keep admission could have done so, i t is charged and February 1, in the interests of prices there a t the same level as against the record,

they are how* any rise in prices to - *

police department last weekend J Moody 'B ib le /Institu te , Chicago, tor, Sirs. Ernest Jones, Spring

and officers are now using the Kv*H observed by the Assem bly! Lake; two brothers, Fred \V\ Shel-

new machine in their r e g u la r p a - J Bible class a t its meeting Sunday ; ley, Morristown; and Harry O.

troi of the town. ' • j afternoon' a t St. Pau l’s church. { Shelley, Hillside and three ^and -

The. new auto ncplaces the patrol! Some of the hymns made famous ] children. .

car which was wrecked in a col-1 by Moody and Sankey in their rc-j -Mi*. Shelley’s activities in the

lisipn a t the M ain avenue gates,] vival ■ meetings o f the ’70s, ’80s- reopening -of the Asbury Park and

Saturday night, December 2G. j and 9Qs', w ill be-led by jMrs. A n n a ; Ocean Grove Bank in 1933 brought

Ridgway. : [him prominence and he was unani-

bring a rise in the rental.

Some of the resolution’s pro­

visions are as follows: “ All atten­

dants and labor shall be selected

front ’ bona-fide residents, of the

city of Asbury Park. There shall

be no structural change in the Con-

Winsor To Speak Sunday

Harold W insor, vice president .of

the Asbury Park and Ocean Grove

Bank, w ill b e . the speaker a t the

meeting* of. the Young People's

Federation of Trinity Episcopal

vention I la l l or the Casino w ithout du,l(i1' ’ Su,lday evening a t eighto’clock in the Parish Hall o f thethe approval of the city manager

and the c ity , council of Asbury

Park.” ' V • , ■

Cut Rate Drugs. Buy your cut- rate drugs a t Nagle’s Pharmacy.. W hy go out of tow n?— 43 adv.



Don’t Neglect Your Eyes Dr., Joseph. F . Heine.

518 Cookman Ave., A . P. Tel. 154

all young people, are to be held at

the Salvation A rm y auditorium in

Asbury Park. Saturday n igh t at

8 p. m., will be in the form of a

demonstmtion called “Jack the

G iant Iviler,” . w ith'’ other items on

the program. On Sunday, the

Young People’s workers w ill take

prominent part in all tlie meetings,

and on Monday a t 8 p. m., there

wil be the presentation of prizes

to the members o f the Sunday

school fo r attendance A lfred

Swennarton will assist Major Ol­

ley :in a ll these n'lcctiiigs. ; A ll are

invited to attend. .. :



oukiy chosen president

!ioard of. Directors.

by the

Mrsi W. H . Carpenter, chair­

man, and Mrs. Robert C.

Meredith, assistant, are in

charge of the Red Cross,cam­

paign in Ocean Grove to raise

funds fo r flood; relief work.

Generous donations have been

received from Bancroft-Taylor

j^est Home and from the F it- '

. Idn Aux ilia iy , os n-ell as sever­

al individuals in Ocean Grove;

M rs. Carpenter reported this

mornipg that $154.G5 has been

received to date,


Agricullure Board Elects

The Annual State Agricultural

Convention was opened. Tuesday,

morning in the Assembly Chamber

of lhe State Cap ito l'w itli Herman j




Seven- Contractors Bid on Resur­

facing of Jum ping IJrook Road

With .. Asphaltic O il and . Pea

Gravel; .S ta le to Pay 90% of

Cost. ' • : ■'

; The. cbntract for the resurfacing

o f Jumping/ttrortk road was awar­

ded on Tuesday night to the A l­

bert E., Trenton,j

Board of Agriculture, presiding,I ^ -Veptune- township eonimil-

for lhe purpose of electing twoj ^<'°> at lowest, bid <if $7,205.94.

members to the State Board of i 0 n li' $2-1,'cparated this bid from

Agriculture for. four years terms. j *- e next low bid of. $7,229..jIi by

The delegates unanimously elected, I'rank bindlinger,; Ilolmdel. .

James Ewart, Craiibury’ and Los- ’ ' Bids, wore ope.ued from ' seven

ter Collins,-- Jk iorestown,. as mem- contractors fo r ,, rostufa'chig more

b - ;- s of the-SUite .Board of Agri- i than two miles of road w ith as-,

culture. Tiiev succeed Stuats Still-, j phallic' oil and pea gravel, or'

highway departm ent, the commit­

tee voted to reqiiest an additional

SI,000 from the state to cover en- .

gineering costs and incidentals.

The other bids were: Bituminous ;

Surface company, Bordentown, $7,-

181.74; AV. S. Vaii Hise, W nll to\vn-

shfp, §8,377 64|; John F. Mc '.Grce-

voy, Manasquan, $8,474.29 r Fred

McDowell, Neptune, $10,147.50,

ahd Joseph- Sc:\rano,. Long Branch,

?ii;220.9S. ,

Committeeman R a lph ' W. John­

son ivnnouriced. that ’ the ; \V PA -ahd' A

Rcil Cross w-ere arranging for the' :

collection o f food and clothing for.

the Hoed sufferers. '


I desire to express^ .my sincere ; thanks for tlie many kindnesses and ■help., tendered myself ’and Mrs. Finch -by neighbors and friends, throtigiiout her long illness,, and;* liassihg.nway.:..'Jariuary 27, 19‘)7

: - A rthur Finch— 5’ . .06 Embury- Aveuuo v

well, Freehold, 'and R ichard Baixj

clay, Riverton, whose terms ex;

pire on June .30, 1937.' .

broken stone. The state w ill p ay .1'

dO^o o f the cost. A fte r recommen-1

f Valentines*: up-to-date assort­ment at popular prices ,oji sale ait ; CpcnShaw‘s, GO Main Ave.— adv.

A lbert E. Robinson, jobbing _ , - carpenter, and all kinds o f roofa

ding, the Barret bid. to the sta te ; plU on. 64 Heck avenue.— 15tf ^

FR ID A Y , JA N U A R Y 29, 1937

Scriba Council, No. -5, Loyal Ladies of Royal'Avcanum . • Muettf Odd Fcllowft H all, 700 Main street, second and fourth Friday, 8 p. in. : Regent, Miss Aiina V. 'Seiler; Seoretilry, Airs.'-Estelle Bvown.

Neptune • .Chapter, No. . 25.(5..■ Order oi' Eastern Star. Meets Red i ; Men’s Mall. Corlies avenue-, second]; and fourth Friday at. 8 p. in. i.

• Worthy . Matron, Grace.. Hansen; !; secretary Florence 'i'olliurst.| Uehijij (h ovo ChapU iV No. 170,;; <»r«h*r oj\-Eastern- Si:«r;.;'

; Mi'.sonic M a ll, 50 Pii.pian avenue, [; scconil and fourth.'l-u'.rv.i'MV at S:0 () ( ip . in.’ AVorthy Matron, Mrs. Mar-;: ;ruret I>. "Clayton; Secretary, M is.; Helen 1J. Tilton'. ‘ .J •. 1 .ibeyty • Council.- N o.;0£; 1 )aitVb?>'..-’ M o is of America. ^Iee^!Vlt-id.4: ■•j'IeVi'17 Mall, U»10 Co r) i ea.-. ave n‘u

:j {.'0 » tn e :lu r ;M rs ;*F lo ra . .•.B roinelJ-} 'tj recordin':: si-cvcj-nvy, -itt' r,«?., :J 1 /innah •;’ ‘K el s v : J ' • <! Pride of-Monnunilh; L.' fY. ( / : 'j- | No. 1 .50-. Meets .‘-Ni vVn»avi!si-JfchVn! ! Svvthf. h -' aviihiVe, noiVnsiV^'^^y i' Aslunte Park Coime.jl, No; ;LVvy‘ ' .h.oioi* Order .-Anioriean^ -^etOiaiV ji I ice. Meols 110 Cookmaq; ayenue ■j *.•' «•; y V.\*duosday'at-S’p.-.'hi.; Conti * jj ^ v ! « u v < 'h n r lo s '- y c V m a n r S u e r e U ’ l ' y v

! I l :'!?ry .1*. t’/hjinihoHaiiv:. ; : v>‘.; :';V- 1 Twin City Chapter, NVk. (*7. O / E ; : i S., meets the '.'second Rpyi;--f i|vhl»':| Friday, evenings in Masonic' H all,;

j Ashurov Park. Worthy ; M atron1 Mvs. Trene Cilbevl; Sccvetary, >

; Alary 1:J. Charles.- .. • . II . riantic Lodge of Rvjhekah, I’.J j p . \V - P. ..Meets ‘ first mid third - ' .I**? *adnv overtinirs nf 70(1 Mnin Ft. • X ’ble Grand,.Mrs. ElizabvUi Brels. I fo rd ; secretary, Reuben. Kjrsehner.!

| Asbury-'lJradleyvLodye, No. 253. jI. O. O. F.; meets at G IT McCabe’;

; avenue,'Bradley Beach, every. Wed-j | pesday. a t 8 p. nu. Noble G rand ,; ■j Gustav C. Huck; Secretary, J o h n ,

F . Knoxv

You Are In Business

a Wise ■ Investment To

Remind, the .Public .« .

■ of It Often

: ■ ■ (E d ito r ia l in .the B a n k e r s ’ M a g a z in e ) ■'

“No business man in any ;town .should allow :a newspaper published

in its town to ’g.o without;his name anil business, being mentioned, some­

where in'.its •columns. ' , ; '’5 ' .® £® 'fir*''

&T. i S s “This applies, to all: kinds of-business and professional men. It does

not; mean thnt you. should have a whole, half or even a: quarter page

ad in' each issue of the paper, but your, name should be mentioned,, if

you do not tjso more than a two-line space.

^A stranger, picking up any newspaper should bo able to tell what

business is representedvin the- town by looking at the paper.

“Tli.c man who does, not advertise his business does an injustice to

himself and the town. .The life of a town depends upon ’the live, wide­

awake :and liberal advertising businessman.", .

m O K .A SS2ER7- ' . W

FIEST 'T M E Y m T M JI£ you aro like most of oi»r cus­tomers, you have always wanted an ironing machine, but haven’t •been sure you could learn to oper­ate it. So you have hesitated to in­vest in this soroly-rieedod appli­ance.

Now you need wait no'longer. For the. new 1937 EASY Ironer is-so’ simple to operate— so edsy-to-uso —you need NO experience to iron sheets, shirts, dresses, tho

very . F I R S T T I ME

^ x - X Y O U T R Y !r t r / /


Try tho now EASY Ironer at our expense

. ... at our store . . . or in your own home. Lot us show you tho few simple controls. Iron <x couple of towels—just to get tho "feci" of this new method.

Then—IRON A.SKIRT 1 We'll giytranteo you'll bo amazed at how utlerly simple it

is to turn out beautiful work-^with no effort at-alll

Mr. Businessman, THE TIMES is YOUR- newspaper in YOUR town

The Gceanatid The

Grove TimesR

ub soothinc, warming Mustcrole well into your chcst and throat;

Mustcrole is NOT just a salve. It's a “ countcr- irritan t” containing good-old-fashioned cold remedies— oil of mustard, menthol, camphor and other valuable ingredients.

That's why it gets such fine results — better than the old-fashioned mus­tard plaster. Impenetrates, stimu­lates, warms and soot hes, drawing out local congestion and pain. Used by millions for 25 years. Recommended b)’ many doctore and nurses. All drug­gists. In three strengths: Regular Strength, Children’s (mild), and Ex­tra Strong. Tested and approved by GoodHousekeepingBureau,No.4SG7.

Telephone 7


s |

[~^]MQNG the printing ne- cessities that can be

promptly taken care of at this office are the following:OSEO OVER m YE&RS

V O U R V ^ •



O r .D K i: h o o k s - ,

P R O G R A M S : ' f '

Qr(-;sTi.o.\\\..\ji:KS •> v

R k i- k h ’Ts

S a o w c A u a s

T i '- k k t s . '■ x .x 'y j i ;■

U t i i j t y s t.v r io .N 'io in

y o u c o i iK i : , s .


Xmas. CAJiDS ...V '

Y kai: hooks


A n n o u n c e m e n t s , .

. B lI . I . I IE A D S . rU.OTTKilS

: C a iu :>s .o k •v iT /DK SCU tit'T ipN s

"D O IIC K ilS ' '

E N V K I,0 I ’KS !

F o i.i lK U S FORM S


H a n d h i l l s . 6 : ' ' :

I n v i t a t i o n s

. J o u r n a l s .

(J KATAr.oca.TKs ; / ■■

L AIJ35 LS,' LETT E RI112 AUS . . -

M P .N C s f

l'O li E XP ER T ;


T e l. 5 42- J \

j . M , Rutherford IRoidio Service ;•

: -63 Asbury Ave; . . |

: ; Oceaii Grove ‘ r |

i i i .'i i i -i i . • ii i u iii«i (111 ant 11111 ) gti * ui i mi u in in i r

n i i t m g i DepartmentM AVENUE

I oc:e a n GROVE" N E W J E R S E Y

.Telephone Asbury Park 7

P A G E T H R E E .F R ID A Y , JA N U A R Y 29, 1937

J0 5 IN M. » E Yfa r in * lite r R iilld e r . nVmndelinif

and Uopjllbs 11 Si»f»r|t»lty

Jobb ing P rom ptly Attended- to

r/stiniati's .T urn Is lied.

23 Cen tra l Avenue, Ocean (trove.

Pliono A. P. 7132


SK RV IC E A I . I j Y E A R . 5,3 IVIain Avenue. Tel. 5283

Ocean Grove’s O rig inal Carrier


David H. O’ReillyE L E C T R IC A I* C O N T R A C T O R

Orders A ttended to P rom p tly

E stim ates Fornlshod

129 A bbo tt A renne , Ocean Grot©

Phono 4716






75 Sonth M a in S treet, Anbtiry Park

P liono 2<J0I



tM €£ENEC ^^^X - ^2 K 5 !2 1 fl

W e Dry Clean Your- Garment

IN D IV ID U A L And Return Clotises



Asbury Park 2364, 5916 320 Bond Street

Asbury Park

IVotor CoachesLeave Ocean Grove Asaoclationi Office

7.25 A. M.

8.25, 9.2,5, 10.25 A. M.

1.25, 5.25 P. M.

Daily E x c c p i Sundays

#T; ':■$ ! 2 5 Excursionno Bay 1 G:c5 0:: Ai: ScichBS

Sundays, Leaves irotn Lake and Heck Street

Asbury Park, N ,J.

Tel. Asbury Park 339

Asbury Parfi-NewYorlt T raiislf Co,

’* 1’? I

: Water Heaters |Installed Maw __S

All Makes of Cf<js , ?

. Telephony 7727 • |

■ N E P T U N E , -: f


Stockton Avenue - i

Vml South Mam Street. §

m is §£i« W m m m i

"broalifasi falde wa-s-spread

X p u , tlie. ;snjJilr.iiMtiu’^ . i f f the^sllit*

of .the h ou se ,w ho i'o j’.ryp rindT]>ehp-

rali had eaten their lirM hvoukfiisr tofielUer, * Thhiv 'were ’s|x~ places

laiil, iiiitS Sally -was v B ®

slei'nii.ij;. as Sliiimi explained; 1 itco

a-dormouse ; 11 m i l \r.v n; h a d n<»f y e t

/lie farni douu I lie . '. f A-Ii. •<'.-* Ii,in fresldy stnrehodr’hhie . ”lns)j;iin. sat -ergot- on - he ry< *hnlr t- he I ii ?i d^fj) i 4 silver coffee pat’/am i pnur^l>m,rt .third enp1 j>M*yriihh'y/;‘ -Heside"; heiy

I n&jfiti f-<iuidt% .puttit;r r (Irfai; tji* My': dtji.:Mlijroiit:S_i the- tall pines. . ■ ■ ■

“Well,’5'- Siinojrsijih'od, **P\fa>»dfA: if- today will lie .1 ju*_bljrdhy.’*

“oii\ - probab I y J7?<i tT<} 1 >J>av;s;iW c o m f o r i a l i i y ^ i P j f l ^ V t ^ Thursday.]|oo1i. ‘‘ X ‘.; [

“It doesn’t miike any dilieremv when hoVnmes; does - it T\-. MmJcltno

=I ii cj ij fr o J. /_*rr lv«' r.rsV* o no t*,- ir* j>rV-< > i n

the Rentier It \vill hi; settled. _l;,w,f,sh lie’ll eome now :ahd ;&*t it mei;: with.” *

thi»;-dInhig_rc>f»inIfior h n d ^ d i p i ^ I ,

;.ti>^11 j<;* J<ik‘rii<:t ^ i I ^ j i j i ijjJ tV ^ in ionV shpiil(lei\ iweakecl TnhfiyV hair, let Ills eyes.Vest on' iw-horail’s lowered eyelnshe.s. nnd spnl.c* to

.M adeljno .. -‘Who, me?" , v •

"No, .(.irahani."

