the limecv document class

Post on 01-Nov-2021






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4 Sidebar 3
8 Example 13
9 Implementation 13 9.1 Licence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 9.2 Intro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 9.3 Package Info and Required Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 9.4 Colour Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 9.5 New Column Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 9.6 Helper commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 9.7 Global Font Colour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 9.8 TikZ Style Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 9.9 XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX Specific Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
∗This document corresponds to limecv v0.1.8, dated 2020/03/15.
1 Introduction This document class is designed to facilitate easy development of curriculum vitæ (CV). A set of predefined macros and environments are available for most common sections on a CV. These special elements have been designed to ease quick creation. This document class was co-designed with a business card, which can be found on GitHub:
The design of this CV is split up in three parts, illustrated by fig. 1. Each of these parts that make up this CV template will be detailed in the sections below.
1 2
Figure 1: Illustation of a basic template. The image to the left depicts the actual CV: sidebar to the left (1) with main content on the right (2). The image to the right depicts the cover letter design.
2 Requirements It is advised to use the XeLaTeX engine. However, there is also support for LaTeX and LuaLaTeX. In these cases, fonts might be different than intended and side bearings will not be corrected, since only the XeLaTeX engine has access to these. In the subsequent sections, it will always be assumed that the XeLaTeX compiler is used (unless noted otherwise).
Any font can be used, though by default the Fira 1 font is used. This should be installed and accessible by the typesetting system. If another font is desired, it can be overwritten using the sansfont document class options and \cvMainFont command. The mono spaced font can be changed by means of the monofont class option.
FontAwesome52 is the icon font used. This font should also be available and 1 2
cannot be replaced by another icon font. Most modern TeX distributions ship with this font since they provide the fontawesome5 package.
3 General Macros and Document Class Options The default language is English and can be modified using the \cvSetLanguage\cvSetLanguage macro. Possible arguments are: chinese, dutch, english, french, german, italian. If your language is not supported or you want to override a word in any supported language, you can modify the keys that hold the different section titles. These can be in the source code. The following snippet illustrates how this can be done for French:
1 \pgfkeys{/@cv/names/education = Formations} 2 \pgfkeys{/@cv/names/skills = Comp\'etences}
4 Sidebar The sidebar should contain personal information such as your name, job title (or industry or similar), contact information, small bio, interests and language skills. Special environments and commands have been defined for each of these sections and will be described below.
Everything that should be inside the sidebar should be placed in the cvSidebar environment. This environment is placed on the left side of the page by default. If it should be typeset on the right side, use the starred version (cvSidebar*)
The following environments are available inside the sidebar environment: cvProfile, cvContact, cvLanguages, cvInterests and cvProjects.
This command typesets a picture (in a circle) with name and position under-\cvID neath it. The argument order is: \cvID{first name}{ last name}{ picture location}{job position}. Empty fields are allowed for the third and fourth ar- guments. No picture and no job position will then be typeset. Example code:
1 \cvID{John}{Doe}{profile_picture}{Broker}
This environment contains a brief profile description or biography. No addi-cvProfile tional arguments are allowed. Example code:
1 \begin{cvProfile} 2 A short biography goes here. 3 \end{cvProfile}
All the contact information goes here. Inside this environment, the followingcvContact commands are available:
• \cvContactAddress{ address} typesets an address. How this address\cvContactAddress should be typeset exactly, is left to the user. The use of line breaks (\\) is allowed;
• \cvContactEmail{link}{email address} typesets an email address. The\cvContactEmail link variable should be a something like mailto:john@doe.tld. Clicking on the email address will then automatically open the default email client with this address as recipient. If the link argument is left empty, no link will be created.
• \cvContactPhone{mobile phone number} typesets a mobile phone num-\cvContactPhone ber.
• \cvContactWebsite{link}{website URL} typesets a website. The link\cvContactWebsite variable should be a something like https://johndoe.tld. Clicking on the website will then automatically open the default web browser. If the link argument is left empty, no action will be performed upon clicking on the website.
• \cvContactGithub{link}{username} typesets a GitHub profile. The\cvContactGithub link variable should be a valid link to the GitHub profile (for example Clicking on the username will then auto- matically open the default web browser. If the link argument is left empty, no action will be performed upon clicking on the website.
• \cvContactGitlab{link}{username} typesets a GitLab profile. Same\cvContactGitlab considerations apply as in the \cvContactGithub command.
• \cvContactLinkedin{link}{username} typesets a LinkedIn profile. The\cvContactLinkedin link variable should be a link to your LinkedIn profile homepage (for example Clicking on the username will then automatically open the default web browser. If the link argument is left empty, no action will be performed upon clicking on the website.
• \cvContactTwitter{link}{username} typesets a Twitter profile. The\cvContactTwitter link variable should direct to your Twitter profile. An example link looks as follows: Clicking on the username will then automatically open the default web browser. If the link argument is left empty, no action will be performed upon clicking on the website. If the link argument is left empty, no link will be created.
• \cvContactKeybase{link}{fingerprint} typesets a Keybase fingerprint\cvContactKeybase (and account). The link variable should be a link to the KeyBase profile (e.g. Clicking on the fingerprint will then automatically open the default web browser. If the link argument is left empty, no action will be performed upon clicking on the website.
A full example:
1 \begin{cvContact} 2 \cvContactAddress{Some Street 78\\B-9000 Ghent\\Belgium} 3 \cvContactEmail{mailto:john@doe.tld}{john@doe.tld} 4 \cvContactPhone{+1 781 555 1212}
johndoe} 8 \cvContactTwitter{}{@johndoe} 9 \cvContactKeybase{}{\texttt{
AAAA 5555 BBBB FFFF}} 10 \end{cvContact}
If you wish to add contact information that is not available by default, you can extend the command using two internal commands: \cv@ContactTemplateLink and \cv@ContactTemplate. See the source code for usage instructions.
This environment is used to showcase language skills. The \cvLanguage{language}{cvLanguages \cvLanguage skill level} should be used inside this environment. The skill level is a real value
with a maximum value of 5. If higher values are used, the result will not be typeset properly. An example is included below.
1 \begin{cvLanguages} 2 \cvLanguage{English (native)}{5} 3 \cvLanguage{German (B1)}{3} 4 \cvLanguage{Spanish}{3} 5 \end{cvLanguages}
Typeset interests (can be both professional and personal) using cvInterests.cvInterests By default it just typesets a list of items in the long format (long). The short format can be activated by passing the short option to the environment. In- side this environment, three commands can be used: \cvInterestsPersonal, \cvInterestsProfessional and \cvInterest. \cvInterestsPersonal and\cvInterestsPersonal \cvInterestsProfessional add optional sections inside this environment to dif-\cvInterestsProfessional ferentiate between personal and professional interests respectively. Both macros have no options nor arguments. The \cvInterest{icon}{ interest} command\cvInterest takes an icon and interest as arguments.
Examples that illustrate the different options are depicted below:
1 \begin{cvInterests} 2 \cvInterestsPersonal 3 \cvInterest{\faTrain}{model trains} 4 \cvInterest{\faFlask}{(applied) sciences} 5 \cvInterest{\faSuitcase}{travelling} 6 \cvInterestsProfessional 7 \cvInterest{\faGraduationCap}{machine learning} 8 \cvInterest{\faCogs}{robotics} 9 \end{cvInterests}
1 \begin{cvInterests}[short] 2 \cvInterestsPersonal 3 \cvInterest{\faTrain}{model trains} 4 \cvInterest{\faFlask}{(applied) sciences}
5 \cvInterest{\faSuitcase}{travelling} 6 \cvInterest{\faCamera}{photography} 7 \cvInterest{\faGamepad}{gaming} 8 \cvInterest{\faMusic}{music} 9 \end{cvInterests}
If you have interesting (side) projects that are relevant for your CV, you can listcvProjects them using the cvProjects environment. Inside this environment you can use the \cvProject[options]{name}{description} macro to list all your projects.\cvProject The only options currently allowed in options are an image (using image) and a URL (using link). This image must be an external file and the user must handle its size through width or height. Example usage:
1 \begin{cvProjects} 2 \cvProject[image=clock,width=1cm]{yanic}{An IoT nixie
clock.} 3 \cvProject{\texttt{limecv}}{A \LaTeX\ document class for
curriculum vit\ae.} 4 \end{cvProjects}
It is currently not possible to extend the sidebar with additional environments. To add your own, look at the source code and create your own LATEX-style hack.
