the dear leader kim jong il

Post on 23-Jan-2018






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The Dear Leader

The Dear LeaderKim Jong Il

Brought to you by the Ministry of InformationDemocratic People’s Republic of Korea

American propaganda has told lies.

They called our great nation a member of the

‘Axis of Evil’.

This is false propaganda.

A tribute to The Dear Leader.

A tribute to the immortal exploits of Kim Jong Il

The Compassionate Man

The Dear Leader

The Dear Leader brings joy to the people’s revolutionary hearts.

The finest statues in the worldfill the people with hope.

The people live in modern apartment buildings.

The Ryugyong Hotel

The Ryugyong HotelAn incredible achievement.

Started in 1987 at a cost of $750 million,

Started in 1987 at a cost of $750 million, the Ryugyong Hotel is expected to be completed by 2012.

The Dear Leader is so generous, he gave the people the spectacular May Day Stadium.

A place to celebrate The Dear Leader’s success.

Showcasing The World’s Biggest Events

A wonderful gift and triumph from

The Dear Leader.

Respected World Leader

The Dear Leader

Kim Jong Il has many titles.

Kim Jong Il has many titles.

The Sun of the 21st Century The Eternal Sun The Guardian Deity of the PlanetThe Sun of SocialismThe Ever-Victorious GeneralLode Star of the 21st Century, Peerless Leader Beloved Leader Great LeaderDear LeaderGreat Suryong (chieftain) The Sun of RevolutionThe Sun of LifeThe Sun of Juche (self-reliance, the ruling idea of the country)

The Fatherly Leader of all Koreans Chairman of the National Defence CommissionSupreme Commander of the Korean People's Army General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea

Kim Jong Il has many titles.

The Sun of the 21st Century The Eternal Sun The Guardian Deity of the PlanetThe Sun of SocialismThe Ever-Victorious GeneralLode Star of the 21st Century, Peerless Leader Beloved Leader Great LeaderDear LeaderGreat Suryong (chieftain) The Sun of RevolutionThe Sun of LifeThe Sun of Juche (self-reliance, the ruling idea of the country)

The Fatherly Leader of all Koreans Chairman of the National Defence CommissionSupreme Commander of the Korean People's Army General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea

As well as hundreds of other titles.

The Dear Leader has featured on the cover of TIME.

Our defence program has given Kim Jong Il…

the respect of the world.

“National defence is the sacred duty of the young and all other people.”

The Dear Leader

The Environmentalist

The Dear Leader

The capital city Pyongyang…

features the world’s most beautiful subway system.

The Dear Leader also rid the people of…

Light Pollution.

Al Gore is a man of words

Kim Jong Il is a man of action.

The Problem Solver

The Dear Leader

While the evil American imperialists are

morbidly obese,

The Dear Leader created the ‘One Meal A Day’ policy.

This policy will prevent obesity.

To avoid the evil American imperialist propaganda…

The Dear Leader protects his people from the internet.

The Dear Leader constantly checks the internet, in the country’s best interests.

The Humanitarian

The Dear Leader

President Clinton came to pay tribute to

Kim Jong Il.

President Clinton apologised for the two American spies.

The Dear Leader humbly accepted America’s apology…

and released them.

“We oppose the reactionary policies of the U.S. government but we do not oppose the American people. We want to have

many good friends in the United States.”

The Dear Leader

It’s time the truth came out about America’s propaganda.

It’s time the truth came out about America’s propaganda.

A tribute to The Dear Leader.

The Peerless Leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Kim Jong Il

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