the morter report august 2015

Post on 23-Jul-2016






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The August 2015 edition of The Morter Report – the official newsletter of Morter HealthAlliance.


M rterReport



leader must get his/her message across clearly, and motivate others to act on that message. If a leader can’t do that, then having a message doesn’t even matter. This issue of The Morter Report deserves your undivided attention! The message of health, happiness and success matters, and the contributors to this issue share their insight on how you can effectively communicate that message to all you reach.

From understanding the importance of perspective, to building your foundation of knowledge, to opening yourself up to different ideas, to pursuing your vision of excellence, your journey is ongoing. Take a moment today and focus on what you can do to be a more effective communicator of your art, your wishes, and your feelings! We are headed into the homestretch of 2015. Finish this fabulous year being an advanced version of you!

Copyright 2015 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.

On Fire? Stop, Drop and Roll!It hit me like a forest fire out of control. And, truthfully, my initial response was less than desirable. After all, when someone challenges the very core of what I do, what I teach, what I’ve devoted my life to advance, I take notice. It gets my undivided attention.

Why would someone do that? What motive did they have? How could I let that happen? What should I do to stop this? What’s the next move? Why would this person disappoint me in this way? All of these questions were circling around my head . . . why, how, what, and on and on. And, if this continued in this direction, certainly I would explode from inside out. Crazy, yes crazy!

So, here’s what I did to stop the chatter inside my head. I know communication is the key to resolving any conflict. But truthfully, I was in no space to effectively communicate ANYTHING. I remembered the directions on what to do if you find yourself on fire. Remember the words? Stop, drop and roll! And, here’s how I applied those same directions to my situation at hand.

1. STOP thinking about the situation in the same negative light. I replaced the thinking with a different and more relaxed position. I took a breath and then I . . . 2. DROPPED my shoulders. This re-positioning of my core allowed me to go internal and to look at the situation from a different perspective. I was able to . . .

3. ROLL my eyes around in a circle and then ROLL new ideas of possible solutions to the situation around in my head.

And, these steps allowed a new, and completely different, view of the situation to unfold in my head. Without the perceived disappointment on my part, I figured out how to look at the “assault” as a path to new and inspired ideas. From that position, I was completely in charge of my thinking, my response and more effective communication.

Stop, Drop, and Roll! Give it a try and watch your communication skills soar to new heights.

Dr. Ted Morter, III


The most effective way to communicate is by being totally honest. Who you are is

more important than what you say. You must believe what you are saying in your

heart and in your subconscious brain. If there is any disconnect between your heart

and your brain, you may not come across as genuine. When you really believe what

you are saying, there is a resonance which people will hear in your voice and will

feel in their hearts. – Dr. M.T. Morter, Jr.


Communicate!Have you ever attempted to make a point, or get your point across to someone else, and failed miserably? Have you ever become frustrated because you feel so passionate about something only to receive the feeling that “they” just don’t get it? Have you ever felt like you are trying to “talk” someone into something and they simply are not following you?

These feelings may be a result of your lack of developing your communication skills. Now, before you fuel the fire of the “lack of” mentality, let’s simply focus on what we really do want and how to more effectively get it! You see, the art of communication is fundamentally that – an art. Just like developing your treatment or adjusting skills involved training and practice, then more training and practice, so does the art of communication require practice. Great leaders and most successful people are continually honing their communication skills. If your desire is to be a leader or successful person then spending time, energy, and effort on the art of communication is a must.

First, you must build your foundation and knowledge of the content you wish to communicate. Remember, communication is to give information about something to someone by speaking, writing, moving your hands, using body language, etc., or to get someone to understand your thoughts or feelings. To be a great communicator you must resonate and have vibrational congruency with your message. Are you using and are you “sold” on your message? Are you a product of your product?

Oftentimes you must “go where people are” cortically and/or emotionally in order to gain relatability and to get them to move forward. Always remember my favorite rule of communication: It is never what is said that matters, it is what is heard by the other person/persons. Hone and perfect your communication skills to deliver your message of leadership and success. Do you hear me?


In celebration of 40 years of B.E.S.T.Here’s what I think. We can talk all day long about how well something works, but that’s just talk. When someone puts their work on the line, opens up to criticism and says, “Let the chips fall where they may!” well, it gets my attention.

When Dr. Morter decided we were embarking on a research project with Parker University, I was skeptical. After all, it would take months and months of time, focus and money to follow this project through to completion. And, the little voices inside my mind were playing full on! How, how, how? When the final tally was revealed, I was happily taken off guard. I learned to trust in the process, to trust in this work. And, that research has proven invaluable to the ongoing expansion of Morter Health worldwide.

