the epistle january 2011

Post on 12-Mar-2016






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St. Paul's Episcopal Church Piney Parish Waldorf, Maryland



St. Paul's Episcopal ChurchPiney Parish

Waldorf, Maryland

~~*-~~:~~~~~':~~j-~ ....i~;:~~~~~~St. Pauls Ep,scopol C~l/rc/, -P,nt"'/ Parlsh-jOl/nded /75-'1 Waldort, Merrliland


_ F1-C~ tk.

QectorDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

At the end of every year, we stand onthe edge of the past and peer into thefuture. The past two years at St. Paul'shave been busy and full. Looking back,it's clear to me that 2008 and 2009 werethe Year of God the Father. God is allabout connection and relationship, and wespent much of that time getting to knoweach other better, as the inevitable changesthat follow the "honeymoon time" of anew rector came to be. Real connectionswere made and realistic expectations, as Icame to know you better and YO'll came toknow me better, were extended all around.Love started to grow deep roots and freshshoots.

I think of 2010 as the Year of the Son.The Son, as we know, is all about doingthe work of his Father. And what a lot ofwork we've done together this past year!In addition to dozens of fix-it projectsaround the church, we've repaired andrenewed the leaded glass windows of thesanctuary, repainted the interior of ourhistoric church, and have seen the roofcompletely redone so that everything is ofa piece. 2010 also saw the second phaseof the creation of a vestry that was headedby people who were passionate abouttheir specific ministries - who workedtogether well, seldom disagreed, and werefocused on what was best for the church asa whole. For some reason, in 2010 wewere able to raise sufficient pledges and

additional monies to cover all of ourexpenses for repair, renewal, andprograms.

So, of course, 2011 is the Year of theSpirit. While God's Spirit moves inmysterious ways, we do know some of theHoly Spirit's characteristics. The Spirit iscreative (Gen 1:2), the Spirit gives usgood guidance (John 16:13), and theSpirit is empowering (Lk 24:49). Jesustells the disciples that through the Spiritthey will be "clothed with power from onhigh," (Acts 1:8) to accomplish the tasksthat are set before them. Wow! That'squite a package. The really amazingthing is; all of this Spirit-goodness andSpirit-power is for us also. God is readyto share it with us now.

As we begin 2011, I invite you to"pray in" the New Year with me byo Inviting God to pour out His Spirit onus In new ways;• Asking God to help us open our heartsto receive whatever wild and wonderful

things he has for us;• Trusting God, especially when thejourney seems new or hard or strange, thatGod knows the plans He has for us,"plans for your welfare and not for hann,to give you a future and a hope." (Jer29:11)

My heart is filled with joyfulexpectation! I look fonvard to discoveringwhat the Spirit will do in us and throughus in the coming year.


: e'l ,..~


Thank you to those who hosted CoffeeHour in December:

Harriott and Jimmy GoughMeg and Kayleigh MonroePam and Guy SmithVal and Ken CarterLeon and Virginia RobeyVicky MumfordDora BuntingGeorgi Walsh.JaneFruhKaren TruittLinda Bronsdon



By the end of December we will havewrapped up our pledge campaign for2011. I wish I had better news to report.As of December 28rd we have received$215,856 in pledges. This is well short ofour budget requirements for the followingyear. Please consider supporting St. Paul'svvith a pledge for 2011 to strengthen ourministries in the coming year and to helpachieve God's mission for all of Us.Contact the office or see one of yourVestry members for a pledge card.

Pete and Skip have infonned me thatthe windows are officially finished. Earlynext year a dedication will be held. Youmay have heard rumors that there is asurplus of money from the windowproject. It does look like we will havesome money left over but we aren't surehow much as we still have some expensesfrom the project that must be paid. Thereis also the expense for future maintenanceand repair of the windows to beconsidered. Also keep in mind thataccording to Episcopal Church rules,money that given for a specific purposecan only be spent for that purpose? Inother words any money left over can onlybe spent on windows. Thank you to ourdonors that made this project possible. Wewill keep you informed as we have moreinformation.

