the kids are alright 1960 boomer magic music bus

Post on 24-Oct-2015






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FORWARD: This is the revolutionary ebook test.I combined music and words in essays and stories that should get you to jump up and purchase some sort of instrument andstart finding that thing that makes us human. Don't be shy or give up, just give it a go. Find a used instrument at your local flea-market or some canvas and create something.The best thing is to explore your creativity as the worlds flows within you and without.




by: Kilgore Trosky Trout.

FORWARD: This is the revolutionary ebook test.I combined music and words in essays and stories that shouldget you to jump up and purchase some sort of instrument and start finding that thing that makes us human. Don't be shy or give up, just give it a go. Find a used instrument at your local flea-market or some canvas and create something. If you are a teenager avoid the blues by learning something orcreating something, avoid the pitfalls of booze, drugs, etc. Those things only dull the pain and don't solve your real problems. This book works on Adobe and will ask you to allow to go to the website You tube to watch the videos.I AM SORRY ABOUT ALL THE COMMERCIALS ON YOU TUBE, BUT THAT IS THEIR BUSINESS MODEL, NOT MINE. You can always press skip and avoid the commercial. Just right click on the link and you will have a musical journey to the center of the earth.


Now if you noticed the WHO were bouncy and bright in this tune, they later evolved into covering teenage angst or youthful wasteland's discontent. If at this stage, you start noticing that most adults can be full of bullshit, mainly your future boss or esteemed elected official. However, before I depress you about reality of working for a living or the pitfalls of marriage let's take a ride on that magic bus powered by old ROCK AND ROLL. Okay Kids, if you're a city kid, you have most likely been on a bus, if you are a pampered gated limo privileged progeny, you most likely only saw movies with people on buses. Being on a Bus can instruct you about humanity, so let tell you a short little story about going on a Bus to school. It was Junior High, and I had to walk a few blocks down my street to get on that big yellow beast, the school bus. It was now the turning point of meeting new weirdos and fellow victims of the public school system. Huddled with kids on the corner, one of the boys decides he doesn't want to go to school or a least delay the time of arrival.

SO the kid decides to put a nail under the tire of while the bus was picking up us the corner. This plan seemed feasible, as the kid smirked that he had beat the system. The kids now sitting on those fiberglass seats smirked and waited with an almost Christmas glee that are first day would be canceled, as we thought the bus would come to a screeching halt with a flat tire. However, the bus rolled magically on. Bingo, the bus terrorist didn't realize that the bus had dual tires on each back wheel so if one went flat, it would still roll on. Mr. Brilliant got off the bus and smirked in shame that his plan failed. He also didn't realize that the world is filled with narcs. One girl who may be joined the FBI or the NSA in the future went into the school administration office and reported to the principal which kid had flattened the tire with the nail. The lesson learned his first day in Junior high cost his parents about THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS for a replacement tire. Okay this little story should make you

aware that don't commit a crime unless you work for a major bank.

Now since you may be a teenager that isn't fond of the written word, I will provide another musical interlude from the Guess Who (Canadian rock band)Their song: Bus rider. This one really sums up the working-class life of my generation,or maybe your future status if you don't get that overpriced degree. Don't worry kid, being a working class person is nothing to be ashamed of. It just doesn't pay well anymore. I won't lie to you about that one. One career tip, plumbers are working class,and they do make a lot of money.

Okay, here is some of the lyrics so you can sing along:Get up in the mornin’, get on the busGet up in the mornin’ like the rest of usPlaces to go, important people to meetBetter not get up or you might lose your seatBus rider.

Leave the house at six o’clock to be on timeLeave the wife and kids at home to make a dimeGrab your lunch pail check for mail in your slotYou won’t get your cheque if you don’t punch I hope you played some air piano on that one. Alright, I know the song is really old, but it is so much more truthfully than that skanky Miley, whatever her name is. Alright, now the key to real rock is the energy and power. Just avoid the drugs and learn an instrument for your edification. Learn from my generation drug filled mistakes, but enjoy the power and open minded thoughts of music, art and social commentary.

Now you may be slightly confused by the Guess Who and the Who, but in the sixties, names were more likely a joke name. Like, what is the name of the band? The who, WHO? NO THE WHO. No, what is the name of the band?

Okay, what does the WHO teach us? Just stay away from partying like a rock star, and you might make it to forty.

