the natural alternative

Post on 29-Jan-2018






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The Natural Alternative

Cancer Today...

Cancer today is found in many humans and is being treated in multiple ways.




Side affects of these medical aids result in:

Headaches, vomiting, body aches/pains, lack of energy, loss of hair, etc.

Our Proposal

A 100% natural solution to prevent and eliminate cancer

No toxins and no radiation

Creating a biological pill made of super foods and herbal spices

Packed with fruit and vegetables antioxidants and natural healing remedies

What We Deal With...

The fight to cure cancer has been ongoing for years

And yet no true solutions have been found

On a daily basis the human body is exposed to outside influences

A large number of cancer causing agents get overlooked

Antioxidants RoleWhat exactly are antioxidants? What do they do?

They are the hero’s that protect DNA from carcinogens

Turning free radicals to a stable electron configuration

Example of a free radical:

Oxygen losing or gaining an electron from the interaction with another atom or molecule present in the body

When the electron transfer happens, oxygen is transformed into a free radical and becomes highly reactive which causes the oxygen to seek an atom or molecule to transfer electrons to for oxygen to return to a stable electron configuration.

Broccoli Before DessertSulforaphane is derived from hydrolysis of glucoraphanin in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables

Shown to induce phase II detoxification

Inhibit chemically induced mammary tumors in rodants

To induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in colon cancer cells

Indole-3-carbinol found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables

Shown to restrain elastase

Has declined the survival rate of breast cancer

An Apple a Day

Contain powerful substances that help aid in inhibiting breast cancer before formation begins

Six studies done at Cornell University resulted in the belief that special phytochemicals blocked the cancerous cells

Apples are high in phenols and flavonoids

Protect cells from mutating

A Cancer Un-FiestaAvocados are rich with anti-carcinogenic compounds that help prevent cancer and help stop existing cancerous cells

Cancer fighting compounds are found in the meat, not the skin of the avocado

Avocados differ in their nutrient facts based upon their geological growth

Rich in carotenoids which are antioxidants that humans can not produce themselves

Lycopene in WatermelonLycopene is contained within Watermelon along with several other antioxidants

Potent anti-cancer fighting benefits

Like Avocados, Watermelon differs in it’s lycopene content in different climates

Recent research has shown that women with higher levels of lycopene have 40-50% reduction in developing breast cancer

The “Spice Superstar”

Turmeric contains Curcumin, a phytonutrient, within it’s roots

This “Anti-Cancer Spice” has the ability to:

Inhibit activation of cancer genes

Inhibit spreading of cancerous cells

Kill or shrink tumors

The “Stinking Rose”Garlic is such a powerful antioxidant due to it’s strong odor

The smell comes from it’s active nutrient - Allicin

Properties help fight cancer by stopping DNA from being damaged

Esophageal and stomach cancer is reduced in those who eat

Lemons and Grass

Commonly used for it’s fragrance, Lemongrass also has cancer fighting benefits

Drinking it as a tea has been proven to kill human cancer cells

Studies in China and India have shown it to fight against skin and colon cancer, as well as DNA damaging ionizing radiation

The “Super-Sized” Antioxidant

Rosemary is not only an antioxidant, but also a anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antimicrobial, and anti-allergen

A combination of rosmarinic acid, carnosic acid, and carnosol make it one of the most powerful antioxidants

Tests have shown suppression of cancerous tumors in skin cancer when rosmarinic acid is present

What We Need...As you can see, Broccoli, Apples, Avocados, Watermelon, Turmeric, Garlic, Lemongrass, and Rosemary all have something in common: anti-cancer properties

Requesting a grant for $1.5 million dollars

Put these anti-cancer properties from these foods to test and discover a natural-fighting cancer alternative

Testing will be done on cancer and non-cancer patients of both genders and all ages

Our Accomplishment

We hope to bring relief to the families and individuals who are suffering through this battle of cancer

Goal is to revolutionize the way doctors and patients fight cancer today

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