the correlation among vocabulary mastery, reading …

Post on 29-Jun-2022






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Submitted to fulfill one requirement to obtain the Undergraduate Degree (S1) in English
Education Program
First of all, the writer would like to say “Alhamdulillah”. The praise and thankfulness to Allah
SWT because without His mercy and blessing the writer cannot finish this thesis.
My beloved father Jamilan and my beloved mother Endang, for my mother and father this is
the little gift I can give, who always love and encourage and never stop praying for my success
now and in the future with endless love, always being with and guiding me, your prayers are
really powerful, I really love you all, also my beloved sister Sri Yuliandari,Am.Kep, thank you
for your best support.
My lovely friend especially Quratta Aini who always help and give some ideas.
And my best friends Rosyidah Khoiriyah Harahap, Ria Isnaini, Emma Mariskawati, Siti
Hartina Abdullah, S.Pd, thank you for support, help and being my friends.
All my friends and especially my classmates EMCB (English Member Class of B 2013 and
2014) who can’t be mentioned one by one thank you for being my friends and giving support to
me. Good luck and success for you all.

(Q.S: Al-„alaq 1-5)
3. Bacalah, dan Tuhanmulah Yang Mahamulia,
4. Yang mengajarkan (manusia) dengan pena.
5. Dia mengajarkan manusia apa yang tidak diketahuinya.
Reading Comprehension of the Eighth Grade Students’ at SMP Ahmad
Dahlan Kota Jambi
The objective of this research were to know (1) there is a correlation between students’
vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension, (2) there is a correlation between students’
reading interest and reading comprehension, (3) there is a correlation among vocabulary mastery,
reading interest and reading comprehension. The method used in this study was a quantitative
approach and the technique used in this study was a correlational study. The population of the
research was taken from students of the eighth grade of SMP Ahmad Dahlan Kota Jambi. The
sum of population is 47 students. In the taking the sample of the research was gained through
total sampling. In collecting the data, the researcher used questionnaire to measure students’
reading interest and test for students’ vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. The result
of this study shows there is a high correlation among students’ reading interest, vocabulary
mastery and their reading comprehension. It is proven by coefficient correlational among
students’ reading interest, vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension was r (0.983), it
means those variables were significantly correlated. The result of analyzing the significant value
is 0.01, it means that 0.01<0.05, thus, the null hypothesis (Ho) rejected and alternative hypothesis
(Ha) accepted.
Title : Hubungan antara Penguasaan Kosakata, Minat Baca dan Pemahaman
Membaca Pada Siswa Kelas 8 di SMP Ahmad Dahlan Kota Jambi
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) ada hubungan antara penguasaan
kosakata siswa dan kemampuan membaca, (2) ada hubungan antara minat baca siswa dan
kemampuan membaca, (3) ada hubungan antara penguasaan kosakata, minat baca dan
pemahaman membaca. Metode yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan
kuantitatif melalui penelitian korelasi. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas
VIII SMP Ahmad Dahlan Kota Jambi. Jumlah populasi adalah 47 siswa. Pengambilan sampel
penelitian diperoleh melalui total sampling. Dalam mengumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan
kuesioner untuk mengukur minat baca siswa dan menguji penguasaan kosakata dan pemahaman
membaca siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi yang tinggi
antara penguasaan kosataka, minat baca dan pemahaman membaca. Terbukti dari hasil
perhitungan korelasi ditemukan bahwa hubungan antara penguasaan kosakata, minat baca dan
pemahaman membaca adalah r (0.983), ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel tersebut memiliki
korelasi yang signifikan. Hasil dari signifikansi adalah 0.01, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa
0.01<0.05. Sehingga (Ho) ditolak dan (Ha) diterima.
Kata kunci : Penguasaan Kosakata, Minat Baca, Pemahaman Membaca
A. Vocabulary Mastery .................................................................................. 6
B. Method of the Study................................................................................ 22
E. Population and Sample ........................................................................... 24
F. Technique for Collecting the Data .......................................................... 25
G. Technique for Analyzing the Data .......................................................... 30
A. Research Finding .................................................................................... 34
1. Descriptive Analysis ................................................................... 34
2. Statistical Analysis ...................................................................... 38
a) Normality Test ................................................................ 38
B. Interpretation ........................................................................................... 43
A. Conclusion .............................................................................................. 46
B. Suggestion ............................................................................................... 47
Table 2.2 Reading Comprehension Questions .................................................... 18
Table 3.1 Total Population of the Study ............................................................. 24
Table 3.2 The Way to Score the Questionnaire .................................................. 26
Table 3.3 The Specification of Reading Interest ................................................ 26
Table 3.4 Classifications of Students’ Score of Reading Interest ....................... 27
Table 3.5 The Specification of Vocabulary Mastery .......................................... 28
Table 3.6 Classification of Students’ Score of Vocabulary Mastery .................. 28
Table 3.7 The Specification of Reading Comprehension ................................... 29
Table 3.8 Classification of Students’ Score of Reading Comprehension ........... 30
Table 3.9 The Interpretation of Correlation “r” Product Moment ...................... 32
Table 4.1 Classification of Students’ Score of Vocabulary Mastery .................. 34
Table 4.2 Result of Vocabulary .......................................................................... 35
Table 4.3 Classification of Students’ Score of Reading Interest ........................ 36
Table 4.4 Result of Reading Interest................................................................... 36
Table 4.5 Classification of Students’ Score of Reading Comprehension ........... 37
Table 4.6 Result of Reading Comprehension ..................................................... 37
Table 4.7 The Result of Normality Test………………………………………..39
Table 4.8 The Result of Correlation between Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension
Table 4.9 The Result of Correlation between Reading Interest and Reading
Table 4.10 The Result of Correlation among Vocabulary Mastery, Reading Interest and Reading
Appendix III : Reading Comprehension Test
Appendix IV : Key Answer of Vocabulary Test
Appendix V : Key Answer of Reading Comprehension Test
Appendix VI : Description Analysis of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery
Appendix VII : Description Analysis of Students’ Reading Interest
Appendix VIII: Description Analysis of Reading Comprehension
Appendix IX : The Result of Normality Test
Appendix X : Correlation Analysis
Appendix XII : Documentation
A. Background of the Study
Reading does not only perceive the text but also to absorb the meaning contained in
it, followed by the ability to provide a response or reaction to what is reading which
produces understanding. Abbas (2006) reading is an activity to capture the reading of
information expressed or implied in the form of literal, inferential, evaluative, and creative
of reading comprehension by drawing on the experience of learning to read.
Many experts define reading with different meaning. Some of them say, reading is
very complex mental activity that contains vision, dubbing, thought, and rendition, Celenk
(2001 as citied in Sahin, 2013). And also reading is a process of extracting a message from
a text which has been constructed by a writer using orthographic symbol, a writer encodes
the message a reader decodes it, Murphy (1997 as cited in Razali, K, 2013)
Reading can help the students to get more information in the world widely without
going anywhere. Through reading students acquire new ideas, gain the needed information,
and seek the evidence for their ideas. Provide the students more or less understand what
they read, the more they read, the better they get at it. The research which focused on
difficulties in reading text is a research from Sasmita (2012) who conducted a research to
find out the students’ problems in comprehending English reading texts. The findings
showed that the factors that may make the students have difficulties in understanding
English reading texts were related to vocabulary, grammar knowledge, and reading
Nowadays, vocabulary is one of the problems faced of students in learning English
language. It would be impossible to learn a language without vocabulary. It should be
presented, explained, included in all kinds of language learning activities and must be
learnt by students. It means that without having vocabulary mastery people cannot master
English. In other words, the vocabulary mastery of students is significant to improve their
reading comprehension.
