the hollinter legacy: 1.0 - goodbye

Post on 09-Aug-2015



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Up until a month ago, the thought of having to bury one of her children had never crossed Artemis’ mind.

As the first generation heiress to the Hollinter family, Artemis had a clear idea of how her life would play out. She’d marry her high school sweetheart, inherit her family’s home, and fill it with children. After children there would be grandchildren, and eventually she would pass away after living a happy, fulfilled life, leaving her inheritance to the next family heir. She would be buried in the family cemetery with her ancestors, and one day her children would join her.

That’s how it was supposed to have happened.

Her youngest daughter, Belinda, had always had issues with her health, but Artemis had never thought she would outlive her daughter. She had done everything she could to ensure her daughter could live the healthiest life possible, even if it meant being a overprotective at times.

In the end, it hadn’t mattered.

In the weeks leading up to Belinda’s death, she had started a new type of medication. While her condition had improved initially, her health had taken a sudden nosedive. Complications began to pile up, and it wasn’t long before her body gave in.

A funeral service for the entire Hollinter family had been held a week earlier. This week, only her immediate family members had shown up for the burial.

After the burial had taken place, Comet had wandered back into the funeral home.

Having been mute since birth, he had never been particularly close to his Aunt Belinda. She’d been a moody, difficult teenager during the earlier years of his life, and after she had moved out he had not seen much of her.

Besides, it wasn’t like he could communicate all that easily with her anyways. Not only did he lack the ability to speak, but the ability to make any sounds with his mouth at all. His parents had never explained why, if they even knew.

“Man, these pictures are a little out of date, don’t you think? I mean, Belinda’s not even in half of them. Makes you wonder why they’d bother putting them up.”

Startled, Comet turned around. He hadn’t noticed that his Aunt Betria had entered the room.

“I hope you don’t mind me joining you.” She continued to examine the row of pictures the funeral home had chosen to display along the walls. “I’m okay with funerals, but burials make me uneasy.” She didn’t elaborate any further.

He didn’t mind the company, and even if he did, he lacked the ability to state otherwise.

She turned to him as he joined her at the wall. “Has my sister ever given you our family’s full story?”

He shook his head in response.

“Hmm. Well, I guess they might have wanted to wait until you’re a little older before giving you the rundown, but I think you’re old enough to handle it now, if you ask me.” She paused, and then asked “Would you like me to tell you?”

Comet hesitated, and then nodded. Even if his parents would rather he waited to hear the family’s story, it wasn’t like they’d ever find out he had already learned it. Not unless his Aunt Betria told them, which was unlikely. She had always been a little secretive since she transitioned into adulthood.

Betria clapped her hands together and grinned. “Well, then let’s start from the beginning…”

Our family’s story started when my grandmother, Lucine Hollinter – your great-grandmother – was kicked out of her parent’s spaceship.

She got into an argument with her father, Pyxis, over a sim she had released. Pyxis thought it was unnatural that she felt sorry for human sims, and challenged her to go make a life amongst them, since she cared about them so much.

She was dropped onto a blank plot of land in Astra Villa. From that point on, until the family line reached 26 generations of sims, no aliens were to contact our family in any way.

Unlike Pyxis, she wasn’t a colossal asshole, and had no problems adapting to human sim society, or befriending them. She was a popularity sim, after all.

It wasn’t long before she found someone to settle down and begin her family with, a knowledge sim named Robi.

Together, they had four children; Arista the family sim, Alan the knowledge sim, Artemis the popularity sim, and Andromeda – or Andy, as she preferred to be called – the romance sim.

Now, you’ll notice that Andy wasn’t included in the older family picture next to the one of Lucine and Robi. There’s a reason for that…

Pyxis, despite his incredible loathing for human sims, decided to establish a base in Astra Villa, to monitor his daughter's progress.

You would think he’d be proud to see that his daughter was off to a successful start, but really it just pissed him off. Determined to throw a wrench in her plans, he kidnapped her firstborn child, and raised it as his own, along with his unsuspecting wife.

Of course, in addition to being an asshole, he was also fucking stupid. As it turns out, he took the wrong damn baby. Instead of stealing Artemis, the heiress, he stole Andy.

He overlooked the fact that there was only one high school established in Astra Villa, and Andy was soon reunited with her older sister. It took them some time, but they soon figured out that they were siblings.

Despite longing to be reunited with her true family, Andy opted to keep their relationship a secret, and remain living with her grandparents. She knew her true family was tight on money, and besides, Pyxis didn’t need to know that the true heiress was still ready to take over the family legacy.

