the internationalization process model through the lens of the global color picture tube industry

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Ž .Journal of Operations Management 16 1998 215–239

The internationalization process model through the lens of theglobal color picture tube industry

Anil Khurana a,), Brian Talbot b,1

a Boston UniÕersity School of Management, 595 Commonwealth AÕenue, Boston, MA 02215, USAb UniÕersity of Michigan Business School, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA


Internationalization theories from economics and international business disciplines suggest that products are launched,and production facilities established, sequentially in industrialized, newly industrialized, and finally, in developing countries.From a firm level perspective, operations management researchers have proposed descriptive models of generic roles ofinternational factories. But little has appeared in the economics, international business, or operations management literaturethat compares these two views or provides much empirical evidence to support divergent claims. In this paper, we compareboth perspectives and shed insight into factory roles through a detailed examination of data on plant practices andperformance in the global picture tube industry. Our analysis suggests that existing theory and descriptive models do notpossess enough explanatory power to adequately predict or describe the dynamics of product and production loci today. Wehighlight the need for a new theory by contrasting today’s global business realities with those of yesteryears. q 1998Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Color picture tube industry; Internationalization process model; Global manufacturing

1. Introduction

The primary purposes of this paper are to informresearchers and managers of some of the shortcom-ings of traditional management theory as it applies toglobal manufacturing, and to provide a richer under-standing of current global manufacturing manage-ment practices. Through the use of secondary indus-try data and primary plant-level manufacturing datafrom the global color picture tube industry, we argue

) Corresponding author. Tel: q1-617-353-2287; fax: q1-617-353-4098; e-mail:

1 Tel.: q1-313-764-6842; fax: q1-313-763-5688;

that a key theory of international business, the inter-nationalization process model—which comprises the

Žinternational product lifecycle model Vernon, 1966,.1979 and the Uppsala internationalization model

Ž .Johanson and Vahlne, 1977, 1990 —does not ade-quately explain current industry manufacturing prac-tices. We frame our discussion and results within therelevant literature in global manufacturing strategyŽ .e.g., Ferdows, 1989 and the strategic typologies

Žand taxonomies literature e.g., Miles and Snow,.1978; Miller and Roth, 1994 . This approach permits

us to link the relevant international business andoperations management literatures, and illustrateshortcomings of both the theory of the former andthe descriptive models of the latter.

0272-6963r98r$19.00 q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.Ž .PII S0272-6963 97 00039-9

( )A. Khurana, B. TalbotrJournal of Operations Management 16 1998 215–239216

The paper is organized as follows. Section 1presents an overview of the relevant literature. The-ory based predictions are stated and subsequentlytested. Section 2 describes the research design andmethodology. Results are presented in Section 3based on cluster analysis, regional comparisons,comparisons of performance and practices acrossplant roles, and the canonical functions that explainand predict the clusters of plant roles. A discussionof our results is provided in Section 4, and conclu-sions are given in Section 5.

1.1. Background

One of the key theories that seeks to explain andpredict globalization is the theory of foreign direct

Ž . Žinvestment FDI see Melin, 1992 for a classifica-.tion of globalization theories . FDI theory suggests

that investments in foreign countries are a functionof the nature of the advantages that multinational

Ž .corporations MNCs expect they will realize byinvesting outside their home borders. The field hasbroadly come to accept the notion that such advan-

Žtages accrue from ownership e.g., technology, skills,. Žpatents , location e.g., natural resources, low-cost

.labor, transportation , and the ability to internallyŽleverage capabilities Hymer, 1976; Vernon, 1974;

.Kojima, 1978, 1982; Dunning, 1988 . An importantelement of this theory, one that we use in this paper,focuses on the dynamic process of internationaliza-

Ž .tion Melin, 1992 . Two oft-cited and closely relatedmodels of internationalization are the international

Ž . Žproduct lifecycle model IPLC Vernon, 1966, 1971,.1974, 1979 and the Uppsala internationalization

Ž .process model Johanson and Vahlne, 1977, 1990 .Although developed in the 1960s and 1970s, andquestioned as to their explanatory power as early as

Ž .1981 Vernon, 1981, pp. 519, 520 , both models stillŽexert considerable influence on the field Melin,

.1992 .The IPLC model focuses on the location of pro-

duction activities in a global market in the context oftechnological know-how, demand, scale economies,

Ž .and labor costs Vernon, 1966, p. 190 . It presents anindividual firm’s perspective of international invest-ment theory, one that is based on the product lifecy-cle. The introduction stage is domestic, having itsorientation in the country where the product was

Ž .developed generally industrialized . Exports to otherindustrialized countries may support scale economies.During the growth stage, exports increase, and for-eign investments in manufacturing plants are madein countries with an expanding demand for the prod-uct. In the maturity stage, when major markets aresaturated and the product standardized, manufactur-ing is relocated to countries with low labor costsŽgenerally, newly industrialized countries—NICs—

.and developing countries . Finally, in the stage ofdecline, manufacturing, and in some cases even de-mand, leaves the industrial country which was home

Ž .to the original innovation Vernon, 1966 .The Uppsala internationalization process model

supplements the IPLC model by theorizing about theprocess of internationalization in the context of mar-ket presence, not just in the context of production.The logical steps of international behavior are simi-lar to the stages of the IPLC model, going throughacquisition, integration, and use of knowledge about

Žforeign markets and operations Johanson and.Vahlne, 1977 . For individual firms, the key is to

Ž .reduce the ‘psychic’ distance Melin, 1992, p. 103by first taking on familiar and close-by markets so as

Žto minimize perceived market uncertainty Johanson.and Vahlne, 1990 .

The basic question we raise in this paper iswhether the IPLC and Uppsala internationalization

Žmodels henceforth, collectively referred to as IPUP.models are still valid today. The world has changed

in a number of fundamental ways since these modelswere developed: communism has collapsed; globaloperations are the norm in many industries; 2 thereare striking similarities today between N. American,European, and Japanese outward flows of FDI con-sidering how different they were only a few years

Ž .ago Ohmae, 1985; Dunning, 1988 ; and, countriesas diverse as China, Poland, Korea, Singapore, andTaiwan have made dramatic economic progress inthe last decade. In addition, global coordination andnetworking have improved tremendously in the past

Ž .few years Bartlett and Ghoshal, 1989; Taylor, 1991 .

2 For example, the applicability of the IPLC model appears tobe limited if new products are developed in companies that

Žalready have considerable operations in foreign countries see.Vernon, 1979; Melin, 1992, p. 103 .

( )A. Khurana, B. TalbotrJournal of Operations Management 16 1998 215–239 217

Do the IPUP models hold true in this era of globalfactory networks where each factory may have aunique mission and role, and where the political,technological, and economic landscape has changedso much?

1.2. The internationalization models applied to man-ufacturing operations

While there has been substantial research on thenature of internationalization, there has been only alimited effort to translate this into implications formanufacturing strategy and decision-making, possi-bly because of the dominance of economists amonginternational business researchers, and also possiblybecause of the traditionally ‘passive’ nature of man-

Žufacturing in a business unit’s strategy Hayes andWheelwright, 1984, p. 396, suggest that in mostcompanies, manufacturing has only a passive role—Stages 1 and 2—and that there are very few compa-

.nies that are in Stage 3 or 4 . Yet, an importantaspect of manufacturing strategy is the notion thatglobal and business strategy lead to a functionalmanufacturing strategy, which in turn leads to partic-

Žular actions and practices Skinner, 1969; Wheel-wright, 1978; Hayes and Wheelwright, 1984; Hameland Prahalad, 1985; Anderson et al., 1989; Hill,

.1989 .The logic of the IPUP models implies that plants

Žlocated in leading industrialized countries US, Eu-.rope ought to excel at innovation, frequently bring-

ing out new products and processes. Plants in otherindustrialized countries can be expected to be goodat managing and stabilizing technology and pro-cesses. The model also suggests that plants in theNICs can be expected to be average on processperformance, but lag on innovation. Finally, compa-nies and plants in developing and least developed

Ž .countries LDCs can be expected to be low per-formers on virtually every dimension, except possi-bly cost.

The above brief classification of factory manufac-turing emphasis and performance is restated as pre-dictions of regional plant manufacturing practices.

IPUP Prediction 1a: North American and leadingŽ .European plants by location will excel at innova-

tion; NIC plants will be averaged on process man-

agement and performance, and lagging on innova-tion; LDC plants will be low performers.

IPUP Prediction 1b: Plants in the US, Europe, andJapan will be equally sophisticated on technologypractices. NIC plants will lag US, European, andJapanese plants on both technology and managementpractices.

1.3. Plant roles in MNCs

Both strategy and operations management re-searchers suggest that a business unit’s manufactur-ing role ought to be consistent with its business andmanufacturing strategy and that organizational unitsmay be assigned different roles for strategic reasons.ŽSee, e.g., Miller and Friesen, 1977 and Miles andSnow, 1978 for research on strategic archetypes, orSkinner, 1974; Richardson et al., 1985; Miller and

.Roth, 1994 for a more operations-driven perspective .Here, to facilitate our analysis, we adopt Miller andRoth’s operations strategy typology, since it is onethat comes closest to being applicable at the level ofthe factory. Their taxonomy includes ‘innovators’,‘marketeers’, and ‘caretakers’. ‘Innovators’ have asuperior ability to introduce new products and makedesign changes, excel at both conformance qualityand product performance, and do not emphasizeprice as much as other groups. Given their emphasison short product lifecycles, such business unitsdemonstrate the characteristics of startup firms, inthe early stages of the product lifecycle. ‘Marke-teers’ emphasize a variety of market-oriented capa-bilities such as broad distribution, broad product line,speed, after-sales service and volume flexibility,though they also excel at conformance quality andproduct performance, and are moderately price con-scious. They pursue manufacturing strategies charac-teristic of businesses in more mature phases of thelifecycle; thus, there is a greater emphasis on manu-facturing process reliability, quality control, and on-going improvement. Finally, ‘caretakers’ generallycater only to the minimum standards of competitionand focus on low price. They act as if they are in thedeclining stages of the product lifecycle.