The band, the WHO had a sense of humor, but really needed a full time psychiatrist and rehab clinic on their magic bus to keep them alive. SADLY, only two now exist as like that movie spinal tap, the drummer, the wacky and wonderfully Keith Moon is long gone,and even the thunderous bass player Entwistle succumbed to girls and cocaine in his old age. Their anthem to youth My Generation was a sad but true message to those manics, “I HOPE I DIE BEFORE I GET OLD.” Kids, I want you all to live a long fulfilling life, although I can't lie to you. OLD AGE CAN BE A BITCH. It occurred to me that we really need that 1960s vibe to make a comeback. Of course minus the drugged out craziness or being stuck in a foreign country fighting a war, that ends up a stalemate. Vietnam are now in the hands of the Commies, but the art of American business doesn't mind their politics since it is now a hip and cool place to setup a sweatshop for companies looking for cheap labor.

The Vietnam War cost the United States 58000 lives and 350000 casualties. Monetarily it cost the US $584 billion. - See more at:


HEY KID, look to see where your Nike's are made? Hmmm, maybe Vietnam?

Yes, Vietnam after all those young men and women, kids dying it was a big waste, and yet the Industrial Military Machine keeps a turning. I guess since they were drafting white kids this antiwar movement isn't relevant today. However, it is a reminder of those who have joined today's volunteer military as means of progressing with their lives has become a con of momentous proportion.

FREE-TRADE IN A COMMUNIST COUNTRY OR HOW YOU GET YOUR GYMN SHOES.. “In Vietnam the average worker is paid about $0.20/hour, or $1.60/day. The cost of eating is reportedly $2.10/day. Although this figure is above the minimum wage, Nike's subcontractors do not even pay that. Many Vietnamese workers do not make the minimum wage of $45/month. Furthermore, in an interview of 35 workers, all confessed that in the first 90 days at the factory they received below minimum wage. “ Footnote: (In honor of Ron Paul, my footnotes will be right in with the quote.)


Listed below is an example of a lyric to a protest song.

Hey Kid, I wanted to go to Woodstock, but being twelve I was screwed by a lack of transportation. I even asked my parents if I could get on one of that hippie VW buses that showed up with a load of Jesus's freaks. Like most concerned parents, they had this response: “ARE YOU CRAZY? NO WAY!” Woodstock was a sea of mud and hippies, so maybe the parents were right. Ironically, went to the concert movie and kids stood in line and smoked pot to get the feel of the atmosphere.Similar to Rand Paul and the biscuit he is tossing to the younger generation with legalizing pot. I have no problem with pot smoking being legalized, but it really destroys short-term memory lose. Now what was I saying? Now for your musical edification: Please sing along:

Well come on all of you big strong men, Uncle Sam needs your help again,he got himself in a terrible jam, way down yonder in Vietnam,put down your books and pick up a gun, we're gunna have a whole lotta fun.

CHORUSand its 1,2,3 what are we fightin for?don't ask me i don't give a dam, the next stop is Vietnam,and its 5,6,7 open up the pearly gates. Well there aint no time to wonder why...WHOPEE we're all gunna die.

now come on wall street don't be slow, why man this's war a-go-go,there's plenty good money to be made, supplyin' the army with the

tools of the trade,just hope and pray that when they drop the bomb, they drop it on the Vietcong.


Ironically, the drumbeats of the war machine led by the neo-cons keeps beating after years of wasting lives and money in foreign countries. Korea and Vietnam were both undeclared wars.In both conflicts we lost or just resolved the war with a stalemate, but in way they serve as replacement plan to rid the America worker who wants a union wage or the right to form a union.Now these places are mere sweat shops for American capitalism, tagged with the good seal of globalization to make them seem lessodious to the consumer. Ironically, South Korea sells us more products than we sell them. No good deed goes unpunished. We saved the South from a future of leaders such as Kim Sum Mentally Ill. It would be nice if the South Koreans could buy more Chevy's and Fords, instead just a lousy can of Coke and a Big Mac. Now since you as unemployed twenty something, you may be forced into the option of not having a job in America, but joining the military, so we can keep this one-percent wet dream running. You see, as a baby boomer, I noticed that two infamous draft dodger actually lied and promoted the war in Iraq. Sadly, Bob Dylan stopped writing protest songs and one Dick Cheney a war profiteer was still spotting his nonsense. Vice President Cheney loves a war, as long as he didn't have to fight it in. During the Vietnam war, he received five, yes five deferments.

George W. Dubya was lost in action over the airspace of Texas, as a National guard pilot, who flew in circles until he ran out of gas.






On you tube you can travel back in time to those days without the side effect of LSD, which has been known to produce a bummer of a trip. Especially if you think, you are a chicken, or that you can fly out a window. Seeing a twelve girl play the solo to Smoke on the Water like Ritchie Blackmore is impressive. Weirdly, it was the most played songs of kids of my generation whenever they walked into a music store to try out a new guitar.It brings me to the faith and hope when I see the younger generation take up a musical instrument and explore learning. The Internet seems to be the answer to cheap learning, music lessons, educational tutoring from Kahn academy is really a thing that should be promoted. Ironically, this has not trickled down to colleges and universities that seem to be able to raise their prices yearly. If you have a little one the current cost of 30,000.00, a year will be something like 100,000.00 year if costs of running a football team kept rising at its current rates.