. '‘H e ’ll com e ,’' l»ryn sa id ch ee r fu l­

ly , and p u lle d up Ids ehair.-, “ And

I there’s ■ oiiti su rci;!lh in^,; lie .w on ’t ism

Frank S. Morris Electric Cc.

Kicctriral Contractorn

Auto Electric StTvlt e

Refrigeration Service nccrs ■

Batter.yvand ,Tirc Sorvicf

Tele pi) olio A.T. V:77‘‘

47 Main Avemu

Ocean Groi c


Keencrvlon gc r *1 a s t i n p, 'kind, to ihe akin, Trcet Blades pare *ini/<jrm\y \ jgpbdJ. An«I only 1 0 for <t superb blades.

‘ Wilbur R. Giiyc-r? . /Successor ui


'C'.‘*AU; tiiuMliliik^ you;d6 .;so)ih(i very! exciting 1 moan,' all oyou,- of, >(Uii;se^V^iii<lellne- and:’- SiiHy have

:p}fi«*sgV/H;J/fpei>p)^ told me aliout 1‘llar, I thinU .sho

sounds- faselnatinK.’' ^ 1■Tidiby looked up. ‘’I ’UarV?’ ; -ho’

suid Ineredujuusly. _ ' . '

\';Sho;,spunds>Uiiii^’'e}ous.>So- tail

and heai;tifulv' 'Kven he r 'n a m e is

lovely, isn’t i t?. lMlar.”

-‘Do yon hieilti to say those whm'-

en told you about P ila r? ’'


HEATING ■_ m a te s .,G iv i> i>

64 *■-M a in Avenue, Ocei\in <•! iovV:

’ . Tele 428

' . , :>• ' 1 ■;, . " W W / , '■ '1*. ; > ■_ -- .;v: ■■ ■ ; • . - ' : ' ' ' '' ' / ' ' f-:• $ . ' ■ ' ■ : • ' \ .yV'. . ' ■ '■ / V' . .V V./’-rfjJySVt'


THE OCEAN GROVE TIMES• Pub lished F r id ay


J . : • r . . ” Telephone 7

RICHARD GIB13QXS. b(?cal Editor

c.L H ' ’Itli'TIONS: Jlicn yemiy; $1.00 semi-annually: 60c. quarterly .or 4 c. and postage per copy, postnyo paid in the United Status; Canada J2.0J and

■ • .'oreiRu X.r.O a year. ..AUDKKSSMH r hit used on request—always pk*c former nddreas. ADVBRT1HKMI3NTS:. katcs .will be furnished by uk on request.- . WA'fOll THE .LA BEL ON YOU It PAPER FOR THE EXPIRATION OF • •. YOUR. SUBSCRIPTION

, ' - Entered as second-class'mall at the Ocean.Grovo oosto/Hc*

Jo' / . T H E T R U T H IN IT S P R O P E R i»LA C F

A Lady of G ood W ill

Secretary of Labor Perkins says that it was “after she

had been in church” tha t she decided to write the letter

revealing her personal bitterness toward the president of

Genera! Motors. Going to church seems to affect some

people strangely. ■

General Motors will now proceed to put its men to_

■ work in the American way, leaving.Madame Secretary

high and dry sucking her thumb.

- The real improvement in American labor relations

w ill come when this disciple of Stalin is superseded by a!

representative American workingman as'head of the De-

7.part rn e n t of Labor and authorized to conduct conciliation!

in a Constitutional American manner.


Some One is Bound to be D isappointed j

It must be embarrasing to the President to have h is :

biggest political baclcer’ now publicly demand payment, j

“ We helped elect you, now you help us lick the economic

royalists,” says John L. Lewis in words that simmer down

to just that. He lists as the “economic royalists,” using

Roosevelt’s own phrase, General Motors, Chrysler, ’Ford

and the U. S. Steel corporation. General Electric was not

included, maybe out of deference to the President..

From the political point of view, the President knows

exactly what John L. Lewis means and wants. I t is not

just by .'accident that he has won the reputation of being

the shrewdest politician ever to sit in the W hite House. He

knows just how a great national political machine is oiled

ancl greased. But it isn’t considered “cricket” for a poli­

tical supporter to demand his pay in newspaper headlines.

That makes it embarrasing. W e have a suspicion, also,

that the President, during the next four years, would rath-

c k be known as a statesman than a politician. Perhaps

labor's would-be dictator, Lewis, senses a certain luke­

warmness in the man be helped to put in office and has de- In'tra-Mural Basketball

termined immediately to call for a show down. I Now that intra-mural basketball

In the long view, .it is well to have the show dow n jIS irl its third weclt’ its popularityhas increased so much that the ma-

“ What Happened?”

“Socked th’ W ife in th1 Jaw.”

“ I Don’t Know What These Wimmin Are Cornin’ T(X,M

I 15 Y E A R S A G O,1

The popular feeling is that the Methodist Episcopal

Home for the Aged must not move' out of Ocean Grove.

When Christian loaders cannot agree, to whom shall the

public look for examples of cooperation?

— — H I ---- — .A minister in Mason, Texas, after holding 15 pastor­

ates in a 40 years’ preaching career, says a Methodist

minister should be ready for three things; ready to move,

ready to preach, and x'eady to die.

Hitiuwity.iiuiiiiitiiii.iiiiiiiiKMp'.iniii*' r'liiintiKiiiM*


now. We know how Roosevelt’s opponent stood in the

last election. He upheld the right of labor to organize,

but opposed the “closed shop.” He denied the right of

any organization to exact tribute from a worker in return

for the right to work.

No one knew then or knows now how Roosevelt

stands, except that he had the unanimous support of the

more rad ’cal elements of union labor. That is not neces­

sarily conclusive. V/ 'r ’

In a few short weeks or sooner, the President will

have to tell the country .how he stands.

Shall the “closed shop” be made legal?

May an employer's property, tools and shop, be taken

by the workers w ithout due process of law?

Shall a workman be required to pay tribute to a labor

czar, for the right to earn a living? \

Whatever the answer, it cannot help but prove good

for the country to have it now. •

jority of tlie student body has

shown some interest in the out­

come of these games.

away there Sunday morning. The

Roy. R. W . JI. Weech officiated

and interment has been made at

Woodbine cemetery, Oceanport, in

charge of funeral directors M at­

thews and Prancioni. Miss Burch,

who was a member of St. Paul’s

church, entered the Home, for tho

Aged in 1934. She formerly owned

the cottage a t 31 Abbott avenue.

Ei.....I.....IIIIIIIIIIII...... .

(Editor's1 Note: ThcHe ItemH are taken from tho back flJcii .of the TJuies for tho year 1922.) ; - N

February- 3, 1922

A dcrelict barge, rid ing h igh on

tho waves, swept1 along the shore

during' a coastal storm and knock­

ed out several poles supporting

Ocean Grove’s fishing piers. So-

porintomlent' Frank B, : Sm ith es­

timated. the damage a t between

$5,000 and $G,000.

.Three fire shields of zinc and

asbestos were added to tlie equip­

ment o f the Orean Grove fire de­


Louise Faux, Margaret Heck,

Abe Finkel and B. Hommell com­

prised. the junior debating team a t

Neptune high.

Mr, and .Mrs. Georgre C. Wertz

were v isiting in Newark.

. Mrs. Margaret Asay Hesso, elo­

cutionist, gave 3everai selections

a t the monthly social o f the Sum

morfield school, held a t the home

of Homer Martin, Hamilton.

I 30 Y E A R S A G O j(E d lto r ’H. N o te : These ; Item s .are

taken from the back files o f tho Times for tho yea r 1007.)

The Merit System Versus Spoils

By RAYMOND PITCAIRNNulionttl Chairman

____ Sentinels ol the Republic _____


Wlhen Frank Tantum used ' to

drive around in style?

February 2, 1907

The Eureka Athletic Glub leased

the cottage a t 09 Benson avenue

as a d ub house, .; j :::’,v

E . • N . Cole began his duties as

general manager of the Associa­


W. B. Stout, S. A. Hall, Dr.

Tompkins, S. D. Wpolley and L. van Gilluwc, of tho Neptune

township board of education, visi­

ted classrooms and attended open­

ing exorcises a t the new term of

the local school.

A fte r actively partic ipating in

services a t St. Pau l’s church


Mrs. F lora ’ Dredger, w ife of

N. Y . U., captained by E lw ood •'Henry Dredge;-'and sister ot M r s . '^ o ^ g h o u t " t h ^ d a y , John E.‘'jo f- Morris, is now at the top of tho Cora Applegate,-of the Central frey passC(, awny SU(|denly at

league, p la y in g 'fo u r games and Avenue house, 41 Me Clmtock ho|no 'Sunday ntffKt. Jttmmry 27. losing none. Pennsylvania, Pur- street, died on Tuesday a t hor

due, Bean's Business College and home in Brookline, Philadelphia.

Texas Christian are tied fo r sec- Funeral services w ill be held today

ond with one loss out of four at Burtis funeral parlor, Asbury

games. Ohio State, M innesota and Park, and interment will be made

Morgan have won two ond lost in " ' est Lonff Branch cemetery,

two. Notre .Dame and . Fordham She js also . survived by another

have accounted fo r one win „nd sister, Mrs. Eva Khan, of Asbury

Louisiaha State a n d . Northwestern Park. . .

have yet to win their firs t game. ■;

' The W oodchuck ’s O w n Day

’ ’ The American woodchuck, otherwise known as the

groundhog, is under ordinary circumstances a quite incon­

spicuous little critter. City folks .Would not know him by

sight if they met him. \

On the second day of February, according to ancient

tradition, the woodchuck comes out of his hole. I f he fails

to see his shadow outlined in the crisp sunlight, hq decides

the winter is gone, and begins to plan his spring opera­

tions. So he has his brief day of glory, in which newspap­

ers,feature his portrait. Some old fashioned folks attach

weight to his weather forecast. ' ■ ■ ' ’ . ■ ••’. ; .

• Out in the farm; districts, the woodchuck is an all to

fam illia r figure. As he grows fat, the gardens grow leaiij

as they minister to his voracious appetite. There has long

been war between the farm boy and his dogs on one hand,

and the woodchucks, on: the :bther.. I t is not clear which

wus the winner-on the latest returns


Personals Funeral services were held yes-

A . donkey basketball, game, will terday afternoon fo r John Stines,

be played in . the gym Monday, 82, who died Tuesday morning at

February 1, between the high llis home, 113 Webb avenue. .The

fchool faculty and tho Eagle Hook Her. Mohn, Asbury Park, officia-

and Ladder Company of Ocean ted, and interment lias been made

Grove. at A tlantic View cemetery, Mana-

On Friday, Februnry 5, the squan. Mr. Stines is survived by

Cercle Francais* firs t social event, ^vo brothers,. Henry J . Stines,

a carnival, w ill be held in tho hisrh Belmar, and F r e e m a n Stines,

school gymnasium.


Monday, Feb. 1— Boys Captains’

Meeting. Donkey Basketball game,

evening. ' ’ y .?Tuesday, Febl 2—-tjivls I.eaders’

Corps. Basketball' with Lakewood,

honie. \ :

Point Pleasant Beach; and two sis­

ters, Mrs. W illiam F. Lefferson,

Manasquan, and Mrs. Lydia Cook,

Asbury Park.


Miss Emma Sturgis, n summer

resident a t 8G Webb avenue for

the past 20 years, died a t her Wednesday, Feb. 3— Freshmon Newark home last Saturday. She

assembly. is siwvived by a sister, Mrs. P. J3.

Thursday, Feb. 4 Band , rehear- Miepfel. Funeral services were

sal;‘ held Monday evening nt the home,Friday, Feb. 5 French - Club 3 \Vakem?.n avenue, Newark.

Carnival, evenip^. Basketball, __________ _______________

w ith Red Bank, away.

George' T. Terrell passed away

after several weeks’ illness.

St. Pau l’s church organized the

firstv aux iliary to the new Home

for the Aged, electing Mrs. E. A.

Margerum, president; Mrs. J . ,M .

Koss, seretary; Mrs. Anna Hood,


Aw, Ow, Wow, WowMotto—Why did Barlow change

tho horn oil his auto?Carbo—Said It, reminded him too

much of his wife’s voice.—Detroit




Increased efficiency In all govern­mental activities.

Economy, for the taxpayer.

Purposeful careers for public em­ployes.; ' ;v'

Elimination, of the Spoils System.

These are a few of the goals sougnt by. increasing numbers of taxpaying citizens who demand that the Civil Service or Merit System, now in, par­tial effect, ..replace, the Spoils System in all but the-topmost federal jobs.

■ America can achieve these bene­fits—If Congress docs its part. The way is open.

A White House message has urged expansion of Civil Scrvice to include all employes except Secretaries, Under-Secretaries and those in simi­lar policy-making offices. Several members- of Congress hav.e. intro­duced measures to hasten extension .of the Merit System idea.' ■

But will they be put into efTect? That’s a different question.

Heavy political barricades must flrst .be overcome. For a complete application , of the Merit Sykem would s tr ip . politicians of their greatest asset?—the /control and dol­ing out of jobs. Naturally many poli­ticians will oppose it. Naturally they . will fight any step which extends the policy of selecting public servants on the basis of how well they can do their work instead of the basis of how many votes' they ’can deliver for; the politicians on Election Day. .

There stands the basic issue—' whether the Federal’ payroll, which , costs the' taxpayers more than a billion dollars annually, shall be for the benefit of politicians who con­trol appointments, or .’of tlie public who'foot the. bill. ' ,, ■- V . \/-y;

TVs up to Congress to decide. ‘ The . , choice should not be a difficult on6.

Money - Lenders Profit ; ■ Money is the' great, incentive: thov

world oVer. A missionary, opening; the first school in a village in India, found to his amazement that the on­ly pupils n ppearing to be benefited by ,. education , were * the money v} lenders! -i--

The Last Wordin protection. C O M P R E H E N S IV E AUTOiMO- HILiE insurance, is designed, to give you more inclusive protection under one policy.

. * :fs - * .

Let us discuss the advantages of th is type of insurance w ith you.

ImportantTile season o f 1937 is fast approaching .

Ari, early listing w ith us of your houses for rent or sale fo r the coining season w ould be to your advantage . T hank you.

Ernest N. WoolstonR E A L ESTAT1 E- ana INSURANCE

Forty-Eight Main Avenue Ocean Grove, N. j.

. . ‘ Telephone 398

jiitiiiaii«vaiiiiiaiii|ii>iiitiiiiiiiiiiiii>aiiiiiiiiitiiii«ii«iiiniiiiiiiiiiinrniiiiiii>iiiiantifB(i>iiiuiiii!>aiiiuiiiiiiiitaiiiu«u«ii» s

| I

O f AH Kinds !* ■

Specializing In Fire and Auto Insurance |


§ Telephone 2121 78 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove |

.......................... ....................... .

Advertlaementa %for the should bo In the office-of “Tho Timen” NOT LATER THAN 12 O'CLOCK NOON Thursday of each week.

C L A S S IF IE J D ^ I J R A T K 125 wordw or less.. .. ....... '.....250.Moro limn 25 words . 1 cent per word 5 times tor the price of four.

Copy umllcd In, given to reprcsentc.- tlve or brought to office pqrsonally must: bu accompanied by cash oi*. s trim pa to covor. cost. Copy accepted over phono as a courtesy‘atid conven­ience to customers. Bills duo immedi­ately : upon presentation; .


O B IT U A RY .As would

Do Honor To O u r Gospel Song W riters

-The suggestion for a music night to :tlo honor to our

own local writers of gospel songs has be.eii received fav­

orably in many, quarters. The list we published last week

was not a complete one, and we thank those who have

called to our mention other' well-known names which

should be included.

No list would be complete without the name of Helen

. J . Thompson, a member of tho International Ifymn Socie­

ty, who has resided here for 30 years and much of whose

work has b.eeij published by Theodore Presser. Likewise,

to be added is the name of Mrs. R. R. Forman, 85 years

old, who now resides in Hightstown and was a summer

: ■ 'lisitor here many ’ tinitis in .the past ; also Mrs. J . I. Me

Clefland, an Ocean Grove summer visitor, who collaborated

w ith the late Hall of Hall-Mack company.

A big city philosopher says that the only, way to pass

the time in a small town; on a rainy day is to sit around

and complain about your rheumatism. W hich convinces us

tha t the philosopher doesn’t know much about small

towns. ' •' ‘ ' ' ' , ' r

when a sleepy child

REV . A N D R E ^ M :S T R A Y IIO R N Tq S toys that ean no

longer please,

And handles them, perhaps for old

sake’s sake,

And gets no joy, no comfort,

and no ease;

News has been received here of

tho death of the'Rev. Andrew M.