5 Main Content The main content section includes details on your education, experience, skills, references and more. Several environments have been designed to suit specific needs. These will be discussed next.
Everything in the main content section should be encapsulated in thecvMainContent cvMainContent environment. This environment defines four new environments: cvEducation, cvExperience, cvSkills and cvReferences. These four environ- ments are self explanatory in terms of functionality. We will detail each of these environments.
Note that cvMainContent also has a starred variant (cvMainContent*). The function is similar to cvSidebar*, in the sense that it places everything to the left instead of the default right location.
The education environment creates a timeline styled list of your education.cvEducation Individual education items should be listed by means of the \cvItem{ details} macro which is available within this environment. Instead of forcing a specific layout structure, it was preferred to leave the actual mark-up to the end user. All information concerning a single education should be passed to this single argument. However, the user is always welcome to create his own styling macro that takes multiple arguments. This is illustrated by the examples below.
Listing 1: cvEducation without special user mark-up command. 1 \begin{cvEducation} 2 \cvItem{Evening class: Chinese\\
3 Some School, City. September 2015 -- June 2016\\ 4 Achieved A2 language skill in Chinese (Mandarin).} 5 \cvItem{Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and
Biotechnology\\ 6 University , City. September 2009 -- June 2012\\ 7 General training in the basic sciences and the molecular
life science.} 8 \cvItem{Master of Science in Biochemistry and
Biotechnology\\ 9 University , City. September 2012 -- June 2015\\
10 Acquisition of insight into and knowledge of possibilities for application in
11 the area of biochemistry and biotechnology , specific with applications in
12 biomedical application and due problem-solving reasoning skills.}
13 \end{cvEducation}
Listing 2: cvEducation with special user mark-up command. 1 % in preamble: 2 \newfontfamily\firaMedium{Fira Sans Medium} 3 \NewDocumentCommand{\cvEducation}{mmm}{{\firaMedium #1}\\
#2\\ \emph{#3}} 4 % in document: 5 \begin{cvEducation} 6 \cvItem{\cvEducation{Evening class: Chinese}% 7 {Some School, City. September 2015 -- June
2016}% 8 {Achieved A2 language skill in Chinese (
Mandarin).}} 9 \cvItem{\cvEducation{Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
and Biotechnology}% 10 {University , City. September 2009 -- June 2012}
% 11 {General training in the basic sciences and the
molecular life 12 science.}} 13 \cvItem{\cvEducation{Master of Science in Biochemistry
and Biotechnology}% 14 {University , City. September 2012 -- June 2015}
% 15 {Acquisition of insight into and knowledge of
possibilities for 16 application in the area of biochemistry and
biotechnology , specific
18 reasoning skills.}} 19 \end{cvEducation}
cvExperience works very similar to cvEducation. If follows the exact samecvExperience structure and has the same design philosophy where you should use \cvItem inside this environment to typeset the individual items in a timeline style. Listing 3 illustrates this with an example.
Listing 3: cvExperience code example. 1 \begin{cvExperience} 2 \cvItem{Student Job\\ 3 \textsc{\selectfont Company X}, Location X. Summer
2010\\ 4 Integer tincidunt dapibus consectetur. Nullam tristique
aliquam luctus. Sed 5 ut ante velit. Nulla pharetra maximus lacus at
elementum. Suspendisse 6 sodales consectetur metus, sit amet ultricies ipsum
ultrices ut.}; 7 \cvItem{Internship\\ 8 \textsc{Company Y}, Location Y. June 2012 -- August
2012\\ 9 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
. Morbi dictum cursus 10 sapien, id eleifend mi pellentesque id. Etiam lobortis
eu odio a sodales. 11 Phasellus ut dolor feugiat, lacinia lectus in, blandit
metus. Fusce lacinia 12 dolor et metus gravida pulvinar sit amet et ex.}; 13 \cvItem{Internship\\ 14 \textsc{Company Z}, Location Z. August 2014 --
September 2014\\ 15 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
. Morbi dictum cursus 16 sapien, id eleifend mi pellentesque id. Etiam lobortis
eu odio a sodales. 17 Phasellus ut dolor feugiat, lacinia lectus in, blandit
metus. Fusce lacinia 18 dolor et metus gravida pulvinar sit amet et ex.
Suspendisse vestibulum , leo 19 malesuada molestie maximus, sem risus ornare elit,
vitae sodales felis 20 elit in ipsum.}; 21 \end{cvExperience}
The skills section is contained within the cvSkills environment. This environ-cvSkills ment typesets your skills on a 5-level (discrete) scale. These are divided into two columns. To that end, two macros are available: cvSkillOne and cvSkillTwo. cvSkillTwo{ skill level}{skill}{skill level}{skill} typesets a row of twocvSkillTwo skills. If you have an odd number of items, cvSkillOne{skill level}{ skill}cvSkillOne should be used. An example of a skill-list can be found in listing 4.
Listing 4: Illustration of the cvSkills environment. 1 \begin{cvSkills} 2 \cvSkillTwo{5}{MATLAB}{5}{\LaTeX} 3 \cvSkillTwo{4}{Python}{4}{VHDL} 4 \cvSkillTwo{4}{Microsoft Office}{4}{macOS} 5 \cvSkillOne{3}{C, C++} 6 \end{cvSkills}
The final section is intended to list all your references. These go insidecvReferences the cvReferences environment. The enumeration of the different items should be done using the \cvAddReference{ information} macro. The following\cvAddReference keys are available: name, company, job, address line 1, address line 2, address line 3, mobile phone, work phone and email. These are all op- tional arguments and will be typeset consistently between the two references per row. When adding two references, the left one should be specified first using \cvAddReference*. This will store the values and typeset them when adding the second reference through \cvAddReference. Note that \cvAddReference should be used if only one reference needs to be typese. Listing 5 illustrates the usage of this environment.
Important remark: the comment after the usage of \cvAddReference is re- quired! Otherwise, spacing will not be as intended.
Listing 5: cvReferences code example. 1 \begin{cvReferences} 2 \cvAddReference{% 3 name=Jane Smith, 4 company=Company ABC Co.\ Ltd., 5 job=Job title, 6 address line 1=Street lane 2, 7 address line 2=B-1150 Brussels , 8 mobile phone=+1 781 555 1212}% <<-- Important!!! 9 \end{cvReferences}
6 Cover Letter A final (optional) part of a CV is the cover letter. This is a fairly simple part to create design wise, but probably the hardest to write in an actual CV.
The cover letter environment is cvCoverLetter and contains all the cover lettercvCoverLetter
details. It will automatically add a header with your name and position based on the information filled in in \cvID.
The \cvBeneficiary{options} macro offers a convenience wrapper to type-\cvBeneficiary set the beneficiary. Possible options are name, position, company, address line 1, address line 2 and address line 3. The remainder of the cover letter design is up to the user. An example design can be found in listing 6.