The above classification of strategic roles can bemapped on to the description of the IPUP models ofthe internationalization process which leads us to oursecond IPUP prediction.

( )A. Khurana, B. TalbotrJournal of Operations Management 16 1998 215–239218

Fig. 1. Generic roles of international factories.

IPUP Prediction 2: US, Japanese, and leading Euro-Ž .pean plants by location will be ‘innovators’, other

Ž .industrialized country plants and some in NICs willbe ‘marketeers’, while some NIC and developingcountry plants will be ‘caretakers’.

A second relevant stream of research focuses onmultiplant networks, and the assignment of different

Žroles in such networks for a discussion of foreignsubsidiary roles, see Bartlett and Ghoshal, 1989, p.. 3 Ž .98 . For example, Ferdows 1989 presents a

framework for international factory networks as anextension of the notions of multiple and evolvingplant roles. He suggests that the strategic role ofinternational factories can be defined on the basis of

Ž .two dimensions: i the primary reason for establish-Ž .ing the site, and ii the extent of technical activities

performed at the site. This leads to six generic rolesfor international factories, as shown in Fig. 1 below.

Ferdows posits that these roles evolve over timesuch that ‘off-shore’ factories become ‘source’ facto-ries, ‘servers’ become ‘contributors’, and both‘source’ and ‘contributors’ ultimately become ‘lead’factories, though that is not necessarily desirable. Ifwe combine Ferdows’ model with the IPUP model,we can argue that most MNCs would prefer to locate

3 While the assignment of different subsidiary and plant roles ina network itself is interesting, multiplant and inter-subsidiarycoordination within a network is also likely to influence themanner in which such roles are assigned and evolved. For exam-ple, even in a domestic setting, a multiplant study of foodestablishments revealed that gaps in performance result from a

Ž .lack of interplant exchange and coordination Chew et al., 1989 .Such coordination is difficult in the global setting; even theapparently simple exercise of transfer of best practices is not easyŽ .Szulanski, 1995 .

‘lead’ factories in their home countries, and wouldestablish sites in other countries as the product be-comes more international. Plants in these ‘other’countries would play different roles, depending ontheir location, and the timing in the product lifecycleŽ .Vernon, 1966 .

These arguments lead to more predictions.

IPUP Prediction 3a: Most ‘lead’ factories will belocated in the home countries of US, Japanese, andleading European plants.

IPUP Prediction 3b: ‘Contributors’r‘source’ facto-ries will generally be located in ‘non-home’ coun-tries of advanced industrialized countries, and insome NICs.

IPUP Prediction 3c: Most ‘offshore’ factories willbe located in LDCs and NICs; ‘contributor’ factorieswill not follow any consistent pattern of location.

1.4. Research issues and approach

The above review of the literature and our argu-ments about the form that global manufacturing isexpected to take enable us to state the core IPUPprediction.

Core Prediction: The IPUP models, as applied toglobal manufacturing, will explain factory practicesand plant roles in different regions.

The basic approach we take to evaluate the rele-vance of the internationalization models is to analyze

Ž .whether: a there are regional differences in perfor-mance and practices as predicted by the IPUP mod-

Ž .els; b the global distribution of plant roles is con-Ž .sistent with the IPUP models; and c the global

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Ž .distribution of plant roles i.e., ‘home’ vs. ‘away’ isconsistent with the IPUP models and Ferdows’model.

When measuring plant ‘strategy’, we weigh theŽpros and cons of using ‘strategy as intent’ planned

. Ž .behavior Mintzberg, 1992 or ‘strategy as action’Ž . Ž .actual behavior Wrapp, 1967; Mintzberg, 1978 .While strategic plans are important for understandingthe dynamic nature of plant roles, they are a visionfor the future, and do not reflect current practice.Mintzberg and others suggest that it is managerialaction, not merely managerial intent, that reflects an

Ž .organization’s realized as opposed to plannedstrategic emphasis. Though we lean towards ‘strategyas action’, we recognized that in our context, plantroles are best measured both by ‘observed’ and‘intended’ behavior. Thus, we analyze measures ofcompetitive priorities as well as factory practices.

1.5. An industry-focused study

The empirical data used for this paper come froma larger study of industry practices and competitive-

Žness in the global color picture tube industry Details.are given in Section 2.1 . This industry was chosen

for a number of reasons: it is an important andmature global industry that has not been studiedextensively, which is facing a major technologicaldiscontinuity in the form of flat panel displays.Further, given the emergence of Japanese manufac-turing organizations as world class manufacturersŽ .Womack et al., 1990 , our intent was to select anindustry in which there was a significant Japanesemanufacturing presence.

One question that needs to be addressed is why anindustry study and not a cross-sectional study? Wecite two major reasons for our choice, similar to

Ž .those cited by Garvin 1988 in his study of the airconditioning industry. The first is that cross-sectionalstudies are often confounded by industry-specificfactors, and thus require a larger sample size for thesame statistical power. Second, an in-depth industrystudy enabled us to understand the industry, pro-cesses, and management practices in considerabledetail, and permitted us to gain an understanding ofspecific company and plant level strategies. Yet, anindustry study also has weaknesses, with question-able generalizability being the key shortcoming. Short

of executing a massive cross-sectional and time se-ries study we cannot make rigorous claims aboutgenerality. However, based on our understanding ofthe industry context, we feel confident that our re-sults are generalizable to similar mature, technologi-

Ž .cally sophisticated industries Khurana, 1994 .

2. Research methods

This section gives a brief overview of the researchapproach. Specifically, we describe the industry, ourresearch design, the approach to the analysis under-taken for this paper, a description of the respondentsand the basic data, and finally, the key measuresused in this paper.

2.1. Industry context

Ž .Picture tubes or cathode ray tubes CRTs are thedisplay devices used for television, computer moni-

Žtors, radar screens, and medical display screens X-ray or ultrasound screens , and have been in

Ž .commercial use since the late 1920s Keller, 1991 .A mature product, picture tubes have passed through

Žthe basic technology and product lifecycles see, e.g.,Anderson and Tushman, 1990; Suarez and Utter-

.back, 1995 . Round tubes, rectangular tubes, largesize tubes using stronger materials—the industry has

Žseen it all see Khurana, 1994 for details on evolution . The product lifecycle has also gone

through its paces, especially in the US and Europe,Ž .with the initial era of startup 1949–1960 , followed

Ž .by the era of growth 1961–1975 , and the currentŽ .era of maturity 1976–current , with some people

arguing that the next technological discontinuity hasalready occurred, with the increasing use of flat-paneldisplays. Yet, this industry continues to be innova-tive on both product and process. The existence ofthese product and process lifecycle phases is sup-ported by observing the distribution of the numberŽ .and ownership of tube manufacturing firms in theUS from fewer than 10 immediately after W.W.IIŽ .all American owned , to a peak of over 60 in 1957Ž .American and foreign owned , to fewer than 10

Ž . Žtoday none American owned Suarez and Utter-.back, 1995; Khurana, 1994 .

Simultaneously, as the product lifecycle was pro-gressing, there was also a diffusion of the technol-

( )A. Khurana, B. TalbotrJournal of Operations Management 16 1998 215–239220

ogy, industry practices, and manufacturing capabili-ties across the world, not inconsistent with Vernon’straditional international product lifecycle modelŽ .Vernon, 1966 . Thus, whereas the initial develop-ments took place in the US, subsequent develop-ments spread quickly to Europe, with firms such asPhilips, Siemens and Nokia joining the competitionin the 1950s. Japanese companies such as Sony,Matsushita, and Toshiba entered the market some-what later, in the late 1960s and 1970s. Globalmaturity was achieved in the late 1970s. During this

Ž .last phase late 1970s , manufacturing capabilitieswere critical, and firms that were unable to maintainmanufacturing quality and product design perfor-mance, or failed to invest in critical manufacturingtechnologies, did not survive. Thus, most of thesurviving companies today, e.g., Sony, Matsushita,Philips, Thomson, and Toshiba, have a strong manu-facturing focus.

Today, the global color picture tube industry is inits mature phase, marked by cut-throat competitionŽin fact, the industry seems to be following the pathfollowed by the TV industry, with only a lag of a

.few years . The main players are European, Japanese,and Korean. There are fewer than 65 color picturetube factories and fewer than 30 key companies inthe whole world that manufacture color picture tubes.Of these, 10 factories are in China and the ex-USSRŽat the time this study was initiated in 1992, thesefacilities were explicitly excluded from the studybecause of political and economic turmoil and theconsequent inaccessibility of the plants. Between1993–1995, we have been able to obtain data from

.some of these plants . Also, the industry valuesworld class manufacturing practices, and we haveobserved that most companies and factories havebeen committed to quality and world class standards.Our investigation uncovered the fact that nearly 35factories have been closed during the past decade asa result of industry restructuring caused by the entryof more efficient Japanese and Korean factories.

2.2. Research design

This research was conducted in three phases. InPhase One, a detailed study of quality and factorymanagement approaches at one picture tube com-pany was carried out. Both quantitative data from

company and factory archives, and qualitative dataŽbased on interviews with more than 30 managers,

.engineers, and supervisors were analyzed for bothstrategic and operational issues. Secondary data were

Žalso collected and analyzed. In Phase Two 1992–.1993 , we visited 10 color picture tube factories in

N. America, Europe, and Japan, and in 1994 wevisited eight plants in E. Europe, China, and India. Asemi-structured questionnaire was used during thesesite visits to compare practices, identify trends, anddevelop items for the subsequent mail survey. In

Ž .Phase Three 1993–1994 , a detailed study of qualityand manufacturing practices in the color picture tubeindustry was executed using four detailed mail ques-

Žtionnaires one each for the plant, production, qual-.ity, and engineering manager at each plant that were

designed on the basis of prior research and the fieldinterviews. A total of 48 out of 53 extant plants inthe noncommunist countries responded to the ques-tionnaires, giving a 91% population response, thusmaking it a near-census of the industry. Subse-quently, in mid-1994, we obtained access to severalof the plants in Eastern Europe and China, and datafrom another eight color picture tube factories inEastern Europe, China, and ex-USSR were obtained.Thus, we now have data from 54 factories worldwideŽ .of a total of 63 known existing factories .