Strayhorn, who passed away on

January 14 a t the Jefferson Hos­

pital, Philadelphia. 'rile. Rev.

Strayhorn, who retired in 1923 af- t. ter many years’ scrvice in the Then comes the wise old nurse, and

Philadelphia M. E. Conference, was one by one, v

a fam ilia r figure in Ocean Grove- Each cherished toy laid down,

for many seasons. He was a 1 deftly lifts

fa ith fu l and - interested attendant And puts away; and ere her task

at the services in the Auditorium ) done,

and ..was seen regularly in h is . The weary child to slumber

front, seat on the platform nearly j softiy drifts.

W ery Sunday. and all during Camp \S th0UK)) w ith senscs

Meeting dm-ing the summer of

“M O DEL-OF JERU SA LEM -A T O CEAN GROVE,’’ just published, 12 pages and covpr. .Unique sou­venir of the Grove. Sent anywhere in. United States upon receipt of 25 cents in stamps. Times Offioe, Ocean Grove.— rjOtf

193G. Funeral, services were held

Tuesday, January 19, and burial

lias been made a t Mt. Moriah

cemetery.; ? v . :


Funeral, services yero held Tues­

day aftonioori a t the Home for the

Aged, 03 Clark avenue, fo r Miss

Laura E . Burch, 77, who passed

through length, of days,

We cling to joys nnd griefs with

ebbing zest,

God takes these one by one, and

gently .lays -•

Our 'hearts to sleep upon His

loving breasit.

Lucia C. G. Grieve

Ocean Grove,.N . J .

January 23,' 1937.


I M ATTHEW S a n d f I FSAN CION I ■ - I| Hnccosflor to ?

= George B. Sexton |

I: Funeral Directors fI *.The O ldest Tlndertaklng’ EBtali* Is llshm ent In M onm outh County £= Continuous Service £s F irn t’ Ctii'iH Antbulunco Service i

704 Seventh Avenue |

Asbury Park, J. 1

I JU ST T H IN K ! || Hotel, 21 rooms. Block from ocean ..................... .................... §2,000 I| Double House, in all year round d is tr ic t ................ 31,500 ;- Are you getting fu ll value for your insurance dollar? Look - I over your fire policy and see if there is a Supplemental Con- | | tract attached. In other words, do you have the following, cov- - I crages in one policy: Loss or Damage by Fir'c, A ircraft, Ex- I S . plosion, Hail, Motor Vehicle, R iot or Windstorni.? The rate for | | this- Supplemental so low, you can not afford to be = g without it. | | - Do you have adequate insurance? Be sure. Ask your car- | “ penter how much it would cost to rebuild your home.= D{f you operate an automobile? I f so, you need automobile 1s insurance in a good slock company. You never can tell when M| you will kill or injure someone. Be fully protected with a V. S. =S F. & G. Liability Policy, and a Comprehensive policy which in- . |5 sures against any loss of or damage to your automobile. ' II L ist your property with us, now, so that we may give it I- recognition in our booklet, and then |

I SE E M E B E FO R E YO U B U Y . B U R N O R B O R R O W |

} LOUIS E. BRONSON, Realtor I| T e lepho ne , A sbu ry Par.U 1058 53 M a in A ven ue , O cean Grovic,-,N. J . ; I

............ ..................................................................................... •iiiiiiiiaiit.iiiiaiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiaiiiiiana-a^

Telephone, Anbury P a rk SI




5i:$3.soThree Items for $ l;0Q'

S Dcauiy o

| 727 Ban'<;s Avenue

j . Asbury Park

j Telephone'for Appointment, 8220-,S ~i *r.\y v? ; •' V !%'. -v.'.-•*-J i ■' 54iinit)iMiiiiiuainHjii!Uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiitiii|iuiiiiliiii|iijniiii!iii

......................... .

( B U Y N O W ;- ' !§ 1 This Popular Seashore Sum m er Resort i

1 FOR SALE j| Webb avenue. 12 Room house, fully furnished, near i

I beach and Auditorium $3,000 =

| Mt. Hcrhum Way. 0 Room cottage ... .,81,700 1

= Clark Avenue. Full size lot ...... .................... '. . i ..............S 700 I

| Sea View Avenue. 8 Rooms and Bath ..................................... .................... .................... $3,500 1

| Broadway, near Central avenue. 9 Room house . . . .S3,500 |

| Other good bargains $2,000 and up. 1

I J. A. HURRY AGENCY jI: Real Estate IniFormation bureau Is 66 M a in Avenue 61 C lark Avenue 1= Telephone 4132 Ocean Grove» N. J. Telephone 387-R |

jiiaiiininiitiiiiuauiiiaiiiiiiuiuaiiiiiiuaiiiiiuiiiiaiiaiiaiiatiiiiaiiiiiiiiiitiiiaiiiiiaiiitiiiiiiiaiiiHiiiiiiaiiiiiBiiBiia.... .

ST. ELM O HOTELO pen A!1 Year

■ Comer Mairt and Now York Avenues Individual meals served by day or week 5

- B. K. SHUBEKTAmerican, and European v Tel. Asbury Park 67S

-X -





The Rev. and Mrs. E . A. Golds­

worthy and daughter, o f Rahway,

ave guests at the St. E lmo hotel.

Col. Thomas Stanyon, of Now

York, was a 'weekend guest a t the

home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Glock-

lor, 113 Mt. Tabor \yay.

Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Major, 94

Lawrence avenue, are enjoying a

short vacation in the "Sunshine

City!” St. Petersburg, F la. ;

The Womans’ Prayer Band w ill

meet on Monday, February 1, at

3 p. m., a t the hom e.of Mrs. S. G.

Butler, 57 New Jersey avenue.

Blanche E . Mitchell, 54 Abbott

avenue, arrived last week a t West

Palm Beach, F la. where she w ill

remain for two ol* three months.

The executive hoard of the

Mothers Circle w ill meet a t the

homo .of Mrs. Charles Bilms, 8G

Clark avenue,' on Monday, Febru­

ary 1, a t 2!30 p. m.

Mr. and Mrs. H arry . C. Open-

shaw. 09 Main avenue, returned

last Friday after v is iting for

several days , in their former

home, Jersey City.

Mrs. Marie Rand, of Teaneck,

N. J ., who has been vis iting old

friends in Ocean Grove fo r two

weeks, has returned to her home.

W hile here, she stayed a t 104 Heck


Mrs. E im or Smith, 19 Main ave­

nue, returned this week from

W ashington where she visited her

daughter, Miss Charlotte! Smith,

and attended the- inauguration of

President Roosevelt.

I t has been announced by Jacob

Glockler, president of vthe Assem­

bly Bible Class, that there w ill bo

an offering taken Sunday after­

noon at the meeting of- the class

fo r the benefit o f the flood suffer-

.ers. . \ -■ ' • " ;

Miss M. E. Darling, deaconess

from Utica, N> Y ., who has been

at Baneroft-Taylpr Rest Home on

sick leave, for the last three

months, has gone to Sibley Hospit­

al, Washington, D. C., for medical


A church fellowship bnnquot will

be held in St. Paul’s a t 7 P . M.,

February 17, when E . Stanley

Jones will make his farewell

broadcast. Reservations must be

made in advance through the La­

dies A id society.

• Under the auspices of tho fed­

eration of missionary societies o f

Ocean Grove and Asbury Park, a

world’s day of prayer-wili be cele­

brated a t 3 p. m., February 12, in

. the Lutheran church, Asbury

'with Rev. Carl H . M iller as the


A combined meeting o f the

Home and Foreign Missionary so­

cieties of St. Paul.’s church will bp,

held Thursday, February 4, in the

Siiiiday schbol room of the church.

The p r o g r a m will be in charge of

the homo missionary society and

the ReV. James Brown w ill speak

on the condition of the American


Mrs. Mary E . Stput, president of

the Bancroft-Taylor Rest Home,

announces tha t the Fenton Me­

morial Rest Homo at Chautauqua,

N. Y.', will be open exclusively for

deaconesses dUTihg Ju ly and Aug­

ust and that reservations should

be made early by. addressing the

hostess a t tho. local home, 74 Cook­

man avenue. ,

Dr. Alexander Ashley Weech

..and his two daughters, of New

York City, were guests Saturday

■ n ight and Sunday of Dr. Weech’s

parents, the Rev. and Mrs. B . W.

H . Webch, a t the parsonage, 103

Broadway. The younger Dr.

Weech-rendered .a aolo a t the Sun­

day morning sei-yic'c a t St. Paul’s

.church. . Last Thursday n igh t the

. Rev. and Mrs. Weech cntertitined

another son, C., Sowell Weech, of

Baltimore, who attended tho Dr.

Henson’s n igh t service here.

In conjunction w ith their dinner

a t the. St. E lmo hotel, following

the January 15 meeting, members

of the. Ocean Grovo Camp Meeting

Association held a surprise shower

for their president, Dr. George W .

Henson, .in' honor of his marriage

a few lays later. The diping room

was'attractively decorated. On the

table .were, m iniature china ; doll

images of -a bride and ’ groom and

.m inister, as. well as flower girls,

w ith nn aisle of'flowers. Dr.- Hen­

son received: several prettily wrap-

ped gifts.





Doctor, Tcaciicr, Mother, M inister,

Psychologist arid Business Man

Are Contributors; Miss W ay In-

> troduced as Secretary., : .

; A panel discussion on character

education of youth, as a responsi­

bility of the school, home and

community featured the monthly

meeting o f the Ocean Grove-Nep-

turie P. T. A.,, last n igh t in the

high school auditorium . The dis­

cussion was led by G uy L. Quinn

w ith the . fo llow ing . partic ipating:

Psychologist Robert Stone, 'o f the

Marlboro hospital; . D r. Tjpnry. B.

Dorr; Rev, Norman Sargent, rep-:

resenting the church; John ■: B.;

Cowan, . the school; , Mrs. H . ’' D .'

Kresge, : the home, and Joseph B;

Sandford, • th q ,/business n ia n ;^ ' ^

:,The. .cio'ctor: shewed ' the- • relation

of. a : heiilthy body in .the develop­

ment: o f . character; tlie psycholo-*

gist that the knowledge, and apV

plication of mental hygiene is an

important aid; the. m inister tha t

spiritual understanding is an im ­

measurable aid to the: maintenance

of good character; the • • mother,

: that the honie provides the earliest;

and most v ita l situation for form ­

ing good character^ the business

man tha t the world is in ; need of

strong1 •• unselfish leaders; .the

teacher tha t the pupil - is in f luen-

oed much by im itation of the

teacher/; in school* out of school-

and in the teacher’s choice o f

summer vocation. Miss Dorothy

Bush made the summary of the


The regular business session,

preceding the panel, was in charge

of the president, Mrs. E lmer Beat­

t ie 2 Miss' 01 ivia; W ay, i- thc:; librari­

an/ was introduced as the new seer

vetdry. Y V- Y " :YY .Y-/ -.! Y YThe attendance award was. won

by Miss Scholl’s h igh school home

room- - and •< Mr. - Cowan’s e i g h t h

gracle. class. \*. ,=;

Announcement was m a d e th a t

clothing for th e flood relief sJVoulcl

be::sent to Mrs. A. M. Austin.

An invitation was read from

the Bradley Park P. T. A., t o 'a t ­

tend the la tte rV Founders’ day

meeting , in tho Bradley Park

school on February 10.

Music. Supervisor Stewart intro­

duced his new clarinet quartette,

who made their first public ap­

pearance w ith one selection and

the. promise of more at some fu ­

ture date; Y ; ; •••;


Becomes Bride of W illiam F . Les-

in, of E lizabeth V

Miss Em m a Donaldson' Naryj

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas

Nary,' 44 Embury avenue, and W il­

liam F. Lcsin, son of Mrs. Rose

Lesin, of Elizabeth, were married

at four o'clock Sunday afternoon.

The ceremony was performed in

the rectory of St. Catherine’s

church, Spring Lake, by the pas-

tor, the Rev. Thomas W, Reilly:

Mrs. Rodney Ross, Asbury Park,

was her sister’s matron of honor.

The bride was given in marriage

by her father. She was attired in

a flowered embroderied net, after­

noon drcsS, w ith an orchid cor­

sage. Frederick Lesin was best


A fter a wedding* trip to New

York, Mr. and Mrs. Lesin are to

be a t home a t Townley, N . J , He

j is associated w ith the Standard |

j Oil Company of New Jersey a t

Linden. '



Ci.vil Service Exam inations

The United States Civil Service

Commission has announced open

competitive examinations as fo l­

lows: Junior patent examiner, $2,-

000 a year, Patent Office, Depart­

ment of C o m m e 'r e e . Elevator

mechanician, $1,080 a year, Branch

of Buildings Management, N ation­

al P a rk . Service, for appointment

in Washington, D. C./ only. Jun ior

observer in meteorology, $1,440 • a

year, Weather Bureau. Fu ll infor­

mation !may be obtained from Mr.

Bilms,. Secretary of the U. S. Civ-:

il Service Board of Examiners, at

tlie Ocean Grove post office.

Toe Forgery \When registered m ail was found

to be going astray at Negri Sombilan (Malay), it was noticed that the receipts (thumb prints, as is * the . practice among those who cannot write) were all the same.-Not one • thumb p r i n t : p c m b e r s of the post' office was fouftd u ecyiv.spond, however. Finally a detective had all the employes’ toe.prints taken.,This has led to the arrest of. a Malay postman, who had used his toe as a signature. He now stands charged under throe cct,*', 5. •

One of the largest honor rolls in th e . history of Neptune . high school was announced last Friday, upon t h e : conclusion of; the. third m ark ing period. ; ■

The. school year is now one. half over arid pupils and, teachers, are entering upon ' the la s t. semester’s. _ schedule’ - with the combined pur­pose ; of • making new. records, ;• ' The i i honor roll fo r the .th ird marking period fo llow s:.. En g 1 i sh-—John Ford/'; Jean Long, A u g u s' fc’ i ri.e Addison, Charlotte Cowan, CaUghey Gauntlett,- 'V ir­ginia.. ' Hamm en , Betty •. J o ff er is, Carr.ol , Jobes, Franklin Martin, Adelaide Miller, Helen Neighbour, Doris Newbury, Virginia, Newbury,. Barbara Stout,; Floi’ence:\\Vester- velt> Ellen Coleman, V i r g i n i a Spayd, Adriana Young, .‘ Charles Walker, Celia Campbell, Ju lia Campbell, Dorothea Moore, Doris Nicolls, E lmer Perry> Bertha John­son, Charlotte Lone, Ernest Miir- pliyj Edward Soles> June Spccht, Shi rley T ho nip son, > Li 11 ian Apple - gate, W illard D ill, Floyd' Gifford, Mildred Ilaas , Edward Holl, Helen Horner,; A lton Hurley, Evelyn Hur-, ley, . ICarla Karls en, L i I l ia n ;:' Me'I Chesney,- Donald ' • Messier, r . John Miller, Richard . Mtillikeri, R ita Phillips,.: Berth a Lyon, Ruth PhiU lips, Valerie Nicholson, Jean: Trot­tier, . M argaret B r itto n ,. W illiam Catley,; 1 Margaret; Rice, Louise Strom er,,' Carl . Barton, . Evelyn Buhler, Ruth Gruber, Evelyn Vo­gel, Phyllis Bentzen, Audrey, Til­ton, Philip /Bergen, Xenia . Ware, V irgin ia Stout, Ruth Pavia, ■ Oliver.i Coleman, Warren Ridgway, \Elaine i Underwood,- Katherine .ErbaClier,! Betty ' Bentzen, Dorothy Farrell, j Joan Sweet," Francis Bell, W illiam Fenimore, M ary Pascal, Frank Sauta, Agnes Klein, Grave Pyne, Olive ,;Riggs^ Magdaleim^^ Schloss- macher, Verna Volkomer, W illiam Roberts, Eckalec Salamone, Jean Pearce, ; . Emm a Whittle,. ^ Henry; Patterson', - Dorothy. - Martin,. -Anri W liyte, Jean Austin , • Raymond Beekman, Ruth Beririett, ‘Con­stance Busch, D oro thy ; Carey, George Coder, /Ldis ‘ Combs, /Daniel Gillan; June. I I ugh son/ \Vilbu r O r r, An nay P resti, Harold Rainea r,- An- ;h'a Thoinpson, rfhcodore : Eldridgc, Thelma Fields,; Eileen West, Fred Sutton, Janet Jobes, Sam Petillo, Douglas Polhemus, Elsie W ar del 1, David Drout/ Esther Goldberg, Geraldine "Hcnriques, Charles Mar^ tin, Lesley Robinson, Harry Smith’/ Juno Morris, Doris Blauyelt,' Shir- ley • Gil<53, Gloria Herbert, Joseph Moore, ’Mabel N atter/ Nona Palsir/ Charlotte Bergen, Ernest Day, Robert; Linehan; Edward Mickens, George Palaiaj. Gladys Price,. R ita Welsh, Nancy Lombardi, • H ilda Slocum, 'Alice White. . V.',':; Latin^XJoi'othy Farrell, Robert

B ,■■■;-> L o n g ,Ju n e '; Morris j; .Lesley Robinson,-: ; O liver Coleman, ' Ruth Pavia^ - Betty y Bentzen, David Drout/ -; A nna ' Everson, / Esther Goldberg, Eileen West, Viron Jones, Marjorie Sargeant, Elaine Underwood, Dorothy Wanser, Mary .Tane ICresge.