Therefore, to comprehend an English text, it needs an interesting in reading a text.
The higher interest in reading has effect the mastery of vocabulary. More vocabulary can
be mastered makes the students more easily in translating. Whereas the higher ability in
translation, the easier to comprehend what the students read. Furthermore, the US
Department of Education (2005) defined reading interests as whether or not students like to
read in their spare time or at home or whether they like to go to the library. Besides,
reading interest is also defined by the number of books read in a month and the number of
times students read in a week and the favourite genres and types of English reading
materials. Someone who has no interest in reading will not be able to understand the text
well. Because of an interest is like a factor that can push or support someone to do
In reading, the students need comprehension to the text. According to Tarigan (2008)
reading comprehension is the kind of reading that aims to understand the reading. Reading
comprehension means to examine more carefully the reading material so that it can assess
the situation, value, function, and effect reading. Furthermore, Oberholzer (2005) said that
understanding what we are reading is far more important to us than knowing the
mechanical skill of reading. It means that understanding text is the most important aspect
in reading. Not only to understand but also the students should comprehend the text that
they read. Comprehend means that the students should fully understand of all the aspect of
the text (Townend, 2003). Without understanding, reading would serve no purpose.
Indonesian students may get difficulties in comprehending English reading text
because English is not their first language. Correlated to the statements , reading
comprehension is an activity that is difficult and complex. This is evident from the literacy
levels of students in primary schools is still quite low. One of the activities that reveals the
lack of reading comprehension is the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)
in 2012. It showed the level of literacy of 64th from 65 countries were participating in the
test. The average of reading score result was 395, while the average score of the OECD
was 496 (Kompas, December 5, 2013). PISA (2016) reading competence in Indonesia has
not showed the significant improvement.
Based on preliminary study that writer conducted by interviewing English teacher at
the 8 th
grade students of SMP Ahmad Dahlan Kota Jambi, the students have problem in
reading. Most of them got low mark in comprehending the text. Besides that, their interest
in reading is low, but the students who got low score in reading interest, do not mean they
also got low score in comprehension and vocabulary mastery.
That is relationship among students’ vocabulary mastery, students’ reading interest,
and their reading comprehension. Based on study in state Sebelas Maret University by
Ardhitya Widyastuti, the result of the study shows that reading interest and vocabulary
mastery are predictors which give a contribution to reading comprehension as many as
56,04%. So, both reading interest and vocabulary mastery are one of the important factors
that should be considered in improving reading comprehension.
By looking the problem above writer is interested in discussing “The Correlation
Among Vocabulary Mastery, Reading Interest, and Reading Comprehension of The
Eighth Grade Students at SMP Ahmad Dahlan Kota Jambi”.
B. Limitation of Problem
Based on the problem above, it is known that the problems related to students’
reading comprehension are very complex. Related to such a case, it is nearly impossible to
discuss all of the problems. Hence, the research needs to be limited. This research is
focused on the correlation among vocabulary mastery, reading interest, and reading
The object of the study is concerned in three variables: vocabulary mastery, reading
interest, reading comprehension. The sample of the research is the eighth grade students of
SMP Ahmad Dahlan Kota Jambi in the academic year 2018/2019.
C. Formulation of the Problems
The writer formulates the problem of the study into the following questions:
1. Is there any correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and reading
2. Is there any correlation between students’ reading interest and reading
3. Is there any correlation among students’ vocabulary mastery, reading interest and
reading comprehension?
D. Purpose of the Research
Based on the research questions above, the purposes of this study is to find out:
1. Whether or not there is a correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and
reading comprehension
2. Whether or not there is a correlation between students’ reading interest and reading
3. Whether or not there is a correlation among vocabulary mastery, reading interest, and
reading comprehension
E. Significance of the Research
The researcher hopes that this research will bring some benefits. Practically, the
research can provide the significant information about vocabulary mastery and reading
interest, and be able give significant result about students’ reading comprehension. To be
useful to facilitate the reader who ever want to analyze vocabulary mastery, reading
interest, and reading comprehension. In addition, the researcher hopes that the result of this
study will become input to English teachers and also the students for their teaching and
learning. The students will know whether their vocabulary mastery and reading interest
will help them much or not in reading comprehension. Also, the writer hopes that the study
can used as a reference to the next writer.
1. Definition of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is an important part in language learning and teaching because without
having knowledge of vocabulary, we cannot express our ideas and use the appropriate
words in listening, reading, speaking and writing. Davis and Whipple in Hiebert and Kamil
(2005: 6) said vocabulary is seen to be an integral part of comprehension. Swan and Walter
in Thornbury (2002: 14) wrote that vocabulary acquisition is the largest and most
important task facing the language learner. There are some issues about vocabulary
teaching. For example, students see a lot of word in the course. Some of them are used
straight away, whereas the others are not. We have to remember that the students’ ability to
use or understand words need a long time and process.
Based on the definitions above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is not a
developmental skill, it is total number of the words that should be mastered by language
learners as integral part of comprehension.
2. The Types of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is the knowledge of meanings of words. Hiebert and Kamil (2005: 3)
mentions that words come in at least two forms: oral and print. Oral vocabulary is the set
of words for which we know the meanings when we speak or read orally. Print vocabulary
consists of those words for which the meaning is known when we write or read silently.
These are important distinctions because the set of words that beginning readers know are
mainly oral representations. As they learn to read, print vocabulary comes to play an
increasingly larger role in literacy than does the oral vocabulary.
Knowledge of words also comes in at least two forms. Receptive is the vocabulary
which we can understand or recognize. Productive, the vocabulary we use when we write
or speak. Productive vocabulary is the set of words that an individual can use when writing
or speaking. They are words that are well-known, familiar, and used frequently.
Conversely, receptive, or recognition, vocabulary is that set of words for which an
individual can assign meanings when listening or reading. These are words that are often
less well known to students and less frequent in use.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that words in at least two
forms: oral and print. Knowledge of words also comes in at least two forms. They are
receptive and productive vocabulary.
Vocabulary is central to English language teaching because without sufficient
vocabulary students cannot understand others or express their own ideas. Wilkins in
Thornbury (2002: 13) states that without grammar very little can be conveyed, without
vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. Dellar in Thornbury (2002: 13) says that spending
most of the time to study grammar English will not improve very much. The most
improvement is learning more words and expressions.
Swan and Walter in Thornbury (2002: 14) state that vocabulary acquisition is the
largest and most important task facing the language 26 learner. Graves in Hiebert and
Kamil (2005: 9) said that students need to know about words, not simply acquire new
words, if they are to be successful in understanding unfamiliar vocabulary in their reading.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is very
important in language learning, when we master vocabulary we can understand the
information from the text and we can express our idea.
B. Reading
1. Definition of Reading
There are many experts define about reading Menyan and Leeuw as a quated by
Zainudin stated that reading is a digestive process and it has two principles, they are
learning by understanding, which means selecting, discriminating and organizing. And
some of others say that reading is understanding what the writer intended, taking in the
written word, and also the assimilation of printed information, Buzan (1991 as citied in
Razali, K, 2013).
Reading is the process to get, to understand, to catch the content of the reading by
the reader. Duffy Gerald G. (2009: 39) states that reading is not a random process. It is a
system: a set of conventions we use to interpret and make a sense of text.
Reading is central to the learning process. Nawawi stated that by reading activity,
people may gain important information that is not presented by teachers in the classroom,
and he added that the reader is an active participant who has an important interpretive
function in the reading process. It means that in the cognitive model, people as readers are
more than passive participants who get information while an active text make itself and it
is meanings known to them.
