the messenger - quincy united methodist

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September 2017 Volume 11 Issue 9

The Messenger September 2017

A “Word” from Pastor Wilson September 2017

Is Jesus a poached egg? CS Lewis said, “A man who was merely a man & said the sort of things Jesus said wouldn’t be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic on the level with a man who says he’s a poached egg, or else he would be the devil of hell; you must take your choice. Either this was & is the Son of God, or else a mad man… You can shut Him up for a demon; or you can fall at His feet & call Him Lord & God. But don’t come up with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great moral teacher. He hasn’t let that alternative open to us.” Is Jesus really the only way to God? Is He without equal? Is He unique? Is He THE Way to God, or just A way to God? I think many make a decision without really thinking it through, without bothering to examine the facts, without studying the evidence and with-out making the decision their own. What do you think? In my 9 weeks at Quincy I have been asking the question “Who is Jesus Christ?” That question will also be on life’s final quiz. Once we answer that the next question is “What will I do with Jesus called the Christ?” Or “What have I done with Jesus Christ?” These are questions for preschool children, the child in grade school, the teen in high school, college or military, the person in the workforce, the one who stays at home, or lives in re-tirement. In other words these are questions with eternal consequences and since we have no idea of when we’ll step into eternity it is good to have made our answer early in life. Currently the terrorists, natural storms & accidents have been sending a number of people into eternity earlier than they expected. How many of them were ready? Are you ready? = Hope so, think so or know so…? Our Sunday worship will soon be focusing on what it means to be a Christian, a child of God, a follower of Jesus, born again — however you prefer to consider it. Once we have seriously looked at and considered Jesus Christ it brings us to a point of decision. Another way of looking at this is to ask “Why should God let you into His heaven?” Or “if you were arrested for being a Christian what evidence would there be to convict you?” This is food for thought so you are encouraged to come on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. and explore with us. Pastor Wilson

September 2017 Volume 11 Issue 9

July 2017 Treasure Report In an effort to simplify reports I will begin noting unusual or large expenses or contributions & not to-to day reoccurring items. Our payroll has now been modified so that all employees and the Pastor are paid 26 times a year, every other week. This will simplify things for Liz & myself. In the past the Pastors were paid twice a month to coincide with Litchfield, some employees were paid once a month and others every other week. We have combined several of the designated funds as discussed last month into the following: Directed Fund comprised of Women’s Fund, Kids Club/Youth, Camp/scholarship, Funeral, Events, Adult Study, Food Fellowship and Rada Knives. We combined the Capital Improvement and the Building Fund. The three sales funds Plants, Rummage and Nuts are combined into a Sales Fund. The following funds will remains: General, Pastor Discretionary, Special Offering, Memorial, Parsonage, Sales, Building/capital and Directed Fund. Pastor Wilson has indicated to SPRC that it is very tiring to travel back & forth from Marshall several days a week for the many day and evening meetings, and activities and wondered if there was a way for him to spend one night a week locally. We have determined that if Pastor spent 1 night a week at a local motel through March that would only cost QUMC $3,000 with the pastoral discount we will receive. If you want to give to a designated fund please consider giving to the Pastoral Discretionary Fund to assist the Pastor with motel expenses. Please mark Pastoral Discretionary-motel on your check. General Fund: The General Fund beginning balance for July was $2,942 after receiving a $4,000 loan from the Building Fund. We ask that you continue to contribute to the general fund so that we can repay our loan and start to build a little in the fund for over the winter months. QUMC had contributions of $7,409 + $4000 loan, and expenses of $4,820 for July. General Fund Expenses for July include: $3,228 payroll, salary, taxes. Before Pastor Wilson these ran $4590 or more each month. In the future I won’t report payroll unless something unusual occurs, $819 Federal quarterly taxes and $7 State quarterly taxes, $151 copier quarterly copier maintenance fee, $20 annual non profit license State of Michigan, $15 annual website domain name, $789 ministry shares. Expenses Designated Funds for July included: $198 Pastor Discretionary Fund to assist Jacob’s Well for individual, $178 Directed Funds ice cream for Kid’s Day in Park, $305 Building/capital for carpet entrance by kitchen, $74 for eternal hard drive for computer and $4,000 loan to general fund. Designated Fund Income for July included: (DESIGNATED GIVING ISN'T COUNTED WHEN CALCULATING MINISTRY SHARES) $200 Funeral, $105 Special Offering, $839 Memorial, $756 Parsonage Fund, $840 Building/capital, $6,396 (most of which was transferred from the combined funds. $105 was collected for UMCOR and $68 was sent to UMCOR (sent is from mid-month prior month to mid-month current month). Designated Funds Balances at the end of July: All funds are in good shape, except the General Fund. Please give to the General Fund & consider Pastoral Discretionary-motel. $734 Pastoral Discretionary, $1,325 Special offering, $1,740 Memorial, $48,424 Parsonage Fund, $17,417 Building/capital and $6,034 Directed Fund. We recently discovered that QUMC was only required to have a parsonage fund and hold funds for five (5) years. The QUMC parsonage fund has been held for about 15 year, therefore funds are being released back to QUMC with the caveat to be used for capital expenses. Once the check arrives of approximately $48,000, the exact amount will depend upon the stock market & the actual date of withdrawal, it will be put into the building/capital fund. The Trustees with approval from Ad Council may decide to invest some of this money in mutual funds, money market or other investments. God’s Grace To All, Lin M. Johnson, Treasurer

September 2017 Volume 11 Issue 9

1 2 Preston’s Farm Tour and Ice Cream Social 1-4 p.m.