•French— .lean Long, V irginia Spayd, Phyllis Bentzen, Ruth Blacklock, Mary Jahe Kresge, Don­ald; Kurtz, George M. Sm ith, Cor- lezza Ware, Xenia Ware, Hester Edwards>*Helen Neighbour, Bar­bara Stout:

Chemistry-—John Ford, Carrol Jobes, Jean Long, Franklin Martin, Helen Neighbour, Florence Wes- tervelt.

Plane Geometry— Charlotte Beiv gen, Philip Bergen, Leroy Garra- brandt, Schuyler Hanmorc.

Trigonometry— N o r r i s Hen­drickson, Befcfcjy Jefferis, Carrol: Jobesi^Franklin Martin.- ; .;;,V •'iwjk- . Algebra—rJohn Ford, Jean Long,

W ilbur Bridge, Theodore v E ld ridge, David Drout, Charles Martin, John Sos di an /- V irg in i a ’• Stout/v 'Lou i se Zickler/ Betty Bentzen, Robert; B .' Long, Ruth Pavia.

Intuitive Geometry—rEckalee Salamone.

Science Preview— W illiam E r­ickson. '

Problems of Democracy— Carl Barton, Valeric Nicholson, Jean4- nette Pullen, *>7ean Trottier, Ed­ward Beck, Edward Behrens, Rus­sell Major.

Changing Civilizations— J o h n Farruggio, W a tt Ingram , Eckalee Salamone, Malcolm C h a m l) e i's , Wernes Eberhardt, James Eldridge, Charles Evans, Jean Pearson, Rob­ert. Hendrickson, A rthur Spenfcler, Elsie Wardell.

General Science— W illiam • Forii- more, .lahn Sosdian. Harry Foby, Charles M artin, Frank Spccht, Harry Minor. .

Internationa! Relations— Betty Lewis.

Economics— Jean Austin, Ray­mond Beekman, Constance Busch, Lois Combs, Anna Cpyic, Daniel G illan, .June Hughson, W ilbur - Orr, Anna Thompson, Donald Van Note. .

Civii's and Vocations— George

Roc, Shirley Giles, Felicia Grande, June Morris, K athryn W right.,

Biology— Muriel Robinson, Vera Truex, Eileen AVest, Philip -Bergen, W illiam Turehyn; Phillis Bentzen, Susari Blowers/ Dorothy V. Brown.

. Civics— Albert. : Catley, Elmer Menke, Moria Palsir, Lesley Robin* son,, , Ashton Sm itfi, John Sosdian, Fred Sutton, iiu tli Phillips, llad- ford Catley,. V irg in ia Coles, Rose A rn o n e, VJ ohn • Diehl, J oseph ino Curto, Ruth M c .C o Ilu in , Ruth Orriisbeei , .v: ' : .•. Ancient Historfy?—Charles; M ar­tin / Louis'e Zickler, M yra Shipman, Florence -Piper,- Dorothy -Farrell, Robert B. Long,; LauriCe Gaines. ;,

World ; History— V irgin ia Swish­er,, Eleanorei Olson, W alter Morris,’ iMargaret - Johnson, James Metz, B u r t ' M e t z . ' •: • ■;. ‘i:-';-:

Uni.U'd States History— Margav- vt Britton, W illiam Catley, George Hall, Augustino Addisori/• Virgiriia Ifammen, Norris - Hendrickson, Betty . Jefferis, Carrol Jobes,. W il­liam K resge,; Franklin Martin, Adelaide Miller, Helen Neighbour, Doris Newbury, Barbara Stout, Florence Westervelt.

.15 ii s i n e s s . Organization— Carl Barton, Jack Brennen, Margaret Britton.

Modern H istory— Mary Arcan­gelo, Jean Forbes, Alfred Gilmore, Harry Goodenough, Robert Riggs, Muriel Robinson, H arry White." Business Training— H a d f o r d Catley, M ary D ’Agostina, Francis I?ell, A lbert Catley, W illianr Feni- more,„. F-orrest-• Gillespie, v Shirley Gifford,;; Josephine * Curto,'.G1 adys Jphnson, L illian Jones, Wesley Hannon, Mona. P a ls ir ,: Shirley Giles, Frank- Olivisj R ita Welsh.'- .

Business 3Ianagem ent— George ■Longstreet/ Ruth Phillips, ‘V irgin­ia Hammen, .Doris Newbury,.; Sam Petillo, Douglas Polhemus. ;.

Child Study— Ruth Blacklock, Charlotte ; Cowan,, V ii'ginia Swish­er, Elsie Wardell, Sara W illiam s/ R ita Woessner. ••; Shorthand^—L illian ; Applegate/

G ertrude: Barigert,’ • Ruth Bpttorff, An ita , Bregolata, Dorothy Carey, Lois Combs, ;:Willard D ill/; Daniel, Gillari,’ Charles ; Hall> Jun6 Hugh- sOn, Karla Karlseri, Janet Me Gar­vey, 'Dorothea Moore/ Richard M u ilik e iij;E tlie l ‘ Perry, ' V irgin ia Pjuminer, Harold Rainear, Bernice Simpson^ A n n a : Thompson, Jean Austin, R u th Bennett, Constance Busch, George Coder, Anna Coyle, Caughey. Gauntlett/ V irginia Harii- men, Anna- Jernstedt, Joy Mac Clure, Adelaide M iller, Anna Pres- ti, Frank Shoemaker, Angelina S i­cilia no, Edward Soles, Evelyn Vo­gel, V irginia, Spayd ,:Edith Gun­daker, 0race H engerle,' Evelyn Murday,. Valerie Nic.holson, .Flor- ericeiVanL: Nest/ Evelyn Ludwig,'V .-;

Typewriting—,Tohn Farruggio, AVatt Ingrain j Gloria.’ B rower, June Cdopeiv Ruth - Heinrich,.' Marion Herbert, Doris Lariiphere,. Pearl Otto, Mai’y Pascal, Hannah Ren­der/;,Olive R iggs ,' Frances Schnitzer, VeriVa . V o lte p m e r ,A lv ah . Bullock; Franklyn Seger, Holmes Adams j Sol Gruber, John M iller,v W ilbur Orr, E lm er Smith, -Arthur Sutton, Raymond Beekman,. • Constance Busell, Lois Gombs, M iriam Day, M ildrod; Plaas, Arina Jernstedt, Bernice Simpson/ Grace Wewer, Ruth Wewer, Dorothy Carey, Ed­ward Holl, Evelyn; Hurley, Jerry Palaia, Demetre Lepinsky, Richard Newirian/ "Vietoi* Campbell, •Laura Schanck; R ita - Woessner j Norman Hannah,. Sara Knight, RysselI M a­jor, Doris Newbury,; V irg in ia New­bury.- • ..f

Fjsoiioniic 1 Geographic—R usgoII Major.- - ;

Commercial/^ ^eograpfi^^-Ch lotto Cowan, M ary - Pascal/ Verna Volkomer, ' V-"” ",

Clerical Practice-— George Hall,. Norinan Hannah, Charlotte Lone, Rae Moore, y-x--.-

O f f i c e Practice— Frank Am ­nia nn, M argaret : Britton, Evqlyn Buhler, ; Isabel Coleman, RuU i, Gruber, E d ith -if G.undaker, Bertha j Lyon/ Evelyn Murday, Barbara Stout, -Louise' Stromfei% .lean' Trot­tier, Florence VanNest. . i

Commercial Law— HolmVs Ad- [ sms. A lvah Bullock, Doris Curtis,! Evelyn Hurley, Ivarla Karlsen,] Joy Mac Clure.

Bookkeeping— Dorothy .Besman, | A lm a. Davison,' John Farruggio, Charles 'Hummel, .Harriet Hurley,; W att Ingram , Marion McGowan/j Beatrice Burks, Lawrence D iglio,r Demetre Lepinsky,. Edward Beh-J trens, Gloria^ Brower, W illiam Er-I ickson, Marion Herbeit, W ill ia m : Ilulskamper, Clinton Mieras, M ary1 Pascal, Grace Pyne, Hannh Render,: Frank -Santa,. Magdalena Schloss-i macher, Vertia Volkomer, Harry! White, Holmes Adams, Raym ond; Beekman. Sol Gruber, John Miller, j W ilbur Orr. # .

Problems in 'L iv ing— Norman i Hannah, Norman Riley, Ernest Murphy, George Hall, Robert Pat­terson. , '•

Meal IManiiing— Eileen West.




State Game and Fish Commission

Lssues Full-Size Colored Maps,

Describing Habitats , o f "■; W ild

Am riials, Kish j E tc.; Also, In-,

eludes Road Map/^. •

-Fish arid' game habitats in ’ Ne\y

Jci'sey are ; outlined iri .detail on a

beautiful, iarge-size. colored. map

being• distributed by the State Fish

aril.. Game Commission', to empha^

size the , .iiatural ; heritages . .and

.benefits derived, through the care­

fu l managemnt; and legal ; protec­

tion of. natural, w ildlife .in V the

State.' . '•'./ .V ./ '

Prepared by the New Jersey

State P lanning Board ’ from infor­

mation supplied-by the State Fish

and Game Commission, the map is

replete w ith symbols of fish and

game in the V a r i o u s localities

where each is abundant, and even

points out coastline areas • where

sportsmen may angle for.practical-

ly every species of salt water fish

tha t frequent the temperate

waters of the North Atlantic.

A road map of New Jersey

showing locations of the public

shooting , tracts, state forests,

game. preservdsj . game ' farma and

fish . hatcheries/' a n d w h a t toutos

sportsmen may., travel to;,; reach

these ,i nte re sting po i n ts i s j p r inted

on the back; vof the lai’ge colored

map. H unting and fish ing clubs

as well as individual sportsmen

are ordering the new map to be­

come fam ilia r with the up-to-date

information contained in the docu­

ment; as well aS to use i t fo r deco­

rative /purposes.

Intei'estirig information eoncei’n-

ing the numerous important activi-

t ies, o f ; the S tate F i slv, an d ; G a me

Commission is also, contained ;;on

the reverse side o f the map. Im-

p ro veri1! en t i n waterfowl areas, ad­

vancement of the , farniersrspovts-

nien cooperative p lan ; law en-

forcemerit :activities; ;; game -'man­

agement; and the ■ work ; of - the

commission . in . pro ino ting 'good

f resli a and. sal t "water; fishing-• are

graphically described by the com­

mission. v

Pictures and descriptions o f the

Hackettstown Fish H a t c h e r y ,

greatest institution of its kind in

the world, and the game farm a t

Forked River, where thousands of

pheasants are raised annually, and

Holmansville, where a record out-

l^iit -:of 14|000 quail [ were - reared

1 rist. year, have - also’ been located

on the reverse side of . the map.

Copies of the map .may be secured

by . lend ing twenty-five, cents in

casli ’Only ; to . the -State Fish and

Game Commission, State House,



yVour Travel Funds| Carrying cash in your hand-bag or pocket is a temptation to |

| thieves and a cause for uneasiness when travelling. Our bank- 1

I ing service provides a safeguard through the issuance of J

1 American Express Travelers’ Checques 1| . The plan is simple— you sign the .cheques at Die tiinc .of pur- f

| chase and again when spending them. H lost or stolen before §

1 the second signature is affixed, the amount involved is refunded. |

| The denominations are $10, $20, $50 and S100. This protection |

| costs 75c. for each S I00 purchased. ; 1

| We Have These Cheques on Sale 1

j The First National Bank of Bradley Beach || Bradley Beach, N. J. t .-|I M EM fJER F E D E R A L DEPOSIT IN SU R A N C E CORPO RA T ION |

Religious Council Has Dinner

The tenth annual dinner of the

Asbury Park district Council of

Religious .Education was held last

n ight a t the F k s t Baptist church.

Dr. W ilbur E. Saumlcrs, head

master of Puddio School, Highta-

town, and president of the New.

Jersey state Council 'o f Religious

Education, was the speaker. He

told what happens to the child in

each biological stage as he grows

up. ;'• Following .the address th*c coun­

cil.; reelected its -officers for the

co m in g ’year: pix-sidcnt, Ila rry S.

Jackson; vice president, ; Alfred

Stpnsburyj treasurer, Steadman

A. ITall; secretary, W m Stanley

Applegate. ' .

To Have Sales Meeting

The opening sales meeting of

the Jersey Central Power and

L igh t Company for 1037 w ill be

lield next Monday a t 1.30 p. in. at

the Alletihurst auditorium ..of the

company, according to ‘ the an-

rio'uriceineiu o f B. A. Scip le ,' vice

prosidont in charge of sales. The

business meeting in the afternoon

will be followed by a dinner a t the

Berkeley Carteret .hotel, \Vhere

Thomas R. Crumley,'-president of

the company, w ill be the principal


Sometimes' the flora Imitates the fauna. Thus, in Bristol, Pa., there grows a tree shaped like an ele­phant; while at Rectory, Va., a cedar writhes and reaches out for all the world like a: tentacled octb-, pus; At, Fort Lauderdale, ; Fla., a ’tree crawls low like an alligator of the nulivt; Everglades. ’■ •

In Galesburg, 111., there is a freak called the. ‘‘Upside-down tree,-’ be­cause of its manner of growth,. Foir. 200 years a ' tree ?,on . stilts** ha* flourished near Philllpsburg, N. J. Near Hamburg, Conn., a riiagnifl- cent t?lm has grd^vn around a tomb­stone that bears the name of Jasper Gray and the. elate 1782. In the same state, of Derby, an old oak encloses two gravestones in its hol­low.

Georgia even has an oak that “ owns itself.” In the. archives of the town of Athens lies a deed doted 1020, the last testament ot a’ Colonel \V. H. Jackson who, “ for and in consideration of.the great aflectiofi he bears said tree and'his desire to see it protected,” willed lo it the “ entire possession of itself and all land within eight feet on all sides.” —New York Times.

Dehydrated Body •

It was recently brought out that film players standing for long peri­ods In the glare of powerful- arid hot lights suffer a peculiar though not serious malady, according to Pathfinder. It Is claimed that the heat of tho lights reduces the water content of the body below normal and produces the ill effects... The cure of this dreaded disease 13 quite simple, consisting of drinking a glass of water. I t has been termed as "body dehydration.” If a human body were completely dehy­drated there would not be much left. A 140r-poumr film player has enough water In his body to fill ten

one-gallon cans. The weight of that amount of water would jbe In the. neighborhood o f . S3 pounds. The other Go pounds would be .made-up by small amounts of Iron, carbon, lime, sulphur, phosphorus, magne­sium, und a few volatile elements.

We invite the people of this community • and surrounding

vicinity, to avail themselves of our complete hanking facilities

which include the following:







Each deposit account at this bank is insured up to $5,000 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora-

. tion. ,';V ‘ "We Solicit Your Patronage

Asbury Park and Ocean Grove BankMain St., Asbury Park Main Ave., Ocean Grove

Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


DEPAHTUnB OF 5IAII.S ., . O c«an ,' Orore,.-N. J . . - V;

New York. East and ForeignArrlvo CIobo

6.^0 A. M. 8.10 A. M.10.45 A .M . 10.45 A .M .1.30 P . M . 1.01 P . p. m. ..* ' 3.55' P. sr.C.30 P. M. t>.30 P . M.

Np,,fark and Jersey CityArrlvo Close

C.30 A. M . 8.10 A . M.10.45 A. M . 10.45 A . M.1.30 P. M . 1.01 P. M.4.30 P .M . - 3.55 P .M .6.30 P . M . 6.30 P . .Ni.

Baltimore and WashingtonArrive CIoso

C.30 A . M. .8.10 A . M.10.45 A . M . - 10.45 A . M.1.30 P . M . • 3.55 P. M .4.40 P. M. C.30 P . M . 0.30 P.^M .

Philadelphia, West and SouthArrlvo Close

C.30 A. M. 8.10 A . M.10.45 A. M . 10.45 A . M.1.30 P. M . ' 3.55 P. M.4.40 P . M . C.:{0 P. M . C.30 F M

Trenton and CamdenArrlvo Close

C.30 A . M . 8.10 A . M.10.45. A. M. 10.45 A . M.1.30 P. M . 3.55 P . M.4.40 P. M. G.30 P . M . C.30 P . M.