\cvFullName typeset the authors name based on the data provided in cvID.\cvFullName
Listing 6: cvCoverLetter code example. 1 \section{Cover Letter} 2
3 \begin{cvCoverLetter} 4
5 \cvBeneficiary{% 6 name=Jane Smith, 7 position=Position, 8 company=Company, 9 address line 1=Address line 1,
10 address line 2=Address line 2} 11
12 Dear Miss.\ Smith 13
14 \vspace{\baselineskip} 15 \lipsum[1-3] 16 \vspace{\margin} 17
18 \cvFullName 19
20 \end{cvCoverLetter}
7 Change Style and Layout To change the style, one can redefine the colours, lengths and TikZ styles used throughout the document class.
By default the following colours are defined:
• cvGreen default dark green colour (hex value: 357F2D)
• cvGreenLight light green colour, for larger shapes and backgrounds (hex value: B8E4B3)
• cvDark default text colour (hex value: 2F3142)
• cvRed currently not used (hex value: 7F2D35)
• cvAccent lighter grey shade for accented text (hex value: 474A65)
To change these, use the code from listing 7 in the preamble:
Listing 7: Colour editing. 1 \definecolor{cvDark}{HTML}{000000}
By overwriting the following styles, one can change the appearance of multiple TikZ nodes. The following styles are available.
• interesticon
• interesttext
• eventdottext
• invisibletimedot
• timedot
• eventdot
• contactIcon
• contactText
• headerIcon
• skillLevel
• languageText
• skillText
• progressArea
• progressBar
• sectionTitle
• sectionEduText
Adding your own styles is easy with the code from listing 8.
Listing 8: Change TikZ style. 1 \tikzset{ 2 interesticon/.style = {}, 3 }
Spacing used inside the document can also be modified by the user. The following lengths have been defined:
• \cvColSep Distance between columns of cvSkills. Default value: 1cm.
• \cvNodeSep Not used currently. Default value: 0.75cm.
• \cvTimeDotDiameter Size of the dots in a timeline. Default value: 3pt.
• \cvMargin Margin around the entire page. Default value: 1cm.
• \cvSideWidth Width of the sidebar. Default value: 0.3\paperwidth-\cvMargin.
• \cvMainWidth Width of the main content section. Default value: \paperwidth-4\cvMargin-\cvSideWidth.
• \cvTimeDotSep Distance between timeline dot and text. Default value: 0.4cm.
• \cvStartEndSep Not used. Default value: 0.3cm.
• \cvItemSep Distance between cvItem entries. Default value: 0.4cm.
• \cvTableSepWidth Distance between two columns of cvReferences envi- ronment. Default value: 0.3cm.
• \cvCoverLetterHeight Height of the coloured bar at the top of the cover letter. Default value: \cvSideWidth.
• \cvCoverLetterWidth Width of the cover letter text. This can be used to improve the layout. Default value: \cvMainWidth+3\cvMargin.
• \cvPictureWidth Diameter of the profile picture. Default value: 4cm.
• \cvProgressAreaWidth Length of a progress bar for the languages section. Default value: 5em.
• \cvProgressAreaHeight Height of a progress bar for the languages section. Default value: 0.75em.
• \cvSectionSep Distance between sections of the main content section. De- fault value: 0.6cm.
• \cvSectionSBSep Distance between sections of the sidebar section. Default value: 4pt.
• \cvTitleLineWidth Line width of horizontal line below section title. De- fault value: 2pt.
• \cvTitleLineSpacing Distance from bottom of the titles of the main con- tent section to the horizontal centre of line. Default value: 0.1cm.
• \cv@projectSep Internal length. Automatically set to \cvItemSep.
• \cvProjectDetailsSep Internal spacing between details of a single project. Default value: 0.2cm.
• \cvInterestDetailsSep Distance between items in case the long options is used for the cvInterests environment. Default value: 4pt.
• \cvContactItemSep Distance between items in the cvContact environment. Default value: 5pt.
• \cvCoverLetterLineWidth Line width of line below cover letter name. De- fault value: 3pt.
• \cvCoverLetterPositionSpacing Distance between name and position in the cover letter. Default value: 10pt.
• \cvSBSectionLineWidth Line width of left and right lines next to the titles of in the sidebar. Default value: 1pt.
• \cvCoverLetterLineSpacing Distance between name and line below it in the cover letter. Default value: 0pt.
• \cvIDNameSep Distance between first and last name. Default value: 0.1cm.
• \cvPositionSep Distance before and after the position. Default value: 0.5cm.
• \cvSkillSep Distance between skills. Default value: 1ex.
• \cvHeaderIconWidth Automatically set, currently has no visible effect on document. Default value: 0pt.
The fonts can also be changed, either by using the sansfont and monofont class options, or by using the default ways provided by LATEX, XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX. Note that the fontspec package is already loaded by the class, so you can directly use \setmainfont in the preamble if you are using the XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX engine.
8 Example The source code of a typical CV document can be found in the examples folder. Figures 2 and 3 depict the resulting PDF documents.
9 Implementation 9.1 Licence limecv.cls
Copyright 2017 Olivier Pieters A (Xe/Lua)LaTeX document class This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your op- tion) any later version. The latest version of this license is in http://www.latex- and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
Profil Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Phasellus ullamcorper euismod lorem nec eleifend. Suspendisse ac varius quam. Etiam laoreet nunc orci, vestibulum imperdiet enim elementum at. Duis dictum metus sapien, eu blandit quam
malesuada et. Ut viverra maximus eros.
Some Street 78 B-9000 Ghent
john@doe.tld +1 781 555 1212 doe.tld johndoe @johndoe AAAA 5555 BBBB FFFF
Sprachen English (native)
German (B2) Spanish
— Beruflich — film photography
Evening class: Chinese Some School, City. September 2015 – June 2016 Achieved A2 language skill in Chinese (Mandarin).
Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Biotechnology University, City. September 2009 – June 2012 General training in the basic sciences and the molecular life science.
Master of Science in Biochemistry and Biotechnology University, City. September 2012 – June 2015 Acquisition of insight into and knowledge of possibilities for appli- cation in the area of biochemistry and biotechnology, specific with applications in biomedical application and due problem-solving rea- soning skills.
Berufliche Erfahrung
Student Job Company X, Location X. Summer 2010 Integer tincidunt dapibus consectetur. Nullam tristique aliquam luc- tus. Sed ut ante velit. Nulla pharetra maximus lacus at elementum. Suspendisse sodales consectetur metus, sit amet ultricies ipsum ul- trices ut.
Internship Company Y, Location Y. June 2012 – August 2012 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi dic- tum cursus sapien, id eleifend mi pellentesque id. Etiam lobortis eu odio a sodales. Phasellus ut dolor feugiat, lacinia lectus in, blandit metus. Fusce lacinia dolor et metus gravida pulvinar sit amet et ex.
Internship Company Z, Location Z. August 2014 – September 2014 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi dic- tum cursus sapien, id eleifend mi pellentesque id. Etiam lobortis eu odio a sodales. Phasellus ut dolor feugiat, lacinia lectus in, blandit metus. Fusce lacinia dolor et metus gravida pulvinar sit amet et ex. Suspendisse vestibulum, leo malesuada molestie maximus, sem risus ornare elit, vitae sodales felis elit in ipsum.
MATLAB LATEX Python VHDL Microsoft Office macOS C, C++ Javascript HTML5/CSS Bash
Jane Smith Company ABC Co. Ltd. Job title Street lane 2 B-1150 Brussels +1 781 555 1212
Figure 2: Example CV (scaled).