I guess he was too distracted with keeping Andy out of trouble to realize Grandma had gone and had another two kids.

Artemis – my mother, and your grandmother – married her high school sweetheart Orlando Bertino, a family sim.

Andy was finally reunited with her true family at their wedding, and for a period of time, things were peaceful again in Astra Villa.

There was a bit of a falling out between the first generation of siblings at Arista’s wedding. Her fiancé, Mitch the fireman, decided to call off the wedding at the altar.

It turns out he had been having an affair with Andy, who had not realized he was engaged to her sister. When Mitch saw her show up to the wedding pregnant he panicked, and fled the scene.

Arista had a bit of a bridezilla moment when Andy went into labour at the ruined wedding ceremony…

“Let me tell you Comet, it was a fucking shitshow.” Betria smiled at the memory. “I mean, it was awful, but in the most entertaining way. Anyways, Andy left her new daughter with Artemis, who raised the girl as her own until Andy got her shit back together. Arista, on the other hand, has been alone ever since. I think she made up with Andy at the last family reunion, though.”

Turning to the last picture on the wall, she continued on with the family’s story.

My mom and dad had five children together; two sets of natural twins. First, there was me and my brother, Betelgeuse. I called him Bee when we were toddlers, and it kind of just caught on. Poor guy hasn’t been able to escape the nickname since. I am a romance sim as you know, and Bee is fortune.

Then, there was your mother, Bellatrix. She’s a family sim, but again, you already know that.

Belinda and Bryan didn’t come into the picture until a little later. There were some complications when they were born, and Belinda has been battling her illness her entire life. Well, up until now. She was a popularity sim, and Bryan is a knowledge sim.

After having so many children, mom had a change of heart, and decided the family aspiration suited her better than popularity.

My grandparents passed away when the three of us were teenagers. The second set of twins hadn’t been born yet, I think my mom was pregnant with them at the time.

Pyxis didn’t show up for his own daughter's funeral, which was a surprise to no one, but his wife did attend. We didn’t see much of her, but she seemed alright. I have no clue how she ended up with him.

Your mother got into magic shortly before our grandparents passed away. I’m not actually sure when she first discovered her powers, or how she got them. She’s never told us.

Anyways, she started going to these meetings with other magical folk in Astra Villa. I think they called themselves the Arcane Council of Witches. Not very inclusive to the dudes in the council, but whatever. That’s where she met your dad.

She waited until after their wedding to tell us that he was an adult when she met him as a teen. I never realized how sneaky she could be until that moment. I mean, they didn’t have a romantic relationship until after she became an adult, but you gotta admit that’s still a bit weird.

...You probably didn’t want to hear about that, did you?

She had you, followed by your sisters Carina and Cynthia soon after she and your dad got married.

I don’t know how far back you remember, but she insisted that the family move to a new house before your youngest sister was born. She claimed that she wanted more space, but if my parents could raise five kids in that house and still have room for my grandparents, I think your mom could have made do.

I’d tell you not to mention that to her, but that’s not really an issue, is it?

“And that sums up our family story, pretty much,” Betria concluded. She turned the corner, and gestured to the large painting that hung over a table. “I guess the picture they took at the family reunion is the most recent one they have of Belinda. I can’t believe that was just a few months ago. It feels like it’s been at least four years.”

Comet nodded as he looked at the picture.

“I don’t know why most of the family didn’t show up today,” Betria commented. “They were at the funeral, I don’t see why they couldn’t have come to the burial, too. I would have brought your cousins along, but they weren’t very close to your aunt. I’m surprised your mom brought you and your sister along, actually.”

He shrugged. His father had suggested that he stay home with his sister, but his mother had insisted that he and Cynthia come along. She had reluctantly agreed to hire a sitter to watch Carina.

Outside the funeral home, Magnus had taken Bellatrix aside.

“We should be heading out soon. The Arcane Council of Witches meets in twenty minutes, and I’ve already promised them we’d be there today.”

“Are you sure we should leave the children here by themselves?”

“Your parents and siblings are still here to look after them, Bellatrix. Besides, Comet is old enough to take care of himself. I doubt they’ll be in the mood to get up to much trouble anyways.”

Bellatrix nodded, and took her husband’s hand. “I suppose you’re right.”

After taking one last look at his younger sister’s grave, and bidding goodbye to her family, Bellatrix headed out of the graveyard with Magnus.

