the eastern front of world war eastern...

Post on 25-Apr-2020






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Journal 3/8/18

Is it ever okay to break a promise? Explain

Are there any circumstances that make itokay?

Unit 5 Table of Contents

World War 2

1. Title Page (Extra credit for decorating)

2. Table of Contents

3. Europe After WWI Map

4. 15.1 Assessment #2 – 8


5. Postwar Disillusionment Notes

6. 15.2 Assessment #1 – 7

pg. 475

7. 15.3 Assessment #1 – 88. A Worldwide Depression Notes

9. What is Fascism?

10. Fascism Rises in Europe Notes

11. Getting to Know Adolf Hitler

12. 15.4 Assessment #1 -7

pg. 485

13. Britain – France Simulation

14. Events Leading up to WW2

15. Leave it to Hitler

16. 16.1 Assessment 1, 3-8

pg 496

17. The Battle of Britain

18. The Eastern Front of WW2

19. 16.2 Assessment #1-8 pg 501

The Eastern Front of World War II

We did it!We have

control of France


Oui! Us teaming up to take France was a great idea. How should we divide

it up now?

I didn’t need your help. France is under German

control. Find your own land to


Fine. I already have

Ethiopia, I might as well take

control of all of Africa

Sure. It’s all yours. I still need to finish

off those pesky Brits and be done

with the allies once and for all.

You wont regret this!

Suez Canal

Mussolini Invades Egypt

Can you hurry up and take

the Suez Canal?

It’s taking a little longer

than expected

The Egyptians should be no match for your troops

The British have stepped

in and are defending


They even have the support of the Egyptians



War in North Africa

•In September, 1940, Italy controlled Somalia, Ethiopia,

and Libya

•The Axis Powers wanted to conquer Egypt to control the

Suez Canal

•Italian troops pushed 60 miles into Egypt and dug in

•In December 1940 the British counterattacked, claiming

500 miles of North African territory and 130,000 Italian


Fine. I’ll do it myself

I know just the man for the job

General Erwin Rommelaka Desert Fox

Afrika Korps

Did you actually think Benito could

do it?

I’ve got to keep him

busy somehow

War in North Africa

•General Erwin Rommel is sent to Libya to command the

newly formed tank corps, the Afrika Korps

•Tank warfare raged across Africa for over a year until

Rommel had defeated all of the allied forces in Egypt

Why wont these allies

quit already.

I’ve been bombing

Britain for months and I haven’t made any progress.

I haven’t invaded anyone in so long. I’m

starting to forget what it

feels like.

But who is left?

I’ve got it!

But first, some practice

Hitler Invades the Soviet Union

• Hitler prepares for his invasion by attacking the Balkans

• Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary cooperated by joining the Axis Powers in early 1941

• Greece and Yugoslavia only last a few weeks

It sure has been nice around here with all this new


Good thing I have that

nonaggression pact with Hitler

and Hirohito

Next stop USSR!

Hitler Invades the Soviet Union

• June 22, 1941 – First Blitzkrieg attack on the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa)

• As the Russians retreated, they burned and destroyed everything in the enemy’s path

• The Germans surrounded and laid siege to the city of Leningrad for one month, starving the 2.5 million inhabitants

• On October 2, 1941, Hitler moved on to Moscow, the capital and heart of the Soviet Union

Hitler Invades the Soviet Union

• Soviet general Georgi Zhukov counterattacks with the harsh Russian winter on his side

• Germans suffered immense losses due to Hitler’s order, “No retreat!”

• The Germans held their ground, but Moscow had been saved and the Germans had lost 500,000 soldiers



The Battle of Stalingrad

• In the summer of 1942, Hitler sent his armies south to the city of Stalingrad

• The Battle of Stalingrad began on August 23, 1942.

• The Luftwaffe bombed to city into rubble

• However, Stalin would not let the city fall

• By November 1942, the Germans controlled most of the city

• Then another Russian winter hit

• Hitler once again forbid surrender, stating that the city was “to be held at all costs”

Battle of Stalingrad

Marked by fierce close quarters combat and direct assaults on civilians in air raids, it is often regarded as the single largest (nearly 2.2 million personnel) and bloodiest (1.7–2 million killed, wounded or captured) battle in the history of warfare. It was an extremely costly defeat for German forces, and the Army High Command had to withdraw vast military forces from the West to replace their losses.

No worries. I’ve still got my crew

Hermann Goering

•Official successor to Hitler

• Leader of the Luftwaffe

•Accumulated tons of wealth by war’s end

Rudolf Hess

•Next in line after Goering

•Helped Hitler write Mein Kampf

• Incredibly loyal to the Reich

Heinrich Himmler

• Leader of the SS

•Ruthless military genius

•Had direct command over the destruction of the Jews

Adolf Eichmann

•Engineered all of the details of the Holocaust

•Member of both the SA and SS

•Brought to trial in 1961

Reinhard Heydrich

•Other Nazis genuinely afraid of him

•Known for murder and blackmail

•Assassinated by the Czechs in 1942

Josef Goebbels

•An expert in the use of propaganda

• Known for promoting blatant lies

• Turned Hitler into the “hero” of Germany

Dr. Seuss Joins the War

A Case Study of Total War

Dr. Seuss Joins the War

• Theodor Seuss Geisel (1904-1991) was a life-long cartoonist

• He grew up haunted by WWI

• Started creating children books in 1937

• From 1941-1943 he was the chief editorial cartoonist for the NY Newspaper, PM

• His political cartoons were a hit, building his fame as a cartoonist

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