the costs of product repositioning: the case of...

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The Costs of Product Repositioning: The Case of Format Switching

in the Commercial Radio Industry

Andrew Sweeting∗

Northwestern University



November 30, 2006


This paper applies recently-developed methods for estimating dynamic games to estimate

the costs incurred when radio stations change format (i.e., their positioning in a horizontally-

differentiated products industry). The size of format switching costs have potentially important

implications for merger and regulatory policy in this industry. Preliminary estimates indicate that

sunk format switching costs are quite heterogeneous, increase with station audiences and market

size, and are smaller for stations which have recently switched formats.

∗I would like to thank Jerry Hausman, Igal Hendel, Aviv Nevo and participants at the University ofChicago/Northwestern Industrial Organization and Marketing Conference, the Canadian Summer Industrial Organi-zation Conference at Kelowna and the Duke Applied Micro lunch for very useful comments. I would like to thank theCenter for the Study of Industrial Organization at Northwestern for financial support. All errors are my own.


1 Introduction

This paper estimates the costs of horizontal product repositioning (format switching) in the commercial

radio industry. The paper has two main aims: first, to quantify costs which are potentially important

for, inter alia, the design of merger and other regulatory policies in this industry and second, to extend

and apply recent developed methods for estimating dynamic games to a setting with differentiated

products. The paper also explores one way in which demand can be estimated in the presence

of endogenous product characteristics. The method involves making assumptions on the timing of

station format choices and innovations in station quality which are similar to those made in the recent

literature on estimating product functions using firm-level data (Olley and Pakes (1996), Levinsohn

and Petrin (2003), Ackerberg et al. (2005)).

Firms may want to reposition their products to avoid competition or to react to or anticipate

changes in demand. On the other hand, product repositioning may be costly if firms have to make

an investment in redesigning their products or in advertising them to new consumers. In my setting

an example of a repositioning is changing a station’s programming from Rock music to Urban (rap,

hip-hop etc.) music. The direct costs of e.g., changing a station’s music library or hiring new DJs are

likely to be small, but the costs involved in promoting the station to new listeners and advertisers may

be large (Rock station audiences are predominantly white and male while Urban station audiences

are largely black). The idea in the paper is to estimate the distribution of format switching costs by

examining how stations respond to different (estimated) incentives to switch formats. Two features of

the radio industry make it particularly suitable for this type of analysis. First, we can observe several

thousand stations in independent local markets, so that even though the rate of format switching is

relatively low (about 4.5% every six months) many switches are actually observed. Second, there are

some sources of exogenous variation in station incentives to make particular switches. For example,

Hispanic populations have grown faster in some markets than in others, providing differential incentives

for stations to move into the Spanish-language format. Also, AM and FM stations are suited to


different formats so that their expected profits from certain kinds of format switch differ systematically.

There are several reasons for being interested in the size of product repositioning costs. First,

they play a potentially important role in determining how markets respond to demand and supply

shocks. For example, if there is an exogenous demand shock (e.g., satellite radio) or an exogenous

supply shock (e.g., the closure of a station due to FCC licence violations) then the distribution of

repositioning costs will determine how far and how fast the set of products available in a market

changes, and whether any gaps in the product space are filled in with consequences for welfare.

Second, product repositioning costs can play an important role in the evaluation of horizontal

mergers. The Horizontal Merger Guidelines identify two potential constraints on the market power of

merging firms: demand-side substitution, where price increases would lead customers to substitute to

alternative products, or supply-side substitution, where they would lead to either new firms entering

or existing firms repositioning their products to compete more closely with those of the merging firm.

Supply-side substitution can only deter small but significant price increases if entry costs or product

repositioning costs are small. In the radio industry, entry is difficult in most markets and substitution

across formats by listeners and advertisers may be limited, so that (potential) reformatting may

provide the main constraint on the market power of a firm dominating a format. The Department of

Justice has used this logic in radio station merger cases and, based on its belief that the costs involved

in format switching are large, it has challenged and required divestitures in mergers which would have

increased concentration at the market-format level.1

Third, product repositioning costs may be one area in which common station ownership can

produce significant efficiencies, by allowing firms to transfer expertise and contacts across stations

1For example, US Department of Justice (2000c), “format changes are unlikely to deter the anti-competitive conse-quences of this transaction. Successful radio stations are unlikely to undertake a format change solely in response tosmall but significant increases in the price being charged to advertisers by a multi-station firm such as Clear Channel.”Klein (1997) describes the Department’s view in the following way: “as we have learned through our investigations, thecost of these promotional expenditures and the loss of advertising revenue during the course of the format change whilethe station looks for new advertisers can be high. Picking up on this last point, the theory that says radio stationswill jump in with new formats to defeat price increases makes the questionable assumption that it’s as easy to changeformats as it is changing clothes. But that grossly overstates the situation. As a practical matter, almost any existingstation has invested time, money and effort to develop its format, audience and advertising base. If it decides to changeits format, it must abandon at least some of these on-going relationships.”


and across markets. Finally, there are several more theoretical reasons to be interested in the size of

product repositioning costs. If repositioning costs are fixed/sunk then repositioning may be socially

excessive (Mankiw and Whinston (1986), Berry and Waldfogel (1999)). Judd (1985) shows that entry

deterrence through product proliferation is only credible if product exit (or repositioning costs) are


1.1 Related Literature

1.1.1 Estimation of Dynamic Oligopoly Models

Several recent papers (Aguirregabiria and Mira (2006), Bajari, Benkard and Levin (2006, BBL),

Berry, Pakes and Ostrovsky (2006) and Pesendorfer and Schmidt-Dengler (2006)) have proposed

methodologies for estimating dynamic oligopoly entry and exit-type models with Markov Perfect

Nash Equilibria. A common theme in these papers is that it is possible to estimate the parameters

of the game using observed firm behaviors without having to solve for the equilibrium which may be

hard or, with many firms, impossible. The method I use in this paper is closest to the two-stage

approach suggested by BBL, which builds on the earlier work of Hotz and Miller (1993) and Hotz et

al. (1994) in the single agent setting.

Ryan (2005), Ryan and Tucker (2006), Beresteanu and Ellickson (2006), Maciera (2006) and

Collard-Wexler (2005) have applied these dynamic models to actual industry data. Ryan (2005) and

Collard-Wexler (2005) examine the homogenous product cement and ready-mix concrete industries.

Beresteanu and Ellickson (2006) and Maciera (2006) use logit demand models to allow vertical product

differentiation in the supermarket and supercomputer industries. In the radio industry both horizontal

product differentiation, based on observable station programming, and vertical differentiation are

important and I use a rich random coefficients demand model to capture these effects.

A comment is also in order about why I use a dynamic model to estimate format switching costs.

Stations change formats infrequently so a format switch will be based on expectations of profits

accruing over a number of future periods during which the market may evolve in different ways. A


dynamic model is an attempt to “account” for expected future benefits correctly. It also allows for

the possibilities that (i) stations may have an option value to waiting before making a costly format

switch and (ii) a format switch is only profitable because a station expects it to lead to other stations

changing format in the future. A static, simultaneous move model would not allow for either of these


1.1.2 Format Differentiation and Switching in the Radio Industry

There has been some previous work on format choices in the radio industry. Romeo and Dick (2005)

analyze the success of format switches in increasing station performance. Consistent with my data,

they find that stations making major formats changes are able to increase their listenership, partic-

ularly when moving into formats where there are few competitors. Tyler Mooney (2006) estimates

static models of listener and advertiser demand to examine how welfare changed in the industry in

the late 1990s. She estimates that welfare increased over time, partly because stations have switched

into formats serving listeners who are more valued by advertisers.

Berry and Waldfogel (2001) and Sweeting (2006) also analyze horizontal differentiation in the

radio industry with a particular emphasis on the effects of common ownership. Both papers provide

evidence that owners owning multiple stations in the same market differentiate their stations and that

owners of multiple stations in different markets may tend to offer more similar stations, presumably

to exploit economies of scope. While the current version of this paper is relatively silent on these

effects, I hope to say more about the effects of common ownership on switching costs and operating

costs in future versions.

1.2 Outline

The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 describes the data. Section 3 presents a descriptive

analysis of format switching. This shows both that there is considerable format switching and that

stations seems to move in response to quite small opportunities to gain listenership. Section 4


describes the formal model and Section 5 details the estimation procedure. Section 6 provides some

preliminary results and Section 7 concludes.

2 Data

The main source of data used in the analysis comes from BIAfn’s MediaAccess Pro database. This

database, which is also used by the FCC in analyzing the radio industry, contains data on station

characteristics, station ownership history, Arbitron ratings and BIAfn’s own estimates of station and

market advertising revenues. I have data covering the period Spring 1996 to Spring 2006 from the

2001, 2002 and 2006 versions of the BIA database. I drop the data for 1996 as many station formats

are missing. Some gaps in the BIAfn data, including data on stations leaving the industry before

2001 were filled in using old editions of Duncan’s American Radio.

The BIAfn database includes some information (but not ratings data) on non-commercial stations

(e.g., public stations and those owned by educational organizations). I only use the data on commercial


2.1 Formats

I use ten format categories to define a station’s programming. BIAfn database uses 20 format

categories to categorize station programming. Some of these format categories, such as Rock and

Album Oriented Rock/Classic Rock, are actually quite similar (Sweeting (2006) shows this using

station playlists) and appeal to similar demographics. The costs of switching between these formats

should be small as the station is likely to be able to keep most of its old listeners and advertisers.

I therefore aggregate these format categories together to produce a grouping of 10 formats. I also

define another format “Dark” for stations which are temporarily off-air.

Table 1 lists the formats which I use, together with the associated BIAfn format categories, and

2Future versions will use data on the presence of NPR stations in particular formats. Berry and Waldfogel (1999c)provide evidence of a crowding out effect where the presence of public stations leads to fewer commercial stations incertain formats, such as Jazz.


measures of the average listener demographics in each format. The formats used clearly appeal to

different demographic groups based on age, sex and ethnicity/race.