Though she wasn’t in any mood to sit through a long meeting that would no doubt end in some sort of argument between the various alignments, Bellatrix knew that sticking around would not do her much good. There was little she could to do ease her family’s pain, as much as she wished she could.

Upon arriving at the house that served as headquarters for the Arcane Council of Witches, Bellatrix had been pulled aside by Tosha, the High Witch of the evil alignment.

“I just wanted to offer you’re my condolences, Bellatrix,” she began. “She had just barely reached adulthood; she had so much ahead of her. I only wish I could have done something to help her.”

“Thank you, Tosha, I appreciate it. Her decline was so sudden, and rapid, perhaps if there had been more time I would have sought magical help. I’m not sure she would have taken it, though. She can be quite stubborn.” She paused, and then corrected herself. “Used to be.”

“That’s why I’d like to discuss something with you now, if you don’t mind.” Bellatrix arched an eyebrow, and Tosha continued. “Your son, Comet, he still mute, isn’t he?”

“He is,” Bellatrix admitted, slowly.

“Well, I’d like to make you an offer.” Tosha pointed at the younger witch. “I can mix your son a potion. Help him find his voice, so to speak. No payment, no catch, just one witch helping another.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

If Tosha was taken aback, she didn’t show it. Her grin simply widened. “Why not? This is a limited time offer, Bella dear. I’m not a legacy heiress; I can’t just lounge about all day in my parent’s mansion with an older man and several green children. I have work to do.”

Bellatrix sighed. “Tosha, I do have a job, you know. Magnus isn’t that much older than I am, and only two of my children are green, thank you very much.”

“So why don’t you want me to fix your son?” Tosha pressed. “You still haven’t given me an answer.”

“Fix him? He isn’t broken!”

“He can’t fucking talk, Bellatrix. That’s not normal. The only reason he’s made it this far in life is because you and your family coddle him! If he had to stand on his own two feet he’d be lost. I’m surprised you even made him your heir, honestly. I’d have picked one of the girls. The human one, preferably.”

Bellatrix took a deep breath. Arguing with the High Witch would only result in her being thrown from the council.

Tosha continued with her spiel. “Don’t you feel bad for ruining his life? I mean, it is your fault.”

“I never meant to harm him! I took the potion for his benefit. And seeing how that turned out, I don’t think it’s wise to risk his life again. Even if it would cure him.”

“Oh, right, because you were so concerned about risking his life when you took that first potion. We all warned you it was likely to fail, but you just insisted that you know how to mix it.”

“I was naïve to think I was skilled enough to mix it, I know. I would change the past if I could, but I know better than to muck around with magic like that! That’s why I’m saying no.”

“So you’re just going to let him live the rest of his life without a voice?” Tosha grabbed Bellatrix’s arm. “Think of all the things that poor boy will never experience because of your mistake. I’m giving you one last chance to correct it. Don’t you trust me?” She grinned.

“Tosha, I don’t want to meddle with things I don’t fully understand. I’ve learned my lesson. Please, can we stop discussing this?” She wiped at the tears forming in her eyes; she didn’t need to give Tosha any more fuel.

“So you’re giving up on your son. You’re going to coddle him for the rest of his life. Are you going to ask girls out for him? Go along on his dates so you can translate for him? Read his vows? How the fuck is he going to take over your family’s legacy if he can’t find himself a woman to carry his children?” She snorted. “Assuming he’s even into girls. If he prefers men, I guess you’re screwed, aren’t you? Won’t use magic to give him a voice, why would you use it to help give him a child?”

“Enough,” Bellatrix choked out. “My son’s personal life is none of your business, and I’m asking you kindly, but firmly to please stay out of it. Alright?”

Bellatrix sniffled a couple of times, then collected herself and turned to leave the room.

“You’ve just made your biggest mistake yet,” Tosha announced, before falling silent.

Tosha’s words chilled her. Instead of feeling reassured that she wouldn’t cause her son any more harm, Bellatrix felt as if though she had just put him into further danger.

Magnus had wandered off when Tosha pulled her aside, but Bellatrix soon found him in the small menagerie that kept the council’s familiars.

“Love, you should put Chairman Meow down. He’s going to get hair all over your suit.” She kept her tone light, but she was still shaken from her conversation with Tosha.

“I’m a warlock, Bell. Who needs dry-cleaning when you’ve got a wand?” He paused, and then added, “I know you’ve had your heart set on being an architect since you were a teen, but we should have opened a dry-cleaning business together. We could have doubled your family’s fortune.”

Bellatrix sighed. She appreciated her husband’s attempt at keeping a cheerful mood, especially after her sister’s burial that morning, but she needed to have a serious talk with him about her suspicions.