JANE SMITH Company Position Address line 1 Address line 2
Dear Miss. Smith
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut purus elit, vestibulum ut, plac- erat ac, adipiscing vitae, felis. Curabitur dictum gravida mauris. Nam arcu libero, nonummy eget, consectetuer id, vulputate a, magna. Donec vehicula augue eu neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris ut leo. Cras viverra metus rhoncus sem. Nulla et lectus vestibulum urna fringilla ultrices. Phasellus eu tellus sit amet tortor gravida placerat. Integer sapien est, iaculis in, pretium quis, viverra ac, nunc. Praesent eget sem vel leo ultrices bibendum. Aenean faucibus. Morbi dolor nulla, malesuada eu, pulvinar at, mollis ac, nulla. Curabitur auctor semper nulla. Donec varius orci eget risus. Duis nibh mi, congue eu, accumsan eleifend, sagittis quis, diam. Duis eget orci sit amet orci dignissim rutrum. Nam dui ligula, fringilla a, euismod sodales, sollicitudin vel, wisi. Morbi auctor lorem non justo. Nam lacus libero, pretium at, lobortis vitae, ultricies et, tellus. Donec aliquet, tortor sed accumsan bibendum, erat ligula aliquet magna, vitae ornare odio metus a mi. Morbi ac orci et nisl hendrerit mollis. Suspendisse ut massa. Cras nec ante. Pellentesque a nulla. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam tincidunt urna. Nulla ullamcorper vestibulum turpis. Pellentesque cursus luctus mauris. Nulla malesuada porttitor diam. Donec felis erat, congue non, volutpat at, tincidunt tristique, libero. Vivamus viverra fermentum felis. Donec nonummy pellentesque ante. Phasellus adip- iscing semper elit. Proin fermentummassa ac quam. Sed diam turpis, molestie vitae, placerat a, molestie nec, leo. Maecenas lacinia. Nam ipsum ligula, eleifend at, accumsan nec, suscipit a, ipsum. Morbi blandit ligula feugiat magna. Nunc eleifend consequat lorem. Sed lacinia nulla vitae enim. Pellentesque tincidunt purus vel magna. Integer non enim. Praesent euis- mod nunc eu purus. Donec bibendum quam in tellus. Nullam cursus pulvinar lectus. Donec et mi. Nam vulputate metus eu enim. Vestibulum pellentesque felis eu massa. Quisque ullamcorper placerat ipsum. Cras nibh. Morbi vel justo vitae lacus tincidunt ultrices. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer tempus convallis augue. Etiam facilisis. Nunc elementum fermentum wisi. Aenean placerat. Ut imperdiet, enim sed gravida sollicitudin, felis odio placerat quam, ac pulvinar elit purus eget enim. Nunc vitae tortor. Proin tempus nibh sit amet nisl. Vivamus quis tortor
Figure 3: Example cover letter (scaled). Figure not included.
This work has the LPPL maintenance status ‘maintained’. The Current Maintainer of this work is Olivier Pieters. Contact the maintainer
at: me (at) olivierpieters (dot) be.
9.2 Intro I have tried to create a logical structure for the source code such that related commands are grouped into a signle section. However, this was not always possible.
9.3 Package Info and Required Packages Before starting the actual implementation, we first load all required packages and set their options.
Process key-value class options using kvoptions: 1 \RequirePackage{kvoptions}
Define and process class options. print is an (unimplemened) option that should optimise the layout for printed CVs.
2 \DeclareBoolOption[false]{print}
Since the package already attempts to load the fontspec package, it is no longer possible to define a custom font path. This is again passible using this class option. Other options can also be set this way. However, if multiple argu- ments are desirale, use \cvComma to separate between them, since the class cannot differentiate between its own options and those it need to pass to fontspec.
3 \newif\ifcv@fontPath 4 \cv@fontPathfalse 5 \DeclareStringOption{path} 6 \AddToKeyvalOption*{path}{\cv@fontPathtrue}
By default, Fira fonts are used. This can be modifed using sansfont and monofont.
7 \DeclareStringOption[Fira Sans]{sansfont} 8 \DeclareStringOption[Fira Mono]{monofont}
Process the options. 9 \ProcessKeyvalOptions*
The article document class is used as a base template for this class. Options are automatically passed to the article class via this way. 10 \DeclareOption*{% 11 \PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{article}% 12 } 13 \ProcessOptions\relax 14 \LoadClass{article}
Include required packages. A short description is provided about the function of each package.
Check if XeTeX is used. 15 \RequirePackage{ifxetex}
Check if LuaTeX is used. 16 \RequirePackage{ifluatex} Advanced command definitions. 17 \RequirePackage{xparse} Complex length calculations. 18 \RequirePackage{calc} Colour options. 19 \RequirePackage{xcolor} Advanced table options. 20 \RequirePackage{tabularx} Links. 21 \RequirePackage{hyperref} 22 \RequirePackage{url} Remove paragraph indents. 23 \RequirePackage{parskip} String operations. 24 \RequirePackage{xstring} Key-value parsing within document. 25 \RequirePackage{xkeyval}
9.4 Colour Definitions Define the custom colours used in this document. 26 \definecolor{cvGreen}{HTML}{357F2D} 27 \definecolor{cvGreenLight}{HTML}{b8e4b3} 28 \definecolor{cvRed}{HTML}{7f2d35} 29 \definecolor{cvDark}{HTML}{2F3142} 30 \definecolor{cvAccent}{HTML}{474A65} 31 \definecolor{cvBackground}{HTML}{FFFFFF}
9.5 New Column Types Define new table column types with fixed width. 32 \newcolumntype{L}[1]{>{\raggedright\let\newline\\% 33 \arraybackslash\hspace{0pt}}m{#1}} 34 \newcolumntype{C}[1]{>{\centering\let\newline\\% 35 \arraybackslash\hspace{0pt}}m{#1}} 36 \newcolumntype{R}[1]{>{\raggedleft\let\newline\\% 37 \arraybackslash\hspace{0pt}}m{#1}}
9.6 Helper commands \cvComma escapes the parsing once and ca be useful to add a comma to the key of a key-value structure.
\cvComma 38 \NewDocumentCommand{\cvComma}{}{,}
Based on: 39 \ExplSyntaxOn 40 \DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand{\@IfNoValueOrEmptyTF}% 41 {mmm}{\IfNoValueTF{#1}{#2}{ 42 \tl_if_empty:nTF {#1} {#2} {#3}% 43 } 44 } 45 \ExplSyntaxOff
\ifnodedefined Checks if node is defined. Based on:
46 \long\def\ifnodedefined#1#2#3{% 47 \@ifundefined{pgf@sh@ns@#1}{#3}{#2}% 48 }
9.7 Global Font Colour \globalcolor Update global font colour.
49 \NewDocumentCommand{\globalcolor}{m}{% 50 \color{#1}\global\let\default@color\current@color 51 }
Automatically set font colour. 52 \AtBeginDocument{\globalcolor{cvDark}}
9.8 TikZ Style Definitions TikZ is a very imporant package and forms the main reason this CV can have the look that it does now. 53 \RequirePackage{tikz}
Needed to load the cover letter image in the sidebar. 54 \RequirePackage{graphicx}
Define all TikZ styles that are used throughout this document. All styles come in pairs: one that the user can overwrite and one that is internally defined and results into the default behaviour. Userdefined behaviour is always included last, such that it can overwrite the default behaviour. 62 \tikzset{ 63 interesticon/.style = {}, 64 interesttext/.style = {}, 65 eventdottext/.style = {}, 66 invisibletimedot/.style = {}, 67 timedot/.style = {}, 68 contactIcon/.style={}, 69 contactText/.style={}, 70 headerIcon/.style={}, 71 skillLevel/.style={}, 72 languageText/.style={}, 73 skillText/.style={}, 74 progressArea/.style={}, 75 progressBar/.style={}, 76 sectionTitle/.style={}, 77 sectionEduText/.style={% 78 }, 79 cv@interesticon/.style = {% 80 minimum width=\cvHeaderIconWidth, 81 interesticon 82 }, 83 cv@interesttext/.style = {% 84 interesttext, 85 }, 86 cv@eventdottext/.style = {% 87 text width=\cvMainWidth-\cvTimeDotSep, 88 black, 89 anchor=north west, 90 eventdottext, 91 }, 92 cv@invisibletimedot/.style = {% 93 circle, 94 minimum width=\cvTimeDotDiameter, 95 anchor=center, 96 invisibletimedot, 97 },
148 }, 149 }
9.9 XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX Specific Code The initial design features the Fira font and thus requires the fontspec package. However, if the pdflatex compiler is used, it should still compile. This is done in this part of the code. If needed, the relevant packages are loaded and the options are set.
