the classical paradigm classical narrative structure is the concern of this present lesson. do now:...

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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The Classical Paradigm

Classical narrative structure is the concern of this present lesson.

Do Now: Make a list of three your favorite movies, and list reasons why you specifically chose these movies.

Students with IEP'S and 504's will be accommodated as specified.

The Classical Paradigm

By 1934 American Movies had settled on a certain way of constructing stories as well as a conventional style of editing, visual composition, dialogue and music.

This film making method has come to be known as the classical Hollywood cinema/Hollywood Classicism.

The Classical Paradigm

What binds together the thousands of classical films that have been made over the decades?

The seven basic components of classical narrative structure;

Single Protagonist, Exposition, Motivation, Narrative Enigma, Cause-effect Chain, Climax, Resolution.

The Classical Paradigm

Single Protagonist- central character(s), usually limited to just one or two characters.

Filmmakers reason that this facilitates viewer identification and streamlines the narrative action.

Viewers can identify with one person more than several.

The Classical Paradigm Exposition-introduces the viewer to two components of the story: the

principal characters personas, and the environment the character

Motivation-in any classical story, something must catalyze events. The action must have motivation, to attain a goal or acquire something.

(The Jokers Motivation in The Dark Knight???)

• Create Chaos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Classical Paradigm

Narrative Enigma- Classical narratives rely on a series of delays that forestall the solution of the enigma, a question that underpins a story.

“Will Rocky beat Apollo Creed or not?” “Will the captain of the Titanic see the ice berg right ahead or not?”

Cause-effect Chain- the way one event leads to another and is the result of a previous event.

“Billy Madison had to go back to school in order to prove to his father that he wasn’t a fool”

“Harry Potter led to part two then three, four, five, six...etc”

The Classical Paradigm Climax- The most concentrated moment of the narrative,

the films central enigma(s) demand(s) to be solved, where it culminates.

Resolution- The END!!!! WOOHOO, the enigmas are solved and the narrative action declines...or sometimes in horror flicks it tends to be an open ending, leaving a return of the killer in sequels!


Class Work....

What makes a film great?

Could you relate any of these terms to a specific film?

Using the terms we discussed earlier, I want you to outline one of your favorite movies.

HomeworkFor homework:

Go over the concepts we discussed today and apply them to the ideas you come up with for a movie project you would want to shoot.

Bring in your outline so we can prepare in class for 3-5 min group project!

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