I met a person of equal passion and integrity several years ago. A person so dedicated to finding truth that she could stand up to those casting stones no matter what. She reminded me of Dr. Morter with her passion, her excitement and her drive to “figure it out”. And, even more importantly, she is entirely about research. Can you back up your claims? Can you prove beyond a doubt? Are you living your truth? These are typical questions we discuss on numerous occasions.

At Morter Elite Diplomate 2015, I Ching founder and researcher, Mary Miller, will reveal her insights about her lifelong work and how it relates to you as a B.E.S.T. practitioner. She has the stats; she has the facts; she has the guts to tell it like it is. Mark your calendar for Elite Diplomate on September 10-11, and again for Homecoming Sept. 12-13. You’ll be glad you did!

With love, Dr. Ted


When we think of communication, usually at least two people having a conversation come to mind. However, I believe the most important communication happens within us. It is those conversations we hear inside our head . . . that little voice, if you will.

As a teenager and young adult, I really struggled with low self-esteem. I was constantly seeking the approval of others and wanting validation from someone else. I was constantly on the lookout for that magic book, article, or outfit, that would somehow make me look and think of myself with approval. Or, I was constantly doing things I didn’t really want to do in order to gain someone’s approval. By the way, “said approval” rarely came. I remembered reading in one of those magic books, “Your outer world is simply a reflection of your inner world.” That reality was pretty sobering.

I began paying attention to my inner dialogue and was appalled at what I heard. ”Way to go, stupid!; You are too short; You are too fat; You are lazy.” On and on the conversation would go, depending on the activities of the day. I first started paying close attention to this when I heard Pastor Joel Osteen always speaking faith into people, and realizing how much better that felt to me. I would have to say, that is one of the reasons I tune in to watch him each week. I can always count on a lift from any reading, sermon, or audio I experience.

I began to wonder how my life could improve if I simply shifted my inner dialogue. What if I began to speak words of faith over, not only my friends, but myself as well? I began to pay attention to what I was saying to myself. When I would choose water over a Dr. Pepper at lunch, I would say, “Great job, Melissa! Way to make a healthy choice.” When I would go for a walk after work, instead of piling on the couch, I would say, “Wow, I feel great! I am so thankful I chose to do that.” If I got a new blouse, or outfit, I would look at myself in the mirror and say, “Looking good!”

Was this an easy exercise? Heck no! I felt like a fool to begin with. Then, I started noticing little things. People began to offer their approval without my soliciting it in some way. More importantly, I began to genuinely appreciate and love myself for who I am, not for who I think someone else wants me to be.

I began to re-train my brain to be supportive, loving, and kind. This is what I want to see reflecting back at me each day.

I invite you to listen in on those little self-conversations and decide if you could be more supportive, loving, and kind to yourself. It really can change your life, as well as those around you.

Melissa Higby

Self Talk . . . Friend or Foe?


Basically, we are here today as a result of our past choices. We choose just about everything in life. I have made some great choices and, in looking back, some of my better choices were made sporadically. I just followed my gut and went with it! When I have gotten too analytical, I can now see I was just trying to talk myself into something that I knew deep down was not a good decision.

I was blessed to watch one of my two sons get married last month. Of course you only want the best for your children, but you want the best for their mate as well. Leading up to the wedding, I was never fully confident that this was the right life partner for him. I had several conversations with him, and he always said she was the one. I chose to be patient and trust the young man I raised.

Something happened on his wedding day. From the time he came to me asking for help with his tie, I saw how happy he was. His happiness was so evident all day. He never let up smiling, looking everyone in the eye, and dancing from the first to the last dance of the late night reception. Everyone could see the obvious evidence of his happiness, and I knew that he had picked the right mate for his future!

The wedding was so beautiful, not because of the dress, clothes, decorations or music, but because of the blessing of two souls coming together. I hope you get to feel this feeling someday, if you haven’t already. But on that day, I knew that my son had followed his heart! And like my wife, his wife is like no other woman

that he had dated in the past. Hmmm, interesting to think about. He made a great decision.

Without a doubt, the best decision I have made was to see the BEST in everyone, everything and every situation. I admit that I am by no means perfect at this choice yet. Seeing the BEST in everyone, everything and everyone has already made a dramatic difference in my life! I am so thankful for this change in my perspective and I invite you to take this journey of seeing the BEST!

Celebrating 40 years!B.E.S.T. Homecoming 2015

Rogers, ArkansasSeptember 12-13

Join Dr. Ted, Dr. Tom & Dr. Sue for this inspiring and amazing event!

so many choices!Dr. Bruce Phillips


The secret to effective negotiation is figuring out one very important and succinct fact: What’s the itch? In other words, what’s the challenge?