At several points in the paper I use the term “contemporary music” to refer to the formats Adult

Contemporary, CHR/Top 40, Country, Oldies, Rock and Urban. The Other Music format includes

some primarily music formats such as Jazz and Big Band, but also includes formats like Middle of the

Road and Full Service which are a mixture of music and talk. Table 1 shows that the contemporary

music formats are largely composed of FM stations, whereas AM stations are predominant in News,

Other Music and Religious programming.

2.2 Geographic Markets and Demographic Data

One of the appealing features of the broadcast radio industry for empirical analysis is the existence

of many local geographic markets. I use Arbitron-defined metro-markets, which are the industry

standard and are now also used by the FCC and Department of Justice. These markets typically

correspond to MSAs. I use the markets which were in Arbitron’s top 199 markets by population

in 2001. From this set I drop Puerto Rico and Honolulu, which have unusual ethnic/format mixes,

and Westchester, NY which ceased to be monitored by Arbitron in 2004. Three markets on the Gulf

Coast (New Orleans, Biloxi and Beaumont) have no ratings data in Fall 2005 following Hurricane


Each station in the data has at most one “home” market. In some markets, there are a number of

out of market stations which have significant listenership. This feature is particularly common where

a market is close to a much larger market nearby. For example, 25% of radio listening in Providence,

RI in Fall 2002 was to stations which are home to the Boston market.

I use the annual County Population Estimates from the US Census to measure market demo-

graphics.3 To match the demographic-level station listenership data I use 10 age-sex groups (ages

12-24, 25-34, 35-49, 50-64 and 65 plus for both males and females) and for each age-sex group, 4 eth-

3The estimates come from July of each year, so I use the numbers for both the Spring and Fall quarters.


nic/racial categories (non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, Hispanic white and Hispanic black).

Market-level demographics are calculated by matching counties to markets using the 2005 Arbitron

market definitions.4

The markets differ quite widely in their ethnic/racial mixes. The percentage of the population that

is black varies from 0.2% in Wausau-Stevens Point,WI to 45.2% in Jackson, MS, while the percentage

of the population that is white or black Hispanic varies from 0.4% in Charleston, WV to 86.2% in

McAllen-Brownsville, TX.

2.3 Listenership

The BIAfn database reports Arbitron data on station listenership. Arbitron estimates each station’s

share of radio listening by asking a sample of listeners in each market to record their listenership in

a diary.

I use two different types of share data. First, for every market-quarter I have Arbitron’s estimate

of each station’s share of radio listening amongst listeners aged 12 and above during a broadcast

week of Monday-Sunday 6am-midnight. I multiply these market shares by Arbitron’s APR rating

for each market-quarter, which measures the proportion of the 12+ population listening to radio, to

calculate each station’s market share where the market is the time available to every person aged 12

and above during the broadcast week.5 Listening to non-commercial stations is therefore included in

the outside good of not listening to radio. One important issue that arises is that Arbitron only lists

share data for stations with enough listeners to meet its Minimum Reporting Standard. The exact

set of stations meeting these requirements varies from quarter to quarter and has expanded slightly

over time as Arbitron has expanded its sample sizes. When estimating the random coefficients model

of demand I assume that non-listed stations in a market have market shares which are equal to one

4 In a few cases an Arbitron market only includes part of a county, in which case I scale the population estimates fromthe complete set of counties using Arbitron’s own market population estimates. Arbitron updates its market definitionsrelatively rarely, mainly after the decennial census.

5The APR numbers are taken from Duncan’s American Radio up to 2001, M Street’s STAR database for 2002and Spring 2003 and from additional data provided by BIAfn from Fall 2004. For the two missing numbers I simplyinterpolate between the missing quarters. This is reasonable as APR numbers change relatively little from quarter toquarter.


quarter of the smallest listed station. In future versions I will investigate the robustness of the results

to this assumption.

The second type of share data is demographic-specific listening data from Spring 2006. This data

lists the number of listeners a station has amongst a specific age-sex group. The age groups are 12-17,

18-34, 18-49, 25-34, 25-49, 25-54, 35-44 and 35-64. By combining these numbers I produce station

shares for 10 age groups, 12-24, 25-34, 35-49, 50-64 and 65 plus for both males and females. The

Minimum Reporting Standard also applies to these data and I use the same imputation procedure as


The BIAfn data does not contain ethnicity/race-specific share data. As I explain in Section 5

I also make use of two types of additional information on racial listening. Arbitron’s Radio Today

publications provide estimates of the proportion of listeners to each format who are black or Hispanic

for Spring 2003, 2004 and 2005 for a set of formats that match the ones which I use closely. These

numbers are based on a set of markets where Arbitron tracks ethnic listening. For a similar set of

markets Arbitron also provides estimates of total listening by racial ethnic/group in Fall 2004 on its


2.4 Advertising Revenues

The BIAfn database also provides estimates of annual station and market advertising revenues. The

station estimates are derived from the market estimates using a proprietary BIAfn formula, and they

track changes in market revenue and station listenership very closely. Currently I only use the revenue

estimates to calibrate the value of different types of listener to stations. In the future I will use the

data on the quantity of advertising for music stations used in Sweeting (2006) to explicitly model

the advertising market. Tyler Mooney (2006) finds sensible estimates of advertiser demand and the

disutility of listeners for advertising when she matches her model to the summary statistics reported in

Sweeting (2006) and market-level estimates of per minute advertising prices reported by Spot Ratings

6When using the demographic differenced moments described below I only the mean utilities for those stations withnon-missing share data. However to calculate those mean utilities I need to use the share information for all stations.


and Data Services.

2.5 Station Entry and Exit

Many industries have high entry and exit rates and these may drive changes in product differentiation.

In the commercial radio industry station entry and exit is rare. Entry is limited by both spectrum

constraints, which prevent entry in larger markets, and by the need to secure FCC approval for new

stations with only a small number of applications being approved. In the 196 markets I use in the

analysis there are 230 cases of entry by commercial stations in the decade after 1997, compared with

4,395 stations active in 1997. Most of the entrants have relatively low power transmitters and low

market shares compared with existing firms, although there are a few examples of new entrants rapidly

gaining significant market share. The difficulty of entry means that exit is also rare, although sales

of existing stations to new owners are common. There are 37 cases of exit during my sample period.

A review of FCC documents indicates that most of these exits followed licence withdrawals by the

FCC following licence violations.7

In my model I treat the number of stations in a market as fixed and treat entry and exit in the

same way as stations temporarily going inactive (“Dark”). In future versions of the paper, I intend

to model entry and exit separately although it is worth noting that however I treat them, entry and

exit decisions are likely to look quite random.

2.6 Ownership

The BIAfn database provides an ownership history for each station. Many radio companies own

multiple stations, either in the same market or in different markets. There has been substantial

growth in common ownership since the 1996 Telecommunications Act relaxed the rules limiting how

many stations a single firm can own. Specifically, a single firm can own up to 8 stations in a single

market (the limit varies with market size) and an unlimited number of stations across markets. The

7Note that these cases of entry and exit do not include cases where a construction licence is granted but the stationis never built, so that the licence is forfeited again.


largest owner, Clear Channel Communications, owns more than 1,200 stations across the country

although it has recently announced the sale of over 400 of its stations in smaller markets. It is quite

plausible that common owners are able to realize economies of scale or scope from operating stations

in the same format, either within markets or across markets. In the current version I largely abstract

from common ownership, except for controlling for its effects when I estimate station policy functions.

3 A Descriptive Analysis of Format Switching

This section provides a descriptive analysis of station format switching with particular emphasis on

those features of the data which are potentially useful in identifying format switching costs.

Table 2 provides some summary statistics on station format and format switching choices. The

stations used are home market stations with enough listeners to be rated by Arbitron. On average,

about 4.6% of stations switch formats from quarter-to-quarter with over 3,800 switches observed in

the data. There are some switches into and out of each format. The Spanish-language format

has the largest proportional gain in stations, which is to be expected given the increase in Hispanic

populations in many US markets. Country, Oldies and Other Music (which includes relatively “old

fashioned” formats such as Middle of the Road and Easy Listening) have experienced the greatest net


The table distinguishes between AM and FM stations. AM stations are concentrated in non-

contemporary music formats, which makes sense given the relative advantage of the FM signal for

music programming, and they are also less likely to switch to contemporary music formats. This

difference between AM and FM stations is potentially useful in identifying format switching costs.

The table also shows a measure of the average listenership of stations in each format. As explained

beneath the table, this measure is calculated to correct for the possibility that some formats may be

systematically more popular in markets with fewer stations. Comparing AM and FM stations, we see

that AM stations tend to have higher shares in non-contemporary music formats, consistent with these

formats being the ones where the AM signal provides the highest relative quality. There are also some


formats in which stations tend to have higher shares whatever the band. For example, Urban and

CHR/Top 40 stations tend to have more listeners than Rock stations. The most obvious interpretation

is that the average Rock listener (white, male, aged 25-49) is more valuable to advertisers than the

average Urban listener (black) or CHR/Top 40 listener (younger), so that it takes fewer listeners

per station to support a Rock station than an Urban or CHR/Top 40 station. The relatively small

number of listeners per Spanish-language station may reflect the expected future growth of Hispanic

populations. The small number of listeners per Religious station may reflect these stations being

able to receive additional revenues through other sources (e.g., donations) or being able to use relative

cheap programming (e.g., broadcast of religious services).