2.3. Analysis approach

Much of the evidence presented in this paper isbased on data collected in phase three of our re-search, though wherever necessary, evidence is pre-sented from our field studies. We execute the dataanalysis for this paper in five steps. First, regionalcomparisons on several dimensions are carried outŽ .Section 3.2 . Prediction 1 is tested using these re-sults. Second, we empirically define plant roles basedon the competitive priorities described by the plants

Ž .using cluster analysis Section 3.1 . The cluster anal-ysis-derived plant roles are cross-validated with ourfield studies’ results. Comparisons of plant strategy,

Žperformance both end and intermediate measures.are included , and management practices for the

Ždifferent plant role clusters are presented Section.3.3 . Third, we use a canonical discriminant analysis

to describe the two key discriminant functions thatŽexplain the basis for the above clustering Section

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.3.4 . Our fourth step is to compare the distribution ofthese plant role clusters by region, both by factory

Ž .location and ownership Section 3.5 . This analysisreveals facts about the manner in which differentregions use factories in different roles. This analysisenables us to test for Prediction 2. Prediction 3 isalso partially tested with these results. Fifth, wecarry out the same analysis for plants in the ‘home’

Ž .country vs. those not in the ‘home’ country ‘away’to understand how different companies assign and

Ž .use plant roles Section 3.5 .

2.4. Respondents

We initially defined the population for our re-search as all color picture tube factories outside of

Žthe ex-communist bloc countries China, ex-USSR,.and E. Europe . Black-and-white, monitor-only, and

tube salvage manufacturers were excluded. This left53 factories belonging to 23 companies located inmore than 20 countries. The five non-respondingfactories belong to two Japanese companies and oneEuropean company. Secondary data on plant size,company size, ownership, location, and product mixfor these five factories and companies did not revealany systematic bias, either at the company level, or

Ž .at the plant level chi-square test was not significant .An important question that we raised early in the

research was whether plants belonging to the samecompany were indeed different, statistically and oth-erwise. Most of the managers that we interviewed,especially the non-Japanese managers, saw majordifferences in how the plants within their companywere operated and managed. For Japanese plants, the

Žgeneral opinion among managers and academicsfamiliar with Japanese manufacturing management

.whom the authors interviewed , was that plants lo-cated in Japan and belonging to the same companywere likely to be quite similar in their managementpolicies, though they would have different kinds ofproduction equipment of different ages, and manu-facture different generations of products or tube sizes.

ŽOur analysis of basic descriptive data using.ANOVA from the Japanese plants reveals that plants

even within the same company are different, not onlyon the level and type of production equipment au-tomation, product types, and the individual plantexperiences with the introduction of automation, but

also on performance parameters and factory practicesŽ .F-value is not significant for performance variables .This confirms our contention that plants in multi-plantbusiness units are statistically independent, whichpermits subsequent statistical analysis using the fac-tory as a unit of analysis. This result is also consis-tent with what we observed as real differences onfactory visits.

2.5. Key measures for this study

Four key sets of measures are used for this paper.The first set of measures assess the plant’s competi-tiÕe priorities. The key competitive priorities se-lected for this analysis are quality, flexibility, price,productrprocess innovation, and future leadership ininnovation. Other priorities such as delivery, depend-ability, speed, and after-sales service were consid-ered, but dropped since our interviews indicated theyare not important differentiators in this industry.Additive scales are used for quality, innovations, andfuture leadership in innovation; single-item scales

Žare used for flexibility and price. Quality QUAL-. ŽITY is an aggregate construct thus, a test such as

Cronbach’s alpha was not considered appropriate or.necessary measured as the average of five question-

Ž .naire items, all 5-point scales: i Top managementŽ .emphasis on quality as a key priority, ii Priority

Ž .rank for tube design performance, iii Priority rankŽ .for conformance quality, iv Priority rank for fac-

Ž .tory yields, and v Tube performance in comparisonŽ .to competitors. Flexibility FLEXIBILITY is mea-

sured as the extent of tube variety possible at theŽfactory recoded to a 5-point scale from original

. Ž .data . Price PRICE is also a single-item measurebased on a comparison of the price relative to com-petitors. New productrprocess innovation capabilityŽ .INNOVATE is measured as the average of the

Ž . Ž .frequency of i new tubes or designs, ii productŽ .design changes, and iii process design changes

Ž .Cronbach’s alpha of 0.7 . Finally, future leadershipŽ .in innovation LEAD-INNOVATOR is measured on

the basis of whether the factory general manager hadplanned or had thought of introducing monitor tubes,LCDs, andror flat-panel active matrix screens.

The second set of measures pertain to perfor-Žmance both end outcomes and intermediate mea-

.sures . Two operations-related end outcomes aremeasured—quality and productivity. Two measures

( )A. Khurana, B. TalbotrJournal of Operations Management 16 1998 215–239222

of quality are used. The first is a yield indicator—theŽ .average material consumption per 1000 good tubesŽ .of four key tube components MAT-QUAL ; the

Ž .second is customer rejects REJECTS a self-re-ported measure, which we corrected for regional

Ždifferences in standards though these differences are.found to be minor . Productivity is measured as labor

productivity, in terms of average tubes produced perlabor-hour, with corrections being made for tube

Ž .size, and product mix PRODUCTIVITY . In addi-tion, a number of bottom-line type measures, such as

Ž .return on investment or sales ROIrROS , are used.A number of derived measures were also obtained,e.g., improvement in reject rates over the past 4

Ž .years REJ-IMP . The intermediate performancemeasures include measures such as work-in-processinventory, equipment breakdowns, capacity utiliza-tion, and manufacturing cycle time.

We draw upon several streams of literature toidentify the key factory practices. In particular, we

Žfocus on the quality literature Garvin, 1988; al., 1991 , the manufacturing strategy literature

Ž .Hayes and Wheelwright, 1984 , the manufacturingŽ .productivity literature Schmenner, 1991 , and the

Žmanufacturing practices literature Schonberger,.1986; Womack et al., 1990 . The factory practices

identified by these literature streams can be broadlyŽclassified into factory architecture e.g., automation

.level, manufacturing variety and factory practices.Thus, we call the third set of measures factoryarchitecture variables. In addition to factors identi-fied in prior research, we also describe the basicstructure of the factory as part of the factory ‘archi-tecture’, by using such measures as age, capacity,and product mix.

The fourth and final set of measures describefactory management practices. For each of thesemeasures, the analysis presented in this paper usesindividual questionnaire items.

3. Results

3.1. Defining plant roles

Our cluster analysis leads to three resultant plantrole clusters that are described in Table 1, in terms of

Ž .their respective group centroid mean scores and theŽstandard error the K-means method was invoked

.from SPSS for Windows, 1994 . This table alsodepicts the probability that one or more of the clustermeans differs from another, for each of the fivecompetitive priorities. The clusters differ from eachother on three of the five competitive priorities at the0.05 level of significance.

We describe these three clusters as ‘innovators’Ž . Ž .34% , ‘improvers’ 34% , and ‘transitory multi-

Ž .focused’ 32% . Innovators emphasize new productŽand process innovation and advanced innovation,

.though not significant , while paying reasonable at-tention to quality, flexibility, and price. Improversfocus on quality, while lagging on both innovationand flexibility. Finally, transitory multi-focused tryto balance all competitive priorities, while not really

Ž .doing very well on any of them Skinner, 1974 . Asa result, these plants lag substantially on quality,while being good on flexibility and average on inno-vation. Thus, transitory multi-focused is not neces-sarily bad, simply that these plants are not optimallystructured to be narrowly goal-oriented. Possibly,

Table 1Competitive priorities by group: results of cluster analysis

Competitive priority Strategic plant role cluster Probability of F-ratio

1 2 3Innovator Improver Multi-focused

Ž . Ž . Ž .QUALITY 3.5 2,3 4.1 1,3 1.5 1,2 0.00001Ž . Ž . Ž .FLEXIBILITY 3.9 2,3 1.75 1 2.3 1 0.00001

PRICE 3.0 2.7 3.06 nsŽ . Ž . Ž .INNOVATE 3.33 2,3 2.15 1 2.06 1 0.0003

LEAD-INNOVATOR 0.41 0.29 0.35 ns

Ž .Numbers in parentheses indicate cluster numbers from which cluster is different Scheffe pairwise test . nssNot significant. Bold numbersindicate highest score for cluster on that particular priority.

( )A. Khurana, B. TalbotrJournal of Operations Management 16 1998 215–239 223

these plants are undergoing some form of transition,or view the priorities as a tradeoff. Further analysisof these three clusters is presented in Section 3.3,where we compare performance and practices forthese three groups.

3.2. Regional comparisons on performance andpractices

Table 2 summarizes the regional comparisons ofperformance based on location. Though we could notobtain detailed cost data, the data on productivity,quality, and customer rejects are reliable and enableus to estimate regional performance. As Table 2shows, plants in Japan still have a small lead in

Ž . Žterms of quality MAT-QUAL , productivity PRO-. Ž .DUCTIVITY , and customer rejects REJECTS . The

big surprise for us is the excellent performance ofplants located in NICs. Furthermore, NIC-ownedplants actually had higher quality performance thanJapanese-owned plants. On all three dimensionsNIC-located plants are second only to Japaneseplants. On average, plants located in N. America andEurope, even though several of these are Japanese

owned, do not perform as well as the plants locatedin Japan or NICs. However, if one examines the

Žrates of improvement over the past 3–4 years e.g.,.YLD-IMP , plants located in the NICs and N. Amer-

Žica and those owned by NIC and European compa-.nies show the greatest improvements. This is consis-

tent with the growing emergence of NICs and theongoing rejuvenation of US plants. However, thisshould also be viewed in the context of the qualitylevel from which the improvement is taking placeŽ .the overall yield in 1992, i.e., YLD_92 . Except for

ŽChinarRussia and Other where yields would belower than those shown in Table 2 after we correct

.for the lower standards , N. America had the lowestyields in 1992; naturally, there was greater scope fordramatic improvement.