Based on explanation above, it can be concluded that reading is a system that
combines information from text with knowledge of readers to gain an understanding of the
information in the text. Reading is not only decoding symbols, but also trying to get a
message and giving responses to the text.
2. Components of Reading
There are five components of reading as proposed by National reading Panel (2000)
in Sedita (2010: 11). It is set out in the figure below:
Table 2.1
Fluency Phonics/
Word Study
Comprehension Vocabulary
The table above shows five components of reading. They are phonemic awareness,
phonic/word study, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Phonemic awareness
involves the ability to notice, think about, and work with the individual sounds in spoken
words. Before students learn to read, they must understand how the sounds in words work.
Phonics is related to the ability to understand the relationship between the letters of written
language and the individual sounds of spoken language. It includes the use of letter
combination and patterns, syllable types, and skills to read and spell words. Fluency is the
ability to read a text quickly, accurately, and automatically, with proper expression and
understanding. Vocabulary involves the ability to understand the meaning of the words.
Comprehension is the ability to derive meaning based on the information in the text. In
order to derive meaning in the text, the reader’s own knowledge is needed to use. Teaching
students using specific reading strategies can improve comprehension.
Based on the table above, the first three components (phonemic awareness,
phonics/word study, and fluency) are necessary for basic decoding. They allow readers to
identify and spell word accurately and fluently. The last two components (vocabulary and
comprehension) enable readers to construct meaning once words are identified. These last
components have a strong effect to understanding what is read.
3. The Aims of Reading
A person may read for many purposes, and that purpose helps understand more what
is read by people. If he is reading for pleasure or reading for pure recreation and
enjoyment, he may read either quickly or slowly based on the way he likes or feels. But, if
he is reading for study or information such news, science or some line, which are part of
his study or assignment it does very slowly and carefully (Roma Gans as citied in Ali
2010). And generally the aim of reading is to found out the information from the text.
As we know that the purpose of reading is the learner understand the written
language. In other words, how the learner get the message from the writer’s symbols. One
of the important tasks of the reader is to dig out and find out what the writer would like to
According to Paul S. Anderson (as citied in Ali 2010) there are seven aims of
reading, reading for details and facts, reading for main ideas, reading for sequence of
organization, reading fore inference, reading for classifying, reading for evaluating, and
reading for comparing of contest.
a) Reading for details and facts: reading to know what is done by the subject of the story
b) Reading for main ideas: reading to get the problem statement
c) Reading for sequence of organization: reading to know each part of the story
d) Reading for inference: reading to what is the writer meant by its story
e) Reading for classifying: reading to find unusual things
f) Reading for evaluating: reading to know the value of the story
g) Reading for comparing or contest: reading to compare the way of the story from the
way life of the reader
Another author (as citied in Ali 2010) said the aims of reading are:
a) Reading to search for simple information
b) Reading to skin quickly
c) Reading to learn from texts
d) Reading to integrate information
e) Reading to write (of search for information needed for writing)
f) Reading to critique texts
g) Reading for general comprehension
From the statements above give us a clear explanation that the purpose of reading is
not only to understand word by word, sentence by sentence or by paragraph, but also to
understand and find the ideas written by author.
4. Types of Reading
Brown (2003: 189), mentions four type of reading. Those are :
a) Perceptive
Perceptive reading tasks involve attending to the components of larger
stretches of discourse: letters, words, punctuation, and other graphemic symbols.
Bottom-up processing is implied.
b) Selective
This category is largely an artifact of assessment formats. In order to ascertain
one’s reading recognition of lexical, grammatical, or discourse feature of language
within a very short stretch of language, certain typical tasks are used; picture cued
tasks, matching, true/false, multiple choice, etc. A combination of bottom-up and top-
down processing may be used.
c) Interactive
Included among interactive reading types are stretches of language of several
paragraphs to one page or more in which the reader must, in psycholinguistic sense,
interact with the text. That is, reading is a process of negotiating meaning; the reader
brings to the text a set of schemata for understanding it and in take is the product of
that interaction.
d) Extensive
Extensive reading applies to texts of more than a page up to and including
professional article, essays, technical reports, short stories, and book. Top-down
processing is assumed for most extensive tasks.
Reading is a good thing for language students. However, according to
Klingner, Vaughn and Boardman (2007) reading is a process of constructing
meaning can be achieved through dynamic instruction among the following aspects:
the reader’s prior knowledge, the information suggested by the text, and the context
of the reading situation. It is also supported by Mcentire (2003) who defines
reading as a constructive process which the prior knowledge and experience are
important to get proper understanding of the information in a text. Appropriate
comprehension is possible to obtain as the content of the text is close to the reader’s
prior knowledge.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that four types of
reading; perceptive, selective, interactive, and extensive.
5. Factors in Reading
According to the Pandavas (2009), there are several factors that affect the process of
understanding. These factors are: 1) cognitive factors, 2) affective factors, 3) factor of
reading text, and 4) factor of language acquisition. The first factor related to the
knowledge, experience, and level of intelligence (the ability to think) someone. The second
factor related to emotional conditions, attitudes, and situation. The third factor related to
the level of difficulty and legibility of a reading that is influenced by the choice of words,
the structure, the content of reading, and language usage. Furthermore, the last factor
related to the level of proficiency related to the mastery of vocabulary, structure, and
elements of text.
C. Reading Interest
1. Definition of Reading Interest
Reading interest is a feeling that accompanies or causes special attention to
reading. The students will read actively if they are interest in reading. To achieve in
reading, the students must want to learn. Because it can make them consider reading
activity as a habitual activity for them. Furthermore interest is very influence for reading
Interest is one dimension of the affecting aspect. Djali (2011) also notes that
interest is a sense of preference and a sense of interconnectedness on a matter or activity,
with no one force to do it. Moreover, everyone has tendency to always be in touch with
something that he or she considered giving pleasure and happiness. The feeling or
pleasure and desire to acquire can develop what was mad him or her happy.
Interests can be the driving force of someone to act. According to Holland in Djali
(2008) said the interest is the tendency of elevated hearth against something. In other
words, the interest must be in accordance with one's own personal. When he considered
something that is not appropriate for him then, most likely he will not consider it is
important or interested in something. Interest does not arise alone, but there is an element
of necessity.
From the statement above the writer can include that the learning process does not
only need the subject but also internal factors such as, interest can be included in teaching
2. Factors which Affects Reading Interest
Forming the reading interest as a habit takes a long time, because the process of
forming the students’ reading interest influenced by some factors. In general, factors
that affect reading interest divided into two types, they are internal and external factors.
Internal factors are the factors that come from within students, such as innate, habit and
self-expression. In the same way, Prasetyono (2008) as citied in Khasanah (2015)
asserts the internal factors which influence the students’ reading interest are
intelligence, age, gender, the reading ability, attitude, and the psychology need. In
contrast, external factors are factors that come from outside student’ self. For instance
are; 1) the environmental factors, it can be from family environment, college, and even
the society; 2) unavailability of the suitable reading material, 3) social statues, and 4)
ethnicities. The external factors will affect the motivation, willingness, and tendency to
always read.
Prasetyono (2008) also maintains the other factors are the title and content of
books which is less interesting, pages of books, and the prize of books. To sum up, the
factors that affect reading interest are the internal and external factors. The internal
factors are from the inside of individual’s self, like the need of reading, the action to
seek knowledge, the desire to always read, knowing the purpose and benefits of reading.
