the louisiana purchase chapter 10 - 2. the united states in 1803

Post on 14-Jan-2016






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The Louisiana PurchaseThe Louisiana PurchaseChapter 10 - 2

The United States in The United States in 18031803


• Emperor of France

• Wanted to start colonies in America

Napoleon invades Haiti

• Hoped to use Haiti as a base to reach the US

• Was defeated by Toussaint L’Ouveture

Toussaint L’Ouveture

Thomas Jefferson• Wanted the port of

New Orleans

• Sent delegates to try and buy it

• He wasn’t sure if it was constitutional

Jefferson Sends Monroe and Livingstone to France to buy New

OrleansTalleyrand - France James Monroe - US R. Livingstone - US

• Monroe and Livingstone offered $10 million for New Orleans

• Napoleon told Talleyrand to offer all of Louisiana for $15 million– ($0.03 an acre)

• The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the US

Lost in Haiti

Was fighting with the British

He needed money

Didn’t want a war with the US

Mission of Discovery

• Jefferson wanted to see what we bought

• Mission Goals

– See if there was a river route to the West

– Learn more about the people and the land

Jefferson Meriwether Lewis to lead the mission

Meriwether Lewis

Lewis selected William Clark to co-lead the mission

William Clark

What Dangers do you think they would

have to face?

Which way would you go?

Trip Back Trip Out

Path followed by Lewis and Clark

Clark and his slave York

Sacagawea• Member of the Shoshone tribe• 17 years old• Married to a french trapper• Pregnant - gave birth during the

expedition• Went with Lewis and Clark as a

guide– Served as a translator– Got them horses– Her brother was a tribal chief

Lewis and Clark reach the PacificLewis and Clark reach the Pacific

• The Corps of Discovery set up Fort Clatsop in 1808 to spend the winter before attempting their return trip

Zebulon Pike

• Jefferson sent Pike in 1806 to find the source of the Red River and the Arkansas River

• While searching for the Red River Pike entered Spanish territory and was arrested

• He was released in 1807 and returned home without finding the Red River

Spanish Territory

Red River

Impact of Western Exploration• Accurate maps

• Growth of the fur trade

• Mistaken view of the great plains

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