Among bottom-line measures, capacity utilizationŽ .CAP-UTIL , is an interesting measure in that itreflects local political and economic conditions asmuch as anything else. The high ChineserUSSRcapacity utilization is a result of centrally controlledquotas, and even overproduction; on the other hand,the high N. American figures reflect industry undercapacity, suppression of imports due to import du-

Table 2Ž .Factory performance by region by location

Performance measure Region of location Probability of F-ratio

1 2 3 4 5 6N. America Europe Japan NICs ChinarRussia Otherw x w x w x w x w x w x10 9 8 18 5 4

End outcomesŽ .MAT-QUAL ar1000 tubes 1090 1106 1045 1071 1121 1127 ns

Ž .REJECTS ppm 4152 3922 2525 3666 10,000 6324 0.10Ž .PRODUCTIVITY Tubesrman-h 1.22 1.27 1.75 1.31 0.27 0.49 0.028

Ž .YLD_92 % 73.7 81.0 86.2 83.1 75.2 76.4 nsŽ .YLD-IMP %ryear 4.96 1.14 0.51 2.1 1.09 1.60 ns

IntermediateŽ . Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .W-I-P hours 27.8 5 53.3 16.9 5 24.5 5 220 1,3,4 75 0.026

Ž .CYCLE TIME hours 18.1 21.2 16.7 19.3 26 23 nsSCREEN EQUIPMENT DOWNrwk 3.1 5.4 2.9 4.3 5.1 3.0 nsEXHAUST EQUIPMENT DOWNrwk 0.6 1.51 0.51 0.51 2.6 0.75 ns

Ž .DURABILITY hours 22,128 18,778 24,375 19,588 13,200 12,667 ns

Bottom lineŽ .ROI % 6.9 1.2 6.16 1.63 14.3 9.9 ns

Ž .CAP-UTIL % 91.4 85.1 88 80.7 98.7 68.7 ns

Number of plants in each region are given in brackets. Numbers in parentheses indicate region numbers from which the region is differentŽ .Scheffe pairwise test . nssNot significant. Bold numbers indicate the two best scores on that particular performance measure.

( )A. Khurana, B. TalbotrJournal of Operations Management 16 1998 215–239224

ties, and the economic upturn in 1992–1993. Return-Ž .on-investment ROI is, not surprisingly, highest for

plants located in ChinarRussia and Other regionsŽ . Ž .IndiarS. America 10–14% . The first is likely aresult of government price setting, while the latterreflects the limited capacity and expanding demand.Among the developed economies, factories in Japan

Ž .and N. America show the highest ROI 6–7% ,while NIC and European factories have the lowest

Ž .ROI 1–2% . The low ROI of NIC and Europeanfactories can be explained by recent capital invest-ments. NIC plants, in particular, appear to havemade investments for the long term. The results onintermediate performance measures show insignifi-cant differences across N. America, Europe, Japan,and NICs; the only notable result is the low work-in-process in Japanese and NIC plants. Overall, plantslocated in or owned by ChineserUSSR or othercountries still lag substantially behind the other fourregions.

A few measures do stand out and deserve expla-nation. Japanese plants have the lowest work-in-pro-cess inventories, even though picture tube manufac-turing is not a typical Toyota Production SystemŽ .i.e., kanbans and just-in-time type of setting. Whenit comes to equipment and maintenance issuesŽ .‘screen or exhaust equipment down’ , Japaneseplants are the leaders, with NIC and N. Americanplants lagging behind. European plants are next onthese measures with the remaining plants inChinarRussia and other regions constituting the tailof the distribution.

Table 3 presents regional comparisons for factorypriorities. The data indicate that Japanese plants

Ž .emphasize quality QUALITY more than other re-gions. NIC and European plants do not emphasize

Ž .quality as much. Flexibility FLEXIBILITY appearsto be a higher priority for N. American and Japaneseplants. European plants’ lower emphasis on flexibil-ity may be the result of a tendency to focus individ-ual factories on either large or small tubes. When it

Ž .comes to innovation INNOVATE —the ability andintent to make ongoing improvements in product andprocess design—Japanese plants are the clear lead-ers, with the plants in N. America, Europe, and NICsforming the second group, and the rest of the worldmaking up the last group. Due to the fact that thisindustry is on the verge of a technological disconti-nuity, another dimension of competition is the ability

Žto be a leader in such advanced innovations LEAD-.INNOVATOR . Here too, Japanese plants lead the

others, but NIC plants demonstrate a clear desire toŽ .leapfrog the current leaders. Finally, price PRICE

is another key competitive priority in this industry,and here, there is surprisingly equal emphasisthroughout the world, except for plants in India andS. America, which are focused on low price.

Factory architectures vary throughout the worldŽ .Table 4a . For color tubes, NIC factories are theyoungest in the world—8 years—compared to 23for Japanese, 20 for N. American and European, andless than 15 for the others. In general, we found thatNIC, N. American, and Chinese factories have thenewest equipment. This is primarily because of re-cently established new factories, as in NICs, orinstallation of new equipment, as in N. America andChina. US factories make the largest tubes on aver-age. Japanese factories have a surprisingly low aver-

Table 3Ž .Factory priorities by region by location

Priorities Region of location Probability of F-ratio

1 2 3 4 5 6N. America Europe Japan NICs ChinarRussia Other

QUALITY 3.3 2.33 4 2.9 3.7 2.3 0.087FLEXIBILITY 2.9 2.22 3.75 2.3 2.2 2.2 0.094PRICE 2.9 3 3 3 3.2 2.3 nsINNOVATE 2.37 2.5 3.29 2.39 2.2 1.6 nsLEAD-INNOVATOR 0.3 0.18 0.5 0.43 0.27 0.25 0.066

Bold numbers indicate top two regions on that particular priority. One-way ANOVA results indicate differences across regions. nssNotsignificant.

( )A. Khurana, B. TalbotrJournal of Operations Management 16 1998 215–239 225

Table 4Ž . Ž .a Factory architecture by region by location

Region of location Probability ofF-ratio

1 2 3 4 5 6N. America Europe Japan NICs Chinar Russia Other

Factory architectureŽ . Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .AGE-COLOR years 18.3 20 4,5 22.7 4,5 7.3 2,3 10.8 2,3 14.5 0.0006

Ž .CAPACITY million unitsryear 2.0 2.2 2.6 2.6 1.8 1.3 nsŽ .EQUIPMENT AGE years 8.9 11.7 10.1 8.86 6.2 11.7 ns

Ž .AVG-SIZE cm 64.0 54.2 47.9 43.1 46.7 47.1 nsŽ . Ž . Ž . Ž .TOTAL EMPLOYEES 1162 5 1209 5 1683 1426 5 4552 1,2,4 1452 0.002Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .DIRECT EMPLOYEES 796 5 872 5 790 5 917 5 2790 1,2,3,4 919 0.002

Ž . Ž . Ž .TUBE-VARIETY no. 2.5 2.9 3.2 5 2.3 2.0 3 2.3 0.018Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .CUSTOMERS a plants 10 23 1 23 1 31 1 22 1 16 0.02

AutomationŽ . Ž . Ž . Ž .% Totally automated 55.8 49.4 78.8 5,6 61.3 5,6 36.1 3,4 4.8 all 0.001

Ž .Perceived scale 1–5 3.6 3.4 4.0 3.6 3.0 2.3 nsŽ . Ž . Ž . Ž .Manual handle—tube 7.4 10 6 2.9 2,5,6 8.9 13.5 3 17.0 3 0.008

Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .Manual handle—mask 4.8 5,6 7.1 2.3 5,6 6.7 15.0 1,3 18.3 1,3 0.0007

Ž .Numbers in parentheses indicate region numbers from which the region is different Scheffe pairwise test . nssNot significant.

Ž . Ž .b Factory practices by region by location

Factory practicesProcess managementRoot cause analysis information 15.6 62.2 66.3 47.4 48 59 0.03for reject tubes

Vendor quality practicesPurchasing’s familiarity with 3.1 3.2 3.0 2.4 2.4 3.0 0.10quality informationQuality department involved— 80% 73% 36% 70% 70% 70% nsvendor selectionFrequency of supplier— 27 36 39 59 17 49 nsengineering meeting

Technology management% Problems solved by worker– 12 19.4 22.5 14.1 12 8.3 nssupervisor team% Problems solved by 30.0 24.4 20.9 17.1 24.0 35.0 0.10manufacturing engineers% Problems solved by senior 9:0 13.3 11.3 8.8 25.0 11.7 0.08managersNo. process improvement 14.7 17.8 27.4 36.9 10.8 14.33 nsexperiments

)Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .No. production engineers in 8 3,5 19.3 5 40.3 1,5 25.6 5 207 all 15 15 0.0066manufacturing

Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .No. production engineers in 10.1 5 19.1 5 43.8 5 38.2 5 104 5 3,5 0.0016engineeringNo. design engineers 23.4 15.1 39.6 40.2 43.4 6.3 ns

Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .% Production engineers are 87 2,3 40 1,5,6 21 1,4,5,6 64 5,6 79 2,3,4 93 2,3,4 0.0001degreed

( )A. Khurana, B. TalbotrJournal of Operations Management 16 1998 215–239226

Ž .Table 4 continued

Region of location Probability ofF-ratio

1 2 3 4 5 6N. America Europe Japan NICs Chinar Russia Other

Design managementPrototypes at factory for design 192 506 101 491 na na nschanges