“Did everything go alright with Tosha? She wasn’t upset that we weren’t in our robes, was she? I told her we had a burial to attend, and if she took it out on you I’m going to…” He trailed off into an inaudible mutter, likely because he couldn’t think of a threat he’d be capable of carrying out.

“She didn’t mind, Magnus. She just wanted to offer her condolences.” She hesitated, unsure if she wanted to discuss what Tosha had actually been upset about.

“Oh, is that all? I’m surprised she pulled you aside, then. That wasn’t anything she couldn’t say in front of me.”

“She did… want to talk about Comet. And his… condition.”

Magnus set the cat down on the ground. “Why did she ask about Comet? She didn’t happen to mix a potion that would help him, did she?” To her dismay, Magnus sounded hopeful. Bellatrix knew he wasn't going to take kindly to what she had to say next.

“She thinks she might be able to.” Bellatrix reluctantly gave her husband the answer he wanted to hear. Before he could reply, she added, “But I don’t want him taking it. Ever.”

“And why is that?” His demeanour was calm, but his voice was harsh.

“I think she means to hurt him.”

“Bellatrix, why would she want to hurt our son? She knows we intend to make him the heir. Andeven if you are correct, we’d have the full council to back us if she so much as tried to harm him.”

Magnus turned around to face her. “I know it sounds unlikely, but I just have this feeling-” she began to explain.

“So it’s just a feeling?” Bellatrix opened her mouth to speak, but he continued talking. “I understand you’ve been having a hard time lately, love, with your sister’s declining health, and her recent passing. But you’ve been become very paranoid.” He pointed a finger at her. “You wouldn’t let your parents invite any of your extended family to the burial, and it took several arguments for you to agree to let them attend the funeral. In fact, the only family gathering you didn’t strongly oppose of was your family reunion.”

“That was before Belinda’s condition grew worse. I’ve just been worried about the safety of the rest of my family since.”

“But what does Belinda’s condition have to do with your family’s safety?”

“Magnus, it’s complicated to explain, but other sims have never wanted our family legacy to succeed. I’ve already told you about my great-grandfather’s plans; I think he might have started another.”

“I understand why you’d be concerned about Comet, but why would he go after Belinda? You’re the heiress. And if something did happen to you, boolprop forbid, surely your mother would have passed the role to Betelgeuse or Betria?”

“Maybe he’s hoping her loss will make the rest of the family more vulnerable to attack.” Bellatrix shrugged. “I can’t even begin to explain the thoughts that must go on in that man’s mind. All I know is that it’s my duty as heiress to protect my family, and our future.”

“So you suspect Tosha is working with him, then?” She nodded. “He’s been dormant lately because our family greatly outnumbers him. But with the most powerful witch on his side…”

Magnus took her hands. “I’m still not sure if I believe your suspicions.” Bellatrix’s face fell. “But I understand your desire to protect your family, so I’ll support whatever you chose to do for Comet.”

“I was thinking we might send him out of the neighbourhood for university,” she said slowly. “He and the rest of his cousins will be leaving soon enough, perhaps he will be safer outside of Astra Villa.”

“You think we should send him to an out-of-neighbourhood college on his own? He can’t talk, Bellatrix. I don’t understand how that’s supposed to help him at all.”

“I know. I would cure him first if I could, but I can’t risk harming him further, Magnus. I shouldn’t have taken the potion while I was pregnant with him to begin with.” She sighed, and Magnus squeezed her hands. “I just think he’ll be safer if none of our enemies know where he is. He’s a clever boy, he’ll adapt. Do you trust me on this?”

He hesitated, but nodded. “I do.”

Comet had been spending a lot of time thinking in the days following his one-sided conversation with his Aunt Betria.

He wasn’t sure why his parents had put off telling him about their family’s history; he was mute, not a child. Considering his parents had chosen him to be the heir, he felt like he had to a right to know what he would be inheriting along with the family house.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at his bedroom door. “Comet?” His mother’s voice was timid. “We’re coming inside in a moment, alright?”

Since he had become a teenager, both his parents and grandparents gave him ample warning before entering his bedroom when he was alone, something which Comet found a bit embarrassing. It wasn’t as if he needed that warning… most of the time.

Cautiously, his parents entered his bedroom a minute later. “Comet, your father and I have something we’d like to discuss with you.” He nodded, and waited for her to continue speaking.

