the complete ios8 and swift course

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/10/2019 The Complete iOS8 and Swift Course


    Course Curriculum

    Section 1 - Introduction

    Course Introduction (06:01)

    Course Resources (03:50)

    Section 2 - Our First Project!!!

    Downloading XCode (02:42)

    Opening XCode and Creating our First Project (08:58)

    A Brief Tour of Xcode (10:26)

    Exploring Storyboard (09:14)Setting up a New View (06:02)

    Section 3 - Navigation

    Adding a NavigationController (05:56)

    Adding a Title and Another Image (05:52)

    Adding TextFields (04:30)

    Adding a Button and a Label (03:13)

    Section 4 - IBOutlets and Connections

    Hooking up our View Objects (14:12)

    Debugging Connection Errors (06:53)

    Unhiding our Label (05:26)

    Section 5 - Accessing Views in Code

    Changing a Label's Text in Code (05:01)

    Changing a TextField's Text in Code (02:36)

    Moving our Label and Closing the Keyboard (05:39)

    Multi Line Label (02:57)

    Changing a Label's Color in Code (03:22)

    Let's Update our Button (04:27)

  • 8/10/2019 The Complete iOS8 and Swift Course


    Section 6 - Working with GitHub

    Terminal (10:07)

    Creating a Project on Github (02:26)

    Saving our Project to Github (07:43)

    Adding an Additional Commit (03:17)

    Downloading and Opening a Project from Github (02:07)

    Section 7 - First Challenge!

    Challenge 1: Practicing with the Storyboard (02:25)

    Challenge 1: Practicing with the Storyboard Solution (05:59)

    Section 8 - Second Challenge!!

    Challenge 2: Save your Changes to Github (01:48)

    Challenge 2: Save your Changes to Github Solution (02:50)

    Section 9 - Variable Types and Commenting

    What is a Variable? (06:24)

    Type Annotations (04:42)

    Intro to Commenting (05:44)

    Section 10 - Operations on Variables

    Operations on Variables Ints (03:09)

    Operations on Variables Floats (05:16)

    Valid Variable Names (03:05)

    Typealias (03:50)

    Numeric Literals (02:46)

    ection 11 - Strings

    Strings and Characters (05:29)

    String Interpolation (02:54)Optionals Int (05:32)

    String to Double (05:30)

    Shorthand (02:01)

    Constants (03:44)

    Section 12 - Shoe Size Converter Project

    Shoe Size Converter (12:24)

    Refactor Shoe Converter (03:23)

    Adding Women's Shoes (07:04)

    Section 13 - Age of Laika

    Age of Laika (01:14)

    Age of Laika: Solution Part 1 (06:40)

    Age of Laika: Solution Part 2 (03:08)

    Section 14 - Control Flow

    If Statements (07:51)

    Bools (03:35)

    If Statements Continued (05:44)

    Numeric Type Conversion (03:10)

  • 8/10/2019 The Complete iOS8 and Swift Course


    Section 15 - Age of Laika Assignment

    Age of Laika: Control Flow Challenge (02:46)

    Age of Laika: Control Flow Solution (06:51)

    Section 16 - For Loops

    For Loops (06:25)

    Limitations of For Loops (03:27)

    99 Sodas Challenge (01:04)99 Sodas Challenge Solution (03:14)

    Section 17 - Lions and Tigers .. oh my!

    Intro to Object Oriented Programming (03:27)

    What are Structs and Instances? (03:39)

    Create a New Project and Storyboard Setup (10:05)

    Make Your Own Struct (02:51)

    Adding Properties to the Tiger (05:41)

    Instantiating our First Struct (05:24)

    Using the Tiger Instance (03:42)Multiple Tigers (05:57)

    Section 18 - Arrays

    Introduction to Arrays (02:20)

    Create an Array (04:42)

    Two Cool Properties of Arrays (02:26)

    Indexing into an Array and Iterating Over an Array (04:21)

    Ranges and For in Loops (04:17)

    For in Enumerate Loop (03:53)

    Mutating an Array (09:41)

    Generating a Random Number (04:15)

    Adding Tigers to an Array (06:20)

    Show a Random Tiger (03:13)

    Animating our Tigers (09:09)

    While Loops (04:57)

    Recurring Tiger Bug (07:37)

    Our First Function (04:37)

    Our First Parameter (04:28)

    Multiple Parameters (04:34)

    Return Values (06:23)

    Another Return Value and Other Function Calls (05:46)

    Looking at the Current Functions (03:43)

    The Tiger can Chuff (03:07)

    Chuff a Number of Times and Self (13:09)

    Self Continued (03:23)

    Chuff a Number of Times with Control Flow (05:53)

    Update Tigers Age Function (05:57)

    Adding a Random Fact Function (08:56)

    Switch Statement (04:07)

  • 8/10/2019 The Complete iOS8 and Swift Course


  • 8/10/2019 The Complete iOS8 and Swift Course


    SlotMachine: hardReset (04:27)

    SlotMachine: updateMainView (02:12)

    SlotMachine: showAlertWithText (04:45)

    SlotMachine: betOneButtonPressed (03:56)

    SlotMachine: betMaxButtonPressed (02:19)

    SlotMachine: Reordering Slots into Rows (06:41)

    SlotMachine: computeWinnings (02:21)

    SlotMachine: Check for Flush (05:37)SlotMachine: Check for Three in a Row (03:29)

    SlotMachine: Check for Three of a Kind (03:55)

    SlotMachine: Finishing Touches (03:24)

    Section 23 - Lemonade Stand Assignment

    Lemonade Stand Assignment!!!