\cv@loadFonts 150 \NewDocumentCommand{\cv@loadFonts}{}{ 151 \RequirePackage{fontspec} 152 \RequirePackage{fontawesome5}
Load the fonts. By default Fira will be loaded, but this can be overwritten by the user.
153 \setmainfont[Numbers={Monospaced}]{\limecv@sansfont} 154 \setsansfont{\limecv@sansfont} 155 \setmonofont{\limecv@monofont}
Sometimes fonts are not located in their default location, if this option is passed, additional paths will be traversed.
156 \ifcv@fontPath 157 \newfontfamily{\cv@FA}[Path=\limecv@path]% 158 {Font Awesome 5 Free} 159 \else 160 \newfontfamily{\cv@FA}{Font Awesome 5 Free} 161 \fi
The fontawesome5 package does not feature all of the latest icons available, so we define some of the manually since they are relevant for this CV.
\faAddressCard 162 \ProvideDocumentCommand{\faAddressCard}{}{{\cv@FA% 163 \symbol{"F2B9}}}
\faVcard 164 \ProvideDocumentCommand{\faVcard}{}{{\cv@FA% 165 \symbol{"F2BB}}}
\faMicrochip 166 \ProvideDocumentCommand{\faMicrochip}{}{{\cv@FA% 167 \symbol{"F2DB}}}
In the future, the fontawesome5 dependency can be dropped if a manually coded icon is included, such as those defined in monderncv. Example: https:// sty
169 \ifxetex 170 \cv@loadFonts 171 \else 172 \ifluatex 173 \cv@loadFonts 174 \else 175 \RequirePackage{fontawesome5} 176 \RenewDocumentCommand{\familydefault}{}{\sfdefault} 177 \fi 178 \fi
If the XeLaTeX compiler is used and the font is compatible, it is possible to remove the side bearing of certain characters. This is advantageous for alignment of certain characters. However, in the case a non-compatible compiler is used, these commands do not poerform anything.
The code below is based on: 274479 and
179 \ifxetex
\kright 180 \NewDocumentCommand{\kright}{m}{\leavevmode #1% 181 \kern-\XeTeXglyphbounds3 \the\XeTeXcharglyph`#1 } 182 % \end{macro} 183 % \begin{macro}{\kleft} 184 % \begin{macrocode} 185 \NewDocumentCommand{\kleft}{m}{\leavevmode % 186 \kern-\XeTeXglyphbounds1 \the\XeTeXcharglyph`#1 #1}
187 \else
190 \fi
Extracts n-th charcter from a string Argument order: string - character number 191 \ExplSyntaxOn 192 \cs_generate_variant:Nn\tl_item:nn {f}
\extract 193 \DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand{\extract}{mm}{% 194 \tl_item:fn{#1}{#2}% 195 }
197 %% \pagenumbering{gobble} remove all page styling
198 \pagestyle{empty} not used
199 \newlength\cvColSep 200 \setlength\cvColSep{1cm} % 2 times column separation! not used
201 \newlength\cvNodeSep 202 \setlength\cvNodeSep{0.75cm} 203 \newlength\cvTimeDotDiameter 204 \setlength\cvTimeDotDiameter{3pt} 205 \newlength\cvMargin 206 \setlength\cvMargin{1cm} 207 \newlength\cvSideWidth 208 \setlength\cvSideWidth{0.3\paperwidth-\cvMargin} 209 \newlength\cvMainWidth 210 \setlength\cvMainWidth{\paperwidth-4\cvMargin-\cvSideWidth} 211 \newlength\cvTimeDotSep 212 \setlength\cvTimeDotSep{0.4cm} 213 \newlength\cvStartEndSep 214 \setlength\cvStartEndSep{0.3cm} 215 \newlength\cvItemSep 216 \setlength\cvItemSep{0.4cm} 217 \newlength\cvTableSepWidth 218 \setlength\cvTableSepWidth{0.3cm} 219 \newlength\cvCoverLetterHeight 220 \setlength\cvCoverLetterHeight{\cvSideWidth} 221 \newlength\cvCoverLetterWidth 222 \setlength\cvCoverLetterWidth{\cvMainWidth+3\cvMargin} 223 \newlength\cvPictureWidth 224 \setlength\cvPictureWidth{4cm} progress area size definition
225 \newlength\cvProgressAreaWidth 226 \setlength\cvProgressAreaWidth{5em} 227 \newlength\cvProgressAreaHeight 228 \setlength\cvProgressAreaHeight{0.75em} 229 \newlength\cvSectionSep 230 \setlength\cvSectionSep{0.6cm} 231 \newlength\cvSectionSBSep 232 \setlength\cvSectionSBSep{4pt} line width of horizontal line below section title
233 \newlength\cvTitleLineWidth 234 \setlength\cvTitleLineWidth{2pt}
distance from bottom of text to centre of line 235 \newlength\cvTitleLineSpacing 236 \setlength\cvTitleLineSpacing{0.1cm} set to \cvItemSep by default (do not overwrite!)
237 \newlength\cv@projectSep 238 \setlength\cv@projectSep{0cm} internal spacing between details of a single project
239 \newlength\cvProjectDetailsSep 240 \setlength\cvProjectDetailsSep{0.2cm} 241 \newlength\cvInterestDetailsSep 242 \setlength\cvInterestDetailsSep{4pt} 243 \newlength\cvContactItemSep 244 \setlength\cvContactItemSep{5pt} line width of line below cover letter name
245 \newlength\cvCoverLetterLineWidth 246 \setlength\cvCoverLetterLineWidth{3pt} 247 \newlength\cvCoverLetterPositionSpacing 248 \setlength\cvCoverLetterPositionSpacing{10pt} 249 \newlength\cvSBSectionLineWidth 250 \setlength\cvSBSectionLineWidth{1pt} 251 \newlength\cvCoverLetterLineSpacing 252 \setlength\cvCoverLetterLineSpacing{0pt} 253 \newlength\cvIDNameSep 254 \setlength\cvIDNameSep{0.1cm} 255 \newlength\cvPositionSep 256 \setlength\cvPositionSep{0.5cm} 257 \newlength\cvSkillSep 258 \setlength\cvSkillSep{1ex} 259 \newlength\cvHeaderIconWidth 260 \setlength\cvHeaderIconWidth{10pt}
—————————————————— New styling commands Style main section title
261 \NewDocumentCommand{\cvSection}{m}{\Large\textbf{#1}} Typeset skill level
262 \newcount\my@repeat@count 263 \NewDocumentCommand{\cvSkill}{m}{% 264 \begingroup 265 \my@repeat@count=\z@ 266 \@whilenum\my@repeat@count<#1\do{\faCircle[solid]\advance% 267 \my@repeat@count\@ne}% 268 \my@repeat@count=\numexpr5-\z@\relax 269 \@whilenum\my@repeat@count>#1\do{\faCircle[regular]\advance% 270 \my@repeat@count\m@ne}% 271 \endgroup 272 }
273 \NewDocumentCommand{\cvhrulefill}{}{{\color{cvGreen}% 274 \leavevmode\leaders\hrule height \cvSBSectionLineWidth\hfill\kern\z@}} 275 \NewDocumentCommand{\ruleline}{m}{\par\noindent\raisebox{.6ex}{% 276 \makebox[\linewidth]{\cvhrulefill\hspace{1ex}% 277 \raisebox{-.6ex}{#1}\hspace{1ex}\cvhrulefill}}} Title counters
278 \newcounter{cv@titlePrev} 279 \setcounter{cv@titlePrev}{0} 280 \newcounter{cv@titleNext} 281 \setcounter{cv@titleNext}{1} Draw everything associated with main section title.
