the descent introduction analysis

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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The Descent Introduction Analysis

Georgia cox

Shot 1

W/S – of the three girls whitewater rafting down the river, I feel they use this to highlight the end of the waterfall and to create tension as us as an audience don’t know what is going to happen. Also to link in with the idea of horror.

Within this first scene the three friends are whitewater rafting down the river. Within this film the descent the girls enjoy a range of extreme activities and are not seen as stereotypical women, exploiting them.

The sounds used are the three ladies shouting with happiness, which shows us as an audience they enjoy what they are doing and activities like this can be loved by both genders. Also there is background noises of the wave and water crashing off the rocks, links to the idea of the build up to theme of horror, Adrenaline and also maybe death.

Shot 2

W/S- Four characters are in focus, but Juno is highlighted as the main person within the scene. I believe this was used to in order to suggest Juno is an leading and dominant character within the group.

In the second shot, the colour red is highlighted within the clothes Juno is wearing and paddle which makes her standout as a leading character. I believe this suggests danger, fear and love.

The sounds featured within the scene is Juno screaming , which shows her excitement and maybe she is trying to gain attention from Paul (Sarah's husband ).

Shot 3

M/S- Paul helping Juno out of the water, I feel this was used to show there body language towards each other.

In this scene Juno and Paul (Sarah’s Husband) sharing a quick moment of Paul helping her exit the water using her red paddle, which again links towards several themes but the main is love.

M/S- of Paul taking off Juno’s hat, this is used to show their connection.

In this scene Paul helps Juno take off her equipment. Within this scene it cuts into a close up of juno’s face to express her feelings towards Paul to us as an audience.

Shot 4

Shot 5

M/S- within this scene a close up has been used on Beth’s face as she knows something Sarah doesn’t.

In shot 5 Beth face is in focus as she highlights Juno’s and Paul’s affair, I feel this has been used in order to captured her confusion and reaction.

As the relationship as been highlighted by Beth and the audience us , by him getting involved with Juno having an affair , it show betrayal and may even lead to him getting into trouble or in a negative situation later on in the film.

Shot 6

W/S- This is a Shot of Paul, Sarah and their daughter within the car driving somewhere.

within the scene Sarah has turned around and is talking to her daughter while Paul is driving. I believe this has been used to highlight how much the daughter means to Sarah, I also feel it’s been used to capture the factual expression of Paul as he is shown as being quite moody.

This scene has a sudden contrast, three of them are fine when entering the car and then a little bit down the road atmosphere changes as Paul secludes himself from the conversation, then it turns from bad to worst linking to the horror genre.

Shot 7

Above shot- of the car accident, highlights impact.

Within this last scene a terrible incident has taken place and the shot above is used of the outside of the car to leaves us as an audience wandering about the characters wellbeing especially the little’s girl.

Throughout this scene fast editing has been included in order to portray a sudden shock factor and highlight the horror genre.

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