And, only by first identifying this important detail, is it possible to come to any type of agreement with the other party. It’s impossible to resolve a dispute or situation until you know the objection. How can you find the common ground if you don’t recognize the problem from another’s perspective? And, after all, it’s always about finding common ground – and that makes it all about perspective.

This happens a lot in negotiating to an acceptable outcome. I learned this from my brother, Dr. Tom Morter. Often when we’re around the conference table working to resolve a situation, he’ll remind me to identify the “itch”. I’m headed down a path to resolve a situation to the best of my ability, when he reminds me to think like the other party – to place myself in their shoes and feel how they feel about the situation. In other words, what’s their itch? What do they need addressed to come to a better place of understanding. Because, how can we effectively negotiate, or communicate even, without really “putting ourselves in their shoes?” Only by identifying their position, their perspective, can we really figure out how to find a common ground. And, common ground leads to resolution . . . that’s where we find mutual understanding and acceptance.

Scratch the itch and everyone feels GREAT!

Scratch the Itch!

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Understanding the Key to Mutually Successful Negotiation

Dr. Ted Morter, III


This is for the entrepreneurs who defy the odds and never give up! For the dreamers, risk takers, and the rebels – the ones who not only don’t fit into the mold, they actually break the mold and bury the pieces!

We care about ourselves, our lives, and those that matter most to us, but mostly we care about making a difference in this one amazing life. We know we were born to be great, and while life has tried to smack us down at times, we stand right back up asking, “Is that all you’ve got?”

This is for the entrepreneurs with the guts to be themselves . . . unapologetically. Yes, the guts. Because having guts isn’t just about the mechanism that digests the food we take in, but about what we are willing to risk to go after what we love.

This is for the entrepreneurs who stay up late chasing dreams, and are up early with the sun making them a reality. This is for those entrepreneurs with thirsty hearts and a fire in their belly –the ones who march to the beat of our hearts and the ones who often find themselves alone because of our choices. This one is for you, for me, and for all the entrepreneurs who often wonder if they are alone in this world. You are not.

And although we are as unique as they come, we all are linked because of the desire to break free from the expectation that we need to be well-behaved entrepreneurs in order to be loved and accepted. We can’t follow the rules for the life of us. When given the choice we always choose the most difficult road, because that is where we often learn the most.

This is for the entrepreneurs who take care of themselves. We are masters at keeping our stuff together, even when it seems we can’t take one more step. This is for the entrepreneurs who tuck themselves into bed each night. This is for the entrepreneurs who just will not conform no matter how many times people shake their heads at us.

This is for the entrepreneurs who drink moonshine underneath the stars with their bare feet dirty and their eyes wild dreaming of their next adventure. This is for all the entrepreneurs who prefer to be untamed. We don’t care about letting our crazy show, because we know it’s just the right amount of crazy that will take us to the next level.

This is for all the entrepreneurs who have had people ask why we can’t just be like everyone else. Why can’t we just stay with the secure job? Why can’t we just suck it up and be normal? We are adults, afterall! That is what adults are supposed to do, but we were born differently. Where others see stability, we see stifling.

“The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his information and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him he’s always doing both. ” -James A. Michener

We entrepreneurs don’t know how to give up on the desires of our hearts. Dr. Morter was a prime example. And while we may seem to wander aimlessly at times, it’s all part of our “un-plan”. Some of us are just born to be the movers and shakers in this life . . . to rattle and shake the cages up a bit. And while we may drive you crazy at times, and scare the heck out of you, life would be boring without us.

For we are the wild ones . . . the entrepreneurs who make life worth living!

by Dr. Ralph LeBlanc

This one is forYOU!


All programs are subject to change or cancellation without notice. Please call or visit our website for updated information.

August1 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Rogers, AR

14-15 B.E.S.T. Training – Niagara Falls, NY

23 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France

28-30 Personal B.E.S.T. – Chicago, IL

September10-11 Elite Diplomate – Rogers, AR

12-13 Homecoming 40th Year – Rogers, AR

19 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Rogers, AR

25-27 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

October2 Personal B.E.S.T. II – Paris, France

3-4 B.E.S.T. Training – Paris, France

4-5 Personal Care – Paris, France

23-24 B.E.S.T. Training – Seattle, WA

November6-7 Personal Care – Noosa, Australia

8 B.E.S.T. Training – Noosa, Australia

13-15 B.E.S.T. Training – Atlanta, GA

14 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Seattle, WA

December4-5 Keep Living Your B.E.S.T. – Orlando, FL

11-13 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

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Celebrating 40 Years of B.E.S.T.!

1975 – 2015


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