My term on the Vestry ends onJanuary 16, 2011. Thank you for allowingme the opportunity to serve the past threeyears. I have to admit that after the firstcouple of months I found myselfwondering "What was I thinking when Iagreed to do this?" But looking back Ihave to say it's been one of the mostrewarding experiences I have had. Thebest part was getting to know more of you.It's been a true blessing to work with all ofyou. Thank you.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sewe(( TruitteSenior Warden



The PBC has chosen for our next book,The Confession by John Grisham. MaudieHolt has graciously offered her home forthe next scheduled meeting at 7 pm onJanuary 17, 2011 (one week later thanpublished in last month's Epistle). Ifinterested in joining us for this book, wewould love for you to mark your calendarand corne!

For more details, contact Jan Miller or 240-607-9100.

Janice Jv1.iCCer


The following is taken from The ParishPaper Ideas and Insights for ActiveCongregations

Financial Stewardship: Myths andPrinciples (Part 1)

Why do so many methods that churchesuse persist for decades, even when thosemethods consistently fail?

The following statements, repeated byparishioners. year after year, exertenormous institutionalizing power:

"We~ve never done it that way before!""We~ve always done it that way!"Nowhere in church life do those two

statements as frequently block intelligentpeople from considering alternatives to

their failing procedures than with financialstewardship methods.

Seven Financial Stewardship Myths

Church leaders in low-per-capita-givingcongregations frequently share with oneanother the following inaccuratestatements that they believe to be true:

1. "Christians automatically committhemselves to generous financialstewardship." Wrong! Strongfinancial giving habits, like everyother aspect of Christiandiscipleship, happen througheducation, repeated decisions, andcontinued personal growth.Vigorous annual stewardshipeducation is essential to

accomplishing that goal.2. "If worship attendance is high,.

the money takes care of itself."Wrong! Every church's financialsecretary knows that is inaccurate.If people give five dollars per week,or give at 1980 salary levels, themoney does not come in.

3. "Our people are giving all theycan." Wrong! Among Americanswho regularly attend worship, only26 percent give lO percent of theirincome. Rankings from the GeneralSocial Survey (Davis and Smith)indicate that not more than 15

percent of mainline church membersgive 10 percent of their income.

This series will continue over the next fewmonths. Watch for Part 2 in the FebrumyEpistle.



Once again I would like to remindeveryone about the upcoming SilentAuction. We would like this to be our bestyear yet and many people are workinghard toward this goal. Please considerdonating something to our efforts. Assuggested previously, antiques,collectibles, vacation stays, etc. would bemost appreciated. We are also trying tocollect theme baskets such as golf,basketball, baseball, football or NASCAR,etc. Holiday theme baskets such asValentine's Day, Easter, gardening, etc.are other popular baskets. Donating suchservices as listed below is also anexcellent auction item.

- preparing a dinner or picnic for 6 or 8- preparing a dessert several times a

year- preparing or hosting a tea- painting a room (specify the size)- doing landscape design for a specific


- doing minor electrical or plumbingrepairs or installation

Another way to help make ourendeavors successful would be to ask fordonations from the different

establishments you support throughout theyear. Restaurant gift certificates, movietickets, theater tickets, sport tickets, dinnertheater tickets, etc. are all popular items.Once again, let your imagination go andcome up "'vithsome creative ideas.

This is the last reminder for the-~upcoming-20-l-1---Sil-en-t--Actioo.-We-afe

still selling tickets ($12 in advance). SeeMargaret Leman or Mary Fugate at coffeehour. We will also continue to take

donations through Monday, January 17.If you have not donated but would like tosupport our efforts, a cash donation to helpdefray the cost of the food, etc. would alsobe appreciated.

Please consider bringing your friendsand family to our auction. It is a funevening and where else can you get anevening out with food and wine for such areasonable price! We look forward toseeing everyone on the 22nd .