His mother cast a quick glance at this father, who gave her a small, encouraging smile in return. Turning back to Comet, she said, “I know you were probably looking forward to going to university with your cousins, but I think there’s going to have to be a change of plans.”

Comet gave her an inquisitive look. He wasn’t sure why exactly there would need to be a change; his grades were decent enough that he wouldn’t need to take an extra year of high school, and he had already been accepted into the biology program at Astra Villa Tech.

“We think you should go to a different university. Out of the neighbourhood. By yourself.”

Comet held up a hand to stop her from continuing any further.

“Sweetie, I know it’s not what you wanted, but-”

He shook his head, and she stopped talking. “Give him a minute, love.” He heard his father say.

Even without a voice, Comet was determined to fight them on the decision. How did they expect him to do anything at university if his cousins wouldn’t be there to help him when he got stuck? One wrong turn on his way to a class, and he wouldn’t be able to ask anyone for directions. If a professor called on him in class, he’d have to sit there in silence until they took pity on him, and moved on to another student.

It was a horrible idea, really.

“I know it’s going to be difficult for you, Comet.” Bellatrix broke the silence. “I can’t being to imagine what it’s like being unable to speak. It’s fault you can’t. I meddled with something I shouldn’t have when I took a potion while pregnant with you. If I had known at the time the effect it was going to have on you…” Her voice trailed off, small and defeated.

“She did speak to one of the higher council members about mixing a potion to counteract it.” Magnus added. “But we decided against it; it’s just too much of a risk.”

“I’m so sorry.” His mother spoke up again. “I’ve never forgiven myself to doing this to you.”

Comet was stunned.

Slowly, he began to understand why his parents had put off explaining the past to him. The thought of having to explain to someone you loved that you were the cause of their greatest problem… he couldn’t imagine the inner torment his mother must have been dealing with since his birth.

So, instead of rejecting his mother’s apology, he sat and waited for her to finish explaining.

“My sister mentioned that she told you a little of our family’s back story.” Comet nodded in reply. “I don’t know how much of the details she covered, but I’m assuming it was enough for you to realize that there are people who don’t want our family to succeed.”

Comet nodded again, thinking back to what was said about his great-great grandfather.

“We think sending you out of the neighbourhood for university is the safest option right now. We don’t know for sure that you’re in any danger here, but… I suspect that might not be the case for much longer.”

Comet hesitated before nodding again.

He was still apprehensive about being sent out on his own, but based on the fact that his parents had put off telling him this, he was sure there was some urgency behind their decision. He thought that if his parents felt they could get away without telling him any of the darker details of the family’s history, they would have.

“I’ve almost finished working out the details with Sim State University,” Magnus said. “It’s a bit late in the year for admissions, but they’ve made an exception for you.”

“We also have a little surprise for you outside.” His mother’s voice took on a lighter tone for the first time that evening. “Would you like to see it?”

A couple of minutes later, Comet was standing outside of the garage with his mother.

“What do you think?”

Magnus had opened the door to reveal the family’s car, which had been painted with a new coat of blue paint. He gestured to it with excitement.

“He’s stunned speechless,” Bellatrix teased. “That, or he thinks you’ve lost your mind. Maybe you should tell him why you’re pointing at the car, love.”

“It’s a gift,” Magnus said with a tone that implied what he was saying should be obvious. “You’re going to need some way to get to Sim State, and since your mother was adamant that teaching you how to fly a broom was ‘irresponsible and dangerous’, we decided giving you the car was the next best option.”

“It’s nothing fancy, I know, but it’s kind of the best we could do with such short notice. We had some… modifications we needed to make to it.”

“Of course, now your sisters will both want their own car when they’re old enough.” Bellatrix laughed. And we’ll need to buy a new one for your grandparents, but I think we can make do without one for the time being.”

“So, what do you think?” Magnus asked again.

Unable to express his gratitude in any other fashion, Comet walked over to his father and gave him a hug.

“I’m glad you like it.”

Over the next week, the family finalized Comet’s registration at Sim State University, and Comet began packing his belongings.

As it turned out, the last minute exception the university made for him was the result of a rather large sum of money, and maybe a little bit of magic. Either way, an open spot in the biology program was found, and Comet was more than happy to take it.

His parents had tried to reassure him that his senior project for biology class was really what had persuaded the school to let him into the biology program, but he knew better than that.

Eventually, the day of his departure arrived. His family members – with the exception of his youngest sister - had gathered on the driveway to load the car, and say their goodbyes.

He had intended to help them with his belongings, but his attention had become occupied with cheering Cynthia up. So far, he was doing a poor job of it.