Ž . Ž .No. of weeks for design changes 12.9 3 10.6 3.2 1,6 6.3 na na 0.0015Prototypes in lab for new design 49 439 66 67 na na nsNo. of weeks—new design 30 29 8 25 na na 0.10implementationCommn. between design and 4.0 4.3 4.5 3.9 na na nsproductionrqualityUse of design tools 2.7 3.2 3.4 2.8 na na 0.10

Workforce managementPrev. Maintenance by 31 28.33 32.13 57.22 30.0 10.0 0.046

Ž .workers %Ž .Setups by workers % 51.5 23.33 42.5 30.83 28.0 28.8 ns

Ž .Shop-floor procedures by workers % 26.5 16.67 32.5 47.78 4.4 30.0 0.10Ž .Multiskilled workers % 43.5 28.67 57.5 41.9 16.0 21.25 0.09Ž .Worker training hours h 53 59 59 49 111 39 ns

Ž .Absenteeism % 7.4 6.7 1.2 7.8 2.3 9.2 nsŽ .Employee wages scale 3.0 3.2 3.9 3.1 y y 0.10

Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .% In teams 32.0 3 32.6 3 92.5 1,2,6 58.4 33.0 27.5 3 0.003Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .No. years teams used years 3.0 3 5.1 12.8 4.6 3 2.2 3 2.1 3 0.002

Ž .1,4,5,6Ž . Ž . Ž .Number of suggestionsremployee 13.6 1.4 5,6 32.4 12.0 78.1 2 167.2 2 0.05

Strategic quality managementTop management evaluates 4.2 3.89 4.25 4.1 3.8 3.75 nsmanagers on qualityQuality incentives for workers 2.4 2.89 3.63 3.77 4.0 2.25 0.0325

Factory network learning% Quality ideas from other plants 36 28 20 30 na na nsFrequency plant manager visits to 3 3.5 4.8 3.4 na na nssisters plantsFrequency production manager 1.6 2.8 8.3 4.0 na na 0.027visits to sister plantsFrequency quality manager visits 2.1 2.6 13.3 6.7 na na 0.044to sister plantsFrequency production engineer 1.7 3.1 8.8 6.2 na na nsvisits to sister plants

Ž .Numbers in parentheses indicate region numbers from which the region is different Scheffe pairwise test . nssNot significant. Boldnumbers are two best scores for each practice. nasNot Applicable; ysData not available.) cf. footnote 3.

age tube size, possibly because they manufacture alarge range of tube sizes, including some very smalltube sizes, e.g., 10 in. The average size for Europeanfactories is low because of the inclusion of a coupleof factories that focus on the East European marketfor small tubes. Japanese factories also produce on

average the most tube sizes per factory and on anyŽ .one line 3.2 sizes per line which is consistent with

their emphasis on flexibility. Yet, NIC factories servethe largest number of customers.

Japanese and NIC factories have the highestequipment automation, with Japanese factories hav-

( )A. Khurana, B. TalbotrJournal of Operations Management 16 1998 215–239 227

Table 5Factory performance by cluster group

Performance measure Strategic plant role cluster Probability of F-ratio

1 2 3Innovator Improver Multi-focusedw x w x w x17 17 16

End-outcomesŽ .MAT-QUAL ar1000 tubes 1058 1094 1105 0.10

Ž . Ž . Ž .REJECTS ppm 3930 2924 3 4862 2 0.04Ž .PRODUCTIVITY Tubesrman-h 1.65 1.07 1.15 ns

YLD_92 86.0 81.0 75.0 0.10Ž .YLD-IMP %ryear 1.35 1.92 3.0 ns

IntermediateŽ .W-I-P hours 33 43 36 ns

Ž .CYCLE TIME hours 18.8 26.7 21.0 nsŽ . Ž . Ž .SCREENING EQUIPMENT DOWNrwk 1.9 3 3.5 3 6.9 1,2 0.0014

EXHAUST EQUIPMENT DOWNrwk 0.3 0.73 1.17 0.099Ž . Ž .DURABILITY 24,689 3 19,588 16,076 1 0.06

Bottom-lineŽ .ROI % 7.6 2.5 4.65 ns

Ž .CAP-UTIL. % 83.6 87.0 86.1 ns

The number of plants within each cluster are given in brackets. Numbers in parentheses indicate cluster numbers from which the cluster isŽ .different Scheffe pairwise test . nssNot significant. Bold numbers indicate highest performing cluster on that particular performance


ing the least amount of manual handling. Not surpris-ingly, several of the Chinese factories are set up tobe highly automated, but still have substantial man-ual handling. The above numbers change somewhatwhen the factories are grouped by ownership ratherthan location. N. American- and European-ownedfactories are the oldest. The newest equipment is inplants owned by NIC, Japanese, and Chinese compa-nies. NIC-owned plants make somewhat smaller tubesizes than Japanese or N. AmericanrEuropean-owned plants. Japanese-owned plants outside orwithin Japan manufacture the most variety of tubesizes. The pattern of automation by ownership issimilar to that for location, except that Japanese-owned plants have a substantial lead over NICs aswell.

Numerous comparisons of management and fac-Žtory practices may be drawn from these data Table

.4b . However, given space limitations, we presentonly the key observations. Most regions appear to beequal on top management emphasis, except that insome regions this emphasis manifests itself in theform of financial and other incentives for quality and

other objectives. NIC and Japanese factories appearto emphasize learning and technical knowledge, asindicated by the emphasis on experimentation andproblem-solving at all levels, as well as the largenumber of engineers employed. 4 Also, surprisingly,NIC factories appear to be at par with Japanese

Ž .factories and ahead of the other regions in adoptingstate-of-the-art workforce practices such as multi-skilled workers, broad worker responsibilities, and

Žthe use of teams also see Whybark and Vastag,.1993 . Thus, overall, Japanese and NIC factories

appear to be the most progressive on factory man-agement practices.

The above results suggest that Predictions 1a and1b are not fully supported, and in fact, are partially

4 Chinese factories actually report that they have more engi-neers, but that is partly the result of the Chinese educational andvocational system which produces surplus engineers, coupled withthe fact that there is no clear distinction between technicians andengineers. Also, the current start-up phase of most Chinese facto-ries typically engages several dozen foreign engineers on site.

( )A. Khurana, B. TalbotrJournal of Operations Management 16 1998 215–239228

Table 6Ž .a Factory architecture by cluster group

Strategic plant role cluster Probability of F-ratio

1 2 3Innovator Improver Multi-focused

Factory architectureŽ .AGE-COLOR years 18 11 16 ns

Ž .CAPACITY million unitsryear 2.8 2.03 2.15 0.10Ž .EQUIPMENT AGE years 9.9 8.8 10.6 ns

Ž .AVG-SIZE cm 53 47.8 49.9 0.048TOTAL EMPLOYEES 1832 1105 1718 nsDIRECT EMPLOYEES 1003 699 1146 ns

Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .TUBE-VARIETY no. 4.1 2,3 1.8 1 2.3 1 0.00001Ž . Ž . Ž .CUSTOMERS a plants 37 2 16 1 25 0.04

AutomationŽ . Ž . Ž .% Totally automated closed loop control 56 73 3 39 2 0.0036

Ž . Ž .Automation—relative perception 1–5 scale 4.06 3 3.59 2.75 0.0048Ž . Ž . Ž .Manual handle—tube a times 4.35 3 9.25 12.9 1 0.0066Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .Manual handle—Mask a times 3.4 3 5.3 3 10.5 1,2 0.0019

Ž .Automation of data collection 1–5 scale 3.12 3.3 2.8 ns

Ž .Numbers in parentheses indicate cluster numbers from which the cluster is different Scheffe pairwise test . nssNot significant.

Ž .b Factory practices by cluster group

Factory practiceProcess managementRoot cause analysis information for reject tubes 60% 36% 46% 0.10

Vendor quality practicesPurchasing’s familiarity with quality information 2.7 2.9 2.9 nsQuality department involved—vendor selection 59 69 77 nsFrequency of supplier—engineer meeting 46 44 42 ns

Technology management% Problems solved by production workers and 19 15.3 10 0.10supervisors in teams% Problems solved by manufacturing engineers 19.5 20 30 0.047% Problems solved by senior managers 12.5 12.1 9.7 ns

Ž . Ž .No. process improvement experiments 39 2 12.5 1 24.8 0.07Ž . Ž .No. production engineers in manufacturing 48.3 3 22.2 8.9 1 0.05

No. production engineers in engineering 42.2 28.1 17.2 nsNo. design engineers 42.4 20.5 23.4 ns% Production engineers are degreed 44.5 69.8 63.4 0.10

Design managementPrototypes at factory for design changes 223 514 247 nsNo. of weeks for design changes 5.3 8.3 11.9 0.02Prototypes in lab for new design 61.8 84.7 246 nsNo. of weeks—new design implementation 17.1 26.4 25.7 nsCommn. between design and productionrquality 4.6 4.1 3.9 0.07Use of design tools 3.2 2.6 2.9 ns

Workforce managementŽ .Preventive maintenance by workers % 41 43 23 0.10

Ž .Setups by workers % 40 40 25 ns

( )A. Khurana, B. TalbotrJournal of Operations Management 16 1998 215–239 229

Ž .Table 6 continued

Strategic plant role cluster Probability of F-ratio

1 2 3Innovator Improver Multi-focused

Ž .Shop-floor procedures by workers % 29 44 16 0.07Ž .Multiskilled workers % 45 44 27 nsŽ .Worker training hours h 50 75 49 nsŽ .High school education % 68.5 64.5 40 0.05

Ž .Recruitment based on education scale 4.35 4.0 3.5 0.09Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .Absenteeism % 2.7 3 3.5 3 10.1 1,2 0.0013

Ž .Employee wages scale 3.35 3.4 3.0 nsŽ .Few status differences 3.5 3 3.4 3.0 ns

