the constitution and bill of rights 1775-1783-the american...baron de montesquieu (1689–1755) •...

Post on 16-Oct-2020






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The Constitution and Bill of Rights 1775-1783-The American

Colonies fought and defeated the British

• The United States was now an independent nation.

1788-The U.S. creates the Constitution forming a new government.

• Constitution: The supreme law of the nation that sets up how the nation runs.

The Constitution supported the Enlightenment Ideal of [Leave this blank to be filled in later]

• It created three branches of government: • Legislative (Congress) • Executive (President) • Judicial (The Supreme Court)

• It spread out power between federal (national), state, and local governments.

[The Constitution and Bill of Rights cont’d]

Label your paper: 2.3 Bellwork: Think-Write-Pair-Share

• It created three branches of government: • Legislative (Congress) • Executive (President) • Judicial (The Supreme Court)

• It spread out power between federal (national), state, and local governments.

• 8a. (Use you 2.2 notes to help you answer). Which Enlightenment Ideal is supported by the features listed above?

• 8b. Explain how you know that is the correct ideal. • Add this Enlightenment Ideal to the fill in in your notes.

Baron de Montesquieu (1689–1755)

• Created the idea of: • The Separation of Powers: The

best way to protect freedom was to separate government into three branches that could keep the other from becoming too powerful.

[Major Enlightenment Thinkers]

Label your paper: 2.3 Bellwork: Think-Write-Pair-Share9a. Ways women were treated: (As we watch the video, use the visuals and lyrics to make a list of at least three negative ways women were treated in the United States.) 9b. Meaning of the word Suffrage: (As we watch the video, use the visuals and lyrics to guess the meaning of this word.)

2.3 Bellwork: Think-Write-Pair-Share

9a. Ways women were treated: (As we watch the video, use the visuals and lyrics to make a list of at least three negative ways women were treated in the United States.) 9b. Meaning of the word Suffrage: (As we watch the video, use the visuals and lyrics to guess the meaning of this word.) 9c. How did the treatment of women in the early United States compare to the treatment of women in ancient Athens and Rome?

The Constitution opposed the Enlightenment Ideals of humanism and equality

•Women were not guaranteed the right to vote until 1920. •Over 100 years after the Constitution was ratified.

•The Three-Fifths Compromise declared that slaves would be counted as three-fifths of a person. •Slaves were not allowed to vote.

[The Constitution and Bill of Rights cont’d]

Humanism:The idea that every individual human being has value and is important. Since everyone had value, everyone should have freedom, rights, equality, and power (democracy).

Some of the Founding Fathers wanted to make true the words “all men are created equal” from the Declaration of Independence by eliminating slavery. However, they

were afraid that the southern, slave-holding states would not support the Constitution and would break

away to form another country.

2.3 Bellwork: Think-Write-Pair-Share

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons (slaves).ARTICLE I, SECTION 2, CLAUSE 3

10. How did the treatment of slaves in the early United States compare to the treatment of slaves in ancient Athens and Rome?

2.3 Bellwork: Think-Write-Pair-Share

11.Should the Founding Fathers of the United States be considered as great reformers because of the changes they did make or as hypocrites and cowards because they didn't make all of the changes they said they believed in?

The Bill of Rights supported the Enlightenment Ideals of and _ _____[Leave this blank to be filled in later]

• The First Amendment.

• “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press”

[The Constitution and Bill of Rights cont’d]

2.3 Bellwork: Think-Write-Pair-Share

• “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press”

• 12a. Open your notebook to 2.2. Which Enlightenment two Ideals are supported by the quote listed above?

• 12b. Explain how you know that is the correct ideal. • Add this Enlightenment Ideal to the fill in in your notes.

Voltaire (1694–1778)Promoted freedom of speech to fight against corrupt officials, inequality, and injustice. “My trade (job) is to say what I think.”

[Major Enlightenment Thinkers]

DeismBelieved God was just the “great watchmaker” who created the world, but left people to solve most of their own problems. Morality could be achieved by following reason rather than the teachings of the church

Lord Edward Herbert of Cherbury, founder of deism

End of 2.3For homework:

Complete your higher level questions.

Complete your constructed response summary answering the E.Q.

Go back and fill in your My Def. for the key term Grievances

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