the growing united states

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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The Growing United States. Moving West!. CreatedByPortia Stewart. Pathfinders and Pioneers Leading the Way. Daniel Boone. • Lewis and Clark. • Zebulon Pike. Pioneer. A person who first settles in a new place. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Growing United States

Moving West!

Created By Portia Stewart

Pathfinders and Pioneers Leading the Way

• Daniel Boone

• Lewis and Clark

• Zebulon Pike


A person who first settles in a new place.

Daniel Boone was one of the earliest and best-known pioneers to cross the Appalachian Mountains.

Exploring the AppalachiansExploring the Appalachians

Boone followed the Warrior’s Path, an Indian trail that crossed the mountains, with the help of John Finley.

Once across, Boone saw buffalo roaming on land that seemed to go on forever. This land is now the state of Kentucky.

Appalachian Discoveries


1. What is a pioneer?

2. Who is the best known pioneer?

3. How did Boone get across the Appalachian Mountains and what did he find when he got there?

4. Which explorers lead the way for explorations west?

On April 30, 1803 the United States purchased a huge territory from France. The year 2003 marks the 200th anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase.

This land reached from the Mississippi River west to the Rocky Mountains and from New Orleans north to Canada.

With the Louisiana Purchase the United States doubled in size and became one of the largest countries in the world.

The Louisiana Purchase


Someone who finds a way through an unknown region.

Zebulon Pike

Led expeditions into the unknown regions of the Louisiana Purchase.

Meriwether Lewis William Clark

Exploring the Louisiana Lands

President Jefferson asked Meriwether Lewis to lead an expedition to explore the lands of the Louisiana Purchase.

Lewis chose William Clark to help him lead the expedition.

This journey became known as the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Louisiana Land Findings

They were also able to learn the geography of the region and create maps showing major rivers and mountains

Lewis and Clark bought back seeds, plants, and living animals.

Exploring Southwest Louisiana Lands

Before Lewis and Clark returned to St. Louis another expedition set out from the Missouri River to explore the lands in the southwestern part of the Louisiana Purchase.

Zebulon Pike led an expedition into the southwestern part of the Louisiana Purchase.

Southwest Louisiana Land Findings

Pike saw lands covered with buffalo and beautiful mountains. As Pike’s expedition

pushed on he wandered out of the Louisiana Purchase land and onto Spanish land.

Pike found that the people of this territory, Santa Fe, needed manufactured goods.


1. How did the Louisiana Purchase change the United States?

2. What is the Louisiana Purchase?

3. What is a path finder? Who are some well-known pathfinders?

5. Who explored the lands acquired in the Louisiana Purchase? What did they find?

4. What did Lewis and Clark learn from their expedition?

Fun Facts

• Pike and the other explorers were put in jail for wandering into Spanish land.

• The discovery of this land later led to an invasion of another kind.

Works Cited

– - ilawlib/93.gif– -– Smithsonian Magazine Web Site -

– Encarta -– Encarta -– Clipart Classroom -

-bin/kids/image– Classroom Clipart -– Encarta -– Clipart Gallery 5 -

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