the danger of pursuing greatness

Post on 07-Feb-2022






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22nd Lyn M 24th Nikki 25th Kristy 27th Julie

MONDAY 5PM Walking Soccer 7PM Social Soccer

TUESDAY 9:30AM Playgroup

WEDNESDAY 9AM Prayer Meeting


9:00AM Quilters

FRIDAY 9:30AM Playgroup 4:00pm Kids Ignite


The famous missionary William Carey once challenged the Baptist church in England by saying, “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.” It is a great quote, which reminds us even today, that we should be striving to live for God each day. However, we must be careful that our motive in striving to do great things for God, is not so that others will see us as great. In Acts chapter 8 we meet a man named Simon who fell into that trap. Simon lived in Samaria and was a magician who had amazed the locals and become a big celebrity. He basked in his reputation and lapped up the admiration and honour he received as people called him ‘the Great One, the Power of God’. But when Philip arrived, everything changed. He began to preach the gospel and perform signs and miracles that were far beyond Simon’s abilities. Simon watched with amazement as the real, awesome power of God flowed through Philip. Then Peter and John showed up from Jerusalem and when they prayed, people were filled with the Holy Spirit. This drew even greater attention from the crowds and Simon became convinced that if he could get this power then he could be great once again. So, he approached Peter and John and offered to pay them money if they would share the power with him. Peter discerned Simon’s heart and rebuked him. “May your money be destroyed with you for thinking God’s gift can be bought! You can have no part in this, for your heart is not right with God. Repent of your wickedness and pray to the Lord. Perhaps he will forgive your evil thoughts, for I can see that you are full of bitter jealousy and are held captive by sin.” (Acts 8:20-23) Despite the fact that he had sinned against God, Simon’s response indicated that he was still only thinking of himself. “Pray to the Lord for me so that these terrible things you’ve said won’t happen to me.” (v24) The warning Peter gave to Simon is still applicable to us today. We must always remember that God’s power is not something to be traded, or a means for us to pursue our own greatness or wealth. We can all be tempted to make ‘doing great things for God’ about making us feel better. When that happens, we need to repent and resist. So, as we live for Christ let us expect great things from God and attempt great things for God. But let us take Peter’s advice and do so “with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 4:11).

God bless, Pastor John.

Give thanks for the rain that has fallen in many of our communities - particular in areas that were drought affected.

Praise God that the Qld Government has recognised churches as being an 'essential service' that will remain open to all people.

Pray for those who are struggling to afford/find accommodation on the Coast.

Pray that we would strive to love the Lord with all our heart, mind, soul and strength.

Pray that we would break free from any bondage, stronghold or addiction in our life.

MEETINGS NEXT SUNDAY Don't forget our AGM and Bi Annual meetings next Sunday after church. We would encourage everyone to come along to hear how God has blessed us this year, to vote on Harrison's call (and other important issues) and to be excited by our plans for 2022.

MISSION MATTERS Only 4 weeks until the end of the school year and the first of many Scripture Union Camps will be getting under way. So many kids will hear the Good News of the Gospel. This morning, Kerry Evans, the SU Regional Manager for Sunshine Coast and Wide Bay will be telling us about the work of Scripture Union.

UNI IMPACT A big welcome to all those from Uni Impact who are here for their Summer Beach Project. We pray that you will enjoy an amazing week together and we look forward to you leading us in our Sunday worship next weekend.

SOS BREAK-UP Don't forget that SOS are holding their last outing for the year at the Water-front Hotel at Diddilibah. There is a flyer on the bench in the church entrance if you want more information. If you are intending to go please make sure you let Anneli know by next Sunday.

NOTES "Angels - Who Are They & What Do They Do?"

(Psalm 103:20-22)



FINANCE - You may Direct Transfer your offering to BSB NO: 704-913 Acc: 400039335 (Internet banking transfers only)

OFFICE : Phone: (07) 5446 1957 Email: Address: PO Box 18 Coolum Beach 4573 (1912 David Low Way), Website: ABN - 29 747 289 728

Pastor John Gallagher Mobile: 0408 402 476 Email:

Children’s and Youth Pastor Harrison Gallagher Mobile: 0401 195 722 Email:


21 November



"Angels - Who Are They & What Do They Do?" (Psalm 103:20-22)

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