I am sorry about how tough it is to get a head. For anybody struggling being a working-class hero, the American dream is mostly part myth and for some, that ladder is missing a lot of rungs. Those rungs were removed for those to keep all the profits. Beware of those claiming to be heroes of patriotic AMERICAN principals.

Even those who claim to be for you, like the tea-party are funded by big-money people like the Koch brothers who string the masses along with bigotry and bullshit.

The Koch's goal would be keeping wages and benefits low, and not deal with cleaning up the environment from any of their product's spilling and screwing up the earth.

Okay, I know my teenager reader. What is this old fart talking about? However, you see; I have been you striving to find out what my future would bring. I am not selling you those bullshit lines about your future is bright and wonderful. Fuck no! You might get hit by a truck or get the clap. Most likely, you won't win a Noble prize or climb Mt. Everest. However, you can try to do things and be kind and compassionate, along with being tough and fight for your rights.

No kid, I will be tough for most of you, especially if you don't come from a family with money and connections. You my friend, are being lulled into sleepiness by your cell-phone, and your digital pacifiers. My generation also lulled into conformity by TV and fashion to get in line with the rest of the lemmings. It most likely that your high-school dazes will be spent trying to fit into the proper clique. Sadly, the tribal rites of being a teenager is filled with bullies and the sameness of attractive and shallow things being of the utmost importance. Do you conform or be cast out?Does it matter or be yourself, what you really want to be.

Now for you a musical interlude on Teenager blues from another Canadian rock band, Rush: Rush is technically proficient but never really expanded their musical palate with more instrumentation or new sources of material. World music or different global sources would have expanded their sound. However, they are still a rock band worth respect. Try to shine on in your daily life, but be aware of greedy leaders and people selling you hate and bigotry. Do the best that you can do.Hopefully, you enjoy the drums that propel John Lennon's Instant Karma. Life is part Karma and mostly showing up, along with a lot of dumb luck. It also helps to have connections like rich relatives or trust funds. One key to life is looks. If you are an attractive person, people will treat you better whether you deserve it or not. It is the law of human nature that the visually handicapped are given usually the worst jobs and get stuck on the back of the

bus of the social life.Your life will be surrounded by people judging you so take it all with a grain of salt and hope that Instant Karma provides a payback. Most likely, you are saying right oh those Hippies was so yesterday, so why should I bother. Well, musically as a group, the Beatles and the 1960s adapted, changed and led to an exploration of life. The Beatles started their own Company Apple and made money and lost money. It tells us how friendships dissolve and how to run and not run an empire. I learned the same lesson playing in bands, that it is incredibly hard to work with others as egos and being a team is much harder in person than on paper. Now I would not recommend trying to break into the music business, as now it is even more shallow and the economic model is now been corrupted by the ease of stealing music along with the decline of the record business. The reason for the explosion of rock and roll was the boom of the American economy. GM was number one in the world, and the American factory system was humming, and unions were pushing up wages. Therefore, you had middle-class and kids with cash in their pockets. Sadly, this condition may never be repeated again at least not in America. Maybe China or India will have the next Rock and roll generation, but they have closed-off cultures that most likely develop such products for a global world. When I see a teenager absorbed almost inside their cell-phone, I wonder if this technology is actually making us more walled off, more self-absorbed and less intelligent. Maybe the kids are alright and will eventually figure out that the circuit and plastic device are not a real friend, but a mere tool. Well global kids, I hope you are doing okay; it is very tough, but I wish you peace. For those lucky kids born into money or the ones that have made it up the rung of success thinks about the world around you.

Is that diamond encrusted watch necessary, does a BMW really make you have bigger penis or for the women obsessed with being a career climber. Is it really necessary to focus only on your career and shuffle your children into daycare and the care of nannies? As a married couple do you really need a mansion?

In parting let George Harrison's song guide us into stream of what is truly necessary in life: WITHIN YOU WITHOUT YOU

We were talking-about the space between us allAnd the people-who hide themselves behind a wall of illusionNever glimpse the truth-then it's far too latewhen they pass away.We were talking-about the love we all could share-when we find itTo try our best to hold it there-with our loveWith our love-we could save the world-if they only knew.Try to realize it's all within yourselfNo-one else can make you changeAnd to see you're really only very small,And life flows on within you and without you.We were talking-about the love that's gone so cold and the people,Who gain the world and lose their soul-They don't know-they can't see-are you one of them?When you've seen beyond yourself-then you may find, peace of mind,Is waiting there-And the time will come when you seewe're all one, and life flows on within you and without you.

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