282 \NewDocumentCommand{\cv@Title}{mm}{% 283 \ifnodedefined{cv@last item \the\value{cv@lastItem}}{% 284 \setlength\cvHeaderIconWidth\cvHeaderIconWidth%{% 285 %\maxof{\cvHeaderIconWidth}{\widthof{\Large #2}}}%
286 \protected@write\@auxout{}{\global\cvHeaderIconWidth=\the\cvHeaderIconWidth} 287 \node[% 288 below=\cvSectionSep of cv@last item % 289 \the\value{cv@lastItem}.south west, 290 cv@sectionTitle] 291 (cv@title \the\value{cv@titleNext}) 292 {\begingroup\edef\y{\endgroup% 293 \cvSection\bgroup\noexpand\kleft{% 294 \extract{#1}{1}}}% 295 \y\StrGobbleLeft{#1}{1}\egroup}; 296 \node[% 297 left=\cvTimeDotSep of cv@title \the\value{cv@titleNext}, 298 cv@headerIcon] 299 {#2}; 300 \node[ 301 below=\cvSectionSep of cv@last item % 302 \the\value{cv@lastItem}.south west, 303 cv@sectionTitle] 304 (cv@title \the\value{cv@titleNext} dummy) {% 305 \phantom{\cvSection{Education}}}; 306 \begin{scope}[on background layer] 307 \draw[line width=\cvTitleLineWidth,cvGreen] 308 let \p1=(cv@title \the\value{cv@titleNext} % 309 dummy.south west), 310 \p2=(current page.east) in 311 (\x1,\y1-\cvTitleLineSpacing) to (\x2,\y1-\cvTitleLineSpacing); 312 \end{scope} 313 }{% 314 \node[cv@sectionTitle] at (0,0) (cv@title % 315 \the\value{cv@titleNext}) 316 {\begingroup\edef\y{\endgroup%
317 \cvSection\bgroup\noexpand\kleft{\extract{#1}{1}}}% 318 \y\StrGobbleLeft{#1}{1}\egroup}; 319 \node[% 320 left=\cvTimeDotSep of cv@title \the\value{cv@titleNext}, 321 cv@headerIcon] 322 {#2}; 323 \node[cv@sectionTitle] at (0,0) 324 (cv@title \the\value{cv@titleNext} dummy) {% 325 \phantom{\cvSection{Education}}}; 326 \begin{scope}[on background layer] 327 \draw[line width=\cvTitleLineWidth,cvGreen] 328 let \p1=(cv@title \the\value{cv@titleNext} % 329 dummy.south west), 330 \p2=(current page.east) in 331 (\x1,\y1-\cvTitleLineSpacing) to (\x2,\y1-\cvTitleLineSpacing); 332 \end{scope} 333 }% 334 \stepcounter{cv@titlePrev}% 335 \stepcounter{cv@titleNext} 336 }
Draw the timeline 337 \NewDocumentCommand{\cv@EndSectionDraw}{}{ 338 \draw (start) to (;} Item counters
339 \newcounter{cv@itemPrev} 340 \setcounter{cv@itemPrev}{0} 341 \newcounter{cv@itemNext} 342 \setcounter{cv@itemNext}{1} 343 \newcounter{cv@lastItem} 344 \setcounter{cv@lastItem}{1} List a timeline entry
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362 \the\value{cv@itemNext} header, 363 cv@timedot] 364 {}; 365 }{ 366 \node[% 367 below=\cvItemSep of cv@title % 368 \the\value{cv@titlePrev}.south west, 369 cv@eventdottext] 370 (item \the\value{cv@itemNext} header) 371 {\phantom{Evening}}; 372 \node[ 373 below=\cvItemSep of cv@title % 374 \the\value{cv@titlePrev}.south west, 375 cv@sectionEduText] 376 (item \the\value{cv@itemNext}) 377 {##1}; 378 \node[ 379 left=\cvTimeDotSep of item % 380 \the\value{cv@itemNext} header, 381 cv@timedot] 382 (start) 383 {}; 384 } 385 \node[ 386 left=\cvTimeDotSep of item % 387 \the\value{cv@itemNext}.south west, 388 cv@invisibletimedot] 389 (end) 390 {}; 391 \stepcounter{cv@itemPrev} 392 \stepcounter{cv@itemNext} 393 } 394 }
———————– Language 395 \pgfkeys{/@cv/names/.is family, 396 /@cv/names/.unknown/.style = % 397 {\pgfkeyscurrentpath/\pgfkeyscurrentname/% 398 .initial = #1}} Set all title names to English (default):
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Set all title names to French: 441 \NewDocumentCommand{\cv@setFrench}{}{ 442 \pgfkeys{/@cv/names/profile = Profil}% 443 \pgfkeys{/@cv/names/contact = Contact}% 444 \pgfkeys{/@cv/names/languages = Langues}% 445 \pgfkeys{/@cv/names/interests = Centres d'int\'{e}r\^{e}t}% 446 \pgfkeys{/@cv/names/professional = Professionel}% 447 \pgfkeys{/@cv/names/personal = Personnel}% 448 \pgfkeys{/@cv/names/projects = Projets}% 449 \pgfkeys{/@cv/names/education = Education}% 450 \pgfkeys{/@cv/names/experience = Exp\'{e}riences}% 451 \pgfkeys{/@cv/names/references = R\'{e}f\'{e}rences}% 452 \pgfkeys{/@cv/names/skills = Comp\'{e}tences}% 453 }
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Set the actual language to English. This can be overwritten by the user in the preamble
Define the command to change the language 482 \ExplSyntaxOn 483 \NewDocumentCommand{\cvSetLanguage}{m}{ 484 \str_case:nnF {#1} 485 { 486 {dutch} {\cv@setDutch} 487 {english} {\cv@setEnglish} 488 {french} {\cv@setFrench} 489 {german} {\cv@setGerman} 490 {italian} {\cv@setItalian} 491 {chinese} {% 492 \usepackage[BoldFont,SlantFont]{xeCJK}% 493 \cv@setChinese% 494 } 495 } 496 {\ClassError{limecv}{Unknown option `#1' for cvLanguage %
497 macro.}{Only `english', `chinese`, `dutch`, `french`, `german` % 498 and `italian` are valid options for this macro.}} 499 } 500 \ExplSyntaxOff 501 \cvSetLanguage{english}
502 % \cvSetLanguage{english}
—————————————————— Commands specific for cvSkills section information in temporary command yes/no
503 \newif\ifcv@firstskill temporary command that stores skill information
504 \NewDocumentCommand{\cv@skillsTable}{}{} typeset two skills
505 \NewDocumentCommand{\cvSkillTwo}{mmmm}{% 506 \ifcv@firstskill 507 \g@addto@macro\cv@skillsTable{\cvSkill{#1} % 508 & #2 & \cvSkill{#3} & #4} 509 \cv@firstskillfalse 510 \else 511 \g@addto@macro\cv@skillsTable{\\[\cvSkillSep] \cvSkill{#1} % 512 & #2 & \cvSkill{#3} & #4} 513 \fi 514 } typeset one skill
515 \NewDocumentCommand{\cvSkillOne}{mm}{% 516 \ifcv@firstskill 517 \g@addto@macro\cv@skillsTable{\cvSkill{#1} & #2} 518 \cv@firstskillfalse 519 \else 520 \g@addto@macro\cv@skillsTable{\\[\cvSkillSep] \cvSkill{#1} & #2} 521 \fi 522 } ——————————————————
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—————————————————— cvEductation environment
insures uniqueness 551 \stepcounter{cv@itemPrev} 552 \stepcounter{cv@itemNext} 553 \cv@definecvItem 554 }{% 555 \cv@EndSectionDraw 556 \stepcounter{cv@lastItem} 557 \draw (item \the\value{cv@itemPrev}.south west) 558 node (cv@last item \the\value{cv@lastItem}) {}; 559 } ——————————————————