3 Worship 9am


5 PrayerTime1:30 Quilters 2:30 pm

6 Q Guys Lunch CW Gardens noon

7 Game Night/Potluck 6:30 p.m.



10 Worship 9am


12 PrayerTime1:30 Quilters 2:30 pm


14 N.O.W. Committee at 7:00 p.m.

15 16

17 Worship 9am SINGSPIRA-TION—7:00 P.M. at Jerome

18 Nut Orders Due

19 PrayerTime1:30 Quilters 2:30 pm Trustees 7pm Ad Council 7:30



22 23

24 Worship 9am


26 PrayerTime1:30 Quilters 2:30 pm



29 30


2nd Heidi Rawson 3rd Kelly Butler 4th Travis Legg 9th Justin DeFiore 10th Lori DeFiore Alysia Van Wormer 14th Dolores Rawson 15th Guy Cobb 17th William Case Peggy Watson 22nd Judy Cornish 24th Don Cook Anne Rumsey 26th Rebecca Podoll 27th Teresa Coolman 30th Kayla Bassage


11th Guy & Joyce Cobb 18th Phillip & Debbie Zakrzewski 24th Gary & Lolia Thompson

September 2017 Volume 11 Issue 9

August Attendance 8/6 58 8/13 55 8/20 63 8/27 66 Average 61

September Greeters: Stan and Maxine Preston

September Ushers:

Peggy Watson

Christy Goshorn

********************************************************************* Quincy United Methodist Church,

Thank you so much for your generousity in supporting The Healing Hill of Hope. We feel it was a very successful event, as well as the Independence Day 5K. Our club will continue with child abuse prevention projects as well as many other

community programs. Thank you again, Deb Zakrzewski

Early Bird Exchange Club Members



Cards of Care and Encouragement

Be sure to check the table in the fellowship hall for cards to sign for folks who need a note of cheer and encouragement. There is also a clip board available if you know of someone who could use a card.


*** All Church Conference Sunday October 1. Our day begins with worship at 9:00 a.m. like normal. SPRC meets with our new District Superintendent Dale Miller at 10:30 a.m.; this will be followed by our Local Church Conference at 11:30 a.m. Everyone is invited to come and participate. Members are especially encouraged to come. This is our VIP meeting of the year. Our D.S. is asking for your special response: 1. How did you experience God’s grace (loving kindness & mercy) here in QUMC this last year? 2. How did you extend God’s grace beyond the walls of the church building? 3. How did you offer God’s grace to your pastor? ** Interested in a new pictorial church directory? Look at your old ones and see all the changes. Talk about it. Let “us” know. Everyone (family) getting their picture taken gets a free 8 x 10 portrait and a free directory. A new feature of the Directory program is a new Mobile Directory accessed from your smart phone, tablet or computer. If you wish other pictures you will have the opportunity to purchase them. This will be on the agenda for September Administrative Council meeting and if it passes picture taking can happen soon after. Naturally pictures should be taken before everyone leaves for the winter. *Missionary Farmers, Farmers who are missionaries, Cross-Cultural Witnesses, Agriculturists for Jesus in another land and culture are coming Monday, October 30 for an 11:30 a.m. luncheon and 1:00 p.m. presentation. Watch for more information soon.

September 2017 Volume 11 Issue 9

Quincy United Methodist Church Administrative Board Meeting

August 15, 2017 (To Be Approved At The September 19 Ad Council Meeting)

Present: Heidi Rawson, Rhonda Miner, Lin Johnson, Elizabeth Beckner, Anne Rumsey, Pastor Richard Wilson, Randy Podoll, Verla Cook, Glenda Brown, and Dale Brown. Meeting was called to order at 7:38 p.m. by Ad Council Chair Heidi Rawson with an opening prayer by Pastor Wilson. The minutes from the July 2017 meeting were read and reviewed. Lin made a motion to accept the minutes from the July meeting. Anne seconded the motion and the motion was approved. Celebration and Concerns:

Heidi celebrated Mary Burlew whose brain cancer is gone. Heidi stated a concern for Michael Fillmore and his health. Heidi asked for continued prayers for Michael, his family, and his doctors. Lin celebrated the Rummage Sale and Anne Rumsey and the team of people who helped make it another successful year. Heidi stated a concern for Amy Bassage who is having foot surgery. Please pray for Amy Bassage along with her family and medical team.