Table 3 compares the listenership of format switching and non-switching stations. As Dark

stations have no listeners I do not use Dark stations or stations switching to or from Dark. I also

only use those stations with enough listeners to be rated by Arbitron. Switching stations typically

have fewer listeners than non-switching stations and tend to increase their listenership in the two

quarters following a switch. On average, switching stations increase their listenership by a statistically

significant 13% in the year (two quarters) following the switch.8 The listenership of non-switching

stations tend to falls, partly because they lose listeners to switchers but also because listening became

less concentrated during the time period of the data. The significant increase in share for switchers is

consistent with stations switching formats in order to gain listeners (and thereby generate advertising

revenues) and with the existence of small, but significant switching costs which prevent stations from

switching in response to smaller expected gains. It is also noticeable that the standard deviation of

the change in share for switchers is only slightly greater than the standard deviation in the change in

share for non-switchers. This suggests that switching is not particularly “random” (i.e., we do not

see stations making particularly bad switching decisions) and that there is not too much uncertainty

8One might be concerned that the pattern where switchers gain shares may simply reflect a pattern where all stationswith few listeners tend to gain share even if they do not switch formats. I have therefore also compared the shareincrease of switchers with the share performance of non-switchers who are matched to the switchers based on their shareprior to switching. The matched non-switching comparison group do experience falls in listenership which are smallerthan the falls for the non-matched non-switching group used in Table 3 but they are still significantly different from theincreases in listenership experienced by the switching stations.


about how a station will perform in its new format.

The table also reports the average Arbitron market rank for switchers and non-switchers. The

market rank is 1 for the largest market based on population in 2001 (New York City), 2 for the next

largest (Los Angeles) and so on. Switchers and non-switchers come from markets of similar sizes.

If switching costs were invariant with market size then one might expect more switching in larger

markets where the costs per listener would be smaller. This result therefore suggests that switching

costs may increase with market size or with the number of listeners that a station has. This is

plausible if switching costs include the costs of advertising to attract new listeners.

Tables 4-6 investigate how far observable market features can explain (changes in) the distribution

of stations across formats. Given that we can only try to estimate switching costs by looking at

how stations respond to measurable opportunities to increase their discounted future profits based on

observables, this exercise will clearly be futile if observables have no explanatory power for stations’

format choices.

Table 4(a) reports the results of a set of between market regressions where the dependent variable

is the proportion of home market stations in a particular format and the independent variables are a

set of market demographic characteristics, a set of region dummies and the combined share of out of

market stations. This variable is included to see whether home market stations tend to avoid formats

where there is significant competition from out of market stations. Obviously the amount of listening

to out of market stations is likely to be endogenous to the format choice of home market stations. I

therefore create an instrument for the variable, the predicted share of out of market stations. To do

this I first calculate the average (across quarters) share of listening in each market to stations which

are home to every other market. I then find each station’s average (across quarters) share of listening

in its home market. I multiply these two numbers together to calculate the predicted share of each

out of market station. I then add the predicted shares of all of the out of market stations in a category

to create the instrument.9

9This instrument implicitly assumes that an out of market station’s choice of format does not depend on the numberof home market stations in a format. This may not be completely true in situations where stations in both of the


The pattern of the coefficients is sensible. The race coefficients are consistent with the ethnic/make-

up of audiences shown in Table 1 with, for example, higher black populations associated with fewer

Country and Rock and more Urban and Religious stations. Hispanic populations have a large effect

on the proportion of Spanish-language stations. Most of the age and sex coefficients are insignificant,

which is consistent with a lack of variation in these variables across markets, although, as expected,

markets with more females have more Religious stations. The region dummies reveal that there are

more Country and Religious stations in the South than in New England. Four out of the ten market

share coefficients are negative and statistically significant at the 10% level while none are positive and

significant. This is consistent with home market stations being less likely to enter or stay in a format

where they face significant competition from out of market stations.10

Table 4(b) reports the results of similar within-market regressions. I do not include the age and

sex variables, which vary little within markets over only a ten year time period, although including

them has only a small effect on the ethnic/race and out of market share coefficients. The ethnic/race

coefficients have a similar pattern to those in the between market regressions (except the large neg-

ative effect of growing black populations on Oldies stations) indicating that changes in the ethnic

composition of markets leads to format switching in the expected directions. Five out of the ten

out of market coefficients are negative and significant and one (Other Music) is large, positive and

significant. When the formats are pooled and the out of market coefficient is assumed to be the same

across formats the coefficient is negative and significant at the 5% level.

Tables 4(a) and (b) use the proportion of stations in a market-format as the dependent variable. In

Table 5 I examine the ability of observable variables to predict format switching by individual stations.

This is done by estimating a multinomial logit model where a station’s choices are the eleven different

formats. The explanatory variables include the sum of shares of other home market stations in the

markets have significant listening in the other market, but it is much more likely to be true in situations where theout of market stations are located in a large market (e.g., Boston) where stations from a nearby smaller market (e.g.,Worcester) have almost no listening.10 If there are local tastes for a format which are common across nearby markets and which are not captured by the

region dummies then this would tend to provide a positive bias to these coefficients.


format, the sum of shares of out of market stations in the format and a measure of the attractiveness

of the format. This attractiveness measure is the prediction of total market-format-quarter’s share

based on a linear regression of market-format-quarter shares on the demographic variables and region

dummies used in Table 4(a) as well as a full set of quarter dummies. The difference between this

prediction and the combined sum of stations’ shares already in the format can be thought of as a

measure of the market opportunity for a station. All of these variables are interacted with a dummy

indicating the station’s current format in case there are different effects of the variables for a station

remaining in its current format and for one switching formats. All of the variables are set to zero

for the “Dark” format. Also included are the station’s own share in its current format, a measure of

the median share of stations in the market, an indicator for whether the station is the largest in its

format, and a set of dummies representing different types of format switch (interacted with the band

of the station), some ownership related variables and a dummy for whether the station has recently

switched formats.

The coefficients in Table 5 show a sensible pattern. In particular, a station is more likely to

stay in and to move to a more attractive format (predicted format share coefficients positive) where

the combined listenership of other stations, both from the market and out of the market, are small.

To understand the size of the implied effects, consider the example of the average AC station in

the sample. The average probability of an AC station switching to another format before the next

quarter is 0.046. A one standard deviation increase from the mean in the predicted format share for

AC reduces this probability by 0.005 (10%). A one standard deviation increase in the share of other

home market AC stations increases the probability of switching by 0.009 (18%). A one standard

deviation increase in the mean of the predicted format share of Rock increases the probability of an

AC station switching to Rock from 0.009 to 0.012 (30%).

A station with a larger share in its current format, relative to the median share of a station in the

market, is less likely to switch formats. A one standard deviation increase in a station’s share from

the mean decreases the probability of switching for an AC station from 0.046 to 0.014 (60%).


A station which has switched formats in the previous two quarters is more likely to switch again

(probability increases from 0.046 to 0.057). This is consistent with a station having to spend resources

over a number of quarters to attract new listeners and advertisers. If a station is going to have to

spend resources in establishing itself in its current format, then the additional cost of switching to a

different format will be lower.

The coefficients on all of the switching dummies are negative and highly significant, consistent with

stations being much more likely to stay in their own format than making any particular switch. The

relative size of the coefficients themselves reflect the fact that AM stations are more likely to switch

to non-contemporary music formats than FM stations, consistent with FM being relatively better for

contemporary music, and that both types of station rarely become inactive (Dark).

Most of the coefficients in Table 5 are highly statistically significant, suggesting that observable

variables do have some explanatory power for switching decisions. At the bottom of the table I

compare the value of the log-likelihood including all of these variables with the value of the log-

likelihood when I only include a dummy variable for whether there is a switch of formats. Including

the additional variables makes the log-likelihood increase substantially, and, considering the dummy

for switching as being like a constant, the pseudo-R2 would be 0.094. While this pseudo-R2 is quite

large compared with those usually estimated for entry and exit models, it also implies that individual

switching decisions also look quite random from the perspective of the researcher.

4 Dynamic Model of Format Switching

This section presents the model of the industry. I start by describing the state space and then outline

my assumptions on the timing of station format switching decisions and how the state space evolves.

These assumptions are important in justifying how I estimate demand given the potential endogeneity

of product characteristics. I then outline how station payoffs are determined.


4.1 State Space

The state space is composed of (i) a set of station, market and format characteristics which are

observed by all stations when they make their format switching decisions, and (ii) a set of private

information payoff “shocks” that affect a station’s payoff from choosing to be in a particular format

in a particular quarter. For ease of notation I use S to refer to the observable state space.

4.1.1 Station Characteristics

There are Nm stations in market m. Each station is in exactly one format in each quarter. There are

eleven available formats (F ): the ten formats listed in Table 1 and the format “Dark” (0) in which a

station is inactive. Stations have three observable characteristics which are assumed to be fixed over

time: whether they are home to the market or out of market, the station’s band (AM or FM) and,

for home market stations, the proportion of the market’s population which can receive the station’s

signal.11 Each station also has a quality component ξs which can change over time. Unlike the other

station characteristics, this is not directly observable in the data but is backed out through estimation

of a model of listener demand.

4.1.2 Market Characteristics

Each marketm is in a geographic region r. Its population is divided into 40 demographic groups (5 age

categories x 4 ethnic/race categories x 2 sex categories). There is a growth rate for three ethnic/racial

groups (non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black and Hispanic (including blacks and whites)). Each

market is also associated with a particular advertising price per listener.

4.1.3 Format Characteristics

Each active format f has an average attractiveness to listeners which is the same across regions.

Formats also differ in their attractiveness to different demographics and in different geographic regions.

11This treatment ignores the possibility that a station could invest to increase signal strength.


4.2 Timing

There are an infinite sequence of periods. I call these periods “quarters” although I treat them as

being six months long as I only use data from the Spring and Fall quarters. In each quarter the

timing of the game is as follows:

1. stations observe current station qualities, formats, market demographics and the attractiveness

of each format;

2. each station observes random shocks (ε) to its payoffs from choosing to be in a particular format

in the next quarter. These shocks are iid across stations, formats and time and are private

information to the station. Having observed its εs, each station simultaneously decides which

format to be in the next quarter;

3. listeners choose which station to listen to based on current station qualities, formats and the

attractiveness of each format. Station payoffs for the current quarter are realized; and,

4. station formats change according to station format choices. Other features of the state space

evolve according to the stochastic processes described below.

4.3 Evolution of the State Space

Station formats change from quarter-to-quarter with station format choices. Station qualities and

market demographics evolve according to stochastic processes.