    Section 24 - Lemonade Stand Solution Videos

    Assignment Lemonade Stand: Storyboard Solution (09:12)

    Assignment Lemonade Stand: Connection's Solution (07:05)

    Assignment Lemonade Stand: Supplies Solution (04:49)

    Assignment Lemonade Stand: Price Solution (02:23)

    Assignment Lemonade Stand: Instantiating Price and Supplies Solution (03:35)

    Assignment Lemonade Stand: Instantiating Tracking Values Solution (02:14)

    Assignment Lemonade Stand: updateMainView Solution (07:26)

    Assignment Lemonade Stand: showAlertWithText Solution (08:30)

    Assignment Lemonade Stand: Use updateMainView Solution (02:49)

    Assignment Lemonade Stand: startDayButtonPressed Solution (11:08)

    Assignment Lemonade Stand: purchase IceCubes and Lemons Solution (08:56)

    Assignment Lemonade Stand: unpurchase IceCubes and Lemons Solution (04:06)

    Assignment Lemonade Stand: Mix Functions Solution (07:50)

    Assignment Lemonade Stand: Clear Mix and Purchases Solution (02:45)

    Section 25 - Add Weather

    Assignment Lemonade Stand: Weather Properties Solution (04:37)

    Assignment Lemonade Stand: Indexing into WeatherArray Solution (04:14)

    Assignment Lemonade Stand: Using the Weather Array Solution (06:41)

    Assignment Lemonade Stand: Add weatherImageView Solution (07:25)

    Assignment Lemonade Stand: Adding Image Assets Solution (03:17)

    Assignment Lemonade Stand: Displaying Weather Solution (05:37)

    Section 26 - Task It Project!!

    Task It: Setup Options (02:05)

    Task It: Add a TableView (04:30)

    Task It: Add a TableViewCell (03:03)

    Task It: UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate (08:24)

    Task It: Updating UITableViewDataSource Delegate (02:26)

    Task It: Setting up Prototype Cell (05:16)

    Task It: Updating UITableViewDataSource (08:30)

    Task It: Adding Labels to the TaskCell (05:19)

  • 8/10/2019 The Complete iOS8 and Swift Course


    Task It: Adding Tasks (11:29)

    Task It: TaskModel (02:18)

    Task It: Implementing the TaskModel (04:21)

    Task It: TaskDetailViewController (07:11)

    Task It: didSelectRowAtIndexPath (03:54)

    Task It: PrepareForSegue (08:05)

    Task It: Updating the DetailTaskViewController (03:09)

    Task It: Date Class (06:48)Task It: Updating Dates (02:41)

    Task It: NSDate to String (05:53)

    Task It: Update DatePicker (01:04)

    TaskIt: AddTaskViewController and Storyboard Changes (07:54)

    Task It: Dismiss and Pop ViewControllers (08:58)

    Task It: AddTaskViewController Setup (02:06)

    Task It: Add a Task (05:39)

    Task It: AddTask Segue (03:13)

    Task It: ViewDidAppear (03:09)

    Task It: Passing the ViewController to the TaskDetailViewController (01:19)Task It: Pop the TaskDetailViewController (02:00)

    Task It: Update Tasks (04:39)

    Task It: Organize Tasks by Date (08:17)

    Task It: TaskModel Completion (03:08)

    Task It: Creating a BaseArray (03:34)

    Task It: Updates with the Base Array (05:15)

    Task It: Finish Fixing the Errors (04:51)

    Task It: Adding Section Headers (02:02)

    Task It: Completing Tasks (05:42)

    Task It: Uncompleting Tasks (03:16)

    Section 27 - TaskIt Coredata

    Task It: Getting Ready for CoreData (01:25)

    Task It: Setting up the CoreData Stack (10:36)

    Task It: Setting up the new TaskModel (05:09)

    Task It: Creating and Accessing a TaskModel (12:00)

    Task It: Setting Up the FetchedResultsController (10:26)

    Task It: Updating the UITableView DataSource Functions (07:38)

    Task It: Updating prepareForSegue and Removing MainVC Properties (02:34)

    Task It: Updating doneBarButtonItemPressed Function (03:47)Task It: Adding Completion Sort Descriptor (04:49)

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