the magic of twitter

Post on 31-Jul-2015






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The Magic of Twitter Ways to make friends and influence people potential customers

•Find (the right) Followers•Organise them into LISTS •Entertain and inform them•Convert them into paying customers •Measure and •Repeat what works

What you need to do:

Followers see your tweets in their stream. Communicate correctly and they will become: 1. friends 2. potential customers3. customers4. advocates (very powerful)

How can you find the right followers?

Who do you want to follow you? (Clue: Your ideal customer avatar)Lists



3rd party apps

Your magic tools:

Lists Subscribe to interesting lists that are likely to include your perfect customer avatar and / or create your own. Tip: use to quickly create and manage lists using keywords and other people (competitors, influencers in your space) Hootsuite is also excellent for this

Examples of lists – could you use these ideas?

For Reference:Co working spacesBusinesses in SurreyFor customer relationship building Stop and Stare Marketing : ‘Favourites around Farnham’Webtools WIKI : Active and Interesting’ UK Podcasts :People that could leverage podcasting to theadvantage of their businessFor creating buzz around a product Clare Chaney : Free business book chapter – you may be interestedFor shameless promotion Sticky Products: We’d love it if you would follow us back For PR The Farnham Hub: Local Press

Hashtags and chats for example

#1pmlunch, #wineoclock#surreychat, #sbs#satchatuk, #purplebiz

Full list shared in the Facebook members group


Driving Engagement

Use @, #. Be brief – people ‘can’t RT you if you use up the whole 140 characters Be relevant Tweet what your audience likes to hear Don’t turn people off with endless about football , shopping or politics (unless that’s relevant to your business!!-) (Have a second personal twitter account if you want to reach out to celebrities, comment excessively on a football match or post dubious drunken selfies) Be human – pictures of you and your team doing their job are greatCheck what’s trending Can you include any trending keywords in a tweet that will entertain or inform your audience?

Trending: Dippy

Search Search bar in Twitter Try using Advanced Search (this only appears on search results page) if you want to find people tweeting about a certain thing (what are your ideal customers likely to be tweeting about?

If dentists are your ideal customer …..

Tip: Schedule your Content

•Decide on number of posts per day (2 – 20) •Use a content calendar •Schedule posts that link to your blog•Schedule posts that link to your website pages •Schedule posts that link to a database sign up •Use an automated system •Buffer and Hootsuite

Tip: is magic because–

You can search for lists of people via keyword Search a fellow tweeters followers Quickly add people to lists Fire inactive followers and people who aren’t following you back

Tip: is magic because It knows what your followers are interested in Identifies influencers in your space Shows you how much impact your different platforms are creating

Tip: Use a content creator

•••Stumbleupon•Buffer and Hootsuite • - but remember you are entertaining and informing your ideal customer

Measure, (paid version excellent for $15 per month) Analytics

Measure, (paid version excellent for $15 per month) Analytics

The tweetstorm!From Jack@Jack, co founder and tweeter of the first ever tweet

How to be Magic at Twitter - ten top tricks

1. Always start a conversation - don’t broadcast

2. Respond and retweet

3. Ask people to retweet worthwhile stuff

4. Include a @, a # and / or an image in most of your tweets

5 Know your target audience (that’s your customer!)

6. Watch and use trends (sensitively)

7. Use a content creator

8. Tweet often

9. Use relevant hashtags like #surreychat

10. Have fun

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