However, the external factors come from outside individual, such as technology, assess
information, environment, and the parenting. There are two aspects which influence
reading interest, supportive and inhibitory factors. The supportive factors will increase
the students’ reading interest. Meanwhile the inhibitory factors will decrease the reading
3. The Ways to Measure the Level of Reading Interest
According to Hayati (2009, p.28), there are several ways to measure the level of
the students’ reading interest as stated bellow:
1. The attention that students give toward the reading activities, like the attention in
reading books, reading facilities (such as library), and the activities which require
2. The intensity of reading which can be seen from students’ frequency in performing
reading activities. Whether they spend a lot of time in reading or not and how they
make the schedule in reading.
3. Concentration; the higher the interest of students in reading, the longer they can
concentrate in reading.
4. The statement from the students about the feeling of love without forced, need,
satisfied, and glad; and the feeling of getting benefits from the reading”
D. Reading Comprehension
1. Definition of Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension is the act of combining information in a passage with prior
knowledge in order to construct meaning. Duffy Gerald G. (2009: 14) Comprehension is
the essence of reading because the goal of written language is communication of messages.
If the readers do not understand the message, it means that the readers are not reading.
According to Ruddell (1994) as cited in Apriani (2011) comprehension is a process in
which a reader constructs meaning while, or after, interacting with text through the
combination of prior knowledge and previous experience, information in the text, reader
tasks in relationship to the text, and immediate, remember, or anticipated social
interactions and communication.
From the statement above, it is clearly stated that comprehension or understanding in
every reading activity is an important part of skill learning. The students must be able to
read a text consisting of many sentences and select the main idea to which all the sentences
refer. After the reader is able to comprehend what the most important is, he needs to be
able to identify
2. Types of Comprehensions
Furthermore (Day & Park, 2005) also propose several types of comprehension, as
a. Literal comprehension is to have a straightforward understanding meaning of a text,
such as vocabularies and facts, which is not explicated in that text.
b. Inferential comprehension is to conclude information from a text and build new
information which is not explicitly stated in text.
c. Reorganization is rearranging information from various parts of a text in order to
get new information.
d. Predictive comprehension is integrating reader’s understanding of a text and their
own knowledge about that text in order to determine what might happen next or it
is finished.
e. Evaluative comprehension is like inferential comprehension. The difference is that
evaluative comprehension requires reader’s comprehensive judgment about some
aspect in a text and ability to develop an understanding by using related issues.
f. Appreciative or personal comprehension is reading in order to gain an emotional or
other value response from a text, and it demands reader to respond a text also with
their feelings.
Schumm (2006: 223) said that comprehension process involves an understanding of
words and how these words are used to created meaning. Comprehension entire three
elements, they are:
1. The reader who is doing the comprehension
To comprehend the text, a reader must have a wide range of capacities and
abilities. These include cognitive capacities, motivation and various types of
2. The text that is to be comprehended
The features of the text have large effect on comprehension. Comprehension
does not occur by simply extracting meaning from the text. Texts can be easy or
difficult, depending on the factors inherent in the text. When there are too many of these
factors are not matched the readers’ knowledge and experience, the text may be too
difficult for optimal comprehension to occur.
3. The activity in which comprehension is a part
A reading activity involves one or more purposes, some operation to process the
text at hand, and consequences of performing the activity. The consequences of reading
are a part of the activity. Some reading activities lead to an increase in the knowledge
that the reader have. Another consequence of reading activities is finding out how to do
3. The Purpose of Reading Comprehension
According to McDonough and Shwa (2013 as citied in Ngan Mai Hoang, British
Council), many current researcher have emphasized the importance of identifying specific
purposes while reading, as the reading process will vary if learners have different
objectives in mind. To improve learners’ motivation in reading foreign language, reading
should be treated as a purposeful activity in which learners are clearly aware of what to do
(Nuttal as citied in Ngan Mai Hoang, British Council).
Based on this perspective, Sengupta (2002 as citied in Ngan Mai Hoang, British
Council), established that academic reading is a complex and multi-level process as it
requires three components:
b. A synthesis of materials from various sources
c. An active involvement in finding authorial and purposes
4. Levels of Reading Comprehension
According to Burns (1984 as citied in Sinambela 2015), there are four levels of
reading comprehension. The following levels comprehension can tell us about how far the
students understand about reading material and which level has been achieved:
a) Literal Comprehension
Literal comprehension involves acquiring information that is directly stated, the
basic of literal comprehension is recognizing stated the main idea, detailed caused after
sequence. It also pre-require for higher level understanding. The important in this level
understand of vocabulary, sentence meaning, and paragraph meaning.
Here are some examples of the type of information that could be identified as
literal meaning:
(3) The sequence of events
(4) Characteristic in the story
Thus, the researcher also took main points from the syllabus of 8 th
grade students
at SMP Ahmad Dahlan Kota Jambi and combined from two sources above to create
some questions related to questions as follow:
Table 2.2
5. Finding explicit and implicit information
b) Interpretative Comprehension
Interpretative comprehension involves reading between the lines or making the
inferences. It is the process of deriving ideas that are implied rather than directly stated.
Skills for interpretative reading include:
(1) Inferring main ideas of passage in which the main ideas are not directly stated
(2) Inferring cause-effect relationship when they are not directly stated
(3) Inferring referent of adverb
(4) Inferring referents of pronouns
(5) Inferring omitted words
Critical comprehension is evaluating written material comparing the ideas
discovered in the material with known standards and drawing conclusion about their
accuracy, appropriateness, and timeliness. The critical reader must be an active reader,
questioning, searching for facts, and suspending judgment until he or she has considered
all of the material. Critical reading depends upon literal comprehension, and grasping
implied ideas is especially important.
d) Creative Comprehension
Creative comprehension involves going beyond the material presented by the
author. It requires reader to think as they read, just as critical reading does and it also
requires them to use their imaginations. Through creative reading the reader creates
something new idea, the solution to a problem, a new way of looking at something from
the ideas gleaned from the text.
E. Previous Study
In this research, the researcher has found the other researchers which can show
the similarities with the research study. There are previous studies that the researcher
used to be the sources of thesis which concerned about vocabulary mastery, reading
interest, reading comprehension.
First, research form Sugeng Widodo with the title “The Correlation Between
Vocabulary Mastery, Interest, And Reading Comprehension (A Correlation Study at the
Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Al-Islam 1 Surakarta in the Academic Year of
2016/2017). The result of the study shows that students’ vocabulary mastery and interest
are important and have contribution to reading comprehension. The students’ vocabulary
mastery has 13.65% contribution to reading comprehension, and interest has 30.77
percent contribution to one. Simultaneously, the students’ vocabulary mastery and
interest have contribution about 44.42% to reading comprehension.
Second, research from Ewo Priyo Susanto, with the title “ The Correlation
Between Students’ Reading Interest And Students’ Reading Comprehension. A research
conducted at SMAN 1 Punggur. The objective of this research was to investigate the
relation between students’ reading interest and students’ reading comprehension. The
result of this research showed that the coefficient correlation was 0.673 and the
coefficient influences value of both variables was 0.434, it was shown when the students
got high score in interest score, they also got high score for their reading comprehension.
Third, based on a study in Semarang States University by Dewi Ratnawati, with
the tittle “The Correlation between Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension”,
the result of this research showed that, it was found out that the mean of the scores of
vocabulary test is 58.06. It means that the mean of scores of the vocabulary test is fair.
The mean of the scores of students’ achievement in reading comprehension is 61.62,
which means that the mean of the scores of the reading comprehension test is fair. The
result of applying the rxy distribution is shows that coefficient correlation is 0.417. It
means that there is a significant correlation between the vocabulary mastery and reading
comprehension. It is suggested that to have a good mastery of reading comprehension,
students should have a good mastery of vocabulary.
