the important things to do after installing word press

Post on 25-Jan-2017






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The Important Things To Do After

Installing WordPress

Short Statement on WordPress

A best Blogging Platform named WordPress.

It contains so many features. It is not difficult task to installing WordPress, but the real job

is to follow important steps after installing WordPress. If you are apprentice and want to know the significant steps to follow and then read below.

Change the Default Theme

As the first step you have to do is to change the default WordPress theme. By default WordPress has many Theme

installed. You should install a good looking and quick loading theme that is very important to draw Readers and Gain Rankings. To change the Theme, just login to your Cpanel and change it.

Create Categories and Pages

To Create Categories and Pages on your Blog is the next most important step for you. Make important pages like About, Contact, Privacy Policy etc. Also create Categories based upon your niche. Creating all types and Pages will ease your work as you don’t have to create it once more.


CREATE A LOGO FOR YOUR BLOG Build a good-looking Logo for your Blog

& paste it in Header. This will append extra beauty to your Blog. Make a Beautiful Logo, as the Logo demonstrates your Blog Identity.

Change the Permalink Structure After Installing WordPress, it has a default

permalink structure that is p=123. You have to change the Permalink Structure to optimize it for SEO.

  See Below to Change your Permalink Structure  1. Login to WordPress Dashboard.   2. Go to Settings -> Permalinks 3. This is what you will see. 4. Choose the Custom Structure & add “/%postname

%/” in it without quotes. See the Image below. Setting this permalink structure will optimize all your


Set Up a Profile

For every Blog adding the Author or Owner profile is must. Add a little info about yourself in About Me Section and display it at the end of every Post. This will make trust in your Readers.

Add a Subscription Box Every Blog must contain a fresh

looking Subscription Box at the Sidebar so as to simplicity the process of Social Sharing.

Add all your Facebook Page, Twitter Page, RSS in the Subscription Box. You be able to have a look at our Subscription Box on the right Sidebar.



Frequently it’s seen by me that Newbie are so devoted in Earning rather than Post

They mess up there Blog through Lots of Advertisements, which affects their Blog Loading Time. Also adding plenty of Ads can result in Traffic Loss. So don’t add hugely of Ads on your Blog, just optimized it to Earn more with Less Advertisements.

So you have finally managed to reach to reach at the most important point. Make your Blog Dofollow, so as to achieve Traffic and more Comments.

It’s not a confidential that most readers comment and visit dofollow blogs and gain Backlink. So making your Blog Dofollow will enlarge your Traffic and Comments

Make Blog Dofollow

So as Last step you require doing after Installing WordPress to install some useful WordPress Plugins.

WordPress is actually well-known for its huge number of Plugins. The Plugins that I recommend at the starting are

Install Useful Plugins

WordPress Performance Optimization Framework means W3 Total Cache. Mainly it makes your site so faster. It performs this job by minimizing the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code, making for quicker page renderings.

It will also save description of your site so if it has trouble loading, like if you have too many people on your site at a time, it will just demonstrate an older version of the page.


1). W3 Total Cache

2). WordPress SEO by Yoast

In short Yoast is the conclusive WordPress SEO plugin. WordPress SEO by Yoast been applied by some 3.8 million people, and is extensively regarded as the best WordPress SEO plugin. I mostly employ it to fill out Meta descriptions for each post and page on websites, and then I exercise the Yoast tools to make satisfied the page is optimized for the best search engine accomplishment

  It’s trouble-free to use, reliable, and has all

the features I require in one place. Contact Form 7 is the most popular plugin on my list, clocking in with an astonishing 10+ million users.

3). Contact Form 7

It is very simple to use: Just the once it is installed you are principally done with it. The main grounds is that it stimulates your SEO by constantly having your site crawled the right way and listing all your updates as soon as you makes them.

No surprise 9+ million have used this plugin. 

4). Google XML Sitemaps

To make backups it is just an easier way. It seems that a lot of people don’t mind creating backups through FTP commander, as this plugin has only been used 500,000 times, making it the minimum popular plugin on my record.

There are a lot of other things that you require to follow after Installing WordPress, but these were the fundamentals Things.

5.Backup WordPress

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