Linda Lockhart



We successfully completed the firstphase of our directory. We had more than110 individuals/families sit for pictures.Great turnout! Now, we move to the nextphase of preparing the contact informationfor all church members to be included inthe directory. Please be sure GeorgiaHenry has your most current information.If you were scheduled to have your picturetaken but were unable to make yourappointment, please contact Linda Hurd orSusan Parody. We will be glad to workwith you to include your photo in thedirectory. We expect the contents of thedirectory to be completed and forwardedto alan Mills by mid-January. Thedirectory will be provided to us beforeEaster. It will be available in hard copy aswell as electronically through our StFaW-!s, Piney vvebsite (pass-werd----protected).



Thirty-three S1. Paul's members andfriends attended the Port Tobacco Playersplay "It's a Wonderful Life" and enjoyeddinner at the La Plata Ledos on November28th.

I wish to thank Janice Miller, Greg. Ferguson, Paula and Sewell Truitt, Duke

Burroughs and Kelly Bryant for assistingin our last fundraising project for 2010.The wreath sale made a profit of $345.


Lorraine 'Berry**********************************


Dorcas Montgomery has a newaddress:

4210 Southwinds Place, Unit 210White Plains, MD 20695-4213Phone number: 301-645-1481

For those of you who may have missed itin a previous Epistle, Mother Joy's newaddiess is:

11219 S1.Edwin's Drive

White Plains, MD 20695-3164Her phone numbers have not changed.



This past month in the St. Francis'Garden we were able to lay makers downfor each remains buried. The markers

have names and dates. It really looksgood. Please take time to look at the St.Francis' Garden once the snow has melted.

I especially want to thank everyone whohelped in getting this project finished thisyear.

The Cemetery Committee wants tokeep all our grounds up-to-date andlooking beautiful throughout the year. Todo this it takes a lot of dedicated peoplewith time plus monetary funds. Theexpenses for keeping up the grounds arenot part of our general operating budget.So, if you would like our grounds tocontinue looking beautiful, please considergiving a donation to the CemeteryOperating Fund or our Cemetery PerpetualCare Fund.

I wish all of you a "Happy New Year!"Peace,

pfiiC J{amiCtonCemetery Director



As all of you know, St. Paul's does nothave a large Endowment Fund so thislimits our ability to help in starting up newprograms or assist in capital projects.Next year our Endowment Committee willbe looking at more ways to create fundsfor our Endowment Trust. This is 8t.Paul's future.

If you would like to give to the St.Paul's Endowment Fund or join theSociety of Mary and Rebecca, pleasecontact George Andrews or Phil Hamilton.

Have a very "Happy New Year!"Peace,

pfiiC J{a1niCtonEndovvment Chair


1 - Amy Leman

David Leman, Jf.Joan Mathews

3 - John Sackman, Jr.

4 - Skip Roland

18 - Kyle Fugate

Nick Fugate

20 - Mary Fugate

22 - Steve and Wendy Milone24 - Todd Jameson

25 - James and Ann Robey

29 - Wendy Milone30 - Claire Hamilton

31 - Darlene Guy

Brady Keech

John Sackman, Sr.

If you have a birthday or anniversary inJanuary and are not listed above, pleasenotify the office so that you can beincluded next time. Thank you!





The Rev. Dr. Joy Rose, TSSFPhone: 301-934-8001Email:

The Right Rev. John Bryson ChaneThe Bishop of Washington


Heads up - this year our GetawayWeekend to Shrine Mont in OrkneySprings, Virginia will be on May 13-15.It's a beautiful time of the year and thespring flowers should be in full bloom.Everyone is invited to spend a weekend ofrelaxation and fellowship. Out Sundayservice will be led by Ruth and CharlieGaumond. If you have never been toShrine Mont and would like to know more

about our Getaway Weekend, please seeLorraine Berry or Linda Hurd. Watchyour February Epistle for more details ofthe weekend.



