the nestoria geochallenge

Post on 08-May-2015






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The GeoChallengeSavio DimatteoPerl DeveloperLokku Ltd.

#geomob London - 11 July 2013

We map millions of properties

Across multiple countries

What we ask for <listing>


<placenames> <building number="35">Napier Court</building> <street>Cropley Street</street> <area>Hackney</area> <town>London</town> <region>Greater London</region> <province>South East England</province> </placenames>




<postcode>N1 7HS</postcode>




What we get








What we get...


<coordinate_system>WGS84</coordinate_system><latitude>0.000000</latitude><longitude>0.000000</longitude><placenames> <area>Mansarovar</area> <street>

Parsavanath at Sanganer, near mansarover muhana mandi





What we get...

<location> <full_address>

, Porcia, Pordenone





<latitude></latitude><longitude></longitude><coordinate_confidence unit="m">50</coordinate_confidence>


What we get...

<location> <full_address>

, Porcia, Pordenone





<latitude></latitude><longitude></longitude><coordinate_confidence unit="m">50</coordinate_confidence>


AndreisBanniaBarcisCastionsCimolaisCimpelloClautErto e CassoFiume VenetoFrisancoGhiranoOrcenico InferiorePalsePoffabroPorciaPrata di PordenonePuiaRoraipiccolo

What we get...<location> <country>IN</country> <full_address> M.G.RdNr Rly Stn -East Borivali (East) Mumbai Andheri-Dahisar </full_address> <coordinate_system>WGS84</coordinate_system> <latitude>19.23351</latitude> <longitude>72.83678</longitude> <placenames> <province>Maharashtra</province> <region>Mumbai Andheri-Dahisar</region> <town>Mumbai Andheri-Dahisar</town> <area>Borivali (East)</area> <neighbourhood>M.G.RdNr Rly Stn -East</neighbourhood> </placenames></location>


What we get...<location> <country>IN</country> <full_address> M.G.RdNr Rly Stn -East Borivali (East) Mumbai Andheri-Dahisar </full_address> <coordinate_system>WGS84</coordinate_system> <latitude>19.23351</latitude> <longitude>72.83678</longitude> <placenames> <province>Maharashtra</province> <region>Mumbai Andheri-Dahisar</region> <town>Mumbai Andheri-Dahisar</town> <area>Borivali (East)</area> <neighbourhood>M.G.RdNr Rly Stn -East</neighbourhood> </placenames></location>


What we get...<location> <country>IN</country> <full_address> M.G.RdNr Rly Stn -East Borivali (East) Mumbai Andheri-Dahisar </full_address> <coordinate_system>WGS84</coordinate_system> <latitude>19.23351</latitude> <longitude>72.83678</longitude> <placenames> <province>Maharashtra</province> <region>Mumbai Andheri-Dahisar</region> <town>Mumbai Andheri-Dahisar</town> <area>Borivali (East)</area> <neighbourhood>M.G.RdNr Rly Stn -East</neighbourhood> </placenames></location>


What we get...<location> <country>IN</country> <full_address> M.G.RdNr Rly Stn -East Borivali (East) Mumbai Andheri-Dahisar </full_address> <coordinate_system>WGS84</coordinate_system> <latitude>19.23351</latitude> <longitude>72.83678</longitude> <placenames> <province>Maharashtra</province> <region>Mumbai Andheri-Dahisar</region> <town>Mumbai Andheri-Dahisar</town> <area>Borivali (East)</area> <neighbourhood>M.G.RdNr Rly Stn -East</neighbourhood> </placenames></location>


What we get...<location> <country>IN</country> <full_address> M.G.RdNr Rly Stn -East Borivali (East) Mumbai Andheri-Dahisar </full_address> <coordinate_system>WGS84</coordinate_system> <latitude>19.23351</latitude> <longitude>72.83678</longitude> <placenames> <province>Maharashtra</province> <region>Mumbai Andheri-Dahisar</region> <town>Mumbai Andheri-Dahisar</town> <area>Borivali (East)</area> <neighbourhood>M.G.RdNr Rly Stn -East</neighbourhood> </placenames></location>


