the international writer · 11/10/2015  · 10 simple tricks for getting noticed on linkedin . by...

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The International Writer Sydney | Vancouver | London

2 10 Simple Tricks for Getting Noticed on LinkedIn

By Russell Ward of The International Writer and The Huffington Post

Why LinkedIn matters

With almost 400 million members, LinkedIn matters more than ever. Why? Because it is literally a gold mine of job, networking and business opportunities. LinkedIn is no longer a place to host your CV or add a few colleagues to your connections, it is an online business marketplace teeming with networkers, job seekers and employers looking to hire – and they are all building relationships and looking for the right person or business.

With this number of people online, it is the perfect place to build connections and attract clients. But you need to help others easily find you and attract the right kind of interest in your LinkedIn profile. You need to get active and get noticed before business and job opportunities pass you by! Your profile is your digital business card, even a micro-website of sorts. It is a unique way of promoting yourself to your 1st, 2nd and 3rd connections - an almost endless sphere of influence. You cannot afford to sit back and hope that others find you and reach out to you. You need to get active and you need to get noticed fast.

I know how important a platform it is for my business so I make sure I get active on LinkedIn. Because the more I do, the more people will notice this activity. They might be curious to learn about what I do, they might see commonality in our working worlds, or they might be looking for someone specifically like me. As I make updates and get involved, the views to my profile dramatically increase. By following a few simple and quick steps, I have had incredible success on LinkedIn – from generating more than 30 qualified leads in one week to winning a stack of new business and tripling my income in one month.

10 Simple Tricks for Getting Noticed on LinkedIn

A practical checklist for getting found, growing your network and driving people to you and your business

The International Writer Sydney | Vancouver | London

3 10 Simple Tricks for Getting Noticed on LinkedIn

By Russell Ward of The International Writer and The Huffington Post

I want to share what I have learned so I’ve captured these powerful and proven steps in this free checklist of 10 Simple Tricks for Getting Noticed on LinkedIn full of practical tips for individuals and businesses.

By following this guide, you too will witness amazing results from minimal efforts. You will be able to:

Engage with your target audience and build influence.

Become an authority and go-to person in your industry.

Grow your professional connections and connect with the right people.

Increase people finding you and wanting to learn more.

4 10 Simple Tricks for Getting Noticed on LinkedIn

By Russell Ward of The International Writer and The Huffington Post

So where do you begin and what should you do? Use this checklist to increase your LinkedIn activity and get people talking about you – and to you.

If, at any point, you have questions to ask, do not hesitate to get in touch with me by emailing:

“Since getting my profile revamped, I now rank as No.1 for profile views and I am making connections left, right and centre. I have had messages commenting on how my profile stands out when compared to professionals like me. The investment I made will be returned in no time with the work I’m going to attract through this excellent description of who I am and what I am about.”

Michael M., Co-Owner ● Accomplished Business Manager ● Value-Driven Service ● Speaker and Trusted Advisor

The International Writer Sydney | Vancouver | London

5 10 Simple Tricks for Getting Noticed on LinkedIn

By Russell Ward of The International Writer and The Huffington Post

Get your profile into shape to drive people to you. Update your photo, create a powerful keyword-driven headline, engaging summary about you and how you can help fix your customers’ pain, compelling recent experience and much more. Add in multimedia and do not leave any section blank.

Your headline is often the first port of call for a profile viewer. Even when you show up in a search, the headline is the first thing that anybody sees. Rather than rely on a plain old job title and the company you work at (which we can discover further down your profile), you have 120 characters to showcase your expertise, skills and the elements that make you unique. Regularly update headlines to target different employers or drive new business.

Today, LinkedIn is used in almost the same way as a search engine such as Google or Bing. People search out other people using terms or keywords so ensure the words that best reflect you are captured in your profile. Forget cliché descriptors such as ‘creative’ or ‘entrepreneur’ and try something a bit different. Add these unique keywords to the headline, summary, experience sections and throughout the profile to make it easier for people to find you.