4.3.1 Station Quality

Each station has a quality which does not depend on observables such as signal coverage. One might

think of this quality as representing programming quality but it could also reflect any other influence

on listener tastes for the station. This quality is assumed to evolve stochastically according to AR(1)


processes. Specifically, I assume that for a station which does not change formats

ξsmt = ρξξsmt−1 + μξ1 + υ1smt (1)

where υ1smt ∼ N(0, ηξ1). For a station changing formats I assume that

ξsmt = ρξξsmt−1 + μξ1 + μξ2 + υ1smt + υ2smt (2)

with υ2smt ∼ N(0, ηξ2) so that I allow for a format switcher to experience an additional fixed and

random change in its quality. A motivation for this specification is that a station switching to a new

format may lose some of the expertise it has gained from operating in its old format and there may

also be a degree of unpredictable (from the station’s perspective) randomness in how well-suited it is

suited to its new format. It is an assumption that stations do not know the realization of their own

or other stations υsts when they make their format choices for the next period.

As already noted, a station may appear in multiple markets. I (currently) assume that the ξsmt

evolves independently across markets.

4.3.2 Market Demographics

In each market there are 40 different demographic groups based on combinations of age, sex and

ethnicity/race. As the age and sex composition of each market is quite similar and changes relatively

little over time, I focus on changes in the ethnic/racial make-up of each market. I allow the growth

rate for three ethnic/racial groups e (non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black and Hispanics (including

Hispanic blacks)) to evolve according to the following AR(1) process:

gemt = ρegemt−1 + μe + υemt (3)


where υemt ∼ N(0, ηe). With ρe < 1 this implies that the growth rate of each population group is

stationary with mean μ1−ρe and variance


(1−ρe)2 . I apply the growth rate for ethnic/racial group e to

each one of the 40 groups in the market which are of ethnicity/race e. I assume that the parameters

are the same across the ethnic/racial groups: this implies that in the long-run the proportion of the

population in each ethnic group is also stationary.

4.4 A Station’s Static Payoff Function

Each quarter a station earns revenues which depend on its listenership and its format switching

decision. Formally the payoff in quarter t for a station s in market m and format fst which decides

to switch to format fst+1 is

πsmt(f, g,S, εst) =Ã


pdmlsdt(S)!− I(fst 6= 0)θ2 − I(fst+1 6= fst, fst+1 6= 0)θ3 + εst(fst+1) (4)

where lsdt(S) is the number of listeners the station has in demographic d and pdm is the “price” of

a listener in market m. As noted above, the advertising market will be modelled more explicitly in

future versions. The parameter θ2 measures the fixed cost associated with being active (not being

Dark). The parameter θ3 measures the cost of switching to a different active format. Note that

this is the cost in addition to the expected quality loss (μξ2). εst(fst+1) is a random term affecting a

station’s payoff from choosing to be in format fst+1 in the next period. It is assumed to be iid across

stations, format choices and time and to be drawn from an extreme value (Gumbel) distribution with

location parameter 0 and scale parameter σ. The most obvious interpretation of the εs is that they

reflect heterogeneity in format switching costs although a station also receives an ε if it decides to

remain in its current format.

Currently I assume that stations only earn revenues from listeners in their home market. We

should not expect this to be exactly true but on average, a station which is rated in multiple market

has 80% of its listeners in its home market and regressions using BIAfn’s estimates of station revenues


indicate that, on average, an out of market listener generates about one-fifth as much revenue as a

home market listener. This is consistent with most radio advertising being done by local retailers

who are unlikely to value reaching consumers living outside of the market.

4.4.1 Listener Demand

I model listener demand for stations using a random coefficients logit model. The market consists of

listeners aged 12 and above. Each listener chooses to listen to at most one commercial radio station.

The utility listener i in market m receives by choosing station s in quarter t is

uimst = βCi + FsβFimt +Xsfsβ

S + ξsmt + εist (5)

where Fs is a row vector indicating the current format of station s. βCi captures the individual’s

taste for any commercial radio station, and I assume that βCi = βC + vCi where vCi ∼ N(0, σ2C).

βFimt captures an individual’s taste for a format which can vary with individual demographics (Di),

geographic region and time as well as randomly across individuals.

βFimt = βF +ΠDDi +ΠRRm +Π

TTt +ΣvFi (6)

I assume that demographic effects on tastes are additively separable in discrete variables measuring

age, sex and ethnicity/race. I assume that the vFi s are IID standard normal and independent of

the included demographics, region and time. I also assume that the random component of βFimt is

independent across formats i.e, that Σ is diagonal. This assumption should be relaxed as listeners

may be more likely, for example, to substitute between two stations in different contemporary music

formats than between a contemporary music station and a religious station.12

Xsfs are the fixed characteristics of station s, such as its home market status, band and signal

coverage. Home market and band are interacted with a station’s format to allow listeners to value,

12Note that βCi , the random coefficient on the constant, allows there to be more substitution between commercialradio stations than between listening and the outside good of not listening to commercial radio.


for example, an AM station in the Top 40 format less than an AM in the News/Talk format all else

equal. ξsmt is the component of quality of station s which does not depend on observable variables.

All listeners are assumed to value these observed and unobserved quality characteristics in the same

way (i.e., there are no random coefficients on the parameters associated with these variables).13

Finally, εist is a Type I extreme value term providing random variation in listener tastes across

individual stations.

4.5 Equilibrium Concept: Markov-Perfect Nash Equilibrium

I follow the recent literature on the estimation of dynamic games by assuming that stations play a

symmetric, anonymous, pure strategy Markov Perfect Nash Equilibrium. This is an assumption on

the existence of this type of equilibrium as well as on the assumption of which type of equilibrium, if

there are several, is actually played by stations.14

Formally, a station’s Markov Perfect strategy is a function ςs which maps from the observable

state space and the station’s own payoff shocks εs to actions (format choices), i.e., ςs : S x εs → As.

A profile of Markov Perfect strategies for all stations is ς = (ς1, ς2, ...), ς : S x ε1 x ε2 x ..→ A. Prior

to the realization of its εss a station’s strategy implies a probability distribution over format choices

in the current quarter.

A station’s value function prior to the realization of its εs is

Vs(S|ςs) = Eε

∙πs(S, ςs(S, εs)) + β

ZVs(S 0|ςs)dP (S 0|ς(S, ε),S)


13Of course, listeners will value a station quite differently depending on whether they are in the signal coverage areaor not. However, without share information on different locations within a market with varying signal coverage, it isvery hard to model this effect.14Dorazelski and Satterthwaite (2003) examine the existence of equilibria of this type in dynamic oligopoly models.

One obvious difference between my model and the stylized model that they consider is that I treat station qualities,population proportions and growth as being continuous rather than discrete. One could obviously map my model into amodel with a discrete state space by considering an arbitrarily fine discretization of the continuous variables. A furtherissue concerns the stationarity of the state variables. I find that, on average, market populations are growing and thistends to increase station revenues given a fixed number of stations (although much more slowly than discounting reducesthe value of future profits). On the other hand, growth rates and the proportion of the population in each demographicgroup are stationary and it is these growth rates and proportions which determine the relative profits that can be madein different formats. Ellickson and Beresteanu (2006) discuss similar issues that arise in their analysis of the dynamicsof supermarket oligopolies.


where β is the common discount factor, πs(S, ςs(S, εs)) are static payoffs as a function of the state

space and a station’s own strategy and P (S0|ς(S, ε), S) is the probability that the state in the next

quarter will be S 0 given a current state S and station strategy profiles ς. For ςs to be optimal it must

provide s with a higher expected value than alternative strategies at all points in the state space.

Vs(S|ςs) ≥ Vs(S|ς 0s) ∀S, ς 0s (8)

A profile of Markov Perfect strategies is a Markov Perfect Equilibrium when each station’s strategy

is optimal given the strategies of other stations.

5 Estimation

I follow a two stage estimation approach similar to that proposed by BBL. The first stage involves

the estimation of listener demand, the stochastic state transitions and station policies. In the second

stage, I use forward simulation to estimate the components of stations’ expected future payoffs when

making different format choices and use these estimates to find the parameters of (4). Consistent

with most of the literature in this area I do not estimate the discount factor β but instead assume

that it is 0.95.

5.1 First Stage: Demographic Transitions

Equation (3) is estimated using the market demographic data described in Section 2. To prevent

some very small ethnic/racial groups, which occasionally show very high proportional increases or

declines having an excessive effect on the estimates, I only use observations on ethnic groups with at

least a 5% share of market population. The estimated parameters are

gemt = 0.856(0.025)

gemt−1 + 0.001(0.000)

+ υemt (9)


and the standard deviation of υemt is 0.0048 (0.0012). This implies that the average long-run growth

rate is 0.7% per half-year.

Figure 1 shows the changes in the ethnic/racial composition of Raleigh-Durham, NC when I

simulate population forward from Fall 2005 using this model of population growth. Raleigh-Durham’s

Hispanic population has grown rapidly in recent years, reaching 7.4% of the population in 2005. When

I simulate forward, this growth tends to continue for a few more years, but is, on average, slow after

2010 when the growth rates of the different ethnic groups tend to converge.

5.2 First Stage: Listener Demand and the Evolution of Unobserved Station Qual-


Listener demand and the evolution of station qualities are estimated using the Arbitron data on station

listenership described above. The standard estimation approach for random coefficient demand

models (as described, for example, by Nevo (2000)) assumes that observed product characteristics,

such as formats, are exogenous. This assumption is clearly problematic for an analysis of the choice

of product characteristics. Fortunately given my assumptions on the evolution of unobserved station

quality and the timing of station format choices I am able to use a quasi-differencing approach to

isolate the innovations in station quality which are unknown when stations make their format choices

for the next period.15 I use these innovations to form a set of moment conditions used in estimation.

5.2.1 Quasi-Differenced Moments

The “mean utility” of station s in market m at time t (taking out those components of tastes which

vary across people within a market) is

δsmt = βC + Fs

³βF +ΠRRm +Π



S + ξsmt (10)

15This approach is quite similar to recent approaches used to analyze firm-level productivity literature (Olley andPakes (1996), Levinsohn-Petrin (2003) and Ackerberg et al. (2005)). The idea is mentioned in the original Berry et al.(1995) demand paper although I am not aware of any previous attempts to apply it.


