the five v’s of leadership practical the five v’s of leadership a practical approach to...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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The Five V’s of LeadershipThe Five V’s of Leadership

A PracticalPractical Approach toOperational Leadership

Jim Nagle; Vice President

Card Services

Kohl’s Department Stores

The Five V’s of LeadershipThe Five V’s of Leadership




The Five V’s … AssumptionsThe Five V’s … Assumptions• These are truths which are self evident …

it’s a matter of discovery

• Management is getting people to do things … it’s Leadership that is inspirational

• All 5 elements are equal in importance …It’s a matter of balance

• This is a Practical Model …It’s proper to make changes & adaptations

• Operational Leaders do not manage things or processes …It’s the Human Relationship Business they manage

The First V … VALUESThe First V … VALUES



Core Values

People work for people … Not things

The First V … VALUESThe First V … VALUES


• Absolutes that are important throughout one’s life

• Know yourself … because others will!

• You can’t lead others until you learn to lead yourself

People work for people … Not things

The First V … VALUESThe First V … VALUESProfessional ... Understanding of “the leadership profession”

• Unique body of Knowledge

• Prolonged specialized training

• Free of lay evaluation and control

• Retains & maintains its own standards of behavior

• Provides service to others

People work for people … Not things

The First V … VALUESThe First V … VALUES

Core Values

• Principles that guide the organization & define the culture

• the 6 second rule & the 2% reality

• Congruent … will others see (know) that Valuein your behavior (character)

People work for people … Not things

VALUES … The Card GameVALUES … The Card Game1. Get some blank cards.

2. Hand out 15 to each person.

3. Take 5 and write your most important personal values.

4. Take the next 5 and do the same for your profession’s most important values.

5. And the last 5 for your organization.

6. Take your personal “hand of cards,” discard 4 until you have your last one.

7. Do the same with your professional and organizational “hands of cards.”

8. Play your hand of 3…..

The Second V … VISIONThe Second V … VISION

Targeting & Bulls-eyes

• Seeing (believing in) the target provides the direction• Knowing where the bulls-eye is provides the focus

Articulation ... Is that the Mission?

• Can you define the vision clearly & does it align with the organization’s

• Can all levels understand it … repeat it … define it

It’s not …If you don’t know where you’re going … who’s going to want to follow

It’s … If you don’t believe in where you’re going, who’s going to be convinced to follow

VISION … & The BrandVISION … & The Brand1. Vision (Strategic) Statement: To live and breathe a 1st

Customer Focus while delivering a unique brand of service. To be a critical part of a team …to feel productive & fully engaged in the organization. To be nationally recognized as a “top box” and innovative provider of Customer Service and Collections.

2. Bulls – Eyes (Goals) & Measurements (Behavior)

• 1st Customer Focus VOC outcomes

• The brand Performance scorecards

• Team Work Coaching, et al, Associate Engagement Turnover & Employee surveys

• Baldrige ... Feedback & Recognition

3. The Brand (Mission): C - 3Convenient – Courteous – Correct

…Taking Care of People

The Third V … VELOCITYThe Third V … VELOCITYChaos ... and other exciting realities

• losing predictability & periodicity

• Backwards and Forward ... gets the same result. ORDER!


• Disruptive vrs Sustaining Innovation (transformational / continuous)

• Recognize Revolution or Evolution ... and what will be ... vrs “needs to be”

Balance, Danielsan … Balance

The Third V … VELOCITYThe Third V … VELOCITYTipping the Boat

Evolution – Follow the plan (long term ... Strategy? ... The Map!)•don’t make waves … maintain balance•Control what you can (the Human Process)•your critical focus – Bull’s Eyes

Revolution – What’s the Plan (short term .. Remediate! .. Get the Map)•stay afloat … keep your oars in the water•Control yourself (“Event” Management)•Move forward … your critical focus – The Plan

