the library and people aged 55+: basic computer and internet literacy training

Post on 01-Jul-2015






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New Modern Library Services New Modern Library Services Training of Elderly People Training of Elderly People

Asen Yosifov 1926 Public Chitalishte in the Asen Yosifov 1926 Public Chitalishte in the village of Gabrovnitsa, Montana District village of Gabrovnitsa, Montana District

Computers and the internet are powerful resources creating opportunities for

improving people’s social and economic well-being. The public library is called upon to provide free access to computers and the internet and free training in using


By preserving the best traditions and promoting spiritual values through books and reading, public libraries have been attracting

citizens’ attention to yet another type of services – education services – since their

involvement in the Glob@l Libraries – Bulgaria Program.

To respond to all Program requirements, we reconstructed part of the library and

transformed it into a modern computer room.

Following my basic computer literacy training conducted in Geo Milev District

Library by Daniela Marinova, I decided to be helpful for the people in Gabrovnitsa

through my knowledge and the opportunities offered by the computer room. I decided to conduct training of

elderly people to respond to their demands. I posted an announcement with a subscription deadline in the chitalishte.

Group 2

In just a few days, a sufficient number of applicants showed up and we set up

two groups of four people (corresponding to the number of workstations in the


Group 1

In compliance with the lifelong learning policy and the Glob@l Libraries – Bulgaria Program

objectives, in mid-November 2011, the library launched two-week training for people aged 50+ in

two modules:

- Work with computers. The Word text-processing program

- Internet for dummies

The first module presented to participants the structure of the

computer and basic knowledge on file and folder creation, work with documents.

The second module presented the opportunities offered by the Google search engine for information search, information portals like, the legal portal, websites on knitting, needlework, cooking recipes, Bulgarian

online information resources from all areas of human activity.

This is how our classes took place

My grannies from Group 1

A grandpa took part in Group 2 and did a great job

Trainees were motivated to learn by personal reasons like: self-improvement, acknowledgement, quality of life or other people’s respect. They focused on the practical implementation of their knowledge in life and expected tangible results from this process.

On the last day of the training, I gave practical assignments for information search to all participants; they worked independently and I summarized and evaluated the results of the training.

GRADUATION After the two weeks of training, it was time for all participants to graduate it successfully. All graduates received participation certificates and a desktop calendar with the logo of the Glob@l Libraries – Bulgaria Program and photos of chitalishte activities.

THE SURPRISE The second graders from Sts. Cyril and Methodius Primary School in Gabrovnitsa came to congratulate

training graduates. They presented Christmas customs, sang songs, danced and wished everyone health and

prosperity in the new year.

We took pictures as a souvenir

These were my first trainees who have made me proud. I am happy that thanks to the Glob@l

Libraries Program, I was useful for two weeks and I managed to distract them from their busy

and grey daily routine.

The courses conducted in our library to date reinforce my opinion that there is active interest in new information technology and that the library is the place where basic computer literacy training of elderly people should take place.

All training participants came up with a suggestion to continue the training with

higher levels of computer competence.

The training gives the elderly self- confidence, bridges the digital divide between

them and young people and helps them feel connected to the global world of information.

Thank you for your attention!

Prepared by: Tania Todorova Asen Yosifov 1926 Public Chitalishte,


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