An endogeneity problem arises because the unobservable component of station quality ξsmt may

be correlated with station format choices. For example, the Country format may tend to attract

“better” stations in the South, where Country music is popular, than it does in New England or

stations may avoid competing directly with high quality competitors. To reduce the notation I

denote βC + Fs

³βF +ΠRRm +Π



S as ]Xsmtβ, so that δsmt = ]Xsmtβ + ξsmt.

Recall that for a station that does not change formats

ξsmt = ρξξsmt−1 + μξ1 + υ1smt (11)

and that when s chooses its format for quarter t (in quarter t− 1) the value of the quality innovation

υ1smt which occurs between t − 1 and t is unknown. Given values for the mean utilities and the

parameters it is possible to calculate υ1smt by taking a quasi-difference.

υ1smt = ξsmt − ρξξsmt−1 − μξ1 (12)

= (δsmt − ρξδsmt−1)−³]Xsmt − ρξX̂smt−1

´β − μξ1 (13)

For stations which change formats we can also isolate the unexpected innovation in station quality

υ1smt + υ2smt = ξsmt − ρξξsmt−1 − μξ1 − μξ2 (14)

= (δsmt − ρξδsmt−1)−³]Xsmt − ρξX̂smt−1

´β − μξ1 − μξ2 (15)

These innovations should be uncorrelated with station formats at both t and t− 1 so I can form the

following moment conditions

E[Zsmtbυsmt(θ)] = 0 (16)

where θ are all of the parameters of the demand system and quality transitions, bυsmt(θ) is bυ1smt or

bυ1smt+bυ2smt depending on whether the station changes format or not, and Zsmt is a set of instruments.


For given values of the non-linear demand parameters the δs are solved for using the contraction

mapping proposed by Berry et al. (1995) which matches predicted and observed market shares.16

The instruments include the observed station and market characteristics in ]Xsmt, X̂smt−1 and δsmt−1,

together with the log of market population (interacted with format), the proportions of the population

who are black and Hispanic (interacted with format) and the number of out of market stations in

market m in each format at t and t− 1. These additional instruments help to identify the non-linear

parameters as they should be correlated with the derivatives of δ.17

In addition to these quasi-differenced moment conditions, I use several additional sets of moments

to aid estimation.

5.2.2 Demographic Differenced Moments

As explained in Section 2 I have demographic-specific station share data for 10 age-sex specific groups

in Spring 2006 (females aged 12-24, females aged 25-34, females aged 35-49, females aged 50-64 and

females aged 65 and above and the same age groups for males). I assume that demographics affect

listener tastes for stations in different formats in an additively separable way so that, for example, the

“mean utility” of station s for females aged 25-34 is

δ25−34,FEMsmt = ]Xsmtβ + ξsmt + FstβF,25−34 + Fstβ

F,FEM (17)

where ]Xsmtβ+ ξsmt is the mean utility of station s as defined above and βF,25−34 and βF,FEM reflect

the format tastes of people aged 25-34 year olds and females relative to the excluded group (males

aged 12-24). Therefore,

δ25−34,FEMsmt − δ12−24,MALsmt = Fstβ

F,25−34 + FstβF,FEM

16To calculate predicted market shares for given values of the parameters I use 50 Halton draws of the random tasteparameters for each of the 40 demographic groups. I then weight the shares calculated for each group depending on thegroup’s share of the total population. This is possible because my demographic variables separate the population intodiscrete (age-group x sex x ethnicity/race) bins rather than by continuous variables such as income.17When I do not use the forward simulation moments described below estimation is facilitated by conditioning out

the linear parameters β as suggested by Nevo (2000), p. 534.


so that ξsmt can be differenced out.

I use these within-station, between-demographic differences in station mean utilities to form an

additional set of moment conditions. As ξsmt has been differenced out it is necessary to introduce a

non-structural error to allow estimation. For example I define ω25−34,FEMsmt as

ω25−34,FEMsmt = δ25−34,FEMsmt − δ12−24,MALsmt − Fstβ

F,25−34 − FstβF,FEM (18)

and use the moment condition that


dsmt(θ)] = 0 (19)

for demographic group d. One interpretation of the non-structural errors is that they reflect mea-

surement error in the demographic-specific market shares. However, they will also reflect aspects of

horizontal product differentiation which are not captured by the format classification. For example,

Sports stations typically have more male listeners than News stations even though I include them

in the same News/Talk/Sport format. Instruments Zdsmt include dummies variables for each demo-

graphic group/format combination as well as measures of the proportion of blacks and Hispanics in

the demographic group. Two further sets of moments also help to pin down ethnic/racial tastes.

5.2.3 Ethnic/Racial Time Spent Listening Moments

I match the predicted Time Spent Listening (TSL) by blacks and Hispanics to estimates reported on

Arbitron’s website for 137 ethnically-diverse markets in Fall 2004 by forming moments


mt (θ)− TSLBLACKmt )] = 0


mt (θ)− TSLHISPANICmt )] = 0

where ZTSL,BLACKmt is a dummy variable equal to 1 if m is one of the market-quarters with TSL data

for blacks.


5.2.4 National Average Ethnic/Racial Listening to Different Formats

I match the predicted proportion of listeners to each format who are black or Hispanic to the propor-

tions reported by Arbitron in Spring 2003, 2004 and 2005.


ft (θ)− PROPORTIONBLACKft )] = 0



where ZPROP,DSTmt is a dummy equal to 1 where market m is one of the markets used by Arbitron

in calculating these proportions. These moments are similar to the “micro-moments” suggested by

Petrin (2002) and they are useful in pinning down the ethnic/racial taste parameters for different


5.2.5 Forward Simulation Moments

The final set of moment conditions involve predicting station shares one quarter forward given the

estimated parameters and observed format switches. As described in Section 3, format switchers

experience small increases in listenership on average which are slightly more volatile than the changes

in listenership experienced by stations which do not change format. As forward simulation is used

in the second stage of estimation to estimate station expected payoffs from switching formats it is

obviously desirable that the model can match the share changes seen in the data.

The moments used match the observed mean and variance of the change in share for switchers and

non-switchers together with the covariance of the change in share and the station’s share prior to the

switch being made. Separate moment conditions are estimated for home market and out of market



5.2.6 Objective Function

I stack the different sets of moments to give a vector of moments G(θ). The objective function is



whereW is a weighting matrix. I use the optimal (two-step) GMM procedure of Hansen (1982) where

in the first step W is simply the identity matrix and in the second step it is an estimate of the inverse

of the variance-covariance matrix of the moments formed using the consistent parameter estimates

from the first step.

5.3 First Stage: Estimation of Station Policy Functions

The demand estimation provides estimates of listener tastes for different formats and the observed

and unobserved component of quality for each station. These estimates are used to estimate station

policy functions, i.e., a station’s policy rule for choosing its format as a function of the state variables.

As shown by Hotz and Miller (1993), a station’s policy rule assuming optimal behavior, can be

calculated from estimates of the probabilities of making different format choices given the observed

state variables.

I follow the much of the recent applied literature (e.g., Ryan (2006), Ryan and Tucker (2006),

Beresteanu and Ellickson(2006)) in assuming that these probabilities can be adequately approximated

using a discrete model (here a multinomial logit) where the explanatory variables are rich functions

of the state variables.18

5.4 Second Stage: Estimation of the Payoff Parameters

The second step estimates the parameters of the payoff function (4), including switching costs. Given

current state S, realized payoff shocks εs and station policies ς the expected discounted payoffs of a18This reduced-form approach to estimating policy functions potentially provides a way to try to model the multiple

choices made by firms owning multiple stations and this will be investigated in future versions of the paper.


station s at time t = 0 in format fs0 choosing to be in format fs1 in the next quarter are


pdmlsd0(S0)− I(fs0 6= 0)θ2 − I(fs0 6= fs1, fs1 6= 0)θ3


( ∞Xt=1



pmlsdt(St)− I(fst 6= 0)θ2 − I(fst 6= fst+1, fs1 6= 0)θ3 + εst(fst+1)

!)+ εs0(fs1)



pdmlsd0(S0) +Eςs,fs1,ς−s



pdmlsdt(St)−ÃI(fs0 6= 0) +Eςs,fs1,ς−s


βtI(fst 6= 0)!θ2

−ÃI(fs0 6= fs1, fs1 6= 0) +Eςs,fs1,ς−s


βtI(fst 6= fst+1, fst+1 6= 0)!θ3 +Eςs,fs1,ς−s


βtεst(fst+1) + εs0(fs1)

= Πs0(S0, ς, θ2, θ3, σ, fs1) + εs0(fs1)

where Eςs,fs1,ς−s denotes the expectation given that station s chooses to be in fs1 in period t = 1 and

will use its strategy ςs in the future and all other stations will use their strategies ς−s both for selecting

their formats for the next period and in the future. σ (the scale parameter of the distribution of

ε) enters as it effects the expected future values of the εs. A nice feature of (20) is that, given an

assumed value for the discount factor β, it is linear in the parameters θ2 and θ3. The probability that

format fs1 is chosen, given the assumption that ε is distributed extreme value with location parameter

0 and scale parameter σ is given by the logit-type formula

Pr(fs1|S0, ς, θ2, θ3, σ) =exp


k expΠs0(S0,ς,θ2,θ3,σ,fs1)



I estimate the parameters (θ2, θ3, σ) by matching the probabilities implied by (21) to the proba-

bilities implied by the station policy functions estimated in the first stage.19 This requires consistent

estimates of the components of Πs0 i.e., expected future revenues, expected future switches and ex-

pected future εsts given station policies. These components are calculated using a forward simulation

19There are several ways this second stage might be carried out. BBL suggest matching estimating station payoffsunder stations’ actual policies and alternative policies, and estimating the parameters using a set of inequalities similarto (8). An alternative would be simply to apply a maximum likelihood estimator to (21).


procedure (Hotz et al. (1994) and BBL).