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insures uniqueness 562 \stepcounter{cv@itemPrev} 563 \stepcounter{cv@itemNext} 564 \cv@definecvItem 565 }{% 566 \cv@EndSectionDraw 567 \stepcounter{cv@lastItem} 568 \draw (item \the\value{cv@itemPrev}.south west) 569 node (cv@last item \the\value{cv@lastItem}) {}; 570 } ——————————————————
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—————————————————— cvPublications environment
insures uniqueness 588 \stepcounter{cv@itemPrev} 589 \stepcounter{cv@itemNext} 590 \cv@definecvItem 591 }{% 592 \cv@EndSectionDraw 593 \stepcounter{cv@lastItem} 594 \draw (item \the\value{cv@itemPrev}.south west) 595 node (cv@last item \the\value{cv@lastItem}) {}; 596 } ——————————————————
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Key-value parsing structure 610 \pgfkeys{/@cv/references/.is family, 611 /@cv/references/.unknown/.style = %
612 {\pgfkeyscurrentpath/\pgfkeyscurrentname/% 613 .initial = #1}} 614 \newif\ifcv@refName 615 \pgfkeys{/@cv/references/name/.is if=cv@refName} 616 \pgfkeys{/@cv/references/name=false} 617 \newif\ifcv@refPosition 618 \pgfkeys{/@cv/references/position/.is if=cv@refPosition} 619 \pgfkeys{/@cv/references/position=false} 620 \newif\ifcv@refCompany 621 \pgfkeys{/@cv/references/company/.is if=cv@refCompany} 622 \pgfkeys{/@cv/references/copmany=false} 623 \newif\ifcv@refAddressLineA 624 \pgfkeys{/@cv/references/address line 1/.is if=% 625 cv@refAddressLineA} 626 \pgfkeys{/@cv/references/address line 1=false} 627 \newif\ifcv@refAddressLineB 628 \pgfkeys{/@cv/references/address line 2/.is if=% 629 cv@refAddressLineB} 630 \pgfkeys{/@cv/references/address line 2=false} 631 \newif\ifcv@refAddressLineC 632 \pgfkeys{/@cv/references/address line 3/.is if=% 633 cv@refAddressLineC} 634 \pgfkeys{/@cv/references/address line 3=false} 635 \newif\ifcv@refWorkPhone 636 \pgfkeys{/@cv/references/work phone/.is if=% 637 cv@refWorkPhone} 638 \pgfkeys{/@cv/references/work phone=false} 639 \newif\ifcv@refMobilePhone 640 \pgfkeys{/@cv/references/mobile phone/.is if=% 641 cv@refMobilePhone} 642 \pgfkeys{/@cv/references/mobile phone=false} 643 \newif\ifcv@refStored 644 \pgfkeys{/@cv/references/value stored/.is if=% 645 cv@refStored} 646 \pgfkeys{/@cv/references/value stored=false}
keys 647 \define@key{cvAddReferenceA}{name}{% 648 \global\def\cv@refAName{#1}% 649 \@IfNoValueOrEmptyTF{#1}{}{\pgfkeys{/@cv/references/name = true}}}
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668 \define@key{cvAddReferenceA}{mobile phone}{% 669 \global\def\cv@refAMobilePhone{#1}% 670 \@IfNoValueOrEmptyTF{#1}{}{\pgfkeys{/@cv/references/mobile phone = true}}}
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674 \define@key{cvAddReferenceB}{company}{% 675 \global\def\cv@refBCompany{#1}% 676 \@IfNoValueOrEmptyTF{#1}{}{\pgfkeys{/@cv/references/company = true}}}
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683 \define@key{cvAddReferenceB}{address line 2}{% 684 \global\def\cv@refBAddressLineB{#1}% 685 \@IfNoValueOrEmptyTF{#1}{}{\pgfkeys{/@cv/references/address line 2 = true}}}
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692 \define@key{cvAddReferenceB}{mobile phone}{% 693 \global\def\cv@refBMobilePhone{#1}% 694 \@IfNoValueOrEmptyTF{#1}{}{\pgfkeys{/@cv/references/mobile phone = true}}} 695 \NewDocumentCommand{\cvAddReference}{sm}{% 696 \IfBooleanTF{#1}{% 697 \setkeys{cvAddReferenceA}{name=,company=, 698 position=,address line 1=,address line 2=, 699 address line 3=,phone work=,mobile phone=,#2} 700 \pgfkeys{/@cv/references/name = true}% 701 }{% 702 \setkeys{cvAddReferenceB}{name=,company=, 703 position=,address line 1=,address line 2=,
—————————————————— cvSidebar environment
735 \NewDocumentEnvironment{cvSidebar}{}{% 736 \vspace*{\fill} 737 \vspace*{-0.5\cvMargin} 738 \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] 739 \fill[cvGreenLight] (current page.north west) rectangle % 740 ++(\cvSideWidth+2\cvMargin,-\paperheight); 741 \end{tikzpicture}% 742 \begin{minipage}{\cvSideWidth} 743 \begin{center} 744 }{% 745 \end{center} 746 \end{minipage} 747 \vspace*{\fill} 748 } 749 \NewDocumentEnvironment{cvSidear*}{}{% 750 \vspace*{\fill}
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—————————————————— cvProfile environment
—————————————————— cvContact environment
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—————————————————— cvInterests environment
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38 902 %\def\Z{\vphantom{\parbox[c]{1cm}{\Huge Something Long}}} 903 \NewDocumentCommand{\cvInterest}{mm}{% parse optinal argument if present
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913 \cv@interestLongtrue parse optional arguments
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925 \NewDocumentCommand{\cvInterestsPersonal}{}{% 926 \cv@interestSection{\faUser\ \emph{\pgfkeysvalueof{/@cv/names/personal}}}}
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931 \ifcv@interestLong 932 \cv@definecvInterestLong
933 \else 934 \cv@definecvInterestShort 935 \fi 936 %%%%%% 937 \vspace{\cvSectionSBSep} 938 \ruleline{\pgfkeysvalueof{/@cv/names/interests}}% 939 \vspace{\cvSectionSBSep} 940 }{% 941 \cv@interestClose 942 } 943 \ExplSyntaxOff
—————————————————— cvProject environment
956 \define@key{cv@Project}{image}{% 957 \global\def\cv@projectImage{#1}% 958 \cv@projectImagetrue}
959 \define@key{cv@Project}{link}{% 960 \global\def\cv@projectLink{#1}% 961 \cv@projectLinktrue}
962 \define@key{cv@Project}{width}{% 963 \global\def\cv@projectWidth{#1}% 964 \cv@projectWidthtrue}
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default settings 970 \cv@projectImagefalse 971 \cv@projectLinkfalse 972 \cv@projectWidthfalse 973 \cv@projectHeightfalse parse optional arguments