% In teams 62 58 33 0.078Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .No. years teams used years 9.3 2,3 3.5 1 4.0 1 0.0037

Number of suggestionsremployee 52.5 12 5.5 0.10

Strategic quality managementTop management evaluates managers on quality 3.67 3.62 3.2 nsQuality incentives for workers 3.4 3.8 2.6 0.10

Ž . Ž .Managers do not cooperate 2.4 3 2.8 3.3 1 0.036

Factory network learning% Quality ideas from other plants 18.6 38.4 30.8 0.10Frequency plant manager visits to sister plants 4.1 3.1 3.05 nsFrequency production manager visits to sister plants 5.7 3.1 1.9 0.06Frequency quality manager visits to sister plants 10.1 3.8 2.65 0.028Frequency production engineer visits to sister plants 6.6 3.16 3.23 0.10

Ž .Numbers in parentheses indicate cluster numbers from which the cluster is different Scheffe pairwise test . nssNot significant. Boldnumbers indicate best score on that particular practice.

disconfirmed. On Prediction 1a, there appears to be aconvergence on many dimensions such as top man-agement emphasis on quality, worker training, andrecruitment practices. Contrary to expectations, NICsare better than average on both process performanceand innovation. In fact, they are reasonably good,and have been improving for the past few years eventhough on factory priorities, they still appear to lag,and are possibly trying to understand what theyshould emphasize. Japanese plants are leaders onboth innovation and process performance, which re-inforces the commonly voiced belief that Japaneseplants have taken the lead from US and Europeanplants. Prediction 1b is supported to the extent thatJapanese plants are leaders on both technology andmanagement practices, while, contrary to expecta-tions, NICs are at par with or better than Europeanand N. American plants. In fact, NICs score among

Žthe top two on nine of 17 practices compared to 13of 17 for Japanese, five of 17 for N. American, and

.three of 17 for European plants .

3.3. Comparing performance and practices acrossplant roles

Table 5 presents a comparison of performance bycluster group. For the end outcome performancemeasures, it is evident that innovators are the supe-rior performers on almost every count: best on inter-

Ž .nal quality MAT-QUAL ; a close second best onŽ .external quality REJECTS ; and, highest on produc-

Ž .tivity PRODUCTIVITY . This is surprising, giventhe traditionally observed tradeoff between innova-

Žtion and constant performance see, e.g., Hambrick,1983 for evidence on the superior performance ofbusinesses that are ‘defenders’ and ‘analyzers’ in

.contrast to the average performance of ‘innovators’ .Possibly, the emphasis on innovation at the plantlevel has learning benefits that overcome the draw-

Ž .backs of ‘confusion’ Hayes and Clark, 1986 . Theimprovers seem to do consistently well on all qual-ity-related dimensions. In fact, they have the bestcustomer quality performance, though they lag on

( )A. Khurana, B. TalbotrJournal of Operations Management 16 1998 215–239230

Table 7Results of canonical discriminant analysis

Canonical function Eigen value Canonical correlation Significance of canonical correlation Percent of varianceor root

a Name

1 quality improvement 2.466 0.84 -0.00001 57.162 customer scope 1.848 0.81 -0.00001 42.84

Predictor set Canonical correlation Canonical coefficient

Function 1 Function 2 Function 1 Function 2

QUALITY 0.97 y0.07 1.0169 y0.1567FLEXIBILITY 0.055 0.72 y0.0031 0.9399INNOVATE 0.15 0.436 0.1650 0.7228LEAD-INNOVATOR y0.025 0.15 y0.1264 y0.1924PRICE y0.08 0.11 0.2082 0.2116

Ž .Bold numbers indicate high loadings weights in canonical functions q0.40.Ž .Wilk’s Lambdas0.351. F-statistic for Wilk’s Lambdas47.11 p-0.00001 .

productivity. This possibly reflects a distinct focuson quality where no compromises are made, and ispossibly an intermediate phase in a transition to-wards plants that can simultaneously achieve high

Žquality and productivity see, e.g., the sandcone. 5model of Ferdows and de Meyer, 1990 . Finally,

multi-focused plants lag on almost every dimension,Ž .except on yield improvements YLD-IMP . This is

possibly because they have the greatest scope forŽimproving YLD_92, i.e., the overall yield in 1992 is

.lowest for these plants .The comparison of factory architecture and prac-

Ž .tices by cluster group Table 6a and b shows anumber of expected, as well as surprising patterns.As expected, innovators produce larger tubes, havethe greatest tube variety, the most customers, and arefairly automated. It appears that these factories have

Žpartial automation so that it is not ‘totally’ auto-mated, but the overall automation is still higher thanmost other plants; this is possibly why these factoriesperceive themselves to be more highly automated

.than improver plants . Improver factories are highly

5 The sandcone model suggests that manufacturing capabilitiesdevelop in a cumulative fashion, starting with quality, and thengradually adding on other capabilities until the business has othercapabilities as well, such as delivery, flexibility, and price.

Žautomated on both total automation as well as the.self-perception scale . Consistent with their quality

focus, improvers have the best workforce practices,are employee focused, and conduct continuous im-provement through inter-plant learning and transferof best practices. Innovators focus on technologicalissues more than the other groups: they conductmany experiments, have a highly skilled technical

Ž .workforce both engineers and workers , and arecross-functional in their problem-solving approach.They make the best use of teams: possibly, beinginnovators, the use of administrative innovationscomes easily to them.

3.4. Canonical discriminant functions that explainplant roles

We carried out a canonical discriminant analysisusing the discriminant option in SPSS for Windowsto describe the key factory capabilities and priorities

Žthat explain the above clustering Green, 1978;.Klecka, 1980; Tabachnik and Fidell, 1983 . Given

our sample size, and the number of clusters, two keyŽ .discriminant functions were identified Table 7a,b .

These functions explain the clusters with a 98%accuracy or hit rate. As Table 7a shows, two signifi-cant canonical functions are identified, with innova-tion and quality being the two competitive prioritiesthat are most significant in describing the canonical

( )A. Khurana, B. TalbotrJournal of Operations Management 16 1998 215–239 231

Fig. 2. Mapping plants and group centroids onto canonical function coordinates.

functions. The canonical correlations of 0.84 andŽ0.81 indicate that about 64% average of square of

.0.84 and 0.81 of the variance in plant role groupmembership is explained by the 5 competitive priori-

Ž .ties and vice versa . The overall significance of themultivariate relationship between the competitivepriorities and the canonical functions is indicated by

Ž .the F statistic for Wilk’s Lambda: Us0.351, p F-0.00001. Thus, both discriminant functions are

Žsignificant and have discriminating power Klecka,.1980, p. 38 .

The first canonical function appears to be a ‘qual-ity improvement’ dimension that describes a plant’sdesire to achieve high quality. It is highly positivelycorrelated with quality and very moderately withinnovation. The second function is clearly focusedon innovation and variety, driven by, what we call‘customer scope’. It represents a plant’s desire tohave a broad, innovative product offering, and itsattempt to meet customer requirements to the extentpossible. Though somewhat similar to Miller andRoth’s ‘market scope’ function, ‘customer scope’,appropriately so, has more of a factory manufactur-ing emphasis. This function has high positive corre-lations with both innovation and flexibility, and amoderate correlation with both advanced innovationleadership and price. Thus, plants that emphasizequality are likely to be classified as ‘quality im-provement’ plants. On the other hand, plants focus-

ing on innovation and variety or flexibility are likelyto have a high score on ‘customer scope’. Fig. 2maps plants onto the two plant role discriminantfunctions of ‘quality improvement’ and ‘customerscope’. The centroids of each of the three clusters,innovators, improvers, and multi-focused are markedas ‘)’.

3.5. Global distribution of plant roles

Table 8a and b present results of a cross-tabula-tion of plant groups by region. Table 8a presents theresults where region represents location, and forTable 8b, region means ownership.

These results clearly do not support Prediction 2.Neither the distribution of plants across a particularstrategic plant role cluster, nor within a particular

Ž .region by location or by ownership , support theŽpatterns expected if Prediction 2 is true here, we use

the classification of ‘marketeers’ and ‘caretakers’ inprior research to be a more generic classification,somewhat parallel to our categories of improvers and

.multi-focused; cf. Prediction 2. None of the plantslocated in Japan, or owned by Japanese companies ismulti-focused. Plants in Japan have the highest

Ž .propensity to be innovators six of eight, i.e., 75% ,Ž .followed by NICs 37% , and N. American plants

Ž .30% . The same numbers by ownership are 47% forJapan, 37% for NICs, and 20% for N. American- and

( )A. Khurana, B. TalbotrJournal of Operations Management 16 1998 215–239232

Table 8Ž . Ž .a Crosstabs of cluster group by region by location

Region Strategic plant role cluster Total

1 2 3Innovator Improver Multi-focused

Ž .1 N. America 3 4 3 10Ž .2 Europe 1 2 6 9Ž .3 Japan 6 2 0 8Ž .4 NICs 5 7 4 16Ž .5 ChinarRussia 1 2 0 3Ž .6 Others 1 0 3 4Total 17 17 16 50 of 54

Ž . Ž .b Crosstabs of cluster group by region by ownership

Ž .1 N. AmericarEurope 3 3 9 15Ž .3 Japan 9 10 0 19Ž .4 NICs 4 2 5 11Ž .5 ChinarRussia 1 2 0 3Ž .6 Others 0 0 2 2Total 17 17 16 50 of 54

European-owned plants. 6 Plants located in andowned by European and N. American companiesexhibit a high propensity to be multi-focused; nine of19 plants located in the Western world, and nine of15 plants owned by Western companies fall in this

Žcategory recall that we mentioned earlier that being.multi-focused is not necessarily bad .