I apply the forward simulation procedure to stations observed in Fall 2005. The procedure works

in the following way where station s is the station under consideration and I am calculating the

components of its payoffs when it chooses to be in format fs1 in the next period:

1. I record the listenership of station s in the current period and whether it is active;

2. I calculate the state-conditional format switching probabilities for every station other than s

(including out of market stations which will depend on conditions in their home market) using

the first stage estimates. I compare these probabilities to a set of random numbers drawn from

a uniform [0,1] distribution to select a format for each of these stations for the next quarter;

I assume that station s chooses format fs1 in the next quarter. I record whether s makes a

format switch;

3. I allow station qualities and market demographics to evolve according to the stochastic processes

estimated in the first stage using draws of random numbers from normal distributions;

4. given the new configuration of the state space I record s’s listenership and whether it is active.

These values are discounted and added to the values from step 1.

5. I calculate the state-conditional format switching probabilities for every station including s

(including out of market stations which will depend on conditions in their home market) using

the first stage estimates. I compare these probabilities to a set of random numbers drawn from

a uniform [0,1] distribution to select a format for each station for the next quarter; for station

s I record the discounted conditional expected value of its ε given its chosen switch and the

parameters of its distribution. This conditional expectation is σ(γ − ln(Pr(fst+1|ς,St)) where

γ is Euler’s constant and Pr(fst+1|ςs,St) is the probability that format fst+1 is chosen given s’s

policy.20 I record whether s makes a format switch and discount appropriately.20One can also, of course, implement this procedure by drawing a set of εs for each station, applying the policy rule

implied by the state-conditional format choice probabilities to find the chosen format and then recording the value ofthe ε associated with the chosen format.


6. steps 3 to 5 are repeated for a large number of quarters until, because of discounting, the effect

of considering an additional period has only a small effect on the components of future payoffs.

I currently use 60 periods.

7. to reduce the simulation error in the estimates of the components of station payoffs, averages

are taken over a large number of repetitions of steps 1 to 6. I currently use 100 simulations.

8. steps 1 to 7 are repeated for each format choice of station s. For each of the different format

choices the same set of simulation draws are used.

6 Results

In this section I discuss some initial parameter estimates.

6.1 First Stage: Listener Demand

Table 6 presents a selection of the parameter estimates from the random coefficient logit model of

listener demand.21

The demographic parameters show a pattern which is consistent with the average listener demo-

graphics reported in Table 1. For example, women like Rock and News programming less, on average,

than men but prefer Religious programming. CHR/Top 40 is most valued by the youngest listeners,

whereas News, Religious and Other Music are preferred by older listeners.

The format mean utilities need to be interpreted together with the standard deviations of the

random coefficients. The formats with the lowest mean utilities are those with the largest standard

deviations, so that even though mean utility is very low stations in those formats may still have many

listeners because some listeners value their programming highly. For Religious and (maybe) Country

programming this pattern of low mean but high variance utility is intuitively appealing. It is less

21 The parameters which are not listed include a full set of time x format interactions which are almost all statisticallyinsignificant and very small, and display slightly negative serial correlation. When I simulate the model forward I ignorethe possibility that format-attractiveness evolves over time.


appealing for News programming, although this format does include Sports and Talk stations which

some listeners may like or dislike intensely.

The AM x format interaction coefficients show the expected pattern, with AM yielding higher

quality in the non-contemporary music formats.22 The out of market x format interaction coefficients

have to be interpreted carefully. On the one hand, out of market stations may not be received in the

whole market and their programming may be less relevant to local listeners. On the other hand, there

is also a selection effect which is not accounted for. Very small home market stations with too few

listeners to be rated by Arbitron are included in estimation but the equivalent out of market stations

are treated as not being in the choice set at all. As expected, increased signal coverage increases

mean utility.

The least satisfactory demand parameters are probably the region x format interactions. The

excluded region is East North Central (IL, WI, OH, IN, MI). While some of the parameters are

sensible (Country is disliked in New England), other parameters do not: for example, Religious

stations yield higher average utility in New England than East South Central (AL, KY, TN, MS).

This potentially presents a problem for my exercise: New England has almost no Religious stations so,

if the mean utility of a Religious station in New England is not very low, then a station that switches

into Religious programming will face little competition and should gain a very large audience.

The quasi-differencing parameter ρξ is 0.984, indicating that station quality is highly persistent

from quarter-to-quarter. As part of the estimation, I also find the other parameters of the stochastic

process governing quality evolution. A station’s quality tends to decline when it changes formats.

This is inspite of the average increase in station listenership when stations switch formats. This is

possible because, on average, stations move to more attractive formats where there is less competition.

Two comments are also in order about the fit of the model. First, as described above, I introduce

a non-structural error into the demographic differenced moments. One rationalization for this non-

22One might argue that the pattern is not quite right as the AM signal is less good than FM for music programmingbut not necessarily better for non-music programming. This may result from assuming a common coefficient on AMand FM signal coverage even though many AM signals cover much larger populations.


structural error is that it simply reflects random measurement/sampling error in the Arbitron market

shares. For each format I have calculated an R2-type figure for these examining what proportion

of the differences in the mean utilities for each station for each age/sex group are explained by the

age/sex group dummies. The results show a sensible pattern. For News, CHR/Top 40 and Other

Music where there are strong age/sex differences in listenership the average R2s for each demographic

group are above 0.5 (for News 0.69). On the other hand, for Urban and Hispanic where there is a

much weaker age-sex pattern the R2 is much lower (0.16 and 0.07 respectively).

The second issue is how well the model is able to match what happens to listenership when stations

switch formats. Figures 2 and 3 compare actual changes in share to those simulated by the model

for switchers and non-switchers. I use one simulated observation for each station. The fit of the

distributions for stations which stay in the same format is close. The fit for stations switching formats

is less good. There are a few observations (mostly for switches to Urban or Country) where very

large increases in share are predicted. This is hard to see in the diagram. For the median switching

station the model actually predicts a very small decrease in share whereas there is a small increase in

the data. The mean matches closely, because the model can choose μ2 to match this moment.

Although the fit of the distributions is quite close the correlation between changes in share in

the data and in the model is low. For switching stations, excluding the extreme tail of simulated

observations, the correlation is 0.13. Of course, it is hard to know what is a good correlation as both

the actual data and the simulated observations will reflect random outcomes to some extent.

The inability to predict what happens to a station’s share when it makes a particular switch is a

significant problem in practice. One feature of the model makes it a much more important problem

here than in a standard entry-exit setting. In my model each station has 11 choices per period.

Therefore, if the outcome of only one or two options is poorly predicted it may seem that stations are

ignoring opportunities to gain listeners and that their switching decisions must therefore be driven

largely by the εs.


6.2 First Stage: Station Policy Functions

Table 7 presents a selection of the coefficients from the multinomial logit estimates of station policy

functions. The specification includes a set of format dummies (interacted with whether the format is

the current format) and a set of switch-type dummies similar to those reported in Table 5.

The coefficients for a station’s current format make sense. The station is more likely to stay in

a format which the demand system estimates is more attractive in the region and in which it has

higher station quality based on band/format and signal coverage. Higher unobserved quality also

makes a station less likely to switch. It is less likely to stay when it faces more competitors, with

higher shares, competitors of higher quality based on observable characteristics (coverage, band) or

competitors with higher unobservable quality.

The coefficients for alternative formats are less significant, although a station is more likely to

switch to a format where it has higher observable quality (this is just the band effect as signal coverage

is the same across alternatives) and is less likely to move to a format where competitors have higher

observable qualities. The small size of the region-format effect may reflect the unintuitive pattern of

region coefficients from the demand system, as the related (market-format attractiveness) coefficient

in Table 6 was statistically significant.

Most of the demographic coefficients have the expected signs, although the growth of the black

population does not seem to affect entry and exit from the Religious and Urban formats which have

largely black audiences. This is probably because there is relatively little variation in black growth

rates across cities with significant black populations. This contrasts with the case of Hispanics where

there is more variation.

6.3 Second Stage Estimates

[to be presented at seminar]


7 Conclusion



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Contains BIAfn BandMy Formats Format Categories % AM % Female % Under 25 % Under 49 % Black % Hispanic

AC Adult Contemporary 6.2% 63.7% 13.9% 70.6% 7% 12%

CHR Contemporary Hit Radio/Top 40 1.4% 61.0% 47.1% 92.7% 21% 24%

Country Country 19.8% 53.2% 15.7% 61.3% 2% 6%

Oldies Oldies 22.8% 51.4% 8.2% 45.8% 6% 15%

Rock Album Oriented Rock /Classic Rock 1.7% 32.3% 23.1% 84.2% 3% 10%Rock

Urban Urban 21.8% 54.6% 33.3% 80.0% 81% 6%

News/Talk News, Talk, Sports 91.6% 34.6% 3.3% 44.0% 8% 6%

Other Music Classical, Jazz, Easy Listening 64.6% 54.4% 7.9% 44.6% 20% 7%Middle of the Road, Nostalgia/Big Band

Miscellaneous, Ethnic

Religion Religion 71.2% 65.5% 7.8% 57.6% 34% 9%

Spanish Language Spanish 56.0% 48.4% 25.3% 81.1% 1% 96%

Notes: Female and age data calculated based on Arbitron data for Spring 2006. Black, hispanic data based on Arbitron estimates for Spring 2004 reportedin 2005 Radio Today report. These are based on a sample of markets where Aribtron tracks ethnic/racial listening. Band proportions calculated using datafrom Spring 1997 to Spring 2006.