F. Research Hypothesis
Hypothesis Ha:
1. There is correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension
2. There is correlation between students’ reading interest and reading comprehension
3. There are correlations among students’ vocabulary mastery, reading interest and
reading comprehension
Null Hypothesis Ho:
1. There is no correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and reading
2. There is no correlation between students’ reading interest and reading comprehension
3. There is no correlation among students’ vocabulary mastery, reading interest and
reading comprehension
A. Setting and Subject of the Research
The research conducted the research at SMP Ahmad Dahlan Kota Jambi in the
academic year of 2018/2019. This school located on Jl. Enggano Perumnas, Kelurahan
Handil Jaya, Kecamatan Jelutung, Kota Jambi.
B. Method of the Study
The researcher was used quantitative method in conducting this research. The
reason of choosing this method because the researcher wants to know the level of
correlation between three variables based on statistic quantitative in coefficient correlation.
In this research, the researcher applied the correlational design. As Latief (2015:
112) stated that correlational research is one of the descriptive research design used to
measure the correlation between two or more continuous variables. It means, in correlation
study, the researcher is looking for variables that seem interact with one another. In this
research, the researcher used this method to find out the correlation among students’
vocabulary mastery, reading interest, and their reading comprehension.
C. Operational Definition
In order to avoid misunderstanding, the researcher tries to explain three terms that
relate to this study.
1. Vocabulary Mastery
Vocabulary is not a developmental skills, it is total number of the words that should
be mastered by language learners as integral part of comprehension. Mastery means as
comprehensive knowledge. Vocabulary mastery does not mean as knowing meaning of
vocabulary. It also means that the person is able to recognize, understand and produce the
stock of words and their meaning.
2. Reading Interest
In this study, reading interest means repeated activity in reading and refers to how
much someone spent their time in reading or the frequency that the students read English
3. Reading Comprehension
The definition of reading comprehension is simply recognized as a competency of
comprehending certain texts. The reading comprehension will be easily mastered if the
students have already had some stock of words. Thus, it clears enough to be known that
the correlation among students’ vocabulary mastery, reading interest and their reading
comprehension is significant.
This study, there are three kinds of variables. Those are:
1. Independent Variable (X1)
The independent variable of this study is Students’ vocabulary mastery
2. Independent Variable (X2)
The independent variable of this study is Students’ reading interest
3. Dependent Variable (Y)
The dependent variable of this study is Students’ reading comprehension.
The correlation between the three variables can be seen below:
E. Population and Sample
1. Population
Sugiyono (2017: 61) states that population is a generalization region consisting of
objects / subjects that have certain qualities and characteristic set by the researcher to be
studied and then drawn conclusions. The population of this research is eighth grade
Vocabullary mastery (X1)
Reading Interest (X2)
Reading Comprehension (Y)
students of SMP Ahmad Dahlan Kota Jambi in the academic year 2018/2019.
The population of this research is the eighth grade students of SMP Ahmad
Dahlan Kota Jambi. There are two classes. The sum of students will be explained as
1 VIII A 20
2 VIII B 27
(Source: Data Documentation of SMP Ahmad Dahlan Kota Jambi 2019)
2. Sample
Sugiyono (2017: 81) states that sample is part of the number and characteristics
possessed by the population. In the research, for technique sampling the researcher used
total sampling to take the sample. Total sampling is technique sampling that used all the
population as the sample (Sugiyono, 2009). The researcher used total sampling because
the samples include the entire population. In this study the researcher has taken two
classes as sample to analyze. The sample was class VIII.A which has 20 students and
VIII.B which has 27 students.
F. Techniques for Collecting the Data
In collecting the data, the researcher used questionnaire and test. The
questionnaire is used to obtain the data of reading interest. Meanwhile, the test is used to
collect the data of vocabulary mastery and students’ reading comprehension. The
researcher did not use validity and reliability because the researcher applied a readymade
1. Reading Interest Questionnaire
According to Riduwan (2009:71) explained that questionnaire is a list of questions
given to other people who give respond (respondent) related with user’s requirement. The
aim of giving questionnaire is to get complete information about something. The
researcher gave questionnaire to the sample of experimental group in the end of research
There two kinds of questionnaire, open-type and close type questionnaire. In this
research, the researcher used close-type questionnaire. A close-type questionnaire is given
to get the information from the students without any assistant. There are several answers
that have been provided by the researcher. The students must answer the questions by
giving checklist (√) of the answer. The questionnaire consists of 20 items. There are 14
items as positive statement (1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20) and there are 6
items as negative statement (3, 4, 7, 10, 12, 19).
Then the researcher used likert scale type to score the questionnaire. It is scale that
used to measure attitude, opinion, and perception of someone group about the social
phenomenon. For this case, the social phenomenon has been determined by the
researcher. It is called as the variables of research (Sugiyono, 2013: 134). The researcher
used questionnaire about reading interest from the previous research (Dian Probo
Astomo). In order to make the questions can be understood by the respondent, the
researcher translated the questions of questionnaire into Indonesia. The researcher also
consulted the result translation to the expert in order to know whether the translation is
acceptable and understandable by the respondents. The score range from 1 to 5 can be
seen in table 3.2
Statements SS
Table 3.3
the important factors in
order to increasing the
interest to read, it means
that he or she will get a
good achievement. On
to read, it cannot
influence his or her
4, 8, 12
(J-SHMIC, Vol 5, No 1, February 2018)
2. Vocabulary Test
Arikunto (2006: 150) explains test as an organized questions or exercise and also
other instrument which is used to measure the skill, intelligence knowledge, ability or
talent had by individual or group people.
The test of vocabulary test is objective test in the form of multiple-choice type. The
test consists of 25 items with four options: A, B, C, D. The scoring system for the test is
that if the students answer the item correctly, they will be scored 4 each items, whereas if
the students answer them incorrectly, they will be scored 0. The way to score students’
vocabulary mastery:
Total correct answers X 4 (25 X 4 = 100)
So the high score was gotten 100 if the students answer all of the questions
Concept Indicator Number of
the language learner, it’s a
basic/complete knowledge
which make up language.
from a large number o\f
Scores Grade Classifications
86-100 A Excellent
66-85 B Good
46-65 C Fair
46-45 D Poor
Under 25 E Failed
3. Reading Comprehension Test
The test of reading comprehension test is objective test in the form of multiple-
choice type. The test consists of 25 items with four options: A, B, C, D. The scoring
system for the test is that if the students answer the item correctly, they will be scored 4
each items, whereas if the students answer them incorrectly, they will be scored 0. The
way to score students’ reading comprehension:
Total correct answers X 4 (25 X 4 = 100)
So the high score was gotten 100 if the students answer all of the questions
Concept Indicator Number of test
teams Total
Reading comprehension
20, 22
G. Techniques for Analyzing the Data
After all the result of the instruments had revealed, the researcher had been
analyzed the data, the steps are:
1. Descriptive Analysis
Before the researcher conducted the statistical analysis, the researcher applied
descriptive analysis. Descriptive analysis is an analysis the data with describes the data
and make summary. To this analysis is essential to answer the find and the problem of the
study to find out; 1. How is the students’ vocabulary mastery? 2. How is the students’
reading interest? 3. How students’ reading comprehension? The writer calculated the
frequency of the students reading interest whether the categorized as high or low reading.
And then, the writer described the percentage of vocabulary mastery and reading
comprehension test that answered by the students. The researcher also applied descriptive
analysis to see minimum and maximum score, the mean standard deviation of reading
interest, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension.
