the great cx guide

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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The great CX guide.Key findings from the October 2015 report,Customer experience in the digital age, fromHarvard Business Review Analytic Services, sponsored by Verizon.

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Customer experience in the digital age

Customer experience (CX) is key to achieving a competitive edge.

47 of respondents say CXis a top-two di�erentiator for their business.

Source: “Customer experience in the digital age”, a 2015 Harvard Business Review Analytic Services report, sponsored by Verizon.

Customer experience in the digital age

Source: “Customer experience in the digital age”, a 2015 Harvard Business Review Analytic Services report, sponsored by Verizon.

And CX isn’t just important to B2C companies. B2B organizations also put it in their top two.


49%Product/service quality


67%Product/service quality


Customer experience in the digital age

Power has shifted to the consumer because of access. They choose the experience they want to have with us. It has to be both compelling and e�cient.International director of sales, marketing and product systems, global publishing company

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Source: “Customer experience in the digital age”, a 2015 Harvard Business Review Analytic Services report, sponsored by Verizon.

Customer experience in the digital age

But few companies get it right.

Just 48% of the respondents who say CX is a top-two di�erentiator say they are doing very well in this area.

These are best-in-class organizations.

Source: “Customer experience in the digital age”, a 2015 Harvard Business Review Analytic Services report, sponsored by Verizon.

Customer experience in the digital age

For those that do get it right, the payo� can be huge.

56% of best-in-class organizations say they’ve gained market share because of excellent CX.

Source: “Customer experience in the digital age”, a 2015 Harvard Business Review Analytic Services report, sponsored by Verizon.

Customer experience in the digital age

The best-in-class see substantial improvements in customer satisfaction.

68%say retention/repeat purchase rates have increased in the last two years.



say overall satisfaction scores have increased in the last two years.

say likelihood-to-recommend scores have increased in the last two years.

Source: “Customer experience in the digital age”, a 2015 Harvard Business Review Analytic Services report, sponsored by Verizon.

Customer experience in the digital age

How can you join the best-in-class?

Customer experience in the digital age

Organizational silos that stop key stakeholders — such as marketing and IT — working together to deliver great CX.

Cultural resistance from employees to the changes

in working practices needed to realize great digital CX.

Inflexible, outdated technology that can’t support

the latest CX innovations in mobile and social.

Top 3 barriers to CX improvement.






Customer experience in the digital age

Digital drives great CX. TAXI

64of best-in-class organizations strongly believe that the e�ectiveness of technology is as important as the e�ectiveness of their people to delivering great CX.

Source: “Customer experience in the digital age”, a 2015 Harvard Business Review Analytic Services report, sponsored by Verizon.

Customer experience in the digital age

Digital enables an omnichannel experience.

New technology is enabling new channels — such as social media and mobile — that provide more ways ofengaging customers. It’s also helping to create a unified, seamless CX, across all channels.

Customer experience in the digital age

43% of best-in-class organizations say quality of service is consistent across all channels, compared with just 10% of underachievers.

There’s room for improvement across the board.

Aim for consistency across all channels.

Source: “Customer experience in the digital age”, a 2015 Harvard Business Review Analytic Services report, sponsored by Verizon.

Customer experience in the digital age

Best-in-class organizations are focusing on providing a richer, more personalized CX.

Underachievers are still focusing on self-service.

Aim for a personalized experience.

Customer experience in the digital age

Digital enables organizations to improve insight into customer behavior.

Customer experience in the digital age

Best-in-class organizations are ahead with their use of customer analytics and big data.

Still, only 23% of best-in-class organizations have integrated customer data across their various channels for a single customer view.

Source: “Customer experience in the digital age”, a 2015 Harvard Business Review Analytic Services report, sponsored by Verizon.

Customer experience in the digital age

Even best-in-class organizations find it hard to keep pace with digital change.

Just 21% of best-in-class organizations say they are able to quickly adapt their CX to emerging technology trends.

Source: “Customer experience in the digital age”, a 2015 Harvard Business Review Analytic Services report, sponsored by Verizon.

Customer experience in the digital age

To keep pace, best-in-class organizations are investing in:

• Simplifying and standardizing technology and networking infrastructure.

• New CX innovations that sit on top of this infrastructure.

Customer experience in the digital age

If you want to meet customer expectations, you need to tackle the hard things.This means overcoming cultural barriers and organizational silos.

Key stakeholders need to work together to deliver the change neededto realize great CX that meets customer expectations in the digital age.

Customer experience in the digital age

In the digital age, the relationship between the CMO and CIO is key to the success of any CX strategy.

45% of best-in-class organizations say the CMO and CIO are well-matched partners who collaborate productively for a common goal. That compares to 26% of underachievers.

The CMO leads digital CX strategy. The CIO is responsible for choosing the technologies that enable it.


Source: “Customer experience in the digital age”, a 2015 Harvard Business Review Analytic Services report, sponsored by Verizon.

Customer experience in the digital age

This is about continuous improvement. It’s not a project — we won’t ever be done.

“ “SVP at drug distribution company

Source: “Customer experience in the digital age”, a 2015 Harvard Business Review Analytic Services report, sponsored by Verizon.

Customer experience in the digital age

To find out how you can improve CX to achieve competitive advantage in the digital age, read the full report:

Customer experience in the digital age

© 2015 Verizon. All Rights Reserved. The Verizon name and logo and all other names, logos, and slogans identifying Verizon’s products and services are trademarks and service marks or registered trademarks and service marks of Verizon Trademark Services LLC or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. PTE16549 11/15

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