Asbury Park, N. J.Arrlvo Close

C.30 A. M . 6.40 A . M .S .50A . M . M . -1.00 P . M .1.00 P . M . : ' 6.30 P . MG.30 P . M . ;


C losing TImo a t Ocoan Grovo

F o r Chicago, I I I .

Close llo ro A rrive There8.10 a . m . 1.07 p . m .10.45 a , n i. 3.50 p , m .

6.30 p . m .

Fo r Los Angeles, C al.1.07 p» m , 8.00 n . m . 6.30 p. m . . . 5.00 p*. m.

F o r San Francisco , CnI.1.07 p . m . V . 8,16. a . m . S.pG p . m . : ; ; ' 1 4,00; p . m .

F o r J l la m ! , F la ,8.56;p . ; .6,00 a . m .

F o r S t. Pe te rsburg F la . ; •.*.56 p. m, • 10.30 a. mi J

3 IU G II O. ^ lO O ItE , ’Postm aster.


| Slate, Tile, Asbestos, Slag

| and Built-up Roofing

1 Sheet Metal Work

| W arm A ir Heating

n Ventilating <

| Estimates Freely Given


What's Going On at the

Walter Reade Theatresin Asbury Park.Matinees 2.30

Evenings 7 and 9 p. m. > Continuous

Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays

1T1 ay fairLBk? Avenue

Entire Week Starting Saturday,

January 30th

> Cecil B. de Millc’s

“ The Plainsman”with . N




Paramount•1 Days S tartinu Sat., Jan . 30th

z a s u P i n s





Sing Me a Love Song■3 Dayo Starting- Weds., Feb 3rd

2 Complete Features



“Smart Blonde”Also



“ Straight From the Shoulder"

& CO.919 'Third avenue, ..Asbury 1

ra r lt |

- . Tel. 1858 I

u. m «i mm i NJJLtumMiu.'


! CALL ' !| 8900 or 8901 || For Prompt, Economical Taxi | 1 Service |


1 25o. Ij 1 . Per Passenger |

f Century Cab po. |1 OiTice GOO Hangs Ave., Oppo- | 1 site Electric Building. Open = I Day nnd N ight. f%tuutiuuuutwmiuutwtiniwitiiitvutiiiii>iiuiiiiiinuw»ui>nniMu

H w St. Jam es4 Days Stnrtiiitff Fri., Jan . 29th


H E N R Y FO N D A in

You Only Live OnceI) Days Starting Tues., Feb. 2nd


L A W R E N C E TIBBET1V•.. I n "

“ Under Your Spell”In Addition To

Women Are Troublewitli


1 Albert L. Brown |

| Jobbing , y || T IN AN D SHEET |

j METAL WORKER Ia -'.L'-’. ' ' .•'{* Asbestos Shinglo |

1 Roofing, Svovcs, Ranges and i

5 Furnaces. Pipelcss Heaters |

I 1.00 Abbott. Ave., Occan Grove-1

| Telephone'3142 * |


1 -: 7y, y’.'; iy ;; ;v, y.v;y’,' jy'* 'r^’ '•'V-Vi V’jSiVijf:,/.?,.‘'-:'’;A'.,';-/ .,- •" ’ :*■ ■■•:. v.A-'y^yyy 0Ay; y'Ayf•■ ;v;yy-:-;'-':vyy. yy"^'^ 'vVy--''- ‘ 'y •;;.•■ '/y'-y;; .. .' “ ' ■;• ,:'V‘,“A ■ iAA/yy .V \iy r'V-l

‘;,y jy:: V; •; V:-’;. y .y.;;': ■’-.Ary-A ’;- ; \ ;V;y; j y-'A -'-;y:‘;A-V'';yyy'-K'y - .yy .-; :l,yyy..-y ':-.. _-yA y ,'y.. . • y;;: 'yy y':- y':y •■’•'yyA. ;/-yy:.y;% y.;.-.Ayy;;^yyAy" ' y':A: \i-/yA; y ■’a ;yy:i:■< y,.y v y ■}:;*■;

^-Vy^^y-fiyy ;;^y t y y fS ;; F R ID A Y ,

FRINGED WOOLEN■ in en i:ic ii: Nic h o l a s . Local Budget o f the County of M onm outh

"For the Fiscal Year 1937

( ADMINISTRATION: 'A-vA-V 1 F re olio Mb rn’ y8 a b ir lre ]■■■ yy.

d f f i corn Ml dy l*bn plby OB/y S;/■ • I?rintl rii?.’ nhd 'AS th11 oneryy'

v- ‘4 , Serit>Al«nuos'£:".:;/f *>v-X«;« 5, Contingent, V f •/ . . .


A'Ay ■Nono-V- ;.i 0,001).00. !

IT.OOOiOO.' * 2.00 '

7*ri00i0ii.v <3,600:00 * .ho.odo-oo

:“• ■l!3,fi-»2.0o' ' ■ 7.ROO.O6 V - - 3ir»20.:ir: ■ :10,000,00

In tlie fabric realm fringed woolen

•: is ; one of the successful novelties of

^spectator .sports frock in one;.of the

-iamusihg' new fringed.wdoleiis;' I t is

• a d^ep ;oxford gray with' blue and

■; gray fringed tufts Woven. right into

yrthci ,-.fabrie/:- Silver-, buttons and a

'Avide le n then; belt a re : m ce; outdbqt'

^accen ts . /ry-vA: Va'/ 'V-.v:. -Vy,:, y.-U y


'• t'CC'tldil • I , •' . .VS 'A . A fA..- A . ’■ A A A : 'A A '- ; •' • A-' A,-- '--'-AA--• r '• ■; vAUK; i T : ii 10 Sd L V 1C p i l ii at thufolloudwr sinteinentH .of .revenues iitul appropriationa shally..-

constitute >t.hq‘ lbca!.’.budgetfor': tlie .year-. 193.7: -J- •.••V .• Ay.,-. i - ’ r-:V-.v:: J r . -■ ,1313 . IT (FUH'WlElt KKSbi/VMD,- 'that-.salt! budget be published in ;tho ..Long Branch /•;.,

.1\ jteeifjKl, ’aiuiJ Tljor Adliu’ry rui-lc l ’i'os.s .in . the lasue of Frhlay, - iho i!2iid dayo f January,-vID3?;;; ;y . rii*S- «anie jiini.llvt|l8u ho pUbll^ied 'for. one' Issue1 In the. week.of, January: 25th. ,1037,’.by tt»«? ‘

f ollowlnir s- nowHjtn persy v lz r : Tlie I>ohu Lira nch lioeord., Asbury j l ’a lk -I’ress, Freehold; 'Tran- ■:■, scrii»t. [ .\[nhih«uth Democrat, lied BatiU/ Standard, iturt Bank- rteKlateiv KoyiiQrt Knrert>rlae,; ‘/ ;

r-T Keyport: Weekly,;Moriijlibtitli>American,; Athtmvan Journaiyoeesin provo -Tlnies, Boln>nr Coaat^/ :v Advi-rtleor, A( lahtlo -l!lphlanJ^ '.iciurnal,. Stu:lhir - Lake ttaxotto'. Alliintpwn MesHonHcr, .Keans- Inii*{f‘’l.U'iie^nirl^nii’/lloi'eHVphat^.-iWahHhuri;.,Nwvs,- Count Star, Manasnuan: Jlanftarumn ltec --

ioi;»l and ri:<iKi i'ssly«' Cllixi'n, ii«-*\VHpni'ot'H <printed.;and intlilfBhed .In • the.:County of.^Ioninoutli.. j r'-.*/;; MptK'Ol Is .Iieroby, Blyptj tha.t’ the:.htidpet-' and '-tax rosohit-lon .wasTapnroyed^;hy tho <lionrdr>;*v

of (Ihoaen’Fi'e^hbldcra- of IhblCounty of - Jtbmnoutli'on *Thursdji>v:;th6 -21st'. day. of • January^v.'-; ’ 1937:;r-,:::V-S vS'rV.r, V- r - r.-'-v.-'.*-” ;;-v

• V ;• •- A'-iieiirltiK on : the timlBd't • hnd tax resolutlbh .will he/held • n t• ‘tho Board’s '>Itoonr, Court, , .- ■'IIoiiflo, :-i*'r6ehpiil:Nd.w: J*-'rsb;,Tuesday',\ f l thof ;Fobrtiary,:atj 1 1 -o*.clnelt.i at wlUchV tlmo ahd . y iducc.ohjct'.itpnsiio Widjlmdpet-.imd ■ tax' resolution ofthb:' County, of Monmouth for ihe^year^/;- 1937 ,mny .hd presented\by 'any taxpayer of 'said i n n i v J e l p r t l i t y i . ;v

‘ I t is lieroby yei tIflod thut t)u> budket ahhoxed i iyereto nnd'ivereby.-nutde a- part* hereof } la a t riip copy; 'niff the 'budijet'. appro ved by: resolution of thp governing bod y on tho S^stdny

of. January, . ' , • . • • •. V'.'-;- '■ r i--•'.•.-.'Certified'-1 iy‘.ihe-;-thIfi’- 2ist- day of .ranuary,,-19:57-.'--' ' ■ l 'DWAUD; C.; BltOEOB,. V ‘ r. :‘

7 ‘ '■ - . .. ClerU. ;:V-.S.'* //

,'i-^Viy':i<v--'; v 'V S T A T H J IK N T ; : - /i• i'';i';.v'iv'-:-';;';i.i': 'V '

.: S' v' yv'y.- y;: \ \ v^: -i Iteoli I red by. Section ^02) -v -V '.'-v.V

? -V; fit,ino.oo ; i ’. ; oi.ni2.oo ? fir.B02.3a


'/■ ;; A , : : V : ; i : : i - - , y :.s- .i937 ;:.-;':-

A—K DUCAT I ON A L,: i’,-- - ">',v v -" -1/ 'I:,'/''■l. ‘ County .Superintendent, of ‘ Schools . . . ...........S .. ->,300,00 V. ' 2v..’Cpunty -.l-;x.ti«n»lon Kuml ...... 11, liRS-00.

: 1 3, . J u n io r C O I I o k o - v';-. >«•(v *'»• 7 B0;.0.0-'V.

• ' . 'Expended..a nil • ■ -; nes or vo 'for 1930

vl;110.00,: 1 p.iSOS.OO


.;.i .iio.oo;10,898.00;

'.-!«.798.00;: -;$>:. 1 fi,O0S.00. -$ r- 15,008.00-

:•-B^tI IO S I»| T A T J P 5 A T IO N : .- 1 . . County Aid to Gunernl JTaspitnln: . ; ’ • N--.-V-:- ■ •

(ft) -' .Distribution. arcordlnfr ; to Chapter - i n n , ■ . ' P ; , ' ; - ' ':U 102U -.‘.V , . . ' I . . * . t ...........' ............. i i d .o oo .Oo

.: '/ .O') -DIt^triliiitIon.: aecordfpfr: tO ; CJtapter 249, IV ’ . ' • : •• ■ I i . 1929 . ............... ............ : J . 7S,lOOOibO

s$v;iop,qoo.oo,r.?; ^ j; ' 140.000^06


NEPTUNli AND OCLAN“ :■ atovi

Tonjibhip CoinmiUee—P.nyniorid it-. Gracej-, Chuirmniii John W. Kn , C leik and. Business Wana-

■- gci-; F. I,L‘roy Uavrnbraiit, CluuV- ' j ' man of Finance; Harry S. Wlut- Iot:k, Chainnaii of Polico'; Chavlos

j i 11 , . ■ h «> . m u 1; h, t- •• 1 1 Ipt lohnsoii, Gliairman <> 1 ' Lifcht, l ’ obi ,1 id Publ.iruy.

; • -.;. .; Tiix Collt-ctor .- . . . V.-aitfr. ‘ .ii'a v « t •*. Ta\ \->sis(.or .......... A lu n K. linN

-Treasurer ...........A rllm r II. Pharo:- -Attorney-...-...-. .Uiehavil W. 'Hi -ju ’/*!

• .- C a s h ie r . . . . . . . ..Waitc-v tii-avavi:l ‘ • r ,)t I (. 'u . ’ >“ 1,.-'' -,i >.<lio.ul F o re m a n .............J.ohii JVIiiU*J.*■..«' his Physician

' Rpbirisoii P>'B i •* t j 1 ( t. I - < . h t 1 t’ --m

Bmldinff Inspt i*or 1 ! n i\ \\ li 11oe> i t t 'S ' i- S J E n g i i ie e r . ^'j'VC lnm lcilAVj ;-Biw!sdlKi ‘ P ^ # fc P o l ic e S K B e b ) ; ( ie i^ '; :iV iRdSs^K v1; i !^ e f e

. Andiliir .......... Ulmte O. Suvi- i^;3/, 'tl , cil Health— M inibus u i.

Tmmsli'p ('pramittft' tlio Ab«b-j f ‘ *•- sor anti Township Physjttan. ’•

Health J** ic< i .. . . ' : . . . . '.ViSliam Ktaiiley *.

I iu’. i i o f l:i! lu it son— John )< - * Stout.-President;-Mrs.-.-Anna

. -Di-y. Viee- Pr<-si<ie»t:..A. P. 'i'oii.!, *J-' TJistriet.Clei'K; Holanil P.olghtoii.’A Awsn>!{|f B Knijrbfe Eilnviptl,;

V.' Thomj»-5im,' :Hugh 0 . .5Io-orii,/. • ..J liiton T. W right, Aivah F. I3c.n-;

" nett, Claadf.1 I.hwLor, .T, -.At.v,i]t6ii,:: ^ujiervisini; Principal:H -A Ttteonib, H ijjh _ S< hobl > Principal; Snmuel Ericlson.. ?*I.!

Physician;' ,Ianet * V1 t-

Slate School Tax (Intimate for 1037) . . . . . . . . . .HI ate SidilierM’ Honiis'Tnx .(KHthnate. for. 1037) y.. Coii ii 1 y-'-.Ti IX;. < iis thiiate for 103*) ■■* > •> ., v;.

1037'•-■-' -550,208.00:

. .C. • :37,783.11

.... 1,021.753.20

• - 1030'. .-...’A:$ fiu0,2fl8;i)0

.y-; 31,101,01 1,530,118.78:

: V- 1035 '> .---• ? 580,101.08

30,031.10 1,700,100.30.

1 j .;•',-.*.-;TOTATj Aa• i-i..y«iv • >'-• '.y .- 'Jif* ?'• V . :. » S2,221,8br»;33 92,132,870.38.; ?2,320,205.53

SI nt e -Alii-s'- .v-V -.A: a .-. ■-.■-;'. -y y*'.; ;-y Av/ ..:.-A;--- ' (a) Itoild Funds (Allotted for 1037) . i .? ;337,280.00 , 5 330,080.00 $ 337,220.00

Tax; Kit to (Ksl bunted for 1037) . , , , ., y, ; ,80i. plus. . y .771; plus ;. ;;. • .831 plus

• Anticipated Heyenttes : . -v -; •, - V.GBNBHAL H1CVKXUI3S:.

. 1. ta) SPrplUB 'lleyeiiiio Non-Cash ' Appropriated -V\-- ; ..-^wlth' Prior wrltteh;rpohseht ."of Stato -Audit

;MIsccnanei)US''' I t o y e ' n u e f l ; V , •.- surrbpate -'-v. ; ; .r. V y V:’

:.v;V: County:^ClerU‘ ;Vv* i■:: Sheriff . v:..-:dv;U v i I;-'.ViV<

.Inheritanco‘Tax . ......... vy..Allomyopd.Hospital P a t i e n t s . v ‘.

■ ' .yin to Alt! T. 1J.' .Patients .-..'Fines,-. -.Violation . of Laws:.;-. i-.'.'' . v Finos.’-,JlaKistPitcs ...... ..... .

' .:: - - ‘ Fint'H.. jlotor VohIC1 o ' - y i i i .;\ -StunleipaK-Aid BHndv>'-. Vi.i y.,<;• - Coiin ty •■'Adjuster . . . . .-. v.V . . . . . . . " .■ ;; Welfuro;:Homb-;l?.itionts ,.y . . : i , v , .■ ■-'• ‘ ;• S t bn opr'a phe r‘ s'; Fees V.’Vi'i.i. ;v* •'> >

Qid - AKe;.Penslons'-'.-iV. .-.[.'.'Vi ;. j-:;V i SV'vCJjiV’ t.-:retiu-n ;■ o f !■ .nil van cfb. •_

i , i?t '«>n county Taxes . . . . . .^

i --' : ^-' i ^a ' t j v £,'■ r Vs c r: r .tj. a rsT r: o t is lv- ftK vn: y i-i' .-;:vy3,v5, Aniouar=-t£ ! i«•- ra Iseir by -t^xatlonrf T"1

* t op iii tI'urpoHi's .................... ...... i ..............

;- .4. j.t q i 'Am: ciivtenAT, -'nrtpoBT P.nvENuics.y.