Average Format Demographics

Table 1: Formats and Demographics

Number Relative Number Number Proport.stations-qtrs share switching switching switching

From out in out Dark AC CHR Cntry Old Rock Urban News OtherM Relig SpanDark 1,102 N/A 195 32 0.18 0.13 0.07 0.14 0.09 0.22 0.07 0.06 0.10 0.08 0.06Adult Contemporary 9,005 1.03 377 424 0.04 0.01 0.24 0.10 0.13 0.24 0.06 0.05 0.07 0.02 0.07Contemporary Hit Radio/Top 40 4,867 1.25 241 310 0.05 0.00 0.26 0.07 0.05 0.20 0.25 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.05Country 7,791 1.23 287 192 0.04 0.02 0.17 0.12 0.10 0.21 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.04 0.09Oldies 4,139 0.90 284 194 0.07 0.01 0.29 0.08 0.11 0.26 0.10 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.05Rock 10,445 0.92 337 396 0.03 0.01 0.28 0.14 0.08 0.11 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.09Urban 3,770 1.24 143 222 0.04 0.17 0.30 0.08 0.11 0.11 0.04 0.04 0.08 0.06News/Talk/Sports 1,153 0.59 63 118 0.05 0.03 0.08 0.10 0.11 0.08 0.25 0.03 0.11 0.08 0.13Other Music 2,811 0.82 221 148 0.08 0.02 0.26 0.13 0.12 0.06 0.17 0.09 0.04 0.04 0.07Religion 2,488 0.42 94 102 0.04 0.04 0.17 0.06 0.05 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.06 0.10 0.14Spanish-language 2,789 0.71 62 166 0.02 0.06 0.11 0.29 0.06 0.03 0.05 0.15 0.03 0.13 0.08

Number Relative Number Number Proport.stations-qtrs share switching switching switching

out in out Dark AC CHR Cntry Old Rock Urban News OtherM Relig SpanDark 396 N/A 108 54 0.27 0.03 0 0.09 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.30 0.17 0.20 0.09Adult Contemporary 600 0.77 66 36 0.11 0.03 0 0.11 0.15 0.02 0 0.26 0.35 0.02 0.08Contemporary Hit Radio/Top 40 62 1.07 15 12 0.24 0.07 0 0 0.07 0.07 0 0.27 0.27 0.07 0.20Country 1,897 0.70 150 111 0.08 0.02 0.01 0 0.07 0.03 0.01 0.42 0.23 0.13 0.07Oldies 1,185 0.68 111 123 0.09 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.12 0.02 0.02 0.44 0.16 0.14 0.05Rock 180 0.61 48 30 0.27 0.04 0 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.06 0.29 0.15 0.19 0.04Urban 1,064 0.82 74 43 0.07 0.05 0.01 0 0.01 0.05 0 0.32 0.18 0.26 0.11News/Talk/Sports 12,796 1.26 317 482 0.02 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.13 0.09 0.02 0.02 0.26 0.17 0.22Other Music 5,001 1.02 313 253 0.06 0.03 0.05 0.01 0.07 0.14 0.03 0.01 0.47 0.08 0.11Religion 6,022 0.63 171 183 0.03 0.06 0.01 0.01 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.11 0.40 0.13 0.17Spanish-language 3,573 0.64 131 177 0.04 0.03 0.02 0 0.03 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.49 0.23 0.11

Note: numbers calculated using data on home market stations from Spring 1997 to Spring 2006 from 197 markets described in Section 2. The "relative share" of a station is calculated using all station-quarters with enough listeners to be rated by Arbitron. For each market-quarter I calculate the mean share of rated stations in each band, and calculate each station's relative share by dividing its share by this market-quarter-band-specific mean. The number reported is the mean of this relative share across all stations in a category.

Table 2: Format Switching Patterns

Proportion of stations switching out, switching to

FM Stations

AM Stations

Proportion of stations switching out, switching to

Change qtr 1 Change qtr 2to qtr 2 to quarter 3

-0.03 (1.11)*** -0.03 (1.10)***

0.22 (1.43)*** 0.13 (1.10)***

0.24*** 0.17***

Note: share is measured as a % of radio listening. Stations used are active (not Dark), home market stations rated by Arbitron in three successive quarters. A switcher is a station changing format between quarter 1 and quarter 2 and not changing formats between quarter 2 and quarter 3. Non-switchers are stations not changing format between quarters 1 and 3. *** indicates differences or changes which are significantly different from zero at the 1% level. Standard deviations in parentheses.

Table 3: Comparison of Listening Shares and Changes in Shares for Switchers and Non-Switchers

-1.40*** -1.15*** -0.98*** 2.3Difference between

Average sharequarter 3

3.00 (2.32)

3.98 (3.04)

Average sharequarter 2

switchers andnon-switchers

4.02 (3.07)

2.87 (2.27) 86.6 (55.6)



Average ArbitronMarket Rank

84.2 (57.6)4.04 (3.11)

2.65 (2.22)

Average sharequarter 1

AC CHR Cntry Oldies Rock Urban News Other M Relig SpanishEast South Central -0.025 0.001 0.061 0.005 -0.032 -0.019 0.010 -0.045 0.050 0.004

(0.019) (0.011) (0.016)*** (0.015) (0.020) (0.011)* (0.023) (0.020)** (0.019)*** (0.017)Mid Atlantic 0.006 0.017 -0.027 0.025 0.006 -0.012 -0.015 0.032 -0.004 -0.009

(0.016) (0.010)* (0.013)** (0.013)** (0.016) (0.009) (0.019) (0.016)** (0.016) (0.014)Mountain 0.005 0.003 -0.028 0.002 -0.023 -0.017 0.010 0.011 0.004 0.008

(0.022) (0.013) (0.019) (0.017) (0.023) (0.013) (0.026) (0.023) (0.022) (0.019)New England 0.019 0.012 -0.063 0.005 0.020 -0.002 0.020 0.040 -0.040 0.028

(0.019) (0.011) (0.016)*** (0.014) (0.020) (0.011) (0.022) (0.019)** (0.018)** (0.016)*Pacific 0.007 0.005 -0.042 -0.015 -0.037 -0.010 -0.007 0.021 0.025 0.043

(0.019) (0.011) (0.017)** (0.015) (0.019)* (0.011) (0.022) (0.020) (0.019) (0.017)**South Atlantic -0.026 0.002 0.022 -0.004 -0.030 -0.018 0.026 -0.015 0.032 0.010

(0.016) (0.010) (0.014) (0.013) (0.017)* (0.009)* (0.019) (0.017) (0.016)** (0.014)West North Central -0.005 0.010 0.018 0.000 0.012 -0.026 0.012 -0.006 -0.015 -0.009

(0.020) (0.012) (0.018) (0.016) (0.021) (0.011)** (0.024) (0.021) (0.020) (0.017)West South Central -0.034 0.003 0.061 0.006 -0.034 -0.014 0.000 -0.030 0.020 0.015

(0.018)* (0.011) (0.016)*** (0.014) (0.018)* (0.010) (0.021) (0.019) (0.018) (0.016)Proportion Black -0.059 -0.048 -0.262 0.041 -0.132 0.486 -0.140 -0.021 0.144 -0.016

(0.065) (0.039) (0.057)*** (0.052) (0.067)* (0.038)*** (0.077)* (0.068) (0.066)** (0.058)Proportion Hispanic -0.107 -0.020 -0.164 -0.011 -0.063 -0.014 -0.140 0.011 -0.135 0.637

(0.042)** (0.026) (0.037)*** (0.034) (0.044) (0.024) (0.051)*** (0.045) (0.043)*** (0.042)***Proportion Female -0.423 -0.310 -1.214 -1.356 -0.959 0.515 0.277 0.219 2.348 0.648

(0.638) (0.392) (0.562)** (0.509)*** (0.666) (0.367) (0.765) (0.664) (0.635)*** (0.562)Proportion 12-24 -0.190 0.368 1.249 0.277 -0.118 0.156 -0.724 -0.924 -0.005 -0.337

(0.376) (0.229) (0.327)*** (0.304) (0.394) (0.216) (0.460) (0.397)** (0.384) (0.333)Proportion 25-34 -0.994 0.131 0.368 -0.774 -0.797 0.778 -0.292 -0.105 0.677 0.845

(0.668) (0.406) (0.581) (0.541) (0.704) (0.384)** (0.818) (0.702) (0.675) (0.591)Proportion 50-64 -0.432 0.197 1.945 0.625 0.186 0.335 -2.419 -0.628 0.067 -0.416

(0.814) (0.502) (0.714)*** (0.660) (0.858) (0.469) (0.979)** (0.861) (0.828) (0.723)Proportion 65plus -0.322 0.215 0.293 -0.001 -0.542 0.316 0.289 -0.075 -0.342 0.134

(0.331) (0.202) (0.291) (0.266) (0.346) (0.191)* (0.403) (0.349) (0.336) (0.293)Out of Market Share -0.233 -0.201 -0.027 0.190 -0.286 -0.338 0.052 0.377 -0.123 0.038

(0.132)* (0.110)* (0.169) (0.249) (0.124)** (0.117)*** (0.141) (0.249) (1.520) (0.354)Number of markets 197 197 197 197 197 197 197 197 197 197

Notes: dependent variable is the proportion of home market stations in a market category. "Out of Market Share" is instrumented forusing the predicted share of out of market stations based on the out of market stations' shares in their home markets and the averageproportion of listening to stations in those markets across categories and quarters.

Table 4: Proportion of Home Market Stations in A Market-Category

(a) Between Market Regressions

AC CHR Cntry Oldies Rock Urban News Other M Relig Spanish

Proportion Black 0.005 -0.393 -0.144 -0.928 0.057 0.709 -0.712 0.379 0.906 -0.202(0.218) (0.160)** (0.201) (0.233)*** (0.203) (0.148)*** (0.246)*** (0.261) (0.192)*** (0.160)

Proportion Hispanic 0.294 0.220 -0.039 0.080 -0.350 0.047 -0.580 -0.038 -0.397 1.016(0.087)*** (0.064)*** (0.080) (0.093) (0.081)*** (0.059) (0.100)*** (0.109) (0.077)*** (0.068)***

Out of Market Share -0.057 -0.007 -0.876 -1.249 -0.419 -0.304 -0.346 1.043 -2.373 -0.214(0.109) (0.066) (0.229)*** (0.147)*** (0.097)*** (0.068)*** (0.218) (0.220)*** (0.302)*** (0.155)

Number of market- 3,710 3,710 3,710 3,710 3,710 3,710 3,710 3,710 3,710 3,710quarters

Notes: dependent variable is the proportion of home market stations in a market category. "Out of Market Share" is instrumented forusing the predicted share of out of market stations based on the out of market stations' shares in their home markets and the averageproportion of listening to stations in those markets across categories and quarters. A full set of quarter dummies are also included.