Scores Grade Classifications
86-100 A Excellent
66-85 B Good
46-65 C Fair
46-45 D Poor
In statistical analysis, the researcher conducted normality test, non-parametric test
namely Spearman’s Rho and regression analysis. Normality test conducted to see whether
the data normally distributed or not. Indicator testing normally test is if the significant
value > 0.05 then the data normally distributed. If the data lower than 0.05 it means that
the data are not normally distributed and the analysis continued with non-parametric test.
The researcher conducted normally test by applying I-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov
using SPSS 22 for windows.
After computing normally test, the researcher continued non-parametric test. Non-
parametric test conducted if the data Spearman’s Rho can be used to measure non
parametric correlation test. So, the researcher used Spearman’s Rho Correlation test in
SPPSS 22 for windows to find out the correlation among vocabulary, reading interest and
reading comprehension. Spearman’s Rho is hypothesis to determine the relationship of
two variables or more than variables. In line with this, (Muijs 2004 as citied in Inayatillah
2018) stated that (“A positive sign indicates a positive direction (high score on X means
high core on Y), a negative sign indicates a negative direction (high score on X means
low score on Y)” (p. 144). So, positive correlation means when one variable increases as
the other variable also increases as the other variable decrease. In statistic, a perfect
positive correlation is represented by + 1.00, while 0.00 indicates no correlation and –
1.00 indicates a perfect negative correlation. “The strength of relationship: the closer to
1(+ or -) the stronger the relationship” (Muijs, 2004, p.144 as citied in Innayatillah 2018).
After the calculation of r value, the researcher saw the table of interpretation of r value to
interpret the correlation. The researcher followed the interpretation r value by Sugiyono in
following table:
Table 3.9
0.00-0.199 Very Low
3. Statistical Hypothesis
1. H1 : ro>rt = If ro value is higher than rt, Ha is accepted. It means that there is
correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading
H0 : ro<rt value is lower than rt, Ho is accepted. It means that there is no correlation
between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension
2. H1 : ro>rt = If ro value is higher than rt, Ha is accepted. It means that there is
correlation between students’ reading interest and their reading comprehension.
H0 : ro<rt value is lower than rt, Ho is accepted. It means that there is no correlation
between students’ reading interest and their reading comprehension
3. H1 : Ry.12 > 0= If Ry.12 value is higher than 0.05, Ha is accepted. It means that there
is a correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and reading interest with
their reading comprehension
H0 : Ry.12 < 0= If Ry.12 value is higher than 0.05, Ha is accepted. It means that there
is no correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and reading interest
with their reading comprehension
This chapter elaborates (A) finding of the study and (B) interpretation of the study. The
findings include descriptive analysis of students’ vocabulary mastery, reading interest and their
reading comprehension also statistical analysis of normality test, and Spearman’s Rho
Through descriptive analysis, the researcher tries to give general information on
students’ vocabulary mastery, students’ reading interest, and reading comprehension. The
researcher tries to describe students’ vocabulary mastery, reading interest, and reading
comprehension of 8 th
interest, and reading comprehension score fulfill standardization of good score or not,
based on criteria of score of vocabulary mastery, reading interest, and reading
a. The Result of Vocabulary Mastery
Through descriptive analysis, the researcher tries to describe the result of
vocabulary mastery test that have been given to the 8 th
grade students of SMP Ahmad
Dahlan Kota Jambi. First, the researcher describes the result of vocabulary mastery based
criteria of vocabulary mastery score. The researcher counts the percentage of vocabulary
mastery test from 47 students at 8 th
A and B. The complete calculation of vocabulary
mastery can be seen in the table 4.2
Table 4.1
Score Grade Classifications
86-100 A Excellent
Result of Vocabulary
From the result of data, the researcher found that from 47 students at 8 th
A and B
grade students of SMP Ahmad Dahlan Kota Jambi,there were 6 students (12,8%) were
categorized as excellent, 26 students (55,3%) were categorized as good, 10 students
(21,3%) were categorized as fair, and 5 students (10,6%) were categorized as poor. Based
on the result of vocabulary mastery, it was found that from 47 students the minimum score
is 32 and maximum score is 96, the mean is 71,49 with standard deviation is 17,004. The
complete calculation of vocabulary mastery can be seen in the Appendix VI.
b. The Result of Reading Interest
Through descriptive analysis, the researcher tries to describe the result of reading
interest test that have been given to the 8 th
grade students of SMP Ahmad Dahlan Kota
66-85 B Good
46-65 C Fair
26-45 D Poor
E - -
Jambi. First, the researcher describes the result of reading interest based on criteria of
reading interest score. The complete calculation can be seen in the table 4.4.
Table 4.3
Table 4.4
- - Very Low
From the result of data, the researcher found that from 47 students of 8 th
students of SMP Ahmad Dahlan Kota Jambi, there were 10 students (21,27%) were
categorized as very high, 34 students (72,34%) were categorized as high, and 3 students
(6,38%) were categorized as enough. Based on the result of reading interest, it was found
that from 47 students the minimum score is 54 and maximum score is 98, the mean is
No Interval Score Levels
1 81-100 Very High
5 00-20 Very Low
73,30 with standard deviation is 8,293. The complete calculation of reading interest can be
seen in the Appendix VII.
c. The Result of Reading Comprehension
Through descriptive analysis, the researcher tries to describe the result of reading
comprehension test that have been given to the 8 th
grade students of SMP Ahmad Dahlan
Kota Jambi. First, the researcher describes the result of reading comprehension based on
criteria of reading comprehension score. The complete calculation can be seen in the table
Table 4.6
Under 25 E Failed
From the result of data, the researcher found that from 47 students of 8 th
students of SMP Ahmad Dahlan Kota Jambi, there were 8 students (17,02) were
categorized as excellent, 31 students (65,95%) were categorized as good, 7 students
(14,89%) were categorized as fair, and 1 student (2,12%) was categorized as poor.
Based on the result of reading comprehension, it was found that from 47 students the
minimum score is 32 and maximum score is 96, the mean is 76,26 with standard
deviation is 11,866. The complete calculation can be seen in the Appendix VIII.
2. Statistical Analysis
a. Normality Test
The test is carried out in order to check whether the data is normally distributed or
not. To measure test in this research, the researcher used SPSS 22 for windows.
Indicator testing if the significance value > 0.05 the data normally distributed.
Otherwise if the significance value < 0.05 then the data are not normally distributed.
First, the researcher checked the normality of the data students’ vocabulary
mastery, reading interest, and reading comprehension by applying Kolmogorov-
Smirnov. The result of the normality test of vocabulary mastery showed that the
significance is 0.001 and reading interest showed that the significance is 0.200. Besides,
the significance value for reading comprehension is 0.002. It means that 0.001 < 0.05,
0.200 > 0.05, and 0.002 < 0.05, the researcher can conclude that the data from
vocabulary mastery, reading interest and reading comprehension are not normally
Based on result of normality test of students’ vocabulary mastery, reading interest,
and their reading comprehension, the researcher can conclude that the data are not
normally distributed. It means that the researcher continuous the test with non-
parametric test by applying Spearman’s Rho Correlation test to find out the correlation
among students’ vocabulary mastery, reading interest, and reading comprehension. The
complete calculation of normality test can be seen in the table 4.7 and Appendix IX.
Table 4.7
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,001 c ,200
c,d ,002
b. Calculated from data.