Parish Office:FAX:Email:

Web Page:

Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday,9:30 am - 2:30 pm

Senior Warden: Sewell Truitte, 301-203-4289Junior Warden: Kristin Sackman, 301-392-9367

Cemetery Director: Phil Hamilton, 301·645·5327Facilities Coordinator: .

1~ QonnLE.ergus.on, __ 301-.93A..3J2Li------ . _

St. Paul's Episcopal ChurchPiney ParishP,O, Box 272

Waldorf, NID 20604-0272

Address Service Requested




MAILED: I ;< -..3() _ / tJ


Sunday, January 16, 2011

following 10:15 a.m. service

• Pot Luck Lunch (please bring a dish to share)

• Election of Vestry members &2012 Diocesan Convention Delegates

• Presentation of 20 11 Budget• Reports from Ministries and committees


January 2January 9January 16January 23January 30


Peggy GoldsmithJane FruhKathy FornadleyVirginia RolandPeggy GoldsmithLinda Hurd

Darlene GuyJanice MillerLaraine TuttleLinda Hurd


Paula TruitteBecky HackleyFired Cavanaugh

Duke Burroughs

Joyce ScofieldLinda Hurd




Scott WesleyJoan CrittendenRon CrittendenJanet SargentDon Wilson


Stephanie BerryGregory ReevesPeggy GoldsmithMargaret LemanCecelia Savoy-Chase


Dana CrittendenJoan CrittendenDiane RichardsDana CrittendenSkip Roland


Guy SmithSkip RolandDick & Margaret LemanDon & Betty WilsonNancy SextonAnn Robev


Lois KeechGail SavoyDora BuntingPhil & Judy HamiltonLois Keech


Linda LockhartSkip & Virginia RolandI ANNUAL MEETINGDarlene & Joe GuyJudy & Phil HamiltonDennis Duritv


Deborah BrownKay LaughtonMike FritzKristin SackmanCharles Gaumond


Ben KettnerSteve CavanaughZach KettnerNicete MoodieBecky Hackley


Deborah BrownKay LaughtonMike FritzKristin SackmanCharles Gaumond

Duke Burroughs

Steve SeeleySusan FritzJohn Sackman, Sr.Ruth Gaumond


Madison CarrollJohn Sackman, Jr.Justin TruittJohn Sackman, Jr.Justin Truitt

Justin Truitt

John Sackman, Sr.Sam TruittEric HamiltonSam Truitt

Sam Truitt

Paula TruitteChristine WesleyWesley HamiltonChristine Wesley


Lorraine BerryLynn & Sallie LyonsDavid & Shelley CulhaneThe Sackman FamilyThe Truitt FamilyWeslev Hamilton


Lorraine BerryJoyce ScofieldMichael & Susan FritzSusan ParodyLynn Lyons


Rachel GardinerAmy LemanLinda EppNicole BurroughsRachel Gardiner

Amy Leman

Linda EppNicole BurroughsRachel GardinerLinda Epp


Vicky MumfordChip & Leann KeechANNUAL MEETINGPete & Laura ShanklinCatherine SokolPaula Truitte

Amv Gardiner . Duke BurrouQhsDeanna Gerhart





9:30 am

8:30 am

Region VIPrayer Shawl MinistryPiney Men's Group



Finance Comm. Mtg.7pm

Adult Choir


12:15 pm

10 amEucharist EPISTLESpecial

Vestry Meeting

at Charles CountyDEADLINEI

Nursing Home6pm


7pmBible Study 7pmAdult Choir


9:30 am11:30 amPrayer Shawl Ministry

Annual Parish,

Meeting and Pot-7 pm

Luck LunchPiney Book Club

6pmHandchimes 7 pm

at Maudie Holt's7pmBible Study

7 pmAdult Choir Silent Auction






7pm Bible Study 7pmAdult Choir


Each Sunday8am

H.E.9 am Adult Choir9:30 am

S.S.10:15 am


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