Iteallzed In Chtfh in 1036

l • -y..- .-•--.' -. --.- ’$ 0-1,439.03 $ 175,000.00 175.000.00 y i;

/ ; : '39^000.00 ; . '.40,000100 - • n9.402'Ei2 :'y'; :70i000.00' ' , 73,000.00A 70.204.75 '

38,000.00. - A -IS,000.00 . : 38,97840: ;.. ■ A3 i,000;00 ' . 35,000.00.. 34,C60i08y -.'.'-A; 21i0b0:00 • .A 30,000.00 •21iG74.42

2S.0b0.0b 24,000.00 28,337.98A ‘, :5i900.00'. .-; 2,000:0 o:-. ;y r.,9fi3;01A *'

y A .400.00 ; . lioo.oo - A407.50;-A y fi.000,'00 a>;a >7,006.00 i AAB,G33.iiO :• A;.v,yA y 900.00, , , 4,000^00 • A 915.50' '^;;A;i2,800.0fi; 9,000id0 1-2 803.90 A ’.;,. - '-i,’4oo.oo;ri-HyAl.fiOOiOOy •}■", 4 ,;4 4 8.72: Ay.

.r-.:i,7r*o'.o'o-;yy , : 1.lioo.oo.- y 1.7 5 o .r, a ,. ;-‘;-y:!' None. ;->‘A.: 2 0 -f, 7.41.0 0 1 2194S72;G7w .v, ' , ■ ' Xono- - • ■ .2n.000.00,, ;’ :V ‘JCohb "'7 A 9 S, fj 0 0; 0 0 ;'■ 'i_ A-_. >.. ‘.None ;y;98i(i34,30};y;

;'S.'.;4or.XS9.(‘,3/ ;?yCS3,341i00;/ .75O',OS3.43; •

. M,n 3'.,2(J- • 5l.C:i0,-14S.-7S fi,r.n9,-i-is.7ss <

,?2.0.s0;-H2:s9 ;;$2;222^0^7SA.,:$2:,20 , 832.' 21

v.Tubprculoslw:;: . O v V - y(ii)‘ AllonwoojtVi ITospithl/.-.'.'.Vi'i i'i-.

’ (h)yMhintonhncb: of .Patlentsy. ,y;ivvv,;;.: '»*ut of ■ Coiiniy• liospitins v,>y

3. . County Inmates '-— State Institutions',;: ; 4 Pabllc TIealth /Servlce > : i y V . ^ v V i i yfj.y Crippled Children ^Aldl. i :'t>> V.;.'V\-v. G. County Ite a lth ; Dephrtnient: -7 ;-;r;;.y.v.;-

; ta j -vAdmlnlstratlnn'-v;. ,yV i\;» v /;■'(b) _ ProRrainy W lth-.U; S, Government

. 'orn I ;• dIseaso. ! . . . . . i';•..> ‘ i v;. . .

—COnnECTIONAL,' AND ' P E N A t !. y; *; , .,«1nll (Sheriff) ; . .

( a ) . Board of Prisoners . . .V i i . ; (b): .Wnrdcn/ Matron nnd guards

■ Sealer o f' Weights and -Measures i

y D— W BLFAKE . • ' y :l.'; Stiite.XJoard • ofthildren'^.-;

"••’•tiv I ';;.OiiiirdlhtiH-v. ij.y.’.y / iv ;v - 2;. C11 ilt]ren; '.She!t c r . V.- ;3. Relief of Blind ; •-■-•ir’, Co u n t y: :l Ad j u wt e r; y: Of f I coy 5. y* OldAge I’v.risjon. ,.y;-V'.'..

;, l l i l l Welfare Homo :7r' ;.yCounty ' Firo .vMar.-flial .........y I V . , v

..yj i'-.I^^hi!- Dec’ll i. Soldiers.: a ndSailors .Vi 9.\;: ,Cbro no rs ,:1 n iiue}?»3T fandCquu t y ;:.v- ’".y: y

I-'5;'.-/.'. - .' Pliy H? ehi pi ? ;v iy .;. i , ...yv 10. ..Mos.iulto Commission ... ... ,^V.


■ yy; .'-.Ay/.,

8(! i’lifl 05 '$• > 78:4815.35 ;i78i480.3r»

; .14;000.00 SlBl0.00/ ’.s.Giifiioc.

100.059.05 .87,002.35,5 % . 8 7i 002.3 5

$ 110,003.08- ? f i 5,411.40 % 115i411.40• 8,000,00. 7,500.00.' ,7.500.00‘'2,5p0,0p.. .A- 2,500:OO; *. 2i500.00

yy .;. 1.9R4.00 y;

y ; • ’ 1,000.0# - 'U y ^ y

5 A 2,954.00: A 1,734.40. 1,734.40

;420ill7,33 ‘.v 354,14 8,15- ifi 351,118.15

'i? •{ 7,000.00 ' 15,000.00 ?,320.00 :13,773.40' . 13; 834.4 0

31,320 00 28,773.40 ? 30,834.40

y bCOOOO 4 R00 00 S a ’ vi.OOo.oo*

36,8 20l00; - $ ; • y 3,3,27 «_:4 0 % ; : 35,3 3 4; -t 0

7 iiooo.oo-■v ■' *: 1,905.00

S,000.00 - i><7V<»o

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$ 290s077.”S | 477,£25.08 $, *172.802;07

y 75',000,00 - $.-;-'7-':-2,019,01) r.-'• v ,ooo:oow;-y

• «,300.01) . . ; ' .02;2:io,oo.,' "S3.ll G;2 S' ; S;,'-'.920.0(i" -‘\.

■ y-i^oo.po,17 ,T» 0 0.00-f v}

71,000.00': '* 1,9155.00 : -8,000.00:- . - c.oeo.od 2H0,3ti7ii2S'- ■ 75jfl0s;s6 v i. v.v-’l.ISIiOO-.


viijlDTcXT'f:b'iitKvkN'up;s:,-'> %:A;;^V-.?r>«dlmti?d vit^Vehue.v’yfrom Statb\IllRhwajrpDepAytinenti

fi) . , , . . , , ^. y . . . . . ' ..

y ’ "JVj Vs tt* U ^ '1 ir f ilceV:.V.-V-'_..Vi';y ''i .• V> i'

offlhfeMV h_it;Ii(Co|iibyfi:oiiV;yiiCiiibp;|..... .... ..

.',:,‘V:Cbu n ty.'J.1 illivn '(j‘% * . . v - y ly’i

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- >'AS;970.-;fl0; ■* 4,000. ao iiL

AMirtao'.OO-' ? vy'Si',boo.o«:-Hyy.\AA;t(>S,ftS0.'p0V:V ?108,080.00 ?;/:';,D00,Oo;yyy:-■150,00 0.

V ^dOOVOO'A.:). '•'Wa ,204.

! ■r.;rl,(iA.on -.. ■;'&;! 4 o'.i n^yV-'V1 -.y:£..?/, 73 r>; ii 4 -,i\‘ *>;y :3,;G4 ■

t.-'-HX’ b n*--- r->’Jyy.y.-. yNpnCy i’/U'.Ci- -ll

j^cdiTNTVVAi b 'i^'.yvyy . ] / -'..Bea«;ii I ’rutectiPn.. 'cijhutier: ■ >^1-25 r.,-_ .p/yj^yi 93fi,r(

t'y-y vVilvbrt^iainff^^ii'^Si’SOiOO.Ofey:7|pop.o'Q,;:


'dkpAt;1:a~o ucs i nvAYy j i a iNtE'K’ANCii

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sir* S y v ? ~; It

y..:' i H o vty Iii ;vi.^'ch^rge-Oi Neptuni* BranehyFercy-t

BoardCVy o f .-/.; AthistnH*nt-r*«Jamt‘S-:, ^-i;Striikiw)ek;v;-.iGhairrrian *-:.V;\Varrchy

Aii\:P e n rsa |l,;.. S e c r e ta r y ; ;'TJ.p^epa\

p k T a ra V p v isi-:^ y i1 ^ ^ y'v' . ^O ce ifM .r.ove :i;Fire,id:X>w

B W kgsH T re .a^ tii-e r;^ a

' n ty apiiroprla? [n:i , <■ IP'. 720.00 f j VjiiKt.iVi-VonrtV c n .f f- 'n y -lown :f. rt» pht pn' caiiU t .imprbv:*%

?3f! / .vv-^yy; ,OpOVOQy ~‘?inr\

’HOl’H lATjm N:i<i’ i'.K 0 i’K Va t io ^' A n>ri^ !ST i{A T ioN y




V':' ;Fxpchdbd arid

d(d]ra<<<* ii’Vi'iiue {(.j bilance of L/Qiided debt - r

j .—V - n i Aii.C.i i.c 11--1.:, ...1 /..i <.. f’hva.i-.-ii.-—- i . ' . ' r * - —-. :* **.


uresyy..-,..,........,.,....■..v.',rbyy.-y..y:'.j.>i y j t6iid»"tyndy' j j r l d gesi^KuiLc!iill I i* J i A V a y ^ t p t y S e b = v i . i

ySS 3,077,;;i.7ir

:f 7ii'OTpo:n’oJvy.yi f;?;0?iy i l-.>.noo.o.ti ,


?.yy (Jr t'lP}51-7Vfi52.4Syfy.. jinpti yeiiitbnt=cNbtesy 7VfiS2 ?.7:73i0S:


vl'xpoYfd.J hjres.’CN'o. afiprbjirihtibny-!

if rn 1 y A id / f tVr v 111! ml - :v.; y.T.'y^v.-.'y.'.y -t i o o 0 • G 0;.vy :K,S79^0 B;37-0tp.J?

_ MrfO0;LO{ .i£-^yj:y? f so'.oos-.'fljiy-' .-i ?>)0o o:-

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:J^ptiii» eijy E i I«txic t ^ N oy

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a w l6 r M S e c r e la r ^ ^ ( ) c : a r / ;P K il ^ y

Austin A. H uriey i^ jyy3^jy> ^^yyf.Wy^-JO ceaA-yyGr ove'^ yHubl fcit yr: irtvT1 ;■' ,y .■ ' '.- 'men!, public information bureau,

c;j?;’apli- and!';.t'eleplvoiic'iyiiOnfctity-;■;; iVC'li V-”-r la ilroady and- steamship* 1

h'yWy'JAli * jsoii;4chalrg.

i* yp;v!,Oatii p:: Ve*t» n »M■.}['. y '. , c i : i { . . ^ y V v £ 0 ^ 1 £i)Soijy-.y

Spcr &rti, r.i^'-J o « o p) i‘y ^ y _ T i i pmYVv?i-;AI .'i’n ii y I;

l-; ;.-V- Vi 11 i« l ii') y Qix 11 bV",: - X* * b;i c 'f 'y foly Pol is c ; y'yH a r r ,v- -iVy re.s, S u per i_U V |

(len^-yo^^^ reety ■ -T) e p a f t m e n t

fe^^iyy^N .eptU nu >: i> t> n rHi: ^ 1' ?Xf i i'ati t'1-—! ! sruyl

;5ge5-ifkvP C‘«V;?^nt'x'^

j 17S'.=4 -izrf K^K^i^yA^ijno^pitli a t rOS^Vili A \ ii\i\i. ii

i ^ t0%Eig=3l^^AccinnitR^L_...„.-..

...i, 410 3 S: yi * i j 2 5 Jf 13; i i». yv.? Iy21iXVt-X

-vVi-Scie rot a i;V'; "yI3j.f.i;\y -S. W) sh r i^oa n*

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\ BU AD IJ^T|lt3^aftlsydE

BHACH( ^ m m T ^ s io n 6r ai\q r;

.... (ibVi'i'utlainaIvjii’j-Vd -I’fcniil.vlu \ 7-;-.-',( ■.-.iim,si4i'--^ P ^ V b i

v.-v -. v^'.yv i v .'-.-'.~

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^ ‘'3r;i,ris;rriV‘'v t;■ v: -$ 3 7 :ut O ?.|77;‘s2'nrgp.X^i '.U*'j'’;r-N<> n by;

5ii-I.MS:lv '

-f'2,S92,y7yy :jy Kbftcv! ;;'

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2,0 so;,4; 2.8 fuiy $2;2 22»4X0;7 S y;$2; 2 2 ^ 9 V7 -y

:& 0 £ i ^ u M ^ n S ^ ^ i V o {f>n

l;.;23y; X$Y:181 ,20 71}^

V ^ .p ^^o jb oy S "HilMnyOft' ! ' 100 nt* ■

i;?;-5 ! t .r.2;v y .

■::. ■■.?. . ’ -=.'-' :.-.i-r.:- 1."', I, t., . I '!:\'(.1..f„» ’.: f» t i i.'.t: lU'f-'. t£! L -1 .. : /. A A'. A ,« .’........ Fedf-V a l vAld .•fpr VOIjnd

C oun iy Iiiiirar.\\:V , ■ . . - ; , , . . . .

i.-y ,711A 5fP. »ff >f Al A ? A | if^ p .p j ta p | ^ A ^

_ J;’*!; ft 0 Oi 00.uj^T^ ky ';Nn ti a ,: 2 5 ir30 5.0 h-y-.v:;- •"!}; fin 5.'n "y^y /'l 9,79 3: ,yin,p22;3iy^.vy}; wifiDij?2j.-y/yyi ?;02,2r.:s 1 -.’

8o ir l i a.v 111 1 }(i<.'01 ii o two lily roiie ybnrn of jikto kIiil’q the ItiHt Ketiorai cdccUoiiiiUHl : wlvwti mune tU>o» =, not nppenr on the, registry -list, iiisiy, rbglster for the an­imal ejection; by- inakltig applieation'; fo r , reKlatry • n i tlie - Shtu ixl11y y iireeed- iji^, th«: oleotlon at ilio *polling ;iilacc» fb^lRnatwt ror:.1illn:. between Uid hours'; of 7 to it l*,M. •.--’ , - f •• ■; *.■■■'.■";;.y • ‘A lfrecl’■ Pi,Toitil•',"'’ ■

D ih trk t Clerk j:>it.t<k| :: .1 a n n a ry 26, 1D37 * ' , V

51 an iii pu th y (Don ii ty ;S ii rrogute’s O f flee i

y , Ih ! tho \ivtlitter o f tho Kstuto : of Ida■ V, AJpiiU’oi’ti-Deceased. : . '■?;.. Notice to Creditors to Present: Claims

t,y Against, lista te ...;■ .1 Ursuant-. to the order: of Joseph ;Jj. Poimhny, iSurrogato of the County o f ' Monniouth, made on the ,hventy-elg,hth da>y of . I>Dceiilbfcr, 1JI3C, on tlie appli­cation of Virginia S. Baird, Executrix of. tile estato of Ida: Y.'Montfort, de­ceased^ notice -is h.ereihy,.given - to the; •'lodltorn - of said deceased .toy exhibit to tlie subscriber. Executrix' ns afore-; said, their.debts and demands against the said ••estate, under oath, within six months from the date of .the aforesaid .: order, or they will ho forever barred o£ their-actions therefor against the said subscriber;-• B itted , Freehold j N . J . , December; 2 8 /

-1H3G. *-.:. - "-..■••*■.•. .-".-.-. - - -.*-.-.- •■"""M a tla ck & L a iitm a n , ; : V Vi ? = : : K‘-. Counsellors ;a t Iaw% ..:.'Asbury .-■Park," N.- Ji; .•' ";••* C -o;; • - i'’; -•••-:'•;.: :Proctors. - . -'--. yy

V;-:v'V.v-v - Virginia S. Baird, • r ■■■-; -■ . ; •■: ' Marlborough Hotel, •

v > . x, : A sbury: P a rk , N . J . , ($10.00) •, . . E xecutr ix .