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.
d. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
b. The correlation between Students vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading
After computing normality test, the result showed that the data are not normally
distributed. Then the researcher continues to the test with non-parametric test. To find out
correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension, the
researcher used Spearman’s Rho Correlation test in SPSS 22 for windows. The result
showed that the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading
comprehension is r = 0.983, it means that there is a significant correlation between
students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension. Based on the interpretation
of r value, 0.983 showed that it was high correlation. High correlation means that the more
aware students in vocabulary, the higher score they would get in reading comprehension.
The complete calculation can be seen in table 4.8 and Appendix X.
Table 4.8
c. The Correlation between Students Reading Interest and Their Reading
After computing normality test, the result showed that the data are not normally
distributed. Then the researcher continues to the test with non-parametric test. To find out
correlation between students’ reading interest and their reading comprehension, the writer
used Spearman’s Rho Correlation test in SPSS 22 for windows. The result showed that the
correlation between students’ reading interest and their reading comprehension is r =
0.986, it means that there is a significant correlation between students’ reading interest and
their reading comprehension. Based on the interpretation of r value, 0.986 showed that it
was high correlation. High correlation means that the higher students’ interest in reading,
the higher score they would get in reading comprehension. The complete calculation can
be seen in table 4.9 and Appendix IX.
Table 4.9
d. The Correlation among Students’ Vocabulary Mastery, Reading Interest, and
Their Reading Comprehension
After computing normally test, the result showed that the data are not normally
distributed. The researcher continue the test with non-parametric to find out the correlation
among students’ vocabulary mastery, reading interest and reading comprehension. The
researcher used Spearman’ Rho correlation tests in SPSS 22 for windows. The result
showed that the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading
comprehension is r = 0.983. Based on the interpretation of r value 0.983 showed that it was
high correlation. Besides, the result correlation between students’ reading interest and their
reading comprehension is r = 0.986. Based on the interpretation of r value 0.986 showed
that it was high correlation. High correlation means that there is positive correlation among
students’ vocabulary mastery, reading interest and their reading comprehension. Positive
correlation means the students who have much vocabulary get high score in their reading
comprehension and the students who have high interest in reading get high score in their
reading comprehension. The complete calculation can be seen in table 4.10 and Appendix
B. Interpretation
The result of data description shows that vocabulary mastery, reading interest and
reading comprehension at the eighth grade students of SMP Ahmad Dahlan Kota Jambi are
good with the mean score 71,49 for vocabulary mastery, 73.30 for reading interest and
76.26 for reading comprehension.
For the data of vocabulary mastery, we know that the highest score is 96 and the
lowest score is 32, so the range is 64. The standard error of mean is 2.480, the median is
76.00, the mode is 84, and the variance is 289.125. For the data of reading interest, we
know that the highest score is 98 and the lowest score is 54, so the range is 44. The
standard error of the mean is 1.210, the median is 74.00, the mode is 81, and the variance is
68.779. The data of reading comprehension are collected from the test. The test is given to
the 47 students at the eighth grade students of SMP Ahmad Dahlan Kota Jambi. From the
test, researcher got the highest score is 96 and the lowest score is 32, so the range is 64.
The standard error of mean is 1.731, the median is 76.00, the mode is 72 and the variance
is 140.803. The other result of descriptive value of each variable. The standard deviation
value can be basic interpretation on the dispersion of the students’ score of vocabulary
mastery, reading interest, and students’ reading comprehension. The value of the standard
deviation of vocabulary mastery is 17.0004, the reading interest is 8.293, and the reading
comprehension is 11.866.
Based on the result of the research finding, it can be known the data of vocabulary
mastery is in not normal distribution because the significance (0.001) is lower than 0.05.
Meanwhile the data of reading interest is in normal distribution because the significance
(0.200) is higher than 0.05. Then the data of reading comprehension is in not normal
distribution because the significance (0.002) is the lower than 0.05.
Based on the result of Spearman’s Rho correlation, it was found that there was a
positive and significant correlation between students’ reading interest and their reading
comprehension. This can be seen from the result of correlation showed that r value =
0.986. It means that reading interest is an important factor for students who want to have a
good result in reading comprehension. In regard with this result, the researcher drew
conclusion that interest is one of factors influence reading comprehension. Learners who
have more interest are inclined to have greater ability in comprehending text. The result is
supported by a study conducted by Henning in Brantmeier (2006). That research showed
that interest is one of factor affect in acquisition of language. Interest is one of internal
factor that influences learning achievement.
Interest as an affective domain in learning process affects psychomotor and
cognitive domain. Students who have interest and positive attitude toward subject matter
may enjoy the learning process. When students read a text, the affective element of interest
comes into play. Feeling interest in reading means enjoying the activity, when somebody is
interested in particular phenomenon or activity, they are likely to attend to in give time to
it. Interest plays a role in decision in read.
Besides that, the students should have good vocabulary mastery. Based on the
result of Spearman’s Rho correlation, it was found that there was a positive and significant
correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension. This
can be seen from the result of correlation showed that r value = 0.983. It means that the
students who have good vocabulary mastery will have better reading comprehension than
students who do not.
Vocabulary and reading cannot be separated, because both of them relate to each
other. By having and mastery vocabulary we will know the meaning of vocabulary in the
context. It can also help to avoid making mistake in understanding. Readers cannot
understand what they learn to read without knowing what most of the word mean.
It can be concluded that the students who have high skill of vocabulary mastery,
they will easy to understand the text. While students who have low skill of vocabulary
mastery, they will get the difficulty to understand the text. It can be concluded that
students’ vocabulary mastery contribute in students’ reading comprehension.
A. Conclusion
From the discussion on the previous chapter, in brief the researcher describes the
conclusion as follows:
1. There is a significant correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading
comprehension of the eighth grade students of SMP Ahmad Dahlan Kota Jambi in
Academic Year 2018/2019. It can be concluded from the result of r value (0.983). It
means that there is a significant correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and
their reading comprehension. The data showed that most of students got the high score
in vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension. It means that vocabulary
mastery is one of factors influence reading comprehension.
2. There is a significant correlation between reading interest and reading comprehension
of the eighth grade students of SMP Ahmad Dahlan Kota Jambi in Academic Year
2018/2019. It can be concluded from the result of r value (0.986). It means that there is
a significant correlation between students’ reading interst and their reading
comprehension. The data showed that most of students got the high score in reading
interest and their reading comprehension. It means that reading interest is one of
factors influence reading comprehension.
3. There is a significant correlation among vocabulary mastery, reading interest and
reading comprehension of the eighth grade students of SMP Ahmad Dahlan Kota
Jambi in Academic Year 2018/2019. It can be concluded from the result of coefficient
correlation (r) is 0.983. The sig (2-tailed) is 0.01. It is lower than 0.05, so the
coefficient of the correlation is significant. It means that there is a significant
correlation among vocabulary mastery, reading interest and reading comprehension.
B. Suggestion
From the conclusion above, there are some suggestions that can be given:
1. For the Teacher
a. The quality of students’ reading comprehension should be improved. It can be
materialized by giving reading text to the students, then the students given a task to
find the topic or theme from the text. It makes the students focus on specific things.
b. The quality of vocabulary mastery should be improved. It can be materialized by
encouraging students to read more books. Reading will add the students’ vocabulary.
Then the teacher gives assignment which needed vocabulary to use.
c. The level of students’ reading interest should be increased. It can be materialized by
giving rewards, appreciating students for doing homework well, creating and enjoy
full process of teaching.
2. For the Students
a. The students should increase their reading interest. Having reading interest will
make easier for students to understand the text.
b. The students should develop their mastery of vocabulary because this skill is
important thing in language learning. Mastering vocabulary will be helpful to
avoid misunderstand the meaning of the text.
c. The students should develop their reading skill since it is important skill that very
useful in many things.
