the cow and the carabao (northern luzon)

Post on 22-Nov-2015






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The legend of


The cow and the carabao

The cowandthe carabaoNorthern Luzon versionCharactersThe Cow and The Carabao- first of their kind.- serve the farmer who owns them- also known as the beasts of burden- both beasts used to walk with only their two hind feet.

CharactersThe Farmer- owner of the first cow and carabao.- demanding.- somehow, merciful.

PlotExposition:Long time ago, the first cow and carabao used to wear skins that fit them perfectly and they also used to walk by using only their hind feet. Both beasts work for a farmer in the fields.plotConflict:Though they know that they are beasts of burden, they thought that their master demands too much from them. And so, they thought that they deserve a break.

Climax:One noon, while the farmer who owned the first cow and the first carabao was fast asleep, the two friends went off the fields and raced to the nearby river.PlotWhile they were having fun, the farmer woke up and noticed that his beasts were missing. At that moment, he took up his whip and went out searching for them. And eventually, he found them.

The farmer frightened the two beasts with his whip and made them scramble up to the bank. In their haste to appear decent before their master, the cow and the carabao switched skins, but then they were not able to get their false skin off again.PlotResolution:They came before their master on all fours, begging to be forgiven. The farmer said they were forgiven, but they could no longer walk on only two legs, and they could never take off the false skins they wore.plotDenouementThe cow and the carabao accepted their fate timidly, and handed down to their offspring their symbols of shame.Point of viewThe author used the third person point of view.Moral lessonThrough PRIDE we are ever deceiving ourselves.Thank you !

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