“Are you sure you can’t go to Astra Villa Tech?” Cynthia’s lower lip trembled. “All of the other cousins are going there.”

Comet shook his head. While the rest of his family was disappointed to hear that he would be attending Sim State University instead, they had accepted that this was his decision. Cynthia was still having trouble coming to terms with this turn of events.

“I don’t want you to leave.” she sniffled once. “I won’t have anybody to play with at home. Not until Carina grows up. And by the time that happens, I’ll already be a teenager!”

There had been many occasions in his life when Comet would have given anything for the ability to speak, and that desire had grown exponentially over the past few days. How was he supposed to say goodbye to his family if he couldn’t say anything at all? He couldn’t be sure of the next time he would see them; all he wanted was to tell them how much he loved them – just once.

Cynthia sniffled again, and blinked back a couple of tears. Comet gave her a reassuring squeeze, hoping it would be enough to console her.

“You’re going to miss my birthday.”

His efforts to console her had been in vain; with that last remark, she burst into tears.

Comet kneeled down, and put one hand on his sister’s shoulder. He alternated between patting her arm, and wiping away tears with the other.

“Please don’t go yet,” Cynthia choked out in between sobs. “Please?”

In the meantime, Comet’s family had finished packing the car.

“Ready to go?” His father asked.

“If you want to spend more day at home you know that’s okay with us, right?” His mother added. “You don’t have to leave today if you don’t think you’re ready.”

Comet straightened up. There were so many things he wanted to do before leaving Astra Villa, but there was no point in delaying his departure any longer; classes were starting in three days, and it was going to take him at least one to drive down there.

Beside him, Cynthia had started to calm herself down, but let out a sniffle every other minute.

Comet nodded at his parents, and took a step forward.

“Might want to wait a minute,” Magnus said before he went any further. “I think one of your friends dropped by to say goodbye.”

He turned around. Meadow Thayer gave him a shy smile, followed by a wave.

Comet was surprised to see her. His parents hadn’t told anybody outside of the family that he was leaving for college, insisting that smaller the number of people who knew about his plans, the safer he would be. He figured that if anybody were to show up today against his mother’s wishes, it would have been one of his cousins.

He and Meadow weren’t exactly close friends; they had worked on a biology project together once, but their relationship hadn’t progressed much beyond that. He had been harbouring a small crush on her since the beginning of that class, but with limited means of communication, he had never acted on those feelings.

“Cynthia, come over here,” his mother called, interrupting his thoughts. “Give your brother a moment with his friend.” Sniffling, his younger sister complied.

“Hi.” Meadow folded her arms over her chest. “Your cousin – Charlotte – told me you were leaving for college today.”

Comet nodded, twisting his hands together.

“I just thought I’d come and say goodbye,” she continued, her voice quiet. “It’s too bad you won’t be going to Astra Villa Tech. I enjoyed working with you on the biology project; I was hoping we were going to have some classes together.” She shifted her weight from one foot to the other.

Comet smiled, and nodded again. He felt like an idiot. He wished he had the confidence to give her a hug goodbye, or at least do something other than stand there, smiling and nodding.

“I guess you need to be going.” She glanced over his shoulder at his waiting family members. “But… before you leave… I wanted to give you something.”

Then, without further warning, she closed the gap between them and gave him a tentative kiss.

Under normal circumstances, Comet would have been embarrassed that his entire family was there to witness his first kiss, but at that moment he couldn’t care less; he’d gotten to do what he wanted to do most before leaving the neighbourhood.

“I’ll miss you. Promise me you’ll visit again some day?”

Dazed, Comet nodded. He wished he could take her with him. Surely she could transfer to Sim State at the start of the next semester? The next school year? He’d postpone his graduation if he had to.

“Comet?” His mother called. “If you two are finished, it’s time for you to leave.”

He smiled at Meadow one last time, and then turned to climb into his car.

Comet pulled out of the driveway, then paused to wave to his family.

He wished that circumstances were different, and that instead of making the long drive down to Sim State by himself, he could be making a much short drive with his three cousins to Astra Villa Tech. He had made his decision, though, and there was no turning back now.

He took the car out of reverse, and drove away.

Thanks to anybody who decided to stick with me and the Hollinter family after years without an update, and thanks to anybody who’s unfamiliar with my legacy family, and decided to give this story a chance.

I’m happy to be writing about my favourite family again, and while I can’t make any promises as to when the next update will be out, I can say that the wait time will definitely be shorter than 4 years.

- Heather

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