the infuence of arts

Post on 24-May-2015






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An airplane ride through time to get a deeper understand of how arts have effected the growth of our country.


The Influence of the Arts

3rd grade

TEK: 3.14A,B

Eastridge Elementary

Get in your seat and buckle up. Our plane will be taking

off shortly.

As we take off, please look out the window

at the view.

Entertainment for the Flight

We are currently on our way to New York to see the Statue of Liberty. As we are flying, we have chosen some works of art for your viewing pleasure. As you look at the works of art, please look closely at the details. We will have a question session at the end of the Art slide show.

We are now about to land at the Statue of Liberty.

We Are Almost There

Did You Know?

• The Statue of Liberty's face was said to be modeled after the sculptor's mother, Charlotte.

As we land, we can see a poem at the base of the Statue of


Lets take a closer look at some lines from this poem:

“Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses

yearning to breathe free.”

Do you remember the last word?

“Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses

yearning to breathe _____.”

“Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses

yearning to _______ _______.”

“_____ me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses

yearning to _______ _______.”

“_____ ___ your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses

yearning to _______ _______.”

“_____ ___ _____ tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses

yearning to _______ _______.”

“_____ ___ _____ tired, _____ poor,

Your huddled masses

yearning to _______ _______.”

“_____ ___ _____ tired, _____ poor,

_____ huddled masses

yearning to _______ _______.”

“_____ ___ _____ _____, _____ poor,

_____ huddled masses

yearning to _______ _______.”

“_____ ___ _____ _____, _____ ____,

_____ huddled masses

yearning to _______ _______.”

“_____ ___ _____ _____, _____ ____,

_____ huddled masses

yearning ___ _______ _______.”

“_____ ___ _____ _____, _____ ____,

_____ huddled _________

yearning ___ _______ _______.”

“_____ ___ _____ _____, _____ ____,

_____ _______ _________

yearning ___ _______ _______.”

You Can Do It!!

“_____ ___ _____ _____, _____ ____,

_____ _______ _________

_______ ___ _______ _______.”

• We are now going to fly to the Norman Rockwall Museum.

• Buckle Up!!

It is now time to fly on to the Capital, where we can witness the famous modern day poet, Maya

Angelou, read a poem she wrote at the request of William Jefferson Clinton for his Inauguration as

the 42nd President of the United States, January 20, 1993.

Well boys and girls, it is now time to head back home. As we travel back, we will pass the time by singing some songs. Songs are another form of art. We can learn about peoples values and cultures through the words of songs.

The first song we will sing is “America the Beautiful.” It was written by Katherine Lee Bates.

Now we will sing “This Land is Your Land.” It was written by Woody Guthrie.

Woody Guthrie

• We are now over Texas skies and close to home. As we fly over, lets look at some historical art pieces.

Christopher Columbus arrives in America

George Washington

Welcome Home!!!

• We are now back home from our virtual field trip across the internet. Please stay buckled until we have safely landed. Thank you for flying with Eastridge Internet Travel Company. We hope you will travel with us again soon .

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