Post regular updates related to the kind of impression you want to make. See yourself as an industry expert? Share news articles and latest thinking. Want to impress a potential employer? Share completed projects and recent achievements. Attach images, rather than relying on the snippet that a URL brings up. Grab their attention. Inform and engage. Add value and inspire.

The International Writer Sydney | Vancouver | London

6 10 Simple Tricks for Getting Noticed on LinkedIn

By Russell Ward of The International Writer and The Huffington Post

Use LinkedIn’s publisher platform to write posts related to your expertise (as I have done at this link) and have these posts seen and shared, liked and commented upon. People often get better results from posting on LinkedIn than they would on a company blog or business website. Draft it in a Word doc, copy and paste it in, then voila. You have the ability to spread your message far and wide, much more so than with a regular status update.

Join relevant LinkedIn groups and actively contribute to the community. Share posts, comment on other discussions, start a conversation and engage with people when they respond. It is another way to demonstrate your expertise, helpfulness and experience, and will often encourage people to want to learn more about who you really are.

Seek recommendations of your work and recommend other people. Do not be afraid to ask for a recommendation – there is no better testimonial of your work. What’s more, when you give a recommendation to somebody, their connections (and yours) will see the kind things that have been said and may be curious to find out more about the person who said them.

Human behaviour is a wonderful thing - when you look at someone’s profile, there is a good chance that they will look back at yours. Then you connect and you reach out to introduce yourself – the beginning of a new relationship is born. Search on the type of people you want to have a working relationship with and check out their profiles. After a few days, watch the notifications and connection requests come in.

If you visit a connection’s profile and the skill endorsement request pops up, go ahead and endorse them. It might seem a bit twee but it is a great way of showing respect and support for a colleague or contact, it leaves your name on the Skills section of their profile, and it shows them you care - invaluable when it comes to leaving a good impression.

Most people wrongly assume that you are connected to all 400 million people on LinkedIn, but you are not. You can only reach out to the people in your 1st degree network – and then to those 2nd and 3rd degree connections. It follows that the more people you have in your 1st degree network, the more people you have access to overall. So make sure you accept all relevant connections requests and do not be shy in making a few of your own. You will find that once your connections grow, so do your profile views.

The International Writer Sydney | Vancouver | London

7 10 Simple Tricks for Getting Noticed on LinkedIn

By Russell Ward of The International Writer and The Huffington Post

And that’s it! This is really all you need to do to stay on top of your LinkedIn activity. Simple, right?

Managing your LinkedIn presence can be straightforward

Congratulations! Because by following these tips for just a few minutes on a regular basis, you will increase your activity on LinkedIn and get found for the right reasons. Much of this will become second nature over time and will not keep you as occupied as Twitter or Facebook might do.

Pick a couple of simple tasks to carry out each day and focus on optimising your profile, sharing valuable content, commenting and engaging with your target audience via your newsfeed and in groups, and showing your value as a thought leader and industry expert. Your readers will appreciate your online contribution and engage with you much more often.

Feeling overwhelmed? Unsure where to begin? Do you even have time to do this?

Please do not worry because you are not alone and this is why we do what we do. We take the effort away from you having to do this yourself and we use our expertise to fully overhaul your online presence, reveal your true authority and build your industry influence on LinkedIn. Check out our range of Influencer Profile Packages for LinkedIn and bring us on-board to overhaul your profile and drive people to you.

Let me answer your questions and work with you to get ACTIVE and NOTICED on LinkedIn.

You can reach me at

The International Writer Sydney | Vancouver | London

Russell Ward is the founder of The International Writer, specialising in the creation of powerful LinkedIn profiles and business content that get people noticed. He also writes for The Huffington Post in the US and is the author of articles that have engaged with hundreds of thousands of people. His own LinkedIn profile is here. You can also connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

The International Writer Sydney | Vancouver | London

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