the dangers of mountain environments

Post on 24-Dec-2014






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The Dangers of Mountain Environments

Lesson objectives

• All students must be able to name 3 pieces of essential mountain survival equipment

• Most students should be able to explain the purpose of those 3 pieces of equipment

• Some students could comment on how the types of mountain survival equipment have changed over time

Mountain equipment

• What is the purpose of each piece of equipment?

• Am I missing any equipment fo climbing a big mountain?

Ice Axe Rope Harness

Tent Sleeping bag

Some of the dangers faced in extreme mountain environments

The North Face of the Eiger

Nicknamed the ‘Murderwall’. More than 50 people have died climbing it over the years.

The tragic story of Toni Kurz

Dangerous cliffs



How do they find people buried under an avalanche?

What has happened to him?

Beck Weathers, after getting caught in a storm on Everest in 1996

Crampon Challenge!

• 2 volunteers each to have a go at attaching the crampons to the walking boots, with frost bitten hands.

Other dangers

HypothermiaThis occurs when the body core temperature drops

below 35 degrees. It causes shivering, drowsiness and eventually death.

Altitude SicknessCaused by lack of oxygen. Mild altitude sickness is a

headache and feeling sick, severe altitude sickness causes your brain to swell and your lungs to fill with fluid.

Are mountains really that dangerous...?

• We have explored some of the dangers and very occasionally accidents happen

• … but that thousands of people safely explore the mountains every year, so you should too if you get the chance.

• Duke of Edinburgh is a great place to start.

Your Mission: Mont Blanc-highest mountain in France

Height 4810 metres

Location: French Alps

Your route and campsites are along the red line

Task: What would I need to take?

The worksheet shows a few of the items you would need to climb Mont Blanc.

1. You have ‘£1000’ to spend each. Select and circle the items you think will be most important if you were to climb this mountain. You must stay under £1000

2. In your books, write down 2 items you chose not to buy. Explain for each why you decided not to take those items.

3. Write down the 3 items that you feel would be the most important. Explain why you feel each of the items you chose is so important.

Lesson Outcomes

• All students must be able to name 3 pieces of essential mountain survival equipment

• Most students should be able to explain the purpose of those 3 pieces of equipment

• Some students could comment on how the types of mountain survival equipment have changed over time


What were the total costs you came to?

Can anyone tell me how a rope or any other piece of equipment has changed compared to 50 years ago?

What were the most expensive items?

What 3 items are most important and why?

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