What we get...<location> <country>IN</country> <full_address> M.G.RdNr Rly Stn -East Borivali (East) Mumbai Andheri-Dahisar </full_address> <coordinate_system>WGS84</coordinate_system> <latitude>19.23351</latitude> <longitude>72.83678</longitude> <placenames> <province>Maharashtra</province> <region>Mumbai Andheri-Dahisar</region> <town>Mumbai Andheri-Dahisar</town> <area>Borivali (East)</area> <neighbourhood>M.G.RdNr Rly Stn -East</neighbourhood> </placenames></location>


is there any hope?

More data

<full_description><![CDATA[ Property Code: RS434487<BR> ]]>


More (useful) data

<full_description>Box situé dans la cour d'un immeuble à VITRY

SUR SEINE, rue Marie Sorin Defresne. Libre de

suite Loyer trimestriel: 230 € Contacter Madame GOYARD ...


More (useful) data<full_description>CASA EM CONDOMÍNIO A Venda 5 Dormitórios - Iporanga, Sorocaba - SP. Sobrado em Condomínio com 2 salas, divididas em vários ambientes, cozinha planejada, despensa, lavabo, banheiro social, 5 dormitórios sendo 1 suíte com closet e 1 suíte master, sacada, escritório, área de serviço, piscina, espaço gourmet, quintal e garagem coberta para 4 carros. Acabamento Interno: Salas e escritório com piso porcelanato. Cozinha, banheiro social e suítes com piso cerâmico. Dormitórios com piso laminado de madeira. Salas com teto rebaixado e sanca em gesso, paredes com detalhes em textura. Cozinha planejada com coifa, fogão cooktop, grande mesa central em granito preto, revestimento nas paredes com detalhes em pastilhas, enorme pia com gabinete em granito preto. Banheiro social com revestimento nas paredes, pia em mármore travertino, box em vidro temperado. Escritório amplo com armários, parede com detalhes em textura. Acabamento Externo: Área de serviço com revestimento nas paredes com detalhes em pastilhas. Quintal em piso cerâmico, paredes com detalhes em textura, enorme pia e balcão em granito. Piscina com cascata e piso em torno em pedra mineira. Churrasqueira com paredes e fundo em vidro temperado. Garagem com acesso via portão eletrônico, paredes com detalhes em textura. Jardim em toda sua parte frontal, porta de acesso principal em madeira maciça e fechadura eletrônica, pedra miracema na calçada. Piso cerâmico na entrada do imóvel. Acessórios do Imóvel: Espaço gourmet, piscina, interfone, aquecedor elétrico solar, portão eletrônico e tv a cabo. Acessórios do Condomínio: Lazer: Lago, Pista de Caminhada, Quadra Poliesportiva, Quadra de Tênis, Pista de Skate, Vestiários, Espaço Gourmet com Salão de Festas e Churrasqueira, Sala de ginástica, Salão de jogos, Playground. Segurança: Totalmente murado, portarias com monitoramento de acesso 24hs, cancelas automáticas, cerca elétrica perimetral e ronda 24hs. Infraestrutura da Região: Localizado próximo a Zona Industrial de Sorocaba, possui acesso fácil tanto para a Rod. Castelo Branco, quanto para o Centro de Sorocaba.</full_description>

we can't trust data

The GeoChallenge

can we still geocode?


any text

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.



any text

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.






any text

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

places hierarchies




best place


any text

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

places hierarchies




best place

But other geocoders?

● they expect "good" input

● price is crazy

● they rate limit

Geocoding Task

Where is:

Lotus County, Site: Sy No. 122/2, Solapur Road, Opp.To Gate No-6 Mirc Darewadi,

Ahmednagar., Opp.To Gate No-6m, Ahmednagar

Geocoding Task (using

Geocoding Task - Veocoder

Geocoding Task - Veocoder

think you could do better?

come and work with us!

Thank You find property stay tuned! open source code currently hiring!

Inside the hierarchy generator

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