M b iunou tli C ounty Surrogate ’s Office

:i i n tlie M a tte r of tho Esta te of W a i- . : ter. F . C lay ton , Deceased. >N otice to • C red itors to P re se n t.C la im s

-; y : A g a in s t ; E s ta te • ’ -... >; P u rsu an t: to ■ they order.' o f Joseph .Ii. D om ihay , Surroga te o f the C oun ty of M onm outh , m ade •:'.' on y the- Tw enty n in th day. o f December, 1U36, - on the. ap p lica tio n of V irg in ia M . . Claytonj- A dm in is tra tr ix o f the estate o f W a lte r P.',, C lay ton, deceased y no tice ' is here- by given to tho; creditors of sa id de- ■ ceased ; to exh ib it to ' the subscriber A dm in is tra tr ix . -• a .< aforesaid , y- the ir debts and dem ands -. ag a in s t tho • Sa id ' etsftt?. u n d e r . o a th ,1 witliln\ s ix ' m on ths ::; from the-,date-;of the a foresa id order, ■or-.they;will bo forever barred o f the ir - actions. U ierefoiYugnlnst tlie said sub-'.scr 1 her, - =y■ y.-y: \; v.;■::,. y^ : - -y ■ V.■ ■ ;y. ; -y - ■ > - ;;-;v

Dated ,, ITrceliold' y N . j . ; . : Deceinbdr 2ft, 1!i:jc. : y y ( , y.-v-.y. y •-•-•,.•,.-•' Virginia My Clayton, - v-v-v*-- ■ 7 ::.-y;y\,'-.-::.-!:-y y:y 73 Main - j\.venii<*y7v

', ;-• v-;..' "'Ocean.Glove, Ny J,V -1-5 ($1.0.00) .', ..-'.-.- , y ;X M ^,:-X

; ^ 'p t lro y o f . ji e t tle ine iityp f Aec bn lit ’ ;.v; y

y E s ta te i o f '.E m i ly , .(o.s'ephllie IIin ldO nl - tlecoased :■’ '■ :'.' -i' -:;j\ a -:■<-•{ ■■■:•■:*:/;■' >;v: v -;-NoUco -. is v. 1 ie teby • glveii- ithat .the ac- '•:.': co iiiits : .of- tlioy subscriber,y* iidn iin 'is try . -

t tov Iii lip):. S ta te of-New Jersey ofi t iie {•estate; o f .said deceased; w ill' bbv.audl-y

ted y t j ii d y^i t a t b 11 -•’• 1 »y y - they Su rrbgate ' oC ‘ • ‘M J ib C o im ty c o f -s lo n m out l i : -anti --•• re po r- { .i^ ly /fp ry 'se ttlb in e iit: U6>thb>; :6rphaP»:yv :!CoUrtyofysa idf!; Count y y p i ^ i ^ i i u r s d i t y ' '(the,- J ’we p t J’-f I f tl \ - day- (* i!;vPelj r uiiryyKA ;:•? -^;^:i»37;-:;-ati 10X0 , o'efbeks uyvm ^ itfcV !;-.-WhIi'lij--/.11 ni.e ; applIcat lbriy wili* Jie- tuado f’ -|;:?or;rt}ie yd-J lo \vi\ n«*e?;pf;vTOnVnnyslon^i ml • " |;eouiiHe( fees.. v -...■'-j, : > i‘. ■ v:'Dated Jauufiry :|2; if)37. y ;:"-yV.y^y^ Alston'; TieeUiPaii, ' Esij., J ■ :- ".' tiy-y- ■•’.-. JU*d flktnk; N y J.: > - ;>.-:•_■ i.y,:.:-..-r' V v .,1V;.

J^hiqLpr. ■:• -/;_y; ;y ’ .yv'-yyy , l/' Noriiiaii K . -vlliii-UHe;

;v/y-yr'* vy-;y,y i r k D2;’. -.;-'Cij'do11:'-Av'v-y‘:• yy •:•'.-'' ■ • 'W e s t Englexvoofl,'. N I . -

-V<l,»illi] I.sti*ii to r.: .1 uv.-. 11 fv 'y .S tate - bl'VyNew. y

yy, \otlr.e. ui. SelSl^fneijf yof ;A.cco'unt-'r_:

<:«.‘ftato ol tMara (libsou, d<H*oaK.>iI:;%f>VptleoH-ls.thereby 7:'glve>ii;'Tt?uitfi.tliey«iuii ^opi i, lit sy P fy.tll e=s:t;u bscr Hjer.y ad m 1 n I kta-^y .{PI- P.f -ihf;restateiof said' deeeasod.;\vi 11 ■, .-;!>.«.y?i>i d i.tvd ;.‘a p d y ,stni pd yJ/yyihbysinTpr :.'y givte f*f the. County; of MpniUoutli and yy ;4‘f:licnM*:d,;i7»iv''Soiileinevi,t;"tbythe';Oi'PhaiVj< 1-

y>'a IdVyCiui iity,Vv;on: /Thurnda VV r >i »j£ -v: -r?*ijr.thy y<UIy- pf.'.y farC)i,;, lH8.T^ttt■ :-fl^^oOy^elPel^ityiuiy/aiAyhleh^tliituyaii-^” j)h,';al(Ouy:\yjlibeyin(i'd«-*^6iy^thealioW'y ■.iinoo.frpfc'.ePVninissioiisiiijiiivcouiiseV fees. ’

DiitiM.I: JaiiM iiry iii, --rRTsi.l. te r^3*7ox;^Esf|-f-i-.-liQS y M a' tt IkOi iv: A 'Vei;-:-' r?P v f^y^ !y : y^y-Ashury.-'-'P.n iky'NiVJ:^yy^i^ypi;Oy toy .'rfy ;^yy^v^yy^y .'■y '.-yyy.--.yy';yi'.'

' :•/'..'-.-yV :;;y* ' 2111.'aVaim11 St.. ■ 1 '

..~y;(; ; .y?y>yO)-’. o.- -,v -. v. - .VdniiniHt n itr ify ;

f ir e a l a r m

i;(j i .'i-;a .\ c n o v i :^I.'.;.y'--'-vNow ’;..Vol,k tUid: A nbury Avi&s.2Ji -/vy.yy;;./. C lay .tdnX Store, A lain !A vei£ '^ 23'y,y, . ' , . ; . . , ' . . ; S u r f , and • P e a c h '2‘\. . . . . Embury and Peach-25v:yVivv Tvfain.' and V Pilgrim* . Pathway 2*>- ■■!■-. 13i;oa<1 way.; ;aiid ■ Pllgrbii .Pathway . 27y/^UiyTabprviWtty;and; Pennsylvania;;^; 28:; ; i . „ . ".'■ -.NOrth End l3avilion y 2St v.A .. . . McCIi nlock and Beach 3l>-, . South End; Pavilion

yyy—yyyy.' c ia i‘k J.;ari<i NewyJersey.. ■ 3JI^Vv.T!p;-.Benson"ar»d. 'Jdt. Tabpr W a y ■ ’ ?4, . . . y .' Heck' and 'Wliltileld ,--: :35‘ . ;yy#v^y;y„Wcbb . and :PehhsyIvanl,i::y 3Gy.:yviyyyySiirfyandy.P 1 IgrimyPathwny , ,

i :{7 y . ■: . - Benson and Franklin ;j/jVS-.yyvy.yy.y.;. -.Benson, a n d Abbott j:.;pr-y:,y:i'y -.:;,-.;,New ..York and .Stockton -M .&>Heck a n d .; I*awrenco -|; {2yi-;;;yiyy;y.ryy;0 11 ri ,’y Street FIrehouaV i 13 y y? ; - . Mal h' and R^aeh ■

yyV-^-^yi'y-yy^y^pbbltiI;Tapsy'-iy ;'y ;y'y;*y I-|;;5~Dy-5y'' CAnerai :.;'Alann. l -Wire yTrouUle;': '1 . FIro 'Out, - 3:-Tinie S. -ai m ,,’syCa 1 l.-yv2 .FIrst-'Aid Squad,-:V. t''.'y-*PIV6''.7 Ghief, ■ Leo .-. Brierly,-' Stokes • rCpnipany.-yyy.:; - - :■•; yy.y .yy; -;y;;;iyy•; y.y •■ r;"y

m : - ' ' ' , ' t W w y vV'i •: r'\}'‘-.'j W iiS T O ltO XT,

i y l ^ ^ i ^ i r t i n ; h S tre e ty a nd M a in Ave.11 B-yy v.-.-',- ’.. i J I a in 6 trbe t -a nd'-’Cor.ll os A vb;. ;-.-

Uiiex'celfed'yFirb-Hbu.-jo :. ■Atkins and Embury :y

6 W ; ^ '•vProspent ai»d Heck f: & 2 y ^ ^ j0 ^ - :r .,~ :y y :GovliQ9; and ? Ridge ;y i 72..:.yy.-iyyy;- ;V,v, ,-;.\ Corlies ynnd Union. jiR lijirJrf.i;/* k Lt Sa van th • and Stokes - :tS3 ,• ;y--;y.r i l .-y; y.-yv y ..rt!dge: - and - E ighth ;|:SSrl 5* ; T e n t h ? nnd' A tkins ''. i-:| $ • ■ ' • i y - ■' ■.' Sixth-, and A tkins './' '32 . . . J-IItrlith and Hamilton ;

Vy\yi'yyy:,;';i: .Sp'erlal' ’I'a y s , . ' Vj-y-y ■yrC^G— C'-.General A la fm y 2 A m bulance C a lly P irey O iiL y yiy ch lo f 's : C all, I 'im o • - :t:> .Unexcelled, -';2— 2— 2 .Police^Head^caiUprs.-‘I iF ire ^G h ie f,:. tbdm an -,-ShrtftO. , '-- '- ■ ■ : iyv-:-; ' 1

r y ^ y p ts r t- " (ti?n k u a t .tvn d ,- > iaA tqA T fe 'b )?^? !^

E i /Ol. ■-


Frnnk C. Borden, Jr.,'U lrcctor 0 / ,; puWSey affairs an:l safety; IScu--- iiartt V. Poland, ecmnnissioner of reveiiu*- anil finance; .lohn l.’ou- era, eonnnissiom.r of.'streets and , public improvements; Freder- .- ick P, Itulchey, borouifh cldrk *

s ahd collector; Friuieit- HiV-'Bins.'.deputy el'il-' j

Buildini; Inspector.W illiam Megill 15oroii)-li- En(;inc-cr Claude Birdsall :- Chief « f I’ i i f nepn.-lineiit

Aptiit.Ki Hutehin--. Jr. Jr.iard pf Kducatioi- -.Villiain

'forty, President; .1. Edward Yar- ' nail, Clerk; W alter Fox, F. I Ttnlph Sliibla. George-.' Bostick.:

•.'•Harry- -.1C Hutchinson,. Lester : .Rogers, J . .Clarence Barton, Thomas Irw in; F. .T. Gronde,; Principal. - ■ |

Attorney and (lecordrr -,Joseph R. Megill i

Health Oflictfr, Overseer of Poor { George W . Bostick ]

Postmaster ................. John Timcot

^ tE G A L g .N O T IC E g ;

,vi;;\,*i-ii;< j 11 riii M t

■ y ^ (^ y J ■'y ^ T JU ^ T O N ' ■ ‘ '• ' j',

N U T IC E 1,-1 H I'J IK IIY *11 Vi:\ Hint o! ; llf I.'1^iIoit;^iiid^L'V|lly\bbi r*^«lyiMiy/i»y-^n""q

^ j ' l ib ^ v d e lp ^ a n d y - P i> e in ii ir i"dfybldsj;^b»; Lifeti 1 >ji;c iytpyth( jyprpii e Py ?tUJil i fi witipi) sy of; yftoyybiddbr.y4ipy ai:nV>rdUPec*; -with'X ;the'i ...... ‘ 5 l P i ' " T ............. .....................inklSvt-he-rt e g ii la l io n s : .S ia tP r H ig lh v a y ; C o iip h Is s lo p b r ....... ... .... .

.^ . .in u s t- su b n iiU jC r iiv is e d V C in a n c la l- rK ta te I:1.* riib h t i n n d s t i l t m p en t 4 6 f - i>liii i ; K*? d f erp j i p

j i v i n t W lt l i : t h R l r ^ b l t l ^ ' i u ^ ^ ; . ,v _ a ':- p r o p o s 'd y_Work-;l»-- u

: ’1 -*'=y-fW,d t^d ;.S Q itb K .WoL‘k s : lM oK raH i .CJrade

yfoiv'■Bmyaly ,l>l

Stfttp-Al iigh%Va> v: CipipTpijf>-'Ii'ii&j;■ - Itbropyt r.iiiit l o i r . o f 'U; yitity it ri*i|j:*s:-yA;y - A j > i» i* triii *• li ii

;Im*I--.., ;l,y4 t-.;,-,,l?l,-li.-ti,,„ „|- - . ....

priation Act . ip lti.jr.. and is to. i»bvpcr-< i'i»niied ln aonordaip'tr w ith the ^p.clal

tiiin -, 11>/\ . .Moimimitb r ’ouh tj'; *.FhtlmaU:d : . . • A •

t.7M , en, ydn; i oadw ay tiosi .Ulu lil.'Slillrd , ’ . , *. . V

s25» i,*11. yd:-*.’, burnivv .«.*xi*a\‘atUui' . r.,r.*i:i .si|.. yds. 9 : ineh roiufo ivbd

ctincrMi* pavem ent Miirfaoiv •••; ;•', . r.r.o ou. yds* iMuiereU:. in struc­

tures • .. ■ .-• •': • • : *.-'•:: . . ■- ‘ y.• :'.7.r.00: lbs, .ro lu fo ice u je tif sti*<rl III

s triic td i i s.. ■ . . - .; •■: . ;■■ 271,000 lbs).- s truc tura l s iee l. y , •;.

i-pari'm ent; St-ati H o u s e A un e .^ T re u - i'. ia ln e d fro m \hv im ’ lu- ro1i«;i. , U i^ ‘ ] li3ti' ! h '! ] y ’ !s!' u p o n ■nn th e o u t- i 1, , . . ; .\'.. .i., „ i i .M..I..U,-.-.- i-v-hiiii.ry ir..' Th.- a l ! , . . l i . . i i HI' l,!(W'-i-- '» -.u.11 im i“ t ■ a o ro iu Ktnlral b y it

y V iM u jv .u f .y tw r l^ HtlfbASPrihtT^liM ’oViMppiKiyyppynrmgi^o^ifiRdy^ebK u u id a rd T im e , >nff* v i l l be o p e n e d '!> u b le liI ru ? u i iiH s l«n ju g . ib e . •eitnirie.'t lip ; T i’e a ^ iire i u f l i t S ta to o f N o u ^ Je r- a n d read im m e d ia te ly U ie re a fte i in<l t*» *b n «* o f isu ii < a " 1 u - n t r^ t».il m l , h Ovi:n t< n i » c> nit t'j .t o>-

............. M’lio in h r in iu i ir . w a g e , p a ld .r to ,-nlb-mi- . of- U if ,. i.ib oun t -of - Jh e . t) id i; ,p r o v ld e d•Wkiffi‘d-'^>l5ilVai5^tH^loy^di^ik?:ild^?jPPb.3^t.l|atTJt.iVeA!sPld,-j;ortiriPU-tch^ltv8luUlfi.'tibt' iincp'^l?:tlinjt‘ fj0(\ per;h<)iii\-fl’be nibii-ybeyjess''than -?j»00.00 uor nipre' than niUin'*;'wsig"-ir;pai'd '-*to'r all yinl^rinedfa to. :;S20,OOO.OO.y;iind..-.-}nus(;;.y-be 7-dell verod; ;at: unPUOn^naiiiW ^ertildPyed-PP-tliis-eun^yilie'above placesbn':oivbefore:thc;liouri u*PPi^luili; beMiiib^Poribvituvy^iePPIPl^ijiiaPiedi ^PpiosApf-t’they standard-' pro*^ :iVuiniAwaKe^ paid tb-Vall . sl{llled.>l:UP*i'>. posal.'forms and.'special addressed erf-. r .iop lO ved 'V bpA t J i l s 'A e b n t r a c t , ^ y l't^ y o lopeyw 111 ib< iy fu rn lK hed- ()n- ;np ldk^^Si 2U per bnur.'-'-'-A. y :v- a .y ’ ;' A •' " ■:•';.;v-t-tlon', y'iilds -Pot enclosed • lu .Hpecial ad- yADra-\vlngH,-AKpecificattons"andy;.forni:r;di-efjped:yetivPlopef;yyWniybe, eoiv^ldbrcd ^fibldrcontr^t-a:nd?bond-fQi-tkeyprpr;iinforhiaIiandyWiHyribtybbV^pdirctl.y^hb pOHed^Woi'k^aro^on^ file iii • tbb -offico^vlglit-b^rosbrved to.- rejectypiiy-or-all o f the State H ighway Department.: bids.- .Trenton, N. .T.,. and may be inspected ! bv prospective bidders during o ffice1 • ..hours.-Plans w llP bo furnished on a ; - ---deposit o f Ten D o lla rs ($10.00) fo r . i:ai:h sot of p lans upon app lica tio n to A . : Leo . t*rover, C h ie f C lerk, S la te H ig hw ay DopUrtment. R oo m 102.S ta te House A nnex , Tronton, N . , J .B ids m us t be m a d e on- the s tandard proposal forms, In the m anne r desig­nated In th e standard S tate. H ig hw ay specifications n n d m us t be onelosed in sealed special addressed envelopes b ear ing tho nam o and address o f tho

provisions■•.'nnd riMpdromcuis -of Ihv l*j»iied S ia l is M*T»artim:nt fif Agrleul- vpvi‘, ..U jueiin »»V l ‘id»)le .H oads,'ns .ouU llni-d In i lio ;Hd|ipIomontary. Spool flea- i.ions to , bo niadi* a pa rt o f . t h e con­t r a i l a n d .SpoH fib ja iions,. w h I e h provisions, .require that; labor ‘ be employed... from A lists -furnl.Hliud by the ’ Sta te-"Em ploym ent Service, 121 l»o nd ; S treet,- A sbury Pa rk , X . J .,

B ids for the abovo w ill bo received., preference h i employment* lo be given, a t the office of the S ta to H ig h w a y Do- when they. are ip ia llflod to ob-

S igned : 1 . D o na ld Sterner State' H ighw ay Coupoi^*-l«b)i-r■

X O T M K - A .. y _

■yS'ntir.* Is lioroby K lvn i to tlie Ivgal voters or*. School D is tr ic t ..o f ..-the T ow nship of N eptune , In the County of • M onm outh , - th a t the a n n u a l meet­ing o f tin* election fo r three members o f the' Hoard o f l^ducatlou foe a lerm o f three years w lll be held on Tuos- «»ay. February Ji, 1H37, a t 's «veu o’clock P. J !.