974 \@IfNoValueOrEmptyTF{##1}{}{\setkeys{cv@Project}{##1}}
975 \ifnodedefined{project \the\value{cv@projectPrevious} % 976 description}{}{% 977 \node (project \the\value{cv@projectPrevious} % 978 description) {}; 979 } draw image
980 \ifcv@projectImage 981 \ifcv@projectWidth 982 \node[below=\cv@projectSep of project % 983 \the\value{cv@projectPrevious} description] 984 (project \the\value{cv@projectCurrent} image) 985 {\includegraphics[width=\cv@projectWidth]{\cv@projectImage}}; 986 \else 987 \ifcv@projectHeight 988 \node[below=\cv@projectSep of project % 989 \the\value{cv@projectPrevious} description] 990 (project \the\value{cv@projectCurrent} image) 991 {\includegraphics[height=\cv@projectHeight]{\cv@projectImage}}; 992 \else 993 \ClassError{limecv}{No width or height specified, % 994 but image specified.}{Always specify the height or % 995 width if an image is set.} 996 \fi 997 \fi draw title (and add href if specified)
998 \node[% 999 text width=\cvSideWidth,
1000 align=center, 1001 below=\cvProjectDetailsSep of project \the\value{cv@projectCurrent} % 1002 image] 1003 (project \the\value{cv@projectCurrent} title) {% 1004 \ifcv@projectLink \href{\cv@projectLink}{##2} \else ##2 \fi }; 1005 \else
draw title (and add href if specified) 1006 \node[below=\cv@projectSep of project % 1007 \the\value{cv@projectPrevious} description, 1008 text width=\cvSideWidth, 1009 align=center] 1010 (project \the\value{cv@projectCurrent} title) {% 1011 \ifcv@projectLink \href{\cv@projectLink}{##2} \else ##2 \fi }; 1012 \fi 1013 \node[ 1014 below=\cvProjectDetailsSep of project \the\value{cv@projectCurrent} title, 1015 text width=\cvSideWidth, 1016 align=center] 1017 (project \the\value{cv@projectCurrent} description) {##3}; 1018 1019 \setlength\cv@projectSep\cvItemSep
1024 \NewDocumentEnvironment{cvProjects}{}{% 1025 \vspace{\cvSectionSBSep} 1026 \ruleline{\pgfkeysvalueof{/@cv/names/projects}}% 1027 \vspace{\cvSectionSBSep} 1028 \cv@definecvProject 1029 \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={inner sep=0cm,outer sep=0cm}] 1030 }{ 1031 \end{tikzpicture} 1032 }
—————————————————— cvLanguages environment
—————————————————— cvCoverLetter environment cover letter keys
1072 \define@key{cvCoverLetter}{name}{%
1074 \define@key{cvCoverLetter}{company}{%
1076 \define@key{cvCoverLetter}{position}{%
\cv@coverletterAddressLineC 1083 \global\def\cv@coverletterAddressLineC{#1}} 1084 \NewDocumentCommand{\cv@definecvBeneficiary}{}{ 1085 \NewDocumentCommand{\cvBeneficiary}{m}{% 1086 \setkeys{cvCoverLetter}{name={},company={}, 1087 position={},address line 1={},address line 2={}, 1088 address line 3={},##1} 1089 \begin{tabular}{@{}l} 1090 \@IfNoValueOrEmptyTF{% 1091 \cv@coverletterName}{}{% 1092 \MakeUppercase{\cv@coverletterName}} % 1093 \@IfNoValueOrEmptyTF{%
1112 \NewDocumentCommand{\cv@definecvFullName}{}{ 1113 \NewDocumentCommand{\cvFullName}{}{% 1114 \pgfkeysvalueof{/@cv/info/first name} % 1115 \pgfkeysvalueof{/@cv/info/last name} 1116 } 1117 } 1118 \NewDocumentEnvironment{cvCoverLetter}{}{% 1119 \newgeometry{textwidth=\cvCoverLetterWidth,noheadfoot} 1120 \begin{tikzpicture}[% 1121 remember picture, 1122 overlay, 1123 every node/.style={inner sep=0cm,outer sep=0cm}]
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trick to expand argument such that ‘kleft‘ sees an alphabetic constant (i.e. a single letter)
1133 \begingroup\edef\y{\endgroup% 1134 \noexpand\kleft{\cv@FirstNameLetter}}% 1135 \y 1136 \StrGobbleLeft{\pgfkeysvalueof{/@cv/info/first name}}{1}\space 1137 \StrGobbleRight{\pgfkeysvalueof{/@cv/info/last name}}{1}
same trick trick to expand argument such that ‘kleft‘ sees an alphabetic constant (i.e. a single letter)
1138 \begingroup\edef\y{\endgroup% 1139 \noexpand\kright{\cv@LastNameLetter}}% 1140 \y 1141 }; 1142 \node[% 1143 align=right, 1144 cvAccent, 1145 below=\cvCoverLetterPositionSpacing of cv cover letter name.south east, 1146 anchor=north east]{% 1147 \StrGobbleRight{\pgfkeysvalueof{/@cv/info/position}}{1} 1148 \begingroup\edef\y{\endgroup% 1149 \noexpand\kright{\cv@PositionLetter}}% 1150 \y}; 1151 1152 \begin{scope}[on background layer] 1153 \draw[line width=\cvCoverLetterLineWidth,cvGreen] 1154 ($(cv cover letter name.south west)+(0,-\cvCoverLetterLineSpacing)$) to 1155 ($(cv cover letter name.south east)+(0,-\cvCoverLetterLineSpacing)$); 1156 \end{scope} 1157 \end{tikzpicture} 1158 \vspace{\dimexpr\cvCoverLetterHeight-1in-\topmargin\relax} 1159 1160 \today 1161 1162 \vspace{\baselineskip} 1163 \cv@definecvBeneficiary 1164 \cv@definecvFullName 1165 }{% 1166 \restoregeometry 1167 }
—————————————————— cvID macro
1168 \pgfkeys{/@cv/info/.is family, 1169 /@cv/info/.unknown/.style = % 1170 {\pgfkeyscurrentpath/\pgfkeyscurrentname/% 1171 .initial = #1}}
first name, second name, picture, position 1172 \NewDocumentCommand{\cvID}{mmmm}{ 1173 \@IfNoValueOrEmptyTF{#3}{}{ 1174 \begin{tikzpicture} 1175 \node[ 1176 circle, 1177 text=white, 1178 minimum size=\cvPictureWidth, 1179 path picture={ 1180 \node at (path picture bounding{
1181 \includegraphics[width=\cvPictureWidth]{#3} 1182 }; 1183 }] 1184 {}; 1185 \end{tikzpicture}\\ 1186 } 1187 {\LARGE 1188 \vspace{\cvIDNameSep} 1189 #1 1190 \vspace{\cvIDNameSep} 1191 #2} 1192 1193 \vspace{\cvPositionSep} 1194 1195 \@IfNoValueOrEmptyTF{#4}{}{\color{cvAccent} #4} 1196 1197 \vspace{\cvPositionSep} 1198 {\globaldefs=1\relax\pgfkeys{/@cv/info/first name = % 1199 #1}\def\cv@FirstNameLetter{\extract{#1}{1}}} 1200 {\globaldefs=1\relax\pgfkeys{/@cv/info/last name = % 1201 #2}\def\cv@LastNameLetter{\extract{#2}{-1}}} 1202 {\globaldefs=1\relax\pgfkeys{/@cv/info/position = % 1203 #4}\def\cv@PositionLetter{\extract{#4}{-1}}} 1204 }
Colour Definitions

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