the gift you are! it’s all about attitude karen simmons ceo, founder autism today co-author...

Post on 29-Jan-2016






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THE GIFT YOU ARE!It’s All About Attitude

Karen SimmonsCEO, Founder Autism TodayCo-author “Chicken Soup For The Soul:

Children With Special Needs”

Turn to your neighbor

• Tell them about one of your biggest challenges

• Then tell them one of your greatest attributes.

What a wonderful world it would be if we began seeing the gifts in others rather than their flaws.

How Could Anyoneby Libby Roderick

How could anyone ever tell you You were anything less than


How could anyone ever tell you You were less than whole?

How could anyone fail to notice That your loving is a miracle?

How deeply you're connected to my soul

Words and music by Libby RoderickC Libby Roderick Music 1988From the recordings “How Could Anyone” and “If You See a Dream”Turtle Island Records libbyroderick@gmail.com907/278-6817

TOPIC: The Gift You Are!1. Before I was diagnosed as a special needs


2. Beginning to understand world of special needs

3. The gifts my children and other special needs people give me

4. About Chicken Soup for the Soul, Children with Special Needs

Before I was diagnosed as a special needs mom

• Cathy, special ed, regular ed, hidden culture

• Fear of unknown, talk to person pushing chair

• Denial – Anna

• Don’t see it until it hits home – brown cars

Cathy picture

Was I afraid? You bet I was!

Anna picture

Brown cars are everywhere!

Beginning to understand world of special needs

• Welcome to Holland

• Frog jumping

• Relentless persistence

Holland pictures

Frog picture

Relentless Persistence, Doing Whatever It Takes!

Making it work, no matter what

The gifts my children and other special needs people give me

• Resilience – deodorant

• Another gift….patience…find story

• They add humor to my life


Another gift…patience

Adds humor to my life!

IS THIS YOU? I asked

who do you mean by "My" email? of course it's mine if you're asking me, but if you're asking if it's your son Jonathan's email (a proper

question) then the answer is yes. If you can't understand why the question is flawed:

the only way the question could be answered "no" would be if someone's email addy was compromised by someone else, who was honest enough to deny having said address.

No big deal or anything, but it might be confusing to other people. Plus i'm just trying to pad this message. Also, on a lighter note, check out Remember the whole dihydrogen monoxide thing i was pitching? Well someone made

a website dedicated to it. It's really funny.

Yours, -Jonny S.

About Chicken Soup for the Soul, Children

with Special Needs

• What led to…Suggested it to Mark Victor Hansen in 2003

• Purpose of this book

• What it’s inspired since its completion

When first approached Mark Victor Hansen 2003

From left to right, Mark Victor Hansen, Karen Simmons, Robert Allen

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Children with Special Needs

Purpose of book

• Raise awareness of special needs

• Increase understanding

• Address unknown fears

• Better inclusion rather than integration

Inspiration since published

• Karen’s site similar to for all special needs

• Heathers website, a support community for parents and caregivers to connect

• “We Are All One” song created by Shane and Jason Lamotte of Living Illusion

“We Are All One”by Shane and Jason Lamotte

“The goal that we have in mind with this song is to show people that no matter how we are on the outside, we're all the same on the inside. To give hope and show that through awareness people’s attitudes can move from a place from separation, to acceptance and inclusion. We truly believe that this will help people let go of fears when it comes to understanding things unknown. ”

Shane & Jason LamotteLiving Illusion

Visit to get a copy of this song!

What we’ve covered today!1. Before I was diagnosed as a special needs


2. Beginning to understand world of special needs

3. The gifts my children and other special needs people give me

4. About Chicken Soup for the Soul, Children with Special Needs

Within Each Special Needs person

• See the gifts they bring to teach us how to love.


As human beings we all have our own unique challenges and attributes.

We need to QUIT Dis-ing people and start seeing the gifts we all possess inside.

We are all on this planet to share love because truly, we ARE all one!

Meet Our Family

The biggest gift children give us: challenging our notions of routine. There is no such thing. The false pretense of predictability and how it sets us up for “surprises.” o Favorite closing: clear deodorant story. Punchline: may

we remember the best gift of all: the sense of childlike wonder and the courage to act on it. Nimble and quick…builds resiliency and experience what we are really made of.

We are all angels unaware. The story about going to all the doctors. Following the breadcrumbs that other people leave us.

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