3. For the Researcher
The researcher realized that the result of the research is far from perfect, but the
researcher expects this research will be useful as a reference to their research. Besides that,
this research can be used a references to develop similar study.
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Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d
1. It is animal, like a bird. It is black and white. It is fat, it lives in Nort Pole. Who is it?
a. horse b. penguin c. Zebra d. tiger
2. A headmaster leads a......
a. school b. factory c. government d.regency
3. Nanda has a brother. Her brother is very clever. The synonym of the underlined word is……
a. naughty b. smart c. handsome d. ugly
4. My classroom is narrow. The antonym of the underlined word is……
a. wide b. little c. limited d. small
5. The gardener…… the grass every Monday and Thursday
a. cuts b. trains c. plans d. comes
6. My mother always…… some food for my breakfast every morning
a. cook b. cooking c. cooks d. cooked
7. What is the synonym of the word “beautiful”?
a. handsome b. ugly c. Fine d. pretty
8. A bedroom is a room to……
a. play in b. sleep in c. read in d. study in
9. There is a garage on the left side of the house. A garage is a shed where……
a. a driver sleeps c. cars are washed
b. cars are stored d. a driver buys a car
10. I……the book from the library
a. steal b. thieve c. borrow d. lend
11. Mr. Michael teaches us English. He is our English……
a. teacher b. student c. gardener d. headmaster
12. A person who receives and pays out money in a shop is……
a. thief b.cashier c. waiter d. buyer
13. Sandy celebrated his birthday yesterday. He felt……
a. happy b. sad c. angry d. confuse
14. Mrs. Nancy and her family enjoy their dinner in the……
a. living room c. dinning room
b. waiting room d. bedroom
15. We can buy some……in the post office.
a. vegetables b. fruits c. stamps d. pens
16. The students want to go on picnic to the……to see many kinds of animals.
a. zoo b. temple c. beach d. mountain
17. A person who collects stamps is a……
a. philately b. collector c. philatelist d. writer
18. He……at 5 o’clock every morning.
a. sleeps b. lunch c. wakes up d. takes a rest
19. He……at 6 o’clock every morning before going to work.
a. wakes up c. has breakfast
b. takes a rest d. wears his clothes
20. When you have a headache, you go to see a……
a. doctor b. teacher c. dentist d. policeman
21. You go to a…to check your teeth.
a. teacher b. dentist c. chef d. nurse
22. A makes……a shirt for you.
a. tailor b. carpenter c. nurse d.chef
23. Every restaurant has……
a. a tailor b. a chef c. a nurse d. a police
24. The Monkey has a……tail
a. small b. high c. long d. big
25. A bathroom is room where a person…
a. cleans shirt c. takes a rest
b. reads a book d. takes a bath
(Appendix II)
1. Jawablah pernyataan-pernyataan dibawah ini dengan jujur sesuai hati nurani Anda!
2. Berikan tanda check list ( ) pada jawaban yang anda anggap benar!
Keterangan :
S : Setuju S : Setuju
R : Ragu-Ragu R : Ragu-Ragu
STS : Sangat Tidak Setuju STS : Sangat Tidak Setuju
No Pernyataan SS S R TS STS 1. Bahasa Inggris merupakan pelajaran yang menarik 2. Saya senang dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris 3. Saya tidak memiliki banyak waktu untuk membaca teks
Bahasa Inggris
4. Saya tidak mencari arti kata bahasa Inggris yang tidak saya
5. Saya senang membaca buku teks berbahasa Inggris 6. Saya selalu penasaran dengan maknanya jika menjumpai
teks bahasa Inggris
7. Saya tidak terbiasa dengan teks bahasa Inggris 8. Membaca buku bahasa Inggris adalah kegiatan yang
kemampuan akademik saya bertambah
belum saya ketahui
dengan lancer
materi reading
dibutuhkan konsentrasi penuh
15. Saya selalu belajar lebih tentang bahasa Inggris 16. Membaca adalah jendela dunia 17. Saya merasa puas jika mendapatkan informasi dalam teks
bahasa Inggris
dipelajari khususnya materi reading
Inggris, saya lebih memilih membaca teks berbahasa
(Appendix III)
The Test of Students’ Reading Comprehension on Descriptive Text
Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) the correct answer (a,b,c, or d)
Text for number 1 – 4
My name is Nuri. I have a hamster. It is small and cute. I call it “Lide”. My
grandfather gave it last week. Lide have three different colors, they are white, brown, and
black. Lide’s ears are small. It always squeaks in the time I come to close its cage. I feed it
every morning. Lide likes to eat some leaves and grass. I take the grass from the field near
my house. Lide looks happy eating the grass. I really love Lide.
(Adapted from: https//
a. Nuri's hamster c. a small hamster
b. a cute hamster d.grandfather’s hamster
2. Who gave Nuri a hamster?
a. her father b. her grandfather
b. her mother d. her uncle
3. Does Lide eating grass?
a. yes, it does c. no, it doesn’t
b. yes, it is d. no, it isn’t
4. "Lide looks happy eating the grass."
The synonym of the underlined word is……
a. glad b. patient c. kind d. friendly
Text number 5-8
Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and four years
younger than me. He has long, straight hair, bright eyes, and a friendly smile. Sometimes
he is rather naughty at home, but he usually does what he is asked to do.
Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school, he plays football and tennis.
He is the best badminton player in our family.
(Adapted from:
a. four b. fourteen c. fourty d. ten
6. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE about Peter?
a. he has long and straight hair c. he is interested in sports
b. he is youngest at the school d. he plays football and tennis
7. What is the function of the text above?
a. to persuade readers about Peter c. to describe about Peter
b. to retell the writer’s his brother d. to explain about the writer
8.”He is fourteen years old and four years younger than me.
The underlined word refers to……
a. Peter c. the writer’s brother
b. the writer d. the writer’s family
Text for number 9– 12
Mr.Warsidi has a garden in his yard, and he likes to work there. He says it is fun.
Today he is planting flowers in the garden. There is also an old mango tree in the yard. He
always cuts the leaves and the branches in taking care of it. He said that the flowers must
get more sun. Mr.Warsidi often involves his children to take care together of the garden.
So they will understand how to take care their environment. Many people tell Mr.Warsidi
“how beautiful his garden is”.
(Adapted from:
a. gardening c. fishing
b. cycling d. reading
a. orange b. mango c. apple d. lemon
11. How is Mr.Warsidi’s garden?
a. it needs more sun c. it is beautiful
b. it is not in a good condition is very big
12. Mr.Warsidi’s……often help him to take care the garden.
a. children b. neighbors c. parents d. friends
Text for number 13– 17
My Classroom
Hi, my name is Edho. I study at the first grade of SMP AL Hadiid Bogor. My
school has six classroom, two laboratories, and two squares. My classroom is beside the
square. There are forty two students, twenty three boys, and nineteen girls. The students
are sitting on the chairs. They put their books and pend in the drawer. In my classroom
there is a big picture, some decorations, and also a clock in the wall. My classroom is very
simple but very comfortable.
14. What grade is Edho in SMP Al Hadiid?
a. he is in first grade c. he is in third grade
b. he is in second grade d. he is in fifth grade
15. Edho’s classroom is…… the square.
a. outside b. in front of c. Inside d. beside
16. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the text above?
a. the writer’s name is Edho
b. the classroom is beside the square
c. the classroom is very simple but very comfortable
d. there are 12 boys and 29 girls in the class
17. How many students are there in the class?
a. 14 students c. 40 students
b. 42 students d.

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