The plants located in or owned by the NICsdisplay a mix among innovators, improvers, andmulti-focused, showing an evolutionary phase inwhich there is no consistent pattern of plant roles forthe region. However, five or six plants located in

Ž .NICs but not owned by NICs are improvers. Thismeans that Japanese or Western MNCs seem to befollowing the IPUP models to some extent, that is,not giving these plants an innovator role, thoughtstill letting them be improvers. This is possibly theresult of TQM efforts. Further support comes fromthe fact that of the eight innovators amongJapanese-owned plants, five are in Japan itself. Thisconfirms the popular view that Japanese companies

6 The high fraction of innoÕator plants among NICs, and thecorrespondingly small number of multi-focused plants for NICs,suggests that NICs may have leapfrogged a management paradigm,directly going from having no presence in the industry only a fewyears ago to being among the industry leaders.

first carry out development and experiments in theirhome plants, and then ‘export’ these technologies totheir overseas plants. This finding is not totally

Žconsistent with Ferdows’ prediction our Prediction.3 that over time, overseas plants will come to play a

‘lead’ role.The results for the other regional groups are not

surprising. None of the plants owned or located innon-NIC Asia or in S. America plays an innovatorrole. Among the plants in China and the ex-USSR,only one is multi-focused. There is one innovator,which is a slight surprise, yet, many political scien-tists, political economists, and country culture ‘gurus’are willing to bet that China will not only be thefastest growing economy in the next couple ofdecades, but also that Chinese-owned companies can

Žbe expected to revolutionize world economics see,.e.g., Overholt, 1993 .

Our analysis of plant roles on the basis of whetherthey are in the ‘home’ country or region, or ‘away’,provides less rigorous results because the samplesizes are small. Table 9a and b suggests that if theprimary role of ‘lead’ plants is to be innovators, then‘home’ plants have a larger fraction of innovators

Ž .than ‘away’ plants 12 of 28 vs. 4 of 17 . Surpris-ingly, however, this is not true for N. American andEuropean plants. Thus, Prediction 3a is only partially

Žsupported. Most ‘away’ plants are improvers 10 of

( )A. Khurana, B. TalbotrJournal of Operations Management 16 1998 215–239 233

Table 9Ž . Ž .a Plant roles by ‘Home’ or ‘Away’ ‘Home’s Home country; ‘Away’snot in home country

Region Home or away Strategic plant role cluster Total plants

1 2 3Innovator Improver Multi-focused

Ž .1 N. America Home 0 0 1 1Away 0 0 0 0

Ž .2 Europe Home 1 0 2 3Away 2 3 6 11

Ž .3 Japan Home 6 2 0 8Away 3 8 0 11

Ž .4 NICs Home 4 2 3 9Away 0 0 2 2

Ž . Ž .b Plant roles by ‘Home Region’ or ‘Away Region’ ‘Home’sHome region; ‘Away’snot in home region

Ž .1 N. America Home 0 0 1 1Away 0 0 0 0

Ž .2 Europe Home 2 1 6 9Away 1 2 2 5

Ž .3 Japan Home 6 2 0 8Away 3 8 0 11

Ž .4 NICs Home 4 2 4 10Away 0 0 1 1

.17 , though these are mostly Japanese-owned plants.Multi-focused plants exist both at ‘home’ and ‘away’.Though our cluster analysis does not match Fer-dows’ categories of plant roles, and thus Predictions3b and 3c cannot be evaluated directly, the fact thatevery multiplant MNC has a different distribution ofroles, for ‘home’ and ‘away’ plants, suggests thatthese predictions do not hold completely. In particu-lar, several innovators exist among ‘away’ plants,thus contradicting Prediction 3c. Further, we couldnot test the prediction about the evolution of plantroles. Thus, Predictions 3a, 3b and 3c are onlypartially supported.

4. Discussion

Our arguments and empirical results suggest thatthe IPUP models need to be reassessed and extended.Changes in economic factors and management prac-tices contribute to the limited relevance of thesetraditional internationalization models. These includethe growing convergence of factor cost configura-

Žtions of various national markets Vernon, 1981;

.Porter, 1990 , technology transfer activities withinŽMNCs Vernon, 1981; Flaherty, 1986; Bartlett and

.Ghoshal, 1989 , and the global awareness and adop-Ž .tion of management knowledge Young, 1992 . As

the discussion below indicates, several of these rea-sons are interrelated, and it is the simultaneous evo-lution of several of these, that possibly explains whythe IPUP models are no longer strongly supported.

4.1. Possible explanations

One possible explanation of the narrowing of thisperformance gap among plants derives from the ob-servation that whereas industrialized countries seek

Žnatural resources or low cost labor i.e., those re-sources in which their countries may be disadvan-

.taged , developing countries often seek to acquiretechnology, the resource in which they are compara-

Ž .tively poorly endowed see Dunning, 1988, p. 15 .Over time, firms from NICs, LDCs and developingcountries gradually acquire technology and skills,and if they have the opportunity, may achieve higherperformance than industrialized countries. This argu-

Ž .ment is supported by Schmenner and Rho 1990 ,who found a strong technology emphasis by Korean

( )A. Khurana, B. TalbotrJournal of Operations Management 16 1998 215–239234

plants. In fact, it is now a widely held belief thatmany of the countries in the world are catching up.As Hamel and Prahalad suggest, this is to be ex-pected in a world where capital, technology, and

Žmanagerial talent are internationally mobile Hamel.and Prahalad, 1994 . They argue that ‘‘ . . . The unfet-

tered capitalism of the Chinese Diaspora in Taiwan,Hong Kong, and southern China has produced aneconomic miracle every bit the equal of Japan’s . . . ’’Ž .Hamel and Prahalad, 1994, p. 269 . A similar con-clusion is echoed by the International Motor Vehicle

Ž .Program IMVP research on the auto industryŽ .Womack et al., 1990 : the traditional view, wherebythe ‘‘ . . . world economy advanced by moving theproduction of standardized, low-priced products—such as small automobiles and trucks—to newmass-production factories in newly industrializingcountries . . . ’’, clashes with the push towards lean

Ž .production worldwide Womack et al., 1990, p. 260 .This, they predict, will lead to a new world eco-nomic order in which there will be greater equality,and, as a result, an increased flow of products, butoverall a regional balance of trade flows. The Koreanauto industry confirms this view. Starting as low-costexporters, Korean auto producers are beginning tocompete on quality and performance, and have estab-lished production facilities in the US and Europe.‘‘ . . . The idea of a company from a developingcountry building a major manufacturing facility in ahighly developed, high-wage country would have

Ž .been unthinkable . . . ’’ Womack et al., 1990, p. 263 .An important outcome of global competition, and

the pace of economic progress is that companies areincreasingly having to adopt a more ‘geocentric’Ž . Ž . 7i.e., world-oriented approach Perlmutter, 1969 .Here, it appears that actions are leading intents.Thus, while Japanese auto companies were tradition-

Žally perceived to lack a global perspective al., 1990, p. 272 , their actions—investments,

technology transfer, component localization, and ex-ports back to Japan—are indicative of a more geo-centric outlook. This is confirmed by our globalcolor picture tube data: innovator plants exist in both

7 ŽPerlmutter describes three MNC attitudes—ethnocentric or. Ž .home-country-oriented , polycentric or host-country-oriented ,

Ž .and geocentric or world-oriented .

Žhome countries and ‘away’ countries Table 9a and.b .

This ‘geocentrism’ is closely connected with thenotion of MNCs as a network of resources that

Žrequire coordination Porter, 1986; Hedlund, 1986;.Bartlett and Ghoshal, 1989 . MNCs are projected to

be differentiated networks of independent but coordi-Žnated resources for subsidiaries see, e.g., Bartlett

. Žand Ghoshal, 1989, p. 98 , or for plants see, e.g.,.Ferdows, 1989 . Thus, the MNC’s global network

becomes one of interdependent and intelligent nodes,rather than one where strategic functions are clearlylocated in a center and the ‘foreign’ units are rele-

Žgated to implementing roles Hedlund, 1986; Bartlett. 8and Ghoshal, 1989 . This is confirmed by our data

Ž .Table 9a,b . Yet, we found that these plant roles donot follow Ferdows’ expectations about plant roles.Two factors may explain this. First, increasing prod-uct maturity and rapidly improving telecommunica-tion make it less critical to have a short spatialdistance between production facilities and the corpo-ration centers for decision-making and product de-velopment. It is thus possible to have ‘lead’ plantsthat are not in the MNC’s home country. Second,these roles are redefined in the context of inter-re-lated plant roles. Plants within a network can bestrategically designed to be centers of excellence ondifferent dimensions. This may preclude one plant

Ž .from being a ‘lead’ plant also, see Section 1.4 .Another potential explanation for our results and

the partial disconfirmation of the IPUP model is thegrowing convergence of management practices re-sulting from the world-wide diffusion of manage-

Ž .ment principles associated with just-in-time JIT ,Ž .total quality TQM , lean production, cross-func-

tional product development, and the use ofŽCADrCAM Womack et al., 1990, pp. 227–255;

.Young, 1992; etc. . As such practices are adopted indifferent parts of the world, the performance ofplants in different parts of the world can be expectedto converge. This is not to say that such practices areeasy to adopt and internalize: both the pace of

8 Yet, even today there is a contradicting model, the ‘homebase’ model. According to this model, the international dispersionof creative and strategic assets is seen as mostly ineffective, and a

Ž .temporary side-effect of acquisition strategies see Porter, 1990 .

( )A. Khurana, B. TalbotrJournal of Operations Management 16 1998 215–239 235

Žchange, e.g., at Gateway 2000 Computers Agility.Forum, 1995 and the ‘stickiness’ of such practices

explain the difficulty of transfer of best practicesŽ .von Hippel, 1994; Szulanski, 1995 .

4.2. Discussion of the current theory

While the IPUP models may have explained agreat deal about international product and productionloci in the past, the theory lacks adequate explana-tory power today. Our analysis of regional differ-ences in the global color picture tube industry pro-vides evidence to this effect, and highlights limita-tions to extant descriptive models in the operationsmanagement literature. Further, the applicability ofthe IPUP models appears to be limited if new prod-ucts are developed in companies that already have

Žconsiderable operations in foreign countries also see.Vernon, 1979; Melin, 1992, p. 103 .