Treasurer/Finance Report: The Designated Funds Report and General Fund Income/Expense Statement for July were presented and reviewed by Lin who gave her verbal report discussing the recent changes made to the funds and how they were consolidated to 8 funds. Lin also discussed how everyone on the payroll was put onto a 26 pay a year schedule. She stated that D.S. Dale has given QUMC permission to close out the Merrill Lynch Parsonage Fund and have that money released to the church. Lin made a motion to close the Parsonage Fund and put the money into the Building/Capitol Improvement Fund. Dale seconded and the motion was approved. Anne made a motion to accept the July Treasurers Report. Verla seconded motion and the motion was approved.

Trustees: Randy Podoll: Randy discussed Longstreet coming in and replacing the carpet in the entrance to the kitchen. He will move forward

with calling the company that will be doing the exterior improvements to the Church and have them set up a time to come give a presen-tation of the work that will be done.

SPRC: Rhonda stated the nut sale will be starting soon. Brochures and order forms will be available this weekend. There are also order forms

in the Shoppers Guide this week and the week of Aug. 27th as well as being available on the church website. Rhonda stated she and Anne went stove shopping and found two stoves that were purchased and now installed here at the church. Rhonda stated that the date was set to go through the archives and it will be Thursday August 24th at 6:00 p.m. for anyone that can come help. It was discussed that our

custodian, Penny Dixon, will be getting married on Labor Day weekend and SPRC will discuss at the meeting on Aug. 16 th a card/gift.

Pastor’s Report: Given by Pastor Wilson and will be available in the September Newsletter.

Children’s Coordinator: None to report. Old Business

Elizabeth presented a t-shirt given by the Healing Hill of Hope for the donation given to the event along with a thank you card that will be in the September Newsletter.

Ministry Work

N.O.W. None to report. Pastor had N.O.W. agenda from the Aug. meeting which was reviewed. The childrens Christmas store will be

Dec. 16th from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Upcoming events are Church Picnic Aug. 21st at 6:00 p.m., The Quilt Show Nov. 4th, and The Quincy Lights Dec. 1st. There was mention of worship concerns and having people sign up for communion, greeters, and ushers. Sign-ups are downstairs on the fellowship table next to the bathrooms or you may call Elizabeth in the office to sign you up for something. Pastor Wilson also stated that from here on the N.O.W. Committee meetings will take place at 7:00 p.m. instead of 7:30 p.m.


It was stated that the Rummage Sale did very well this year making just under $1,600 except for a few expenses to still come out.

New Business

Lin stated that with Heidi being Ad Chair now there is a need for the Co Ad Chair to be filled. There is also an opening for a Financial Chair. Lin made a motion to appoint Elizabeth the Financial Secretary. Anne seconded and the motion was approved. Lin discussed the Hanging of the Greens which she agreed to Chair again this year and Rhonda will Co-Chair. A date is being worked on.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. with a closing prayer by Pastor Wilson. Next meeting will be September 19, 2017 at 7:30 p.m.

September 2017 Volume 11 Issue 9 .

Pastor’s Report August 2017

Rev. Richard D. Wilson

I feel I have now completed my first full round of meetings and activities. I have added another communion, month of sermons, made a few calls, put a few more names and faces together, and made a hospital visitation in Kalamazoo. Calling has been a personal challenge for me as I have only been in a couple of homes and made a few calls on the phone. As I try to coordinate my personal schedule in Marshall and responsibilities with part time pastoral responsibilities in Quincy things are beginning to come into a more workable focus for me. We have our Church Conference date set for Sunday October 1st and we are beginning to get ready for this. Report material has been pretty well distributed and the Nomination Lay leadership Committee is beginning its work. We of the Committee trust and pray those of you being asked to fill a leadership role will say yes to this opportunity to serve Jesus Christ. It is a 62 mile round trip for me and I regret not taking advantage of all the social events available here. Those would be so helpful in getting to know you. I only have so much energy and I’m trying to be a good steward of my health, so if I’m not at your social event please understand and please forgive me. It is my prayer that the series of message asking “Who is Jesus Christ?” is help-ing you to fall more deeply in love with Him. He is a wonderful Savior and I hope you sense the challenge of getting to know Him better. In His service, Pastor Wilson

September 2017 Volume 11 Issue 9

T H E M E S S E N G E R Q U I N C Y U N I T E D M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H 3 2 W E S T C H I C A G O S T R E E T Q U I N C Y , M I 4 9 0 8 2

Sunday Worship 9:00 AM

Rev. Richard Wilson

Quincy Kid’s Club Children dismissed after

Children’s Time during service.

Coffee Hour immediately after worship service.

Sunday School

10:30 AM

Office Hours 9:00 AM-1:00 PM, Monday -

Wednesday 9:00 AM - Noon Thursday


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