Table 4: Proportion of Home Market Stations in A Market-Category

(b) Within Market Regressions

Characteristics of Current Format Switch type - AM station continuedPredicted Format Share 31.377 (4.224)*** Dark to Contemporary Music -4.932 (0.208)***Current Total Share of Home Mkt Stations -28.315 (3.386)*** Dark to News/Other M/Religion -2.970 (0.135)***Current Total share of Out of Mkt Stations -20.285 (6.426)*** Dark to Spanish -3.962 (0.332)***Station Current Characteristics News/Other M/Religion to Contemporary Music -7.054 (0.121)***Largest Station in Format -0.010 (0.046) News/Other M/Religion to Dark -6.370 (0.193)***Current Station Share 165.645 (7.556)*** News/Other M/Religion to News/Other M/Religion -5.087 (0.108)***Median Share of Station in Market -56.994 14.517)*** News/Other M/Religion to Spanish -5.284 (0.127)***Switched in Previous Two Quarters -0.246 (0.053)*** Spanish to Contemporary Music -7.748 (0.257)***Characteristics of Alternative Format Spanish to News/Other M/Religion -5.020 (0.136)***Predicted Format Share 64.319 (3.731)*** Spanish to Dark -6.796 (0.509)***Current Total Share of Home Mkt Stations -26.909 (3.308)*** Switch type - FM stationCurrent Total share of Out of Mkt Stations -6.054 (5.564) Contemporary Music to Contemporary Music -5.075 (0.111)***Ownership Effects Contemporary Music to News/Other M/Religion -5.948 (0.122)***Number of Stations Commonly Owned in Alternative Format in Same Market 0.219 (0.029)*** Contemporary Music to Spanish -5.314 (0.137)***Number of Stations Commonly Owned in Current Format in Same Market 0.049 (0.027)* Contemporary Music to Dark -6.882 (0.256)***Number of Stations Commonly Owned in Alternative Format in All Markets 0.009 (0.001)*** Dark to Contemporary Music -4.430 (0.100)***Number of Stations Commonly Owned in Current Format in All Markets 0.009 (0.001)*** Dark to News/Other M/Religion -4.548 (0.154)***Recent Ownership Switch -0.381 (0.050)*** Dark to Spanish -4.698 (0.293)***Switch type - AM station News/Other M/Religion to Contemporary Music -5.381 (0.117)***Contemporary Music to Contemporary Music -6.454 (0.155)*** News/Other M/Religion to Dark -6.176 (0.330)***Contemporary Music to News/Other M/Religion -4.241 (0.117)*** News/Other M/Religion to News/Other M/Religion -5.855 (0.175)***Contemporary Music to Spanish -5.186 (0.202)*** News/Other M/Religion to Spanish -5.184 (0.190)***Contemporary Music to Dark -5.758 (0.277)*** Spanish to Contemporary Music -6.134 (0.189)***

Spanish to News/Other M/Religion -6.348 (0.281)***Spanish to Dark -6.098 (0.511)***

Observations 83,028Log-likelihood -21963.24

Log-likelihood with only dummy for switching format -24243.21

Standard errors in parentheses* significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%

Table 5: Multinomial Logit Model of Format Switching

Std DevConstant/Formats Dummies Random CoefficientsCommercial Radio (constant) -10.74 3.62Adult Contemporary - 0.04Contemporary Hit Radio/Top 40 0.72 0.85Country -9.10 6.23Oldies 0.32 0.16Rock 1.20 1.43Urban -7.09 3.86News/Talk/Sports -6.39 4.73Other Music -3.07 2.51Religion -9.38 5.88Spanish-language -0.45 0.92

Format/Demographic Interactions 25-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Fem Black HispAdult Contemporary 0.82 1.04 0.55 -0.23 0.43 -0.68 -0.60Contemporary Hit Radio/Top 40 -0.21 -0.92 -2.04 -2.58 0.30 0.50 0.10Country 1.04 1.17 0.96 0.87 0.28 -3.10 -2.91Oldies 0.37 1.15 1.35 0.93 -0.11 -0.96 -0.33Rock 0.43 0.50 -0.63 -1.85 -0.70 -2.04 -1.10Urban 0.04 -0.49 -1.24 -2.18 -0.03 5.75 -0.69News/Talk/Sports 1.94 2.58 2.73 3.84 -1.10 -0.96 -1.92Other Music 0.69 1.48 1.65 2.44 -0.02 0.29 -1.10Religion 0.77 1.37 1.10 1.09 0.51 1.46 -0.59Spanish-language 0.48 0.25 0.03 0.07 -0.05 -2.29 4.33

Format/Region Interactions ESC MidAtl Mount NE Pacific SAtl WNC WSC(East North Central excluded)Adult Contemporary 0.57 0.75 -0.26 0.34 0.39 0.57 -0.37 0.73Contemporary Hit Radio/Top 40 0.82 0.26 1.29 0.38 0.47 0.20 1.09 -0.70Country 1.38 0.01 0.30 -1.21 -1.51 -0.44 -0.58 0.22Oldies -0.60 0.08 -0.14 -0.28 -0.20 -0.19 -0.28 -0.37Rock -0.17 -0.37 -0.51 -0.69 -0.48 -0.55 -0.14 -0.82Urban -1.24 -1.35 1.38 -1.04 -0.50 -1.14 -0.55 -0.77News/Talk/Sports -2.07 -1.36 -0.69 -0.11 -0.25 -0.49 0.77 -1.06Other Music -0.49 -0.62 0.76 -1.70 -0.84 -0.71 -0.61 -1.33Religion -0.71 -0.07 2.07 -0.31 -0.55 0.18 1.33 1.15Spanish-language -0.04 -2.03 -1.21 -1.04 -1.79 -1.21 -0.51 -2.98

Station Characteristics Constant AC CHR Country Oldies Rock Coverage (home stations) 1.099 - - - - -AM interactions -0.83 - 3.03 -1.38 -0.46 -1.45Out of market interactions 0.22 - -0.48 0.67 -0.59 0.02

Urban News O Mus Relig SpanCoverage - - - - -AM interactions -0.94 2.3 1.21 1.2 -0.02Out of market interactions 0.98 1.70 0.37 -0.16 -0.31

Quality Transitionρ 0.984μ1 (remain in format) 0.05η1 0.05μ2 (switch formats) -1.33 `η2 0.09

Note: time x format interactions included but coefficients not reportedcoefficients in italics not significant at the 5% level

Table 6: Listener Demand Estimates

Current Format Characteristics Alternative Format Characteristics

Region-Format Effect 0.0897 Region-Format Effect 0.0356(0.0342)*** (0.0333)

Observed Station-Format Quality (Xsfsβs) 0.5594 Station-Format Quality (X sfs βs) 0.3905(0.0484)*** (0.0466)***

Sum of Station-Format Qualities for other -0.0356 Sum of Station-Format Qualities for other -0.0516home market stations in format (0.0082)*** home market stations in format (0.0083)***

Sum of Station-Format Qualities for -0.0246 Sum of Station-Format Qualities for -0.0159out of market stations in format (0.0078)*** out of market stations in format (0.0062)***

Sum of Unobserved Station Qualities for other -0.0242 Sum of Unobserved Station Qualities for other -0.0001home market stations in format (0.0031)*** home market stations in format (0.0028)

Sum of Unobserved Station Qualities for -0.0127 Sum of Unobserved Station Qualities for 0.0031out of market stations in format (0.0046)*** out of market stations in format (0.0041)

Number of other home market -0.0804 Number of other home market -0.0080stations in format (0.0140)*** stations in format (0.0142)

Number of out of market stations in -0.0337 Number of out of market stations in 0.0369format (0.0229) format (0.0212)*

Unobserved Station Quality ξ 0.1743(0.0094)***

Largest station in current format 0.4423(0.0512)***

Recent switch -0.2957(0.0540)***

Ethnic/Race Interactions (only Urban, Religious and Spanish-language reported)

Urban x Proportion of Pop Black 3.8841 Urban x Proportion of Pop Black 5.1689(0.8058)*** (0.6137)***

Urban x Growth of Black Population 23.3747 Urban x Growth of Black Population -45.7194(51.4167) (42.9997)

Religious x Proportion of Pop Black -0.0278 Religious x Proportion of Pop Black 4.9883(0.6418) (0.6096)***

Religious x Growth of Black Population 57.7013 Religious x Growth of Black Population -26.6888(46.9682) (42.6429)

Spanish-language x Proportion of Pop Hispanic 0.9078 Spanish-language x Proportion of Pop Hispanic 3.3305(0.4517)** (0.3923)***

Spanish-language x Growth of Hispanic Population 44.4288 Spanish-language x Growth of Hispanic Population 132.2199(30.9826) (19.2051)***

Observations 83,208

Log-likelihood -21,990.2

Note: specification also includes format dummies interacted with whether the format is the current format, ownership variables andswitch-type dummies interacted with band (e.g., contemporary music to talk interacted with AM)Standard errors in parentheses, not corrected for error from the demand system

Table 7: Policy Function (Selected Parameters)

Dotted lines represent one standard deviation around the mean

Figure 1: Evolution of Population of Non-Hispanic Whites, Non-Hispanic Blacks and Hispanics in Raleigh-Durham, NC from Fall 2005
















g 20





g 20





g 20





g 20





g 20





g 20





g 20





g 20





g 20





g 20





g 20





g 20











Change in Share for Stations Remaining in the Same Format







-0.013 -0.011 -0.009 -0.007 -0.005 -0.003 -0.002 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.017

Change in Share


nel D




Change in Share for Switchers








-0.019 -0.015 -0.010 -0.006 -0.002 0.002 0.006 0.010 0.014 0.019 0.023 0.027 0.031 0.035 0.039

Change in Share


nel D




top related