We can begin to explain our results by extendingthe notion of an investment development path or

Ž . Žcycle Dunning, 1986 . According to this as yet.untested hypothesis:

Ž .FDI by or in a country ‘ . . . will vary according to iŽ .its stage of economic development, ii the structure

Ž .of its factor endowments and markets, iii its politi-Ž .cal and economic systems, and iv the nature and

extent of market failure in the transaction of interme-Ždiate products across national boundaries . . . ’ Dun-

. 9ning, 1988, p. 15 .

9 The international development cycle model discussed aboveis, in some ways, a restatement and reinterpretation of classicaltheories of trade and international economics. Yet, given theintersection of capitalism-based international economics and com-munistrsocialist theories, we may see further exceptions to exist-

Ž .ing theories. For example, Ohmae 1995 predicts the emergenceof region–states such as Silicon Valley, San Diego–Tijuana,northern Italy, Baden–Wurttemberg, Singapore, Osaka–Kansai,Bangalore in India, and Hong Kong–southern China. Overholtsuggests that China has reversed the traditional non-capitalisteconomic policy by putting light industry before heavy, and using

Žthe economic multiplier model to jump-start its economy Over-.holt, 1993 . Thus, the Chinese strategy of focusing on light

industry, balancing government dictatorship with human resourcemanagement, developing a flexible working relationship withHong Kong, and focusing on technical manpower for the futurewill likely catapult it to global leadership in the early 21st century.

Ž .Similar projections have been made for India Ohmae, 1995 ,Poland, the ex-East German region of Germany, and even Russia.

Thus, a country’s international FDI will passŽthrough a number of stages here, country refers to

.any country, not just industrialized countries . InStage One, there will be no FDI, in or out, due to thelack of a political, commercial, and technologicalinfrastructure for markets and support services, andthe inability to leverage factor endowments. As theinfrastructure improves in Stage Two, intermediateproducts will start to be imported, generally via theinternal mechanisms of multinational enterprises be-cause the transaction costs of external markets aretoo high. During Stage Three, the developing coun-try’s firms start to generate their own ownership-specific advantages, and may go abroad seekingbigger markets, or supplementary resources. 10 Atthis point, the developing country may be starting onits journey to be a more developed and industrializedcountry. Countries such as Japan in the 1960s and1970s, and Korea and Taiwan in the 1980s and1990s, appear to have gone through this cycle ofdevelopment. 11 Due to limitations of space, we donot intend to describe how or why these countrieswere able to trigger their investment development

Žpaths while others were not see, e.g., Heenan andKeegan, 1979; Schumacher, 1975, 1989; Morita etal., 1988; Womack et al., 1990, pp. 260–264; Woo-

.Choong, 1992 . However, our results indicate thatcountries such as Korea and Taiwan do have supe-rior practices and performance at the plant level, andalso assign different roles for different plants. Thatis, they do not focus their plants simply to beimprovers, but also have plants that are innovators.

From an operations strategy standpoint, there areunresolved conflicts between the internationalizationmodels and the notion of progression of capabilities.

10 Existing research indicates that a key reason for the interna-tionalization of NIC companies is that NIC MNCs have betterproduction expertise and better technical support than the host

Ž .countries generally LDC and developing countries for low-tech-nology products. Further, they tend to be more skillful than evendeveloped countries in designing machinery for flexible use, and

Ž .achieving high equipment utilization Lau, 1992 .11 Ž .Lau 1992 finds that, like the IPLC model, overseas roles

tend to evolve over time: NIC MNCs tend to go from productionto sales to marketing, in their overseas ventures.

( )A. Khurana, B. TalbotrJournal of Operations Management 16 1998 215–239236

Until about 10 years ago, operations and businessstrategy researchers believed that there were trade-

Žoffs between various competitive priorities Skinner,.1974, 1978; Porter, 1980 . This is also reflected in

the theories developed by international business re-searchers, such as the notion that as the lifecycleprogressed, it became difficult for plants to competeon more than just innovation, or quality, etc. Yet, ifwe look at today’s technologies and managementapproaches, it is becoming increasingly clear thatplants, business units, and companies can compete

Žon multiple priorities de Meyer et al., 1989; Fer-

dows and de Meyer, 1990; Hamel and Prahalad,.1994 . This too, affects the nature of global strategy

models and the internationalization process. The abil-ity of Japanese plants in the color picture tubeindustry to simultaneously achieve innovation, con-formance and cost excellence, is one indication ofthe obsolescence of the notion of narrowly focusedpriorities for factories or business units.

4.3. A need for new theory

The foregoing argues for substantial modificationsto existing IPUP models or the development of

Table 10Old and new realities for defining plant roles in global manufacturing

Ž . Ž .IPUP models yesterday New models today

Ž . Ž .Primary drivers A. Access to local relative to plant location markets A. Access to markets local, regional or globalB. Access to raw materials, and low skill, low labor B. Access to raw materials, production capacity, highlycost production capacity skilled or unskilled labor, and capital

ŽC. Leverage network effects e.g., within the company.or with suppliers or customers

Implicit assump- A. Governments are neutral or ‘externalities’ A. Governments are active participants in definingtions which, how and where products are made and sold

B. Consumer desires are bifurcated: ‘sophisticated’ in B. Many countries have both ‘sophisticated’ anddeveloped countries and ‘unsophisticated’ in less de- ‘unsophisticated’ consumersveloped countriesC. Skills are bifurcated: high skilled and high cost in C. Highly skilled people are found in significantdeveloped countries; low skilled and low cost in less numbers in many less developed countries and lowdeveloped countries skilled workers are found in large numbers in devel-

oped countriesD. Technological adaptation follows a predictable D. Both product and process technological adaptationpattern can leap frogE. Competition is not a critical factor in defining plant E. Global competitive dynamics should be consideredroles in defining idealized plant roles and do affect realized

rolesF. MNCs are centralized; headquarters control knowl- F. MNCs are a network of differentiated capabilitiesedge and information, and are all-powerfulG. Product life cycles are long enough to enable G. Product life cycles for many products are extremelyinternationalization process models to manifest them- shortselves

ŽTheoretical pre - A. Innovate at home i.e., do R&D in a developed A. Do critical R&D primarily but not exclusively in. Ž .dictions and reali- country home country developed or less developed

tiesB. Use sophisticated process technologies at home, B. Use sophisticated process technologies at home andoutsource low tech labor intensive operations to less abroad; intentionally leapfrog when justifieddeveloped countries; move mature technologies to lessdeveloped countriesC. Treat plants as stand-alone or as part of vertically C. Treat plants as integral parts of value addingintegrated chain networksD. Sell the most recently developed and sophisticated D. Sell most recently developed ‘global’ productsproducts at home, sell mature and simpler products in globally; leapfrog product classes when conditionsless developed countries justify

( )A. Khurana, B. TalbotrJournal of Operations Management 16 1998 215–239 237

fundamentally new theory. Although it is beyond thescope of this paper to develop new theory, we pre-sent a framework in Table 10—using the categoriesDriÕers, Assumptions, Predictions and Realities—that identifies major factors which we believe needto be dealt with in new theory development.

DriÕers are the fundamental motivators for estab-lishing plants outside a home country and makingproduct decisions. Good theory should make explicitand justify what these drivers are. Excellent theoryshould be able to differentiate between what man-agers hope to do in this arena and what is realized.Economists have, for good reasons, focused on therealizations of FDI, etc., in IPUP theory develop-ment, but in so doing may have missed answeringthe ‘why’ question which we believe goes beyondseeking factor price advantages. For example, marketand capacity aspirations are still important today, butwith far broader applicable definitions of ‘market’and ‘capacity’ based on the often complex and some-times seemingly convoluted arrangements companiesmake today with customers and suppliers.

New theory should make its assumptions explicitand consistent with today’s realities. A number ofImplicit Assumptions underlying IPUP theory thatwere reasonably valid during the period 1950–1980are very questionable today. For example, today‘customers’ may be governments, competitors, orlarge middle classes in NICs, demanding and willingto pay for the latest in technology. Production‘partners’ may be suppliers, governments or evencompetitors. Instead of hand-me-down technologytransfer, some companies find it advantageous toupgrade their NIC plants with the next generationprocesses rather than implement them in their homecountry plants. Leapfrogging in consumer marketsalso takes place, e.g., NICs lacking a modern hard-wired telecommunications infrastructure are bypass-ing this technology in favor of cellular systems.

Theoretical Predictions and Reality highlight theimportance of predictive power to good theory, thereasonableness of fit previously provided by IPUPmodels, and the gap that now must be addressed byalternative models. The new models must also elimi-nate the ethnocentric bias inherent in the IPUP mod-els. With the Chinese government owning plants inthe US, and South Korean companies owning plants

Žin Germany just two of many such examples of

NICs reversing the ‘normal’ IPUP investment pat-.tern , the new models need to be geocentric in

orientation to have much predictive power.

5. Summary and conclusions

The structure and nature of global manufacturingis changing and is not fully explained by existinginternational economics, international business, oroperations strategy theories. Understanding thischange is necessary for both academics who desireto conduct leading-edge research in this area, as wellas managers and firms who are involved with day-to-day decision-making. While managerial and aca-demic understanding of the realities of internationalcompetition has gone beyond the IPUP models, thetheoretical and empirical bases have not progressed

Žmuch beyond these initial efforts a key exception is.Porter, 1990 .

The IPUP models, as applied to manufacturing,need to be modified in the context of global eco-nomic changes, international factory roles, world-wide diffusion of management knowledge, and theincreasing feasibility of achieving multiple competi-tive priorities. This research provides a step in thatdirection by combining viewpoints from interna-tional business and operations strategy with detailedempirical results from the global picture tube indus-try.


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