Bit ABLET UKACn A -\y:' y

'iifeiMonmcAitb : and .Atiantio ■ '•.Newark and: .Madison

;,-U; Evergreen and Madisonc-vy-;''.-.-A;-;-s..:.-.-Fiftli and K en t ,

-.Park • P lace and Ocean ryy^y^ ivLaH e lne yaiidy O cean . ,;,yy .y-.7' y F o u r t h and Ocean ; y ; y > Qceaii; p a r k ‘n Pd y C en tra l y

; :■*<Hf-M ov.-v , /v ■•-v -.B aR o lne •;-a»id-.--.C e n tra l, •t>i‘o :K » 9 V . ^ > C ;'fX 'Ifth - and ', Contra!

13 h;.yyy

145-A.-■.--. v:-A r4 7- rv m ^: 57

t...... ............ . . ............ . ..................vSU-r......Tbb:i:;Pp1lsyiW]ilVM<eniainyOpeP;i:?tVVf* ^^'•V ^ ..............r— , ..---- - ---;b<iUVfjAaiVdiyvSvintioh^longdr asyiPay: l)u {-Cl.-yyViyOcoan 'P a rk and .'Fletcher- t a k e nbpr^vary.-tr/ienabre a I I n 1 le 'l e^a'l y.vo te r s •' y-- v.’ *vy - .AFlfth and F letcher -LakelU'i'Nont lo rasl • tbelr ballols.-.:

\L .‘•aid nlcel'niK w ill Sh* sul.uuitP-d t |vo'; Ui.'.st I on * ,o t" : :.vo{ I n g ;'ay- l a x'-y I'pr; tlie f 611o^vli/gy_liiirposf,t‘V; yyb’oi; Ciirrpjil'-KN«. fp'eipYe:;v-^20.l,f| 10.00;.;fo r Ite iia lrs .and It opla<;pj.» i^n t s $l ii, triO.tio ^yfpr-yatail tia l;Tra iiiflu? X^^Siik!pJ)()':i;;a »icl j i ; fin ’il ; C api rb 1; okHlayy^HviibO^oiv^a’P ia lAiiiiibunt^ittivili.v ra ised■■ by. tax a tion . $220;l!20,000.y, Also, the; following'-Tesorution : ; ; r k - v; - UHSO.LV.HI) F r-That- -■ they Towi'pship.

pfyJ:; Nei) tip i ey ylipa r rl .Ai»fyyEch ic iillp i iyj.he.

fi7AYr.yV i vA. A;ThI rd and yFletqlier. Lake .-; :ft-;:.- * > . t aUc l no and Fletcher- Lako ;73;.y;.-VMi-fA*v*': .iy-Park vPla coy and: Main .74 .y y .McCabp . and. Main a.^6-« .•. /. v. .y.'Brlnloy: • and -VMalo 70:._y.i-.yy.'-;;;Vv.-;.-.-.-.Fourth bud JSIaln 77yryiyyi:vnyvo ^V e rg reep anti Main a 7„8 . * , . . ; . . . . Burlington and Main pj-y -yy.y;, -v.y* y;;*:V;'> - Second and.-Beacb

;yyy;yi:? "A..-. J Special Tupx y ; y:; :iy^y ;;.;;■-■'•

General A larm .'• 1 1 W ire ;

short, J F ire ;

lutlmrlited u> transfer the sum of J.Trouble.- 2 F ire O u t 3 ChSff’s CalL 4riOi200.00v;frOiiiAtb^i4=BondAaiidAjpieresUI^ P lo f io e r i yCo.AN6.A iy;;6ylndeporjdQnt ■Acroupl' d n the t 'u r re n t .Expense Ae-.jCo. No.^2, C B rad ley ?Jo, 2. 1 long 5(1(1)mt- , ,. r,,... .

M’he po lling phij.'en Iii the school, d ls lrfo t o f ; the? T ow nsh ip . o f Xeptune are as follows.:. ICleetlbn U lstrlcts Nos. I, 2, :i;- i and .10 o f Ocban. d ro v e .1 - 'In tho Ocean. C rovo schoo l b u ild in g ; i 21 IHslrlets No. 5 and 7,. In lhe B rad ley I'^’i;Park sobool- 'build lng ; d istrict N o .. 0, r ?3».In the Ith lgp Avenue school b u lld lm r; 24. d is tr ic t ' No. .S, ' In " l h e AVhltesvlllo sehool b u ild in g ; d is tr ic t No. J*, In lhe Sum m orfle ld school-bulld lm r.

Any. person w lio. Is ip ia llfled to vote In tlie ,'genera l election niiiJ •a n y . p e l-

| 25.| 2fl.! 27.I as;. > 2 0 .

. First Aid. Telcophono 249.Iro Cldof, Addison Hutchinson. ’Jr .

WiUtcKville iSprliigwocd and Springdak-

Fisher and Bang» , . . . . . . Fisher and Sprtngwood........ • Myrtle and Ma.p{e

a . .Myrtle and Stratfpra . . . y . Myrtle and Munroe

....... Asbury pnd Anelve....... . StokeR and Munro*

. , ‘. .,.■,. .Stokea and Stratford .

■ ".............. ......................."■



F R ID A Y , JA N U A R Y 29, 1937

fca 1 •; appropriations^ as compared

with 1936 figures, Sen G irt's 1937

budget was. passed on firs t read­

ing a t last Monday n igh t’s meet­

ing of Council. A* hearing was set

for the night o f Feb. 8 a t 8 o’clock.

Lin wood H . James', 30, colored,

of Allcjmvood, one o f four offen­

ders to be arraigned by Assistant

Prosecutor Charles’ Frankel before

■/itdge / J'. Edward Knight . Friday

afternoon; January .15, for sen-

■tcnce, was committed to the state

prison for a term of one to thre.e

years on his plea of non vu a

charge of\causing a m an’s! death

with an automobile.

.The. filin g of the application of

Knndolph M. Creamer, o f 30 Maple

Place, as 1 a candadidatee for the

two-year term vacancy on the Ivey-

port Board of Education caused

considerable surprise in school

circles last week. Mr. Creamer, an

employe of the State. H ighway

Commission, \viU v oppose«-..Mrs>

j George • Ci . Totten,* whose candi-

idticy was announced recently.

| Going on record as being opposed

J to a i-epeal of legislation. prohibit-

ing the netting of striped bass tnc

Spring Lako: Angler's Club voted to

for,ward1 a lqtUyvto. ^tyte Seqatpr.

‘ Frank-Durand t6F('Sjeli\. lliitVfcYcprc^.

fing siith a, st'j\ftcf,. in p)agj;>^. itself*

as »o^osed ^

4 KMi\te<i ofutl Uiat'tbre has l/qepYfei-

tatiijri by- certain, commercial -fish­

ing interests to have tlie Jaw' re-


The officers of the Long Branbh

Women’s Republican club resigned

en masse late last week, charging

that county Republican leaders

, had: ignored "'them.. They threaten­

ed to convert their membership of

o75 into a " non-political civic or­

ganization. Mrs. Ernest Linburn,

pivsidont, former member o f .th e

connLy executive committee', led

the walk-out. A committee will

consult party leaders and if no re­

dress is forthcoming steps will be

taken to sever party affiliations.

Contracts for reconstruction of

the common ja il -were awarded

Wednesday by the Board, of Free­

holders, 03 they met in regular

session: and ; considered a nitniber

of other matters," including a pen­

sion fo r : W illidm Reynolds, 74, of

Freehold, an employee at the

Court House for 39 years, and the

confirmation of, the appointment

of John L. Montgomery as the di­

rector.’ o f old; age assistance and

director of the County. Welfare

Boafd, both terms to run for five


The Keyport Kiwanis club cele­

brated Past President’s N ight .at

| their regular meeting last Tues-

lay evening a t the Raritan Inn,

The meeting was in charge of Im-‘

mediate Past President, W illiam

Stanhope. Other past presidents

I of the club present Were F. Pal-

• iner Armstrong, Lou is S tu lt^ ' Jr.,

Dr. J . E.'-'D. Silcox, Carl Bitter,

Ezra W . Karkus and Herbert; F.

Brown. The speaker o f the;; eve-

: ning .> was; ther Rev, -Randall W;‘

Conkiinj rector of the Trinity Epis-

copal Church of Asbury Park. I

Raise Wages* About $1,000,000

.Following discussions between;

l-eprescntatives of employee^' and

niana^einent>_ th e N e w Je rs e y Bell

Telphone Company announces' up-

J ward adjustments o f ; wage1'rates

j amounting to about $1,000,000 on

j an annual basis. Tlie present pay-

i roll . f o r . the ’ Company’s 11,500 cm-

! ployces it at an annual rate of’

j 0,000,000.' •/,- ■ ■

•Two Freehold • coliples enjoyed

the signal honor o f celebrating un­

usual wedding anniversaries dur­

ing last week.- Air. and Mrs. Frank

B^' Whitson, West Alain street,

were .wed T>9 years on Saturday,

pin! Mr: and Mrs...W. S .M a lla ck ,

of East George' street, were mar­

ried 51. years on Wednesday. \ ,

Showing ah increase of $0,809'

in the amount to be raised iiy .tax-

ulunx, $3,932 in' anticipated reye-'

■ iu:es and, a jum p of $10,741 in to-;

FITKIN AUXILIARY MET ON MONDAYNeptune News Notes jCounty Notes

A report by Andrew Becker,;

chief of , the Eatontown. fire de­

partment, 1 shows a fire loss of. biit

$5,000 during tlie past y e a r ,. the

lowest in a' number of years.‘ For-;

.ty-foiir.alarms were answered;dur­

ing the-year, o f which -U. were I o'-.

cali^V- !-;- ••




Cheery Colors and Sheer Oilskins

In .High Favor

Trekking to Woman’s Club Meetings; walking the board­walk in fine drizzles, sloshinjf- about-town, or commuting to cflices . • . . we’ve been watching shore women these last few ruin­ously rainy days. We concluded iha t the way to avoid dampened-

; spirits and dreary’ looks was H o retreat into a cheery and colorful rain ensemble.' .


. im u i tin sc: nines Shejr oiI-?i;k • 0that- •. is-' ■pin'-. ■';****tiallv- trans- / . / nai'ent is viv- ( '> y / /id n e w a in ra i n coats-w.i th-rmhrelJa^. - to- / / / I)? '\ /r match. :T h e f J

. tt m b r e 11 a n “S //(VfiV-hioned -cf j / ' A ft. V / v t h i s \/ j e il t d . o w n / i * ' / j i l\

' h i i v d fl'tiug I f \\hazard3 be - T v / / J \

’ cause you can \ \ / r / y \ see' thru them V (- ) / ' \enough to he ^ ---warned of ob- —""s t r u c t i o n sahead. The coats are fu ll and swaggery. . Colors are light­headed. and cheery or sparkling' .white. Umbrellas,' . 1.95; rain-' coats 3.95;. in the Street Floor Accessories .Scction at Steinbach Kresge’s. You may buy them separately if you choose. .

■ • . • ♦

“” Prints s.— — • 'L a s t Womlr.y

--- the .Wo-f ___> Gian’s C l u b( / Alooting ih tho

Asbury Park ( / .” c l u b h o u s e/ where “Cur-

• / \ ront Events .in / rj.. I ifw Music” w a s

I s u b j e c tI ! 1 under discus^

•s|\ .l// [ . sion, we cye-ed / a g r o i i f of

smart s h o r e V y ^ S is * women. Out-

standing from n f a s h i o n *

— _ vicw-jjoint, wethousht, were

placed prints. This current vogue that splashes prints here and there on a frock, sparingly, where they do tho most good . . . accenting a lino or. functioning as trimm ing is dramatically new- looking. On black or navy grounds these brilliant spills of color are cye-compelling. You can see some now-arrivals in this vogue a t the Steinbach Kresge Fashion Shop. We did, vcsterday. Priced 19.05.

Lush PastelsFia on south __and sun and n; .p o i s o n o u %cruise ads you can wear bon-bon pastel jf jjV Rsport clothes y_i£tw-2! .right here in (Y—---the g l o o m y kJJLIljQj J north and be / /m i g h t y ' nt- . / / tractive. The 1 / / Sport Shop a t V y S t o i n b a c h . [ i f '•K r e s g e Vs if is sponsoring the matching \

• mania in new ' V V . ^ pastel sweat-er-and-skirt. set-ups. And they are lush ! Lovely spongy-tweed skirts cut in four gores that swing from your hips with a dan­dy flare. Sweaters are exception­ally alert in their styling. Colors are mouth-watering! Tho new “bittersweet,” “perfection-pink,” or “porcelain blue” . . . for ex­ample. Skirts, <1.95; sweaters, 1.08.

P M t :

HUNDREDS of thousands of homes rcccive

Sheffield Farms Milk, every day. It takes 8850

men and women to protect the purity and

richness of this milk and deliver it— on time

each m orn ing . Their payroll in 1936

amounted to $17,200,000.

In other words, a little more than one-

quarter of the cost of each quart of Sheffield

Milk you buy goes to Sheffield employees, for

the care they, take and the service they give.

SHEFFIELD FARMS711 Main St., Avon. N. J. Phone, Asbury Park 2000


20 G3/100 cent* paid to 20 25 /100 tents fop 48 8 /1 OQ « n ts paid to employee* tor wanes. transportation and operation, the farmer tor milK.

.3 .43 /100 tont* for taxes, 23 /1 Off of one eent fo r I 3 8 / f 00 cent* n e t • insurance, advortlatno. ote. : executive .salarlet. . profit to Sheffield Farms.

•B a jed an.fiaum for the first cJeyen montJii of (936>

He's fine • • • He says to tell you he can go to bed now • •,» ’cause he’s just beaten his Granddad at dominoes.— «~4- , 4 y ' , ' , ' ' ' ' ‘ 'i " ^ , '' ’ \ ' ' '*•' ‘ 1 v ' * *' J

‘ - , ■ V - | | -

W hen the family if, scattered,why not keep in touch ;

by telephone? Most rates are lowest after 7 at

night, and anytime Sunday. See example below:Suits Going SoJty

! ^ ^ v N c w s p r i n g M s u i t s begin-

: . ^ r r. Xn 5 .to a y v1vc/ * are definitely

/ .V soft and senti-yf.\:.. I mental. ; .EvenI I L£5\ i fthe m a n ! y.V • the

/ O c classic tailleur' 1 tire s o f t e r

• /•• : ' • ••’ . than last year.f 1 Built-ijp shoul-

’ / 1 I <lers, s o f t e r\ \\ bustlines, and '

• • nipped waists.\ \k \ •Sen!y-tail<>i,edr\. "d / x su’ts fea- . ^ Y tuve coUarless

styiing, unus- al pocket treatments, and Hared skirts . . . in high-shades of spongy wools, are newcomers. “Jigger” suits are new too, par­ticularly the ones with bi-color play. We saw a grand one in the Fashion Shop nt Steinbach Kresge’s yesterday. A .crushcd.- raspberru “jigger" coat sw inging over a pencil-slim navy skirt.

P.S. I f you’re .home-minded at all don’t miss the Half-Yearly Furn i­ture Sale a t Steinbach ICresge's.



I Oc.ean Grove ,

I - Telephone 963I ' P o u n d

Prime Rib Roast ........29c.

Legs, of Lamb ............ 25c.

Shoulders of Lamb,; Boned and Rolled 18c.

Frankfurters and Bo­logna .......... ......... ,2Sc.

i Vz lb. Packages of Ba­con ................ ,19c.

| Roll Butter, Fresh From I Creamery ..............39c.

| Fresh Killed Fo.wls and { Roasting Chickens

| Free Delivery

Tlie Oldest Independent General

Market in Ocean Grove.

P ilgrim I’aliiway and Olin Street

Telephone .Asbury Park 1719

Fresh Vegetables GroceriesFree Delivery

You can call 350 miles for 75c—

500 miles for 95c — any night after 7

and all of Sunday (station-io-station rates).


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