• Clarify and Identify ... Noise vrs Variation from the norm

• Establish (Celebrate) Mile Markers

Balance, Danielsan … Balance

VELOCITY & Mile MarkersVELOCITY & Mile MarkersQuality Initiative: First 2 years of a 5 Year Plan

  Focus Initiatives Measurements / Action / Certification Performance Outcomes & Results


Q1 Project Planning Self-Assessment, Build Project PlanOhio, Wisconsin & Texas State Award application (Baldrige)

Assessment Score, Five Year Plan, Compile Resource Library, Establish Networking and Memberships

Q2Strategic Planning Building of Strategy Development

Final Award schedule, Certification, Planning Strategic planning documents, awards plan

Q3 Customer FocusCustomer focus, assess/build reporting, benchmarking

JD Powers Certification, SQM Benchmarking

Begin structure for customer focus, VOC results over 90%


Process Management, Workforce Focus Process mapping, Workforce focus initiatives

Intent to apply - WI Quality (Nov), Write apps for Contact Center World and MVP Awards

Process mapping, HR initiatives, benchmarking. Voice of Employee Survey outcomes (90% Engagement), Retention at 80% or higher



Business Results, Process management

Process mapping, reporting assessment, benchmarking goals

Application WI Quality (Jan), write apps for ICMI, ABA, APEX, ASTD, Call Center Excellence

Application WI Forward and site visit, process mapping, KPI cleanup, benchmarking plan

Q2Workforce / Customer Focus Review and Build Application submitted - WI Quality (July)

Receive feedback from WI Forward, Gap Planning

Q3Strategic Planning Gap TBD American Business Awards (Sept) The “Stevie”

Q4Business Results Gap TBD Application TX Quality (Nov) Mastery level

The The FourthFourth V … VARIATION V … VARIATIONThe Enemy of Quality

• Variety is NOT the spice of life ... Control (CQ)

• The Human Process & “Quality” Modeling … Discipline

• Responsiveness and Accuracy … with Consistency

Performance Scorecarding

• “Norming” agent & customer performance

• Brand Orientation … Define & Align … AND … Balance

In the world of operations, we do a million things a day. The goal is not to do a million things well …

It’s to do one thing well, a million times in a row!

VARIATION & The StandardVARIATION & The Standard


• Scorecard should roll into Team Lead, Management, Site &/or Director totals• Possible to implement Performance Compensation plans• Segmentation of performance by quadrant, associate, teams, manager, etc.• Monthly “performance reviews,” ”PIP” documentation• Vertical & horizontal evaluation

C – 3C – 3 ... taking care of people

The Fifth V … VOICEThe Fifth V … VOICEPersonal ... the little voice

Facts & Intuition ... The “Menu Dilemma”

People ... The most important “14 inches”

Affirmation & Validation ... Attribution Theory

Professional .. . does it create focus for others AND get repeated

Bloom’s Taxonomy


Listen to Learn ... And not respond


1st Customer

FocusThe Brand Team Work

Associate Engagement

Top Box


• VOC feedback• Office of the President Trends

• Aligned Values• Defined - Visual

• VOA feedback• Visibility Plan

• Turnover Targets• Internal Transfers• Visible Diversity

• Strategy• Baldrige Criteria• KPI’s

Mgmnt Team

• Agent Focus• Setting the Example• 1st Call Resolution

• Intuitive & Believable• Performance Reports

• Huddles & Agendas• Upward Communication• Identity

• Strawpeople & Scarecrows• Communication Plan

• Tactics• Articulation


• Delight• Intuitive Service Models• Focus on Accuracy

• Articulate the Brand• Brand Behaviors• Call Trials

• Attribution• Ownership • Tier 1 & Tier 2 Targets

• Performance Comp• Ad hoc Surveys

• Brand Outcome• Process Oriented

VOICE & The ChecklistVOICE & The Checklist

The Five V’s of LeadershipThe Five V’s of LeadershipThere are millions of leadership models

Find your one in a million




Take it personally & get good at it

The Five V’s of LeadershipThe Five V’s of Leadership

Thank you



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